Xena looked at the sleeping bard, it was just before dawn, the sky was turning reddish, with traces of ocean blue. It was her favorite time of the day, one of the few times she could really relax.

At this time, the bandits who used the night, were heading back to their lairs, the thieves who robbed during the day are just waking up. Birds, even the animals who lived by night, were now quiet as they prowled back to their dens.

It would be a shame to wake the bard, but they had to go after Callisto, they had to try and get the shield back before the woman held it for a day. They talked last night whether to continue the chase, or head in the other direction and put distances between them.

Xena thought about it, but Callisto was not far ahead, the trail she was leaving showed that she wanted them to chase her. No, Xena told Gabrielle, if they started heading in the opposite direction, Callisto would follow, and would show herself at the time and place of her choosing.

Standing, the warrior took a final deep breath, time for the chase to begin. Kneeling next to the bard, she called her name while roughly shaking her. Once when they were traveling with some Amazons, they were incensed at the way Xena was waking their queen.

That was until they saw just how hard it was to wake Gabrielle, they were even more amazed when Xena told them that their queen even slept through a couple ambushes in the past.

After what seemed like a full candlemark, the bard was on her feet, though still goggly-eyed. Handing Gabrielle her pack, the pair began the pursuit once again; not much was said as the time passed.

Being a bard, Gabrielle tried to tell Xena a story, but after what seemed liked the hundredth time that the warrior signaled her to be quiet, she gave up.

The day was quickly passing, and the glances between the couple told them that time was running out. Suddenly the warrior halted as they came to a hill overlooking the ocean, pointing ahead, "There she is."

Standing next to Xena, the bard saw far ahead, a figure was sitting on the ground near a cliff. In fact, it was just as if a finger been carved in the earth. A narrow pathway leaded to where Callisto was waiting, with shear drops on three sides to watery rocks at the bottom.

"Looks like this is what she wanted," the bard observed.

Nodding, Xena looked over the ground where the figure was waiting, "Guess she wants to try and get back for the lava cliff and well."

Smiling, Gabrielle still grew nervous, "Xena, we could just not go down, I mean is it still worth it now?"

Taking a step down the path toward the waiting woman, the warrior turned to her, nodding, "We have to finish it Gabrielle, we agreed, besides I want to put this behind us, and make sure Callisto knows it."

Nodding, the bard followed her lover, careful to watch her step along the rocky path, "You know Xena, Callisto comes out the winner no matter what happens."

"How's that?"

Refraining from looking over the sides of the cliff, Gabrielle kept her eyes on the ground in front of her, "Either way, Callisto's out of the lava pit, even if she doesn't get back her powers, she's free again."

Callisto watched them approaching, she wanted Xena to try and take the shield, one last fight while she didn't have her powers. Looking at the shield, she wondered why Zeus didn't have something much grander, it was so . . . plain.

Xena, switched her gaze from the narrow path, to the ground around Callisto, not much room to maneuver she thought. Gabrielle will have to stay back, flips are out, if Callisto falls with the shield, they won't be able to get to her; and if she falls, death.

"Hello, Xena," Callisto called out as she came closer, her voice was light, with hints of laughter to it, "Hello to you to Gabrielle, sorry I didn't have much time to talk about what's-his-name last time."

Xena felt Gabrielle tense, but that was all, she was glad that the bard was in more control this time. The warrior noticed that Callisto had the shield strapped to her arm.

"How's your head Gabrielle?" Callisto continued, "I'm sorry that I had to hit you, I mean after all, you did thank me for killing hubby."

Keeping her lips tight, the bard didn't respond, she knew the woman was trying to make her lose control again.

Looking up at the sun, Callisto smiled turning back to the warrior, "Getting close Xena, can't be sure just when the day will be up." giggling, with a far away gleam in her eyes, the woman strolled closer to the warrior.

"Come on Xena, shouldn't you be fighting me now, you're running out of time."

The warrior's eye's darted from side to side, Callisto's approach was cutting off her room to maneuver, "I'm not worried about time Callisto." As she finally pulled her sword from it's sheath behind her back, "I've beat you before, and I'll do it again."

Smirking, Callisto half-heartedly swung her sword at the warrior's midriff, as expected Xena parried the blow. Swinging her shield arm, she forcefully hit the warrior in the side.

Using the momentum of the blow, Xena rolled to her left and up on her feet, keeping out of reach of Callisto's sword. Remembering the lay of the land, the warrior danced back, drawing her opponent away from the bard.

Following Xena, Callisto hated using a shield since it cuts down on movement, but there was no way she was going to let go of it. Screaming to vent her rage at all the wrongs she felt the warrior did to her life, the blond warrior sprang up flipping in the air.

Xena ducked low, Callisto was mad to try a flip she thought, but then again, she didn't have to worry about falling to her death. But in an instant, the warrior saw that the shield made the flip lower than it should have been.

Stabbing her sword upwards, Xena felt it hit flesh, like hitting a pillow, her sword hesitated briefly, then plunged in.

Callisto's scream of rage, turned into a scream of pain, as she landed, falling back, she stumbled falling on her backside. The wound would have been fatal if she had not been immortal. Quickly standing, her body melded itself, but she was puzzled as to why Xena didn't follow up the thrust.

Backing away from the woman, Xena lowered her sword, while reaching for her Chakram with her other hand, he voice took on an almost bored tone, "You know Callisto, I'm like Gabrielle, I'm tired of your games."

Laughing, Callisto raised the shield in front of her, "Come on then Xena, bet I can defect your Chakram into your little friend."

