
Artwork by Lucia Nobrega
Created and Maintained by MaryD
31 December
Added new section -
Mary's Creative Designs - I've
listed all the book covers I have done for ECW Press, Justice House
Publishing and Renaissance Alliance Publishing and ordering information
for the books.
Turn The Page
New Books
Sedona Rain by Carole Giorgio
Buy this book
from The Open Book! In this sequel to "Laguna Nights," Alexis
Dorian and Samantha Riley have affirmed their love for each other. Both
women harbor the inner feeling that this may not be the first lifetime
they have spent together. They possess the gift of love, but as they
continue to discover more about each other, they realize just how little
is actually understood of the intricacies of soul connections. Although
Samantha is a firm believer in reincarnation, Alex remains skeptical of
its validity until she suddenly finds herself fact-to-face with facts too
genuine to ignore. While celebrating Samantha's birthday, the women embark
on a camping trip to one of the spiritually mystical areas of Sedona,
Arizona. The lovers soon discover that sometimes it only takes a little
rain to open the ancient door of knowledge and take the first step down
the path to reawakening old beliefs.
First by Kim Pritekel
this book from The Open Book
Emily Thomas is a successful New York
attorney who enjoys a happy home life with her beautiful partner. Beth
Sayers was the childhood best friend with whom she shared big dreams as
they grew up in Pueblo, Colorado. Inseparable by age nine, together they
learned about life, each other, themselves, and most importantly, love.
When Emily hears of Beth's death at the age of 34, after more than a
decade of estrangement, she must piece together her tumultuous past and
come to terms with the defining relationship in her life. Why had her
friendship with Beth deteriorated and what part of herself had she lost
with it? "First" is Emily's journey back to Colorado, back to her
childhood, and back to face the ghost of a woman who had captured her
heart and never really let it go.
Hell For the Holidays - K Simpson
this book from The Open Book
Devlin Kerry has a very bad feeling about
this Thanksgiving: Cassandra Wolfe is taking her home to meet her parents.
Dev doesn't want to go, but her demon does ... and so does Cassie's.
That's going to mean trouble. And that's not even counting Cassie's
family, including a loathsome brother-in-law, three savage preschoolers
and a dog named Buster. As for what happens at Thanksgiving dinner ...
well, more than just the turkey may be DOA this year. Then it's Christmas,
and it's Dev's turn to take Cassie home to meet the family. Unfortunately,
that means taking the demons again, too. Monica and Vanessa are no angels,
but they're full of holiday spirit. Dev knows that can mean nothing good.
But even demons at Christmas aren't as bad as Dev's family. And even the
family isn't as bad as the giant snake in the kitchen, which isn't as bad
as the bats in church, which aren't as bad as Aunt Kitty at the dinner
table. You get the idea ... there's no place like Hell for the holidays.
The Amazon Queen - LM Townsend
this book from The Open Book
This novel is a story of every woman whether
she is mother, daughter, sister, lover, queen or goddess. The characters
here fight not only to survive but also to leave behind a legacy for their
children, a code of honor that lives on even in the hearts of amazons
today. This, too, is a tale of love and growth. It's about finding that
spark of divinity that dwells within each of us and kindling it to grow
into that inner light by which we are guided into becoming the best people
we can be. Begin the journey --- take a journey to another time and place.
Step back into a world where Greek gods still roam the earth, where
Pegasus still flies and magic is very much alive and working. Venture
forth and enter a doorway back to the time of the Ancient Mothers, a place
where we can all be Amazon Queens if we but wish it so.
Non Fiction Books
Bette Midler - Still Divine
Buy this book!
The most comprehensive biography
available, "Bette Midler" brings the dynamic redhead to vivid life.
Grounding his research in dozens of firsthand interviews with Midler's
friends and associates, "New York Times" best-selling celebrity biographer
and pop culture critic Mark Bego herein explores Midler's consistently
gutsy --- and often headline-grabbing --- personal and professional
choices. Never content to rely on past successes, Midler has been involved
with musical theater, charity work, conservation, stand-up, television,
and even film production. From her beginnings as a chorus member in
Broadway's "Fiddler on the Roof" through her very eventful life during the
early years of the twenty-first century, "Bette Midler" is an
indispensable portrait of the Divine Miss M --- in public and private.
