Logo created by Lucia
This site was created and is maintained by MaryD
January 2000
Xenaverse News Previews |
31 January
- Added 28 screengrabs from the previews of Eternal Bonds. (Updated by Carol & Judi)
- Added 161 screengrabs from God Fearing Child. (Updated by Carol & Judi)
- Added my thoughts about Tom's Xena Page passing into history and the plans for AXIP - Editorial - 31 January 2000
If you find a broken link or you are a bard who posts here and you need your email changed, can you please contact Shari on shaz@shaztilz.com. Shari helps me around AXIP infixing bad links and other errors that pop up.
The following story by T. Novan is an absolute beauty. It's a Uber with a twist - it's Xena an immortal (a vampire) who mourns the death of her Gabrielle until she finds the reincarnated Gabrielle in a most unlikely place. A fantastic read.
- Added Not As Long As I'm Around by T. Novan
- Added report by Joseph Connell on the Bard Brunch
30 January
- Updated Season 5 Rumours Section and Episode Information with two new episodes
I am very pleased to announce the addition of Ambyrhawke Shadowsinger to The Bard's Corner
- Added Keystones in a Tapestry by Ambyrhawke Shadowsinger
- Added The Claiming of Ford - Log 15 by T. Novan
- Added Xena - Another Season 5 - Call To Arms by Andreas Hloupy
- Added The Joining - Part 5 by Kamouraskan
- Added Backstage by Cat
- Added a new copy of Laguna Nights - Chapter 18 by Carole Giorgio
(my copy was corrupted on the way up to the server)- Reposted Making Strides by Tonya Muir
- Reposted Wounded by Tonya Muir
- Reposted With Faltering Steps by Tonya Muir
- Reposted Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained by Tonya Muir
- Added Each and Every Day by Tonya Muir
- Added new cartoon to Xena and Gabrielle Little Adventures
XIP Artwork Update
(Updated by Dee)
- Added new artwork by Firefly
- Added new artwork for the Subtext Zone by Firefly
- Added new work by Scott King
29 January
Mr Potato Head Goes Bowling!
During the recent convention - which I was unable to attend - I sent my proxy along at several venues...well here are some pics of my "proxy" enjoying himself. BTW His name is Horatio and he had big shoes to fill <vbg> Also Little Horatio...you could say Son Of Horatio went along too...stored away in a convenient place..his bum! Many thanks to JuneBug for carrying him over and for nlivin for the photos! And yes there is a little of sanity left in me after three years in the Xenaverse but not much! <vbg>AXIP Poll of the Week
(You can only Vote Once - it won't allow you to vote more than once)
Which Ted Raimi Character Do You Prefer?
- Added XIPPY Award Winners for this week
- Added a revised version of The Angel Gabriel - Part 4 by Gabby Kat
- Added Gagrielle and the Worrier Princess by Archaeobard
- Added The Joining - Parts 3 and 4 by Kamouraskan
- Added Laguna Nights - Part 18 by Carole Giorgio
I just found out one of my favourite bards has his own site up! Way to go Leonard! Check out L. Fox's Fanfic Site and also it contains some of the best montages I've seen, created by Marcella R Wiggins http://www.gabbyfan.com/
- As a special treat and an anniversary of 3 years in the Xenaverse FanFic world, Marcella has created this wonderful tribute poster for Leonard.
Also another bard has made a very welcome return online - Sharon Bowers has returned!
Check out her website
http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Workshop/6715/Just a reminder - If you haven't caught up with this series I highly recommend you do. It's a brilliant Uber series. It's written by three of my favourite authors - XWPFanatic, Tonya Muir and T Novan. You can catch the latest episodes on the mailing list - get info on the mailists from http://members.xoom.com/tmuir/expchannel.html or catch the reruns on the Official Exposure Web Site
- Added Exposure - Episode 15 by XWPFanatic, T. Muir and T. Novan
- Added Exposure - Episode 16 by XWPFanatic, T. Muir and T. Novan
28 January
- Updated Season 5 Rumours Section
27 January
I think a clarification is in order - I've received too many emails from distressed people who think that G&J will become a couple according to the latest blurb from the interview with Rob Tapert. Folks the interviewer asked Rob if he will use Lucy and Renee in another project once Xena is finished. Rob wasn't referring to XWP but after XWP finishes after Season 6.
