30 June
More travelling down memory lane...Wonder Woman - Season 1 - has been released
on DVD in the US. Wonder Woman was one my favourite action heroes when I was a kid - Wonder Woman and Isis <vbg> Anyone remember Isis? Along with Shazam ...gosh...I'm getting nostalgic. It's a good thing computers were a
future dream or else I may be doing The Australian Wonder Woman Information Page instead of Xena<vbg>

The Bard's Corner
The following was sent by Charlotte:
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Newspaper had an article entitled The "Princess Hall of Fame". Sunday June 13th edition. Listed as the No 1 Princess was Xena, followerd by Princess Diana of UK. The jist of
the words about Xena was that she was a mighty warror priness who did not get her man, but there is doubt that she was ever looking for one.
Xena on TV
UK TV update
Hercules ep Armageddon Now 1 and 2 on Bravo late July- 24TH AND 25TH Sat and Sunday 9.00 on 138 (Bravo) and 10.00 139 (Bravo Plus 1)
Many thanks to Grace for the news

Lucy Magazine Alert - New
NZ New Idea has a couple of pics of Lucy from the Frontrunners Pride Run Parade
The following is from Leanne at Kiwi Attic:

is in fine form in the latest New Idea Magazine. Pictured at the 34th Annual LA LGBT Pride Parade, Lucy is really playing up to the camera in a cheeky pose. She was a huge bow on the
front of her short black dress with sleek black gloves covering her whole arm, finished with a kiwi tiki around her neck.
There are 2 pics of Lucy in this mag,
see attached. If you would like a copy, just let us know. The total is US$14.00 and this includes shipping. (Its a heavy mag!)
29 June

LA Frontrunners Images
Ellen has some gorgeous Lucy pics for sale from the event - click on the thumbnail for the bigger versions: -
to order any of these pics - email Ellen on teddy333@cox.net

visit the Lucy Photos section of the Lucy Store for more Lucy photos by Ellen
28 June
Due to an overwhelming response to my poll question about the design of the what's new page, I have reverted back to the original format. Many thanks to those who sent in their vote. 95% of you wanted
the page to revert back to it's pre-scroll days - ask and ye shall receive!

I'm going to date myself here but who cares...I used to watch this when I was 10 - and it's being released in the US on DVD!
"LAND OF THE LOST" THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON (1974) - it was one of my
favourite shows! How cool is this? Availabe from 29 June.
Music Videos
I am very pleased to welcome
Myopia to the the Music Video Section
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
For Swedish fans - Mike sent me the following
- Xena is featured in an exibition about the middle ages at the swedish Museum of History ("Historiska museet") between may 8 and august 29. She is shown alongside Ivanhoe and other well known characters in
one of the rooms that belong to the event. http://www.svenskhistoria.se/museer/205.html
The following is for German Fans -
- it seems the TV station has decided to cancel Xena midway through Season 6 (due to low ratings). The German fans have waited 3 years to see the 6th season and now TPTB have cut it short. There is now a
petition to get the rest of Season 6 shown at http://www.renee-oconnor.de - the site is in German
Many thanks to Anna for the news
27 June

Seattle Men's Chorus 2005 Special Gala

is the flyer advertising Lucy's involvement with the Special Gala Event and it appears that she will be in the 5 performances of the musical
FRIDAY, MAY 13,2005-8 PM
SATURDAY, MAY 14,2005 • 2 PM
SATURDAY, MAY 14,2005 • 8 PM
SUNDAY, MAY 15,2005 • 2 PM
SUNDAY, MAY 15,2005 • 7:30 PM
Many thanks to Ann for the scans
Articles - Warrior Women
Misc Lucy Images
LA Frontrunners Reports & Images
26 June

Lucy Interviews / Articles
- Added interview with Lucy from
Teletext Star Talk - 25 June 2004. Lucy talks about working on Eurotrip, the upcoming Boogeyman and the Xena Movie
thanks to Jen for the news
Lucy Multimedia - Wallpapers
I've added a few of my friends to the Lucy Wallpaper section. Please welcome Calli, Judi Mair and
Mike Quick. These three are super talented and I'm sure you will enjoy their work as much as I do.
Frontrunners Reports & Images
What is Lucy wearing around her neck? Is it a green jelly thing?
Calli sent this explanation for the 'green thing' that Lucy is wearing in the pictures:
Lucy is wearing a 'Tiki'. What is a Tiki? Tiki in Maori personifies primeval man. Powerful good luck symbol. The tilted head symbolises thinking, the hand is strength, the mouth is communication, the heart
is love and the loins are fertility.
Many thanks to Calli for the explanation
25 June

