
Convention Information
Fri., Sat. & Sun.
January 30, 31, February 1, 2009
Los Angeles Marriott at LAX
5855 West Century Blvd. |
Lucy Lawless
Renee O'Connor
Rob Tapert
Jacqueline Kim
Jennifer Sky Band
Tony Todd
Michael Hurst
Jennifer Ward Lealand
Victoria Pratt
Robert Trebor
Hudson Leick
Steven L.Sears
Cat Crimins
Los Angeles, California, USA
January 30 - 1 February, 2009
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Con 09 L.A. Lucy and Renee - Part 1
by KT
Let me warn you that my notes on this part
are positively atrocious. I didn't get many sentences, heck not even
many phrases. Mostly one word sloppily jotted down, the explanations
for which elude me at the moment. I appear to have had MAJOR Lucy
haze on this one. *sigh*
After Claire left, Lucy was onstage by herself for a little bit. I
THINK that she either was asked or asked us about the concert. She
may have said that she enjoyed it very much, that this performance
thing was so cool.
I note that when she said, “So cool”, she kind of squeezed
herself-did that little drawing in of the body into a more compact
position and gave a squiggly little shiver that in our culture
anyway, denotes excited pleasure and happiness.
(Okay-now someone reply and tell us what REALLY was going on at this
point, okay?)
Then I believe she stood and posed for photos. A fan asked her if
that was her own “Catholic school girl outfit” from her school days.
Lucy said no, and I think the fan asked if it was similar to the one
she wore. Then I believe that Lucy was talking about nun
discipline-“After age 8, it’s like ‘Why are you hitting me?’ Hot
smacks on the hand with a bloody (ruler? hunk?) of wood”.
A fan called out a question and Lucy asked her what she had on her
head. Lucy mentioned that it looked kind of like gaffing tape. But
that the fan’s hair looked magnificent.
Ah okay, it appears that the next question was how many more
episodes of Battlestar Lucy would be in. (Gods--my notes are nothing
less than pathetic. Where’s that bloody (ruler? hunk of wood?)
will put space after the relevant paragraphs also so you can easily
skip over it if you want to.
Lucy answered, “I expect to be in the whole next season. I’m going
to take out (toss out?) Starbuck, toss out Six. I’ll save Number
two-who is Mary McDonald. We settle on a planet and have some kids.”
A number of ever helpful fans yelled out that she’s done-that Ronald
Moore said in an interview that Lucy would not be in any more
episodes. She asked us, “What happened to her?” And was told that
she stayed on earth. Luce looked at us and said, “That’s it!?” And
then I think possibly both she and the audience commented that earth
was destroyed. Lucy said, “Oh well-find another planet.”
A woman in the back of the hall yelled out to Lucy, saying she might
remember her as the man who always came to the cons dressed as Xena.
(This person was often picked to be on various television reports on
the cons in the early days.) She has now become a woman. Lucy said
with a smile and an expansive wave of her arm, “Welcome to a new
At this point Renee was back on stage because she said to Lucy,
“This is YOUR life!”
Now I’m not sure if it was Lucy or Renee who said, “This is an
intervention.” Lucy suggested that she might give up singing. There
was a horrified roar of “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” from the audience.
Renee told us that she had been going to see the show last night.
But that her son had been playing golf and got hit in the head with
a golf club. She and he wound up spending 7 hours in the emergency
room. She told Lucy, "I don't have your number." (What is it with
these people that they can't keep track of each other's telephone
numbers?) “I kept imagining you on stage.” And I think it was Lucy
who said, “We missed you.” (But it could have been Renee. . .)
One of them said, “We look alike now, eh?” Lucy said, “We’re just a
blur (blurred together because they were both wearing jeans and
black tops.) Then they said something about Lucy’s own (stuff?) that
had been in her closet. Then my notes say “Hollywood Boulevard” and
“She hung all the curtains”, for the concert the night before. And
Sharon mentioned today that Lucy had been the one to decorate the
stage and that she had been on a ladder hanging curtains at the
run-through. Lucy said, “Yeah. I have a new career”.
Someone said, “Scary shows make me nervous.” (Sounds like this was
probably Luce, eh?)
Now at this point I noticed that Renee had fallen into the same
pattern from the past, where she “interviews” Lucy and begins to
draw some of Lucy’s escapades out of her. Or she’ll just ask
questions about how Lucy feels about something. She always seems
very interested in what Lucy has to say and always goads Lucy into
telling tales on herself. At one point she said something like, "You
crack me up", which she has also said in the past when on stage with
I don’t remember what brought this on but she asked Lucy something
to which Lucy replied, “Stay excited about life. And stay away from
the fridge.”
A fan brought up that one of the producers? of Bedtime Stories said
in an interview that Lucy loved wearing costumes. In one of the
dream sequences, she was made up as a half human/half crab. And she
wanted to stay in the crab costume after the scene ended. Lucy
replied, “I do love costumes. I put a costume on and I become that
thing.” Then she added in a serious tone, “But I don’t want to live
life as a crab.”
I believe someone asked her if she and Renee would like to work
together again, or maybe just if she enjoyed working with Renee or
maybe if they would work together on the Holy Grail of a Xena movie.
Lucy answered, “I hate to work with her. I never want to work with
her again. And I don’t want the movie to happen.” (Then, probably
for the sake of some of the far too serious and literal minded fans
among us, I think Luce added, "No, I love working with Renee" or
something along those lines.)
One of them brought up working together on Bitch Slap. “Keep it
quirky.” I believe the next question was something about would they
prefer to do a comedy or a serious piece together. One of them said
serious, one said comedy. Lucy threw out, “Maybe a romantic comedy”,
with a shrug. A little blast of applause from some sections of the
audience on that one.
Lucy always gets teasing and joke-prone at these things. When she
would point to a fan for them to ask a question, she would often
intone, “Yessss?” in a very snooty, fruity, upper class, society
dame voice. (Pretty much like the voice she used as Xena in Heart of
Darkness when Gabrielle threw a coat at her head for making out with
Someone asked if on these more dark projects, they ever had a
problem with taking the character home. I think it was Lucy who
said, “When they call ‘CUT!’, phffffft!” She's out of character.
However, my next notes say, “Therapy. Dark place. You need a guide
back.” (Well, there’s a 50/50 chance we can guess who said what
here.) But then Lucy finished with, “Mustn’t grumble.”
Someone asked about Lucy’s upcoming jobs and she talked about being
on a new web show called “Angel of Death” that is staring Zoe Bell,
who was Lucy’s stunt woman on Xena.
Lucy said that at about 5 a.m. she was driving around in a very bad
area of town thinking, “Wow-I’m going to act like an old hooker in
an internet series staring my stunt woman. What's happened to me!?”
Lucy added that she was glad to be working with Zoe, because, “She
wasn’t alone when we’re together.” (Which intrigued me-I thought
this was a very nice sentiment. Lucy is just so gol’darn maternal.)
She told us she’d be playing a “Skanky old hooker. I love that-I
wear stained clothes.” (That made me laugh.)
She mentioned “Flight of the Conchords”, an HBO very quirky comedy
series about two New Zealand musicians trying to make it in New
York. She’s told us before that she plays a New Zealand travel
agent. She said she thought it was episode twelve that she was in,
called, “New Zealand Town”.
End of Part One.