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Logo created by Lucia
This site was created and is maintained by MaryD

June 2000
30 June
I'm going to take a moment to announce something
that isn't Xena related.
This is a shameless self promotional plug <g>
My first novel - Out of
Darkness (the combined works of In the Blood of the Greeks and Land of Milk and
Honey) will be published by Renaissance Alliance Publishing in the spring of 2001. To say
I'm excited is an understatement. <g>
Out of Darkness is set
against the backdrop of World War II, the book begins in a most troublesome period of
human history, where subjugated by the might of Nazi Germany, two women meet under
extraordinary circumstances. This is the story of Eva Muller, the daughter of a German
major in command of the occupying force in Larissa, Greece in 1944. Through the
intervention of the village priest she meets Zoe Lambros, a young Greek woman with
vengeance in her heart and a faith in God that's been shattered by the death of her
family. They develop a friendship borne out of this dark time, and they help each other to
learn to live and love again.
I'll be adding the ordering info when it becomes
You can catch up with all the news and the sequel
to this book by going to my own fiction page at
Okay back to your regular programming :-)
30 June
The Lawless Files
- Lucy will be guest hosting a 4th July special on Warner Bros
network. Please check your tv guides for times. Updated Lucy
in the Media
The Bard's Corner
Season 6 Episode
- I've redesigned the episode guide with new logos and a cleaner
- Updated all episode information
29 June
The Bard's Corner
Cartoon Connection
28 June
The Bard's
The Lawless Files
27 June
Check this site out - it's the
Ex-Guards Village and one of the nicest email groups I've ever been on! That wonderfully
talented LJ Maas is the creator of the web site!
The Bard's
Little Corner
- Added new artwork of Eva and Zoe by Lucia called "Sleeping"
The Lawless Files
- Added a what's new page
- Sharon Delaney (Official Xena Fan Club) posted a tiny
segment about Lucy singing on the Lyre Lyre CD and Lucy singing in a band for the Chakram
Newsletter #12
[click here for more details]
26 June
The Bard's
Alrighty...have I got a treat for you. Do you all remember
that absolutely fantastic fanfic Uber called Redemption by Swordnquil? Hmm? Well here is
the sequel! It's called Retribution and let me tell you folks it's even BETTER than
Redemption. Check out what Ice and Angel have been up to since Ice's escape from prison.
Retribution is one of the XIPPY Award winners for this week.
Xenaverse News
25 June
The Bard's
I am very pleased to announce the
addition of two bards to the site -
Raine and Alix Stokes
Little Corner
Xenaverse News
- The following is from Sharon Delaney:
XENA OFFICIAL FAN CLUB KIT #4 ANNOUNCEMENT:We are now taking early-bird orders for the next membership kit that includes
the usual goodies (newsletters, photos, ALL NEW bloopers!, poster, etc) and the amazing
addition of an exclusive documentary taking you behind the scenes during two weeks of
filming Xena! Issue #12 of The Chakram newsletter is currently in for approval and will be
mailed out soon. That will wrap up all memberships in Fan Club Kit #3. Fan Club Kit #4
will include Issue #13, with three more issues to follow!
24 June
- Added montage for episode #22 - Motherhood
- Added new logo to my artwork page
The Bard's Corner
The XIPPY Awards will be delayed for a few
days...they will be announced on Monday.
- Tom's Xena Site at
has been hacked into and totally destroyed. I was sickened to learn about this. Why some
people can vandalise a site just because they can is beyond me. Tom worked so hard on that
site and had over 3 gig of information, graphics and sound files. Tom will bring the site
back up from his backups but it will take a week or so.
- Dark Horse put out a book Xena: Warrior Princess-The Warrior
Way Of Death which collects issues one through three of the Dark Horse comic-book series
Xena: Warrior Princess and the Dark Horse Presents Annual ' 99 story "The Worm"
(special bonus feature). 9.95 U.S.
Many thanks to Tanya for the information
- Ted Raimi will be appearing on the show "VIP" -
that's the show with Pamela Anderson - quirky show that is quite entertaining! The
episodes he will appear in will be next season's show.