LA Frontrunners Reports & Images

13 pics of Lucy from the fun run by Bonni & Michelle
Rex Features has pics of Lucy from the run/parade.
24 June

Lucy was out and about for the premiere of Spiderman 2 on 22 June 2004
Three pics of Lucy with Rob are on the DailyCeleb.com site - do a search for Lucy Lawless
LA Frontrunners
23 June

Update on
Lucy's Seattle Men's Chorus performance...The following is from Sharon Delaney:
Somewhere along the road, Lucy and I got our wires crossed and I've sent out the wrong info! My apologies.
Lucy Lawless is not performing with SMC this weekend. She will be performing with them next May.
Lucy will be performing with SMC in the musical Gentleman Prefer Blonds at the 5th Avenue Theater May
13,14,15 2005. Tickets go on sale 10/30/04 through our website www.seattlemenschorus.org.
REAF Tribute Ad Update
So far the total raised has been $745 for the ad and $240 in honour of Lucy. Thanks for everyone who
contributed. If you wish to donate you can do it via check or paypal (it has to be in by 15 July)
By check to:
The Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation (REAF)
942 Divisadero Street, Ste. 201
Francisco, CA 94115
Be sure to mark your donation for the Lucy tribute ad.
To make a donation in honor of Lucy or contribute towards her tribute ad through PayPal, Please indicate how money is to be designated. http://www.richmondermet.org/reaf10.1/help10.html
- It's near where the ticket order info is on the "Help X" event page.
LA Frontrunners
WIFTI Summit
- The official WIFTI site has more pictures of Lucy at
the summit
Eurotrip news
Reminder for UK
fans - Eurotrip is being released in the UK on the 25th June
22 June

New Lucy Event - 25 & 26 June 2004 - via Sharon Delaney
Lucy will be performing
the song "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" with the Seattle Men's Chorus on Friday/Saturday, June 25 & 26 in a concert called "Out On Broadway." For information and ticket sales, see their website at http://www.seattlemenschorus.org/smc.html
LA Frontrunners
Added a couple more images from Norma
from the run
Wire Image
has a couple more pics of Lucy with her tiara <g>
The Daily Celeb site
has 32 pics of Lucy from the fun run
(like Wire Image do a search for Lucy Lawless)
1997 Magazines
21 June

LA Frontrunners
More pics of Lucy with Norma - check out Norma's report and a couple of pics of Lucy arriving for the Run.
Many thanks to Norma for the report and pics.

This image is from Wire Images - currently only one pic of Lucy.
Early report from Dan after the race:
I just got back from the front runners race in West Hollywood where Lucy blew the starting horn at the race and handed out medals and awards! Lucy autographed a
baseball and shirt for me, while I was wearing the shirt! Lucy is as beautiful in real life as she is when she plays Xena, and you wouldn't believe how kind she is. She must have autographed over 500
things today! God Bless her!
The following is from the Internet Movie Database under "Goofs for Eurotrip"
Continuity: When Cooper is in Club Vandersexxx and is given the secret word, he puts it in his pocket. In the next shot he puts it in his pocket a second time.
21 June

The Bard's Corner
FicPick of the Week
Juicy Fruits by Chris M
You know it's very difficult to read and laugh at the same time...but I somehow managed to
do it when reading this absolute fantastic piece by Chris. This story involves Gabrielle trying to tell Joxer about her relationship with Xena...it somehow links juices...fruit juices. It's an absolutely hysterical
Xena DVD News

An update for those going to the LA Frontrunners Pride Run - a message from Sharon about meeting up with her:
Looks like there will be some
fans gathering for the Pride Run. Not knowing the area, I'm going to try and be at registration or near the starting area. I'm working on the balloon! I'll probably be there about 7:30.
21 June

