Full Circle - Order Now from The Open Book. Full Circle is the 3rd Novel
in the Eva & Zoe series by MaryD
Also available from RAP Bookstore / Amazon.com / Barnes & Noble

a bit of nostagia
Logo created by Lucia Nobrega
APRIL 2002
30 April
To all those in the path
of the path of the tornadoes that ripped through the midwest and mid-Atlantic yesterday -
I hope you are safe and sound. We don't have tornadoes in Sydney - we have fierce hail
storms and raging bush fires. Take care of yourselves. Ruru, who does the
wonderful screengrabs and high res scans, hails from Maryland which was hit. I'm thinking
she wouldn't mind getting some really nice emails to perk up her spirits. Her email addy
is ruru@ausxip.com or papoe@comcast.net
Bard's Corner
The following stories
have not been indexed.
Added scans from The Jewish Journal Of Greater Los Angeles
with an article about Sam Raimi's Jewish roots and about his upcoming movie Spiderman
(Lucy has a very small cameo as a punk rocker)
E - Entertainment Television is doing a segment on the
premiere of Spiderman in LA. 9pm pst Spidermania premiere, and 10pm live from red
carpet at Spiderman Premiere. Check http://www.eonline.com/On/RedCarpet/
for details on repeats
Many thanks to Amy for the information
28 April
I don't normally do this but I've been getting a ton of mail with
this virus attached. This is from the Symantec site
Security Response: W32.Klez.gen@mm |
W32.Klez.gen@mm is a mass-mailing worm that will send itself to all email
addresses in the Microsoft Outlook Address Book.
The subject and attachment name of incoming emails are randomly chosen. The attachment
will have one of the following extensions: .bat, .exe, .pif or .scr.
The worm may include a virus that will destroy all files on the 13th of March and
September. |
There is a program you can download to find out if you have it and
then destroy it.
If you don't have anti-virus software may
I suggest you get one asap - there are tons of good ones out there both commercial and
www.tucows.com or http://www.cnet.com/software/0-8888.html?tag=dir
The Bard's Corner
Kevin Smith Memorial Page
As a followup to the previous day's
announcement about a radio station in Jersey City, New Jersey, WFMU-FM did an hour-long
tribute to the music of Kevin Smith. The file from that tribute is now online (and it
appears to be the full one hour). You can hear it at http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/ja and it's
under April 22, 2002
Xenaverse News
26 April
The Spot
Lucy Video News
Bard's Corner
Smith Memorial Page
Many thanks to Meredith for the following
- I just wanted to let you and your readers know that a very
unique program aired today on the radio in the US: one of the programmers at a
noncommercial community radio station in Jersey City, New Jersey, WFMU-FM did an hour-long
tribute to the music of Kevin Smith. For a solid hour, John Allen played songs from
two of the bands Kevin was in in the early 1980's, Say Yes To Apes and Hyphen-Smyth.
It was fascinating. It definitely wasn't *anything* like what he did in
either of the musical episodes or in the con cabarets!! WFMU archives almost all of its
programming on their web site. Today's show isn't up there yet, but within the next
day or two it should appear at http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/ja.
The Kevin Smith tribute took up the entire final hour of the three-hour show. This
is the most unique tribute I've seen to Kevin's memory ... I hope other Xenites can
enjoy it too.
24 April
Artwork Section
The Bard's eBook Corner
23 April
Lawless Files
22 April
I will be on my annual vacation in 4 weeks time
and Mesh will be taking over the site for a few weeks while I'm away. I'll be in Orlando,
Florida for the Orlando Bardcon. <g> I'm looking forward to
seeing everyone I met on my last vacation in the US.
The Bard's Corner
The Bard's eBook Corner
News Archive
20 April
The Bard's Corner
The ROC File
- Added new tv alerts for Renee to ROC Alerts - all of the alerts are for the
Darkman II: Return of Durant- Sci Fi channel May 26 11pm est
The Flood:Who Will Save Our Children- True Stories
channel May 12 4:15am est
Stone Cold- Starz E May 19 2:30am est and May 29 2:15am
est ; Starz W May 19 5:30am est and May 29 5:15am est
19 April
Subtext Season Seven
As the Virtual Subtext
Season 7 winds down, it has been announced that there will be a Virtual Subtext Season 8.

