After “Something New, Something Old,” Gabrielle and Xena reconsider their notion of semi-retirement, given the succession of adventures that began interrupting their attempts to celebrate 25 years together in “Fifty Winters Ago.” For Gwen/Widget.
June 2009
wagon proceeded at a leisurely pace, slow enough for the gang of four to easily
overtake it. One of the riders threw a
heavy sack in front of the team, forcing the driver to pull up.
folks. Time for a rest stop. Heh, and we’ll take the rest of your
belongin’s, while you’re at it.”
“No? Whaddya mean, ‘no.’”
“No. As in … ‘no.’”
gang’s spokesman gaped at the wagon’s occupants, who appeared completely
unconcerned about their predicament.
“Listen, just `cause you’re a couple ol’ biddies, doesn’t mean we won’t
get rough if we have ta.”
biddies?!” The larger of the women
turned to her companion. “Did he just
call us old biddies?”
huh. Sounded like it.” The smaller woman addressed the
spokesman. “Excuse me, but did you in
fact call us old biddies?”
men exchanged glances. This was
supposed to be an easy heist – not the prelude to a conversation about
age. “We’re robbin’ ya, you fools. What difference is it if –.”
it makes a difference.” The smaller
woman smirked. “To her anyway. Personally, I don’t get all hot and bothered
by –.”
up! You wanna be stubborn about this,
we’ll just take what we want.”
spokesman dismounted and indicated for one of his colleagues to do the
same. The taller woman stood. Something about her made the men hesitate.
think you’re doin’?”
it look like I’m doing?”
spokesman rested a hand on his sword hilt.
“Tryin’ to get yourself killed instead of robbed.”
“Mm. Maybe so.
If we’re just ‘a couple old biddies.’
On the other hand ….” The woman
reached through a slit in her tunic and pulled out a metal disk. “Looks can be deceiving. Take this,” she said, holding up the
disk. “Could be a new-fangled frame for
embroidering. Or ….” She sliced a line through the top of the
wagon seat. “Maybe not.”
men frowned at the disk. They weren’t
quite sure what to make of it. The
woman’s eyes, however, were quite clear.
Not those of an old biddy, but of the last person any sane thief would
choose to victimize. And these men
definitely weren’t crazy.
boys. Seems we made a mistake.” The spokesman manufactured a sneer. “They’d be more scared, if they had anything
worth losin’.” He mounted, his
colleague following suit. “No sense
gettin’ a few scratches over nothin’.”
smaller woman stood. “Very sensible
decision.” She gave the men a maternal
smile. “You see, knowing the difference
is important. Between right and
wrong. Profit or loss.” She tousled the taller woman’s silvered
bangs. “An ‘old biddy,’ versus an elder
who fancies herself in the mold of a legendary Warrior Princess.”
men snickered. “Oh, that’s her
problem,” surmised the spokesman, preparing to ride off. “Could be dangerous. I’d keep her in the house, if I was
you. Not everybody’s as understanding
as us. Ya got lucky.”
someone got lucky all right,” the shorter woman stated at the taller one’s low
growl. “Perhaps you should go? Before someone’s luck runs out?”
women watched the gang ride off.
I’ve gotten more patient with maturity.”
no less competitive.”
if you’ve forgotten.”
bet? Don’t see how this qualified. Hmmm.
Maybe for extra credit. Yeah, I
wouldn’t mind a little of that. And I
know just how I wanna cash in.”
colored streamers fluttered in the wind, beckoning shoppers to part with their
coins as lavishly as the sun bestowed its blessing on the day. Children dodged between legs and
stalls. Adults inspected merchandise
and haggled with vendors. Two women
strolled through the scene as though they hadn’t a care in the world – no need
to worry about vegetables or cloth or utensils.
matron. Over there. She’s holding up two fingers. The merchant’s holding up three.”
“Humph. That pot’s only worth one.”
seems flustered. A little
desperate. Probably not much left in
her money pouch.”
she’s about to give in. Shame if she
gets the short end of the stick.”
bad she doesn’t have somebody with her.
You know, somebody good at bargaining?”
huh. Oh, look! Have you ever seen such an exquisite vase? Come on.
Let’s check it out.”
couple of hours later, the women relaxed in the dining area of the local inn,
enjoying its coolness and apple pie.
guy in black? With the sword? He just made a pass at that young redhead.”
think she’s with another man. Guy at
the front table? Dressed like a
the farmer’s getting up. I hope he
doesn’t …. Gods, he’s a twig, compared
to the warrior type. Oh, boy, they’re
facing off. Maybe if somebody steps in
sound of grunts and objects crashing to the floor sent patrons scattering.
“Ouch. Big guy landed quite a blow. The farmer’s no match. Not by himself. If only he had some help.”
“Mmmm. This is really good. You gonna eat that last piece? Helloooo.
I say, you gonna …. Never
mind. I’ll take it off your hands. Wouldn’t be as good cold anyway.”
decided to take a room for the night, the two women prepared to turn in.
have to admit, you’re doing better than I expected.”
hard part is getting that poor woman’s face out of my mind. I’m sure I could’ve saved her a couple
I was itchin’ to take out that thug.”
can’t remember the last time you let a bully get away with pounding somebody.”
“Mm. I meant the one tried to rob us. But yeah, hard to forget the redhead
screaming at all that blood. The
farmer’ll be okay physically. Not sure
about the beating his pride took.”
but if anybody’d told me about all this, I wouldn’t have believed it was really
“Heh. Could’ve been any two ‘old biddies,’ eh?”
except the part where one of them practically dares a gang of thieves to
I didn’t touch `em. Besides, we hadn’t
discussed the rules in the event our personal safety was involved. Shouldn’t disqualify my extra credit.”
two slipped under the covers.
think so.”
chuckled. “You smell like her, if
that’s any consolation.”
or after I work up a sweat?”
can go with that.” Xena snuggled
closer. “Now, about that extra credit
having second thoughts.”
“S’okay. My first thought is enough for both of us.”
swatted Xena’s arm. “I’m talking about
our bet. Keeping it isn’t as satisfying
as I’d hoped.”
snorted. “Figured I had you in the
market. A shopper in jeopardy? A pitiful one at that? No way I thought you’d resist jumping in.”
not talking about winning, Xena. I mean
the whole idea. Now I’m hypersensitive
to the smallest injustice. Not doing
anything …. It’s like every fiber of my
being is on edge, but tied in knots.”
Xena flopped on her back. “We’re
supposed to be semi-retired. Our 25th
anniversary so-called ‘celebration’ turned into a reprisal of our most active
early years. We’ve been on the road
nearly six months. Most of it spent
butting into others’ affairs. Butt
kicking on the rare occasions biddy wit didn’t work. You’re the one said we should take a break.”
know.” Gabrielle was silent a
moment. “I guess I take what we do for
granted. Helping out when we can. It reminded me what a difference it
makes. Not just the big things like
stopping a war. The little things that
make life better or more fair for an ordinary person.”
people get cheated or beat up every day.
Sure, you might’ve saved that woman some money. The vendor would’ve made it up on his next
customer. I jump to the farmer’s aid,
but what about fights before I got there or after? There’s probably all sorts of stuff happening at home. Will everything fall apart `cause we’re not
involved? Nope. Folks muddle through. Somebody else steps up.”
chuckled. “All your talk about
bloodlust in your veins. I figured
you’d be the first to crack. Stupid
challenge. When will I ever learn.”
rolled to her side. “It wasn’t
stupid. We deserve time to appreciate
how long we’ve been together. Somehow
we end up distracted by something else.