Josh Becker has started to post images from behind the scenes of Alien Apocalypse (none of Renee as yet)
Many thanks to Barbara for the news
Sarge asked:
With every movie, tv program, movie of the week,
etc. going to dvd, is it possible that once Alien Apocalypse is aired that it might go to dvd? If it does, will you do a directors cut version, or possibly with outtakes, commentaries, etc.?
I, along
with countless other fans of both Renee and Bruce, would love to see that happen.
Josh replied:
There are no plans for a DVD release, but we'll see.
Rohan the Thunder Chick asked:
Now that your movie is finished filiming, do you have a say in the editing or music, etc?
Josh replied:
After the editor assembles the film, I do the director's cut making any changes I want.
Then it's turned in and the producers can do whatever they'd like to it. They have hired my friend, Joe LoDuca, to score the film, and Joe has scored everything I've ever shot, including Herc and Xena. So
I know it will have a good score.
20 June

Congratulations to Alex Tydings and her hubby on the birth of their daughter, Ruby! Ruby was born on the 17th
Many thanks to Katherine Fugate for the news
Xenaverse News
News from the Xenaversity
Now is your chance! You probably saw or
own the FIRST Silent Movie from the Xenaversity. Then you may have heard about the making of the Silent Western. You may have seen its debut at the Burbank Xena Con 2004. You may have even downloaded the
trailer from our website.
Well Giddy Up, Pardners! Now is your chance to order Your Very Own Xena Silent Western FOR ONLY $15 !!! (includes domestic ship/hand)
Not only will you get a Westernized Xena Movie
on NTSC VHS tape (sorry, no other formats available at this time), but you'll also get added features like creator commentary (from Xenaversity members who put this together), deleted scenes and an
alternate ending! Plus you'll be donating $$$ to local Minnesota charities! (details on website) total of almost 30 minutes!
You will also have an opportunity to bid for AUTOGRAPHED copies of the
Western as well!! Renee O'Conner, Hudson Leick and others have signed copies to sell with proceeds going directly to charity! The auction will end before the sale, so bid now!
Order Now! Pass The
Word! Share The Fun!
the Xenaversity of Minnesota Fan Club
19 June

Xena DVD News
Xena fan Connect has some DVD clips plus the Official Season 4 DVD promo. You can view them online at
Reminder: For those in Los Angeles - Lucy will be hosting -- and firing the starting gun -- for the Los Angeles Frontrunners Pride Run 2004 on Sunday, June 20, starting at 8 AM. The awards, which Lucy
will be handing out, will be presented about 9:30 - 10 AM. Sharon Delaney is trying to organise a fan get together so if you are in the area and want to watch Lucy contact Sharon on outback@creationent.com
For more information on this event go to the Frontrunners Information Section

Lucy Images - Premieres/Photoshoots
Lucy Articles

Metro Magazine won "Magazine of the Year, Editor of the Year", "Designer of the Year" and "Cover of the
Year" at the 2004 NZ Magazine Awards. The cover of the year went to the Lucy cover :)
Admedia - 1 May 2004 says "
March 03 one of Lucy Lawless, copies of which became hot items with members of the star's global fan club. "
18 June

Eurotrip Videos

The videos of Lucy's cameo on Eurotrip, outtakes and gag reel are now available for download.
Disclaimer: There are naughty bits in this film and naughty words are spoken (women showing their
breasts and our poor hapless hero showing his posterior). The gag reel has a few naughty words. If you easily offended please don't view.
Click here to view download page
Videos contributed by Ann
Lucy News from Sharon Delaney/OXFC
Newsletter #28 is off to the printer with interviews with Lucy and Renee. Also one with Steve Sears on "The Dirty Half Dozen."
Lucy talks about women losing their lineage and their history and a newspaper
report on an overheard restaurant conversation about that age-old question, "How do you measure a man's 'worth.'" We really shouldn't allow Lucy, Danielle Cormack and Madeleine Sami out in public without a chaperone. A
"Well, then, you're right," she laughed. "I'm sure I didn't say 'worth' though," she added mischievously. "That's not my expression, but, yes, all right, okay, I admit it, it was me. Lucy the role model
died. We can't find her." She burst out laughing. "But the thrust of the question . . ." And she dissolved in giggles again.
Source: Sharon