29 December
Lucy News

Leanne from Kiwi Attic has a goldmine of photos of Lucy in
her first outting with Dave Dobbyn. The photos (just two of them above) are $4 each with
$5 postage regardless of the quantity you order. http://kiwiattic.bizland.com/Xena/otheritems/tourphotos.htm
28 December
Lucy News
Lucy Picture
- Added Lucy and Rob photo
- Added high res scan photo of Lucy fishing
MaryD's Art
Graphics Archive
The Bard's Corner
27 December
Lucy News
- Boxing Day has arrived and Lucy has started her singing tour
with Dave Dobbyn. The Dominion Post has a gorgeous picture of Lucy with a tamborine and
looking very very gorgeous. http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2149913a10,00.html
- Wire Image
has two gorgeous Lucy photos from the Louis Vuitton party - just search on Lucy Lawless.
Graphics Archive
26 December
MaryD's Art
DVD Episode Grabs
The Bard's Corner
Xena Merchandise News
The following is from Creation Entertainment
- The two official 2003 calendars are in the mail! We're very
happy with the way these beautiful calendars turned out this year. I hope everyone enjoys
Coming soon, we'll be announcing a new very special item featuring Lucy and Renee! Look
for more news on this in January.
Here's an update on Fan Club Kit #6: We were working on getting the kit out before
Christmas, but the content of the videos was so extensive that the tapes are still in the
approval process with the studio. Check the fan club web page for the latest kit updates
25 December
On this special day for many Christians I have one request.
For those that pray, please do so for a very special friend Susan Mullarky. She is a good
friend to many Xenites and she isn't going to be with us for very long. If you don't pray,
please spare a moment and think of her. We are spread all over the world and what I've
found in this fandom is that we do come together when it matters. This is one of those
times. We can't stop the inevitable but we can keep Susan in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you
Fan Events/Auctions
- Redhawk Auction
The Auction begins now and ends January 8th 2003.
There are time when someone you know needs a helping hand. Heck, we've all been there,
whether it's for emotional or financial support. In this case it is probably both but one
is needed more than the other. One of our own bards has taken a family member into their
home who has a few medical bills...and that's downplaying it quite a bit and came to them
with nothing. She and her partner are having to adjust working to care for the family
member and when they aren't there, they have to pay for a care-giver out of their own
pocket for the next several months until the disability payments kick in. Now, we'll
probably get kicked in the butt for this but trust me, it's so very worth it. The writer
of whom I'm speaking is D. Jordan Redhawk. One of the best damn writers in the business. I
would say that most of us have read her stuff,let's give a little back...what do you say?
click here to read more
- The following is from Advocate & TNovan about an item in
the Redhawk Auction
A special donation item recently submitted for the auction on behalf
of D.J Redhawk. http://bearblue.com/auction/
1 - unbound, personalized, autographed, 1st draft copy of the first 6 chapters of
"First Lady" (the not-yet-released sequel to "Madam President") by
Blayne Cooper and T. Novan. This is, and will be, the ONLY sneak peek copy of this
story-in-progress offered to the public.
The chapters total over 180 pages of text, and yes, the wedding chapter is in there too.
Buyer agrees this is for his/her eyes ONLY.
I want to take the time to wish
everyone a safe holiday season and a small reminder that if you drink, please don't drive.
Be safe but have a great time :)
Lucy Picture Archive
Lucy News
Fan Events/Auctions
The following is from the organisers of the Carole Giorgio Auction
I'm pleased to say that we all raised more than
$11,000 for Carole at a time when she needs it most. My heartfelt thanks goes out to all
the help we've received - the donors, the bidders, the promotional hands and MaryD for her
overworked server<G>. We'd also like to thank those of you that sent in your
monetary donations or purchased Carole's book - every little bit helped. I know many
of you wrote about your own battle with cancer or those of a loved ones battle. Although I
didn't have time to reply while running the auction as I would've liked, let me take the
time to thank you for sharing your stories with us. We too wish you the best of everything
and appreciate your kind and supportive words.
This site will soon be moving to it's old home at http://carolegiorgio.tripod.com on Dec. 26th
so you may still make donations or purchase Carole's books until the end of January.
Sincerely,CN Winters, Proud to be a Xenite<G>
Now here's a few words from Carole herself:
Hello to Everyone: Im sitting here in front of my monitor with my fingers on the
keyboard, and although words are spinning around in my brain, they dont seem to want
to come out in full sentences. Words like Thanks . . . Wow . . . Family . . . Friends . .
. Goodness . . . Generous . . .