Somebody else’s life. So we’re
forcing ourselves to stay focused. If
it works, even for a little while, we can have more of that romance you
“Mm. Starting with your ‘extra credit,’ no
“Ah.” Xena tweaked Gabrielle’s nose. “From your lips to mine.”
wagon rounded the bend. A horse stood
at the side of the road, a figure kneeling in front.
it’s a woman!”
down, Xena. Maybe she needs help.”
rolled her tongue in her cheek. “You
realize what this means.”
arched a brow. “I realize what it could
I win?” Xena narrowed her eyes. “What else is there?”
credit? No reason for that any more, if
the challenge is over, hmmm?”
pursed, Xena pulled up beside the woman.
“Morning. Problem?”
woman turned around. She was the
redhead from the inn. The hair spilling
down her face didn’t quite hide a bruised cheek. “I’m afraid so. My
made herself focus on the horse.
“Perhaps we could help?” She
smiled. “We just happen to have an
expert on hand.”
sure.” The woman looked at Xena. “If it’s not too much trouble?”
snorted softly. She handed the reins to
Gabrielle and stepped down. “Bad hoof,”
she said after her examination. “I can
do a temporary fix. Relieve some of his
pain. But you’ll need a blacksmith.”
I be able to ride him? When you’re
probably can’t take the extra weight.
Shouldn’t be a problem walking on his own though.” Xena patted the horse’s lame leg and turned
toward the wagon with the hint of a smirk.
forced a smile to cover her gritted teeth.
“Should we hitch the horse to the back?
Or let him walk alongside.”
that’s very kind of you,” the woman said, “but I can --.”
we insist.” Gabrielle slid to the
middle of the bench and indicated for the woman to join her.
“Absolutely.” Xena dutifully led the horse to the back of
the wagon, but not before flashing Gabrielle a victory sign.
redhead introduced herself as Moira.
Asked where she was headed, she replied, “Nowhere in particular. Just away from here.” Some gentle prodding from Gabrielle revealed
Moira hoped to escape “a bad situation.”
trouble?” Gabrielle asked, finally looking pointedly at Moira’s bruised
cheek. “That farmer you were with?”
covered the side of her face. “Um,
no. He’s my brother. Stanos.
When I find a safe place, he’ll join me.”
safe place?” Gabrielle laid a hand on
Moira’s arm. “From that warrior? The one who beat Stanos?”
just him.” Moira’s head dropped. “They’ve made Alleteon their home base. They leave for a while to do their dirty
work. They come back, get drunk,
intimidate folks. Demand free food and
lodging. Take … liberties.” She raised her chin. “Not everyone goes along. At least, not my brother and me.”
rode along in silence. Gabrielle
figured she’d already said enough. She
could justify helping some poor soul stranded by the road. Offering to do more might warrant
accusations she’d broken the pact so foolishly proposed precisely to avoid
entanglement in strangers’ problems.
Xena had expressed little beyond superficial politeness. No doubt would dump Moira at the first
chance. Was that so wrong? Hadn’t they already done enough? What any decent person would for a traveler
in need? Helped distance Moira a little
from her situation?
and huts ahead,” Xena announced.
“Probably means a village not too far.”
She smiled at Moira. “Maybe even
a blacksmith.”
weapons,” Moira murmured.
… nothing. A blacksmith would be good.”
studied the redhead a moment. She noted
Gabrielle had leaned forward, her expression suggesting she’d heard the same
thing. The warrior shrugged. “Cold drink’d be good too. Anybody else thirsty?”
more like it.” Head cocked, Gabrielle
added, “Something we don’t have to cook?”
for me.”
started to invite Moira, but her gut warned to leave well enough alone. Whatever happened next would be Xena’s call.
can I get for you?”
wasn’t sure how to answer the serving girl.
Xena had gone with Moira to the blacksmith. Gabrielle assumed both would join her at the inn. Although, given Xena’s fondness for picking
up strangers, Moira might end up spending the night with her horse. Especially given their competition to see
which of them would be the first to capitulate to do-gooding. On the other hand, Moira had mentioned
weapons – always music to certain warrior ears. The question was, would that be Siren’s Song enough to beat out
“na na na na na, I win.”
start with a platter of cheese, bread and fruit.” Gabrielle smiled smugly.
“Enough for three.” She snorted
to herself awhile later when she saw she’d guessed right.
there,” Gabrielle greeted her partner as she and Moira seated themselves. “Get everything taken care of?”
much.” Xena helped herself to slices of
food from Gabrielle’s plate. “Horse
should be good as new in the morning.”
tapped the food platter. “This cheese
is excellent,” she said to Moira, who sat with her hands in her lap. “You must be hungry.”
little.” Moira sampled the cheese. “Mmm.
This is good.”
the appetizer. I’m told we’d like the
mutton too.” Gabrielle turned to
Xena. “You say the horse’ll be ready in
the morning?” she asked casually.
sucked in her cheeks. “That’s what I
said. In the morning.” She raised a “your move” brow.
“Ah. That’s what I thought you said.” Gabrielle broke off some bread, eyes
twinkling a silent, “What else ya got, Warrior Princess?”
glanced between the two. Their words
seemed simple enough, but she was pretty sure she hadn’t caught on to
everything being communicated. “Um, it
probably would’ve taken a lot longer, if not for Xena. There were quite a few jobs ahead of
mine. I stepped out to get some
water. When I came back ….” She grinned and shrugged. “The blacksmith said he’d make my horse a
chuckled. “Happens a lot with
Xena.” She snorted. “Must be her winning personality.”
time Moira got the humor. Smiling, she
said, “Whatever, I can’t thank her enough.
Both of you. At least now I can
…. I can ….” She sighed. “Well, I can
keep moving.”
you decided where?” Gabrielle asked.
decide in the morning.”
and Moira cocked their heads at Xena, as if trying to confirm they’d heard
… we … will?”
“Mmhm.” Xena plucked grapes from the platter and
popped a couple in her mouth. “Moira’s
gotta wait for her horse. No place
special we have to be right now. Might
as well stay here tonight.” She ate
another grape. “Decide where to go from
there in the morning. Anybody got a
problem with that?”
and Moira exchanged wide-eyed glances.
“No? Okay then.
I’m ready for that mutton.”
speaking, Gabrielle felt comfortable with her mature self. She’d long ago vanquished doubts about her
ability to survive – even triumph – in the often violent world outside
Poteidaia. To traverse the winding,
bumpy road required of Xena’s quest to atone for her past. Though now a half-century after they’d met,
they looked and felt 25 years younger, thanks to the time they’d spent frozen
in Ares’ ice cave. They’d become
legendary, but many assumed them dead.
This afforded them the luxury of settling down in the Village of Dreams
she’d established after Xena’s ultimate sacrifice in Japa, as well as the
option to continue defending the “greater good” when they chose. Or, more accurately, when it dropped in
their laps. As it did pretty much like
in the old days.
of course, still liked a good fight.
Still liked getting out and about.
