the Xenaverse Since 1996
Created 15 December 1996 and
maintained by MaryD
Xena Warrior Princess FAQ and
Please read before sending in your question
This section will be updated when required
Click here for the Lucy Lawless FAQ
| Click
here for the Renee O'Connor FAQ
Last Updated: 23 October 2014
Xena FAQ
- How do I contact the cast and crew?
- Why are fans called Xenites?
- I have a script I want to send to Ren Pics, Can I send it to you?
- How is Xena's War Cry spelt?
- What are Shippers and Subbers?
- What's the GabDrag?
- What does BGSB mean?
- Are Xena and Gabrielle REALLY lovers?
- What Proof Do You Have That They Are Lovers?
- What Type of Xena Fanfic is Available?
- Where Can I Submit My Fanfic story?
- I heard Renee O'Connor
wrote a song, Where Can I Find the Words / Audio file?
- What does AFIN or FIN mean?
- Will There Be A
Xena Movie And If So When?
- Was Julius Tapert (Lucy and Rob's first son) in Xena
as Baby Eve?
- Who are you and how do I contact you
and contribute?
What is the AUSXIP Charity Auctions?
- Are any of the cast and crew associated with Xena aware of this website?
- Do you accept donations?
- Can I use your content / images on my site?
- Isn't it illegal to have
video clips / articles / photos when you don't own the copyright and why do you have them on this site?
- Can I link to your site?
- I have seen auctions on Ebay that use your montages, why are you selling them?
How do I contact the cast and crew of Xena Warrior Princess?
To contact Lucy Lawless send email to:
lucylawlessfanclub@dslextreme.com -
To contact Renee O'Connor, send email to:
Snail mail goes to: ROC PRODUCTIONS 1601 North Sepulveda
Blvd. #612 Manhattan Beach, CA, 90266
To contact Adrienne Wilkinson send email to:
fanclub@adriennewilkinson [dot] com (remove the spaces)
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Is There an
an official site?
There was but it's no longer up and running.
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How Is Xena's War Cry Spelt?
Ala-la-la-la-la-la NOT ayiayiayiayiayi.
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What Are Shippers and Subbers?
Shippers - Ares and Xena fans who think they belong together
Subbers - Xena and Gabrielle fans who believe they are lovers
Joxer/Gabrielle Romantics Society - Joxer and Gabrielle
Hercules and Xena
and few hundred variations to that.
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Why are fans called "Xenites"
Beats me :) It's a name like Trekker or Trekkie. Followers of Xena :)
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I Have A Script I Would Like To Send To Renaissance Pictures - can I send it to you?
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What is the GabDrag?
The Gabdrag (I think the term originated with Handpuppet but I could be wrong) is what happens when a certain warrior princess ties one bard by the ankles and drags her halfway across grass, sand, firepits etc. Not nice.
The Gabdrag was first seen in the episode "The Bitter Suite". A variation to the Gabdrag was the XenaDrag seen in a few episodes (the dragging was not done by Gabrielle).
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What does BGSB mean?

wonderful piece of Grecian clothing that Gabrielle wore in Season 2 and 3. It's affectionally known as the
Billious Green Sports Bra.
It met it's end in the episode "If The Shoe Fits"
where Xena used it to tie up a smelly bad guy. The top was never the same again. Gabrielle seemed to own just one BGSB.
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Are Xena and Gabrielle REALLY lovers?
Depends on how you see them. If you want to believe that
they are like sisters...by all means you can believe that
but I've never kissed my sister or friend the way Gabrielle
and Xena have...or taken baths together...died for each
other, came back to life for each other...you get the idea.
Yes Xena and Gabrielle were lovers.
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What Proof Do You Have That They Are Lovers?
Rob Tapert says so. Lucy says so. Renee says so and if you still don't believe the creator of the show, the stars of the show and everyone who cares to comment about the relationship...how about checking out the
The Subtext FAQ which is wonderfully maintained by Michael Martinez. Even after all of that you still don't believe...sorry can't help you.
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What Type of Xena FanFic Is Available?
It's Xena & Gabrielle fiction based on the timeline of the series
Mel & Janice
It's about Xena & Gabrielle descendents Janice "Mad Dog" Covington (Gabrielle descendent) and Melinda Pappas (Xena descendent). The only time they appeared in the series was the episode "The Xena Scrolls"
The essence of the characters transplanted in other time periods but still retaining the characters of Xena and Gabrielle.
Tales of the evil warlord Xena who conqueors the world. What would have happend had not Hercules changed Xena. First seen in the Hercules episode "Armageddon Now Part 2". Gabrielle is a rebel.
Post FIN Fic
Tales after the events of the series ending episodes "A Friend In Need". Fans finish the series the way it should have finished.
Based on the Season 6 episode "Send in the Clones" - Xena and Gabrielle are cloned by an evil Alti. The two clones set off on their adventures in the 21st Century at the end of the episode.
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Where Can I Submit My FanFic Story
The site is by invitation only. I do not accept submissions.
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I heard Renee O'Connor wrote a song about Xena? Where Can I Find the Words / Audio file?
The Gabrielle Rap
Written and Performed by Renee O'Connor
There's a six-foot woman
And her name is Xena
You can bet you've never
Met nobody meaner!
She wears a lot of leather
Armor made of brass
If she flips in your directon
You can bet she'll kick your ass!
'My best friend,' I call her
It's a gift I'll always know
With her I fight the baddies
And hope the peace remains aglow.