Beau &
Xena and Gabrielle suddenly find themselves
taking care of six young Amazons out on their Rite or Passage, but definitely out of their
The Bard's Corner
I am pleased to announce the addition of A.
Tietz and S. Anne Gardner to The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
The following is from Di Bauden about the
Chicago BardCon 2002
"On Sunday April 14, I hosted a Chicago
Xena Night at Stargaze bar to begin our closing ceremonies for Chicago BardCon 2002.
During Xena Night, we held a silent auction of signed books, Xena merchandise and
signed Xena Live! merchandise, with proceeds going to Project ALS. There were only
about 25 of us in the bar, but we were able to raise exactly $1000 for Project ALS! The
Xenaverse community never ceases to amaze me with the amount of generosity in their
hearts. I just want to thank each and every one of you that helped make that night
possible and successful. This cause is very important to my family and to so many
others. I'm just so thrilled we were able to make some money for such a deserving
charity. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart." For more information on
Project ALS go to http://www.projectals.org
17 April
News Archive
Xenaverse News
The following is from
Mist at Sword & Staff
I will be doing a
auction to benefit the Kevin Smith Trust Fund in the next
few weeks. Anyone wishing to donate something to be auctioned off on the S&S
site for that event, please contact me soon and let me know. I have a lot of magazines so
I'm asking that you please do not send me more unless they're rare or they are signed.
16 April
Bard's Corner
14 April
Artwork Section
The Bard's eBook Corner
13 April
Subtext Season Seven

Roman Holiday
Journeying across Roman
territory, Xena and Gabrielle are doing their best to avoid meeting any Romans - until
they discover a friend who wasn't nearly as lucky. Will they be able to disguise
themselves long enough to help out?
The Bard's
CornerAdded Words Heard In Silence - Chapters 26 & 27 (Uber -
by Taylor Rickard & T. Novan
Added Her Majesty's A Pretty Nice Girl (Uber - Complete) by
Vivian Darkbloom
Added Code Blue - Chapter 8 and 9 (Uber - Unfinished) by KatLyn
Fixed links to
To Walk The Path of a Queen by LJ
Mothers (Alt-fic version)(ALT by BL Miller
Mothers (non-altfic version) (GEN) by BL Miller
The Bard's eBook Corner
The Artwork Section
Starship Foundation Information Page
The following is from Mist at Sword
and Staff
I heard from the Starship Foundation.
The Safe and Sound donation drive is winding down, and they are still about NZ$15,000
(less than US$7500) from reaching their goal. I have a number of checks that are being
sent off, and just wanted to remind everyone that if they would like to donate to the Safe
and Sound Appeal that they should do so soon. You can send checks or money orders payable
to Starship Foundation directly to the Foundation or through Sword and Staff. You can also
donate by credit card (contact me for info on how to do that). Either way, it will help
them to reach their final goal of $100,000 to launch the program to help abused children.
Sword and Staff
P.O. Box 224
Floral Park, NY 11002
11 April
Kevin Smith Memorial Page
The Lawless Files
Updated Lucy Picture
10 April
The Lawless Files
Updated Lucy Picture
ROC File
New ROC Alerts
Artwork Section
The Bard's Corner
The Bard's eBook Corner
Xenaverse News
This is from the producers of Xena Live 2 in Chicago.
- Just wanted to pass on the good news we received this weekend. Xena Live! Episode
2 is Jeff recommended! The Jeff Awards are Chicago's version of the Tonys and our
production is now eligible for nominations in the awards this fall. We're thrilled and
excited and can't wait for you all to see the show! Di's video is fantastic and we were so
lucky to have her on the team! There's no one else I'd rather spend an evening with,
shooting video of the warrior princess and her trusty sidekick, out in the freezing,
freezing cold on a Friday night. Ah, what the neighbors must have thought... Look forward
to seeing you all at the show,
Heather Schmucker
About Face Theatre
8 April

The book "How
Xena Changed Our Lives" Edited by Nikki Stafford is now available from Amazon.com
- It's a pretty cool book how this show has changed many people's lives. Includes how
AUSXIP was born <g>
Bard's Corner
I am very pleased to
annouce the addition of a new bard - Sue Hickerson to The Bard's Corner
The Lawless Files
Starship Foundation Information
6 April
The Artwork Section
Bard's Corner
The Bard's eBook Corner
Lucia's Corner
- Added this week's Little Xena and Gabrielle comic strip - three strips this week
- Continuation
Turn The Page
The Road To Glory by Blayne Cooper &
T. Novan
Buy this book!
