Disclaimer: This story contains explicit sexual scenes involving two women who happen to be very much in love. There may also be scenes which contain violence and adult language. If this sort of thing bothers you, then read no further.
What Price Redemption
Part 4
by Dr. Bob
Chapter 4: Waiting for the Other Sandal to Drop
Gabrielle gingerly traced her fingers over the bump on her head, hoping it didn't look as big as it felt. She looked up at Xena and asked as much.
Xena tossed the small stick she'd been holding into the nearby fire. She leaned closer, moving aside Gabrielle's hand, and examined the woman's forehead. "Well, I've seen worse. Don't worry, the swelling will go down a good bit by morning." She looked towards the wagons a couple dozen feet away. "They're serving dinner. Are you hungry?"
Gabrielle smirked up at her. "Don't you think it's a little late?"
"What, for dinner?"
"No. For stupid questions," Gabrielle said with a smile.
It was Xena's turn to smirk. "What was that? Why yes, Xena. I AM hungry. Would you please get me something to eat. I would appreciate it SO much. Not at all, Gabrielle. After all, I've become used...."
"Alright, alright," Gabrielle protested as she rose. "I'd rather get my own than listen to this." They both turned as they heard someone approaching.
"Mind if we join you?" Ian asked, nodding to Cassandra beside him. They were both carrying trays.
"No, not at all," Xena replied, pointing to a place opposite her and Gabrielle. "I was starting to think everyone was avoiding us."
Ian handed her one of the bowls from off the tray. "Well, you built your own fire. They think YOU'RE avoiding THEM. We usually build one big fire and everyone gathers around it."
"We didn't mean any offense," Gabrielle said hastily.
"It's okay, Gabrielle. I told them it was our fault for not extending an invitation," he said as he handed her a bowl.
Cassandra walked around the fire and offered each of them a large mug. "I hope you like tea."
"Yes, thanks," Gabrielle replied as she accepted hers. She looked back towards Ian, who was cutting up a small loaf of bread. "Ian, Xena said you saved my life. I wanted to thank you."
"I was just doing my job," he commented.
Gabrielle seemed taken aback at his indifferent reply. As she stirred her stew, she wondered if that's all it was to him.
As Ian handed Xena a small plate of the sliced bread, he looked across and saw Gabrielle's somber expression. "Gabrielle, what I meant to say was, you're welcome." He smiled as she looked up and grinned at him. "Although," he added as he picked up his bowl, "I don't know how much of a favor I did you, considering you have to eat this."
"I heard that," Saraya hollered from the cooking fire.
Ian's smiled broadened. "If only her cooking was as good as her hearing," he said loudly.
Xena swallowed another mouthful of the stew. "It's really not bad," she stated as she took a slice of bread.
"I know. I just like teasing her," Ian replied with an impish grin.
Cassandra looked across at the bump on Gabrielle's head. "Does your head still hurt?" she asked.
"A little," Gabrielle replied, somewhat self-consciously. "Xena said the swelling will go down by tomorrow morning."
"Provided she doesn't head butt anyone else till then," Xena said with a wry grin.
"If I had known it would hurt so much, I wouldn't have even tried in the first place. He had my staff, I had to do something."
"If you'd like, there's a trick I can show you for the next time that happens," Ian offered.
"Yeah, I would. I was watching you when you fought. I've never seen anyone use a staff like that before," Gabrielle said with obvious admiration. She glanced towards Xena who was looking down at her with a raised brow. "Well, except for Xena of course," she added hastily.
"That's nothing. You should see Ian use a sword," Cassandra chimed in.
"Hey, didn't I tell you bragging wasn't polite?" Ian asked her.
"Even if it's true?"
"Especially if it's true," he replied with a grin and wink.
"Where DID you learn how to fight?" Xena asked.
"Here and there," he said as he looked down and stared into his bowl.
"I want to know how you got a name like Ian?" Gabrielle asked as she wiped the inside of her bowl with a piece of bread before popping it into her mouth.
"I was named after my grandfather who was originally from a land far to the northwest. When he was only about a dozen or so summers old, he and several of his kin were captured by Gauls and sold into slavery. Moving from owner to owner over the years, he eventually found himself in Greece, working in the house of the woman who would become my grandmother. To make a long story short, the two of them fell in love. The family treated him very well and he soon had enough money to buy his freedom. They were married and ended up having three children, my mother being the eldest." Ian smiled as he stared into the flames, remembering his grandfather. "My grandfather never wanted us to forget about our heritage. He used to say that I had strong Pictish blood in my veins. Whatever that meant."
"Well if you two aren't related," Gabrielle asked, nodding towards Cassandra, "how did you end up traveling together?"
Xena noticed that neither one spoke up immediately. The girl glanced up at Ian who continued to stare into the flames.
"Fate and circumstance, I suppose," Ian finally replied softly.
"Hey, how was dinner?" Saraya asked as she, Parmax, Jerrus and his wife walked closer.
Ian's expression lightened immediately as he turned and looked up at the elderly woman standing next to him. "Honestly? It was a meal fit for a king."
Saraya placed her hands on her hips as she looked down at him suspiciously.
Still grinning, Ian turned back and stared into the fire. "We used to have a dog named King."
Saraya bumped him with her hip. "If only you told jokes as well as you fight," she said with a smile. She held out her hands and Ian passed her both trays along with his and Cassandra's bowls.
As Helaena stepped around the fire to collect their things, she handed Xena a pitcher. "I brought some more tea in case anyone wants any."
"Thank you," Xena replied as she filled her mug. She looked towards Gabrielle who grunted and thrust out her own.
"Me too, please," Cassandra said as she hopped up and stood beside Gabrielle, grinning as she pushed the bard's cup to the side with her own.
"Hey, I asked first," Gabrielle said playfully.
Xena looked down at the two mugs momentarily and then began refilling Cassandra's. She grinned as she watched Gabrielle's eyes narrow. "Well, next time ask politely like she did instead of grunting like a warthog." She couldn't help giggling as she then filled Gabrielle's mug.
"I need a refill, too," Ian replied as he stood.
Xena looked up and offered him the pitcher.
"No thanks," he replied with a shake of his head.
"Don't you like tea?" Gabrielle asked. She grinned as he made a comical grimace.
"Well, what ARE you drinking?" Xena asked with an arched brow as he turned towards the wagons.
"Water," he replied as he turned back around, his tone serious. Nobody drinks anything stronger than tea until the medicine is delivered.
"Ian, who has watch tonight?" Jerrus asked.
"Patreon knows," Ian replied. He looked back down towards Xena. "We alternate watch every other night. The two of you have it tomorrow." He turned and looked down at Cassandra. "You ready for bed?"
"Nope," she said with wide smile.
"Hey, Cassandra? Temanon and the others were supposed to be telling some scary stories tonight. If it's okay with Ian, you can sleep in the wagon with them," Jerrus offered.
She immediately ran over and looked up at Ian. "Can I, Pleeeeeeeeease?"
Xena grinned as she realized Cassandra and Gabrielle had something in common.
He chuckled as she tugged on his pant leg. "I guess," he said with a loud sigh. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "Be good, and listen to Helaena."
"I will," she said with a giggle. She turned and looked back to the others. "Good night," she offered cheerfully before turning and following Jerrus towards the wagons.
"Well, good night," Ian likewise stated with a smile. He walked towards the other fire.
Xena watched him as he left. She'd noticed that, with the exception of the origin of his name and grandfather, he'd been very vague about his past. She looked up at Parmax as he reached over and picked up the pitcher, filling his own mug. "Pull up a seat, Parmax."
"Thanks, don't mind if I do. You'd think that after sitting on a wagon seat all day, I wouldn't be so tired. Guess I'm not as young as I used to be."
"Tell me about Ian. Where did you meet him?" Xena asked.
Parmax chuckled as he looked towards the other fire, spotting Ian laughing with some of the other men. "It was back in Athens while we were waiting for the medicine to arrive from Knossos. Jerrus and I were in the market area, pricing some wagons, when we heard this loud commotion down the street. This horse peddler was whipping a horse that had apparently thrown him. He had several of his men holding the animal in place with ropes. Poor thing was making an awful ruckus." He paused to take a sip from his mug. "Then, this guy comes out from the crowd and..."
"Ian?" Gabrielle asked, getting comfortable on her blanket.
"Yep. He walks over and grabs the whip out of the merchant's hand. Then, he takes it and lashes the man across the butt with it, hard." He grinned as Gabrielle giggled. "He hollered something like..Doesn't feel good! Does it?! Well, the merchant, who's standing there clutching his rear in both hands, screams at his men to do something. So, the four of them charge at Ian; and these were some BIG guys."
As he stopped again to take a drink, Gabrielle found herself wondering if his pauses were intentional or not. A good story teller knew how to use them for effect.
"Well, the outcome seemed certain. But, in the span of a few minutes, all four men were laid out on the ground and Ian was left standing, whip in hand. The crowd cheered momentarily until Ian started advancing on the merchant. From the look on his face, it appeared he was intent on choking the man with that whip. The crowd fell silent as the merchant dropped to his knees, begging unintelligibly as Ian stood before him." He paused again for another sip.
"What did he do?" Gabrielle asked impatiently.
