Chapter Sixteen

Gabrielle rose quickly when she noticed the position of the sun. More importantly, she noticed that Xena was already up. Her stomach growled, as it did every morning. But the girl ignored her hunger and tried to deal instead with the nervousness that was creeping into her senses. The bard knew she had to remain alert today. Today's confrontation could become very serious very quickly.

When she finished dressing, the girl strode out into the kitchen of the small house. She found Lanessa seated in her usual place at the table. The woman's face was calm, a look of total peace across her gentle features. Without turning her head, she addressed the young woman.

"Good morning, Gabrielle", Lanessa said. Only then did she incline her face slightly toward the bard. "There's ale, if you're thirsty." She indicated her own mug and the large jug on the table.

Gabrielle moved to the table and sat down facing Lanessa, occupying the same space she'd taken each time they'd enjoyed a meal. The girl poured herself a mug of the sweet ale and swallowed a mouthful. Her eyes searched the room for Xena, then settled on the quiet woman across from her.

Lanessa smiled and the girl found herself smiling back. Then the slender woman leaned toward the girl and cupped her hand at her mouth. "She's talking to Mathius." the woman whispered.

Gabrielle nodded her understanding then, as usual, felt a trifle foolish since it was a 'sighted' reaction and therefore not witnessed by Lanessa. "Oh", the girl answered. After a moment, the girl leaned forward and whispered, "Who's Mathius?"

"Mathius is Efron's father.", Lanessa whispered back. Then the woman's smile flashed again. "He was Xena's suitor when we were young." Lanessa told the girl, giggling girlishly. The bard's green eyes grew wide and amused.

"Where are they?" she asked.

Wordlessly, Lanessa pointed toward the front of the cottage. Then she put one finger to her lips in a silent warning. Gabrielle rose quietly from the bench. She walked carefully to the open door and glanced outside. From her vantage point, she could see Xena and a rather attractive man standing beneath the tree in the front yard. They appeared to be having a very pleasant conversation, but the bard could tell that the man's mere proximity seemed to make the warrior very uncomfortable.

'Now this is a story she'll *have* to tell me', the bard vowed, a grin lighting her lovely face. She decided to vacate her position at the doorway, to afford her friend a measure of privacy. Just as Gabrielle started to turn away, she saw Xena turn abruptly from the man and start toward the cottage. The girl recognized the urgency in the warrior's pace. She turned to address the small woman at the table.

"Lanessa." the bard began, and the woman reacted to the girl's tone. An instant later, Xena appeared in the doorway.

"He's coming." the warrior announced. "We have a few minutes, but he's on the way." She trained a meaningful glance at the girl. "Go. Get to your place on the bench." Gabrielle turned swiftly and passed through the doorway. Xena turned and picked up the bundle of material from the corner of the table. She turned to Lanessa. The woman was rising from the bench, her hands busy gathering the shawl around her shoulders.

The warrior moved to her friend and took the slender shoulders in her hands. "Lanessa," Xena began to the woman's gentle face. "Please be careful." Lanessa's smile lighted her face. She pulled the warrior's hands down and held them with her own.

"Now you have *my* word", she said, her focus seemingly pointed at Xena's chin. "I'll rely on you and Gabrielle." the woman promised. "If you feel it's best, you have my permission to clobber him in your best style." A charming twinkle flashed in the woman's sightless stare. She gave the warrior a quick hug and was treated to a quiet chuckle as a result. "Let's go." Lanessa said at last. The two moved toward the doorway.

When they emerged from the cottage, Lanessa's head turned slightly toward the warrior. Xena sensed the unspoken question on her old friend's lips. The woman's finely tuned senses instantly became aware of the large group of people assembled nearby. For a moment, Lanessa seemed about to put a question to the warrior concerning the gathering. Then a subtle change traveled across the woman's face. She turned to Xena and smiled knowingly.

"Everyone?", Lanessa said, a cryptic message in her question to the warrior.

"I think so." Xena answered, then she squeezed the woman's small hand. "I'll be nearby.", the warrior told her. Then she moved to her prescribed position on the bench under the tree.

Chapter Seventeen

Xena sat down on the bench and trained her eyes on the surging group of people filling the town square. At first glance, they seemed to be involved in rather ordinary activities. Several of the shopkeepers had apparently opened their stores and were servicing customers. Merchandise was being examined, bartering was exchanged, all the outwardly 'normal' processes involved in everyday business.