The Bard's Corner
Okay for those that have been waiting for Sue and Okasha to finish the Epic of Epics of novels - The Growing, well it's here. The final
chapter. May I suggest you grab yourself something to drink, find a comfy chair and relax. This is going to blow your socks AND shoes off <g> It's a real beauty.
- Added
The Growing - Chapter 63 (Conclusion) by Sue Beck & Okasha
- Added The Strongest Tree (Complete) by Iseqween
Xena and Gabrielle meet two girls who help the companions deal with the
recently crowned Amazon Princess' new fighting skills
Fic Pick of the Week problem - it seems the story Only One has some problems on the site so here is a link from Redhawk's site while I fix the problem on TBC
Xenaverse News
For those interested in
picking up some Xena costumes - Kiwi Attic is auctioning off a
Silver Merchant's Robe and
Khrafster's Costume

Attention UK Fans
- The movie "The Flood: Who Will Save
Our Children?' will be shown on UK TV on
24th of June at 12:00 - 13:45 - Sky One - number 120
Many thanks to Grace for the news
18 June

Renee News from The Official Xena Fan Club/Sharon Delaney
#28 is off to the printer with interviews with Lucy and Renee. Also one with Steve Sears on "The Dirty Half Dozen."
Renee gives an in-depth report on filming "One Weekend a Month," and the fact
that it had no script -- all improv! The character's cussing and dark side. Which led to a discussion of a something that happened when we filmed "Coffee Talk 3" with her and Lucy. A tidbit:
liked this cussing lady?" I teased. "I wonder if this interview will be in the same kit where we have you giving the finger on camera?" "What was I doing that for!" Renee said, her eyebrows heading for
the top of my car. "You were describing your experience with road rage when we did the interview with Lucy during the DVD interviews. And you said to me, 'Can I show what I did, Sharon?'" I laughed. "You
were talking to Lucy and you said, 'So I went like this to him in my rear view mirror,' and you made the one-fingered gesture." "Oh, yeah, yeah," Renee burst out laughing as she remembered. "And you did
it three times," I told her wagging my finger in front of her face." "No!" Renee said, rolling with laughter. "So we're haviing a debate," I continued with mock seriousness, "do we show it once, twice,
all three times? Do we cover the finger in a black band?" "That would be funny," Renee said, wiping her eyes and getting back to my original question.
Source: Sharon Delaney
17 June

2005 Official Xena Convention
The guest rollcall for the 10th Anniversary Xena con for January 2005 has started. Top of the list is Renee O'Connor. Creation
announced that Renee will be at the convention. No word yet about Lucy. Other guests attending will be
For more info about tickets go to: www.creationent.com/cal/
Articles - a couple from the 'back in time' vault...
1996 Magazine Articles
2004 Newspaper Articles
2004 Magazine
The Bard's Corner
FicPick of the Week
A FicPick section with previous stories selected in this section will be up shortly.
Only One by Redhawk
In addition to being a major Xena fan (no kidding, you would never have figured that out...) I'm also a
Highlander fan and I was over the moon when I read this story. Xena is an immortal - in the grand tradition of Highlander. Being an immortal can be rather tiresome when you don't have your soulmate to be with you and
Xena goes through the millennia without Gabrielle - who promised to come back to her - and she does in the form of Rickie - a street kid who witnesses the immortal in action! Highly recommended. The whole INFINITY series
is fantastic.
The following is from Cavalier Press
We are very pleased to announce that the talented KG MacGregor has entrusted Cavalier Press with a third great novel. The House on Sandstone is
a perceptive story of life and love in small-town America. Two women, meeting again after twenty-five years apart, find that time brings many changes, both in themselves and in their community. The House
on Sandstone is due to be released in January 2005. http://www.cavalierpress.com

Eurotrip News
Eurotrip Release Dates for:
- UK - 25 June 2004
- Australia: 12 August 2004
Articles -
2004 Newspapers
Detroit Free Press - 16 June 2004
Very brief mention of Lucy and her out of bodice incident. The article is about
Detroits anthems and who sang them:
Lucy snippet reads: TV star Lucy Lawless sparked pop-culture titillation when her bodice malfunctioned while singing at a '97 Red Wings playoff game in Anaheim.
Many thanks to Barbara Davies for the news
Lucy Images

Lucy being goofy
from her tour with Dave Dobbyn around NZ in late 2002 and January 2003. The image is at http://www.radiochick.co.nz/images/lucy&dave.jpg site.
16 June

REAF Benefit News
Images & Press Release
REAF has released the official press release for the
Benefit which you can download the pdf (592k)
They also have a 300 dpi version of
Lucy's new Promo Pic - it's a bit big at 937k but it's perfect for
Lucy Costume Auction Update - 4-11
- The Auction will be held on Ebay between the 4th August and the 11th August
Silent Auction - 2 August 2004
The following two 8 x 10s will also be auctioned at a Silent
Auction on the 2nd August.