"He tossed the whip down in front of the merchant and asked how much he wanted for the horse. You should have seen the man's jaw drop."
"Ian BOUGHT the horse?" Xena asked.
"Mmm-hmm. Got a real good deal, too," Parmax replied with a wide grin.
"THAT horse?" Gabrielle asked, pointing to the large stallion grazing not far from Argo.
"That very horse. Well, I went up and introduced myself; told him about what happened in Illyris and that I needed a caravan master. I asked if he'd be interested. He agreed. Didn't even ask how much it would pay." He picked up the pitcher and refilled his cup.
"What about Cassandra?" Xena asked.
Parmax smiled as he looked towards the wagons. "Cute little girl. I wish she was my own granddaughter."
"How did she and Ian meet?"
Parmax brow furrowed slightly. "To be honest, I don't really know. I asked him about it a couple of times and he never gave me a straight answer. I got the feeling he was uncomfortable talking about it, so I didn't bring it up again."
Xena drained the last of her tea. "Speaking of Illyris, there's something else I've been wondering. Don't you think King Hestricles knows about what Tetramon has been up to?"
"Well how he can he sit back and let Tetramon poison his own people, his family? Surely he couldn't condone something like that?"
Parmax sighed as he stared into the flames. "Hestricles isn't the same man he was before his wife died about five years ago. He's withdrawn most of the times. I think he's grown tired of kingly concerns. He taught his sons to be strong, independent. He also taught them that the end justifies the means. I wish that their mother hadn't died. They may have turned out differently." He sighed again and sipped at his tea. Hearing Gabrielle snore softly, he smiled as he looked down at the sleeping bard. "Well, I guess I'll turn in too." He stood and picked up the pitcher along with Xena and Gabrielle's cups. "Good night, Xena," he whispered.
"Good night, Parmax." Xena turned back and smiled as she looked down at Gabrielle. She removed her cuirass and then lay out her own blanket near the younger woman. As she lay down, she reached over and brought Gabrielle's blanket up over the girl's chest. She leaned closer and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Good night, Gabrielle," she whispered.
Gabrielle walked over to Argo, placing her sack inside one of the large saddle bags as Xena tightened the straps of the saddle. She looked around, watching as some of the men were helping Patreon in hooking up the draft horses to the wagons. She glanced over and spotted Ian's horse not far away, saddled and grazing contentedly in the knee-high grass. She didn't see its owner anywhere. "Xena, have you see Ian?"
Xena looked around briefly. "No. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him at all this morning."
Gabrielle slowly walked closer to the stallion which snorted softly and took a step backwards.
"Be careful, Gabrielle," Xena cautioned her.
"It's okay. He knows I'm just trying to be friendly. Don't you boy?" she said in a soft tone as she held out her hand. She smiled as the stallion took a step forward, leaning it's head down and sniffing her hand. She scratched it's muzzle, knowing how much Argo liked it and assuming the large black horse would also. As she rubbed its broad neck, she looked up as Xena came near. "He's beautiful, isn't he?"
"Yeah," Xena replied, studying the animal with an appraising eye for the first time, impressed by its muscular frame.
Looking towards the animal's flank, Gabrielle spotted several faint lash marks. She reached up and scratched the stallion behind the ears. "Aww, poor thing."
"I think he likes you," came a man's voice from behind them.
Gabrielle smiled as she turned and spotted Ian.
Xena was more than a little unnerved that her keen senses hadn't alerted her to his presence. He was carrying a medium sized sack.
"You really think he likes me?" Gabrielle asked as she continued to scratch the animal, smiling as the horse lowered its head to give her easier access.
"He hasn't bitten you, has he?"
"Then he likes you," Ian replied with a grin. He looked up as Cassandra came running over. "Hey. Good morning, little one."
"Good morning," she said with a wide smile. "We saved you some breakfast."
"Thanks. Here," he said as he handed her a small pouch he had tucked into his belt.
Gabrielle watched as the girl took it happily, smiling as she looked inside. "What's that?" she asked.
"You collect stones?" Gabrielle asked curiously.
"No silly. Why would anyone collect stones?" Cassandra asked, giving Gabrielle a weird look which caused both Ian and Xena to laugh.
"Hey, why don't you go get your drayun," Ian suggested. "Here, bring these to Saraya first." He reached in the sack, pulled out three large pears, and then handed it to Cassandra who took off towards the wagons.
"What's a drayun?" Gabrielle asked.
"You'll see." He smiled as he heard the large stallion snort excitedly. "Alright, alright. Hold on." He took the three pears and began juggling them effortlessly, taking a quick bite out of one before tossing it back into the air .
"Where did you learn how to juggle?" Gabrielle asked with a giggle.
"Oh, didn't I tell you? I used to work in a traveling carnival. I was known far and wide as Ian, the pear juggler. People would...AWWW," he cursed as the stallion bumped into his back, causing him to drop one of the pears which the horse eagerly bent down and took a large bite out of. "Fine, you ingrate. You never did appreciate talent," he said with a smirk. He tossed one of the other pears to Xena. "Here, you can give that to her," Ian said as he nodded towards Argo who'd been watching all of the pears with obvious interest.
"Thanks. Her name's Argo," Xena replied as she held up the fruit for the mare.
"What's his name?" Gabrielle asked.
"I don't know," Ian replied, turning back to the black horse as he took another bite of his pear. "He hasn't told me yet."
"Hasn't TOLD you yet?" Gabrielle asked with a puzzled expression.
"No. I've only had him a couple of weeks. He'll find a way to let me know what his name is whenever the spirit moves him."
"You really believe that?" Xena asked.
"Nah," Ian replied with a grin. "I just haven't thought of a good one yet." He reached under a leather flap on the large saddle and pulled out a sword and scabbard, tying it in place diagonally across his back, leaving the peculiar hilt sticking up over his right shoulder. He looked up as Cassandra returned and tossed the remainder of the last pear near his horse.
Gabrielle noticed she was carrying a short, forked piece of wood with what appeared to be a small sling fastened at its ends. "What is it?"
"A drayun," Cassandra replied. She looked up at Ian. "What are we going to shoot at?"
"Uhm..I'll find something." He walked over towards the fire.
"How does it work?" Gabrielle asked, studying it more closely.
Cassandra reached in the small pouch and pulled out one of the stones. "You take a stone and place it in the leather." She pinched the small piece of leather holding the rock between the thumb and forefinger of her right hand. Holding the branch in her left hand, she extended her arm out straight at shoulder level. "Then, you pull this end up to your eye, aim, and let go." As she let go of the small leather piece, the stone sailed off across the pasture.
"So, it's sort of like a sling," Gabrielle commented. "But what's this stuff?" she asked, feeling the spongy, material holding the leather patch to the ends of the branch.
"Goat's intestines," Ian answered as he returned with several fist sized wooden blocks from the remains of the fire.
"Ewwww," Gabrielle said with a grimace as she wiped her hand on her skirt, noticing Xena grinning nearby. She watched as Ian placed the blocks on top of a large stump about forty feet away.
"Okay, go ahead you show-off," he said with a smile as he returned.
They watched as Cassandra loaded another stone, aimed, and let it fly, knocking the center block off of the stump. "Oh yeah, aim for the middle one," he teased. "If you miss it, you still have a chance at hitting one of the others."
Cassandra loaded another and fired quickly, knocking the last block off the right side. She turned and stuck her tongue out at Ian.
"Can I try?" Gabrielle asked.
"Sure. Here," Cassandra said as she handed Gabrielle a stone and the drayun.
Gabrielle placed the stone onto the leather patch and aimed. Both Ian and Cassandra, spotting Gabrielle's thumb in a very bad spot, tried unsuccessfully to warn her. As she released it, the stone struck her thumb and ricocheted high into the air. She dropped the drayun and began jumping up and down as she held onto her left hand, issuing a string of colorful phrases that would've made an Athenian sailor blush.
Ian, doing his best not to laugh, walked closer. "Here, let me have a look at it."
Gabrielle, still clenching her teeth, extended her hand. "Why would you let her have such a dangerous toy, anyway?"
"It's not a toy Gabrielle, it's a weapon. I felt she should have a way to protect herself," he replied as he massaged her wrist near the base of her thumb. "AND, I wasn't too crazy about giving her anything with a blade."
"But why did you chose THAT thing?" she asked, noticing that her thumb was starting to feel better.
"Because she kept dropping the boulders for the catapult," he answered with a grin. He looked up and spotted some of the guards gathering closer. "Hey guys, we'll head out in a minute."
Gabrielle was becoming more aware of the sensation of Ian's fingers on her hand, much like Xena's, strong yet gentle. She looked passed him and spotted Xena staring at them with a unreadable expression on her face. She quickly pulled her hand back. "Thank you, Ian. It feels much better," she said truthfully.
"Xena, do you want to try?" Cassandra asked, offering the drayun to the woman.
"Okay." She took it and a few of the stones. "Now be patient with me. I'm probably not good enough to hit my thumb on the FIRST try," she said with a glance towards Gabrielle. She fired the first stone and hit the stump a few inches below the remaining blocks. Loading another, she looked down as she felt Cassandra tugging on her mail skirt. She leaned down and allowed the girl to whisper something in her ear. "Okay, I'll try," she said with a smile as she straightened. She raised the drayun again. Turning it sideways, she sighted along the top branch as Cassandra had suggested. She let the stone fly and watched as it knocked one of the last three blocks from the stump. Loading her last stone, she fired again, hitting another one of the blocks. She looked down and grinned as Cassandra smiled up at her. "Thanks," she said, handing her the drayun and rubbing the top of the girl's head.