Tensing, Xena screamed and flung the weapon with all her might, aiming straight for the center of the shield.

Callisto braced herself, she instantly tilted the shield to send the speeding Chakram at the bard. Her arm was jolted back as the Chakram hit the shield, then her body shook in pain.

Looking down in shock, she saw the long thin hole in the shield, and Xena's Chakram buried halfway in her chest. Grinding her teeth in anger, she reached for the round ring, only to have Xena's hand beat her to it.

Looking at the warrior, Callisto was sorry to see no signs of triumph in her eyes, as Xena gripped her Chakram and placed a foot against her stomach. "I'll take that bet Callisto," she said, then shoved her over the cliff; her last glimpse of Xena as she tumbled over the side, was her hand covered in her blood holding the Chakram.

The warrior stood looking where Callisto had fell over, she didn't feel anything for the woman, she realized, that she was indeed tired of playing Callisto's games.

Gabrielle ran over hugging Xena from behind, her face shining in a wide smile, "You think that Callisto will start being afraid of heights when we're around?"

Smirking, the warrior turned hugging the bard, "I just wish that she would stop coming around." Feeling tired, the warrior broke the embrace raising her eyebrows in question, "Ready for the next part?"

Releasing the bard, Xena backed up looking up at the sky shouting, "ATHENA!"

The air next to them started to shimmer as the goddess appeared, followed by a second shimmering. Xena frowned, but had kind of expected Ares to show his face.

"Well done Xena," Athena said, as she looked over the couple, "I didn't know myself that you had switched the Aegis until your Chakram broke the shield."

Gabrielle, stepped forward bowing to the goddess, while only giving the god of war a quick glance, "You were watching us all the time?"

"No, just this fight," Ares replied, "I talked my sister into it, since it looked like Callisto would win." Smiling, the god walked over to the warrior with a grin, "Very well done Xena, I never expected you to switch shields."

Running a couple fingers through his beard, Ares shook his head, "Tell me Xena, who has the shield, that's what you did right, had someone else hide it while Callisto chased after you?"

Ignoring Ares, Xena walked toward Athena, "We did what you asked, now Gabrielle has some requests, think of it as payment for work completed."

Raising her own brows in mild surprised, Athena turned to Gabrielle nodding, "Ask, and I will consider whether to grant them."

Holding up her hand to forestall Xena's remarks, The bard only nodded, "I think you'll approve these requests, first of all, you can take the memory of what we did with the Aegis from us, and then only you could give it back correct?"

Smiling, the goddess of wisdom nodded, "Yes, as long as you both request me to do so." She was more pleased when Ares started to protest, but she quickly silenced him. Reminding him, that the gods were obligated to hear petitions of rewards, for tasks they requested of mortals.

Looking at the nodding warrior, the bard continued, "Second, that you tell Callisto, that you took our memory of what we did with the Aegis. So that will give her one less reason to come after us."

"Is that all?" Athena asked, fully intending to grant the petitions.

"One more," Gabrielle quickly said, "Take Callisto, and just drop her someplace far away, so we can at least have some peace and quiet for a little while."

Athena turned to the warrior with raised brows, "Do you also make these petitions of me Xena, for completing a task the I requested of you?"

"Wait Xena!" Ares cried, "maybe we can talk about this, make some kind of deal?"

Chuckling, the warrior wondered how long Ares would keep his part of any bargain. Nodding, Xena grinned at the goddess, "My requests are the same as Gabrielle's."

Reaching out, Athena touched the sides of their heads, "It is done, now I will grant the rest and collect Callisto, the both of you have my thanks." With a bow, the goddess shimmered then was gone.

Shaking his head, Ares looked at the one mortal he truly desired, "Xena . . . Xena, you could have asked me for anything."

Smirking, the warrior turned to him, "Then leave."

Laughing, the god of war, bowed and vanished.

Gabrielle looked at her lover, while rubbing the side of her head, "It's so strange, I really cannot for the life of me, remember what we did with the Aegis."


Walking over to embrace the woman she loved more than life itself, the bard laid her head upon her breast. "So what do we do now?"

Tilting her head, and kissing the bards cheek, Xena returned the embrace, "Two things, one, go collect Argo, and two . . . Spend sometime with a bard I know, and really tell her just how important she is to me."

Smiling, Gabrielle looked up nodding, "Sounds good to me."


Chewing on a piece of lamb, Janice looked at Melinda nodding, "Odd, from what little we know, I really don't see them giving the Aegis to anyone."

Glancing over her notes, Mel nodded in agreement, "That's why I said it was strange, but that's what they said they did."

Opening her mouth in astonishment, Janice grabbed Mel's notebook out of her hands flipping through the pages. Melinda, was at first surprised by Janice's manners, but could see she was deep in concentration.

Stabbing a finger down on the pages, Janice looked up in triumph, "They didn't say they gave the shield to someone, Ares guessed that they did!"

Sitting back in her chair, the young blond smiled at her friend, "Mel, I think I know where the Aegis is now."

"Thank you, now if you will tell me, I'll go and collect it."

Both Janice and Mel turned at the sound of the female voice, standing next to the bar, was a blond woman holding a gun, next to her was Ali Bey Amoud. Shooting a quick glance at the bar, she saw Jamie was gone, but her uncle was standing there, gun in hand.

Al Covington could not look at his niece, turning to the newcomers, he handed the gun to Amoud, as he talked to the floor, "I'm sorry Janice, just tell them where it's at."

Stepping forward, the blond woman holding the gun, smiled at Janice, "So that we all properly introduced, my name is Callisto."

