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Video Business Magazine
28 April 2003
Sexy swordplay.
Xena, Warrior Princess: Season One
Anchor Bay, color, NR 1,080 min. plus supplements, six discs, Dolby Digital Surround, fullscreen, Street: April 29,$89.98: First Run: TV, 1995
Anchor Bay's Deluxe Collection's Edition of Xena, Warrior Princess: Season One contains all 24 episodes from the first season of the the popular syndicated show and not much else in terms of traditional extras. What it lacks in supplements, though, is made up for with an impressive CD-ROM and some stunning packaging, both designed by Davis-Panzer-Anderson Merchandising.
Adorned with large pictures of all the popular series mainstays--Lucy Lawless' genre-defining gladiartix, her sidekick Gabrielle (Renee O'Connor), the villainess Callisto (Hudson Leick) and so on--the glossy sleeve folds outward, revealing seven panels which each house a disc. It's shiny and sturdy and is the perfect package for disc fetishists who dig running their hands over the weight and gloss of a slick DVD collection.
The CD-ROM offers the usual acoutrements, including director and actor bios, trivia and screensavers, plus The Xena Chronicles, a comprehensive catalog on Xena's universe as seen in season one. Characters, creatures, story lines--everything is covered via text pages, stills and video sequences (without audio). Like the package, the ROM is designed sexily for the those Xenites who just can't get enough of their favorite sword-wielding spitfire.
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