31 December As the
countdown to the end of yet another year rolls on, I'm sitting here watching the news. It's beyond sad what is happening in Southeast Asia. All I ask is for people to donate money for the relief fund - I'm immensely
proud of my countrymen and women as they have digged deep and have given $25 million dollars to the Red Cross and the Aussie government has given $60 million and more is to come. Other countries are also digging deep -
For the Greater Good indeed. We are all well off - we may not be millionaires but we have a roof over our heads, a place to sleep and food to eat. We have our families and our friends. To many millions of people in
Asia right now, they have nothing - everything is gone. So please dig deep - every dollar counts. You can donate to your local Red Cross / Red Crescent, to your local chapter of international charity organisations
- any place that is collecting money for those devastated by this disaster. US: If you do not have a credit card and want to donate please go to the website below and that will give you a list of charities in the
http://www.charitywatch.org/hottopics/tsunami_asia.html Australia: You can donate via a bank transfer if you do not have a credit card.
Sites accepting on-line donations for relief efforts - this site lists global charities and in your country which
accepts donations.
Let's hope 2005 brings far less tragedy, less hatred, far far far less death and destruction. Battle On
For the Greater
Good Bracelet
for AIDS Charity Update from Jackie We just wanted to give you a little background into the "For The Greater Good" bands. We thought that it would be cool if there was a way to identify other Xena fans while
out and about. We came up with the idea of a wrist band, the likes of the Livestrong bands. As all
things in this wonderful Xenaverse, it didn't stop there. Everyone agreed beforehand that if we were going to sell bands, then we were going to charge a little extra to give to charity. Since Lucy is a big supporter of
AIDS Organizations and several of us have lost loved ones or have loved ones trying to live with AIDS, we chose The Actor's Fund, AIDS Initiative. It is a program that helps people in the entertainment industry
who have AIDS, with such things as support, case management, housing and financial assistance. The
monies that they receive can help a case worker take a person to their doctor’s appointment, buy groceries for someone who is homebound or help with housing and medical care. We figured that without the talented
people in the entertainment industry, we, as Xena fans, would not have this amazing community to be a proud member of, so that is why we chose this particular charity. We get so much from the actors, this is a small way
for us to give something back. Thank you for all of your support in this endeavor
and don't forget to be keeping your eyes open for those purple bands!
30 December
Sad news for the Xenaverse - Jonathan passed this information on to me.
My condolences go out to Liddy's family and friends. Liddy Holloway died today (29 December) after a long battle with cancer. She is best remembered in New Zealand for her roles in Shortland Street. She is also
well known in the Herc. and Xena communities for playing the role of Alcmene, mother of Hercules.
She is also the real life mother of Joel Tobeck who played Strife and Demos in Hercules and Xena.
29 December

One Weekend A Month Update For those who won't be going
to the Xena con or to a theater where the movie will be playing - here's the next best thing: (from Alex via Eric Escobar) "You're in luck. One Weekend A Month will be showing on the Sundance On-line Film
Festival website starting January 20th, so all of my fans, and of course Renee's fans, will be able to watch the film from the comfort of their desktops. Granted seeing the film on 35mm, in a theater, with an audience is
a much more powerful experience, I'm delighted that everyone, everywhere with a DSL connection will be able to get the message of the film."
The Sundance online website is http://www.sundanceonlinefilmfestival.org
Apparently viewers will be able to access the films for free. Check in January to access the film. Many thanks to Alex for the information
 Lucy Wallpapers
Lucy Pictures
Flawless Print - Lucy Articles Magazines - 1997
28 December
As many of you are aware an earthquake which was the largest earthquake to strike the globe since 1964 has caused devastating tsunami waves that have killed thousands in south Asia. The 8.9-magnitude quake hit
December 26 off the coast of Indonesia, triggering these extremely large waves that have brought massive flooding, damage and loss of life in the region. Waves as high as 20 feet have crashed into the coastal areas
near the Bay of Benegal. Among the worst affected countries are Sri Lanka and India, as well as Indonesia, Maldives and Thailand. Reports are that thousands of people are missing, and it is possible that the number of
dead may tragically rise in the coming days.
International Red Cross and Red Crescent societies in south Asia have begun to mobilize staff and volunteers to affected areas to assist with the immediate needs. Emergency assessment and first-aid teams have already
reached some of the affected areas.
You can help by donating to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Appeals.
Eurotrip Update DVD News for Aussies
Flawless Print - Lucy Lawless print archive Updated the Magazine Listings - some older magazines which were on the main ausxip site were not indexed with other Lucy magazines.
Re-organised these and added a Magazine Sitemap. Lucy Pictures