Chapter Thirteen

Just as Janice and Melinda started to get over the shock of having Callisto in front of them. The sounds of a scuffle came from the kitchen, followed by the door flying open, and one of Amoud's men came in pulling a struggling Kehlia by the arm.

Just as Janice started to go to her aid, Callisto stood in front of her shaking her head, "Now lets not doing anything foolish, if anyone going to do anything stupid, we got Amoud for that."

His eyes blazing, Amoud tightened his trigger finger, but then relaxed, she would be gone soon, he thought, just need to be patient.

Feeling Amoud relax, Callisto sat down at the table taking the bowl of stew from in front of Janice. "Now, you said you know where the Aegis is, so why don't you go ahead and tell me."

The archaeologist met Callisto's eyes, and quickly looked away, "You were behind this the whole time, this was never about Amoud, you wanted us here, you needed us to find the Aegis?"

Picking up the spoon Janice had been using, Callisto ran it over her lips nodding, "Yes, and once you got here I had to keep pushing you two, so you wouldn't sit down and try to figure out why Amoud wanted it so bad."

Melinda watched as the guard with a heavily bandaged face pushed Kehlia toward their table. The dancer seemed to understand, and sat down next to Janice, her eyes fearful.

"But why did you need me to translate the scrolls?" Mel asked, "I mean why couldn't you just read them yourself?"

Taking a spoonful of stew, the woman looked at Melinda, she could not get over how much the two looked like her ancient enemies. "You try reading a dead language after three thousand years, I could pick up a couple words, but that was it."

"Besides," smiling, she reached out to caress Janice's face, smiling wider when she jerked back, "I only found the scroll six months ago, and then I heard about you two from Jack."

Giggling, she didn't seem to care the stew was spilling down her chin, "Jack, after three thousand years, his family is still full of idiots. I should have done the world a favor and killed Joxer before he had any brats."

Looking past Callisto at eyes that wouldn't meet hers, Janice felt betrayed, "And my uncle, he told you when we arrived, went into town, and hid at his wife's house." Seeing no reaction from her uncle but noticing Callisto's nod, Janice closed her eyes trying to hide the pain.

"But how did he know we were at his wife's house, and why is he helping you?" Melinda had to ask, she liked mysteries, but not so up close and personal.

Speaking up, Al felt that he let his brother down, double-crossing his own blood. "Kehlia called saying she wasn't going to dance, I asked her if Janice was all right. She said, yes, and that I should not worry cause they had lots of medical supplies just in case, it didn't take a genius to guess where she was."

"But why?" Mel asked, she could not believe that Janice's own uncle had plotted against her, and turned her over like a Judas.

"Black market," Janice said, seeing Melinda look at her, she nodded refusing to look at her uncle. "You asked me yourself, why were all those medical supplies in the clinic, and why it was not open, there's a lot of money to be made on the black market for medical supplies Mel."

Janice looked at Callisto, seeing her smile, the woman was enjoying the pain she was going through, "and remember Mel, my uncle the day we arrived told us the man we were looking for bar hopped. Only he forgot to say that he kept a reserved table for that man . . . his partner, right Ali?"

Happy to see the woman that had been causing him so much trouble hurting, he nodded, "Yes, partner and fellow collaborator, both of us, working for Fraulein Callisto."

Laughing, Janice looked at the bane of her ancestors, "Figures you'd be a Nazi."

Licking her lips from the stew, Callisto stood, walking behind Janice, running a hand lightly along her shoulders, "I find them fun, besides, once I have my powers back, I'll be a goddess."

Enjoying the feel of Janice stiffening at her touch, she ran her hands down her body, "Think about it little friend, when people see my powers, they'll worship me, and fight to the death for me . . . if you think the war is bad now, wait until they fight to the death for me."

Melinda didn't like the way Callisto was touching Janice, more so after seeing Janice's reaction. When suddenly Janice jerked, her eyes wide, mouth open in a silent scream, Mel started to stand but was pulled back into her chair by the heavily bandaged guard.

Janice's body was in agony, she felt as if someone was ripping her side apart. Jerking in her seat, she couldn't breathe, her lungs refused to take in air, only Callisto wrapping an arm around her shoulders was she able to remain seated.

Callisto was enjoying the pain Janice was in, keeping her arm locked around the woman's shoulder, she held up her other hand, the fingers bloody, "I heard you'd been shot, I guess I heard right . . . but I think you'll have to change the bandages now," laughing, she tilted her head looking at Janice, "Now, where is the Aegis?"

Shaking her head, Janice was ready to experience more pain when the woman released her. Falling forward on the table for a few minutes she could only groan, until she heard her name being called.

"Janice, sweetie," Callisto called, seeing the woman look at her, she aimed a gun at Melinda, "I really don't want to play around, so it's the old standard, tell me or I'll do to your friend, what I just did to you . . . only she's not been shot yet."

Her body jerking with each intake of breath, the archaeologist pushed herself back up in her seat, "It's at the Athens Museum of Ancient History."

Lowering the gun, Callisto was disappointed, but she would have time later for her fun, "How can you be sure?"

Nodding, Janice held her hand to her side, trying to stop the renewed bleeding from her wound, "They wouldn't have trusted the shield to someone else like Ares had thought."

Seeing she had Callisto's attention she continued, "But they needed to switch shields so where?" Gasping as a spasm racked her side, she continued, "It says in the scrolls, that they paid their respects to Achilles Tomb, and Gabrielle asked his forgiveness, not for taking a shortcut, but for taking his shield."

