31 January Update from the convention:
It seems Creation has finally recognised a good thing when they see it :) Lucia's artwork is now available from Creation (at the convention) in t-shirts, plaques
autographed by Lucy and Renee :) Now how cool is that? So if you're going to the con - grab them because Lucia's artwork is just fantastic. If you're not going to the convention...fingers crossed
Creation makes these goodies available for sale online. All the artwork is subtext related <g> Way to go Lucia!
2004 Xena Con The following is from Creation Ent. for those going to the convention:
Let Us Celebrate You won't want to miss this extra super-special surprise that will be taking place Saturday afternoon at the
Official Xena Convention at the Burbank Airport Hilton Hotel.
Tickets will be on sale at the door, and you can't say we didn't warn you not to miss what is gonna happen: it will be the talk of Xena fandom!
For full information on the convention, and the full schedule of events (except for the surprise which we're keeping (somewhat) quiet about) visit us online!
Thanks, Your "can't wait till Saturday afternoon" friends at Creation Entertainment
30 January
ROC News
Lucy News
- Also news for convention goers - this photo from Self Magazine of Lucy in
the shower will be available for purchase at the convention. There are only 100 copies of this magazine available for sale.
Ausxip Print Archive Magazines
The Bard's Corner Uber
Subtext Virtual Season

BardCage - Episode 9/Season 9
Xena and Gabrielle find themselves assisting an old friend when a problem comes up that could cancel his son's wedding.
Xenaverse News
- Here's a game of sorts...from Sharon's site:
See, we've got this sword and heaps of people signed it, but no one made any notes at the time and now we can't read them all. I thought perhaps with all the siggys you guys have collected,
you might be able to help.
For those going to the 2004 Xena con in Burbank (have fun!) and this information is for you.
From Sharon:
FAN PANELS AT THE CONVENTION -- we're going to have two panels -- topics listed below -- at the convention and I'm looking for 2 or 3 people for each topic who would like to lead the discussion, with
the audience, from the stage. Missy may be joining one or both of them depending on her jetlag (grin) If you're interested, please email me at
1. How has the portrayal of Xena as a strong female character changed the way women characters are judged today in the media? Did Xena raise the bar and is now the one others are judged against?
2. Who was the real hero of the story, Xena or Gabrielle?
29 January
New Section for Ausxip, Lucy & Renee sites:
- Downloads of Icons & Skins for AIM, Live Journal,
Winamp & Yahoo IM
Visit the new section to add Xena, Lucy & Renee skins & Icons for your online enjoyment :) Mesh has created the section and is maintaining it. IMO it ROCs <g>
Check it out at ausxip downloads
The Bard's Corner
- Added Immortality and Greek Wizardry (Complete) by Pat Winterburn
This story is a what would happen to Xena and Gabrielle, if they were stuck in the 21st century after Send in The Clones.
Ausxip Images
Xena DVD, Video & CD News / Region 1 News
- There is a review of the Season 3 DVD for Region 1 on tvshowsondvd.com which lists the various interviews
Anchor Bay Home Entertainment has provided us with a disc-by-disc breakdown of the nine-disc third season DVD release of the series, which is set to hit stores on February 10.
Disc one includes the episodes "The Furies" (with audio/video commentary by R.J. Stewart, Robert Tapert and Liz Friedman), "Been There, Done That" and "The Dirty Half Dozen";
Disk two features "The Deliverer," "Gabrielle's Hope" and "The Debt, Part 1" (with audio/video commentary by Lucy Lawless and Robert Tapert);
Disk three includes "The Debt, Part 2," "The King of Assassins" (with audio/video commentary by Ted Raimi);
Disk four has "The Quill Is Mightier," "Maternal Instincts" and "The Bitter Suite" (with audio/video commentary by Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor);
Disk five has "One Against Army" (with audio/video commentary by Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor), "Forgiven" and "King Con";
Disk six includes "When In Rome" (with audio/video commentary by Steve Sears), "Forget Me Not" and "Fins, Femmes & Gems";
Disk seven features "Tsunami," "Vanishing Act" and "Sacrifice, Part 1" (with audio/video commentary by Hudson Leick);
Disk eight includes the season finale "Sacrifice, Part 2" (with audio/video commentary by Hudson Leick) as well as bonus video material;
Ninth disc, a CD-ROM, includes screensavers, chronicles, trivia, bios, mythology and a timeline.
- For Bruce Campbell fans (and those in Australia) - Ezydvd is having a DVD sale and you can buy Evil Dead 3 - Army of Darkness DVD for $14.95 with free shipping in Australia.
Xenaverse News
- It was announced yesterday that Ngila Dickson has been nominated for Best Costume Design for The Last Samurai and LOTR: The Return of the King.
Congratulations to Ngila on the nomination.