Had adjusted well to traveling by wagon for “practical” reasons – the
reduced stress on aging body parts an understood, if seldom acknowledged,
bonus. Indeed, she’d mellowed in many
ways – more patience with nonviolent solutions, more acceptance of the rewards
of a life devoted more to doing the right thing because she felt like it, than
because she had to. Oh, she hadn’t
entirely lost her evil streak. Certainly
not when it came to getting on Gabrielle’s last nerve. Like now.
retired to their room. Nothing in
dinner’s superficial conversation had revealed what on earth Xena had in mind
with her cryptic comments about tomorrow.
She now prepared for bed as usual.
As usual insufferably tight-lipped when she knew Gabrielle wanted
answers. It was at moments like this
Gabrielle wished she too had changed more.
Especially her unquenchable curiosity.
Once again it would probably mean she’d have to make the first
move. And endure that insufferable
gloating regardless whether Xena had truly won.
went about her business feigning the same casualness as Xena. “You do realize I’m being gracious,” she
finally said.
could be like some other people.”
Gabrielle cut her eyes at Xena, who sat blithely brushing her hair. “Prance around chortling, ‘I win, I win.’”
both know ….” Gabrielle stared at the
back of her partner’s head. “What?”
dropped down on the bed. “What do you
mean, I win?”
caved first. No use denying it.”
frowned. Xena never gave in this
easily. Unless it was a trick. “You helped her with her horse. Invited her to dinner. Common courtesy, really. Sure, if the shoe was on the other foot, you
might consider that losing, but I wouldn’t ….” She caught herself too late.
“Gods,” she said, knocking herself in the head. “When will I ever learn.” She snorted. “I could say it’s `cause I feel sorry for you. You being so competitive and all. Attempting to go easy on that ego of
yours. If only my sense of ethics –.”
not what I’ve done.” Xena turned
around, smiling, but not with the usual glee of victory. “It’s what I’m gonna do.” She rose and joined Gabrielle on the
bed. “I wanna pull one of your
numbers. Let her travel with us
digested this news. “What brought this
on?” she asked, reaching up to check Xena’s forehead for signs of fever.
Chuckling, Xena grasped Gabrielle’s hand. “The situation she talked about? Back in Alleteon?”
told me a little more at the blacksmith’s.
It’s bad. Moira and her brother
can’t stop those goons alone. I know. I’ve been there.”
“Mm. And you know what it can take to … ‘fix’ …
things. That she could end up just as
“Yes. But if I help her …. Teach her how to do it better, maybe she can
get her home back.” Xena squeezed
Gabrielle’s hand. “And not end up like
studied her partner a moment. She
couldn’t remember seeing quite the same look – passionate, but also …
innocent. As if Xena’d dropped the
weight of so many years. Maybe returned
to the rebellious village girl before she’d lost her way.
I hear ya,” Xena guessed. “Another trip
to the past, huh? They say it’s always
with us. But maybe with a better
outcome this time? At least for
Moira?” She scooted back on the bed and
leaned forward. “I can’t explain it,
but I feel drawn to her. To this …
crossroads … in her life. Who better to
guide her? Keep her from making the
same mistakes? Not out of guilt or
anything. Because … for some reason …
I … want to.”
wasn’t sure why she’d have any reservations.
Certainly not because of their pledge to spend this time together. The eagerness on Xena’s face alone made her
desire worthwhile. And perhaps more
vulnerable? To possible
disappointment? To success that
underscored her own lost opportunities?
But wasn’t that too an important thread in the fabric of what they’d
made together? Facing challenges,
taking risks and discovering strength they wouldn’t have otherwise?
think it’s a great idea,” Gabrielle responded, cupping Xena’s face. “Win or lose, I’m with you for whatever
tomorrow brings.”
expressed surprised gratitude at breakfast, when informed she’d be welcome to
travel with the women who’d befriended her.
She also acknowledged doubts.
much as I’d love your company, I can’t ask you to put yourselves in danger for
what I have to do.” Moira admitted she
intended to buy weapons before heading out to meet up with other potential
rebels. “We don’t have experience or a
plan yet. Just commitment to try
anything until it works.”
have you ever heard tales of Xena the Warrior Princess?”
yes. That’s partly what inspired
me.” Moira frowned in puzzlement at the
other women’s silence, at the smiles apparently supposed to communicate
something important. “Xena? Surely you’re not implying ….” She stared at the woman across from
her. “She died before I was born. At least, that’s what ….” She stared at Gabrielle. “Even if not true, they’d be ….”
over canes, gumming cheese?” Gabrielle
grinned. “We’ll explain our miraculous
appearance later. For now, I assure you
it’s us. Longer in the tooth and wider
of hips, but still the real deal.”
sagged against the back of her chair, mouth open. “That … that changes everything!”
put her arm around Xena’s shoulder. “We
certainly hope so.”
tying Moira’s horse to the back of the wagon, they set out for the forest where
Moira planned to meet her fellow conspirators, a day or so ride away. Stanos would join them, hopefully with more
recruits. Gabrielle contentedly darned
tears in her extra britches, listening as Xena grilled Moira about her home
village, the warlord’s possible strength and routine. The girl hung on every word, eager to connect each question to
Xena’s thought process for devising a strategy.
main thing,” Xena advised when they stopped for a lunch break, “is what’s up
here,” she said, tapping her head. “If
you’re gonna be a decent leader.”
“Leader?” Moira nearly dropped the apple she was
eating. “Most of our recruits are
male. Most at least used to … casual …
fighting. Why would you think – .”
I said, brain counts more than brawn.
The ability to observe, take in information, be creative. Not let ego or reliance on physical prowess
get in the way of good sense.” Xena
cocked her head. “Whose idea was this –
to fight back?”
went around identifying others?” Xena
smirked. “As opposed to challenging
them to a duel first?”
ducked her head. “Mostly me.”
decided you weren’t ready yet to make your move? That you needed to get proper arms and training?”
shook her head. “Okay, I see where
you’re going. You know how guys
are. It’s hard enough getting their
respect in the romance department. Have
you any idea how hard it would be ….”
She noticed bemused expressions.
She bit her lip. “Oh. Sorry.
Silly question. I forget ….”
problem. By the time I’m finished with
ya, they won’t know what hit `em.” Xena
smirked. “Besides, there are
advantages. Gives you a certain
mystique, them not always knowing where you’re comin’ from. If you’re successful, they’ll call it
‘women’s intuition.’ You can get in
their face, scare `em with crazy talk.
‘Must be her time of the month.
Better give her space.’ When it
gets tense ….” She chuckled. “Amazing what a well-timed eye bat can do.”
laughed. “And here I’ve been playing
down my looks, for fear of pats on the butt.”
it’s not all easy. I’ll give you
that. We’ll work on your fighting
skills too. I know some techniques
especially designed for smaller folks.
They see you take down the biggest guy with a couple jabs from your
fingers, they’ll be sufficiently impressed.”
heard you could do that. This is better
than …. I can hardly wait.”
looked up from tearing off a piece of bread.
“You’d heard she could do that?”
searched Gabrielle’s face. “Sorry?”
said ‘you.’ For a moment I thought you
meant ….” She glanced at her partner.
you mean ….” Moira covered her
mouth. “Oops. Well, I suppose I did. I
mean, despite age and all …. Um, now
that I know ….” She chuckled
girlishly. “But I was talking about the
… other … Xena. The one of legends.”
raised a brow at Gabrielle.