Laughing at the confused look, Janice shook her head, "Achilles was killed during the Trojan Wars, and his body was brought back to Greece, entombed outside the village where he was born, on the entrance of his tomb, his shield was placed."

Nodding her understanding, Callisto looked at Janice, biting her lip, "But after three thousand years I don't think it would still be there, you said, you knew where it was NOW."

Smiling now that she was in her field, "In 324 BC, the King of Greece declared war on Persia, he was to lead the army, but to show that he had the gods favor, he went and paid his respects to Achilles' Tomb, while he was there, he took Achilles' shield."

Callisto watched Melinda, the woman didn't know it, but she was Janice's truth machine, unconsciously nodding as the woman spoke.

"The King with the shield of Achilles, lead his armies to victory, never knowing defeat even though at times he was outnumbered ten to one. About 310 BC, the King known as Alexander the Great, died of disease and the shield now known as Alexander's shield, was taken back to Athens, where there it remained."

Grinning, Janice nodded, "Yes, after three thousand years, the shield remained in Athens."

Laughing with glee, Callisto backed up, lowering her gun, "In case you're lying, I'm going to wire Athens seeing if they have Alexander's shield . . . I would hope for your well being you're not lying."

Smirking, Janice took her hand away from the wound the woman reopened, the bleeding had stopped for now, but it felt like it was on fire, "Kind of hard to wire Nazi occupied territory isn't it?"

Putting her gun in a shoulder hostler, Callisto turned away from the table, "Not if you have my connections little friend." Stopping in front of Amoud she looked back at the table, Janice would be more fun she thought. Pity that Melinda didn't seem to have Xena's fire, but Janice will be fun, just as Gabrielle been fun.

"Ali, I'm going to wire Athens, it'll take a day or two, hold them, but only I get to have fun with them, understand?" Seeing the hatred behind the nod, the woman smiled, "Relax Ali, if the shield is in Athens, I'll be leaving to go get it and you can have them."

Janice and Mel looked at each other, leaving with Amoud didn't sound like a good idea, but without weapons, and Janice's uncle helping Amoud, the odds were not in their favor.

Laughing, Callisto turned toward the door, but not before giving Janice and Melinda a last look, "I'll be back, don't worry, you two look so much like Xena and Gabrielle, it kind of makes me miss them." Grinning, the woman turned and walked out the club.

Amoud turned talking to Al, he wanted to get the women out of the club, the best place he could think of was the clinic. But Al Covington didn't like the idea, saying that there was too much money tied up in the medical supplies there for it to be put in danger.

As Janice watched the two men argue, she felt a tapping on her foot, looking at Mel, she saw that she also was watching the men. But her gaze halted on Kehlia, her eyes looked at her, then down to the floor repeatedly.

Gazing down, she saw the dancer was holding a derringer, turning her gaze to the guard, she saw that he was too alert, watching them not the men arguing. Bending over with a loud moan, Janice sounded like she was dying.

Kehlia started to move, but stopped turning to the guard, **Can I help her . . . please!** The man hesitated, throwing a quick look at his boss, he didn't owe these women any favors, but in the end he nodded.

Seeing the nod, Kehlia immediately moved to Janice's side, checking her wound, while slipping the derringer she used for self-protection against the soldiers, into Janice's waiting hands.

The young woman felt the gun, it had an over and under barrel, two shots. Feeling the size of the muzzle, she guessed it was a .38, she thanked god it was not a .22.

Two shots against three men, one of whom was standing guard over them. Smiling, and feeling alive despite the pain, Janice loved the odds, glancing over, she saw that her uncle and Amoud were still arguing.

Turning her head toward the guard, he kept switching his attentions between their table and his boss. Taking a breath, thinking it was now or never, Janice rose, bringing up the small gun.

Chapter Fourteen

Amoud and Al, were still arguing when they were both startled by a loud pop. Jerking around toward the balcony, Amoud saw his man staggering back and falling to the floor, his hands clutching at his throat.

Reacting to the movement coming from the table where the women were sitting, Amoud turned toward the balcony reaching for his gun.

"Don't do it Amoud!" Janice said in a pained filled voice, her arm was straight out, aiming the little gun at the man. She hoped that her uncle still had enough feelings at her being family, and wouldn't draw down on her.

Amoud wondered what he had done that had been so bad, for god to send this woman into his life. Looking at the still form of the guard, in two days he lost three men, and a fourth was in the hospital covered with burns and cuts.

As if reading his mind, Janice advanced quickly toward Amoud, the derringer was only dependable close up. She had been lucky with the guard, she aimed for the center of his body, only to hit him in the throat. "Give it up, you've run out of men Ali, only one left to shoot now is you."

**Kehlia, grab the gun the guard had, and give it to me, then go and make sure the car is still in the alley.** Janice called over her shoulder.

Melinda stood from the spot she's been rooted to since Janice fired, "Janice, what do you want me to do?"

Taking the gun from the dancer, Janice switched hands, dropping the derringer in her pocket, "Mel, go upstairs and grab only what you need, I want my gun, hat and extra ammo, we're going after the Aegis."

Keeping an eye on the two men, she heard Mel and Kehlia run to complete their tasks, "All right, why don't we just relax for a few minutes, and then we'll be getting out of your lives."

Al Covington looked down at the shotgun under the bar, it would be so easy to drop to the floor and grab the gun with the bar as protection, he thought. But looking at his niece the thought left his mind, "Janice, I'm sorry," was all he could say.

Shrugging her shoulders, her voice cracked with emotion, "Hey, I'm used to it, I'm the daughter of Harry 'Grave robber' Covington remember, mom was smart when she took off, right? . . . besides you got to make a buck."