28 January
Lucy Updates
Ausxip Images Fixed links to
Behind The Scenes
- Added 18 images to the Behind The Scenes Gallery
Evil Xena - New Gallery
- Added 39 images to Evil Xena Gallery
Ausxip - Music Videos Section
T. Novan Videos
- Added Music Video - Jezebel (Xena and her weakness for bad boys....)
wmv format
27 January
Lucy Magazine Alert
- The February Issue of Self Magazine (US - I think) has a full page picture of Lucy and
a very small quote about how she feels about being naked. The picture is of Lucy in the shower (shower curtain hides everything except Lucy's grin and part of her leg and boob (very PG). Scan up shortly.
Many thanks to Marc for the information
The Bard's Corner Classic
Lucy Updates
Xenaverse News For those going to the Official Xena Convention - here's something
else that will be going on - the following is from Cavalier Press
- Cavalier Press will be in the dealer's room at Creation's Official Xena Convention in Burbank. Authors Blayne Cooper, T Novan, KG MacGregor, Verda Foster, and Taylor Rickard will be
available for autographs on Saturday and Sunday. A schedule will be released closer to the convention. http://www.cavalierpress.com
The following is from MET:
- I finally found more info on the actors appearing in the next Power Ranger series which is filming in New Zealand. Katrina Devine, who appeared in the most recent series will appear in the
new series as well, but as a different character. And Latham Gaines will play the villan. He appeared in several Xena eps - Cradle of Hope, Warrior...Princess (he was the guy who was
supposed to marry Diana, but decided not to after seeing Xena kicking arse thinking she was Diana.), Lyre Lyre Hearts On Fire and Many Happy Returns. I plan to keep a look out for any other
familiar Xena faces in the next series.Power Rangers Dino Thunder will premiere on ABC's Saturday morning line up on February 21st. (For US viewers)
27 January
Lucy Magazine Alert
- The February Issue of Self Magazine (US - I think) has a full page picture of Lucy and
a very small quote about how she feels about being naked. The picture is of Lucy in the shower (shower curtain hides everything except Lucy's grin and part of her leg and boob (very PG). Scan up shortly.
Many thanks to Marc for the information
The Bard's Corner Classic
Lucy Updates
Xenaverse News For those going to the Official Xena Convention - here's something
else that will be going on - the following is from Cavalier Press
- Cavalier Press will be in the dealer's room at Creation's Official Xena Convention in Burbank. Authors Blayne Cooper, T Novan, KG MacGregor, Verda Foster, and Taylor Rickard will be
available for autographs on Saturday and Sunday. A schedule will be released closer to the convention. http://www.cavalierpress.com
The following is from MET:
- I finally found more info on the actors appearing in the next Power Ranger series which is filming in New Zealand. Katrina Devine, who appeared in the most recent series will appear in the
new series as well, but as a different character. And Latham Gaines will play the villan. He appeared in several Xena eps - Cradle of Hope, Warrior...Princess (he was the guy who was
supposed to marry Diana, but decided not to after seeing Xena kicking arse thinking she was Diana.), Lyre Lyre Hearts On Fire and Many Happy Returns. I plan to keep a look out for any other
familiar Xena faces in the next series.Power Rangers Dino Thunder will premiere on ABC's Saturday morning line up on February 21st. (For US viewers)
24 January
Lucy Updates
There has been some light hearted debate about the length and colour of Lucy's hair amongst Lucy fans. The following is a note from Sharon on the
Official Xena Fan Club Page:
And for those who have been asking about Lucy, her hair is darker and growing longer. She said the boys in her life missed her long, dark hair. I was surprised that Julius, age four, would really notice
the length of his mom's hair and asked her what he said. She laughed, "Not that boy -- Rob."
Images Alexander McQueen's Spring/Summer 2004 Collection
January 21, 2004
- Wire Image has a pic of Lucy attending the Los Angeles debut of renowned designer Alexander McQueen's Spring/Summer 2004 Collection
January 21, 2004 - Chateau Marmont Los Angeles, California United States. Go to www.wireimage.com and search for Lucy Lawless, it's the first image in the
- Some more pics of Lucy and her friend Marissa at the Alexander McQueen Fashion show at Getty Images
Baz Luhrmann Production of "La Boheme" Opening Night in Los Angeles, 18 January 2004
- There's a short mention of Lucy from an article on backstage.com about the
movie/documentary "Double Dare".
....Micheli found it ironic that when Epper portrayed a superhero such as
Wonder Woman, she not only had to change the way she ran but had to stop
working out so that her shoulders became as thin as Lynda Carter's.
