Created 15 December 1996 and maintained by MaryD


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30 January 2017



Lucy Lawless



28 January 2017






26 January 2017


I'm stoked to announce that my 6th novel "Nor The Battle To The Strong" is now available in
ebook and print editions!

NOR THE BATTLE TO THE STRONG - Book 6 Intertwined Souls Series
by MaryD



Will Justice For One Have Life Threatening Repercussions For Many?

On the night of November 9, 1938 in Berlin, Germany a teenager's life was forever
changed. Sent to the village of Aiden at the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, body and
mind were shattered in the brutal Aiden Research Facility. Eighteen years later,
Eva Lambros is no longer a teenager but a wealthy heiress. She is poised and
confident with the family she has always wanted but there is one last obstacle
she must overcome. Together with her partner, the formidable Zoe Lambros, they
travel to Aiden to open a memorial to the hundreds of souls that lost their lives.
Aiden left Eva with debilitating mental constraints that have taken years to
vercome but is she ready to confront and overcome her greatest fear?

Zoe not only has to contend with Eva's state of mind, but she is also pulled into
a mystery that involves a woman's search for justice amidst shocking revelations
that reaches into the upper echelons of Aiden society.

The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong...





18 January 2017


Sasha Alexander

Sasha Alexander Video

Rizzoli & Isles Video



08 January 2017



Xena Warrior Princess



01 January 2017



MaryD's Fiction

Updated Zoe's Journal Site - the site is a diary for the fictional character of Zoe Lambros from my Intertwined Souls Series. The diary entries bridges the gaps between the novels