Only to the trained eyes of the warrior were the other signs obvious. At regular intervals, watchful eyes were trained on the small yard and the occupants waiting there. Other sentries kept attention toward the path on which Dryfius would appear. Silent messages were being exchanged and signals were being passed. It was a well-organized assembly. Xena couldn't help feeling a sense of pride in her kinsmen. She couldn't have prepared them better herself, she thought.

Xena's apprehension hadn't disappeared completely, in any case. She still maintained a guarded attitude toward the approaching villain. Her instincts told her to stay wary of the oaf. He was the worst kind of enemy; unpredictable and sly. Xena knew Dryfius also had a dangerous sense of pride. Too many assaults against his ego would provoke something vile in him. It was that contingency that worried her most.

The warrior's eyes sought those of the bard. Gabrielle sat alert and ready on the bench in front of the cottage, a small woven mat in her hands. The girl's green eyes caught the blue orbs of her friend. She nodded imperceptibly. Xena felt a grateful pleasure at the young woman's loyalty. She smile warmly at the girl.

Gabrielle flexed her right hand. She readjusted the length of twine that was wound around her fingers. Cautiously she craned her head over her right shoulder. The matting on the arbor above her head rustled gently with the tension from the twine. The girl's glance examined the apparatus to make sure the fixtures were secure. Then she returned her gaze to the yard.

The fluttering noises behind the matting drew the bard's attention back to it. She turned a concerned gaze toward Lanessa, who knelt near the cottage wall to the bard's left. Just as the girl was about to request her assistance, the small woman spoke.

"Quiet, my lovelies", she said in barely audible tone. "We don't want to give away your presence too soon." Instantly the noise quieted. Lanessa smiled at the young woman on the bench. Then she returned her attention to the row of flowers.

Xena's gaze searched the yard for Lanessa's petite form. The small woman was kneeling at one of the patches of blossoms that rimmed the cottage and the path leading to it. As if sensing her attention, Lanessa smiled in Xena's direction. The plan was set. Xena picked up the bundle of material in her lap and withdrew the needle from one corner of the swatch on the top. Oh, how the warrior hated waiting.

A voice at the warrior's elbow made her jump. It was Efron, his boyish whisper coming from the bushes at the base of the tree behind her. "Papa thath, he'th at the well. It'll be any minute now."

"Thanks, Efron," Xena whispered without changing her position. "Now find a safe place and go there. Please!" The warrior's tone held no amusement.

"OK", the boy whispered. "Good luck." She heard the rustle of his departure. Then the yard grew quiet again. Suddenly Xena's senses crackled. She sent a silent signal to Gabrielle. She glanced toward the road, then back toward the girl. The bard understood. She turned her attention to the same location for a moment, then faced the warrior again. As Xena watched, the girl whispered a quiet warning to Lanessa. The woman nodded in agreement. The three women each took a very, deep breath.

Chapter Eighteen

Dryfius didn't like it. There were too many people around. He had chosen dawn because he'd figured the rest of the town would be asleep or, at best, cowering in their houses. But the town square was full of people. There were people everywhere. He reined in his horse and glanced at the sun. No, he was right. It was barely past dawn. He really didn't like this. He urged his horse forward again.

The group of ruffians rode steadily toward the small cottage. The chatter of the marketplace quieted around them. Dryfius grew more uneasy the closer they came to the house. This was not going as he had planned. He drew himself up as straight as he could. The bully laid his hand on the hilt of his sword. He vowed he would have his way this time.

Xena recognized the alertness that always overcame her just before a battle began. She cast one more look toward the crowd of villagers in the square. Without Dryfius becoming aware of the fact, the citizens had quietly closed in behind him and his men and were now mutely following them to Lanessa's yard. Some of the bully's cohorts were glancing nervously toward the crowd surrounding them. Their leader had yet to realize the situation.

Dryfius pulled up his horse in the middle of the yard. He glanced over his shoulder at one of the other women present outside the house. The tall, lanky one was sitting under the tree, a pile of sewing in her hands. She leveled an icy glare in his direction. He dismissed her without further attention. The bully noted the younger one sat in the same place as before, the bench in front of the cottage.

Lanessa stood and turned toward the boorish soldier, her normal smile in place. She pulled her shawl around herself and strode a step in his direction.

"Well, Lanessa", Dryfius said, his voice smooth and transparent. "Here we are again."

