30 November
The Bard's Corner Uber
Xena Xena Everywhere TV Shows
Kevin sings
"Little Drummer Boy" at Christmas in the Park, New Zealand Contributed by Cassie

Warrior Women The Warrior Women series is back on Australian cable on the Discovery Channel on Foxtel - Channel
Digital 630 and Analogue 19
- 30.11.04 5.30PM
Grace O'Malley: Pirate Queen
Hist/Biog. Nowhere in the annals of seafaring history has a woman succeeded in the art of seamanship like Ireland's Grace O'Malley. (PG)
01.12.04 6.30AM
Lozen: The Apache Warrior
Hist/Biog. Lozen was a multi-talented woman: not only was she a prophet and a skilful warrior, but a healer and midwife too. (PG)
01.12.04 5.30PM
Lozen: The Apache Warrior
Hist/Biog. Lozen was a multi-talented woman: not only was she a prophet and a skilful warrior, but a healer and midwife too. (PG)
02.12.04 6.30AM
Wang Cong'Er
Hist/Biog. The Mulan legend is the story of a young Chinese woman who joined the army in place of her old, ailing father during the Sui dynasty, over a thousand years ago. (PG)
02.12.04 5.30PM
Wang Cong'Er
Hist/Biog. The Mulan legend is the story of a young Chinese woman who joined the army in place of her old, ailing father during the Sui dynasty, over a thousand years ago. (PG)
03.12.04 6.30AM
Hist/Biog. History labels Boudica as a cruel heroine who stopped at nothing to defend her people and culture. But what, exactly, encouraged such relentless behaviour from a wife and mother? (PG)
03.12.04 5.30PM
Hist/Biog. History labels Boudica as a cruel heroine who stopped at nothing to defend her people and culture. But what, exactly, encouraged such relentless behaviour from a wife and mother? (PG)
28 November
The Bard's Corner Original Fiction
Xena Xena Everywhere

Lucy has appeared on the Bravo TV 100
Characters show again but this time Lucy commented on 3 of the top 20 characters, Carrie Bradshaw, Tony Soprano, and the Seinfield crew
26 November
Xena Xena Everywhere
25 November
For those going to the 2005 Xena Con will get a nice surprise - Nifty new shirts designed by Lucy and Renee. The following is from Sharon Delaney: "I have done a sketch, but I'm thinking of something
else," Lucy said.
"I'm in my Van Gogh period," Renee said.
"Get out your drawing utensils," I said to Lucy and Renee. And they did! And now we're going to premiere t-shirts with original artwork by Lucy and Renee at the upcoming convention.
The setting was perfect. I met Lucy at what could easily pass for a Parisian cafe in Burbank and she had pad and pencil in hand. She showed me the design she was working on and it was exactly what we were looking for
to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the show. As we sipped our coffee, she kept staring at the Gabrielle image part of the drawing and began to mumble to herself, "That's not quite right. That's not quite Renee! I
gotta fix the nose." She began making different noses and finally found one she liked and redid Gabrielle's face. She was right. The new sketch captured more of Renee's personality inside Gabrielle.
When I got back to the office, Renee phoned in with an update. "I'm in my Van Gogh period," she informed me. "Xena's face is yellow and her hair is red. Is that okay?" she inquired a bit hesitantly. "You go,
girlfriend!" I told her, laughing. And she headed happily back to her easel.
Xena Xena Everywhere
- Judging Amy - Episode Catching it Early (23 November 2004)
Amy and her court clerk, Bruce are sitting in a bar talking about people they've dated that scared them. Amy relates a
story about an French artist and Bruce says: "There was this one who wanted me to call her Xena. You know, like the Warrior Princess?" "Did you call her Xena?" "I called her a cab."
Contributed by T. Novan