Lucy Lawless: Framed 8”x10” signed photo
Xena/Hercules: Framed, signed 8"x10" photo of Lucy Lawless as Xena and Kevin Sorbo as Hercules. |
15 June

Lucy Images
Updated the
Premieres, Photoshoots and Other Events Image Section
Updated TV Show Screengrabs

Xena DVD News
More goodies on Season 4 (Region 1)
The Bard's Corner
Fixed links to IseQween's stories
- Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow: Forced to adapt
to the 21st century-world Alti transported them to in SEND IN THE CLONES, Xena and Gabrielle experience new opportunities to explore life, their respective selves and each other.
Greener Pastures: A Horse’s Tale: Argo recalls meeting the intriguing warrior she carries into SINS OF THE PAST and her initial impressions of the puzzling smaller human who soon begins traveling
with them.
- It Could Be Worse: Xena and Gabrielle weather a few ripples in their new friendship immediately following their
experiences in CHARIOTS OF WAR.
- War's Surrender:
Pits Ares against Aphrodite in a heated debate provoked by
Xena's actions in A FRIEND IN NEED
14 June

Lucy Images

One more photo of Lucy (a little larger) from
www.broadway.com with Marissa Jaret Winoker
Lucy was at The Tony Awards on the 6th June and looked fabulous -
Film Magic has 4 new photos of Lucy from the event. http://filmmagic.com/
- do a search for Lucy Lawless
Many thanks to Ann for the alert
13 June

More info on
Alien Apocalypse from Josh Becker

Updated Postcard section
with new Lucy image
MaryD's Art
Frontrunners Pride Run Section
I received a note from Guillermo Jaimes, the Pride Run Race Director for
LA Frontrunners about methods of donating. Frontrunners don't have the ability to take credit card donations but if you wish to donate directly to the organisations that will be benefitting from the
run you can do so:
12 June

This is Lucy's new promo shot - absofrigginlutely gorgeous IMO.A larger version of this is now available for download from the Promo Pic section of the Image Archive
More on the Frontrunners Pride Run
For those going to the Run -
the tickets include a concert by kd lang.
Added the
official press release from Frontrunners about Lucy's involvement.
Lucy say's
"I'm delighted to help kick off this event
which promotes, health, pride and community spirit. Boy, the world could sure use a whole lot more of that," said the actress who hails from New Zealand, and has continued to wow fans all over the world
with her commitment to roles that appeal to her sense of fun and adventure. Her credits include, Boogeyman, Spiderman, Ugly Americans, Just Shoot Me, X-Files, and Xena the Animated Movie.
click here to read the entire press release
Lucy To Host he Los Angeles Frontrunners Pride Run 2004 on Sunday 20th June.
The following is from Sharon Delaney
Lucy will be hosting -- and firing the starting gun!, she says -- for the Los Angeles Frontrunners Pride Run 2004 on Sunday, June 20, starting at 8 AM. The awards, which Lucy will be handing out, will be
presented about 9:30 - 10 AM.
The start/finish location is Santa Monica Blvd. at Robertson in West Hollywood. It's a loop! There will be three races at the same time. 5 and 10K runs and a 5K
Go to lafrontrunners.com for info and entry forms. The run benefits Project Angel Food and GLASS (Gay and Lesbian Adolescent
Social Services).
If you can't join the run itself, you can send a donation to them at:
LA Frontrunners
P.O. Box 691772
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Please make a note on the check
that it's for the Pride Run 2004 and that you're donating in Lucy's name so they can let her know about your support.
Boogeyman News
- The release date for Boogeyman (in the US) is 4 February 2005 according to Fangoria Magazine
Screen Gems has set a release date of February 4, 2005 for BOOGEYMAN, the first
movie to roll for Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert’s Ghost House Pictures. Stephen T. (GET CARTER) Kay directed the film, about a young man (7TH HEAVEN’s Barry Watson) who believes that the titular phantom
devoured his father 16 years ago, and returns to his hometown to confront the creature as an adult. (See Fango #234, currently on sale, for Raimi’s comments about the project.) The movie, which
co-stars Emily Deschanel and Lucy Lawless, was lensed (in New Zealand) before Ghost House’s THE GRUDGE, but that Takashi Shimizu film will open first (October 29 from Columbia). For more info go to http://www.fangoria.com/news_article.php?id=2430
Many thanks to Ann for the news
Boogeyman related
- Scoop.co.nz reports that Film New
Zealand announced new trustees in a press release on 11 June 2004. One of the trustees is Chloe Smith.
She spent 8 years as New Zealand producer of the universally screened and popular television
series Xena - Warrior Princess and Hercules, The Legendary Journeys: was co-producer of Forever, a one hour dance work by
choreographer Douglas Wright filmed for the prestigious Work Of Art series;
producer of Michael Bennett’s internationally screened short film, Cow; and most recently was line producer for the Sam Raimi/Rob Tapert/Senator International feature, Boogeyman. These credits
total over 300 hours of drama production. Chloe is a New Zealand citizen, originally from England and Zimbabwe. For more information go to:
12 June