Unbelievable . . . Heartfelt and . . . Overwhelmed. Perhaps the word that jumps out the
most is overwhelmed, yet that shouldnt be a surprise to me or to anyone reading this
message. The people of the Xenaverse have always overwhelmed me when it comes to
generosity, goodness,
helpfulness, and giving a sense of family to all who open their hearts, minds, and arms to
receive it. The cross section from which all the donated items were received still gives
me goose bumps. I marvel at all of the people, many of whom I shall probably never meet in
person, who have given so freely to my family and me.
There was such a variety of items to bid on including: the written word from many, many
bards; drawings from talented artists; music and video CDs from the computer literate
among us, autographed pictures given directly from Xena actors themselves as well as items
given up for auction by fans who had most likely purchased them as collectibles for
themselves. There were many specialty items that came from as varied a realm as we all
come from: Xenites, readers, bards, artists, crafts people, a new publisher, and even one
of the producers/writers of Xena whose initials are SS <g>. In addition to donated
items, I received many monetary donations. Then commenced the bidding! I could fill the
page with the words Thank You, but for some reason they dont seem to say
enough. I know youre sitting there thinkingTwo words would never be
enough for a bard. Bards always need to embellish, change, stretch, overcompensate, and
elaborate on what is already perfect. Well, youre right! But I could write an essay
on the way my heart felt when the auction first went into existence and what I felt when
CN Winters and Karyn Carrico told me they were going to handle the entire project for me.
I could tell about how my heart skipped a beat when the site went up and how it fluttered
as I watched object after object being added to the pages.
Tears fill my eyes, as I type this even now, when I think of how loving and giving you all
are to someone whom you may or may not even know, but whose plight has touched you
somewhere in your humanity. You have all responded far beyond what I would have
anticipated, but knowing what a great group of people you all are, I suppose I
shouldnt be at all surprised. But, here I am rambling again . . . Im a member
of the Xenaverse, I should know better (grin).
Perhaps it is time to just fall back on those two familiar words that, in actuality, can
encompass everything that is in my heart. So, with a lump in my throat (that is hard to
convey across the Internet), and with a heart bursting with gratitude, I want to stand and
applaud all of you. Then I want to reach out and touch each and every one of you with my
heartfelt . . . THANK YOU!
Carole Giorgio AKA Womynbard
The Next
- Added The
Gift (Alt-Fic) by Taylor Rickard
20 December
Subtext Season 8

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Poteidia
Is Xena really getting old? A Solstice Gift tells her the answer.
ROC Graphics
- Updated ROC Graphics main page
- Added new logo
- Cherylkier from NZ reports that Renee was in a show
called Mataku as "An American Buyer". So if you missed it, wait for the
19 December
You all may have noticed some changes for the What's
New page <g>.
Firstly the new logo is the work of the talented Lucia
depicting the three major sites under the AUSXIP banner - The main AUSXIP
site (Anything and Everything Xena & Gabrielle - the side bar is magenta), The ROC File (chronicling Renee's career post Xena - the
side bar is teal) and The Lawless Files (chronicling Lucy's career post Xena -
side bar is royal blue). What better way to
depict this than to have Lucy and Renee along with Xena & Gabrielle in the what's new
logo and Lucia has once again created something quite special.
The Lucy artwork was from
a picture in the NZ New Idea of a very relaxed Lucy at home. It's one of my favourite Lucy
photos. The Renee picture has been slightly altered by Lucia to match Lucy's stance and
it's taken from the Coffee Talk 2 photos.
Ausxip In The News
- This is cool - The Australian NetGuide Magazine is having a
poll on favourite Australian web sites and Ausxip is listed :) It was nominated and is in
the finalist stage. So if you feel so inclined - go and have a vote or two...or three
The link to vote for the site is on the top right hand side under
18 December
MaryD's Art
2003 Xena Convention News
- Creation has announced the addition of Jay
Laga'aia (Draco) to the guest lineup for the Pasadena Convention
The Bard's Corner
The ROC File
17 December
MaryD's Art
- Added Gabrielle montages from When Fates Collide - "Despair"
16 December
December 15 saw the 6th anniversary of AUSXIP :) It seems
like only yesterday I sat down to tape this tv show for a friend and haven't stopped. The
show may be gone and into the annals of history but this show lives on for many. It been
majorly cool to be a part of this fandom for 6 years. Here's too another 6 years! Cheers
Battle On!