Lucy Picture Archive
24 November
Image Library Added screengrabs and video of Lucy from
the Bravo TV - Xena was the 100th most popular TV Character - 22 November 2004
Music Videos Videos by Myopia
23 November
Image Library
The Bard's Corner Uber
- Added Beach Encounter (Complete) by Mickey
After an unexpected breakup with the woman she thought she would be spending the rest of her life with, Sandy Craft returns to the town she grew up in to attend her high school reunion. And to give her broken heart
time to heal. There she meets Marcie Toffee and begins to wonder if, just maybe, the true woman of her dreams isn’t the woman she met at the end of an old fishing pier. Would she return home with more than just
memories of a weekend spent with a new friend? Sometimes good things can come out of a bad situation, will this be the case for Sandy?
Xenaverse News
- It was just announced on CNN that Xena will be the 100th most popular TV character of all time in a count down done on the cable network Bravo. They will begin showing the countdown Monday Nov.22 at 9:00pm EST
repeated at 12midnight and again Friday Nov 26 at 5pm EST . Since they go backwards from a hundred if all us Xena fans want to catch it start from the begining.
Many thanks to Susan for the news
- Creation has announced that the 2005 Xena Photo Calendar is ready to order.
Children's Hope Foundation Charity Appeal....
I would like to share with you a project I am supporting. An actress I know is performing in a play in NYC to fund The Children's Hope Foundation. We
are looking to collect new clothes and toys for infants and kids with AIDS. The theater program is going to make enough cash for the Foundation. They are asking for bottles, bibs, and toys etc. If you are interested in
donating an unwrapped item to this cause, you can contact me or visit Kimberly Amato's web site. The deadline to donate is the 13th of December. Happy Holiday's to all!

Upcoming ROC US VCR Alerts
- Changes
Thu Nov 25 02:35P on Lifetime Movie Network
- The Flood: Who Will Save Our Children?
Mon Nov 22 11:30P on Lifetime Movie Network Tue Nov 23 11:05A on Lifetime Movie Network
- Follow the River
Wed Nov 24 09:00P on Hallmark Channel
21 November
Official Xena Fan Club News Creation Entertainment has a small sample of Lucy
singing from the Help Is On the Way Benefit. You can download it from
The full version can be found on the Official Fan Club Kit #8 DVD
- Testosterone Fuels American Pop Culture; We Need Girl Power
Xena was no pixie princess afraid to scuff up her fingernail polish -- she was a fearless statuesque Queen unafraid to get down and dirty as she battled evildoers with Gabby her faithful sidekick/friend and sometime
lover by her side.
Click here for article
20 November Hi folks It seems I put my foot in it by posting a cartoon of the new Secretary of State, Condeleeza Rice as Xena. This has offended a few people and after consideration
of why this was offensive, I have decided to remove the cartoon. My sincerest apology to those that were offended.
The Bard's Corner
Xenaverse News
- Fans who buy a DVD box set of Highlander, Xena: Warrior Princess or Hercules: The Legendary Journeys will get a free sword-shaped letter opener themed to the show in the "Grab the Adventure" promotion, which runs
through Dec. 31, 2005.
Many thanks to MET for the news
19 November
Ghost House Pictures (Sam Raimi & Rob Tapert)
Raimi & Campbell Remaking The Evil Dead
Source: Variety
November 18, 2004
"Spider-Man" franchise director Sam Raimi and original producing partners Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell are reteaming to produce a remake of the cult hit The Evil Dead through Ghost House Pictures and Senator
International, reports Variety.
Click here to read more of the article
17 November Xena Movie News
Xena Music Videos
Xenaverse News Subtext Virtual Season 
A Sister's Love
The bond of love between sisters is very strong. Can Xena and Gabrielle help this bond survive death?

One Weekend A Month
two pictures of Renee with Eric and Renee with Bonni from the One Weekend a Month screening at the AFI Film Festival November 13.