Xena Xena Everywhere Oprah - 10 May 2004
- Guest Wynona Judd.
She's talking about how she gives everything on stage and described herself
as Xena with a guitar.
24 December
Xena DVD Update 
Season 6 is now available to pre-order from Amazon.com.
It is due for release on March
8, 2005.
Lucia drew a special Christmas scene with Little Xena and Gabrielle - hope you all enjoy!
Santa got more than he bargained for :)

Boogeyman Update The International Trailer for the movie has been released and I have to say it's scarier than the US version. There's also a bit
more of Lucy in it - I won't spoil it for you but watch really carefully <g>
For those that want to be spoilt - I have screen grabbed the Lucy bits. Movie Trailer
Lucy Articles
Magazines - 2000
Magazines - 1997
23 December
I want to wish everyone a safe holiday season - if you're driving some place, take care on the roads. If you're not - enjoy yourselves and keep safe! For the Greater Good Bracelet Update
The first batch of 160 is gone. I ordered another 260! Why so many you ask? Well, I am about 50 into this order of 260 and if you buy 260 you get a reduced rate per bracelet.
I will keep taking orders and I will bring some to the convention.
The first batch should be arriving on my doorstep any minute and I will get them mailed as soon as I can get them in the envelopes and get to the post office.
For each one of this batch of 260 that we sell it is pure profit for the charity, www.actorsfund.org
If we sell the 260 at 5 each we will have around $1200 for our charity. I still don't know how much postage is going to end up costing, but everyone is being very generous!
I am so proud of us all!
"Spread the Love" Lucy Lawless
Jackie Larson

Lucy Articles Magazines - 1999
Magazines - 1997
- Added transcript / scans from People Weekly - 1 September 1997 - TV's 40 Most Facinating Stars of '97 Lucy Lawless - TV Titans
It is good to be a king or queen of prime time. Meet the monarchs currently enjoying the view from the top of Mt Nielson
22 December
For the Greater Good Bracelet Update We have almost sold out of our first order. They should be going in the mail in the next couple of days.
I think there is enough demand for another order, so I will do that in the next couple of days! We have orders from 25 states and 5 countries.
The AIDS charity is www.actorsfund.org