"Beginner's luck," Ian stated with a chuckle.
"Well, why don't you demonstrate for us, O' Great One?," one of the guards said sarcastically.
"I'd be happy to. Who do you think taught her?" Ian said as he accepted it and a stone from Cassandra. As he raised his arms, stretching the leather back until Gabrielle thought for sure the intestines would pop, he sighted towards the remaining block.
As she watched him draw in a breath, Cassandra pinched him behind the left knee, causing his leg to jerk and his shot to sail off high and to the right.
Ian, hearing the snickering guards behind him, looked down with a smirk towards the girl who had her arms clasped behind her back as she rocked back and forth on her heels innocently. As he turned and glanced towards the other men, he discreetly slipped a few fingers into a hidden fold of his sleeve. Spinning back around, his arm shot forward in the direction of the stump. Hearing a hollow THUNK, everyone watched as the final block flew backwards several feet.
"I'll go get it," Cassandra said with a smile as she ran towards the stump.
Ian turned back with a grin towards the men who had apparently found something very interesting on the ground near their feet to look at. "How's the arm, Niereles?"
"Much better, thanks."
"How about Andreas' side?" Ian asked, looking towards the other men near the wagons.
"I think it bothers him more than he's willing to admit," Niereles replied.
"Alright, I'll talk to him about it once we get moving. We're gonna move a bit faster today. I wanna take advantage of this good weather while it lasts." He looked down as Cassandra returned carrying one of the wooden blocks.
"I couldn't get it out," she said, handing the piece to him.
Xena looked down at the metal spike stuck deeply in the wood, impressed by the strength and accuracy it had taken to make the throw.
Ian placed the wooden block under his arm and managed, with some difficulty, to pull the spike out with the other hand. Tossing the block away, he climbed into the saddle. "Alright, let's get ready to move." He rode ahead towards the wagons.
Xena noticed Gabrielle walking closer. "Hey, how's your thumb?"
Gabrielle held up hand for the older woman to examine.
"Oh, NOW you want me to look at it?" Xena asked sarcastically. She smiled as she took Gabrielle's hand, letting her know that she wasn't upset with her. "It looks fine."
"Kiss it and make it better?" Gabrielle asked, cocking her head slightly.
Xena raised a brow as she released Gabrielle's hand. "I think you KNOW what YOU can kiss."
"Is that a request?" Gabrielle asked in a low voice as she placed a hand on Xena's backside.
Xena grinned as she backed away a step. "We're about to leave Gabrielle. Maybe later."
"Alright," the bard said, followed by a sigh. She reached in a saddle bag and pulled out her staff. She assembled it together as she watched Parmax drive the first wagon onto the road. She and Xena, leading Argo by the reins, followed the last wagon as it rolled after the rest.
Xena looked up at the sky, watching as a flock of birds passed high overhead. She glanced briefly towards the late afternoon sun as it dipped behind a large cloud. Hearing Gabrielle whistling softly, she looked down at her best friend, and lover, walking slightly ahead of her. True to Ian's word, the wagon train had kept a rigorous pace throughout the day. To Gabrielle's credit, the bard hadn't complained once. Xena studied the younger woman's legs, allowing her eyes to trace over the contours of her muscular thighs. The years of traveling together certainly showed. Her gaze drifted upwards to the woman's rear, watching it sway as she walked. She chewed softly on her bottom lip as she enjoyed the view, wishing that she and Gabrielle were traveling alone instead of with the caravan. Maybe they'd be able to find some privacy later that night.
"Xena, do you think we...," Gabrielle stopped her sentence abruptly as she turned towards Xena and spotted the look on her face, recognizing the desire. Blushing slightly, she slowed and allowed Xena to ride up alongside her. "What were you thinking about?" she asked, already knowing the answer.
Xena made a slight grin. "I was just thinking that you must be tired after walking all day. Would you like to ride for a while?"
"Mmm-hmm," Gabrielle replied with a nod and a grin of her own. Walking forward, she placed her staff in the back of the nearby wagon. She turned and smiled as Xena offered her a hand from the saddle.
As Gabrielle grasped her hand, preparing to climb up behind her, Xena shook her head. "Uh-uh. In front," she said with a mysterious smile.
"In front? Okay," Gabrielle agreed as she turned around and jumped up, allowing Xena to pick her up by the waist, surprised again at how strong the warrior was.
Xena, sliding back in the saddle, placed Gabrielle in front of her, immediately taking pleasure from the woman's closeness. "How's that. You comfortable?"
"Yep," Gabrielle replied, placing a hand on Xena's arm and leaning back, despite the breastplate between them. Her eyes narrowed slightly as Xena placed her other arm around her waist, holding her tightly. "That feels nice," she said softly, running her fingers over Xena's arm.
Xena brushed her face through Gabrielle's hair, inhaling it's familiar fragrance. She felt the warmth of Gabrielle's body pressed up against hers. Looking passed Gabrielle to the road ahead and not seeing anyone looking their way, she momentarily raised a hand to move all of the woman's reddish-blonde hair over her left shoulder.
"Why'd you do that?" Gabrielle asked with a slight giggle as Xena's arm returned around her waist. She got her answer as the older woman planted a soft kiss on the back of her neck. She tilted her head slightly, giving Xena easier access. Her eyes closed as her lover placed another, longer kiss on her neck, followed by another, and another. She looked ahead to make sure no one was watching, not sure if it even mattered to Xena. She shuddered slightly as she felt Xena nibble on her ear. "Xena, I don't know if this is such a good idea," Gabrielle said half-heartedly as she felt the moisture increasing between her legs.
"I do," Xena said with a grin before blowing lightly across the bard's ear.
Gabrielle sighed as she slumped backwards against her tormentor. "Fine. It's YOUR saddle," she said with a chuckle. Her eyes went wider as she spotted Ian riding down the road toward them. She straightened upright, giggling as she heard Xena let out a growl behind her.
Ian smiled and nodded as he turned the large horse alongside. "Hey, I found a small pond just off the road a couple of miles ahead. We'll make camp there. I wanna see if I can go hunt up something for tonight. Do you mind taking the lead?"
"Not at all," Xena replied.
"Thanks. I'll have a few of the men hang back to cover the rear." He looked to Gabrielle. "Anything in particular you'd like for dinner?"
"Uhmm...how about nutbread and a few pomegranates?" she asked.
"I was thinking along the lines of something with legs, Gabrielle," Ian replied with a smirk. He leaned a little closer. "Besides, do you know how dangerous it is to hunt pomegranates? I once saw one tear a man's arm clean off," he said as he made an exaggerated shudder. "I'll see you at the pond." As he urged the stallion forward, a curious thought ran through his mind concerning the way Xena and Gabrielle were sitting together. "Nah," he said to himself, dismissing the notion with a slight shake of his head. After talking with one of the other men, he turned and spurred the stallion into a gallop, disappearing into the trees.
Xena, observing Gabrielle as she watched him disappear, pinched her on the thigh.
"Hey, what was that for?" She asked, turning slightly.
"What do you think about Ian?"
"What do you mean?" Gabrielle asked, not sure what Xena was getting at. "He seems like a nice guy."
"He's kind. He's really funny. He's.."
"Attractive," Xena interrupted.
"You said it, I didn't," Gabrielle said with a smile.
"Well, let's head to the front."
"Drop me off here," Gabrielle commented. "I'll get my staff and catch up to you."
"I thought you were enjoying the ride. I hoped we could pick up where we left off," Xena teased.
"Yeah, that's what I figured. But I don't feel like putting on a show for everyone." She smiled as she heard Xena grunt. "I only like performing for you," she said before turning around and kissing the woman on the lips. "Listen, do you think, once camp is set up, you and I can go find a spot somewhere...and...," she wiggled her eyebrows slightly, figuring Xena knew what she meant.
"I guess it's true what they say."
"What's that?" Gabrielle asked curiously.
"Great minds think alike," Xena said with a smile as she leaned down and kissed Gabrielle once more. After easing the younger woman out of the saddle, Xena spurred Argo toward the front of the caravan, smiling at the thought of being alone with the woman she loved.
Gabrielle dropped the armful of firewood she was carrying onto the pile with the rest.
"I think that should be enough, Gabrielle," Niereles said, looking towards some of the other men as they carried more wood from the forest's edge. "Thanks for the help."
"You're welcome." She looked towards the wagons and spotted Xena speaking with Parmax. As she walked over, she saw Cassandra and the other children playing in the pond with Helaena and Shinnara watching over them. The small body of water was fed by a narrow stream that emerged from the treeline a few hundred feet away.
"Why don't you go swim with the other kids?"
Gabrielle turned and smiled up at Xena. "Didn't you and I have plans?" she asked as she folded her arms.
"We do. I just want to wait for Ian to get back."
"Awww. Why don't you just tell Parmax that we're going...do....something, anything," she pleaded, placing a hand on Xena's arm.
"Because. I don't want to...," she glanced behind Gabrielle and spotted Ian riding towards camp. "Never mind. He's back."
