Many thanks to Lida for the following transcript
Found on Mr. Showbiz:
Lawless' Mid-Life Crisis:
For a time, Xena had a new sidekick; one less blond and adoring than Gabrielle, but much more empowering.
His name is Tony Robbins.
xena star tells the July issue of Penthouse that last year, "During the beginning of the fourth season; I found it very difficult reconciling my job with my life. I just didn't know why I was doing it anymore."
The imposing New Zealander, currently pregnant with her second child, says that even a successful television series, her loving husband Rob Tapert, and her daughter couldn't cheer her up. Consequently, she turned to the bronzed-and-toothy, plastically coifed Robbins and his self-help series (as seen on TV).
"When you first order his tapes, you feel like a fool," Lawless says. "I mean, you might as well be ordering Ginsu steak knives thrown in for free." She adds, "But I had nothing to lose."
After using Robbins' cassettes, Lawless says she discovered, "You can't be looking at external factors to shore up your own soul. That just doesn't happen; it all comes from within."
Note that Lawless bares only her soul in the magazine, salivating ones.