Aussie News
If anyone would like to meet up and chat with David Franklin aka Brutus, he will be at this weekends (Sunday) meeting of the Friends of Science Fiction at the Catholic Workmans Club in Lidcombe.
Sydney XenaFest News
Stripe tells us that David Franklin, who is currently in Sydney for Friends of Science Fiction, donated a beautiful autographed 8x10 glossy for our Xena Charity Auction. And that's just one of
the beaut autographed glossies we have.
All profits this year are going to the Make A Wish Foundation. This is a non-government supported charity that grants wishes to seriously ill
children so long arms and shallow pockets, people!
Remember, winning bids are payable in cash on the night so bring plenty of it with you - there's many a bargain to be had! St George Leagues Club has a multi-card ATM handy just in case...
See you all on
Saturday and what a fun night it's going to be!
Saturday, 12th June 2004 from 5 pm
Prince Edward Room,
St George Leagues Club,
Princes Highway,
Neat, clean, smart casual - males to wear collared shirts, please.
$5 contribution at
the door goes to purchasing real Xena stuff as prizes.
Meals and drinks available at the Bistro and bars at reasonable prices.
RSVP ASAP suebon@iprimus.com.au
Bring along your friends or come alone and make new ones!
The Sydney Xenaphiles - celebrating three fabulous years of drowning in Xena together.
11 June

this is cool :)
The site has been has been given a Golden Web Award in In recognition of creativity, integrity and
excellence on the Web for June 2003-2004 Golden Web Awards
I'd like to thank the academy....<g>
Media Updates

The Bard's Corner
FicPick of the Week
Visiting Hours by Ella Quince
This story will make you smile. Ella weaves a tale of a Warrior Princess
very much in trouble in a prison with only a few hours to go before she is executed. Gabrielle needs to get her out of there quick and well all Xena needs is a little motivation to get moving!
10 June

Xena DVD News - Region 1
9 June

Update on the REAF Lucy Tribute Ad - the amount raised so far is $675! When it reaches $800, a full page ad can be placed :) Thanks for everyone who contributed. If you wish to donate
you can do it via check or paypal (it has to be in by 15 July)
By check to:
The Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation (REAF)
942 Divisadero Street, Ste. 201
San Francisco, CA 94115
sure to mark your donation for the Lucy tribute ad.
To make a donation in honor of Lucy or contribute towards her tribute ad through PayPal, Please indicate how money is to be designated. http://www.richmondermet.org/reaf10.1/help10.html
- It's near where the ticket order info is on the "Help X" event page.

More info on Alien Apocalypse
from Josh Becker
Question from David:
Sex scene between Bruce and Renee huh. Imaginations will be running wild I assure you.
But i have to ask.......where they clothed during the filming of this scene, and were they comfortable
doing it; just curious how much modesty was present on set?
Answer from Josh:
It's not even a sex scene, it's the foreplay leading up to one, and they are both fully clothed. But I think it's very well-played,
and even possibly touching.
8 June