You can download the audio file from
AUSXIP Renee O'Connor
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What does AFIN or FIN mean?
Ah the dreaded FIN. FIN or AFIN stands for A Friend In Need. A Friend in Need Part 1 and 2 were the series ender for the wonderful show. It did not go well for the Warrior Princess. A lot of the fans were gutted by
the ending of having Xena die and leaving Gabrielle alone to sail off into the sunset talking to Xena's ghost and hugging her ashes. Not a nice way to end things BUT there is hope. Rob Tapert has heard the cries of fans and
moves are afoot to have a Xena movie to bring Xena back from the dead. Let's hope he succeeds. To see more about the Xena Movie go to the
AUSXIP Xena Movie Site
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Will There Be A Xena Movie and If So When?
No. There will not be a Xena movie starring Lucy Lawless
and Renee O'Connor.
Read Rob Tapert interview where he says there will not be a
Xena movie
Updated: There has been chatter/wishful thinking from
Lucy about a Xena movie or Series but it hasn't progressed
from there. You can follow all the news by going to the
Resurrection site
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Was Julius Tapert (Lucy and Rob's first son) in Xena as Baby Eve?
No. Several magazines claim that Julius was used for Baby Eve
but that isn't true. Lucy and Rob are very protective of their son.
Daisy Lawless (Lucy's daughter) was in an episode of Hercules as an
Josh Becker
(writer and director for several Xena episodes) addressed this issue on
a Q&A on his site:
"Xena's child, Eve, is in this episode. As the old expression goes,
the things you want to avoid in filmmaking are: babies, animals, and
shooting on the water. We had two babies so that when one got cranky we
could replace it with the other one. And yes, I've met Julius Tapert
several times. He is a very pleasant, quiet, sleepy baby, so far."
Renee also mentioned that several babies played Eve in a
New York Times article 22 February
"There are babies everywhere,'-
says Xena: Warrior, Princess a,, star Renee O'Connor, referring to the impact of
Eve. newborn daughter of Xena (Lucy Lawless), who arrived a few weeks back as an
immaculate conception in the episode "God Fearing Child:-"We've had about four
different babies playing this one character.
"It's really amazing," she
adds. "I don't think that I will ever need to have children of my own, because they
me around me all the time."
Sharon Delaney (Official Xena Fan Club) recently said:
There were eleven different babies used to play her -- a mix of boys
and girls -- Julius was not one of them. I know there were eleven
because I had to get clearance on all of them whenever we used a photo
with one of the babies in it
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Who runs this site and can I contribute articles/videos/scans etc?
Please see the AUSXIP Contact
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Are any of the Actors
Aware of This Website
Yes and I have received very positive feedback from them
including Rob Tapert, Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor, TJ
Scott, RJ Stewart, Steven Sears, Adrienne Wilkinson, Hudson
Leick and more.
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Do you accept donations?
This site is completely free but if you wish to support AUSXIP you can buy books and DVDs from
Amazon.com. All proceeds go to keeping this site up and running.
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Can I use your content / download images on my site?
Please refer to the
USAGE POLICY on using images/videos/other multimedia on other websites. Please do not steal any multimedia/fanfic/artwork from this site. You will be shamed if caught and that is not a
nice thing either for you or for me. You may download anything you wish and use it for private use.
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Isn't it illegal to have video clips / articles / photos when you don't own the copyright and why do you have them on this site?
AUSXIP offers video clips, images, articles etc under the Fair Use Law which is outlined in the
Copyright Law
which says in part:
108. Limitations on exclusive rights: Reproduction by libraries and archives
(a) . . . it is not an infringement of copyright for a library or archives, or any of its employees acting
within the scope of their employment, to reproduce no more than one copy or phonorecord of a work, except as
provided in subsections (b) and (c), or to distribute such copy or phonorecord, under the conditions specified by this section, if —
(1) the reproduction or distribution is made without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage;
(3) the reproduction or distribution of the work includes a notice of copyright that appears on the copy or phonorecord that is reproduced under the provisions of this section, or includes a
legend stating that the work may be protected by copyright if no such notice can be found on the copy or phonorecord that is reproduced under the provisions of this section.
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Can I link to your site
Please do.
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I have seen auctions on Ebay that use your montages, why are you selling them?
I'm not. I never will sell my artwork. If you do see anyone selling images off AUSXIP or AUSXIP Lucy Lawless or AUSXIP Renee O'Connor, it's not me. Please let me know and I will contact ebay and the seller.
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What is the AUSXIP Charity
AUSXIP Charity Auction is a site dedicated to raising
money for The Starship Foundation which is AUSXIP's official
charity (Lucy Lawless) and other charities associated with
Renee O'Connor, Adrienne Wilkinson and others. The site is
100% free and 100% of the money goes to the nominated
charity without fees being involved. Donations to the
Starship Foundation are done via their online donation form
and bypasses AUSXIP. We are responsible for posting the
items after payment has been made.
The idea was born in December 2006 when we held our first
auction which was a great success, thanks mainly to the
wonderful support of Xena, Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor
Since then we have conducted this auction on an annual
basis around March every year. We also host auctions for The
Official Adrienne Wilkinson Fan Club Charity Auction and
other fundraising events.
In it's short life, AUSXIP Charity Auctions has raised
over $50,000 USD.
If you wish to hold an auction where 100% of the money
goes to the nominated charity,
please email MaryD with
all the details.
Mary D. Brooks
Copyright © 2008-2014 [www.ausxip.com]. All rights reserved.
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