From a recent interview with Rob Tapert about the future and after XWP is finished.
Q. Would you want to do something else with Lucy and Renee?Tapert: Of course I'd love to do something with any of them. I pitched a show to Renee and Ted [Raimi, who plays Joxer,] about them as a couple. A silly comedy. And they laughed, but that was more of an off-the-cuff thing.
Read the whole article at http://www.scifi.com/sfw/current/interview.html
- Added a Sword and Staff Update
- Added a funny Subaru Xena Postcard
New additions to The Bard's Corner: David S. Christian
- Added Of Glyphs and Gods - Part 1 by David S. Christian
- Added a revised version of Inner Darkness - Part 7 by Protek
- Added The Angel Gabriel - Part 4 by Gabby Kat
- Added Irrefutable Evidence - Part 2 by CN Winters
- Added The Joining - Part 1 and 2 by Kamouraskan
- Added Sometimes, You Really Bug Me by Archaeobard
Added Take Time Out - Part 7 by RJ
The Adventures of Dori of Amphipolis
Added two new cartoons to the section - Bath Time and Bath Time #2
26 January
- Melissa Good has this absolutely gorgeous photo of Xena, Gabrielle and the baby from God Fearing Child (not Seeds of Faith)- check it out - it's in 8 x 10 mode
http://www.merwolf.com/family.jpg- Updated Season 5 Information for God Fearing Child with TV Guide mini synopsis and picture of X&G with baby
- Updated Season 5 Information for Married with Fishsticks
- Added new montage and review for Lyre Lyre Hearts on Fire
Convention Reports
- Added a revised Little Xena and Little Gabrielle (based on Lucia's artwork)
by Susan A.R. Cote- Added It's In the Subtext Gabrielle by Lawlsfan
- Added a revised version of Ars Amandi by Spqr
New Xena Mailing List
I don't run this list but I like the sound of it.
This is a list for committed fans of Xena Warrior Princess. What's allowed are posts that support Xena: Warrior Princess, the Xenastaff, and their vision. Constructive criticism of the show is encouraged. Be as serious or silly as you like.
What is NOT allowed is flaming of other members, the show, the Xenastaff, or the vision of the Xenstaff. They work hellishly hard to give us great entertainment. Let's celebrate that!
To subscribe go to:
25 January
- Updated Season 5 Episode Information for God Fearing Child
- Added montage and review of Seeds of Faith
Lucia has created this great cartoon of Angel Callisto and the baby to go with my skit "No Vacancy".
- Added new bard to The Bard's Corner - Susan A.R. Cote
- Added Little Xena and Little Gabrielle (based on Lucia's artwork) by Susan A.R. Cote
- Added Seeded by Kamouraskan
- Added Love's Rendition - Chapters 21-22 (final) by Tragedy88
24 January
- More con news - check out Season 5 Rumours section
- Added 137 screengrabs from Punch Lines are now available, along with 36 previews of next weeks God Fearing Child. (Updated by Carol & Judi.)
- Added montage for Little Problems
23 January
- News from the convention - Season 5 Rumours!
- UK Xena News (Many thanks to Sinead Bevan for the news)
According to Sky Teletext Season 5 of Xena starts 22 March on Sky One in the UK. Folks should note that this is a Wednesday [Xena has always previously been on a Saturday]. Also still no plans for Sky to screen The Way.
- Added Many Roads to Travel - Part 2 by Karen Surtees and Pruferblue
- Fixed link to The Angel Gabriel - Part 3 by Gabby Kat
- Added Love's Rendition - Chapters 16 to 20 by Tragedy88
22 January
6th Season Xena Confirmed by Rob Tapert
News of a 6th season has been around the xenaverse since last year. Sharon Delaney first broke the news, then Lucy stated that she would like to do a sixth season. Now comes confirmation from the man that should know - Rob Tapert. In a recent article about Cleopatra 2525 in USA Today (20 January 2000), the article stated that As for Xena, the show is in its fifth season and has an order for a sixth, but beyond that, Lawless, who recently gave birth, ''would be suicidal at the notion of a seventh,'' Tapert says. ''But we'll see what happens.'' If you would like to read the full article you can read it at:
- Updated The Xena Float 2000 Page
- Here is an interesting survey
What do fans like most about the show and its fanfic?
