Created 15 December 1996 and maintained by MaryD

MAY 2023

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15 May 2023

Tiger / Rob Tapert

The Bard's Corner

  • Bard's Corner Update: Takes Two To Know One by Iseqween (New)
    This story imagines what Xena and Gabrielle each might have been up to immediately after Xena's beating in THE GAUNTLET, before they meet in SINS OF THE PAST. Thanks to Xena's Little Bitch for her "Wish Come True" XWP fanfic, which planted the seed for mine. - IQ

2024 Salute To Xena Con


13 May 2023

Xenite Memorial Update - our Beloved Amazon Elder Tiger Has Passed Away on May 13, 2023

Xenite Memorial - Tiger 

 It is with a heavy and shattered heart I report that our beloved Amazon Elder, Tiger passed away after a shocking accident. Today about an hour ago we lost a dynamic woman, Tiger was 84 years young. She fought her final battle on May 13, 2023.

The Xenaverse has lost one half of the dynamic duo. Where Tiger was, her beautiful wife, Marilyn was right beside her. Our hearts are shattered and there are no words to try to convey our sorrow. Tiger was the toughest chick I had ever met. Fearless. One of the most amazing humans on the planet. I loved her and will always love her. To my darling Marilyn, there are no words to assuage your grief but know that your friends from all over the world are with you.

Rest in peace our dear Tiger.


05 May 2023

WGA Writer's Strike 

AUSXIP Supports the 2023 WGA Writers Strike just like we did in the 2007-2008 strike.

2023 WGA Writers Strike

How can you help the striking writers? This was posted on Twitter and it's a spreadsheet including food supplies

2007-2008 WGA Writers Strike

Back in 2007 - 2008, the Xenaverse did an amazing thing (one of many incredible things this fandom has done) - thanks to the Xenaverse we set up the Xenaverse Refreshes Campaign where we raised $2005 for drinks, chips, cookies etc while our writer were outside picketing. Not only did we support the striking Writers but we supported our Xena writers even though our show was off the air for 7 years! We marched in solidarity with our Xena writers like Steven L. Sears, Katherine Fugate, Liz Friedman, RJ Stewart. Our stars showed up including Renee O'Connor, Adrienne Wilkinson, Victoria Pratt, TJ Scott, Timothy Omundson. Lucy couldn't make it because she was saving her voice for her upcoming concerts. Rob Tapert showed up in his blue fishing gear (I think he was the best dressed for the occasion since it rained and hailed on us).
Here's my Xena March report - I was so high on the excitement, I could have flown home without a plane!


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