The Louis Vuitton United
Cancer Front Gala There is an article about the event on filmstew.com - no mention of Lucy but a great photo - click on the thumbnail for the larger scan
 Louis Vuitton's Starry Night
How do you raise $1.5 million for cancer research in a single night? Start with the special auction of a 189-carat pink kunzite ring and mix in co-hosts Sarah Jessica Parker, Jamie Foxx and Dustin Hoffman. This past
Monday night’s gala charity event at the Universal Studios Soundstage 24 for The Louis Vuitton United Cancer Front is really the story of three people – French Empress Eugenie’s favorite 19th century specialist, Louis
Vuitton; former NBC programming wizard Brandon Tartikoff; and his devoted widow Lilly.Read more of the article
16 November
Xena Music Videos
Myopia Videos
- Added a 'feel good vid' Pick Yourself Up
performed by Diana Krall.- No FIN Content
The Bard's Corner Uber
- Added The War Between The Hearts - Part 1 (Unfinished/Alt) by Nann Dunne
Self-centered and headstrong, Sarah-Bren Coulter becomes a Union spy working for the Confederate Army as a courier-scout. Unforeseen savagery spawns a lust for revenge that darkens her soul, while family and friends
struggle to help her. Can an enemy be the one to lead her back to the light?
15 November
Xena Music Videos
Three Bards Videos
VCR Alert:

Lucy Premieres
The Louis Vuitton United
Cancer Front Gala
13 November Lucy Premieres
MaryD's Montages / Art
November MaryD's Montages / Art
Xena Artwork
The Bard's Corner The following stories were graciously submitted by Rohan. Nene Adams had a "buy a bard" auction in June, two of which Rohan won. She
enjoyed it so much she sent it to me for everyone to enjoy. Many thanks Rohan and the very talented Nene Adams (one of my favourite bards) for the story.
Subtext Virtual Season Demons in the Dark
A town is in trouble and Xena and Gabrielle are there to help. But all isn't as it seems at first glance....

10 November 
Lucy Premieres
 Lucy and Rob attended the
The Louis Vuitton United Cancer Front Gala - November 8, 2004 - Universal Studios Universal City, California USA Lucy looked absolutely gorgeous in red Many thanks to Charis for the news
Click here to see more images from this event
Lucy Print Archive 
8 November For those wondering where Cindy/ForevaXena has gone...she hasn't been abducted by aliens - just Real Life (you can download that from some place but I haven't figured out where
yet) has intervened. She will be back soon :-) 
The Bard's Corner - Moved
Mavis Applewater fiction to it's own section. I'm in the process of moving bards with more than 5-10 stories to their own section. The main bard index will
remain as will the genre sections.
Subtext Virtual Season - Season 10 The
Xenthurian Legend Sometimes the smallest of actions can come back to haunt you, with the greatest of consequences, as Xena and Gabrielle will learn on an unexpected trip to Camelot. The round table may never be the same once it has a
taste of the Warrior Princess and the Battling Bard.
2005 10th Anniversary Xena Convention - If anyone is looking for Gold Tickets - Jennifer has 2 tickets for sale since she won't be able to attend the convention. The seats are H1 and H2 and cost $700 USD (for both tickets) so if you're looking to
go to the con and want a gold ticket, email jenklaiber@aol.com
- The following is from Creation: - New Guest - Ted Raimi
January 21-23 is the date, The Burbank Airport Hilton is the place! And today we are happy to announce that TED RAIMI, Joxer himself, is appearing at The Official 10th Anniversary Xena Convention! Ted joins LUCY,
RENEE, ROB, HUDSON, DANIELLE, CLAIRE and so many more to make this the most anticipated Xena gathering in years! Make your plans to be with us to PARTY with fans around the world!
5 November

- Added transcript and scan from
Sunday Star Times - 10 October 2004 - Lucy's set to sparkle at Starship ball. Article is about Lucy's quick stop trip
to NZ for the Starship Ball and her plans on making a movie in New Zealand