To voice your opinion go to http://www.misterpoll.com/poll.wga?id=63775240
- Added Keola's Story by Jim Kuntz
- Added And It's Only Love by Kamouraskan
- Added The Tribe That Time Forgot - Part 3 by Teagen2
- Added Dark Comes The Morning - Part 24 by Melissa Good
- Added Misunderstandings by Marion Tuttle
- Added new cartoon to Xena and Gabrielle's Little Adventures
XIP Artwork Update
(Updated by Dee)
- Added new artist - Firefly
- Added new artwork by Firefly
- Added artwork for the Subtext Zone by Firefly
- Added artwork by Encarnación
21 January
- Added 30 screengrabs from ET - January 20, 2000 featuring Cleo 2525 along with a few pics of Lucy & Julius. (Updated by Carol and Judi)
20 January
Attention Aussies:
Channel 7 will be screening a Blooper show this Friday night - it will feature Xena bloopers!
Check your local guides for times.Fanfic recommendations:
If you haven't read Love's Rendition by Tragedy88 may I suggest you do. It's a fantastic story. It's not finished yet - it's a work in progress and if you don't mind reading in parts it's
an absolute beauty of a storyAnother story which I love is Hope's Path by Carrie Carr. Check them out. They are well worth the read.
- Added Exposure - Episode 14 by XWPFanatic, T. Muir and T. Novan
- Added The Claiming of Ford - Log 14 by T. Novan
- Added The Gabrielle Effect - Act lll by Kamouraskan
- Added Hope's Path - Part 4 by Carrie Carr
- Added Take Time Out - Part 6 by RJ
19 January
- Updated Season 5 Rumours Section
- Updated Season 5 Information Page
- The movie 'Army of Darkness" starring Bruce Campbell will be shown on the Sci Fi channel in the US tonight, Jan. 18th, at 7:00 P.M. and again at 11:00 P.M.
(Many thanks to Char for that alert)
- Added scan from TV Guide (Canada) - January 22-28, 2000 (Seeds of Faith write up and a gorgeous photo of X&G hugging
- Awarded this week's XIPPY Awards
- Added A Thousand Smiles by Archaeobard
- Added Love's Rendition - Chapter 10 by Tragedy88
18 January
- Since I've been asked about this I thought I would add it here.The reference to HCNB in Lucy's letter to the fans stands for Hard Core Nut Ball. Lucy coined this phrase back in 1996.
- Updated Lucy News and Xenaverse news with Lucy's message
- Added No Vacancy (Seeds of Faith skit) by MaryD
- Updated Dark Comes The Morning - Part 23 by Melissa Good
- Added Our Reunion - Part 24 by Jenah
- Added A Solstice Treaty - Part 2 by Linda Crist
- Added A Warrior’s Unconditional Love by Teagen2
To celebrate Argo we announced the Argo Poetry/Story/Artwork contest. The contest closes on 15 February 2000. That means that you still have time to enter. There are prizes for:
Best Argo Poem
Best Argo Short, Short Story (2500 words or less) (Gen)
Best Argo Short, Short Story (2500 words or less) (Alt)
Best Argo Story (Gen)
Best Argo Story (Alt).
Best Tribute to Tobias in Poem or StoryARTWORK
Best Digital Image
Best Non-digital Image (i. e., sketch, painting, etc.)
Best Children's Submission (12 years old and under)
Best Tobias Artwork
For further information and details on the contest visit:http://www.poky.net/xena/argo/contest.html
We would like to extend our special thanks to Dixie Harrison, Webmaster: Xena Online Resources, for her generosity and support for the Argo Contest.
Sponsored by:
Hecate and JacQuest, Argo and Friends at the Ultimate Xena Cookbook
MaryD, Australian Xena Information Page
Lynka, Lynka's Xena Page
Felioness, Tales from the Children of Xena and Gabrielle
- The San Antonio Express-News (San Antonio, TX) published an interview with Renee in the SA Life Section on January 10, 2000. Its a great interview and Renee tells how she spent New Year's Eve.