Episode Grabs
The Bard's Corner
The Lawless
Lucy recently dressed up as a man for a dare -
she sported a moustache and a goatee. She said that she resembled her brother, Daniel.
Welll..I found a grab of Daniel (from When Fates Collide & Destiny - he was the Roman
guard who broke Xena's legs on Caeser's orders). So I put them together :-)
Xena Shop/Merchandise
Auction Watch
13 December
Lucy News
- US TV Alert
Lucy's guest spot on the Bernie Mac show is going to be on the (US Only) Fox
network on December,18 at 8:00p.m. (EST) Please check your tv guide for times in your
ROC News
- US TV Alert
Renee's episode of NYPD Blue will be on Court tv on Sunday
December 22 at 3:00p.m (EST)
Subtext Season 8
My Brother's Keeper
Xena has an opportunity to catch up with a bit of her own
past - unfortunately, the past definitely wants to outrace her.
The Bard's Corner
Uber Author Lori L. Lake was recently
interviewed at the Fanlaw.org site. Lori is the author of Gun Shy, Under The Gun,
and two non-Uber stories: Ricochet In Time and Different Dress (the latter will be
published in May). To read the interview, go to: http://psylockelaw.home.mindspring.com/Who's.htm
Xenaverse News
- For US Xenites
December 15 at 9:00 - A tour of New Zealand with Karl Urban on the Travel Channel.
- More on Karl Urban
In the new US TV guide issue (Dec 14-20)
there is a small but good picture of Karl Urban from "The Lord of the Rings".
There is also a very small quote from him about the movie in the two page (pages 44 and
45) article
11 December
Many thanks to those who voted in the poll
about the merging or not merging the three what's new pages. 86% voted the what's new page
to remain as is. I won't be splitting up the new sections and this page will remain as is.
Thanks again for everyone's imput.
Lucy News
- This is a little different - there is a petition underway to
have a wax figure of Lucy/Xena put in the Wax Musuem of Madam Tussauds - the petition
requests the following:
We as the undersigned believe that Actress Lucy Lawless deserves a Xena Warrior
Princess wax figure done by Madame Tussauds..Mrs Tapert/Lawless has earned so much love
and respect from her fans and friends we believe Xena/Lucy should go down in history by
having her beautiful likeness captured in wax..this is our gift to Lucy and Xena we urge
you to take this idea in consideration and hopefully someday give Xena fans their wax
figure....Thank you,
Xenites from around the World!
To sign the petition go to: http://www.petitiononline.com/warrior1/
Graphics Archive
- Added three October Photo Club photos of
Xena and Gabrielle from Endgame to X&G
Gallery #5
- Added two October Photo Club photos of Gabrielle from Endgame
to Gabrielle Gallery #3
- Added two October Photo Club photos of Xena from Endgame to Xena Gallery #9
The Bard's Corner
The following story was missing from the site and has now
been restored.
XXE Updates
- Updated newspaper section about
the White House Security Advisor being called "Warrior Princess" by her staff.
Xenaverse News
- Hudson Leick is providing the voice to a new PS2 game coming
soon. It's a sort of spooky Tomb Raider variant, with HL doing the main character.
Apparently there's over 200 pages of script involved. More on http://www.gamespy.com/e32002/ps2/primal/
Many thanks to Mark for the information
Star Trek Fiction
- The Star Trek (TNG, DS9 and Voyager) Fan Fiction site is back
up and running again. If you write trek and would like your work added to the site -
please send your submissions to webmaster@ausxip.com
- Click here for submission
9 December
I want to thank everyone for their concern about the Sydney
bushfires. We seem to be in this situation way too often and this time it was started by
some idiot who has been charged with arson. If you wish to find out more - The Sydney
Morning Herald is a good online paper to keep you updated. http://www.smh.com.au/
Lucy NewsMore on the NZ Herald article about Lucy's attendance
of the Louis Vuitton Party. It seems E! Entertainment interviewed guests and will have a
special on it.
ROC News
- Added new ROC Alert for the movie "The Flood Who Will
Save Our Children" for the US
The Bard's Corner
Janice & Mel
Graphics Archive
8 December
Lucy News
Lucy is going on a Summer Holiday Tour singing with Dave
Dobbyn. The Sunday Star Times (NZ) has an interivew with Lucy about the upcoming singing
The Summer Holiday Tour dates are:
Dec 26 Taupo Great Lakes;
Dec 27 Papamoa Sports and Recreation Club;
Dec 28 Coroglen Tavern;
Dec 29, 30 Tauranga Baycourt Theatre;
Dec 31 Waihi Beach Hotel;
Jan 2 Silverdale Wade Hotel;
Jan 3 Mangawhai Tavern;
Jan 4 Duke of Malborough Tavern, Russell;
Jan 5 Kaitaia Community Centre,
Jan 8 Parthenon, Wellington;
Jan 11 St James, Auckland.