“S’okay. She gets `em confused
sometimes. When you’ve been together
this long, you tend not to notice time’s added some gray and wrinkles.”
for the reminder.” Gabrielle scowled at
Xena. To Moira she said, “Don’t mind
me. Like she says, I’m prone to
confusion. Unfortunately, a product of
too much curiosity and an over-active imagination.” She smiled. “Same as the
Gabrielle of legend.”
the gods.” Moira sliced a piece of
cheese and handed it to Gabrielle.
“Your stories portrayed a Warrior Princess we might not have known
otherwise. Stumbling into the
flesh-and-blood Xena and Gabrielle?
Traveling with, learning from them?
I gotta be the luckiest girl in the world.”
“Mm.” Gabrielle smiled benignly. “Given your quest, maybe it’s more than
mean, like fate?” Moira considered
this. “Hmm. Wouldn’t that be neat.”
to explain what that was about?” Xena asked when Moira made a trip to the
little exchange about me and my legend.”
“Pfft. Just me being … me.”
yeah. I didn’t just pick you out of a
cabbage patch, ya know.”
“Fine. Something in her voice …. It’s like she knew you. I mean, more than a stranger.”
new about that? Wouldn’t be the first
time we met somebody and it was like we’d been friends for years.”
chuckled. “True. We do have that effect.”
snorted. “Although usually it’s
you. Tara was an aberration.”
don’t give me that. What about … um
….” Gabrielle searched through decades
of memories. “Joxer! He was yours. And Minya and Hower.” She
snickered. “For a while anyway.”
yeah. Well, lay off this one. At least she doesn’t clank, want my whip or
toss me aside for another woman in leather two minutes after professing her
profound love for me.”
laughed. “You do deserve someone
‘normal’ for a change. I’ll keep my
curiosity in check. Focus on my
legendary trust instead.”
“Good.” Xena rubbed her hands together. “Frees me to focus on my legendary
reaching the outskirts of an abandoned fort, Moira rode ahead. When she returned, she reported some 35
villagers inside. “They’re a bit
skeptical it’s really you,” she said.
“That’ll change when they see you in action.
again Gabrielle found something odd about Moira’s comment, but decided to keep
her mouth shut as promised. “Should we
meet them now?”
…. If you don’t mind, I’d rather wait
for Stanos and the others.” Moira
smiled shyly at Xena. “Maybe get some
private lessons first? Dazzle them with
my new skills?”
“Actually, not a bad idea. Good camping over there. We can talk tactics, do some drills.” Xena glanced apologetically at her
partner. “Relax in between?”
“Hmm. Shades of ‘early’ Gabrielle. Not to worry,” she added at Xena’s pained
expression. “I bought some fresh
scrolls and ink in town. Have a feeling
I’ll be scribing an interesting addendum to our ‘geezer’ adventures.”
the next two days, Gabrielle hiked a bit through the forest and lush nearby
meadows. She did some writing. Mostly she observed the two figures engaged
in various forms of martial arts. It
never ceased to amaze her how much of her youthful physical abilities her
soulmate had retained. She even
performed the few flips Gabrielle deemed permissible.
her part, Moira picked up techniques with surprising ease. Before long she parried Xena’s stick without
losing her own after three strikes.
Xena hadn’t yet taught her “the pinch” – Gabrielle suspected out of
over-sensitivity to a certain petite blonde’s feelings – but demonstrated
pressure points that would be almost as effective.
day after Stanos and his recruits arrived, Moira felt ready to introduce
Xena. Gabrielle prepared to accompany
them. Moira caught her arm.
want to come too? Won’t it be boring
for you?”
pursed her lips. “I’m usually the designated demonstration partner.”
….” Moira exchanged glances with Xena.
… uh … I figured Moira could do that.
You know, strut her stuff.”
you could work with my brother? Out
here? So the others don’t get jealous?”
allowed a conciliatory smile. “Not a
problem. Go on. I’ll be over there waiting for him.”
later, Stanos came out. He didn’t look
particularly happy for tutelage from the sidekick. Gabrielle didn’t mind.
He’d learn soon enough. Besides,
despite her best efforts, her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She discovered Stanos was a young man of few
words. He did exclaim a few times when
she whipped a stick from his hands in the blink of an eye, or when he landed on
his butt from a foot swipe he didn’t see coming.
“Whew.” He wiped his brow. “Xena’s good. She does
fancy stuff. You don’t mess
around.” He gave her an appreciative
nod. “Right to it. I like that.”
loves butt-kicking. I do it from
necessity.” Gabrielle gestured toward
her blanket. “Let’s take a break. You’ll need all your energy for the next
two sipped water and ate fruit.
“So. Everything going okay? No problems with them seeing Moira as a
was very considerate of you.”
understand you’re her older brother.”
not’ve been easy letting her be out front.”
got the brains in the family. Natural
she’d have ambitions. Me?” He shrugged. “Bein’ the farmer suited me fine.”
“Ambitions? You mean besides marriage, raising kids?”
snorted. “Nah, not the settlin’ down
type. No guys I know man enough to
order her around.”
“Huh. She seems sweet, rather shy.”
“Heh. Our recruits know better. Ones from home anyway. After Xena, they’ll all see she’s got the
right stuff.”
should have a fighting chance now. I
mean, with Xena’s help. It’s great
Moira’s getting to learn from the warrior who inspired her.”
“Yup. Grew up hearing about Xena.” Stanos absently fiddled with his sparring
stick, mind wandering back to his childhood.
“Should’ve seen the look on Moira’s face, first time we – .” His head jerked up. He gave Gabrielle a quick glance and saw her
expression of polite interest hadn’t changed.
“Um, somebody came to town. A
bard. Told stories about Xena. Never saw Moira so excited.”
“Mm. And now here they are. Together.”
yeah. Lucky, huh.” Stanos fidgeted, drumming his fingers on his
like …. What did Moira call it? Ah, yes.
Fate.” Gabrielle stretched and
prepared to rise. “Enough chatting,
eh? Why don’t we – in your words – ‘get
to it.’”
evening, Moira stayed in the fort, while her guests retired to their camp. For once Xena dominated the
conversation. She reported more
progress than expected. The novice
“troops” included rougher elements.
They took surprisingly well to her regimen and even to accepting Moira
as their leader. The two were about to
turn in when Xena realized Gabrielle’s contribution of words had been unusually
it go with Stanos? You teach him not to
underestimate wrinkled sidekicks?”
“Stanos?” Gabrielle paused in smoothing out her
bedroll. “Um, it went fine.” She smirked. “He was properly impressed.”
learn anything?” Xena rolled her eyes
at Gabrielle’s expression. “Don’t give
me that innocent look. If turnips had
blood, you’d get it out of `em.”
“Humph.” Gabrielle mentally reviewed her conversation
with Stanos, surprised at her reluctance to share it with Xena. “Let’s just say he’s a turnip when it comes
to talking.”