Ask and it shall be given - Judith just sent me the transcript :-)
San Antonia Express-News - Interview with Renee O'Connor
17 January
new message from Lucy via Sharon Delaney
I sent Lucy and Rob a note on what fans all over the world had been doing in celebration of Julius' birth and she asked me to pass along the message below. Sharon
Time and again you guys have given generously to charities in our names, this time on behalf of Julius. Once again, you find us "gobsmacked" (Kiwi for speechless). I don't know how to thank you. I really don't. I guess I always feel so abundantly blessed in this life that I don't like to receive gifts, particularly as I know that every cent you all spend is money hard earned. The fact that you have stood by us through thick and thin and tuned in every week for 5 years is greater fidelity than many marriages enjoy. I cannot convey to you how deeply touched Rob and I are by your kindness in raising over $20,000 for charities around the world in the name of our son.
Whenever I feel myself on the horns of a moral dilemma, I try to remind myself of a maxim I wish to live by: "spread more Joy." It helps me choose the right direction even if, in the short term, it seems the least profitable option. This is what you have done.
At the risk of seeming repetitious, you inspire me.
God Bless HCNBs,
Yours truly,
Lucy Lawless
- Screengrabs from Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire are now available, along with previews of next weeks Punch Lines. There is a Special Treat AVI <g> of the closing credits of Lyre. This avi is around 50 secs in length and 6.9mb and will give you a perfect feel for this episode. It also has a "classic Lucy" appearance in the end that just shows you that she is very secure with herself <g> (Updated by Carol and Judi)
- Updated Episode Information for Lyre Lyre Hearts on Fire
- New AXIP logo designed by William is now up on the main page.
- Added article 10 Things You Never Knew about Renee O'Connor - Xpose #42
- Added transcript from LA Times - Lucy Lawless - Queen of Camp (LA Times)
- Added transcript from LA Times - The Mother of All Warrior Princesses
- Added a revised Dead Fall by Anne Azel
- Added The Final Solution - Part 2 by Willowluvyr
- Added My Life as a Sorceress by Willowluvyr
- Added Attention Shoppers by Lawlsfan
- Added Laguna Nights - Chapter 17 by Carole Giorgio
16 January
- Added Lucia's baby cartoon to Season 5 Episode Information for Seeds of Faith
- Xena episodes on DVD on sale in the UK
TV Zone #123 (Feb 2000) issue says that Xena episodes will be sold in the UK on DVD. The first DVD will be Orphan of War/Remember Nothing + outtakes and they will be available for purchase March 27. The cost will be £15.99 (approx $30-$40 AUS). They will be issued by Universal.
(Many thanks to Brenda for that news)Liz Wilson has a screengrab from the TV3 Millenium special that featured Lucy. She is wearing what appears to be her new costume (which looks like the old one to me (the pregnancy one). Check it out!
- Lucia has drawn a special cartoon...only if you really want to be spoilt
Lucia's "Who's The Daddy" Cartoon to Page 3I am very pleased to announce the addtion of Kelly Noble to The Bard's Corner
- Added The Stalker by Kelly Noble
- Added Full Circle by Blue (story was run over by another story called Full Circle)
- Added The Angel Gabriel - Part 3 by Gabby Kat
- Added Love's Rendition - Parts 1 to 9 (Unfinished) by Tragedy88
- Added Eye of the Storm book cover by Linda C
- Added Hurricane Watch book cover by Linda C
14 January
- Updated Season 5 Information for Lyre Lyre Hearts on Fire with new pic
- Added article from The Hollywood Reporter about the Xena Webisode on the Web
- You can win an autographed 8 x 10 of Lucy from TV Online by going to their site and entering their Be My Celebrity Valentine Sweepstakes Unfortunately only US residents can play.