Gabrielle turned, watching as several of the others gathered around the large black horse. She noticed that something was draped across the back of the animal behind Ian.
"C'mon. Let's go see what he caught," Xena suggested. As they drew closer, they saw that it was a large deer.
Ian smiled down towards Saraya. "Whatta ya think? Good enough?"
The woman smirked as she placed her hands on her hips. "What's the matter. Couldn't you find anything bigger?" she asked sarcastically.
Ian climbed out of the saddle. "Well, if it's too much for you to handle, I would be MORE than happy..."
"Ohhhhh no. You kill it. I cook it. THAT'S the deal," Saraya declared as she picked up a large pot and carried it towards the pond.
"Fine, fine," Ian said with a resigned sigh.
"Dercleas and I'll clean it," Patreon offered.
"Thanks, just do it away from camp," Ian stated as he pulled a waterskin from his saddle. He watched as Patreon and a few of the men carried the carcass across the road. He looked down and smiled at Gabrielle. "Sorry, no pomegranates. Although, I DID spot some nutbread tracks."
"Unless you need us to do anything, we're gonna head upstream for a while," Xena said.
"Yeah, that's fine. Is there a problem?"
Xena leaned closer and whispered, "Gabrielle has this THING about privacy when she bathes."
"I understand. Dinner won't be ready for at least a couple of hours. Uhm...I forgot to ask. Did you want the first or second watch?"
"We'll take the first," Xena replied as she mounted Argo. "We won't be long." She extended a hand down to Gabrielle and helped her into the saddle.
Ian took a long drink from the waterskin as he watched them ride off.
"Where are they heading off to?" Saraya asked as she passed nearby.
"I was just wondering the same thing," he said to himself.
He smiled as he took the water filled pot and carried it for her. "I said, I was just wondering how you we're planning on cooking MY deer?"
"Don't you start," she fussed as she waved a finger at him.
Gabrielle pulled back from the kiss, trying to catch her breath. "Xena?"
"What?" the woman asked softly, running her hand through her lover's long hair.
"I don't want to rush. Okay?"
"Okay," Xena answered with a warm smile. She lowered her lips slowly to Gabrielle's, closing her eyes as she gently traced her fingers along the younger woman's arm. She let out low, contented moan as she kissed Gabrielle tenderly, relishing the softness of the woman's lips as they pressed against her own. Xena allowed her mouth to work against Gabrielle's, letting her set the pace. They continued the kiss for several glorious minutes, their tongues dancing together seductively.
As Xena pulled away slowly, Gabrielle stared up into her eyes. "How long has it been since we've been alone together?" she asked with grin as she gently placed her hand against Xena's cheek.
"Only two days."
"It seems like it's been a lot longer."
"I know," Xena replied softly as she pulled Gabrielle's hand away, placing her lips against the woman's palm. She kissed her way along the woman's arm, stopping momentarily to nibble on the crook of her elbow, smiling as Gabrielle emitted a cute giggle. She kissed her way over the shoulder, moving towards the neck where the kisses became more deliberate, more sensual.
Gabrielle rolled her head to the side as she felt Xena's tongue pass over her neck. She let out a lingering sigh which eventually ended as she sucked in a quick breath, feeling Xena place a hand over one of her breasts. She raised her hands behind Xena's head, running her fingers through her hair as the woman gave loving attention to both of her breasts. She looked down, grinning as she watched and felt Xena tenderly chew on one of her nipples. She allowed one hand to slide along the woman's back, tracing her fingertips back and forth along the warrior's spine. She lay her head back again as Xena kissed her way down to her stomach. Biting her lip in anticipation, she spread her legs wider as she felt strong fingers pass gently through the patch of fine hairs between them. Even though the contact was expected, Gabrielle's hips jerked slightly as Xena's fingers made contact with very sensitive flesh. She let out a cross between a gasp and a moan as Xena's mouth soon followed.
As she heard another of Gabrielle's passionate sounds, Xena took delight in the pleasure she was able to give the younger woman. She lowered her mouth once again between Gabrielle's legs, breathing in the all-too-familiar fragrance of her lover's arousal. As she stroked her tongue over the soft pink skin of the woman's labia, Xena lightly brushed a fingertip over her slowly emerging clitoris. Smiling as Gabrielle jerked again, Xena slowly used her tongue to push her way inside of the enraptured woman, savoring the taste of her lover. She continued her expert coaxing, using her mouth and fingers to elicit more noises out of Gabrielle.
Gabrielle's head swam from the sensations that Xena was inflicting upon her. Swinging her arms out wide, her hand brushed against the back of Xena's thigh. Raising her head, she looked down at Xena who was focused on the task at hand. "Xena?" she panted.
Xena pulled back, tilting her head and wiping her mouth with a few fingers as she looked up at the bard. "What?" she asked, smiling softly.
Gabrielle, still breathing heavily and having some difficulty articulating what she wanted, decided to simply show the older woman. Sliding sideways, she placed a hand on Xena's left leg, attempting to raise it.
Xena smiled as she realized what Gabrielle had in mind. Leaning sideways, she lifted her leg and allowed the woman to position herself underneath. She let Gabrielle pull her hips downward as she wished, smiling once again as she felt her lover's mouth eagerly seek out the warm dampness between her legs. She rolled her head backwards as Gabrielle's tongue slid inside of her, moving from side to side before pulling back out and flicking across her clitoris. Throwing her hair out of the way, she once again lowered herself to the soft golden forest, her lips pushing through the damp hairs as they sought Gabrielle's glistening swollen flesh.
Gabrielle moaned into Xena as she felt the woman's mouth against her once again. The contact caused her to redouble her efforts. She wanted Xena to feel everything she was feeling, to let her experience the same wonderful sensations the woman was causing in her own body.
The pair continued the mutual pleasuring for several minutes. Each pushing the other towards release, both their heartbeats and breathing quickening.
As she closed her lips around Gabrielle's clitoris once again, sucking on it lightly, she felt and heard the woman let out a high pitched moan as she thrust her hips upward. She continued to suck lightly on the sensitive bud, occasionally flicking her tongue across it for good measure. Within seconds, Gabrielle's body was shivering as she came. As she tasted the musky wetness trickling out of the younger woman, that, the passionate sounds Gabrielle was making, and the feeling of the continuous stimulation to her own sensitive genitalia caused Xena to climax as well. She bit her lip and groaned as the sensual wave washed over her, feeling Gabrielle pass her tongue over her vulva in long strokes.
Gabrielle sighed as she tasted the warm wetness which she had come to view as a reward for a job well done. She took a deep breath and sighed contentedly as Xena lifted off of her, spinning around and lying along side.
Xena smirked as she brought her hand up and wiped off a wet spot on Gabrielle's chin. "You always were a messy eater."
Gabrielle smiled as she grabbed Xena's hand and lowered it back to her mouth, sucking on her thumb. "Only when I'm eating something I like," she said with a smile.
Xena arched a brow as she propped herself up on her elbow. "What DON'T you like eating?" she asked teasingly.
Gabrielle's eyes narrowed momentarily before she smiled sweetly and hugged Xena, lying close to her, "You're just lucky I love you so much."
Xena's expression became thoughtful as she stared down at the younger woman. "I know," she said softly, kissing Gabrielle on the top of the head. She couldn't understand what she'd ever done to be that lucky. "Well, I guess we should head back."
"Uh-uh," Gabrielle replied with a smile as she hugged Xena tighter. "Can't we just stay like this for a while?"
"Sure," Xena said softly, wrapping both arms around the bard, realizing she'd be happy holding her like that for the rest of their lives.
Gabrielle let out a soft sigh as she felt Xena's strong arms around her along with the beat of the woman's heart against the side of her face. The gurgle of the water in the nearby stream seemed as if it were miles away.
As they returned to the campsite, Gabrielle noticed that most of the others were gathered around the long rectangular fire. Saraya was hovering over several pots near the far end.
As they began unpacking their things, Cassandra walked over and smiled up at them. "I saved ya'll a spot by the fire," she said.
Gabrielle turned and looked up at Xena who just smiled and gave her a "fine by me" shrug. "Thanks Cassandra," Gabrielle replied as she pulled their blankets out of the saddle. "You need any help with Argo?" she asked Xena.
"Nah, I can get it. Go ahead and put out our stuff," she said with a smile.
"I can carry something," Cassandra offered, holding out her hands.
Gabrielle handed her the pair of waterskins and followed her back over to the fire. She smiled as Cassandra plopped down near one corner, looking up and patting the ground next to her. She nodded towards Shinnara and Patreon sitting a few feet away. Everyone else was listening to one of the guards as he talked about the battle of Salamis. As she lay out their blankets, she looked up and smiled as Xena walked over, placing Argo's saddle and reins on the ground nearby. She watched as the older woman removed her sword and chakram, leaning them against the saddle. Just as Xena sat down, they looked towards the other end of the fire, hearing Saraya holler.
"So help me, Ian. If you don't get away from me, I'm going to shove this where Poseidon's never been," she threatened, waving a large ladle back and forth.
Xena spotted Ian, running towards them, his head ducked down low and a wide grin on his face.