Xenaverse News
2005 10th Anniversary Xena Convention - XENA: "The Puppet Show Episode" Who would have thought it? A new episode of Xena performed by puppets! Written by superstar STEVEN L. SEARS and performed by renowned
puppeteer Len Levitt and crew, this event is sure to be a treat for our audience. Day to be announced!
Xena Cast Tracks... - ATC presents Charles Dickens' A CHRISTMAS CAROL, adapted by Dave Armstrong, directed by Jennifer Ward-Lealand. Cast includes Auckland Actors Cameron Rhodes, Paul Barrett.
A Christmas Carol has been hilariously updated to modern day New Zealand with double-entendre that will have grown-ups in stitches and the kids looking at the on-stage spectacle in wonderment. A Scrooge complete
with laptop and free market values and the Cratchitt’s family who can’t afford to ‘go private’ for Tiny Tim’s operation! At the Sky City Theatre 11 November - 12 December. Call Tickitek to book, 307 5000. Many thanks to MET for the news
4 November The Bard's Corner Classic Uber - Added
Things That Terrify Me the Most (Complete) by Ali Vali
Sequel to "Vampires, Mummies and the Holy Ghost." Kendal and Piper are back for another adventure that will give Piper a little more insight into her lover's long past.

Warrior Women Update - Added article from The Telegraph (India) - 1 November 2004
What do Joan of Arc, Boudica, Grace O'Malley and Lozen have in common? Grit, determination and the will to achieve their ends. These iron women will be tied by the same screen thread this November with Discovery
Channel launching Dangerman, Warrior Women. The series will be appropriately presented by Lucy Lawless, star of the hit TV series Xena: The Warrior Princess.
3 November 
One Weekend A Month, Renee's short film, will be screening in competition at this year's AFI Film Festival in Los Angeles. There will be two screenings, Wednesday Nov 10 at 9:30pm and Saturday Nov 13 at 4pm.
Tickets are on sale at http://www.afi.com/onscreen/afifest/2004/
"AFI Fest is a fantastic festival to be a part of, and I am proud that the film has been included in such a prestigious and important event." ---- Eric Escobar (Director)
Click here for more information and images from the film 
Xena "Rested" for November & December on Oxygen (US) Bad news for US Xenites - it seems Oxygen will no longer show Xena. It has
been removed from the schedule for November and December. According to the official response is that they have "rested" the show for November and December. One possible explanation for this "resting" is that Oxygen
loses it's licence in January 2005. If you wish to voice your opinion on why Xena has been "rested" email them at feedback@oxygen.com or phone: 212-651-2000
Xenaverse News Official Xena Fan Club News - We're starting a new section called "Continuity." For those who don't know what the word means in the film world, it's the way they keep track of things, i.e. costumes, wounds, props, etc. They take notes and
Polaroid photos during each scene so they can match them with either another part of the same scene shot on another day or with the second unit filming their part of the scene. Rob Tapert has given us
access to the makeup and costume continuity books and we're finding all sorts of interesting tidbits including the call sheets which led us to the discovery that Lucy and Renee actually didn't work together on
the show until the third day of filming! We also found the first photo taken of Lucy on set as Xena in her very first scene and a shot of Renee from a scene that didn't make the final
cut. Can't wait to dig in and see what other goodies are there!
For those who are members on the club login here to see the new stuff.
For those who still need to sign up, please click here to do so!
1 November
The Bard's Corner Here's a great way to get your favourite fanfic story in a book - print it and get it bound by a professional book binder who also
happens to be a Xenite. Check out her site at: http://www.fineblankbooks.com/ Classic - Added
Some Kind of Hero (Complete) by Iseqween
Prior to the episode that introduces her, Callisto puzzles over what to do about the warlord who "made" her and has suddenly switched to
performing good deeds. The story also makes particular reference to THE RECKONING, TIES THAT BIND and THE GREATER GOOD. - Added
My Mother's Eyes (Complete) by Iseqween
Solan reflects on his lineage, beginning with ORPHAN OF WAR, through MATERNAL INSTINCTS and at the end of BITTER SUITE.

 Added second clip of
Lucy on CMT Greatest Outlaws: The Dirty Dozen with her comments on David Allen Coe. Short clip
Click here for October 2004 Xena Lucy Lawless & Renee O'Connor Updates |