“Gabrielle?” Xena studied her partner. “You’re okay with this, right? You having second thoughts?”
thoughts?” Gabrielle chewed her
lip. “Why do you ask?”
stretched out on her side. “I don’t
know exactly. You seem … distant
sometimes. Like you get when you’re
holding something back.”
sighed. “We haven’t spent much time
together. I’ve been so caught up in
this …. Hadn’t occurred you might feel
a bit … left out.”
out? Because I don’t see you every
minute? Xena, that’s crazy. Especially from someone I’ve been
practically glued to longer than my last nerve.”
picked at some knotted fur on her bedroll.
“Sure, I know that.” She glanced
up. “Moira doesn’t.”
“Moira?! Did she say something?”
… um … wonders if maybe you resent her a little. You know, for taking me away from you so much.”
where’d she get that idea?”
get mad, okay? She thinks you’re
great. Appreciates your kindness and
patience. It’s just …. I guess she feels you’ve been …
reserved. Maybe … suspicious? Of her intentions?”
took a deep breath. “I feel there’s
more to her than she lets on. Not
necessarily bad. The reality is, we are
strangers. Could be she needs more time
to fully trust us.” Gabrielle smiled
wryly. “Despite our many instant
friendships.” She stretched out facing
have instincts and aren’t always sure where they’ll lead. My curiosity’s the same. Please, assure Moira I do not feel
threatened in any way.” Gabrielle
rolled over to give her soulmate a peck on the forehead. “Only one who can do that is you. Now get some rest. You may not want to
expend all your energy on your students tomorrow.”
“Yeah? Somebody else I might tire myself out on?”
rolled to her back. “That extra
credit? I am having second
thoughts about giving it up.”
sat in the shade writing down some thoughts.
She looked up to see Moira approaching.
hello there.”
hoping for some staff lessons. Xena
said you were the best.” Moira smiled
shyly. “You up for that?”
set her scroll aside. “Sure. Although Xena tends to exaggerate my
doubt that.” Moira held Gabrielle’s
eyes. “She hasn’t exaggerated anything
yet, when it comes to you.”
laughed good-naturedly. “There’s always
a first time. Even after 25
years.” She retrieved her staff and
handed Moira the stick Stanos had used.
“We’ll start with some basic moves.”
demonstrated proper grips for various offensive and defensive maneuvers. On a hunch, she spun suddenly, her staff
aimed for Moira’s head. Moira deftly
reaction,” Gabrielle said, backing off.
“For a beginner.”
do seem gifted at this kinda thing,” Moira responded with no pretense at
girlish surprise. “But I learned that
move from my sword lessons.”
“Ah. Took me several hours of drills. I wasn’t a … ‘natural.’ Like you and Xena.” Gabrielle raised her staff. “We’ll jump to something more difficult.”
few rounds later, the two dropped to the blanket and got some water.
thought Xena was rough,” Moira said after catching her breath. “Sure you weren’t trying to kill me?”
“Nooo. Contrary to perceptions you may have.”
told you?”
I’m sorry if I’ve given you the wrong impression. Xena’s happy working with you and your budding militia. That’s all that counts.”
you don’t like me.”
don’t trust you.”
blinked. “Gee. That was honest.”
it was a warning.” Gabrielle relaxed
against the tree at her back. “I’m too
old to play games with you, Moira. I
may be nice. I usually give people the
benefit of the doubt. But when it comes
to Xena, all bets are off.”
not sure what you’re getting at, Gabrielle. I assure you –.”
are worth the actions they lead to.
Yours will tell me all I need to know.”
Gabrielle smiled. “Fortunately,
we tend to draw out the best in most people.
I have faith that will be true in your case. Now,” she said getting her staff, “let’s continue making the best
of your staff work.”
left the fort later than usual. She
walked stiffly, none of the bounce from previous days. Her curt “hey” did not invite chitchat. Instead, she went about her camp routine as if
Gabrielle wasn’t there.
“Xena? Something happen today?”
tell me about it?”
a minute. I’m too …. Gotta cool down first.”
Xena finally sat across from Gabrielle, she took a few deep breaths. Her face communicated a mixture of confusion
and anger.
sure how to start this. Haven’t had
much practice lately.”
with what’s bothering you most. That
usually works.”
looked up with disappointment Gabrielle hadn’t seen in a very long time. “Not when it’s you.”
breath caught. “Me?!”
hard on Moira, don’tcha think?”
better than that. No way those were
scooted closer, startled when Xena flinched.
“Xena, honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
saw them, Gabrielle. The bruises. On her arms. Legs. She tried to hide
the others. I made her show me.”
you don’t believe I ….” Gabrielle sat
back, aghast. “I barely touched
her. I took the usual precautions. In fact, even if I hadn’t stopped in time,
she was good enough to block most –.”
you go for her head? Right off the
yes. To test her. I wouldn’t’ve made contact. She blocked that one too. See, I had a feeling she was more experienced
than –.”
jaw clenched. “I asked whether you had
a problem with this. If so, you should
take it out on me. Not her.”
listen to yourself! You’re actually
accusing me of hurting her?
Purposely? Why on earth would I
do that?”
don’t know. Doesn’t make sense.” Xena’s eyes bore into Gabrielle’s. “Surely you know there’s nothing between
mouth dropped. “Jealousy?! Have you lost your mind? Completely forgotten I’ve loved you all
these years, when anyone else would’ve gone screaming into the night after two
minutes with your stubborn, egotistical, paranoid ….. Y-y-your ….” She sputtered, brain sorting through myriad
descriptions for the woman across from her.
“…Insufferable hide!”
Gabrielle huffed, poised to continue her tirade. She glanced up to see grudging bemusement,
signaling the storm had passed. “Thank
you. Just the word I was looking
for. Not to mention ‘delusional.’” She decided to leave it at that. After all, it's not like she didn't know
the risks of keeping secrets – possibly unleashing the warrior’s imagination to
run wild.
you didn’t do it, that would mean ….”
Xena shook her head. “But why
would she? For attention? I don’t give her enough as it is?” She looked at Gabrielle, perplexed. “I’m old enough to be her …. She couldn’t possibly think …. I mean,
there’s been nothing to give her the idea ….”
don’t know, Xena. Maybe ….” Gabrielle girded herself to suggest
something she didn’t believe. “Maybe
she has uncommonly thin skin. Bruised
easily from the taps I gave her.”
“Yeah? You think?”
noted the relief on Xena’s face. “It’s
possible. An alternative to going off
the deep end.”
didn’t blame you. Seemed more
embarrassed than anything.”
“See? No need to change your attitude toward
her.” Gabrielle narrowed her eyes. “You tell her I might’ve done it
puffed up with righteous indignation.
“Of course not.”
“Riiiight. Being so trustful of your companion of lo
these many years.”
winced. “Sorry about that. Not sure what got into me.”
Gabrielle crawled over to put an arm around Xena’s waist. “This feels good to you. Everything that means anything to you – all rolled into one. Moira being the catalyst. Only natural you wouldn’t want it turning to dust.”
sighed. “You’re right, you know.” She pulled Gabrielle closer. “I am delusional. Like anyone besides you would tolerate this turnip.”
turnip.” Gabrielle playfully pinched
Xena’s nose. “It can be trying
squeezed the forgiving body in her arms.