Stopping near Cassandra, Ian turned back towards the older woman. "Well, excuse me if you can't take a little constructive CRITICISM," shouting the last word as he ducked the heavy ladle which sailed by just over head. He sat down next to the young girl as everyone laughed.
"Ian, that reminds me. You mind telling me how you DID kill that thing?" Patreon asked. "We searched that deer head to tail and couldn't find a single wound on it."
Ian shrugged as he took a drink from a large mug. "Simple. I sang a bit and he dropped like a stone," he said with a smile.
"You're singing can't be THAT bad," Shinnara commented.
"Oh yes it can," Cassandra stated with a big nod, causing another round of laughter.
"Ian, who's on watch tonight?" one of the men seated across the fire asked.
"Xena, Gabrielle, and Jerrus have first. Niereles, Sammus, and Rexian have second.
"What do we have to do?" Gabrielle asked.
"Not much. Stay awake, check on the horses every now and then, listen for anything unusual. I mean, aside from Niereles' snoring," he added with a smile towards the older man on the other side of the fire.
"It's not REALLY snoring," he protested. "I do that to fool anyone trying to sneak up on us," Niereles said with a semi-serious expression as everyone else laughed.
"Yeah, well you sure fooled that wild boar that came into camp looking for a mate," Ian gibed.
Niereles, attempting to get the focus off of himself, looked towards Gabrielle. "Whatever you do, don't let Ian catch you sleeping while you're on watch. Isn't that right, Rexian?"
Gabrielle watched as everyone laughed and turned towards the man who gave Niereles a dirty look. "Why, what does he do?" she asked curiously, looking to Ian who simply shrugged and took a sip from his cup.
From the way everyone was acting, Xena assumed whatever Ian had done was embarrassing and not harmful. She remembered one night, years ago, after her army had suffered a particularly bad defeat, she'd found one of her sentries asleep. She'd cut the man's throat without a second thought. She shook her head slightly, wondering how she'd ever been capable of such a thing. She realized, for the first time in a long time, how much she'd changed. She smiled as she looked at the beautiful young woman beside her, knowing how much Gabrielle had to do with that change. She felt her heart skip a beat as she looked upon the bard's captivating smile.
Gabrielle looked back to Niereles, "WHAT does he do?" she asked, slightly frustrated that no one was answering her question.
"He sticks their hand in a pot of warm water," Niereles replied with a chuckle.
"What does that do?" Gabrielle asked, confused as she looked towards Ian who had only the barest hint of grin on his face. Her question caused most of the others to start laughing again.
Cassandra leaned over and whispered into Gabrielle's ear, smiling up at the bard as she sat back next to Ian.
Gabrielle looked at her suspiciously. "No it doesn't. You're making that up." She looked at Ian. "She's making that up, right?"
Ian just smiled and shook his head.
Gabrielle blinked in surprise, deciding that she'd be sure and stay awake while on watch. She turned and looked at Xena, noticing that the woman was staring at her with a weird smile on her face. "What's wrong?" she asked softly. She moved closer as Xena leaned over to whisper something to her.
"I love you," the warrior said softly before planting a light kiss on her ear, causing the younger woman to blush.
"It's ready," Saraya hollered from the other end of the fire. "Everyone come serve themselves."
As they stared at each other silently, neither Xena nor Gabrielle seemed to hear.
Xena smiled down at Gabrielle, still asleep nearby with Cassandra curled up next to her. She had awoken moments before, noticing curiously that both Ian and his bedroll were absent. She'd spotted the black stallion, already saddled, near Argo by the pond. She looked towards the other end of the nearly extinguished fire, watching as Saraya threw several more branches onto the embers, obviously preparing to start breakfast. Most of the others were still asleep. Sammus and Rexian were walking along the road. She looked over and spotted Niereles near the draft horses. Ian was no where to be seen. She'd assumed he'd be asleep being that he still had been awake when she and Gabrielle had turned in. He'd sat up with them and Jerrus while they were on watch, talking about various things. She had noticed that anytime the topic of his past would threaten to come up, he'd change the subject with the skill of a politician. After slipping on her cuirass, she stood and stretched, taking a long drink from one of the waterskins. She looked down at Gabrielle once again as she fastened her sword and chakram to her belt, deciding to let the woman sleep. She walked over towards Niereles.
He smiled as he spotted her. "Hey, good morning," he offered.
"Morning Niereles. Have you seen Ian?"
He looked around momentarily, "Hmmm. Last time I saw him, he was heading into the forest, following the stream. That must've been...an hour ago at least."
"You don't think anything happened to him, do you?" Xena asked.
"Aww no," he said with a smile as he shook his head. "He disappears every couple mornings like that. Only sleeps a few hours a night. Kinda a weird guy," he added with a chuckle as he scratched the muzzle of one of the large horses.
"Alright. Do me a favor. If Gabrielle wakes up before I get back, tell her I went for a walk."
"No problem."
She walked towards the pond, stopping momentarily to pet Argo before continuing into the woods. As she emerged from the bushes a few minutes later, having answered nature's call, she knelt down and washed her hands in the cool mountain water. Looking back in the direction of camp as she stood, she turned and looked up the length of the stream. Curiosity getting the better of her, she walked along the bank, heading deeper into the forest. After a couple hundred feet, she froze as she spotted a hare on the opposite side of the stream, chewing grass contentedly in the middle of a small clearing. She lowered her right hand to the chakram at her side, fingering the polished metal in contemplation. Smiling, she left it where it was, realizing the party had more than enough food, and not really wanting to kill the timid creature besides. Her hand quickly gripped the chakram, however, as she caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning, she spotted Ian atop an immense, shoulder-high slab of rock a few dozen yards away, performing some type of complex series of moves across the broad expanse of granite. Realization dawned on her after a few moments, remembering that she'd seen similar exhibitions before. It was indicative of an Eastern fighting style, of which she understood there were many. Some allowed smaller individuals to easily defeat much larger ones by using leverage and their opponent's size and momentum against them. Some focused on chokes, locks, and submission holds. And, of course, some dealt with the use of pressure points. She continued to observe him silently, watching his fluid motions. She noticed he was barefoot, his boots and sword lying at the base of the slab. His light brown hair was tied back into a ponytail. "He moves with the grace of a temple dancer," she thought as she watched with the appraising eyes of a fellow warrior. And those of a woman, she had to admit to herself. Something about this particular style seemed familiar, but she wasn't able to pinpoint what. Not surpising considering the number of fights, battles, and wars she'd been in.
Smiling, she walked towards the large boulder. "That's pretty impressive. Where did you learn it?" she called out as she drew closer.
Ian spun around and stared down at her, cursing himself for not hearing her sooner. Walking to the edge of the slab, he leaned over and let himself fall off headfirst, spinning in midair and landing nimbly on his feet. After bending over and retrieving his boots and sword, he walked towards the smiling woman. "Gabrielle's not the only one with a thing about privacy," he said brusquely as he passed her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...," she let her sentence trail off as Ian headed in the direction of camp without turning back. "Well, excuse me," she said under her breath with a smirk. Shaking her head slightly, she walked after him.
Gabrielle smiled as she spotted Xena walking towards her. "Hey, where were you?"
"Nature call," she replied, not really a lie. She looked around and spotted Ian talking to Parmax and Patreon as the last of the wagons were hooked up.
"Here's some breakfast," Gabrielle offered.
Xena smiled as she accepted the small plate, taking a bite of the sliced melon. She looked over and spotted Argo saddled and their things already packed. "Hey, you saddled Argo?" she asked the younger woman.
"Good job," Xena stated as she popped a piece of dried beef into her mouth. She walked over and pulled on the saddle. "Would you be offended if I double checked everything?"
"I wouldn't expect any less." Gabrielle replied as she gave Xena's waist a friendly hug. She looked up as Ian rode over. "Good morning," she said with a smile.
"Good morning, Gabrielle," he replied with somewhat of a nod. "The train will head out as soon as everyone's ready. I'm going scout the road up ahead," he said, not really looking at either of them.
"Would you like me to do it?" Xena offered.
"No," he answered simply before spurring the large horse onto the road.
Gabrielle turned and looked up at Xena. "What was that all about?"
"Nothing," she said as she bent over to examine the straps of the saddle. She handed Gabrielle the plate. "Why don't you finish this."
"You sure you've had enough?"
"Yeah. Help yourself."
"Thanks," Gabrielle replied, tossing a piece of fruit into her mouth. As she watched the woman walk over and wash her hands in the pond, she wondered what had happened between Xena and Ian that had obviously upset both of them. She wasn't too concerned, knowing she'd eventually be able to pry it out of the warrior.
Ian grinned down at Temanon as he rode passed the grinning boy. As he realized again how much the child reminded him of Darius, the thought caused his smile to fade. Sighing, he looked out at the adjacent pasture, smiling again as he spotted Cassandra and Gabrielle gathering flowers as they kept pace with the caravan. He realized that Cassandra hadn't taken long to become attached to the red-haired woman, looking at her as an older sister. It had been so long since she'd been around another female who was closer to her age than twenty summers or more. Noticing that they were getting nearer to the forest's edge than he'd rather, he whistled loudly. As they looked back towards the road, he hollered to them, "Don't wander too far, you two." He grinned as Cassandra stuck out her tongue in her usual adorable way. Taking a deep breath, he rode towards the back of the caravan.