According to the Sunday Star Times Lucy may be
contemplating a new TV show in LA:
Despite the musician's encouragement, Lawless says the tour
isn't the beginning of a new career. Acting is still her gig; she's contemplating a
"400-year contract" for an American TV one-hour drama show, although the hours
required won't leave her much time to mother. She may aim for a reduced contract that
allows as much time in New Zealand as in LA, and then there's always film.
There is also a second article about the upcoming singing
tour on the Stuff.co.nz site
7 December
The ROC File
The Lawless Files
Lucy News
Two mentions of Lucy in the NZ Herald this week.
XXE Updates
6 December
Video News / Lucy News

The 1998 NZ movie "I'll Make You Happy" which Lucy appeared in (as herself) is
now available on DVD from Amazon.com for $26.96 (US)
Click here to order
The Bard's Corner
5 December
Xena Merchandise
How to order the new Xena: Warrior Princess The Complete
Illustrated Companion - you can now pre-order from Amazon.co.uk where they state that it
will be published March 2003 although the previews magazine indicates it will be available
in December 2002.
- Click here to pre-order from Amazon.co.uk
- For those in the US - Amazon.com is not listing the book as
- Click here to print pdf order
form from Previews Magazine (US) and you will need to take the order form to a comic
book store by December 14 to order the book.
REGULAR COVER (133/1-84023-622-1) SC, 9x6, 240pg,
PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE COVER (133/1-84023-710-4) SC, 9x6, 240pg, PC..........$19.95
Virtual Season 8
A Muse in the Hand - Part 2
There's a killer on the loose. Can Xena
find him before someone else gets hurt?
4 December
Fan Events
The following is from the Orlando Bardcon 2003
- The OBC Charity Auction is now open. To bid in the auction you
will need to register and the link can be found at the bottom of the auction page.
The auction closes: 15 December 2002
For more information on the auction itself http://www.bardcon.com/auction.htm
We are using an online auction service this time around which is very similar to
eBay's auction format. The service we are using requires you to register with a
screen name, email address, password and snail mail address. The high bidder's screen name
and email address will be available to anyone viewing the auction. Your snail mail
address will NOT be visible except to the OBC staff maintaining the auction. If you
wish to remain anonymous, we suggest you use a unfamiliar screen name and email address.
If you don't have one, you might sign up for a free yahoo or hotmail account just
to use for the auction. Any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Carol and
she will be glad to work with you on it. Auction winners will be responsible for shipping.
Please read the descriptions of each item for details.
The Bard's Corner
Turn The Page
December Bookstore Appearance
Saturday, December 21, 2002 4:00 6:00 p.m.
R.L. Johnson
C.A. Mindancer Casey
Lori L. Lake
Special Guest Star (and Roadie) Gabrielle Goldsby, whose book Wall of Silence will be
published by Renaissance Alliance Publishing in 2003.
In Other Words Womens Books
3734 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Drop by and visit with four Xenaverse favorites. Bring your books for signing or buy their
books from In Other Words and support a good feminist bookstore. You can also order the
books from the online Turning The Page store via the links below.
R.L. Johnson, author of Take
Time Out
C.A. Casey (Mindancer), author of the Emoria Series
Dreams, Past
Echoes & Present
Lori L. Lake, author of the Gun Series & Ricochet in Time
Shy - Second Edition Under
The Gun and Ricochet
In Time
3 December
The Bard's Corner / The Next Chapter
The following stories have been given the Charani List of
Fan Fiction (Alt or Uber) that Incorporates Ethnic or Religious Diversity.
Archangel for Desert Hawke
Azel, Anne for the Encounters Series (Amazon, Turkish,
Egyptian, PNG, Peruvian, and English) and the Journeys Series (S. Africa, China and
Crist, Linda for The Bluest Eyes.
Dragon, JM for Define Destiny
Gardner, Anne S. for For The Love of
a Woman
Good, Melissa for Dar and Kerry Stories.
Journs for Resa.