Melinda stood at the top of the stairs listening, she had only grabbed Janice's duffel bag, after throwing in the gun, and hat. Janice never talked about her family in the short time they knew each other, she assumed that her mother had died, not abandoned her, no wonder she hated being alone.

Hearing nothing, Mel called out that she had their stuff, as she came down the steps rejoining Janice. Kehlia came back in telling Janice that the car was still in the alley.

Melinda started for the kitchen with the Kehlia behind her, looking over her shoulder, she saw that Janice was still staring at her uncle. "Janice, come on, we got to get going!" she called out.

Coming out of the trance, Janice shook her head, then nodded to her uncle, "Bye, I'm really going to miss you." Switching her gaze back to Amoud, the blond backed-up toward the kitchen door. "Ali, do yourself a favor and get out of town, Callisto won't be happy that you messed up again."

Amoud watched Janice walk backwards, then spun around, running into the kitchen. Once she was out of sight he pulled his gun, turning for the front door, he pulled it open when he looked back for his partner, seeing him still behind the bar, pouring himself a drink.

"Covington, come on, they're getting away," Amoud called out in anger.

Throwing his head back as he downed a shot of bourbon, Al Covington nodded then poured himself another shot, "That's right Ali, my niece is getting away." Raising the shot glass toward Amoud in a kind of salute, "She's getting away, and I'm getting drunk, join me?"

Ignoring the man, Amoud opened the door dashing outside, just in time to see a roadster with its tires screeching, come out of the alley, narrowly missing a couple crossing the alley.

Running to his car, he threw the gun in through the open window onto the seat, climbing in and slamming the door. Starting the car, Ali floored the gas petal chasing after the roadster, leaving behind a trail of smoking rubber.

Melinda was sitting in the passenger seat, praying that she would survive Janice's driving when Kehlia started yelling in Arabic. Looking behind her, Mel saw a speeding car behind them, swiftly catching up.

"Janice!" Melinda yelled.

Throwing a quick glance to the side mirror, Janice, pressed hard on the gas, "I see him, doesn't that guy ever learn!"

Amoud, tightened his grip on the steering wheel, that Covington woman was driving like a madman, he was thinking. The markets and homes of Casablanca flashed by as his sedan reached over seventy miles an hour on the narrow streets.

Janice was having a hard time driving, between avoiding people crossing the streets, and vehicles on the road. She was keeping her hand pressed to the horn, taking it off only to hit the brakes as she rounded a curve, heading out of the city.

Swerving to avoid a collision, Ali almost missed the roadster's turn. He barely made the turn, while flooring the petal, shooting the more powerful sedan forward, slowly creeping up along side the object of his pursuit.

Risking a glance over her left shoulder, Janice saw the sedan catching up, knowing that the roadster couldn't withstand the heavier car, she jerked the steering wheel to the right. The car still skidding along side Amoud's until the rear wheels bit into the dirt paved road, forcing the car into its abrupt turn.

Melinda held on for dear life, she once was talked into taking a roller coaster ride years ago. She was scared, but at least she knew she was going to survive the experience.

Then with her eyes widening at the sight ahead, she screamed, "JANICE, THERE'S NO ROAD!"

Laughing, Janice Covington was trying to get all the speed she could out of the car, "Hell Mel, this is the desert, you make your roads!"

Passing the end of the dirt road, the roadster hit a small sand dune, as if it had gone up a ramp, the car sailed into the air. Two of the occupants screaming in terror, the third letting out a joyful yell.

The car sailed in the air for fifty feet before landing with a bone-jarring impact; the hood broke loose, flying back smashing the windshield, then flapped over the car to land in the sand.

The three inhabitants were tossed around inside, Janice managing to hold onto the steering wheel, kept control. Melinda's passenger door flew open, and she started to tumble out, but a quick reacting Kehlia, grabbed her arm pulling her back into the car, just before the door slammed back shut.

Turning after them, Amoud avoided the sand dune, but the heavier sedan was losing the race over the sand, against the lighter roadster.

Speeding along the sand, with a terrified Mel and Kehlia, Janice, saw a cross road up ahead, only this one had a tank column, moving along toward the battle front. Looking into the side mirror, then back to the column, her mind raced over her speed and the distances between the moving tanks, guessing they were going about their top speed of thirty miles an hour.

Shouting, "HOLD ON!" Janice turned the wheel slightly, then back again, fish-tailing the car to send up a cloud of sand. Bracing herself, the car passed between the fast-moving tanks, who were being blinded by the sudden fog of sand.

Understanding what the Covington woman was doing, Ali had already pointed his sedan to a space where he would also pass between tanks. Just as he cleared the column, the car was hit by a British Chieftain tank coming from the opposite direction.

The force of the impact, sent the sedan flying back into the sand cloud, where blinded, the driver of the twenty-ton American Sherman tank, didn't stop until after he felt the tank crush the sedan, and Ali Bey Amoud.

Slowing the roadster, Janice looked over her shoulder as the tank column came to a halt. Not seeing the sedan pursuing them through the sand cloud, she came to a stop trying to guess where they were.

Melinda pale, but still alive sat up in her seat, "Janice, please . . . let me drive."

Rolling her eyes, Janice, put the car in gear, and took off, turning left, but not leaving the sand, keeping to a safe but slow speed to humor her friend.

Recovering, Mel checked on Kehlia, seeing that though like her, slightly pale, seemed ok, "Where are we going Janice?"

Smiling, the woman reached into her jacket pulling out a cigar and stuck it between her teeth. "The airport, I want to get to the Aegis before Callisto."