Xena, leading Argo, looked up at him with an unreadable expression. "Is there a problem?"
"Yeah," he replied with a smirk as he turned the stallion and kept pace along side her. "I wanted to apologize for this morning. I shouldn't have bit your head off like that. I'm sorry," he said sincerely.
Xena's expression remained neutral for several seconds, enjoying the humble look on the man's face. "It's okay. No problem," she said with a smile, noticing how nice Ian's smile was.
He looked back towards Cassandra and Gabrielle, still walking together in the field. "Those two seem to be getting along pretty well."
Xena's smile broadened as she spotted the pair walking side by side in the knee high grass. "Gabrielle has a younger sister back home. I think Cassandra reminds her of what it's like to have one around." She noticed Ian's expression become somber as he continued to watch the two of them.
"Yeah, it's hard when you're separated from family like that," he said, almost to himself as he looked down at the ground. He looked back into the field. "I don't like them being that far out. I'm gonna go tell them to come in some." He looked up at the sky for a moment. "We'll stop for lunch in about an hour," he said with a smile before angling his horse into the field at an easy gait. He didn't see the first figure emerge from the treeline until he was still thirty feet away.
"Ooo, that's a pretty one," Gabrielle commented as the girl bent over and picked up a large bright blue wildflower. Hearing hoofbeats, she looked up, her eyes going wide as Ian galloped towards them on the large stallion, apparently intent on running them down.
She turned as Cassandra shouted her name and pulled on her skirt, her eyes going even wider as she spotted the armed men charging their way from across the field. Raising her staff, she spared a glance over her shoulder as Ian leapt agilely from the saddle of the horse to land just behind her. "We should get back to back with Cassandra between us," she shouted.
"Thanks for the advice," he said as he grabbed her by the waist and picked her up bodily, causing her to drop the staff in surprise. He placed her on the saddle and then bent over to pick up Cassandra, quickly passing the girl to Gabrielle. "Hold on to her," he instructed, not really sure of which one he was talking too.
"What about you?!" She asked, holding onto the saddlehorn with one hand and her other arm wrapped around Cassandra.
"Just hold on!" he shouted as he slapped the animal on the rear. As he watched it speed off towards the caravan, he noticed that Jerrus and Patreon were drawing the wagons closer together. He spun back around as a bandit with a short sword attempted a swing aimed at his head. Throwing himself backwards and away from the sword stroke, he braced himself on his left hand and brought his right foot up into the man's groin, grimacing as the brigand let out a pitiful groan and fell to his knees. He could see the man's eyes roll upwards through the holes of the half-cowl he wore.
As he stood, he reached behind his shoulder and drew his sword, the blade sliding from the scabbard with a faint whisper. His eyes narrowed as several more similarly cowled men advanced on him. Although they wore no armor, something about their stances told of formal training. He grinned as three of them spread out, obviously hoping to surround him. They'd learn, he thought to himself. Before they could completely encircle him, he feinted a lunge at the man before him and then quickly hopped sideways, parrying a downward swing by the bandit to his right and kicking him hard in the chest, sending him sailing backwards. He looked back and turned aside a thrust by the third bandit. Finishing the spin he started with the parry, he brought his elbow up into the side of the man's head, knocking him to the ground. He quickly raised his sword to block a slash at his chest from the first bandit. Pushing the man's sword aside, he brought his own blade across the bandit's arm, smirking as the man screamed and dropped his sword. Ian spun and kicked him in the head. He grinned as the man fell to the ground, knowing that he'd live, but that the fingers of his right arm would be useless for a few weeks. "Be glad I'm in a good mood," he commented down to the unconscious figure as he set himself for more of the bandits as they drew closer.
Spinning the blade in a whirling blur which he made look effortless, he waited for the closest bandit to reach him. As the large man set his leg for a swing, Ian kicked him just above the knee. As he screamed and clutched at his leg, falling to the ground, a second bandit with a large dagger jumped over him and onto Ian. Ian rolled backwards as he grabbed the man's wrist, cursing as the bandit's knees came down on his chest, driving the breath out of him. Still holding onto the bandit's wrist, he let go of his sword and jabbed two fingers into the base of the man's neck. After rolling the gasping man off of him, he retrieved his sword and got to his feet, still catching his own breath, the sound of hoofbeats registering somewhere in the back of his mind as he stood and faced the four bandits charging at him simultaneously. He blocked and held the downward strokes of two of them, turning slightly so that he could kick the third in the throat. Realizing he couldn't bring his foot back to reach the fourth who was now pulling back for a slash at his side, he prepared to roll to his left. Before he could, he heard a high-pitched battle cry and watched as a familiar leather clad figure sailed downward to land on the man.
Xena let out a devilish laugh as she gave the prone man a boot to the head. Pivoting, she brought her right leg up and kicked one of the men in front of Ian in the mid-section, causing him to double over. She watched as Ian beat the other man's sword aside and gave him a spinning back fist, sending the bandit sprawling. She laughed again as they instinctively got back to back.
"What's the matter? Were you worried about me?" he called over his shoulder as he gripped his sword in both hands and watched two more of the bandits draw closer.
"No," Xena hollered, punching a man in the jaw. "I just thought you might be getting lonely out here by yourself."
"Well, I had these nice fellas to keep me company," he shouted back, watching the two bandits before him. He knew immediately what they were attempting to do. As the first bandit aimed a forehand swing at his head, hoping to engage his blade and allow the second bandit to lunge underneath, Ian brought his sword down with all of his strength, snapping the bandit's blade a few inches above the hilt. He continued the downward stroke and cleaved the second man from collarbone to navel. Wrenching his sword free, he then punched the first bandit in the gut. As he rose, grabbing the bent over man by the hair, he brought his knee up into the bandit's face, knocking him onto his back. As he caught his breath, he noticed that most of the bandits were retreating back into the forest. "I'm clear on this side. How about you?" he hollered to Xena.
After beating aside a bandit's sword, she brained him with the hilt of her sword, watching as he slumped down to the ground. "Yep, all clear," she said, turning around. Her eyes went wide as she spotted the man at Ian's feet, his chest and stomach gaping open. "Whoa," she said softly.
Ian followed her gaze and stared down at the man. "Hey, I tried keeping this friendly. Sometimes they don't give you a choice." He smiled as he looked down at the broken sword nearby, only a few inches of blade left attached to the hilt. Cutting the scabbard off of the unconscious man's belt, he placed the sword back in the sheath. His smile broadened as he looked up at the confused look on Xena's face. "Niereles has been bitching that he needs a new sword."
Xena grinned as she watched the last of the still upright bandits disappear into the forest. "I guess we can head back."
"Yeah, here," he said, handing her Gabrielle's staff from nearby.
"Thanks, again," she said with a smile. "And if you ask me for what, I'm gonna hit you."
"You're welcome," he replied with a grin. He turned and walked back towards the road.
Cassandra ran up and jumped into his arms as he drew closer, hugging him tightly. "I was worried about you."
"Hey, hey, hey," he said comfortingly as he held her with his right arm. " I can take care of myself. Besides, I had Xena out there, too." Still carrying Cassandra, he walked over towards Niereles. "Watch this," he whispered in her ear. "Here you go, Niereles. An early Solstice gift. You said you've been wanting a new sword," holding out the scabbard.
"Thanks Ian. It sure looks...," he smirked as he pulled the hilt out and stared down at the remnants of the blade. "Very funny."
He looked down at Cassandra who was giggling. "I thought it was, didn't you?"
"Yep," she answered with a cute nod.
"Okay, why don't you ride in the wagon with Temanon and the others for a while."
"Awwww. Can't I ride with you?" she asked.
"After lunch. I promise."
"Okay," she said with a smile. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
After he'd passed her to Shinnara, he turned around and was startled to see Gabrielle standing behind him. "Hey, Xena gave you your staff back?"
"Uh-huh," she replied with a smile. She then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks," she said before heading back towards Xena at the end of the caravan.
Ian let out a soft sigh as he watched the woman walk away. His own smile disappeared when he turned and spotted several of the men starting at him. "What are ya'll gawking at?"
"A grown man blushing," Niereles replied with a chuckle. As Ian walked passed, heading towards his horse. Niereles kissed him on the same cheek. "Thaaaanks," he said teasingly, batting his eyes and causing the others to let out a chorus of catcalls and whistles.
"Bloody hell, Niereles," Ian replied as he wiped his cheek with his hand. "That's a REAL good way to get killed."
"Look, he's blushing again," one of the men hollered.
As the others started laughing once again, Ian walked up to the large stallion. "Comedians. I'm working with comedians," he said under his breath as he climbed into the saddle. "Alright, file in you morons," he hollered as he urged his horse onto the road.
As they fell in behind Patreon's wagon, Xena looked down at Gabrielle. "Hey, you wanna ride?"
The younger woman turned and cocked her head slightly. "In front?"
"Uh-huh," she replied with a nod, biting her lip.