Lake, Lori for Gun Shy and Under The Gun.
Morrig for Absolution, Penitencia: The Second Sacrament and Confession
Ortiz, Ana for Habáname (Havana
[Verb Transitive] Me)
Shadowsinger, Ambyrhawke for To Melt A Frozen
Heart and The Jade People.
Teagean for Panther and The Tribe That Time
Toro, Mil for Dark Beauty
Tragedy88 for Desert Wind
Vali, Ali for To Capture A
Wolf, Kodi for New Gaia (unfinished)
Xena's Little Bitch for The
House of Lao
Xena Merchandise

A new book is going to be available soon - Xena: Warrior Princess: The Complete
Illustrated Companion. Complemented by over 150 photos, this fully-authorized guide to all
six seasons of the groundbreaking Xena: Warrior Princess features a complete episode
guide, character and behind-the-scenes information, and details of Xena fandom.
Click here for more information & scans of variant
covers for the book
- Added a new site to the Links section - The Mammoth Index of
Xena: Warrior Princess Web Sites. In December their Art Gallery comes online with a
rotating exhibit and this month showcases the art of Judi Mair (Judi does the screengrabs
for Ausxip and creates amazing art).Check it out at http://xenawp.org/
Turn The Page
Turn the Page will be undergoing some updating over the
next few days. If you don't see a favourite book by your favourite author - please email
me on webmaster@ausxip.com and I will add it.
Love's Tender Warriors
(formerly posted as Golden Tiger on the web)
by Radclyffe
this book from The Open Book
Drew Clark, ex-Marine and martial arts master, is the new instructor at the Golden Tiger
dojang. Intense and aloof, she hides dark secrets and unhealed wounds beneath her
warrior's exterior. Sean Gray is the young psychologist and senior student who threatens
to bring down the barriers Drew has erected around her heart. Battle hardened and world
weary, Drew discovers that Sean wields a weapon she has no defense against--tenderness.
Together, two women who have accepted loneliness as a way of life learn that love is worth
fighting for and a battle they cannot afford to lose. Based upon the web story, Golden
Tiger, the print version has over 130 added pages and more than double the action and
Gun Shy by Lori L. Lake - The second
Buy this book from The Open Book
While on patrol on a hot August night, Minnesota cop Dez Reilly saves two women from a
brutal attack. One of the women, Jaylynn Savage, is immediately attracted to the tall
dark, and deadly cop-so much so that she joins the St. Paul Police Academy. As fate would
have it, Dez is assigned as Jaylynn's Field Training Officer. Having been burned in the
past by getting romantically involved with another cop, Dez has a steadfast rule she has
abided by for nine years: Cops are off limits. But as Jaylynn and Dez get to know one
another, a strong friendship forms. Will Dez break her cardinal rule and take a chance on
love with Jaylynn, or will she remain forever gun shy? GUN SHY is a glimpse into the
day-to-day work world of police officers. It contains excitement and adventure as Jaylynn
learns the ins and outs of the job and Dez learns the ins and outs of her own heart.
Under The Gun (Sequel to Gun Shy) by
Lori L. Lake
Buy this book from The Open Book
"Under the Gun" is the long-awaited sequel to the bestselling novel, "Gun
Shy", continuing the story of St. Paul Police Officers Dez Reilly and Jaylynn Savage.
Picking up just a couple weeks after "Gun Shy" ended, the sequel finds the two
officers continuing to adjust to their relationship, but things start to go downhill when
they get dispatched to a double homicideJaylynn's first murder scene. Dez is
supportive and protective toward Jay, and things seem to go all right until Dezs
nemesis reports their personal relationship, and their commanding officer restricts them
from riding together on patrol. This sets off a chain of events that result in Jaylynn
getting wounded, Dez being suspended, and both of them having to face the possibility of
life without the other. They face strugglesseparately and togetherthat they
must work through while truly feeling "under the gun."
2 December
Episode Grabs
News Archive
Here's an absolute blast from the past - this
is one of the first articles to appear about a new show called Xena: Warrior Princess and
as the TV Guide called Lucy "A Blade Stunner" <g>
The Bard's Corner
Fan Events &
- The Carole Giorgio auction will be closing December 1 (US
time) - so if you haven't bid on any of the items you can go to http://ausxip.com/~carolegiorgio/ and do so.
to November 2002 Updates
Return to Main AUSXIP Site
The Next Chapter Original
Fiction Site