Nodding, Mel rubbed her forehead wondering if some of Janice's thirst for action was rubbing off on her. "So we're going to Cairo right?"

Melinda laughed as Janice gave her a look of surprise, "Listen Ms. Covington, I went to school also, I know you told Callisto almost the full story."

Laying her head back on the seat, Mel continued, "After Alexander died, his shield was taken to the city that bears his name, Alexandria, then during the crusades it was taken to Cairo for safe keeping where it still remains."

Turning the car back toward the road, Janice felt in her pockets for a match, "Right, and Callisto said it'll take one or two days for a reply to her wire. I'm guessing that they will tell her where Alexander's shield is, so that gives us at least a one day's head start."

**Excuse me,** a voice called out in Arabic.

Seeing that she had Janice's attention, Kehlia leaned forward on the front seat, **Could you please tell me just what has been going on, and where are we going?**

Striking a match, Janice lit her cigar, then started telling her a story about an ancient warrior and her lover.

Chapter Fifteen

Replaying the pasted two days in her mind, Mel thought that getting out of Casablanca wasn't that hard. The fast talking Janice had convinced the duty officer at the air field that they were a team of American Archaeologists, checking all the ancient landmarks for damage from the war, all in the interest of keeping the Arab countries happy.

The plan had almost failed when he asked about the obviously native Kehlia, and the woman picked that time to give the officer a thumbs-up saying "Roosevelt Ok."

Janice explained that she spoke Arabic, and that Kehlia was their guide, since they couldn't have a native man escorting them alone, it wouldn't be proper.

As if that made sense, they were crammed into a Dakota cargo plane bound for Cairo. Melinda had wondered why Kehlia wanted to go with them, until Janice said that the dancer felt it would be better for her health to leave Casablanca.

Mel's thoughts were interrupted when the door to their hotel room opened and Kehlia followed by Janice carrying a small package entered the room.

"Hi, Melinda, got plan we do," the dancer started saying as soon as Janice closed the door behind them. Shoving the package into the dancer's arms, Janice guided her to the bathroom, speaking to her in Arabic.

Mel sat on the bed, eyes on Janice, "Well, did you find where the shield is?" The three of them went to the Cairo Museum yesterday, and asked where the display was for Alexander's shield, only to be told that it was not on exhibit, but they had some fine golden and jade statues of the Pharaohs'.

When they pressed the staff at the Museum, they were told that the shield most likely would be in storage, because no one would be interested in a plain metal shield. Besides, since that was the only item they had of Alexander's, it was not worth their time and effort to set up a display.

Grinning, Janice sat on the bed next to Melinda, "There's a warehouse near the outskirts of the city where artifacts not worth display, or having no real monetary value are stored. It's lightly guarded by a watchman both night and day."

"Are you sure the Aegis is in there?" Melinda asked, "We've been here two days now, going by your time table, Callisto maybe on her way here now!"

Shaking her head, Janice got back off the bed, and paced the room, "I hope it's there, if not, then Callisto will more than likely be following us to the Aegis."

Not enjoying the idea of having to fight someone who was immortal, and with three-thousand years of experience, Melinda could see why Janice was pacing the floor. "So, when do we break into the place?"

They both turned their heads, mouths dropping open as Kehlia come out of the bathroom. "I show much, yes?" the dancer asked.

She was wearing her newly purchased belly dancer's outfit, with a few adjustments. The top fabric was folded in, showing off more of her small breasts, so much that she had to add some makeup or her areola's would be showing. She pushed the small briefs low on her hips, until the cloth in front just barely covered her modesty.

"JANICE COVINGTON," Melinda cried out, "Just what is this plan?"

Walking around the nearly naked woman, Janice smiled then knelt behind the dancer removing a couple more veils, showing off more of the dancer's backside. As she started to do more adjustments, she explained to Mel, just what the 'plan' was.

With her face turning red as Janice told her the plan, Melinda could not believe what Kehlia was going to do. She herself could never even wear an outfit that indecent while locked in her own room, never mind even letting a man see her in it.

As Janice adjusted more of Kehlia's outfit, the dancer looked over her shoulder, **I feel like a prostitute in this.**

Grinning, the woman kneeled behind her pulling the back of the dancer's briefs even lower, **That's the idea, and the way you look now, anyone would want to buy you.**

**You would buy me?**

Nodding, Janice stood and walked around her looking to see if she could expose anything more, **Oh, yes . . . I would most definitely buy you.**

Raising her eyebrows, the dancer smiled, **You buy me now?**

Her smiled turned into a look of surprise, then suddenly she turned around toward Melinda, "Mel, we still have a few hours, I'm going to help Kehlia practice, and thought you may want to go shopping for a few hours . . . Since we don't know when we'll be coming back to Cairo again."

When she saw Melinda hesitate, Janice thanked whoever was watching over her for the idea that just stuck her, "Besides Mel, I need you to do a couple things, we need a long, but light coat to wrap around Kehlia, since we can't have her walking around in that outfit."

Paying strict attention to Janice, Melinda nodded, as the woman rattled off the list, coat, car, and any type of business card from the America Consulate.

She felt guilty as she locked the door behind the departing Melinda, a feeling which quickly left when she looked back the at dancer, **Now, about how much are you worth?** Janice said as she advanced toward the smiling dancer.


Hours later, Melinda pulled the car up in front of the warehouse and glanced over at the pouting woman beside her, "Janice, I told you, the Consulate loaned me the car, I'm responsible for it, and I'm not letting you near the wheel!"