Lucy Videos
Lucy Screencaptures
The following isn't a direct Lucy mention (but more of an indirect way and a possible Lucy guest appearance? Marissa and Lucy are great friends) - source: futoncritic.com UNTITLED MARISSA JARET WINOKUR (ABC,
New!) - Marissa Jaret Winokur ("Beautiful Girl") is back at the Alphabet as the actress is set to team with writer Dana Klein ("Friends") to develop a new sitcom for the network. The project, which is set up at Sony
Pictures Television, would star Winokur as a working class girl who strikes it rich and moves with her husband to an exclusive gated community. ABC has given a script commitment to the project with an unspecified penalty
attached. Klein will write the pilot script and executive produce with Winokur and her manager Michael Valeo serving as producers. Winokur spent the past development season attached to the comedy pilot "The Furst
Family," which was not picked up to series
Many thanks to MET for the news
21 December 
Lucy Pictures
Santa Delaney has posted this great photo of Lucy in
her kitchen - 
I'm heading
for Christmas vacation. Will be gone from December 21 through January 4. Everyone have a happy and safe holiday. Thought I'd leave you a photo of Lucy as a Christmas present. (grin) Took this photo of Lucy in her
kitchen last week. I'd just told her Julius' millipede was loose in the kitchen! http://www.creationent.com/outback/fanclubs/index.html
 XenaMedia Magazines - 1997 Xena Music Videos Videos by Rocketchick The Bard's Corner Uber - Added The Cost of Commitment (Incomplete) by Lynn Ames
Message from Lynn: I know some of you like to dip your toe in the water before diving right in. You want to take the car out for a test drive before you buy. I can appreciate that. Just for you, I'm making
available the first third of The Cost of Commitment right here, online. That's right, just take the novel out for a spin. Go ahead. And if you love it like I know you will, there's a little something for you at the
end of the selection. Enjoy and be sure to send me your thoughts at authorlynnames@cox.net. - Added The War Between The Hearts - Part 6 (Unfinished) by Nann Dunne
Xena Xena Everywhere - Xena Meet Seinfeld...
Contributed by Kiwi Fan There was an item on last night's [Dec. 17] TV3 late night news that featured some XWP comments. It was about an NZ comedy duo who've been commissioned by NBC to write a pilot for a TV prog that satiricizes
Sitcoms. The duo were spotted by NBC scouts at the Edinburgh festival doing their show that included some singing with acoustic guitars. Apparently NBC execs think there needs to be some different kind of
ingredient to make a successful show. Read More ...
19 December
I received this note yesterday from Heartbrknbard. I just found out that in Sept a great Bard and friend Janice Logan, which her stories can be found on my
web site, Heartbrknplace,has passed away. She was in her early 50. She beat breast cancer, but the cancer spread to her lungs and got the best of her. She will be missed
Xena Movie
Terrelle Smith to be cast for the Xena Movie? According to Mercury News Terrelle may be
in the movie.  A new Xena movie is also in the works, and Smith said he's friends with one of the writers, Katherine Fugate.
"She told me she's writing it and they're looking for a guy like me. Hopefully, next off-season I can do something like that," Smith said.
Xena Xena Everywhere News Reports
- From lucire.com
Gary Graham, who studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and trained in costume design, once described his style of design as ‘distressed, rough-edged clothes that are homespun goth....
According to the designer himself, one of his muses is Xena, Warrior Princess (which shows in his collections) which has a tendency to be mediæval and romantic at the same time. He also proclaimed that he is ‘a
poor man's Galliano,’ another aspect that shows in his creations—rebellious and elegant.
17 December 
Lucy US VCR Alert - Saturday Night Live
Host: Lucy Lawless. Music guest: Elliott Smith. 60 minutes- (CC), SS, In Stereo Thu Dec 16 12:00P on E! Entertainment TV Fri Dec 17 12:00A on E! Entertainment TV
Lucy Articles Magazines - 2004 Magazines - 1999 AUSPIX.NET Updates - Mesh Updates Texaspups Website Updated
Check out our gallery feat. 151 large screen captures from this awesome season 6 episode. (Caesar changes the Threads of Fate to change his destiny. Xena his now Empress of Rome, Alti is High Priestess of Rome, Gabrielle