Gabrielle hummed softly as she continued to fill the small pouch with the wild berries she'd found, knowing that Xena was particularly found of them. The group had set up camp near another pond, much larger than the one from the day before. While most of the others had gone swimming, Xena had ridden ahead to make sure the bridge over the Aous river was still up. While three different kingdoms claimed the southern stretch of the river, as far maps were concerned, none seemed willing to pay for the upkeep of the bridge which tended to wash away and be rebuilt at least once a year. Ian had originally planned on going, but Xena had offered to go instead. To both their surprise, he had graciously accepted. Although somewhat upset at first, Gabrielle had cheered up after Xena promised her a moonlight swim later that night. After a few hours of teasing caresses in the saddle, she was definitely looking forward to some quality time with the woman warrior. She smiled as she closed the pouch and headed back towards camp.
After only a few dozen feet, she stopped and tilted her head, having heard...something. Listening quietly, a puzzled expression came over her face as she thought for sure she could here music. Never one whose curiosity needed much coaxing, she followed the sound deeper into the forest. As it grew louder, she realized it sounded like pipes, or some type of woodwind. She could also hear the faint sound of splashing water. The beautiful, yet sad, melody seemed to drift through the woods like a mist carried on a soft breeze. As the trees became less dense, she spotted a small pond of water just ahead; the sound of splashing coming from the run-off of a miniature waterfall which fed into it. She smiled as she also found the source of the music.
Ian was sitting cross-legged against a tree near the edge of the pool, playing what looked like a recorder. His elbows were resting on his knees and his eyes were closed. She walked forward quietly, not wanting to disturb him. She didn't get very far, however, before he quickly glanced up at her, his right hand coming down to his waist.
Ian let out the breath he'd been holding. "Hi, Gabrielle."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I heard your music."
He leaned over and placed the recorder in a small sack nearby. "It's just something I do to kill time. I'm not very good."
"Of course you are," Gabrielle said as she walked closer. She found herself staring at his eyes, noticing once again how deep a green they were.
"Give it up, Gabrielle. The only reason he plays it is because he knows I like it."
She turned and grinned as she spotted Cassandra swimming in the pond. She hadn't even noticed the girl. She watched as she climbed out of the water, moving behind some bushes at the water's edge.
"Is Xena back yet?" Ian asked, stretching as he stood.
"She wasn't when I left."
"Well, I hope that bridge is passable."
"What if it isn't?"
"We'll either have to follow it northeast and cross it in a few days or head down river, cross it, and then double back. Either way, we'll lose precious time."
"What's in the pouch?" Cassandra asked as she walked over, a towel draped over her hair. She handed Ian a small bottle which he placed in the sack.
"Berries. You want some?" she offered, opening the pouch.
"You sure those are okay to eat?" Ian asked as he used the towel to dry off the girl's hair.
Gabrielle smirked up at him. "You don't travel around with Xena for a few years and not learn something about foraging in the wild." She decided not to mention the time she'd had stomach cramps for two days after eating some fruit she'd discovered without asking Xena first.
"Mmmm. They're good," the girl said with a smile. "HEY!?" she hollered as Ian draped the towel over her head.
"Are you heading back to camp?" he asked Gabrielle.
"You mind leading her back?"
"Aren't you coming?" Cassandra asked as she turned and looked up at him, the towel still covering her face.
Ian walked back over to the tree and began unlacing his boots. "Nah. I may as well take a bath while I'm here. I'll see you back at camp."
Gabrielle watched as he undid the clip holding his ponytail; his light brown hair spilling free to fall across his shoulders.
"C'mon Gabrielle," Cassandra said, pulling on the bard's arm.
Gabrielle snapped out of her momentary trance. "Okay, hold on. I'm coming." She followed the girl down a small path leading through the forest, considering something she knew she shouldn't be.
"Gabrielle, Xena said you were a bard. That means you tell stories, right?"
The blonde haired girl jumped nimbly over a log she could have just as easily walked around. "You think maybe you'd be able to tell us some tonight?" When Gabrielle didn't answer, she turned and looked back up towards her. "Well? Will you?"
"I'm sorry. Will I what?"
"Tell us some stories tonight," the girl answered, slightly aggravated.
"Uuh, yeah. Sure," she said, her mind on something else.
"Gabrielle, are you okay?" Cassandra asked the woman as they reached the edge of the forest.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She looked across the pasture at the wagons and pond a short distance away. "Uhm...I have to go find some...thing. Go ahead and join the others."
"You need some help?"
"NO," she said quickly. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Here, you can take these with you." She handed the girl the pouch of berries.
"Thanks," Cassandra replied with a wide grin as she took the pouch and ran towards the pond and the other children.
Taking a deep breath, Gabrielle turned and headed back into the forest.
Gabrielle quietly edged closer to the clearing, her pulse pounding in her ears. She carefully leaned her staff against a nearby tree and then settled in behind a large log. She slowly peered over it in the direction of the pond, holding her breath as she spotted Ian swimming from one side to the other. She could feel her heartbeat racing, part of her realizing she should leave just as quietly as she came. The other part, the larger part, had apparently decided to stay. Her eyes went wide as Ian started walking towards the bank. With the loose fitting, long-sleeved shirt he wore, she hadn't realized how muscular he was. Her eyes went even wider as the water receded below his hips. She watched as he hopped out of the pond and walked over to his things, pulling something out of his bag. She bit her lip as she felt the dampness increasing between her legs. She wondered if it was due to Ian or to the fact that she was doing something that could get her in a lot of trouble. Grinning, she doubted if she'd be getting that worked up if it had been Parmax bathing nearby. She shuddered at the thought. As he walked back towards the pond, the same small bottle in hand, she raised her skirt and lowered a hand into her underwear. She bit her lip again as she slowly rubbed her fingers back and forth over her vulva, watching as Ian waded back into the shallows. Her head tilted slightly as she noticed the tattoo under his right shoulder. It looked like a dark blue or black snake, coiled in a circle, chasing its own tail. He stopped as the water got to his waist, bending over to dunk his head. She watched as he straightened, poured something out of the bottle into his hand and then proceeded to wash his hair. Her eyes traced over his muscular frame as she continued to fondle herself.
Xena crouched down and reached into a saddlebag, pulling out Argo's brush. She stood and began grooming the animal, smiling as she heard the horse let out a contented snort. She looked over and saw that most of the children were near one of the wagons, playing some type of game. Saraya and Shinnara were close by, starting dinner. Most of the others were either swimming or fishing at the small lake not far away. She turned and spotted Gabrielle exiting from the treeline. She could see that she was breathing heavily. "Gabrielle?"
"What?!" the younger woman asked with a start as she spun around, not having seen Xena or Argo.
Xena noticed that Gabrielle was flushed. She recognized the look on the younger woman's face. "Gabrielle, what have you been doing?"
"Nothing," she said with a nervous smile as she walked closer, looking around the campsite.
Smirking, Xena reached down and took Gabrielle's right hand. She raised it to her nose, smelling the girl's fingers. "Never mind," she said with a grin.
They looked up as Ian walked out of the woods carrying Gabrielle's staff. "Here you go. You left this near the pond," he said with a smile as he handed it to her.
"Thanks," Gabrielle said as she took the staff, staring at the ground.
Ian looked at Xena. "How's the bridge?"
"It's..uh...good. We shouldn't have any problems crossing it."
"Thanks for going," he said with a friendly nod before walking towards the others.
Xena noticed Gabrielle's strange behavior. "Gabrielle, you okay?"
"Yeah, fine. Why do you ask?" she asked with a nervous chuckle.
Xena watched as the younger woman took a quick glance toward Ian and then stared at the ground again. As she heard the children holler and laugh, she looked over and saw Ian shaking his wet hair over them. She looked from Gabrielle, to Ian, and then back to the still flushed woman. "Gabrielle, you didn't?"
She looked up, biting her lip and gave a half-hearted shrug.
Xena, remembering how upset the man had gotten when she'd found him the morning before, frowned down at the fidgeting woman before her. "Gabrielle, you...,"
Gabrielle, misinterpreting Xena's anger, placed a hand on her arm. "Xena, I..I. was just curious. It didn't mean anything."
Xena smirked. "I'm not jealous, Gabrielle. You just shouldn't have done it, that's all."
"You're not jealous? Not even a little?" Gabrielle asked, tilting her head slightly.
Xena placed her hands on her hips and leaned forward. "What is it with you, anyway? Spying on people like that. You know, they have a word for someone like you."
Gabrielle smiled as she placed her hands on Xena's waist. "Yeah, I know. It's called horny."
Xena couldn't help smiling, herself. "Sometimes Gabrielle, I don't know what to do with you."
Gabrielle's smile turned into an impish grin. "I made a list, in case you're ever interested."
Xena giggled as she turned back and continued brushing Argo. She looked back down at Gabrielle. "Well, how was the show?" Her smile broadened as she watched Gabrielle blush again.
"He's pretty muscular, you know."
She moved closer and whispered. "I saw...his...uhm...."
Xena looked down at the bard who was now the color of a turnip. "It's called a penis, Gabrielle." She shook her head as the younger woman started giggling.
"It was huge," she said, slightly wide-eyed.
"And you've seen......how many?" Xena asked with a smirk.
"Three. Including his."
"Really?" Xena asked, surprised that the number was that high.
"Yeah, the first time was when I was little, back in Potidaea. One of the boys in town wanted to play show mine, show yours. I agreed as long as he would go first. He pulled down his pants and...it looked so funny, I started laughing. He started crying and ran back home."
"That's my girl," Xena said with a grin as she leaned over and kissed her on top of the head. "Well, I know who the third one was. Who was the second one?"