"Yes, here we are.", Lanessa said. The indulgent tone to her voice raised the warrior's nervousness. 'Don't push him', the voice inside her head warned.

Dryfius shifted his position in the saddle. He cast an insolent glance as the people from the town drifted into position around the yard. "Your friends here to tell you good-bye?" he sniggered, then laughed as if amused. He turned to the crowd again, but the brazen grin began to fade when he noticed how the number seemed to have grown.

"Why would they do that?" Lanessa's gentle voice floated on the morning air. "I'm not leaving." The defiant statement dissipated the bully's arrogant grin and replaced it with a snarl of rage. His body tensed on his mount.

Xena muscles tightened at the bully's reaction. The blue eyes locked on the man's gloved hand poised on the hilt of his sword. She dropped the needle in her fingers on the ground and reached under her shawl to the waiting chakrum in the belt of the skirt. Her fingers tightened around the metal weapon, but her arm remained still.

Dryfius' brutish faced showed a menacing scowl. His lips curled back as the fury in him spread. An angry growl came from his mouth. "I tried the nice way, woman", he growled. "Now we'll try the other way." He handed his horse's reins to the scruffy soldier mounted slightly behind him. Then he dismounted and started toward Lanessa.

Before the man had taken two steps, the small woman raised her hand. The soldier stopped, slightly surprised at her action. Lanessa's quiet voice sounded once again in the morning stillness.

"I don't think you've met all my friends, Dryfius", the woman said and then lowered her hand again. At the prescribed signal, Gabrielle released the twine coiled around her palm. The matting around the arbor flew open and the birds within the chamber rushed out into the sunshine.

Dozens of the winged creatures swarmed around the men on horseback. Within seconds all of the ruffians, including their leader, were being heartily assaulted by every variety of bird known to the area. The wild fowl pecked at the men's exposed necks and ears. They flapped angry tail feathers in the soldiers' faces and streaked madly around their heads. The riders were soon screaming in pain as sharp beaks and claws raked their scalps and stabbed at their bodies.

The townspeople laughed and shouted support for the flying army. For several minutes, the soldiers were kept busy trying to batt away their attackers and protect the many targets of the creatures. Even Dryfius was occupied with trying to escape the onslaught of the lofty fighters.

In order to relieve his extreme discomfort, the distraught leader drew his sword and began his own defensive strategy. He flailed the weapon wildly in the midst of his attackers. The other soldiers began to follow his actions. Yet, in spite of the men's strenuous attempts, the birds repeatedly swooped under and around the blades, always managing to change direction at the last moment, thus avoiding the heavy weapons. The aerial assault continued for several more minutes.

Eventually Lanessa's shrill whistle sounded in the air. The feathered warriors immediately disbursed and flew safely into the trees above the house. It took several seconds, for the men to realize their attackers had relented. The men still stood near their horses, swords drawn, their faces anxious and frightened.

Waves of laughter from the villagers filled the morning air. The townspeople cheered and raised their fists in appreciation of the birds' efforts. The soldiers turned toward the citizens nervously. Dryfius wheeled around to face the crowd in angry frustration.

"Enough!", he shouted over the clamor. Xena stood up and took a step toward the bully and his group. She sensed the man was about to change tactics. Her fingers remained tightly around the chakrum.

Dryfius glared at the warrior as he noticed her change in position. His eyes narrowed as he studied her face. Xena was certain he was about to recognize her and she was concerned that the knowledge might move the ruffian to a more aggressive attack. The boor turned to face the tall woman more directly. The blue eyes held his insolent gaze.

Abruptly Dryfius turned away from Xena and began to advance toward Lanessa, a. deliberate intention in his swagger. Before he had reached the small woman, a noise from the crowd drew his attention. "You leave her alone." a young voice yelled. An moment later a small body streaked across the open yard. The warrior instantly recognized the tiny attacker.

"Efron! No!" Xena yelled. But the boy had already reached the brute. He stopped in front of the man and thrust one small boot sharply against the bully's shin. Dryfius yelled in surprise then reached angrily for the child. He caught one corner of the boy's tunic and began to drag him closer.

Xena pulled the chakrum out from under her shawl and raised the weapon above her head. An instant later, she launched the circle forward and it streaked across the yard, catching the bully's sword at the hilt. The blade flew out of the brute's hand and shot upward over his head. The chakrum returned immediately to Xena's raised hand. She held it in front of her, ready to repeat the action. The bully's eyes were wild and incensed. Efron scurried away from the bandit and raced toward the crowd.

