Xena's Thoughts throughout Cradle of Hope


by Marie E. Costa

Oh great! A baby! Just what I need! It's not enough that the gods give me a girl that can't shut up now I get saddled with a baby!

Xena looked in disgust at Gabrielle as she went nuts over the baby...maybe I should leave both of them at the next village I come to. "How do I know?" She snarled angrily at an innocent question...unable to stop herself. The longer she stared at the infant the more she thought of the infant she'd given up...Solon...are you okay? My son...she shook the thought from her head and clenching her fists tight demanded they be on their way.


What now? She thought exasperated, glaring at the path in front of her. Her lip curled in contempt. So having sport hanging some local herb witch more than likely. Not while I am in the area.


I had to interfere. Now I have Pandora, a baby, and Gabrielle. This Pandora isn't all with it...I bet she hasn't had much human contact...I need to get Gabrielle to give up that baby...especially if I want her to continue traveling with me...no babies on the road. Maybe I can foist them off on each other...the baby needs an adult and Pandora needs something other than that damn box!


Kill a baby! The rat! How? Xena's anger boiled. This was exactly the reason she'd left her son with the centaurs...why no one could ever know she had a son! I want to look into this King's eyes...see for myself what kind of man would order the dearth of an innocent baby!


He's not what I thought...he truly cares and he knows of me...is afraid of me...I guess that can be used to my advantage...I just wish I could figure out how. We lost that damn box! I need to get it back...can't let hope escape. Even if I didn't care it would cause Pandora to totally flip...I can't let that happen. I need to get into that castle. Gabrielle has a way with people maybe she can find someone that would be willing to help us.


Trust my little bard. Not only did she find someone willing to help us, but the very woman who sent the baby down the river for safety. And she can get me into the castle with no questions asked. The gods are smiling on us today.


So the King was once a father...that changes everything... I know what it's like to be a parent without a child. A pained look entered her eyes briefly, but she shrugged it away. They say the prophecy said the child would be King...a sly grin came over her features as Xena realized what she had to do.

She waited in the alcove for the King to awaken and find the babe...smiling as he realized the significance of the child in the bassinet. The joy at seeing both child and King content swiftly turning to anger and fear as she realized the King's own advisor intended to murder both child and Regent.


No! The children must be spared! She raced through the castle fear speeding her way...for once wanting Gabrielle to be near...how do you fight when you have a baby in your arms? She turned this way and that trying to find a safe haven for the baby. Spotting Gabrielle she yelled and tossed the baby to her...drawing her sword and making short work of the King's guards.


Well that worked out for the best. Xena smiled. Gabrielle was still by her side. Pandora had a protector...the mightiest man in the kingdom - the King himself...she wouldn't be surprised if someday the two were to get married. The baby had a new mother and father...the King and Pandora. Gabrielle was ecstatic...they were naming the baby who would be king after her...Gabriel.


This righting wrongs wasn't a bad job after all. She got to kick butt and had a good feeling when it was all over.

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