"Some guy who flashed me in Thermopylae last time we were there." she said with a shrug.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Xena asked.
"And have you go and kill him?"
Xena nodded, "Yeah, probably would've."
"So, you're not mad at me....about Ian?" Gabrielle asked with a slight pout.
"No, I'm not mad at you. But you still shouldn't have done it. You remember what happened the LAST time you were spying on someone."
"Uhm....We ended up admitting our true love for each other and have been deliriously happy ever since," she said with a wide smile.
"Okay, bad example."
"Don't worry. I won't do it again." She looked passed Argo at Ian, who was standing next to his horse. "I didn't think he looked like the kind of guy who'd have a tattoo," she commented.
Xena turned and looked back towards the man for a moment. "No, I wouldn't have thought so either," she said, turning back to Argo. "What does it look like?" she asked, slightly curious.
"Oh, it was nice. It was on his back. Here," she said, pointing behind her right shoulder. "It was a dark snake, in a circle. You know, I couldn't really see it that well, but it looked like it had little legs. Weird, huh?"
The brush stopped in mid-stroke, Xena's eyes going wide. It seemed as if something clicked; like several pieces of a puzzle falling into place at once. She walked over and dropped the brush next to her saddle. She turned and glanced back at Gabrielle, still petting Argo. Taking a deep breath, she headed for Ian who was still pulling his gear off of the large horse. Looking around, she stopped for a second to pick up a small piece of wood.
"I found this real nice spot for our swim tonight. I don't suppose you'd like..," she stopped as she turned and realized Xena was no longer there. She spotted the woman heading towards Ian. Something about the way she was walking made her nervous. She headed after her.
Xena walked closer, trying to appear calm. Realizing what the man was capable of, she knew she'd have to be quick. "Ian, do you mind taking a look at something?" she asked, keeping her tone friendly.
"Sure, whatta you got?" he asked, turning around with a smile. He took the piece of wood, flipping it over in his hands. "Well, it just loo...," He gasped loudly as Xena's fingers jabbed into his neck, cutting off the blood flow to his brain. His face contorted in pain as he fell to his knees.
She heard Gabrielle holler her name but ignored her as she walked around behind Ian. Bending over, she ripped open the back of his shirt, scowling as she spotted the tattoo of the black dragon.
"Xena, what are you doing!?!" Gabrielle screamed as she ran closer.
"Stay back, Gabrielle!" she hollered.
"What are you DOING?!" she repeated. She looked down at Ian on his knees. His eyes were closed and his teeth were clenched.
Xena grabbed Gabrielle and walked her backwards several feet, almost tempted to let the man die. "You don't know what he is, Gabrielle! Just stay out of it!" Her brow furrowed as she watched Gabrielle's eyes go wide and mouth drop open. Figuring one of the guards had snuck up behind her, she pushed Gabrielle back and spun around, her own eyes going wide as she spotted Ian standing before her.
He wiped away a trickle of blood from under his nose as he glared at the woman. "You better have a DAMNED good reason for...," he didn't get the chance to finish as he blocked a punch aimed at his head. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Xena only let out a feral growl as she attempted a spinning back kick.
Ian ducked under the leg as it whipped overhead. Spinning himself, he kicked her other leg out from under her. Rolling backwards, he sprang to his feet and grunted as Xena was already charging at him again. He blocked several punches and kicks before Xena finally landed a right cross. Quickly losing his temper, he turned aside a jab and punched her hard in the stomach, momentarily causing her to double over. As she started to straighten, he brought his right fist down onto her jaw. As he watched her fall to her knees, he backed up and cursed himself. He didn't want to do this. "Look, Xena. Whatev...," he let his sentence trail off as she advanced on him again.
The pain in her jaw fueling her rage, Xena aimed a crescent kick at his head, figuring he'd duck underneath. As he did so, she somersaulted backwards, bringing her other foot up into his face.
Ian took only a fraction of the impact as he rolled backwards with the kick. Somersaulting backwards several times, he cursed again as he stopped and spotted Xena heading for him.
"What in the name of Poseidon is going on here!?" Parmax yelled from nearby.
Ian spared the man a glance, noticing that most of the others were gathering around as well. "I don't know, Parmax. I'll let you know when I do," he set himself as Xena drew closer. The woman right fist shot forward, aimed at his face.
Instead of beating the punch aside like she'd expected, Ian grabbed onto her wrist and rolled backwards. Her eyes went wide as her momentum and his grip pulled her over him, wider as he placed his feet on her stomach and sent her sailing into the air. She managed to turn in mid-air and land on her feet, somewhat gracefully, near her things. Scowling again, she reached over and whipped her sword from its sheath, straightening and advancing towards Ian once again.
"Damn," Ian muttered under his breath. This woman wouldn't be satisfied until one of them was dead. He spared a quick glance to his right as he heard Niereles shout his name, watching as the man tossed him a sword. He plucked it from the air and spun it a few times to test the weight. It wasn't his. But,...beggars, choosers, and all that.
"Stop it this instant!!" Parmax shouted again. He growled loudly as the ring of steel on steel filled the air. He motioned to Jerrus, Patreon, and a few others.
Ian parried a lunge and spun in place as Xena rushed passed, fighting his instinct and checking a stroke which could have easily decapitated her. He continued blocking and parrying, waiting for a chance to try and disarm the berserk woman.
Xena feinted another lunge. As he prepared to parry, she pivoted into a back kick, her boot connecting solidly with his chest, knocking him to the ground, gasping loudly. She advanced warily with a feral grin as he rose to his knees.
"Ian!!" Cassandra screamed as she broke from Shinnara's grasp. She only got a few feet as Gabrielle grabbed onto her. "No, Gabrielle! Let me go!!"
Xena glanced back for a split second at the shout of the bard's name, watching as she struggled to hold onto the flailing girl. She turned back towards Ian and cursed as he threw a handful of dirt at her face. Spinning her sword in front of her as she back peddled, she opened her eyes and saw Ian standing where she'd knocked him down, sword at the ready.
"Are we done?" he asked in a low tone.
"I'm just getting started," Xena replied as she advanced towards him.
"Fine," he said under his breath as his eyes narrowed. He blocked a downward slash and spun in place, causing Xena to jump back from a stroke aimed at her stomach. He pressed forward, spinning the blade in a figure eight before lunging.
Xena, finding herself on the defensive for the first time, barely avoided being run through. She beat Ian's blade down and attempted to kick him in the head.
Letting go of the sword, he blocked her kick with his left arm and jabbed two fingers of his right onto her other leg just above the knee.
Xena cursed as she somehow managed to keep her balance, hopping backwards as she clutched at her leg. She growled as she looked up and spotted Ian walking closer, blade leveled at her. She set herself, wincing slightly as she placed more weight on her numb leg.
As they prepared to lock swords again, both were suddenly drenched in water.
Ian, coughing as he stepped backwards, looked aside momentarily and saw Parmax and several others standing with empty buckets in hand.
Parmax stepped in between the two soaked warriors, looking from one to the other. "Somebody want to explain why the two of you were fighting?"
"Ask her. She attacked me," Ian replied, handing the sword back to Niereles.
"You've got a murderer working for you, Parmax," Xena said in a low tone as she continued to glare at Ian.
"What are you talking about?! You just met me a few days ago! You don't know anything about me!!" he hollered at her.
"I know WHAT you are." She looked back at Parmax. "He belongs to a group called the Shadow Dragons. They're thieves, assassins, and slavers. Among other things."
Parmax turned and stared questioningly back at Ian.
"It's true," he said softly. "I was one. But that was years ago."
"He's lying," Xena declared loudly. "No one leaves them."
"Enough!" Parmax shouted. He turned to Xena. "I believe him."
"But he's..,"
"I said enough!!" he shouted again. He stared up defiantly at her, "I don't judge a person by their past, Xena. I would think you of ALL people would appreciate that. Now listen, BOTH of you!" he said, turning back to face Ian as well. "You each gave me your word you'd see that medicine to Illyris. After it's delivered, you're both welcome to try and kill each other. I'll even sell tickets. But UNTIL then, give it a rest. Understand?" He looked from one to the other, neither one saying anything. "UNDERSTAND!?" As they both grumbled consent, he tossed his bucket to Patreon and turned to face the others. "Alright, show's over. Dinner will be ready in about an hour or so."
Gabrielle finally released Cassandra who then ran up towards Ian, hugging him around the waist.
He looked up as Xena walked passed him.
"I'll be keeping an eye on you," she said threateningly.
"Do whatever the bloody hell you like. Just stay out of my way." He looked down at Cassandra. "C'mon, little one."
Xena turned and spotted Gabrielle staring at her. "We need to get some firewood."
"They already have enough firewood." Gabrielle stated, placing her hands on her hips.
"I mean for OUR fire."
"Now you're just being..," she growled as the woman kept walking towards the forest. Shaking her head, she took off after her.
Jerrus, Parmax, and Patreon watched as the pair disappeared into the trees.
"What are we going to do?" Jerrus asked.
"Not much we CAN do except try and keep them apart," Parmax replied, sighing loudly.
Patreon picked up two more of the buckets. "Well, one thing's for certain. This little excursion just got a LOT more interesting."
end Chapter 4