Dryfius looked upward to see his own weapon streaking downward toward him. He raised one hand to defend himself, but then caught the weapon deftly with the other. Xena uttered a quiet oath. 'By the gods, this imbecile is lucky', she sneered to herself. The beast expelled an evil squeal and waved the captured sword in the warrior's direction. She gritted her teeth in exasperation.

The brute pivoted again, his sluggish body again moving toward Lanessa. But Gabrielle had already retrieved her staff from behind the bench and now placed herself between him and the small woman. The girl brandished her weapon openly in front of her body, taking up a defensive stance. The bully stopped his forward progress and laughed arrogantly.

The soldier planted his free hand on his hip and chuckled at the young woman's brave attitude. He started toward her, a brave insolence in his walk.

"Out of my way, girlie.", Dryfius sneered at the bard. "I'll make you eat that stick." Gabrielle swung the staff in front of her, assuming the normal first assault position.

"You can try.", the girl said bravely, as she swung the weapon at the man's midsection.

Dryfius blocked the intended blow easily with his sword, then quickly yanked the staff forward. The move pulled Gabrielle off balance, but she held on to her staff all the same. The bully abruptly let go of the wand and planted his heavy palm on the girl's chest, knocking her roughly to the ground. Before she could move to safety, Dryfius brought the point of his sword to rest against her throat.

"You're not real smart." he sniggered at the girl on her back before him. "Maybe I outta use you as an example.", the bully said as he leaned closer to the young woman's face.

The crowd around the yard began to move forward. The warrior's attention was pulled toward the villagers. What she saw brought it a look of surprise to the blue eyes. It seemed that every person in the crowd now held some kind of weapon.

Every manner of implement had been pressed into service; some carried heavy clubs, others had produced wooden staffs and ax handles. Many of the women brandished weighty kitchen tools, flat irons and frying pans. Even some of the older boys displayed thick sticks and bats. And every face in the group indicated their very serious intentions.

Dryfius became aware of the change in the villagers' attitude. His dark eyes traveled along the ring of citizens, noticing their formidable tools. Xena saw the fury rising in the man's eyes. She lowered the chakrum, and strode toward the bully. He turned to face the woman coming towards him in a long, gray skirt. As she moved closer, he recognized the warrior princess and his eyes grew hard. Dryfius' craggy jaw clenched in rage.

"Stay back, Xena.", he snarled in the warrior's direction. "Or your little friend is history." He pushed the sword's tip closer to Gabrielle's skin. The girl stayed very still, her eyes wide and frightened.

"Dryfius, stop it!", Lanessa's gentle voice cut through the tension in the yard. She moved to the bully's side and pulled sharply at his leather jacket. "Leave the girl alone and I'll go with you." The woman's statement brought a strained stillness to the enclosure. For several moments, even the birds seemed to have fallen silent.

The bully moved one hand from the sword's handle and grabbed Lanessa's slender arm. When he was sure she was secured, he raised he weapon from Gabreille's throat and swung the blade in Xena's direction. Then he began to drag Lanessa toward his mount.

Gabrielle scrambled up from her prone position and reclaimed her staff. She cast a questioning glance at the warrior, who shook her head imperceptibly. The bard took a step backward, her staff again at the ready.

Xena replaced the chakrum in her belt and advanced toward the departing bully, stopping just out of range of his weapon. She stared back at the man's menacing glare. Dryfius glowered at the warrior, but chose not to advance toward her. Finally the warrior spoke, her voice clear and deadly.

"She's not going anywhere with you, Dryfius." she told the bully. "Not today. Not ever." Xena's words rang out over the stillness in the yard. The townspeople nodded agreement to her comments, the various devices clearly displayed.

"Who's going to stop me?" the bully asked confidently, waving his weapon in Xena's face. He pulled Lanessa's slender body closer to his.

"Me.", the warrior said in a calm ,deadly tone. "And them." Xena waved a hand to indicate the townspeople. "They're not going to let you take her either." she said. She turned proudly toward the citizens of the village. Then she turned back to the bully. The icy glare in the blue eyes made the brute swallow hard.