The Kevin Smith Trust page has been updated with new information at
The Trust now accepts donations via
paypal. There is also a new address for mail-in donations - the Auckland Theatre Company does NOT handle donations to the fund anymore.
Kevin Smith Trust Fund
c/o Auckland Festival Office
P.O. Box 68533
Auckland 1
Many thanks to Cassie for the news
The Bard's Corner SECOND ANNUAL DC BardFest
The Second Annual DC BardFest - a gathering of people committed to supporting up and coming writers,
and especially those friendly to the Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered and Bisexual community. Held over the first weekend in October every year, DC BardFest attracted over 225 participants in 2003 and expects almost 400
participants this year.
Read More ...
Xenaverse News
Aussie Xena News
Sydney Xenaphiles News
Hang on to your seats! Special Events Co-ordinator, Theresa, has organised another movie night for every
Friend of Xena - Shrek 2! Ya-a-ay!
This is not just any animated feature but, if you feel uneasy as an adult going to a "kiddie's" flick, then grab a child, any child, and come along - it'll be a
great experience. (You can ditch the kid once you're inside and the lights are down.)
After that, we'll wander off to this excellent pizza place we found and chill out (or we can go inside and warm
Let me know if you're joining us so we can arrange a group booking and share the discounted ticket price. (More pizza!)
When, you ask? Sunday June 20, mid-afternoon session
And where? Hoyts
Cinemas at Eastgardens, Pagewood
Italian Xena News
The second season will be shown this summer for Italian fans starting 7 June at 10:25 am on the Italia1 channel.
Many thanks to xandrella for the news
Roach's Realm is holding a video contest and the purpose of the contest is to raise funds for a "convention" called "Musings of the Night" in September. All proceeds
will be going to The Kevin Smith Trust Fund.
The premise of the contest is to allow fans of the videos to bid/donate and support interactively in the video creation. All of the videos will
be made custom order for the winning bidder. An opportunity to have something custom made while supporting a great cause...what could be better? and there will be lots of videos to go around
and entertain us for a long time down the road.

Congratulations to Lucy for getting the Order of Merit in the Queen's Birthday Honour List for 2004
Lucy has been given this honour for services to entertainment and the community.
following is from the NZ Herald - 7 June 2004
Another person from the entertainment world to be honoured was Lucy Lawless,
made a member of the NZ Order of Merit. The 36-year-old actor, whose role as Xena in Xena: Warrior Princess made her a cult television star, has been involved with the Starship Foundation for the past 10
years and has held a role on its board of trustees for the past four years. Starship Foundation chief executive Andrew Young said Lawless gave freely of her time.
The full list can be viewed
here http://www.dpmc.govt.nz/honours/lists/list.asp?id=27
What is the Order of Merit?
Instituted in 1996, the New Zealand Order of Merit has five levels.
Principal Companion (PCNZM), Distinguished Companion (DCNZM), Companion (CNZM), Officer (ONZM) and Member (MNZM). Prior to 2000 recipients at the first two levels were entitled to use the titles ‘Sir or
Dame’. It is awarded for meritorious service to the Crown or the nation and to those who have become distinguished in their particular field of endeavour. Membership is restricted to 30 Principal
Companions at any one time, 15 Distinguished Companions, 40 Companions, 80 Officers and 140 Members per year. More information on the New Zealand Order of Merit is available at the New Zealand Honours
Secretariat web site.
In addition to Lucy getting the Order of
Merit, Ngila Dickson also received the honour. The following is from the New Zealand Herald
Ngila Dickson, costume designer
for Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, was made an officer of the NZ Order of Merit. Screenwriter Philippa Boyens, designer Grant Major and editor Jamie Selkirk are made members of the NZ Order of
"It is a privilege and I'm excited about it but at the moment I'm alone with no champagne and no one to celebrate it with," Ms Dickson said from a Los Angeles hotel room.
7 June

ROC Update: More info on Alien Apocalypse from Josh Becker
5 June

ROC TV Alerts for June
Upcoming for 6 June
A TV correspondent is ill-prepared for domestic life after she marries a heart surgeon. Based on
Danielle Steel's novel. Sun Jun 6 05:00P on Lifetime
4 June