The paperback version of The Road to Glory by Blayne Cooper (Advocate) and T.
Novan is now available for purchase For those of you who have been trying FOREVER to
get a copy of The Road To Glory from Open Book, it is apparently now it
4 April
Xena CD, DVD & Video News
The Bard's Corner
News Archive
Xenaverse News
- From the Creation Entertainment web site
March's Photo Club is a tribute to Ares - http://www.creationent.com/outback/xpc/02/march02/March2002.html
Some nice pics of him from the show and a couple of candid shots of him with Lucy
and Renee. He's on a motorcycle and Lucy is behind him, wearing her costume as Annie and
in a seperate shot, Renee is behind him on the bike wearing her costume as Maddie. And
they both look like they're checking out his chest in a shot from The God You Know. Many
thanks to Mary for the info
Eva and Zoe
I received a nice surprise today - The Open Book has Full Circle - my 3rd novel
in the Eva and Zoe series listed as #3 in Top Sellers - Women's Favorites
Full Circle is the third novel in the Eva and Zoe series. Set
four years after You Must Remember This, it sees Eva and Zoe settled in their own home,
comfortable in their jobs, and still very much in love with each other. An opportunity
arises for them to go back to Germany and Greece. For Eva the journey home brings back
memories of her childhood amidst a war ravaged Berlin. Can she find some solace in a place
she once called home? For Zoe, it's a time to heal her soul from the brutality of the war.
For both women it's time to reflect on the past, learn from the present, and move
on to the future - bringing them Full Circle.
In other E&Z News. I have finished my 6th novel (and #7 story) "A Time
Of Healing" which will be published by Renaissance Alliance Publishing after the
publication of #4 New Beginnings and #5 Valley of Deep Shadows
RAP now has it's own storefront and you can order my books (and others in the RAP
catalogue) directly from them. My novel Full
Circle is now available to order from them with free shipping - Visit EvaZoe.Net for more details
3 April
The Bard's Corner
All I'm going to say about the following story is that don't have
any liquids near your keyboard and keep the pets away or you might scare them <vbg>
Advocate and TN are insane <g>
Xenaverse News
The following is from the organisers of Xena Live 2
Elizabeth Laidlaw ("Xena") and Amy Matheny (her trusty sidekick
"Gabrielle") are both back for this super-sexy second episode, bringing their
luscious lesbian love from the subtext to center stage! The festivities begin at
8:00 pm with the world premiere of Xena Live! Episode 2 at About Face Theatre, 3212 N.
Broadway in Chicago. After the show, party with Xena, Gabrielle, Alti, Aphrodite, and the
rest of the cast, staff, and crew of Xena Live! at the hottest new restaurant in Chicago
THE ROOM at 5900 N. Broadway Hors d'oeuvres by The Room, libations by Spin and Sidetrack.
Tickets only $50.00 LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE ... CALL 773.784.8565 x105 or email shelleyaft@aboutfacetheatre.com
2 April
The Bard's Corner
- Added Broken Faith (Uber - Complete) (Sequel to
Coming Home) by Lois Cloarec Hart
The Bard's eBook Corner
- Added Shadows Of The Soul 1-4 (Conqueror)
by Melissa Good
- Added Champion 1-2 (Classic) by
Melissa Good
- Added Words Heard In Silence Chapters
1-9 10-23 (Über) by T Novan
and Taylor Rickard
MaryD's Artwork
Lucia's Corner
The Lawless Files
1 April
- Added schedule for Season 6 - channel 10 at 12:45 am.
- Tonights episode on Foxtel - The Convert
Najara returns claiming she has renounced
violence, while Joxer deals with his first kill.
Screengrabs and
MaryD's Montages
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
The following is from Scifihobby.com
about the next Xena trading card set
As Rittenhouse Archives begins work on our next Xena set scheduled for this fall,
we are looking towards the fans for their input. We want to know which guest star or
recurring character do you feel deserves to be spotlighted on their own card? We already
have plans for Xena, Gabrielle, Callisto, Alti, Joxer, Ares, Boris, Draco, Cyane, Cyrene
and Lao Ma. Be sure to include the episode name or season if you know it and the
actor/actress's name. We want to make this the best Xena trading card set to date and want
your help in making a fan favorite. Thank you for your help and support.
Click here
for March Updates
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