"It's that double thing--you're not just becoming a character, you're
becoming the character in the way that the actor is interpreting it,"
Micheli says. "So it's almost like a two-layered transformation. I know
with Zoe on Xena, she was always very aware what Lucy's habits were--
where she would put her feet, how she would land things. [Although] Lucy
could land however she wanted, the second unit would always have to
match what the first unit did. Sometimes they would have to shoot second
unit before main unit, and they were often happening simultaneously, so
[Bell] just got [it] ingrained in her, 'How would Lucy do this?' Read More...
Ausxip - Music Videos Section
- Added T. Novan to the Music Video Section
T. Novan Videos
- Dance With Me (wmv format) - HOD Dance - Subtext off the scale
- Where Does My Heart Beat Now (wmv format) Xena and Gabrielle - Subtext
- Beautiful Stranger (wmv format) - Xena & Gabrielle - Subtext
- She Bangs (wmv format) - Gabrielle at her fighting best
Xena Xena Everywhere
It seems babies are being named Xena as well as animals. The following is from
The Mansfield News web site.
MANSFIELD -- Females named after a television show and a movie character lead the list of locals with unusual monikers.
Xena, Euphrasia and Nevaeh were among the uncommon names readers chose to share with the News Journal. Jody I. Humphrey said she doesn't think many people have the same name as her daughter, Xena. Lucy Lawless, who starred as the breastplate clad barbarian soldier in the syndicated show "Xena: Warrior Princess," might differ. "Actually Xena the Warrior Princess is where we came up with the name from," Humphrey said. "We wanted a name that started with an 'X,'" and that was the only one they could find, she said. "I didn't particularly care for it at the time, but I love it now and it definitely fits her
personality. She will be 7 years old on Jan. 28 and she is full of energy and spunk -- just (like) her television namesake," Humphrey said.
23 January
The Bard's Corner
The following story is presented a little differently. Because of the size (2.4 mb), instead of presenting it online, it's made available in doc format and html. The
story contains special formatting that the bard requested be kept intact.
I'm pleased to announce the addition of Pat Winterburn to The Bard's Corner
The Growing - Uber Series
Subtext Virtual Season
Gabrielle receives a set of strange, secretive scrolls. Is she hiding something from Xena?
Ausxip Image Library
- Added new images of Xena
- Added new images of Xena and Gabrielle
Ausxip - Music Videos Section
20 January
Lucy Updates
Eurotrip Article
- There is a brief mention of Lucy in the article from
The San Francisco Chronicle
- DreamWorks Marketing Mimics Adult Website
A forthcoming film featuring former Xena: Princess Warrior star Lucy Lawless and produced by DreamWorks is taking a page from the marketing books of adult
Webmasters. Using a similar design and aesthetic to that seen on thousands of adult Websites,
Vandersexxx.com warns users that entry to the site is restricted to those eighteen and older and asks surfers to declare "I am an adult
and wish to view visual images, verbal descriptions and audio sounds of Club Vandersexxx."
Read More....
Ausxip - Music Videos Section
Added Michaela Upton to the Music Video Section
Michaela Upton Videos
- Bitch (Xena)
- Let Me Entertain You (Gabrielle)
- Circle In the Sand (Xena and Gabrielle - Subtext)
- Colour Blind (Xena and Gabrielle - Subtext)
DJWP Videos
- Original Gladiators video in High, Medium and Low sizes
- Smack My Bitch Up music video in High, Medium and Low sizes
18 January
I'm very pleased to announce a new section on Ausxip - Music Videos Section.
Here's a real treat. DJWP created one of the best Xena music videos out there - "Gladiators" which is just plain awesome. It follows the path that Xena and Gabrielle have taken and is set to the
music of Gladiator. I'm seriously stoked to annouce that DJWP has released a revised version of Gladiators called "Gladiatrix for the first time online (the video was shown at last years Official Xena
Convention during the video contest - it was of 5 winners).
What's new in this version is a remix of the music, longer version with added scenes and bound to make you go misty eyed. Sit back and enjoy the journey that Xena and Gabrielle took and realise what
a special special show this was.
DJWP Videos
- Gladiatrix (Revised version of Gladiators) - two versions 55 mb and 8 mb (for slower connections) in mov format
MerryAngel's videos are online for the first time. Her video "Larger Than Life" featured in last year's Official Xena Convention. Over the next week or so I will be adding more of MerryAngel's work
(24 videos in all)
MerryAngel Videos
- Truly Madly Deeply
- Invincible
- I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You
- Larger Than Life
DS Bauden Videos
Di's work has been incredible and I'm very happy to have her work on the site.
- I Take You With Me
- One True Friend
- Please Remember
Subtext Virtual Season

X Marks the Spot - Part 2
Xena helps her counterpart find the hidden truth while she tries to return to Argos.
17 January
Lucy Updates
- Lucy will not be attending the 2004 Official Xena Convention; she will be down in NZ doing reshoots for the movie Boogeyman.
Multimedia - Videos
The following are excerpts from the various interviews on the Season 3 DVDs from The Xena Circle.