"Melinda drive . . . A-OK," another voice from the back wrapped in a long coat piped in.

Casting a look toward the back as Janice was getting out of the car, **Traitor,** she said then winked as she shut the door waiting for Melinda to join her.

Walking together for the front door, Janice glanced at the card in her hand, "Mel, couldn't you have gotten a business card, better than the Consulate Chef?"

Opening the door for her friend, and slightly annoyed, "No Janice, business cards are not all the rage here, besides you neglected to tell me why you wanted one so I grabbed the first one I could."

Moving inside, they were stuck by how large the place was, roll after roll of racks, filled with crates and shelves met their eyes. The building had a dusty smell, and one that Mel thought smelled just like when she went into the attic back home after it's been closed up for a year.

An old man wearing a crumpled uniform was sitting at a old battered desk reading an Arabic newspaper when they came in. Standing up, he spoke rapidly in Arabic as he strolled over toward them.

Moving to intercept the watchman, Janice smiled, **Good Afternoon, I'm Dr. Grant, and this is Dr. Lee, we're from the American Consulate of Archaeologists, and at the request of your Government, we're checking how safe the artifacts in this building are in case of a German Air Raid.**

The old man, looked the two American's over, he had not been told about anyone coming by to look at the building. He was however distracted as the small woman shoved a card at him, taking it, he couldn't read the English, but saw the American seal, and flag.

**Only these old things,** he asked, **What about me, what am I to do in case of an Air Raid?**

Nodding and showing she was concerned, Janice patted the man's shoulder, **We're looking out for you also, I mean if there's an Air Raid, we need to keep you safe so you can protect everything in case of looters right?**

The idea of being kept safe sounded good to the man, but defending this trash the museum didn't even want didn't have any appeal. But he waved them on into the warehouse telling them he would have to check them before they left the building.

As both nodded their understanding, he kept his eyes on them as they started into the warehouse, but then the tall woman whispered something to smaller one, who turned back toward him.

**Excuse me, but are there any weapons stored here, like black powder, swords, shields . . . anything the could harm you if a bomb went off and threw them around?**

The watchman looked to his left, he never thought about those old weapons raining down on him in case there was an explosion, **Yes, in the back, many of them are not even crated . . . You'll make them crate them right?**

Already heading toward the back of the warehouse with Mel, Janice called over her shoulder that they wanted to go look at them now.

The pair saw the area the watchman had talked about, swords and spears were everywhere, most were covered with dust and rusting, "Mel, look at this," as Janice waved her hands around, "There's museums around the world that would put this stuff in displays, and they just throw it in a warehouse here."

Moving over to a stack of shields, Mel threw a glance back at Janice, "I know what you mean, it's almost better that they would have stayed buried, than go to waste like this."

They spend the better part of fifteen minutes going through the various stacks of shields before Melinda cried out.

Moving swiftly by her side, Janice could see the tag on one bore the name Alexander. Looking at each other, Mel pulled the shield from the stack as Janice looked over the attached tag written in Arabic before looking at her friend, "It's Alexander's shield."

Both of them ran their hands over the dust covered shield, quietly contemplating that they held the Aegis, the mythical shield of Zeus, father of the ancient gods.

Picking up the shield, Janice nodded to Mel, as they headed back to the entrance, coming to a stop just before she would be in view of the watchman, she called out, **Dr. Lee is going to check the area outside from where the weapons are kept, this looks very bad for keeping you safe.**

Swallowing, the watchman's mind heard mostly how bad it was going to be to keep him safe. With a worried expression, he just waved Melinda on by since she wasn't carrying anything.

After Mel shut the warehouse door behind her, she knocked on the car door, watching Kehlia open the door, and head for the warehouse.

The watchman heard the door open again, expecting to see the American woman again, he was surprised to see a dark woman wearing a coat standing at the door, **What do you want?**

Feigning surprise, Kehlia walked over taking off her coat and laying it down on the desk, **What do you mean what am I doing here, I'm here cause my boss told me I had a job at the Cairo warehouse for fifty dollars American.**

Gasping as his eyes devoured the dancer's body, he had felt old, but not that old, **This is the Cairo Museum warehouse, not the Cairo warehouse!**

Walking around the watchman who turned with her, the dancer rolled her eyes shaking her head, **Then I'm out fifty dollars American, and taxi fare." Then turning her head with a smile, she looked the man who was starting to sweat up and down, **You have fifty dollars . . . American?**

Janice peeked around the corner, seeing the watchman, searching through his pockets, his back to the door. Hoping she had some of her ancient mother's stealth, she swiftly moved for the door carrying the shield, coming to a halt as the watchman started to turn.

Kehlia watched Janice make her way toward the door, when the watchman gave up searching through his pockets and started to turn away from her. **I don't have fifty dollars American, I don't even have American money.**

Reaching out and grabbing the man's arms, the dancer stood close to the man with a pout, **How much money you have on you then, I'm already here, and need to take something back, or my boss will be upset.**

Seeing Kehlia divert the watchman from turning, Janice made the rest of the way to the door, opening it silently and passing the shield into Mel's waiting hands. Then closing the door walked over toward the desk, loudly clearing her throat. **Excuse me, but do you get these types of visitors often?**

Spinning around in shock, the watchman had forgotten about the other American, wanting to save his job, he turned yelling at Kehlia. **Get out of here, how many times do I have to say this is not the Cairo warehouse, out . . . out.**

Her face masked with anger, the dancer stormed passed the man grabbing her coat, and winked at Janice before heading for the door, **Be that way, you couldn't afford me any way.**

Ducking slightly as the dancer slammed the door, Janice looked at the sweating watchman shaking her head, **I'm not going to report this because I know things are hard with the war. But I don't think there'll be any improvements, not if you're going to use this place as a whorehouse.**

The man was thankful that the woman was not going to report him, as she left the building, but he wondered what he'd do in case of an Air Raid.