- Lucy's name has appeared in the New York Times World Almanac.Lucy is listed among the noted personalities - Entertainers of the Present. Just her name, place of birth and date of birth. Many thanks to KT for that news
- Added this week's XIPPY Awards
- Added The Claiming of Ford - Log 13 by T. Novan
- The link for CL Bactad's story Southern Comfort is now working
- Added Second Thoughts by Lucia to Xena and Gabrielle's Little Adventures
13 January
- Added animated gif from Seeds of Faith - Please be warned: Contains major spoilers
RipOff Alert
Some fans who have ordered from the Official Xena/Hercules Catalog have been charged $72(US) for merchandise that have not been ordered. The company doing this is called
MWI Essentials. If you have ordered from this company please check your credit card statements. It appears they are charging this amount EVERY month. You can ring them on 1-800-313-3540 if you have been charged this amount.Creation Entertainment has released a statement about this today:
There have been a number of posts regarding a company charging fees to credit card accounts after orders are placed from a Hercules/Xena catalog. We want everyone to know this is not happening from the Creation Mail Order Catalog. We do not EVER share this private information with ANYONE and NEVER WILL.
Adam Malin/Gary Berman
Creation Entertainment
- For Aussie Xenites:
Channel 7 are screening "The Adventures of the Black Stallion" at 4:45 am - January 19. Lucy was a guest star in this show and played a horse trainer. The name of the episode that she appeared is called "Riding The Volcano". TV Week doesn't state which episode will be filmed so it's to set the VCR!
Many thanks to Mark Allen for the alert
- Sam Raimi, the other half of Renaissance Pictures would love to direct the new Spiderman movie! Click here to read newspaper article
- Added message from the Century Awards Staff about the poll and how to submit some feedback to Lucy and Renee to Xenaverse News
- Added spqr to The Bard's Corner Index
- Added Amandi by spqr
- Added Irrefutable Evidence - Part 1 by CN Winters
12 January
I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of Cleopatra 2525 and I found this EXCELLENT web site. Check this out! http://redrival.com/cleopatra2525/
Xena News
News for Isreali Xenites (from Mikee PM)
Well there's a rumor going on that YES, the satellite broadcasting company will air Xena's fifth season around June 2000. Yesterday I Spoke with Mr. Rosenthal, Assistant CEO at YES. He said they're neither buying Xena nor negotiating a buy. Advice for Israeli Xenites: if you have friends abroad, ask them to tape Xena eps for you. At this rate we are not getting any Xena anytime soon.
- Added Dead Fall by Anne Azel (new Murder Mystery Uber Series)
- Added Legend of the Last Amazon - Part 11 by Fantimbard
- Added The Tribe That Time Forgot - Part 2 by Teagen2
- Updated information for Punch Lines
- Updated information for Eternal Bonds
- Updated information for Married with Fishsticks
- Updated Season 5 Rumours from SFX Magazine interview with Ted Raimi
11 January
I am very pleased to announce two new additions to The Bard's Corner - Linda Crist and Kerry McCommon.
Linda's first story on TBC is absolute corker! It's also an huge epic of a story that is 803k in length so settle back in a comfy chair with munchies and drinks because I'm sure you will enjoy this story as much as I did.Kerry's first story is a Uber/SciFi piece which I enjoyed a great deal - I love scifi.
- Added Linda Crist and Kerry McCommon to The Bard's Corner Index Files
- Added March the 16 by Linda Crist
- Added A Solstice Treaty - Part 1 (sequel to March the 16) by Linda Crist
- Added Tango by Kerry McCommon
- Added The Heart of a Queen by LJ Maas
- Added Forests of Eyulf: Instincts of Blue - Parts 5 and 6 by Tammy
- Added Many Roads to Travel - Part 1 by Karen Surtees and Pruferblue
- Added Night and Day - Part 10 by JuneBug
- Added Simple Pleasures by Lawlsfan
- Added Storm Front - Part 7 by Bel-wah
- Added Take Time Out - Part 5 by RJ
10 January
For all those people waiting to find out who the daddy is in Seeds of Faith...Go here
Screengrabs from Seeds of Faith are now available, along with previews of next weeks Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire. (Updated by Carol and Judi)
9 January
Good news for Houston Xenites:
I've just been told that the show will be shown January 15 at 10 pm Saturday instead of January 20 :-) Many thanks to JB for the news
- Renee will be appearing in The NYPD Blue episode "Oscar, Meyer, Wiener" will be airing on FX on Friday January 14, 2000 in the US 8:00 pm est.
