
Convention Information
Fri., Sat. & Sun.
January 30, 31, February 1, 2009
Los Angeles Marriott at LAX
5855 West Century Blvd. |
Lucy Lawless
Renee O'Connor
Rob Tapert
Jacqueline Kim
Jennifer Sky Band
Tony Todd
Michael Hurst
Jennifer Ward Lealand
Victoria Pratt
Robert Trebor
Hudson Leick
Steven L.Sears
Cat Crimins
Los Angeles, California, USA
January 30 - 1 February, 2009
Mini con report by Mesh
Lucy Lawless told hilarious tales from the set of Bedtime Stories, provided us with helpful information on caring for baby squirrels and commented on her role on The Angel of Death web series. The magnificient and much-missed Claire Stansfield crashed Lucy's panel to touch upon her continuing obsession with Shane, her son's treatment of an Alti-Barbie and her work for Oprah. Renee O'Connor's movie Words Unspoken premiered at the convention, ready for the film festival circuit. It is a wonderfully acted piece that will no doubt get the recognition it deserves. Two clips were shown from the upcoming web-series The Ark, looks like an engaging mysterious scif-fi with a lot of potential.
The NZ power couple, Michael Hurst and Jennifer Ward-Leland shared a wonderful slideshow of their awe-inspiring carreer. It's always a pleasure to see two successful people so supportive of each other.
The Legend of the Seeker panel gave us a preview of the latest episode, the writer-producer team discussed how Terry Goodkind's novel was transformed into a hit fantasy series.
Hudson Leick announced that she has a new manager. The actress was in full form and raised money for charity by auctioning off her revealing dress.
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