The warrior took a step closer to the thug and pushed her face toward his. "Now let her go and leave, while you still can." Xena leveled a deadly glance at the bully's pitted face. Then she turned on her heel and started to move away. It was a tactic Gabrielle had seen her use in other situations. Turning her back on a potential enemy carried with it a message of contempt and a lack of respect. She was telling Dryfius that he wasn't worth her concern.

It was a gesture that had been successful in many previous confrontations. But the move always made Gabrielle nervous. On this day, her anxiety proved well founded. Dryfius' shattered ego moved the man to an action of revenge toward the warrior. In the split second before she would have been out of his range, the bully raised his sword and swung it in the direction of Xena's skull. The warrior's lightning reflexes served her as usual. She quickly dropped to one knee just as the heavy sword sliced loudly through the air above her head.

The aborted move left Dryfius off balance and on the defensive. Before he could regain his momentum, Xena swiveled her body and delivered a sharp, painful punch to the middle of the bully's chest. He coughed as the breath in his lungs escaped without warning. Next the warrior sounded the shrill battle cry that identified her, and delivered a sweeping, sidelong kick across the man's dumbstruck face. He staggered backward, away from Xena, gasping for air and reaching for balance with his sword hand.

Instantly Gabrielle reached to pull Lanessa away from the brute. Taking hold the woman's other arm, she tried to draw the small form back toward the cottage wall. But Dryfius refused to release her. He jerked the woman back toward him, but Lanessa stiffened her arms against his chest. Finally, in frustration, the bully reached out and slapped the diminutive female full and hard across the face.

Lanessa's body whirled backward in reaction to the blow. Gabrielle caught the other woman as she fell to the ground. The bard craddled the slender form, putting her own body between Lanessa's and the hard ground. When they were both lying flat, the girl reached to soothe the injured woman. She saw that Lanessa was unconscious.

Another woman from the town rushed to help the girl. Together they lifted the petite woman and carried her body back closer to the house. Gabrielle turned to focus on the warrior and the vicious brute confronting her.

Xena's next move was quick and deadly. She thrust her fist hard into the side of the bully's face, then followed the blow with a back-handed swipe with her other hand. The blows sounded loudly in the small, open yard.

Dryfius' head twisted away from the effect of the blows. He stumbled back heavily, nearly dropping his sword. But the brute still managed to maintain his footing. Xena turned her body to face the dazed bully. She watched as the man shook his head to reclaim his awareness.

The soldier took several heavy paces backward, steadying himself. He shrugged, lifting the armor across his chest to repostion it. Then he placed both hands on the hilt of his sword and faced the warrior, his feet spread apart.

The blue eyes were glacial, the jaw tight and menacing. The bully advanced toward Xena, his sword poised high. Just as he seemed about to slash her torso, the warrior swerved quickly to one side and crashed her crooked elbow hard into his face. She felt the crunch of bone and muscle as the blow slammed into the bridge of the bully's nose. The brute dropped the sword and screamed, reaching up to stem the heavy flow of blood streaming over his face.

With lightning swiftness Xena turned her back to the soldier, grabbed hold of the front of his dirty leather jacket, leaned forward and flipped his body over her shoulder. The boor landed with a hard thud on his back in front of her. She dropped to one knee and delivered a quick, sharp punch straight to the man's jaw. He slumped limply, unconscious at her feet.

Xena stood over the fallen bully. She could feel herself shaking in fury. She drew a long, shaky breath and swallowed a gulp of air. Then she turned a steel hard gaze toward the remaining soldiers standing in the yard. After a moment, she strode slowly toward the group.

"You have two simple choices." she said, sweeping her voice over to the scruffy bunch. "You can get back on your horses and leave, right now.", the warrior's voice was cold and threatening. "Or you can deal with them." Xena said, motioning toward the villagers who stood poised around the yard, their make-shift weapons at the ready. Within seconds, the rest of Dryfius' 'army' formed a simple, clear consensus. The scruffy bunch acquiesed easily; they dropped their arms without argument, having quickly chosen to surrender rather than suffer the fate of their so-called leader. Quietly they began to mount their horses.

"And take him with you." the warrior said, jabbing a disgusted hand toward the bully on the ground in front of her. Two of the soldiers moved silently to Dryfius' spread-eagled form and dragged the unconsious brute toward his mount. When they had slung the slack body over his horse's saddle, they turned out of the yard and , in a single column, rode toward the road leading away from the village.

Instantly, the townspeople began to cheer, celebrating their victory by applauding themselves and the superiority of the warrior standing over the vanquished bully on the ground.