AXIP News Archive
AXIP Artwork
(Updated by Dee)
Non Xena Related Updates
22 June
Lyre Lyre
Hearts of Fire CD Information
- I got my copy of Lyre Lyre CD and if you haven't ordered it
yet - do so. It's absolutely fantastic! I especially loved the song "We Can Work It
- Added some of the graphics from the insert of the CD
The Bard's Corner
Bards of the
- Added interview with Lena
Xenaverse News
- Dark Horse Comics has just released a 12 page Gabrielle as
part of the Dark Horse Comic's "DHP ANNUAL 2000 - GIRLS RULE" comic book. It
features Gabrielle (with Joxer as her sidekick) in her first adventure without Xena.
[Click here to read more about the comic]
Little Corner
20 June
I've had an email meltdown - if you have sent me
mail from 16 June to 19 June and you haven't received a reply - can you please resend. I
lost all my mail between those days. Thank you.
Season 6 Episode
- Updated episode information for "Legacy"
- Updated episode order and season opener information
The Bard's Corner
I would like to welcome a new addition to The
Bard's Corner - Bongo Bear
AXIP News Archive
19 June
- Updated Season 6 Rumours
- I have been asked by Sharon from Creation Entertainment not
to put up the complete interviews from the Chakram newsletter and therefore Part 2 of the
Lucy Interview will not be posted.
The Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to announce the addition of a very
talented bard to The Bard's Corner - Minerva
Lucia's Cartoon Connection
AXIP News Archive
The following is from Kiwi Attic where you can
purchase the following magazines and newspaper
- In this weeks TV Guide Xena appears on page 118 in a small
snippet titled "Xena Kicks opposition". The story is about her appearance in
Stuff mag and also her opinion on Buffy. We have scanned the page and cover for you to
- Also on Friday last week ( June 16) she appeared in our
local paper again!In this snippet they talk about the effect that filming a show of Xena
is having on one small town in the far north of Auckland. Also about the conditions Lucy,
Renee and others had to work in. Again we scanned the newspaper and have loaded it to this
web page for you to see. We have limited copies of this available if you would like
18 June
Season 6 Episode
Guide & Rumours
- Melissa Good will be writing another episode for Season 6
Way to go Missy! This will be Missy's 2nd episode for the show.
- Updated Season 6 Rumours
with more on the season opener
17 June
The old address of
doesn't exist anymore. If you link to my site and have the old address you will find you
will get the dreaded 404. About a month ago I advised everyone to change their links to
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Claire Stansfield (Alti) made a guest appearance at the ARGO
Awards yesterday and guess who had to go and present Best Musical Score in an episode soon
after? Me. I think my fingers decided to go south for the winter. Talk about being
petrified. I could go up to the "stage" and make a fool of myself in front of my
fellow xenites but it's another thing in front of Claire. I survived <g> Thanks
Claire for being there! It was a riot! Also many thanks to Dave Parrish for all his hard
work. You done good Dave!
- Columbia House (a major US media sales outlet) has started
selling Xena videos starting with the first two episodes. It's a sort of subscription
thing, with new 2 ep videos sent every 4-6 weeks. The price of Sins of the Past/Chariots
of War is U$4.95 and later volumes are U$19.95 each. NTSC Only - VHS Tapes Click
here to go to their site to order
Many thanks to Chris for the information
- From the Xena is Everywhere file comes this news
There is a new mystery book out called CAT IN A KIWI CON It is set during a Science
Fiction/Fantasy convention in modern day Las Vegas. One of the main characters is a lady
police chief who goes undercover dressed as Xena at this convention to get the murderer.
Chapter 56 is where the final moves as Xena/police chief Carmen Molina takes on the
murderer with several Xena moves and a chakram. This is from the Midnight Louie Mystery
series and is written by Carole Nelson Douglas. It has a 2000 copyright date. Hercules is
mentioned in passing as are alot of other TV characters from series we would readily
Many thanks to Kim Thompson for that information
Non Xena Related Site Updates
My Little Corner
16 June
The Bard's Corner
I would like to welcome an Aussie bard to The Bard's Corner
- don't have many of those on TBC :-) Added Heartstarter with some absolutely wonderful
Xenaverse News
- The annual ARGO Awards will be given out for Season 5. So if
you want to find out which episode won which award...check them out at The Xena Palace at
6:00 pm (PST) and 9:00 pm (EST) and 12:00 noon (Aussie time)
- Alex Tydings and Claire Stansfield will be attending the
Toronto Trek on July 14-16. They'll both be appearing Saturday and Sunday.