Climbing into the car, Janice flashed a smile at the dancer behind her, then to Melinda, who was asking where they were going now.

"To the air field, time to go home." Janice replied.


Melinda watched the two women talking, they were all sitting on crates at the American landing field outside of Cairo, waiting for the B-17 to finish refueling, then take them home to the states.

Touching the cloth wrapped shield next to her, Mel, even after meeting Ares, had trouble believing this was the actual shield of Zeus.

Making her way through the crates, the pilot waved to Melinda and Janice. It was Rachel, the same woman who flew them to Casablanca less than a week ago. Her crew had been pressed into service flying cargo around northern Africa, until male relief crews arrived. But some brass found out that a WAC crew was flying in a combat zone, and ordered them home.

The B-17 being fueled was to be used in a war bond drive, it had survived through twenty-five bombing runs. The original crew was already home, and the WAC's got to ferry the plane.

"Hey you two," Rachel called out, "Start boarding, we're almost done, then we're homeward bound."

Melinda walked over to Kehlia, trying not to show that she saw tears in Janice's eyes. The dancer looked at Mel, then swiftly embraced her, "Bye-bye Melinda, I miss you." Kehlia said as she squeezed her tight.

Feeling a lump in her throat, Mel realized she was going to miss this small brown woman, "Shokran Kehlia, I'll miss you too." Reaching into her pockets, she placed the roll of bills she brought to Africa with her into the dancer's hand, "It's for what you left behind in Casablanca, it'll make me feel better if you take it."

Looking at Janice who translated what Mel said, the dancer nodded, and kissed both of Mel's cheeks, "You watch Janice, keep safe."

Smiling, Melinda backed up looking at the blond, "Janice, I'll take the shield to the plane, and let you say your good-byes."

Watching the raven haired woman pick up the shield and make her way through the crates, Janice turned reaching out to lightly caress the dancer's face, **I . . . I don't guess you'd want to come see America?**

Blinking as her eyes started to mist, Kehlia was grateful that Janice had asked, **What can I do in America, I can't speak English, all I know is dancing, and Africa is my home.**

Nodding, she leaned forward taking the woman in her arms, **You know I could work in Cairo . . .**

Kehlia placed a finger over Janice's lips silencing her, **And you would not be living, I thank you for the past days. But America is your home, you will go home, but you will never leave my heart.**

Burying her face into the dancer's hair, they stood embracing each other without saying anything more. Hearing the revving of engines, Janice stepped back looking at Kehlia, then softly kissed her, before turning to make her way through the crates.

The dancer watched the blond woman leave; knowing it was for the best didn't help the hurt she was feeling. Not wanting to see the plane leave, she turned heading for the Consulate's car and a new life in Cairo, Janice's hat clutched in her hands.


Melinda shifted in her seat, they were five hours from their last refueling in the Azores, next stop would be New Jersey. Janice who hadn't spoken since Cairo, just sat looking at a dancer's veil.

Unbuckling her safety belt, she walked over and sat next to Janice, watching her run her fingers through the veil. "Did you ask her to come with you?"

Nodding, Janice kept her eyes on the silk cloth in her hands, then it dawned on her what Melinda meant, "How long have you known?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Mel turned her gaze to the Janice's face, "Not long, only since you boarded the plane . . . I'm naive, not stupid."

Stifling a chuckle, the woman turned to her friend, "So what do you think now that you know I'm one of THOSE women?"

Had Janice asked her that question when they first met, she would most likely not be living in New York right now. But after reading about the love between a warrior and her bard, and getting to know this woman next to her, "You're my friend Janice, that's what I think; and I'm not going anywhere."

Smiling for the first time since they left Cairo, Janice thought about the woman next to her, knowing there was a question she had to ask. "Mel, since we've known each other, you've almost been killed, shot, torture, been kidnapped . . . why do you stay?"

Looking surprised, Melinda knew the answer, but wondered if it would make sense to anyone, "When I was growing up, my daddy and his friends would get together every Saturday night, sitting on the front porch, drinking ice tea, smoking, and telling stories."

Leaning back, Mel smiled, "My daddy would tell about digs in Africa, Greece or some place else in the world. Then his friends would tell stories about World War One, or sailing in the China seas. And I would just sit on the steps listening."

"I think I was nine or ten years old when I started sitting on the steps listening, I was still sitting on the steps just before my daddy died. All that time listening to other people's stories about life."

Nodding her head slowly Janice saw the far away look on Mel's face, "Think they'll let you on the porch now?"

Laughing, Melinda returned her friends gaze, "I guess so, bet I can even make them envious . . . Why do you do it Janice?"

Turning her head to stare at the floor, she remained silent for a few minutes, "Cause I got nothing else."

They both sat listening to the steady roar of the four engines, not sure how much time had passed, when Janice stood and picked up the shield, "Want to come with me and get Rachel to open the bomb bay doors? We'll finish what two women started out to do three-thousand years ago."

Standing along side Janice, Mel looked at her long enough for the blond archaeologist to feel awkward. Not sure what Melinda was thinking, Janice held out her hand, looking up at the woman, "Pals?"

Brushing the hand aside, Mel hugged the small woman, smiling when she felt Janice returning the embrace, "Pals forever."

The End

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