Help is the On Way / REAF Benefit News
The REAF foundation has a program book for their upcoming Benefit in August. As many of you know Lucy will be singing at this benefit. We (Lucy fans on the Talking Xena Message Board - Lucy Chat) have decided to show our support of Lucy by taking out an ad in the program book. If you would like to
contribute to the ad that will read
"Lucy's Fans Support Help is on the Way X - Xenites For The Greater Good.
The logo has been designed by CorXy and Creation has graciously
allowed us to use Lucy's photo (from the Mexico Photoshoot).
To make a donation in honor of Lucy or contribute towards her tribute ad through PayPal, Please indicate how money is to be designated. http://www.richmondermet.org/reaf10.1/help10.html
- It's near where the ticket order info is on the "Help X" event page.
Show your support of Lucy and of course the Benefit!
Lucy Screengrabs -

Added 123 Screencaptures from the Eurotrip - Uncut DVD by Weebod.
I have to add a disclaimer here: In some of the grabs there
is partial nudity (breasts are shown...and if you are easily offended please do not view the grabs) NOT by Lucy Lawless but by the actress' playing Madam Vandersexx's girls. Please be aware of this.
Added 28 Screencaptures from the Eurotrip - Uncut DVD Blooper/Gag Reel by Weebod
4 June

The Bard's Corner

Lucy Images
I received two great photos from Jeanette Gibbs - Jeanette is the journalist who interviewed Lucy recently for the NZ TV Guide and the Australian TV Guide. She went to interview Lucy at the WIFTI Summit in New Zealand
for Traveller magazine (that article/interview will be out soon) and these photos were taken. Lucy was very generous with her time and gracious as always. Many thanks to Jeanette for the photos.
Lucy News
has been asked to be a judge at the 42 Below Cocktail World Cup to be held in New Zealand on 28 June 2004 in Queenstown according to Scoop Online. There is no confirmation that Lucy has accepted. For read
full article go to:
3 June

Music Videos
Added three new music videos from GabEGrrl
- "Painted Desert" by Pat Benatar
- "Radical" by catie curtis
- a video set to music from The Gladiator of my impressions of Macbet h
2 June

FicPick of the Week
Back Trouble by Della Street
I love Della Street's work and this little tale is just too cute for words. Poor Xena has hurt
her back..just when she and Gabrielle were finding out what everyone out there in subtext land already knew! She is under orders to stay put in bed by the Amazon healer. Doing this is a tough job. A cute story.
A bard Is In Need folks - the following is from Steph at the Academy
I also wanted to let those who just wanted to help Nene out during this rocky time. You can go to the bottom of her home page (http://www.corrieweb.com/library.htm)
and look
for the paypal donate button or just click from here-
http://www.paypal.com send money to wynna1@yahoo.com
Consider helping to support the author by making a donation. Nene has
given us years of enjoyment- Please feed the bard (literally!) when it counts.
Buy a Bard and You Can Be the Star!
Nene Adams
is for sale... or at least, her story-writing talents
are yours for the taking. That's right - enter this Buy-a-Bard auction and you may win a personalized story written especially for you! You choose the setting, you choose the genre, you choose the adventure - take as
much or as little control as you desire.
Want pirate gals on the high seas? Chicks in chainmail? Regency romance? Mystery, adventure, historical, cyberpunk, horror, comedy, science fiction or fantasy - anything's
possible! You can even become a character in the story yourself. Once written, this custom tale will become your sole property to do with as you wish. Five winners will have the satisfaction of taking home a unique,
one-of-a-kind tale written by this talented bard.
Enter the Buy-a-Bard silent auction and you can be the star of your own adventure! Auction bids can go to
and auction will close Friday June 11th, 2004
The following is more a Rob Tapert/Sam Raimi news
Former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Sarah Michelle Gellar, who stars in the upcoming supernatural
horror film The Grudge, will unveil preview footage of the movie at the upcoming International Comic-Con in San Diego, July 22-25.
Many thanks to MET for the news
1 June

Lucy TV
Alert for Aussies - 2 July 2004 3:30 AM
Lucy will be appearing in the Bernie Mac Show episode "Keep it on the Short Grass" also starring Matt Damon on the 2nd of July on Channel Nine at 3:30 AM
(i.e. Saturday morning) Bernie plays in a celebrity golf game to improve his image, and ends up having team up with his wife against Lucy and Matt.
Many thanks to Mark for the alert
Attention Horse Fans - Argo's filly is available to buy..you can have your very own Argo. This is not a toy, it's a real live gorgeous horse (It has to be gorgeous if it's Argo's filly <g>).
I don't have alot of details about this so if you are interested please contact Anna Low - Managing Director W.O.W Ltd -on anna@wownz.co.nz