Chapter Nineteen

Xena's gaze searched the area for Gabrielle and Lanessa. She hardly heard the congratulations offered her by the villagers. Then the woman who had helped Gabrielle carry Lanessa away from Dryfius appeared at the warrior's shoulder. "You'd better come", she said, her tone urgent. Xena followed her to where the bard sat on the ground, hovering over the small woman's inert form.

The warrior knelt down next to her old friend. She examined the small form for signs of a wound or injury. She found neither. Xena looked up from the woman into the eyes of the bard. The green eyes brimmed with tears.

"She hasn't moved since he hit her.", the girl said, her voice heavy. The young woman was holding the Lanessa's small hand in her own. Xena touched the girl's shoulder. Then she turned her attention to the petite female on the ground between them.

Some of the villagers formed a ring around the small group. Mathius crouched down next to Xena. He put a gentle finger to Lanessa's soft neck. The warrior's jaw tightened as Mathius looked at her.

"Is she all right?", the man asked. The warrior didn't answer. She simply kept staring at the limp body of her old friend. There was already a deep, purple bruise appearing along the side of the woman face. Finally she put her hand on Lanessa's slender arm and spoke quietly.

"Lanessa?" Xena said, squeezing the arm slightly. "Lanessa?" she said again. After what seemed an eternity, the small woman began to stir. She moved her head slowly to one side and her eyes fluttered open. She grimaced at the ache that result from the movement, and raised a hand to rub her forehead. Gabrielle's grateful sob ignited the crowd. The people sounded a joyous cheer.

Lanessa blinked her eyes, trying to re-orient herself. "Lanessa?" Xena said, touching the woman's smudged cheek. "Can you hear me?"

The woman's eyes followed the voice, finally resting on Xena's face.

"Xena?", Lanessa said, weakly.

"Right here." the warrior answered, touching the woman's shoulder.

Gabrielle and Xena helped Lanessa to sit up. For a moment, the small form seemed too fragile to move. Then the woman took Xena's hand in her own.

"Is it over?" she asked the warrior. "Is he gone?"

Xena's blue eyes were gentle. "It's over, my friend. It's over." She gathered the small woman into her arms and reached out to take Gabrielle's hand at the same time. The bard's smile flashed in spite of her tears. The villagers erupted into applause and praise again. Mathius touched the warrior's shoulder and stood up, moving toward his family.

Gabrielle used the back of her hand to dry her tears. Then she and Xena stood to help Lanessa up from the ground. They carefully moved her toward the bench in front of the cottage. The woman brushed her clothes briskly, then allowed the others to deposit her on the seat.

The bard sat down beside the petite woman and gathered the slender shoulders in a gentle hug. Lanessa put her hand to the girl's face and smiled. After a moment, Efron rushed from the crowd and flung himself into Lanessa's lap. The small body trembled as he wrapped his arms around the woman's slim waist.

"Lanetha!" the boy cried, burying his face tight against her small frame. "You're thafe now." the child shrieked. "Me and Thena fixthed it!"

The villagers laughed heartily and even the warrior smiled. The boy looked up at the tall, dark-haired woman standing next to the bench. Efron released his hold on Lanessa's knees and took a quick step over toward Xena.

She cast gentle blue eyes down at the boy, who returned a grateful gaze to hers. The boy reached to wrap his arms around the warrior's slender waist. She returned the child's embrace, gently stroking the rust-hued curls with her long fingers. As the bard watched, the warrior reached to pull the boy up into her arms. The child hugged her neck tightly and wrapped his short legs around her frame.

When the embrace ended, the bard could see the tears glistening in the warrior's blue eyes. The boy's small body clung to her a moment longer, then Xena put his small feet down on the bench. After another quick hug for Lanessa, and a firm handshake for the warrior, Efron scrambled down off the bench and ran back to his father.

Xena turned back to the small woman sitting on the bench. Lanessa's eyes were trained on the warrior's form, an irritated scowl knitting her brow. The small woman raised her gaze toward Xena's face, then returned her attention to the tall woman's clothing.

"What's wrong?" Xena asked, confused by the concern she saw in the woman's face. The warrior sat down on the bench next to her slender friend.

"Look at you! You've ruined my blouse!" Lanessa gingerly touched the garment the warrior wore. The lavender material was stained with the blood from the bully's nosebleed and one delicate cuff was torn. And there were other obvious marks from the grass on the silver skirt.