“But not necessarily tiring?”
huh. I was tired at first. I’m not now. You?”
stared up at Xena as if the warrior actually had lost her mind. She caught a clue at the “come hither”
expression and burst out laughing. “You
truly are insufferable,” she emphasized with a swat to the midsection. “After all that, you still expect extra
gave you the right word, didn’t I?”
pulled Xena down to her bedroll. “In
our next life? I’m coming back as the
wanted to see me?”
imagined young Xena once displayed the same cockiness as Moira. “Yes.
Walk with me.”
reluctantly followed Gabrielle to a meadow filled with wildflowers. She knew they wouldn’t be doing drills but
brought her staff anyway. No telling
what Gabrielle had in mind.
isn’t it?” Gabrielle asked, rolling out a blanket and indicating for Moira to
sit. “Helps me clear my mind,
surrounded by nature’s gifts. You?”
all right. I’m more interested in you
at the moment. What you’re up to.”
simple, really.” Gabrielle stretched
out her legs. “Finding out what you’re up to.”
an ordinary peasant girl. I don’t like
being bullied. I mean to stop the
bullies. That’s about it.”
“Mm. I don’t think so. I’ve been trying to figure out what’s so odd about your
story. The lies are one thing.”
stiffened. “What’re you talking about.”
innocent girly girl intimidated by big bad boys. Slapped around by drunken louts.
Self-doubt about her leadership qualities. Her lack of fighting skills.
Knowing of Xena as only a legendary hero presumed dead.” Gabrielle raised a brow. “That little show in Alleteon? You bruise your own cheek? Like you did the rest of you after our staff
outta here,” Moira stated, getting to her feet.
… down.”
what?” Moira twirled her staff. “You gonna poke me with your gnarly finger?”
may.” Gabrielle gazed at the girl with
wry indulgence. “And when you can’t
move, I’ll tie you with pieces of your shirt.
You’re gonna listen either way.
Your choice.”
measured the older woman. She’d sensed
early on Gabrielle could be a problem.
Had kept her away from contact with the other rebels. She’d relied on Stanos not to have loose
lips. Apparently even he was no match
for Gabrielle, who sat relaxed as if the topic was butterflies and Moira merely
a specimen in her net. No fear or
uncertainty. No anger either. Only absolute, unwavering confidence. Moira had done some foolish things in her
young life, but she was no fool. She
knew she’d be one if she tested Gabrielle’s resolve.
hurt to hear what you have to say.” Moira
eased back down. “Besides, I’m curious
what you think you know.”
“Ah. Curious.
Now that’s something we have in common.” Gabrielle plucked a flower and sniffed. “Amazing, isn’t it? How
little thought some people give a wondrous thing like this. To me it’s inspiration for discovering the
essence of someone’s story.” She
returned her gaze to Moira.
“Interesting, how similar yours is to Xena’s. Like discovering you by the road with a lame horse.
once conned a man in similar fashion.
Iolaus. Best friend of
Hercules. She was building an
army. Wanted to make a name for
herself. Figured she’d do so by
eliminating Hercules, learning what she could from Iolaus. She tried to turn them against each
other. Fortunately failed. Thing is, I never wrote about that. Happened long before I met Xena. Yet it’s as if you – who weren’t even alive
then – are reprising that story. Coincidence? Fate?”
Gabrielle paused. “Plot?”
squinted at the strange woman talking to her.
“Why would you care? Why should
I care about something you came up with out of thin air?”
we both want the same thing.”
“Pfft. What’s that.”
success. Her help training you to
defeat the enemies of Alleteon.”
accuse me of lying. Say you don’t trust
me. Yet still you want to help?” Moira shook her head. “I don’t understand you.”
will. First I need to understand you. You’ve nothing to lose. With what I’ve guessed so far, I can
convince Xena to leave. The truth – the
whole truth – could mean you walk away free to do whatever you want.”
Moira rolled her staff in her hands. Part of her plan was years in the making. The other part …fate? Both could go up in smoke, depending upon the response of a has-been hero. Or, play out. Her gut said Gabrielle wanted only honesty. No strings that might tie Moira’s hands.
was a distant relative. He stayed with
my grandfather’s folks during that time he met Xena. They passed that story down – how she almost came between him and
Hercules. What Iolaus learned of Xena’s
life before. I knew since I was ten I
wanted to be like the Xena he met.”
the hero she became?”
snickered. “She didn’t spring up like
that, did she? Maybe her heart changed,
but it was her past that made her great.
You should know. You wrote about
the so-called evil people she learned from.
The dark deeds that taught her strategy and skills. Even you can’t pretend that’s separate from
who she became.”
I can’t.”
Tricinus brought his gang to Alleteon a few years ago, I knew what I had to
do. I picked up what skills I
could. Convinced the guys and a few
girls to join with me.”
Xena? How did you know she was alive?”
didn’t. Not before Trimea.” Moira grinned smugly. “Stanos and I happened
to be near there not long ago. Heard
about an older woman claiming to be Xena.
That she defeated the warlord Galates.
We found a spot on a hilltop.
Watched her whip some militias into shape. There were always rumors.
From what I saw, it seemed the real Xena was as alive as her legend.”
nodded. “You’ve kept track of us since
then. Arranged ‘bumping into’ us. Why the ruse? Why not simply ask for help?”
wanted more.” Moira raised her
chin. “A reputation. Same as she did by besting Hercules.”
you’d use her like she did Iolaus. Then
kill her.”
not? When I saw her, everything fell in
place. Payback for Iolaus. Expertise to free my home village. Going down in history as the woman who beat
Xena. Taking up where she left off when
she nearly conquered the world.”
changed. Except you. Just my luck you aren’t the knucklehead
Iolaus was.”
“Lovely.” Gabrielle steepled her hands under her chin.
“You know, it took Xena a long time to trust people. To see the good she could do with her heart, not just her
sword. You’ve brought back the time in
her life when her motives were pure.
All she wanted was to protect Amphipolis. She believes she can steer you away from the bad that happened
later, toward the good. It’s giving her
pleasure I haven’t seen quite like this.
I’d hate for her to lose that.
For her openness to bring hurt in a new way. ”
rolled her eyes. “I’d heard you were
the gullible one. Idealistic and
such. Xena’s supposed to be tough as
“Mm. What matters is that I’m her protector. Especially of her heart. It’s why I’ll allow you to play out your
sat dumbstruck. Was Gabrielle
nuts? “W-what do you mean?”
going to act as if nothing has changed.
As if this chat never happened.
Xena will continue giving you her best shot without reservations. The guidance and opportunity to do some
good. It’s up to you what you do with
it. At least she’ll know it was your
choice.” Gabrielle raised a brow. “Your … destiny?”
“Humph. You figure on turning me into a do-gooder,
like Xena?”
learned the hard way not everyone is redeemable. I once befriended an enemy soldier. He brought back an entire army to attack us.”
… you’d let me kill her?”
in your story. I’m writing this
one. I can pretty much guarantee that
is not how it’ll end.”
the next few weeks, Xena prepared the rebels for securing the safety of
Alleteon. The spies she dispatched
reported Tricinus approaching the village for his periodic stay. Two other warlords and about 100 men
accompanied him. With Xena’s
consultation, Moira divided her rebels into two primary groups. One would conduct hit-and-runs during the
enemy’s advance, the other take up defensive positions in and around
Alleteon. The dawn before mobilization,
Xena reviewed plans one last time with Moira in the little office the latter
had set up for herself.
it, then.”
chose wisely for the ambush team. It’s
an effective use of their aggressiveness and … creativity. The others are better suited to the
disciplined force we need to protect the civilians in Alleteon.” Xena smiled. “They’ll have a good leader.