Official Xena Fan Club News
2004 Official Xena Convention Update
- With just about two weeks left to go before the Annual Official Xena Convention, we're happy to offer these updates....
Read More ...
- Also the following is from Katherine Fugate about the writing seminar that will be conducted by Katherine and Steve Sears...
Read More ...
Xenaverse News
Biography.com is running a poll - Which is your favorite female action hero?
They have Supergirl; Wonder Woman; Storm (X-men); or Xena
Adrienne News (contributed by Jessica)
She now has her new newsletter up at:
More news:
She is still planning on attending the Sci-Fi Convention at the end of March in London.
Seems like Adrienne will be in an up and coming car commercial. This is what she said about it: Many of you know that I've been doing quite a bit of voiceover work. Well, there is one commercial coming
up that I think is hilarious, so I'd like to point it out. It is for Toyota Tacoma and the ad features a 'scorned girlfriend' who has taken her boyfriend's truck hostage and does some very bad things to
it. I play her friend who is videotaping the event and commenting the whole time. Voiceover only, but it's funny so I hope you'll keep an eye out for it.
15 January
Here's a real treat: Katherine Fugate's (When Fates Collide) movie "Carolina" is now available at Amazon.ca. Check it out at:
This hasn't been released in the US yet or Australia
ROC Images
Lucy Images
Multimedia - Videos
The following are excerpts from the various interviews on the Season 3 DVDs from The Xena Circle.
The Bard's Corner
12 January
Ausxip Graphics
Lucy Updates
- For Aussies who want to catch the Celebrities Uncensored show with Lucy, you might have to wait a bit. Foxtel has just started to air this show on Arena and
as of Sunday (11 January) it was up to episode #4. Lucy's ep is #16
Screengrabs Videos
11 January Lucy Updates
- Fixed link to XSpot (Lucy in X-Files) - Lucy in the Season 9 opening episodes "Nothing Important Happened Today". Also
cleaned up dead links to sites that appear to be now offline or not available.
Top Ten TV Sex Bombs (UK) - Xena is featured as #8. Interviews with Lucy, Renee, Ted Raimi and Rob on what made Xena special and sexy. The sound on the clips is a
bit crackly but not too bad. Clips 01
02 (wmv format)
Added 5 clips of Lucy from the X-Files Season 9 episode "Nothing Important Happened Today - Part 1 and 2".
Lucy guest starred in the season opener as Shannon McMahon, a super soldier. Video is in Windows Media Format Screengrabs
9 January
The Bard's Corner
- Fixed links to the "F" index
Subtext Virtual Season
If you have been having problems accessing the Subtext Virtual Season, the problems with the domain have now been fixed. Please change your bookmarks to
Lucy Updates
With the recent move some file links were scrambled so if you find a link that is broken - please email me at
- Fixed links on the Lucy videos section and all videos should now be accessible.
- Fixed link to Lucy and Wayne Brady singing "You are the Sunshine of My Life"
7 January
The Bard's Corner
5 January
Celebrities Uncensored Video
Everyone wants to see the video of the Celebrities Uncensored Lucy part but you're all going to crash Jody's site so for the meantime you can access the video from
this server
Click here to download video (8 mb)
Contributed by Jody from WarriorPrincessNerd
4 January
Xena TV Schedules
- Added links to Warrior Princess Nerd & Masques Music Videos
Lucy Updates
Lucy TV sighting...
Lucy was spotted on the tv show "Celebrities Uncensored" signing autographs for fans while trying to find her
car. This show follows stars around and usually shows them in a very unflattering situations. Lucy was her usual charming self in signing autographs.
Many thanks to Jo for the news
3 January
Ausxip Image Library
- The library is back online and has been redesigned
- Added 540 images to the Xena, Gabrielle and Xena & Gabrielle galleries - contributed by KatXena, Gerry, Donna & Ronin.
- Convention images and reports is back online
- Wendy Sparks Photos is back online
Bardcon News
Happy New Year Everyone...
Lucia of the month for January is now up...our little darlings are recreating two of the most popular and beloved characters in American literature...
I present to you...
Mark Twain's KER Sawyer and HuckleDARry Finn
This image will be available for the month. The "A Christmas Carol" image is now retired. If your order is still pending it will be fulfilled, however no new orders will be accepted for that image.
Go check out the "kids" <.bg.>
Thank you for your continued support of StoryPlus via the LOTMC. Oh and should you get the urge...drop Lucia a line and tell her how cute these little guys keep turning out. :o)
2 January
The Bard's Corner
1 January 2004
Happy New Year everyone! The photos are of Sydney being lit at midnight welcoming in the new year. Sydney put on quite a show!
Lucy Updates
Click here for December 2003 updates....
Artwork by Lucia Nobrega
Created and maintained by MaryD