- Hudson Leick will be at the Sci-Fi Expo, at the Metro
Toronto Convention Centre, on August 25-27. She'll be appearing on Sunday only.
Many thanks to Queen Bea for the convention information
- The USA Network will be showing all Xena episodes IN ORDER,
starting from the beginning on Sunday, June 25th at 7am with Sins of the Past. The good
news is that they will be showing all episodes in order (from what I hear), the bad news
is that it's just one episode per week each Sunday.
Many thanks to
for the news
- A clarification to yesterday's announcement about a new Lucy
fan club. The name of the fan club is called Lucy In the Sky and it's not official - the
only official Lucy fan club was folded some time ago and The Official Xena Fan Club now
acts as Lucy's conduit to fans. So if you are Swedish or you can read the language - check
out the magazine! Contact Micke
Eriksson for more details
15 June
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
Technically this isn't a TBC addition but I thought I would
let you know about a new Uber series that will be starting soon. The following is from
Starting Friday, June 16 at Noon Eastern Time, Fanatic (author of The Seven Wonder
Series and co-author of the hit series 'Exposure') and Advocate (author of 'Untitled: The
Story of Me' and most recently, 'Cobb Island') will present a new weekly series called
Castaway. Join our mailing list, Castaway2000 at, to subscribe to each
episode. Visit our website at:
; there you'll find cast photos, biographies, and much more about this romantic-comedy
that parodies the hit television show 'Survivor'. (alt/uber)
The ROC File
The Official Renee O'Connor Fan Club page
got a face lift and it looks sensational - check it out!
Redesigned The
ROC News section and added new logo
Updated ROC News
excerpts from the Official Xena Magazine #11 interview with Renee are now online and I
will have the full transcript up soon.
The Lawless
This is the cover of the new Lucy Lawless Fan Club magazine from
Sweden! The first issue will be out in September. The editor/president of the fan club is Micke Eriksson and if you are in
Australia the magazine will be available through Stirling Entertainment.
The first issue will have a feature on the Very Best Sites on the Net about
Xena/Lucy Web sites and AXIP will be featured. So if you are a Swedish Xenite and you love
the Flawless one...check out Micke's new magazine. Looks snazzy.
Updated The Lucy News Section
Subtext Fans - check this out
My Little Corner
If you want to kept updated when I add new
original work why not join mdfiction - it's a low volume list. Go to
for all the info!
AXIP Artwork Section
(Updated by Dee)
13 June
The Bard's
DaKverse Page Update
Little Corner
11 June
Little Corner
A new Xena DVD will soon be
Title - Xena 1: Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Multipath
Release Date - 7-18-2000
Price - $13.95 US (around $25-$30 Australian)
Many thanks to Tracker for that information
I've heard that some people have received the
new Lyre Lyre CD and it's "wonderful" <g> So watch for it in your local CD
store or you can order it online [Click here for
track information and ordering details]
Ex-Guards Mailing List
If you want to read some great fanfic - even before it hits the net, check out this
list. It's got tons of bards, great discussions and even some sane conversations :-) It's
very busy so you might want to go on digest!
and join in the fun!
10 June
5 Episode Guide
The Bard's
Little Corner
- That wonderfully talented Lucia has drawn Eva and I have to
say I was totally and utterly blown away by this. It's from my original fiction story In
The Blood of the Greeks - Part 8 and it's so emotional that I was quite moved just looking
at the artwork. Beautifully done. Click here for Lucia's "Beaten Soul"
AXIP Artwork Section
9 June
The Bard's
The complete set of Season 4 episode tapes
are now available for $169 (US - $291 Australian). [Click
here for more details]
Recent Poll on Why Do You Watch XWP
conducted on AXIP. Here are the results. 962 Xenites voted in the poll.
- Xena, 167 votes, 17.36%
- Gabrielle, 135 votes, 14.03%
- Xena and Gabrielle/Subtext, 413 votes, 42.93%
- Joxer, 26 votes, 2.70%
- Other Characters, 25 votes, 2.60%
- For Comedy Episodes, 73 votes, 7.59%
- For Drama Episodes, 121 votes, 12.58%
- I don't want the show anymore, 2 votes, 0.21%
8 June
I have moved My Little Corner (it's my own
section where I post my original fiction,) to
If you are a fan of Dar Roberts and Kerry
Stuart - the two characters created by Melissa Good then you would be pleased to know that
the fictional series will now be made into a webcast/tv series. To find out all the latest
info go to:
DaKverse - The Official Dar Roberts and Kerry Stuart Information
Lucy News
The Bard's
I am very pleased to announce a new
addition to The Bard's Corner - MaryE
No she's not a cousin of MaryDee <g> Ah little joke for this
can all stop pelting me with cyber tomatoes now <vbg>
Xenaverse News
- Claire Stansfield (Alti) will be making an appearance in the
Netherlands for a convention [Click here for more
- For Kevin Smith fans - Kevin did a Shortland Street (a drama
series about a medical center in New Zealand) TV special and he appeared without any hair!