is a playwright...) Many THX to Katie for the screen captures. http://texaspups.net/ Mariska Hargitay Site Updated http://auspix.net/updates.php
WHEN FATES COLLIDE XXL SIZED SCREEN CAPTURES (1190 X 900)http://texaspups.net/
Many THX to Katie for the screen captures. Check out Katie's hilarious Gabrielle video!
16 December AUSXIP FLASHBACK PAGE It's been suggested I do a sort of flashback page to see how the site has changed over the years....I unearthed the main index page from around January/February
1997 (not the original logo - second version) None of the links on the flashback page work. The earliest what's new page is June/July 1997. I think it was June that I may have moved the new additions from the main
page to it's own page. Unless someone has been downloading my site since then and can tell me I'm going to assume it's June 97. Hope you all enjoy the flashbacks :) Xenaverse News
For the Greater Good Bracelets Most of us our familiar with the Lance
Armstrong bracelet that says LIVESTRONG and shows support for people with cancer. Well, here’s another chance to show your support for the Xenaverse and help a charity while you are at it!
Order a purple silicon wristband, embossed with “FOR THE GREATER GOOD” on it and show your support for Xena!! I have paid for 160 and all the money raised over the original cost will be given to an AIDS charity. Since Lucy has been doing so much work with AIDS organizations I thought this would be
appropriate. My brother died of AIDS and several of us have lost people we know to this dreaded disease. If demand is high and I have to order another bunch we could give the next $$ to Starship or the Kevin Smith foundation.
The cost of the bands are $5.00. Depending on the cost of supplies and postage I am hoping for about a $400.00 donation. I am not going to take or make any profit off of these bands. All monies will go to Charity.
Many thanks to callistofreak who is sending me some cd mailers and to Ampsearcher who is researching various AIDS charities to give our donation too! As always many thanks
to Mary D for her advice and assistance. I will be sure to get a band to Sharon for all her care and concern for keeping the Xenaverse alive and well. I will also give two to Sharon for Lucy and Renee! Maybe we
should give one to Rob? I have set up a paypal account
xenarocks@peoplepc.com or
for those who don’t want to use paypal send me your checks or money orders to Jackie Larson 3019 W 42nd ave Gary, IN 46408
I received confirmation today that the order will ship on the 21st. And as soon as I receive them I will put them in the mail.
15 December
Well time has certainly flown and it's been 8 years since that little site
about some episode montages was born. See what happens when your VCR skills are lacking and you go and check if the right show is taping for a friend? You end up sitting down and watching. Not only that, you get hooked.
Then you create a site and it goes on and on and on and on.... Seems like a lifetime ago. Boy what a journey. Some trivia about ausxip:
- It was only supposed to be for my montages...something didn't go according to plan.
- There's been over 18 million visitors - more but the counter conked out a few times :)
- I sat down yesterday and worked out that I have spent over 5,000 hours on this site in 8 years...
Not to mention the hours put in by Judi for the screengrabs, Mesh in taking over when I'm on holidays and redesigning stuff, fixing things, Lucia with her stunning artwork, Sheryl-Lee and her reviews and the many contributors who took the time to scan,
transcribe or submit articles, fanfiction or artwork - wow a huge team effort.
I have met so many people that have changed my life and have become lifelong friends - people I would never have known and that is amazing in itself, it reignited my writing muse and other good stuff.
Xena gave me more than I can ever give back. Thank you to EVERYONE who has kept coming back and to those who have contributed to make this site what it is. I also
want to thank Lucy Lawless (I got hooked because of Lucy and Xena), Renee O'Connor, Rob Tapert, Steve Sears and the rest of the cast and crew of this absolutely groundbreaking show. Without you there wouldn't be Xena and
without Xena no AUSXIP and
without AUSXIP I would have more time on my hands and get up to other mischief. <g> Next year AUSXIP celebrates 9 years and Xena 10...who would have thought a show about a
warrior woman seeking redemption would have this impact on people.
Now that I've got that out of the way...here is today's update :) 15 December 2004