Many thanks to Elizabeth Wood for the alert
- New Zealand's Woman's Day magazine "The special collector's Issue" saluted Lucy in this issue. They chose it's candidates from prominent kiwis who are proud to be New Zealanders. Lucy is listed under "Actress". You can read the article on Liz Wilson's site http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~swim/womansday9.htm
- Another Season 5 - Episode 11 - Of Cats and Demons by Andreas Hloupy
- Added Dark Comes The Morning - Part 23 by Melissa Good
- Added Our Reunion - Part 23 by Jenah
- Added Played Real Good for Free by Kamouraskan
- Added If Wishes Were Horses - Part 5 (final) by Heather
- Added The Claiming of Ford - Log 12 by T Novan
- Added Teach Me Everything You Know by Lawlsfan
8 January
Results from the Poll of the Week: Are you enjoying Season 5?
Yes: 711 votes
No: 129 votesNew Poll
Who is the father of Xena's Child? Click Here To Vote!
- Updated Season 5 Episode Information for Kindred Spirits
Attention Houston Xenites
Houston Xenites will see Seeds of Faith - January 20, 2000 at 2:00 am. Many thanks to JB for that update.
- The following News is from Liz Wilson in NZ
Lucy makes a very select group NZ women - including Prime Minister Helen Clark, singer Kiri Te Kanawa and discus thrower Beatrice Faumuina in the latest Womans Day http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~swim/womansday9.htm
- Added Exposure - Episode 13 by XWPFanatic, T Muir and T. Novan
- Added I Remember by Archaeobard
7 January
- Added more scans from The Hollywood Reporter special issue on the 100th episode of Xena
The XIPPY Awards will be up later today
- Added Nipple IV – Therein Lies the Nub by Archaeobard
- Added Should I Stay, Or Should I Go by Archaeobard
- Added So Brave.. by Gabby Kat
- Added Generation Gap by Teagen2
- Added The Tribe That Time Forgot - Part 1 by Teagen2
- Added this week's installment of Xena and Gabrielle Little Adventures - Fixing The Sais
6 January
Season 5 Episode Information & Rumours
Seeds of Faith is the 100th episode - even though it's the 99th episode airred, it seems TPTB take the 100th episode as the episode that has been filmed. I don't understand this logic but that is what it's about.
- Updated Information for Seeds of Faith
- Updated information for Lyre Lyre Hearts on Fire
- Updated Information for Kindred Spirits
- The Xena Palace will be holding a chat with two members of the "Xena Live!" cast! The chat will be with Amy Matheny (producer/Gabrielle) and Elizabeth Laidlaw "Xena the Lover". The big event will be this Friday, January 7, 8pm EST / 5pm PST - for more information about joining in go to http://www.whoosh.org/palace
- Lucy has won the 1999 Ms Celebrity Poll over at http://celebritystars.com
Many thanks to Cherry-Ann Tan for the news - Updated Lucy News- Added Upcoming Ted Raimi media events to The Teddy Alert
- Added transcript from Hollywood Reporter - Roll Call - Question and Answers from Bruce Campbell, Hudson Leick, Ted Raimi and Kevin Smith
- Added Passion Ploy by Archaeobard and Willowluvyr
- Added Stirrings of a Dark Heart by Taleweaver
5 January
The lastest issue of the Hollywood Reporter is a special edition celebrating 100 episodes of Xena. There are quite a few articles with pics and adverts from Lucy and Renee and others. If you wish to purchase this magazine you can get the Hollywood Reporter directly from their web site at http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/info/orderissue.asp or give them a call on 323-525-2150 weekdays between 9:00 and 5:00 pm
The Hollywood Reporter transcripts and scans are now available - click here to go to the special Issue
- Updated Season 5 Episode Information with promo info from Seeds of Faith
- Added an additional 39 screengrabs from the preview of #9 Seeds of Faith.(Updated by Carol and Judi)
- Ever heard of Xena Webisodes? Well Entertaindom, Time Warner’s newly launched entertainment Web site will have interactive Xena episodes on the web. Check out the article http://www.advocate.com/html/news/010400/010400ent01.html
Many thanks to Margie for the alert- TV Guide has a ballot as previously reported here - you can vote online for those not able to purchase the magazine
- Added Shattered Innocence by Tragedy88
- Added Dark Comes The Morning - Part 23 by Melissa Good
- Reposted Take Time Out - Parts 1 - 3 by RJ
- Added Take Time Out - Part 4 by RJ
- Added Storm Front - Part 6 by Bel-wah
- Added The Gabrielle Effect - Act ll by Kamouraskan
- Added Mole by Archaeobard
- Added Our Reunion - Part 22 by Jenah
4 January
- According to the recent Starlog magazine with RJ Stewart, Lucy did "the voice" for Cleopatra promos (apparently Hel communicates with a voice, but they don't know who it is) and was going to do it for the series, but it hasn't worked out that she'll be able to continue doing that. The voice will remain "feminine" so to speak. Updated Lucy News
- Also according to the same article Orci and Kurtzman - the writers from Hercules and who made a very brief appearance on XWP have moved to Jack Of All Trades.