Kevin shaved off his hair. In the episode Livia we saw Ares for the first time without any
chest hair and now Kev's gone towards the Patrick Stewart look.
Thursday, June 15, 9:00pm EST, 6:00pm PST
It's that time again! Join us for the ARGO Awards 2000, where we will be holding a live
ceremony to announce all of this year's winners. Cast your vote by visiting our friends at
Logomancy and filling out the ballot at:
then join us on June 15 for the biggest online Xenite party of the year with your
hosts DdP and Laura Sue Dean, and special guest Xenite presenters from all of your
favorite web sites.
Many thanks to Betsy Book for the alert
7 June
Xenaverse News
- Josh Becker (the director that was fired from doing anymore
Xena episodes After reading his latest rantings you can see why he was fired.) has a few
comments up on his site that are quite enlightening about his relationship with RenPic and
Rob Tapert. [Click here to read the comments]
- There is speculation that Season 7 may happen if Lucy
Lawless agrees. So who knows - I guess we find out mid season if Lucy wants to go on.
- The following is an appeal from the webmaster of Claire
Stansfield Official Website
As many of you have heard there are rumors that RJ will write Claire's character (Alti)
back into the upcoming season of Xena. Well since we all love Claire, I'd like to try and
make this more solid. Fans are very important to the show and have some power in what
happens. I'm asking you to help me and especially help Claire. Lets bring Alti back!!
Please write a supportive letter asking him to bring Alti back. If you do send a letter,
please e-mail me a copy of it along with your name and e-mail addy. I will make a special
page for those who give support. Spread the word! As Claire guys rock!
Please write to RJ Stewart at:
R.J. Stewart
c/o Renaissance Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
6 June
The AXIP News Archive
The Bard's Corner
My Little Corner
4 June
The following is from Judi who was in hospital
I would like to thank everyone for
their prayers, cards and well wishes.
It was a very nice surprise. I would of like to respond to each and
everyone but I am not up to it right now. I still have a bit of a way to
go but I am on the right road and am looking forward to doing season 6
The Bard's Corner
Lucia's Cartoon
My Little Corner
- Added index page to
artwork about my characters Eva and Zoe
- Added artwork by LJ Maas of Eva and Zoe
3 June
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News

This is the cover for the new Lyre Lyre CD soundtrack due to be released some time this
century <g> Actually says it will be released 27 June and CD NOW says 13
So take a pick and divide by 3 and then subtract by 4. :-)
[click here to view song titles and ordering
2 June
Xenaverse News
- Here we go again. The Lyre Lyre CD has been pushed back
(again!) to
27 June 2000.
- Josh Becker, director and occasional writer for the show,
said in his Lycos chat session that he won't be directing any more Xena episodes or
anything else for RenPics.
- Robert Trebor - Salmoneus - has signed on for the cast of
Tropical Storm (tentative title) TV series. If you want to be kept updated about this show
please visit my other site (who says I need sleep?) at
The Bard's Corner
Bards of the Xenaverse
My Little Corner
AXIP News Archive
1 June
Late TV Alert:
Lucy is on Entertainment Tonight about her Stuff For Men magazine photoshoot! Sorry for
the late alert!
Six Episode Guide
The Bard's
Today's addition by S. X. Meagher is a real
beauty of a story. It's an HUGE story (around 1.472 meg and in 11 parts) but I think it's
worth the read. I enjoyed it a great deal.
The ex-Guards is pleased to announce
the presentation of an Outstanding Merit Award to the Bard KAMOURASKAN. This award
illustrates Kam's writing achievement and our appreciation for all the help and
encouragement Kam has given many, many bards. Thank you Kam, we are proud of you!
[click here to see award and to go to Kam's corner of TBC]
Xenaverse News
What's New for May 2000

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