I’ll be there if you need me.”
She studied Moira a moment. “Scared? Only natural if
you are.”
… not sure.” Moira brushed
her hand
across the rough map they’d drawn.
“It’s like a dream, yet my heart is racing. My brain is whirling.
Sometimes it’s all the ways the mission could go wrong. Other times I see us defeating
Tricinus.” Her index finger landed on
the tiny square representing Alleteon.
to now, it was all about how to win. I
didn’t really think about the people.
Villagers. Our militia.” Moira was silent a moment. “Our parents are dead, you know.”
I didn’t.”
and I fended for ourselves a lot. The
neighbors helped. I didn’t get very
attached to any. Not sure why, but they
looked to me when there was trouble.
You know, kids not behaving.
Somebody believing a merchant cheated them. I’ve started seeing their faces.
Feeling a connection I hadn’t before.
A … responsibility. I figured
it gave me an advantage, focused only on what we had to do. Objectivity, I guess. Isn’t that better for a commander? Not letting emotional stuff get in the way?”
dropped down into a desk chair. “Caring
started me on my path. Wanting to
protect my family. Amphipolis. It gave me the motivation and courage. After our success, I cared too much. Sought to stop intruders at the expense of
other villages. Justified my actions as
on behalf of my kinsmen. On behalf of
myself as their ‘protector.’ After
awhile, I lost sight of the faces in a blur of conquests. Friends and foes alike. I lost sight of myself as more than my best
weapon. When I stopped caring ….”
leaned across the desk. “You became the
greatest commander known.”
a monster.”
hard set to Xena’s face pushed Moira back.
She hadn’t seen that before. Not
in their discussions of warfare. Or
about the qualities of strong leadership.
It occurred to her they hadn’t really discussed punishment much. Instead, Xena had given tips for positive
motivation, rewarding exemplary behavior, meting out fair justice.
don’t believe in whipping a man for disobedience? Making an example of some uncooperative villager? When that’s what’ll work?”
Destroyer of Nations, yes. I did what
was easiest. Casualties be
damned.” Xena cocked her head. “Thought we were talking basic defense of a
village. Maybe a militia.”
bit her lip. “Uh, y-yeah. Sure.
Of course. I was just –.”
as I was saying, it begins with caring.”
Xena’s eyes softened.
“Hopefully, you’ll still care when it’s over. As to whether you could be a great commander as well ….” She gazed at her hands. “I’m not one to speak on that.”
um, don’t want to?”
tried it.”
frowned. “You cared after your … dark …
period, right? You care now. You became – still are – one of the greatest
“Yes. Warrior.
You need an army to earn reputation as a commander – great or
otherwise. Monster or hero. Live with them over a long period. Constantly consider their needs, their every
action, even their thoughts. I didn’t
want that any more. Or to rule the
world. Didn’t trust myself with that
much power again. As a warrior, caring
has inspired me to do the impossible. I
couldn’t – haven’t – asked for more.”
regarded the map again, this time the territory surrounding Alleteon. She’d already imagined the army required for
control. The commander with vision and
expertise to conquer it. Ideally no
faces getting in the way. Certainly not
the one across from her.
great warrior. That’s enough for
you. Gotcha.” Moira squared her shoulders.
“Okay, then, let’s do this. I’m
as ready as I’m gonna get.”
surprise attacks had gone well. By the
time they reached the outskirts of Alleteon, the warlords’ troops had been
reduced considerably, while the ambushers suffered only one loss. As Xena and Gabrielle monitored the
situation outside, Moira sat alone in the inn pondering her choices.
had witnessed bickering among the warlords.
Apparently they disagreed on Alleteon’s value, given the escalating
price for its occupation. Moira could
wait them out in hopes they’d simply walk away. Of course, they could lay siege
and wait for the village to succumb.
Some of the elders had suggested negotiation. The warlords could stay on occasion, if they followed rules and
paid for services. Otherwise they would
face armed resistance. But if this
enemy had been truly weakened, the militia could take the battle to them. Defeat – possibly wipe them out – once and
for all.
Sis.” Stanos joined Moira. “Enemy’s pulled up at the road in. Some’ve fanned out so it’s hard to leave
that way. Farmers can’t get in for
think so. More like a standoff. Waiting to see our next move.” Stanos leaned forward conspiratorially. “The strike force wants to hit `em now. Get rid of Tricinus. Maybe pick up some deserters. Could be the beginning of that army you always
wanted to build. Those not up for it
could stay on for a militia. The rest
could move out to … protect … the area.”
Stanos grinned. “For a small
Xena? She have anything to say?”
huh. That’s the best part. Said to tell you she’s ready to help
however. Negotiation. All-out battle. Even fight Tricinus one-on-one.”
relaxed back. “Seems once the leader’s
gone, she can convince his troops to leave Alleteon alone.”
gazed at the ceiling. She was so
close. She truly believed they could
prevail without any heroics from Xena.
Indeed, a victory like this could launch her quest to become
Xena. But not if Xena saved the
day. On the other hand, Xena might fail
in her combat with Tricinus. Die then
or “accidentally” later. At the least,
lose face. Open the way for Moira to
assume a legend’s mantle.
snorted softly. Finally paying
attention to how little she understood Xena.
Why the warrior would risk her life for Alleteon. But, then, even an aged Xena was a pretty
good bet to win. And then what? Allow Moira to take command of the enemy
forces? Expect her to resume life as a
peasant girl, except with newly acquired battle skills, content playing war
games with a village militia? Continue
as an apprentice at Xena’s side?
it gonna be? Your troops’re waiting for
“I know. Hold your horses.” Moira briefly closed her eyes, replaying the scenario she’d aspired to for so long. Herself proudly astride a magnificent stallion, warriors lined up behind, fires in the background blazing her glory. Xena no more than ashes left behind by another greatest of the greats. “Assemble the elders and noncombatants,” she said, pushing her chair back. “We must spare no one in sending the message Alleteon is through being up for grabs.”
sat tall in the saddle, enemy defectors lined in front, her troops behind. No Tricinus. No Xena. No blazes to
signal her conquest. She basked instead
in the sun at her back. The murmurs of
admiration. All eyes upon the slender
figure who had managed the unimaginable.
Everyone awaiting her command.
It was if time had stilled, heightening her every sense – the heartbeat
in her ears, the tingling on her skin, her sight turned inward to realize she’d
achieved the same outside.
this was it. The feeling of a dream
come true. As fleeting as hard won. A moment worth savoring. Sharing.
Satisfying better dreams. Xena
had been right: the faces made it
did it!” Moira raised her fist in
triumph. “Let the celebration begin!”
thunderous roar greeted her words. The
crowd surged around her, dancing and shouting her name. She remained mounted, searching. Finally caught sight of the two women she
sought, easing their way toward the stables.
The din drowned out her call to them.
They seemed to know anyway. They
turned and smiled. The shorter one gave
the “okay” sign. The taller one raised
two thumbs. Moira prized that moment
even more. She saluted it as one might
the making of a legend.
clear, warm late afternoon wrapped the wagon occupants in comfortable
serenity. Sounds of conflict and
confusion faded into recent memory.