Xena stared at the petite woman in open-mouthed astonishment. It was the last thing she had expected to hear the woman say.

"And you had your chakrum with you, didn't you, even after you promised?" the slender woman demanded. "Look here.", the small woman said, in an irritated. "You've even torn the shawl!" Lanessa chided, fingering the rose-colored material. "Honestly, Xena!" The woman's tone was almost maternal. Even Gabrielle sat speechless. All the villagers nearby stared at the small woman surprised. Then a quiet whisper began to grow among them.

Xena's mouth snapped closed as the brillance of the reality flashed in her mind. She exchanged a delighted look with Gabrielle. The young woman's eyes twinkled brightly and her smile was wide and open. They both turned attention to the slight female who rose and stood facing them. "It took me nearly a fortnight to lengthen that skirt. Now I'll have to ..." Lanessa shook a thin finger at the warrior, still sitting shocked on the bench.

The warrior reached to take the slender woman by the arms. "Lanessa" she called, but the woman was still brittle with her irritation. "Lanessa!" Xena said sharply, still holding the woman firmly. Eventually the small woman's stream of chatter stopped and she turned an even more impatient eye toward the warrior.

"What?" she snapped, leveling an angry glare at the warrior's face.

"How did you know there was blood on my blouse?", the warrior asked cautiously. She watched the small woman's face closely. There were still no signs of realization there, only the woman's annoyance with the warrior's behavior. Lanessa raised an angry brow and pulled away from Xena's hands.

"How did I know?", she said mocking the warrior's tone. "Well, look at it!" the woman said angrily, using her open hand to indicate the clothing that Xena wore. A gasp came from the villagers still surrounding the scene. Suddenly, slowly and deliberately, Lanessa's face began to register what her statement meant. She turned a bewildered stare to her own hand, extended an arm's length in front of her. Then the gaze traveled to the warrior's beaming face.

"Oh, my word!" Lanessa said softly, the full wonderous miracle finally becoming clear to her.

Gabrielle put her hands to her mouth. A delighted squeal escaped her as she watched the small woman begin to comprehend the new status of her life. Lanessa's mouth was open, her newly-sighted eyes wide and amazed. She held both hands out in front of her, turning and examining them as though it was her first view of them. Then she turned slowly to the blue eyes of the warrior. They watched her from the bench, filled with tears and showing exceptional delight.

Finally the group of villagers began to cheer again, clapping happily and expressing congratulations to Lanessa on her good fortune. The small woman stepped to the warrior and her tightly. The two women clung to each other, both overcome by the brillance of the event and by their affection for each other.

Lanessa reached one small hand toward the bard where she sat next to Xena. Gabrielle took the hand and held it tightly. Finally, the small woman released the warrior and stood back to gaze at her friend's tearful countenance. She touched the beautiful face with her free hand and studied the chisled features. The women's smiles shone brightly, each answering the delight in the other.

The dainty woman turned then to Gabrielle. The girl's green eyes were also filled with tears of happiness for this new friend. The woman leaned forward and brought her forehead down to meet that of the bard. The bard's smile flashed brillant and clear. Lanessa held the girl's hand tightly.

"Seems fitting, don't you think?" the small woman whispered to the girl. For a moment Gabrielle's eyes were confused, then the private message rang in her mind. She smiled widely again and nodded her assent. She glanced quickly at the warrior's blue eyes, still beaming happily for her old friend. There was a slight look of confusion Xena's crystal orbs, but it only lasted a second.

People from the town stepped to Lanessa to congratulate her. Gabrielle shared a private glance with the warrior. The look said, 'Tell you later.' Then they turned their attention back to the petite woman who could now actually *see* their happy smiles for her.

Chapter Twenty

Xena stepped from the cottage into the cool, night air. Her senses had finally recovered from the manic pace of the day. The last of the townspeople had returned to their own homes, having spent most of the afternoon congratulating Lanessa and celebrating her good fortune.

The warrior had remained extremely uncomfortable with the villagers' repeated praise of her efforts. At first, she had been more than slightly surprised at their show of support. Then she had become embarassed and unnerved be their obvious admiration. Eventually she had sought the silent company of Argo in the small backyard shed.

Gabrielle had clearly noted Xena's retreat to the haven of the shed. The girl knew why the warrior had gone there, so she didn't share the knowledge with the wellwishers. Their hostess' intuition had given her the same message. Together they elected to leave their friend alone.