Since this is the reason I started Ausxip I thought it would be fitting
to create a new montage :) Xena Episode Guide
Lucy Updates

The official Boogeyman movie poster is now available and it looks super creepy.
Is it me or does that hand look like this hand here
14 December
Xena Graphics
XenaMedia 1997 Magazines
The Bard's Corner Uber
The wait is over! Both of our Official Xena Calendars for 2005 are being mailed starting today to everyone who placed orders!
For those waiting until we've got them in hand ready to ship, now is the time to order your copy of these beautiful new calendars.
To place your order, please visit us at: www.creationent.com
12 December
Lucy Articles Newspapers - 2004 Magazines - 1997

We've been trying forever to put this together and we're so happy to be having this special event at The 10th Anniversary Convention! Participating will be ROB TAPERT (Executive Producer), CHRIS MANHEIM (Producer/Staff Writer) and others to be announced. The dates are January 21 to 23 in BURBANK, CALIFORNIA and we still have room for you! Visit us online for all the details and be with us for a celebration no one will ever forget! XENA WRITER'S WORKSHOP at 10TH ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION! Xena writer CHRIS MANHEIM has agreed to teach an in-depth four hour class on Saturday morning and a limited number of seatings are available for those with a serious interest in television writing. 11 December
XenaMedia 1997 Magazines
Xenaverse News 
Creation now has the photos from the 2004 Official Xena Convention by Steve Sears and Wendy Sparks on Renee on stage (with a couple of Lucy in her crazed fan outfit.
http://www.creationent.com/xena/index.htm Official Xena Convention News Double Dare to
Screen at Xena Convention
Source: Creation Entertainment We have a special treat for those coming to THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OFFICIAL XENA CONVENTION, coming to Burbank, California on January 21-23, 2005!
It's a screening of the documentary DOUBLE DARE. Here's the description on the film which has garnered excellent pre-release reviews...
We are very happy to be screening for our attendees this new documentary! The film follows the story of two stuntwomen. Jeannie Epper, once the stunt double for Linda Carter on the old "Wonder Woman" series. Now in her
early 60s, she is a grandmother and still doing stunts for a living. Although she has to fight prejudice against women in the field and assumptions about her age limiting her abilities (which it doesn't!), she refuses to
retire. Zoe Bell was the stunt double for Xena: Warrior Princess but when the series ended she found herself out of work. Moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a stuntwoman, she meets Jeannie and finds an ally,
mentor, and role model. Look for Lucy Lawless in the film too!
Click here for more news about the Convention
Click here for more about the movie Double Dare Xena Xena Everywhere TV Shows
10 December
Lucy Pictures 
Added 7 high resolution scans from the Less Than Perfect episode Ignoring Lydia.

Xenamedia - 1996 Articles
Xenamedia - 1998 Articles
Xenaverse News Official Xena Convention
January 21-23 is the date, The Burbank Airport Hilton is the place!
We've seen so many great Xena artists over the past 10 years that we'd like to have an art show at the upcoming convention in January. There will be a silent auction of the pieces in the ART DISPLAY area at the
convention. There's room for about 30 pieces. Here are the particulars:
- Xena Trading Cards
The next Xena trading card set from Rittenhouse Archives is Xena & Hercules: The Battle For Mt. Olympus. The trading cards are due for release June 2005. Many thanks to LB for the
8 December
- New Auspix.Net Site - dedicated to the UK Series "Hex"
Set in a remote English school, Hex is the story of one girl's exploration of the supernatural. http://hex.auspix.net/
Auspix.net is part of the AUSXIP group of sites.

VCR Alert (Australia)
- Hudson Leike - Hijacked: Flight 285 - Channel 7 at 11:10 pm (AEST)
In other states please check your tv guide
Many thanks to Mark for the news
Xena Music Videos Added a new video artist to the site - Murai Videos by Murai
- Added Love is All Around Me by Wet Wet Wet - some FIN content - wmv format
- Added She by Groove Coverage - no FIN content - wmv format
Videos by Myopia
- Added Lady Marmalade by Christina Aguilera. No FIN content and it sizzles.
wmv format

One Weekend a Month Update
- One Weekend A Month is among the list of short films to be in the Sundance Film Fest January 20-30, 2005. http://festival.sundance.org/2005/?=films
You have to go down the page a bit to the Shorts and US Shorts list.
Many thanks to MET for the news - And for Sharon Delaney comes this note about the movie at the film fest
One Weekend A Month has been selected for competition in the 2005
Sundance Film Festival. The fest runs from Jan 20th - 30th in Park City, Utah.
I don't know the screening dates yet, but there will probably be 6 of them.
Getting into Sundance is a tremendous honor, and I'm certain it will help raise
awareness of both the film and the issue of the intense strain this war is
putting on all of us, particularly the women in men in the Guard and Reserves.