Honeysuckle vanquished lingering scents of sweat and toil. To souls who’d weathered many winters, the
wonder and renewal of nature in spring would always bring the breath of fresh
smirked at Xena’s profile. “You’ve
earned it.”
“Hmm?” Xena glanced up from the reins in her
hand. “Earned?” Her puzzlement morphed to anticipation. “Ahhh.”
She began scanning for a suitable rest stop.
rolled her eyes. “Not that. Not yet anyway.”
did good. So good, you lost the bet and
still won. Insufferableness well
makes you think I’m having a bout now?”
were smiling. No doubt congratulating
yourself on your good deeds.”
“Mm. In that case, I’ll take a rain check. Add to whatever else I’ve earned.” Xena’s eyes twinkled before turning serious. “Actually, I was thinking how lucky I am.”
“Oh? The chance to help Moira?”
like … the chance to … enjoy it. Felt …
rested her head on Xena’s shoulder.
“I’m glad.”
by the way.”
what? Softening her up for ya with my
bumped heads. “You know what I
mean. For helping it stay clean.”
chuckled. “Smarty pants. When did you first suspect?”
horse shoe. No ‘accident’ then either.”
you played along because …?”
smirked. “Curiosity. You don’t have a lock on that, ya
know.” She cut her eyes at her
soulmate. “The danger to Alleteon
seemed real enough. Her desire to do
something. If I could help her – the
village – why not?”
kept waiting for your skepticism to kick in.
At first I thought it a trick.”
Gabrielle cut her eyes at her soulmate.
“You know, win the bet somehow?
Wait for my curiosity to kick in?”
“Nah. Figured I’d play you this time. Give `er the benefit of the doubt.” Xena sucked in her cheeks. “Until those bruises. I wasn’t really mad at you, so much as
myself – playing the patsy. At her, for
implicating you. Shook the belief, the
generous spirit I’d worked so hard on.
If I forced her hand, I might lose her.
Maybe lose my willingness to care.”
“Heh. So you left it up to me to play you?” Gabrielle snickered. “Talk about patience. You have no idea how close I came to
knocking her silly.”
could tell you picked up on something.
Pretense and all.” Xena gave a
sheepish grin. “Yours, I mean. But if
there was good in her, figured you’d pick up on that too.” Xena reined in the horses. “Ready for a break?” she asked,
stretching. “My bladder could sure use
with ya there.”
They climbed down to visit the bushes. After, they unfurled a blanket and took out travel rations.
of curiosity, I noticed Moira chatted with you a little. Before she took on Tricinus. Some last pearls of wisdom from her mentor?”
… um …offered my services. Should they
be needed.”
narrowed her eyes. “Such as?”
“Humph. Will ya look at that.” Xena displayed a wormhole in her apple. “Knew I shouldn’t turned my back on that
produce guy. Wonder how much other
rotten stuff he pawned off on us,” she groused, pawing through their bag of
can inspect every leaf of lettuce. It
won’t get you out of answering my question.”
not a bad idea.” Xena picked up a head
of lettuce. “I’m surprised at you. You’re usually so picky about – .”
“Yeah?” Xena looked up innocently. “Oh, right.
Your question. Sorry. You know how single-minded I can get when I
see –.”
okay. Sheesh! It was nothing, really.
I’d be her point person, whatever she decided. You know, the usual.
Negotiating. Leading the
troops.” Xena lowered her head. “Duke it out with Tricinus,” she mumbled.
see.” Gabrielle crossed her arms. “Mighty cooperative of you. Especially if she wanted you …out of the
of the way?” Xena blinked. “Why, whatever do you mean?”
rolled her tongue in her cheek. “I
didn’t just pick you out of a turnip patch.
If you figured she wasn’t all sweetness and light, you must’ve figured
she didn’t need you around to steal her thunder. Benefit of the doubt notwithstanding.”
“Why? You scare her into confessing?” Xena ruffled her partner’s hair. “I do so love when you get all
protective.” She snickered at
Gabrielle’s low growl. “Even when I’m
close to snapping your last nerve.”
scooted over and lay with her head in Gabrielle’s lap – usually an effective
ploy for mitigating killer instincts.
it occurred to me. But if she was
having any jitters …. Who better to
step in? Keep things from escalating
unnecessarily. Or people getting hurt
for no reason. Besides, we both knew
I’m tough to get rid of. If she planned
on me having an ‘accident’ after ….”
Xena shrugged. “So be it.”
for her she listened to you.”
to me?”
villagers gathering tipped me off. I
surmised we were in for one of your creative solutions. If I’d seen you strolling out to duel
Tricinus instead? I swear, Xena, I
might’ve whacked your old hide before he had the chance.”
“Yeah?” Xena reached up to tweak Gabrielle’s nose.
“Another way to get your hands on me?
Ooo, kinky.”
“Grrr.” Gabrielle chewed her lip, regretting how
hard it was to wring Xena’s neck when the silver-streaked head lolled there as
if already on a platter.
it was her idea.” Xena smugly nestled
more comfortably into Gabrielle’s lap.
“The villagers, I mean. Using me
would’ve been easier.” She sighed
contentedly. “I knew she’d be okay when
she said the easiest way wasn’t always right.”
“Wow. She learn that from you?”
had a chat about it at the fort. Seems
she concluded Alleteon would be better off standing up to Tricinus as a united
front. Better than a hero they depended
on to save them. Or a substitute for
Tricinus – good intentions or not. A
risk, but it worked. Between what
promised to be an effective militia and rebellious civilians, Tricinus found
himself in a place not worth the effort.”
she got the credit. No ancient Warrior
Princess in the way. You know, she dreamed of patterning herself after the
‘early’ you. Think she’s given up on
snorted. “What? Be more like the ‘new’ me?” She gazed out at the darkening sky. “Not sure she understands who that is. Said she knew I’d become a ‘sucker for
victims,’ but figured I’d have the same bloodlust when it came to battle
stuff. The advice on nonviolent tactics? Really surprised her.”
combed her fingers through Xena’s hair.
“That was pretty special – getting tutelage from the legendary Warrior
“Mm. That puzzled her too. Trying to penetrate her thick skull before
it was too late? Giving her the chance
I didn’t take at her age?” Xena
snorted. “Not sure she has your empathy
when it came to understanding why.” She
frowned. “Something funny I missed?”
“Okay. B-but I gotta know somethin’ first.”
I’ll snatch every one of your gray hairs out after? Keep stalling, you’ll find out.”
rain check.” Xena grinned up with
possibly her most insufferably insufferable expression. “That still on?”
asked if my help was part of atoning for mistakes. I said n-no.” Xena could
barely contain herself. “She … she
asked why. `You’ve f-f-finally done
enough? Was this ….’” Eyes streaming, she managed to cough out,
“`W-was this f-f-for extra credit?’
scowled down at the woman doubled over in her arms, renowned for cashing in on
defeat, somehow surviving innumerable brushes with death. It occurred to her how often she – like
everyone else – overlooked that her soulmate actually did win more with brains
than brawn. Smiling wryly, she allowed
her love to bubble up along with the laughter now equally difficult to
deny. Soon both women rolled on the
ground like schoolgirls who’d earned free passes to a recess they could enjoy
as long and however their tested hearts desired.
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