After a moment, Xena turned to notice Lanessa sitting quietly on the small bench in front of the house. She waited, not wanting to intrude on the woman's solitude. Then Lanessa turned in the warrior's direction and extended a hand to her. Xena moved to the bench and sat down. For a moment, the two friends were silent. Finally the warrior spoke.

"What are you thinking?" she asked Lanessa quietly.

Lanessa took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The moonlight illuminated the woman gentle face, showing the wonder and awe in the new aspect of her being. "I was just thinking how generous the gods have been with me all my life."

"Generous?" Xena repeated, surprise showing in her tone. "Only you would think of it that way.", she said.

Lanessa's gentle laughter warmed the warrior's heart. She touched Xena's arm lovingly. "But they've given me so many gifts, Xena. Think of it." The small woman turned her gaze toward the town square. "I have so much", she said, indicating the grassy area in front of them.

"The animals, the children, my home." the woman went on. "And all my friends, especially you." Lanessa noted, taking the warrior's hand again. Xena saw the happiness in the woman's face. She met the gentle smile with her own.

"And now, they've given me back my sight. I have truly been blessed." There was a tone of quiet amazement in the woman's voice. The warrior's throat tightened at the sound of the woman's humility. She wondered if she would ever feel so noble.

"And yet," Lanessa spoke again, "my life will certainly change now." The statement carried a note of uncertainty, a tone of doubt. The warrior waited for her friend to finish her thought. "All those years, when I was ...", the small woman began. "When I saw things 'here'." she amended, touching her own forehead. "I had the pleasure of my own perceptions."

For a moment, Lanessa seemed lost in her own reflections. "Do you understand?" she said, turning to the warrior. Xena kept her eyes on the woman's face. "In a sense, I could almost make the world what I wanted it to be." Lanessa finished, her voice amused.

"In my mind, you all stayed exactly the way I remembered you." she said, turning again to the blue eyes of her friend. "Youthful, vibrant," she said, "never growing old, never feeling lost or tired or frightened." Xena's eyes were gentle on the woman's expression. As usual, Lanessa's impressions inspired and intrigued the warrior. They were, as always, unique.

Lanessa's gaze traveled over Xena's face. "Even you." she said, touching the warrior's cheek carefully. "I always saw you as you were that night in my room. My dear, gentle, generous friend, lending comfort, giving me courage." The woman watched as the warrior's gaze grew remorseful, almost ashamed.

Xena swallowed hard, tears filling the clear, blue eyes. "Maybe you'll be disappointed in some of those faces now.", the warrior said, her voice wavering. "Maybe you'll see something there you don't like."

Lanessa took Xena's hand in her own, her gentle smile shining. "I carried that image in my heart all those years." she said to the warrior's eyes. "Today I saw the face of that friend again." The small woman paused, studying the glistening blue eyes meeting hers. "Yes, I saw the pain; yes, I see the regret." Xena kept her eyes on her friend's brown gaze.

"And now I see the integrity and the honor and the deep, abiding goodness of the woman she is today." For a long moment, there was silence from the women on the bench. Then Lanessa took the warrior's face in her hands. "Maybe someday, my friend will see that in herself."

"We've come full circle, you and I.", Lanessa said, her voice gentle and kind. "Back to where we were so many years ago." Xena took one small hand into both of hers. "Now perhaps your soul can reclaim some of that peace, too."

Xena met the warmth in the dainty woman's smile. "Thank you, Lanessa" she said quietly, "for always believing in me. And I pray every day that you're right."

The two women shared a loving embrace. Then Xena rose and stepped toward the doorway to the cottage. She turned back to the small woman's peaceful gaze and smiled.

"Good night, my friend.", she said. "I'll see you in the morning." Lanessa nodded, a knowing smile lighting her gentle face.

As Xena turned to enter the cottage, she saw Gabrielle standing in the doorway. The girl's eyes were glistening with tears. The warrior touched the young woman's arm and walked into the house. The girl watched the tall woman walk to the small chamber next to the kitchen. Then she turned to the petite form on the bench.

"Good night, Lanessa." Gabrielle said. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you, Sweetheart." Lanessa replied. "Happy dreams."

Lanessa heard the girl's footsteps cross the kitchen. She trained her gaze on the myriad of stars above her. And her smile shone happily. "Beautiful." the woman said softly. "Almighty beautiful."

The End

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