- Updated Season 5 Rumours Section - new information about Xena's baby and new characters
XIP Artwork Updates
(Updated by Dee)
- Added new artwork by Cindy Billingsley
- Added new artwork by John Burton
- Added new addition to The Bard's Corner - Gabby Kat
- Added The Angel Gabriel - Parts 1 and 2 (unfinished) by Gabby Kat
3 January
- Updated Season 5 Episode Information with new episode name and information
- Added 31 screengrabs from the preview of #9 Seeds of Faith.(Updated by Carol and Judi)
- Updated Season 5 Episode Information for Seeds of Faith
- Updated Upcoming Events with media alert for Claire Stansfield
- Updated Lucy Media Alert with tv repeat
- Updated ROC Alert with tv appearance
Magazine Alerts:
US - TV Guide - January 8 - 14, 2000 - See Lucy Media Alerts for more details
NZ - North and South Magazine - January 2000 Issue - See Lucy Media Alerts for more details and transcript
- Added The Claiming of Ford - Log 11 by T. Novan
- Added Two Cops and a Baby - Part 3 (final) by Teagen2
- Added Another Season 5 - Episode 10 - Die? Hardly! by Andreas Hloupy
- Reposted Connections - Part 1 by Advocate and Rsawest
- Added Hope's Path - Part 3 by Carrie Carr
- Added Patience by Kamouraskan
- Added When Love is Found - Part 9 by Wildbard
- Added So Close, So Far: Reflections on "Crusader" by IseQueen
2 January
Added editorial for 2nd January 2000
I have archived December's what's new - it's not a Y2K bug (although that theory is very funny)
The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday had an article on strong women and the impact of tv has had on how women are portrayed. It was a thoroughly fascinating article - it had a huge Xena picture but no mention of Xena in the article! What a shame.
UK Xenites: Season 5 starts in the UK in March - Many thanks to Ginj for that news
- I was remiss in not adding Untitled: The Story of Me by Advocate to the index files! Apologies to Advocate and all those that couldn't find it!
- Added It's All In The Presentation - Part 4 of Legends Legacy by T. Novan
- Added Exposure - Episode 12 by XWPFanatic, T Muir and T. Novan
- Added Battle Kicks by Verrath
- Added new artist Emma Tonge
1 January 2000
- Well here is the first spoilers of the new century! I've just updated Season 5 Rumours section with script pages from an upcoming episode - warning: this may be a red herring so read those pages with that in mind!
- Well folks I just couldn't resist Here is the latest news from New Zealand and some very good news about Lucy and her costume
The following report is from Liz:
Lucy was on for about 5 seconds - one of a series of clips by famous NZers describing their dreams for this year/millennium. Her 'dream' was for Daisy to marry Prince William. "Because we're royalty too - in our own funny way." And the smirk she delivered this with can only be described as evil. (She was in full XWP clobber - the OLD outfit is back!!!! Well, the brass swirls looked a little darker, maybe silver? but there were those armband thingies and the sword. And everything.)
Need to find something on AXIP?
Click here for Search EngineGo to Archived What's New for December 1999
Fox and Panhter Print - click here to find out more about it