Here’s some absolutely GORGEOUS photos of Lucy from the recent Starship Charity Ball.
You can also purchase these images starting from $35NZ
Check them out at http://topicphoto.co.nz/photolibrary/bin/index.php
Do a search for Lucy Lawless.
Many thanks to Barbara Davies for the news
7 December
Xenamedia - 2000 Articles
The Bard's Corner Classic
- Added Two Thousand Winters Ahead (Complete) by Iseqween
A detour on the journey home from their 25th anniversary adventure in the previous "Fifty Winters Ago" offers Gabrielle and Xena an extraordinary chance to
rediscover themselves.
Fiction - Convention News The Golden Crown Literary Society is pleased to announce the First Annual GCLS Literary Convention to be held in historic New Orleans, Louisiana the weekend of June 24, 2005.
This convention is an opportunity for Publishers, Distributors, Authors and Supporters to meet, share ideas, learn and explore the many facets of our growing genre of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual literature.
During the weekend of June 24-26, 2005, we will be hosting a variety of events for publishers, authors, supporters and fans with panels, seminars, and workshops focused on encouraging and advancing the art of publishing
as well as hosting the First Annual Golden Crown Literary Awards Program. Our schedule will be comprised of Master Classes on Friday for authors interested in developing their craft and learning new, innovative methods
of Plot Development, Character Development,Marketing & Promotion, and more.
Saturday will be fun-packed with interesting and enjoyable panel topics and guest speakers. To top off the Saturday activities, The Golden Crown Literary Society will host the First Annual GCLS Author Awards Program.
This Awards Program will recognize and reward some of the best authors in the GLBT genre for excellent work in several different categories. Following this long-awaited awards program will be a celebration with
entertainment provided by Halcyon, a Florida based duo, often called 'The Indigo Girls of the South"
If that wasn't enough, on Sunday we'll continue our panel discussions and featured guest speakers right up until our closing ceremonies.
We hope you will join us for this incredible event in New Orleans. For more information, and registration please visit the GCLS Literary Convention website at www.gclscon.com
6 December
Xenamedia - 1996 Articles
- Starlog Yearbook - August
1996 - Science Fiction's Toughest Heroes. Savage Sword of Xena, With a dark past & a deadly blade, Lucy Lawless battles on as a Warrior Princess
Xena Episode Guide Season 2 Reviews by SLK
4 December
Xena Episode Guide I'm quite stoked about the next announcement. When the show was still airing (can we have a movie now?) the reviews on ausxip were done by
SLK who is one heck of a great reviewer. Sheryl-Lee also did that wonderful Travelogue through New Xenaland SLK came on board during Season 4 and she hadn't
reviewed Seasons 1 to 3 but now SLK is back :) Starting with Sins of the Past and working her way through Seasons 1 to 3, SLK will be writing reviews for all the episodes.
Official Xena Fan Club From Sharon's Fan Club Page Okay -- Renee came, she saw, she
conquered! The art dept loved the Xena painting she's doing. She said it was at the basic stage and she wanted to go over it and add more highlights and layers of color, a la the Impressionists. Then she wandered over to
my office. I showed her the note I'd put on the web page, she picked up the cactus --- and sat on it! I whipped out my camera and took a photo. Actually, it's Steve Sears' camera, which he loaned me, and he's downloading
the image and I should be able to put it up tomorrow. I'm also hoping to have the interview ready to post on the kit 8 web page by Friday with more photos that I took after our conversation. P.S. I stole a chair from the
art dept office and we both got to sit comfortably. But thanks to all who offered their laps! (grin)
2 December
To defer the medical costs of a cancer patient of particular personal interest to Adrienne, she is helping to raise funds by auctioning off some of her prized collectibles revolving around her job on Xena and elsewhere.
Let's join in helping one of our fave convention guests by visiting this link and bidding on Adrienne's items!http://search.ebay.com/OAWFC_W0QQsokeywordredirectZ1QQfromZR8
Judi's Creations
Xenaverse News Musings from Sharon / Official Xena Fan Club
- Sitting here in the office waiting for Renee to arrive. She's due any minute. She's bringing her sketch over to have a chat with our art dept to make sure we can capture it for the t-shirt. Then we're going to
do an interview for the newsletter about her time in Bulgaria filming Alien Apocalypse. Hmm, I only have one chair. Well, one of us is going to be sitting on the floor. Wait a minute -- I don't have any floor!
Well, not any space on it. It's covered with all kinds of Xena s***, er, goodies (grin) As well as a Christmas cactus. Someone will just have to sit on the cactus. I think we'll toss for it. Will let you know
how this all turns out.
Click here for November 2004 Xena Lucy Lawless & Renee O'Connor Updates