Chapter 19


"Still?" Ares' voice boomed out when he saw the old woman muttering under her breath, standing in front of the illusionary cell that still held Apollo. "How long does it take anyway?"


Bedilia arched an eyebrow and glared out of one raised eyelid at the dark-haired God. Apollo stood beside Morpheus, fixing a perturbed stare in his brother's direction.


"It takes time, Ares." Apollo said in answer.


"I know, I know. Hey, Apollo…come 'ere," Ares indicated the far end of the cell.


"I saw what you did, thank you, Ares." Apollo thanked his brother with tears in his eyes.


"It wasn't much," the dark-haired God mumbled.


"It was to me," Apollo answered sincerely.


"Yeah, well…she's a pretty good kid, I guess. Look, Bro, let me ask you something…"


Bedilia rose and wrapped her fingers around the imaginary bars in front of the cell. She moved them along the entire length until she was standing next to Ares. The God paused and looked down at the old woman.


"Do you mind? This is kinda private." Ares said out of the side of his mouth.


Bedilia simply ignored the God and moved away of her own accord.


"Geez, that old broad has got some attitude," Ares whispered. "Look, Bro, I wanted to ask you…I mean, I was talking with Gabrielle and she said something that kind of triggered something, you know? Anyway, I just thought I'd ask. Why did you really ask me to be Gabrielle's Epitropos ?"


Apollo smiled at his brother's sincere question. The sandy-haired God wished many times that his brother would someday be able to honor his commitment as Epitropos , or Guardian, to his daughter. Apollo had made the offer in good faith, but once Ares learned of the Warrior Princess' involvement with Apollo's daughter, a rift developed.


"Ares," Apollo smiled gently. "I asked you because you are my brother and I knew I could count on you."


Ares nodded his head. "Just had to be sure."


Both Gods turned their heads at the stranger that materialized beside them. Outside the cell, Ares drew his sword, since no one but Hera was supposed to know where they were.


Bedilia and Apollo both exchanged perplexed looks. "Ella?" they both asked in unison.


"What? Oh!" the stranger's voice was one the Gods recognized.


"Boy oh boy! This gal's wardrobe is a fashion nightmare," Ella said as her face and body began to change shape. A heartbeat later Aphrodite stood before the stunned trio.


"Aphrodite?" they all asked.


"I thought there was something strange about your mind," Bedilia commented.


"Yeah, you almost ruined it for me grandma. I had to hide out inside this gal's mind just to hide from you. Man, what a lot of guilt there is there!"


"Dite, what's going on?" Ares asked in confusion.


"Well, it's sort of complicated, but I couldn't let little Gabrielle go through this alone," Aphrodite explained.


"Okay, Aphrodite, you better start at the beginning," Apollo chided.


"Oh, all right! See, Artie told me what happened to the bard and that you guys were putting out the feelers for her, but no go. She told me to keep my eyes open. Well, I have this little temple outside Pella, you know what some of these mortals leave as an offering, why just the other day--"


"Aphrodite!" Apollo called out. "Gabrielle?"


"Oh, yea. Well, in wanders this poor, skinny looking thing with two little kids. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a week. She gave me the only thing she had, this old looking necklace. She put it on the altar, tucked her kids around her, and fell asleep. Poor thing, she just never woke up, and next thing I know Celesta shows up. Her little girl was crying and I didn't know what to do, I mean I couldn't leave the little rugrats on their own…so I…uhm…"


"You became Ella," Bedilia finished in amazement.


"Uh huh," Aphrodite nodded her head. "I mean, I was only going to do it until I could figure out something to do with the little squirts, but…they kinda grow on you, ya know?"


"Then you ran into Gabrielle," Apollo added.


"I didn't even know her at first, zowie, she had that mind of hers locked up tighter than Tartarus! I told Artie right away, what I was doing and how I ran into her Queen. She told me not to tell her anymore and to stick with the bard. She spilled the beans about what Hera was up to and told me to keep my thoughts to myself and not let anyone find out where we were. I haven't seen sis since."


"So, that's why Artemis hasn't been seen," Ares noted.


"She probably didn't want to take a chance on Hera catching her thoughts. If my guess is right, our sister went in search of Zeus. He's the only one who can control Hera."


"Perhaps not the only one," Bedilia responded, clapping her hands with a flourish. The shimmering bars faded from sight and Apollo and Morpheus were, at last, able to walk out of the cell.


"All right!" Ares exclaimed. "Hey wait a minute," the dark-haired God turned back to Aphrodite. "Why didn't you pull Gabrielle out of the water?"


"Oh, uhm…about that," Aphrodite let out a nervous laugh. "I think I must have hit my head or something when I hit that water, 'cause all of a sudden, I was this Ella, ya know? It wasn't till I woke up, leagues down stream, that I knew what in the world even happened to me. Sorry, Bro," she looked in Apollo's direction. "By the time I popped back, the little Queen ran into her warrior and everything seemed hunky dory."


"Aphrodite," Apollo hugged his sister. "Thank you so much."


"I learned an awful lot about that little girl of yours. She's pretty special," Aphrodite replied.


"May I suggest we all move this party to a spot less accessible to Hera?" Bedilia suggested.


They all agreed and left for the one place Bedilia knew they could protect against Hera…the Hall of the Fates.




It was the next evening before they arrived in the Amazon Village. They were tired and had much to tell the Amazons and the Queen Regent. Gabrielle sat with Ephiny, explaining the highlights of what occurred during her absence, while Xena and Eponin met with the Village warriors, preparing them for the eventuality of Hera's visit. The Queen and her Consort both expected Hera to show up in person this time. She would be angry and unreasonable at having lost and Xena and Gabrielle didn't want to lose Amazonia or its inhabitants over the out of control Goddess.


The warrior and her bard made love that first night back. They were exhausted and it was by no means earth shattering, rather tender and gentle, enough to confirm the love and commitment they held for one another.


They thought it would be harder than it was to get Tai to sleep in the other room with her baby sister. Xena and Gabrielle wondered if they should allow the girls to stay in their room, but Tai seemed genuinely thrilled at the prospect of a room of her own. The youngster only asked if she could keep a lantern lit for the night. The warrior figured it was a small price to pay and both women were surprised that the girl slept through the entire night without waking.


The next morning Xena and Gabrielle talked, not just of one thing, but of a hundred. They realized that although Hera's spell caused both women undue guilt, it was the tiny seed of their own true culpability that helped the Goddess' spell to flourish.


Promises of love and forever punctuated their discussion, which stopped abruptly because of one fully rested five-year-old. Gabrielle and Xena took both children around the Village. Showing the girls their new home, introducing them to the people of the Village, and cautioning Tai about where she could and could not go.


Later, after their shared midday meal, Xena sat outside on the veranda, Tai remaining by the warrior's side, much to Gabrielle's amusement and Xena's consternation. The Queen kept Emery inside, feeding the baby with the ingenious skins one of the other Amazons presented to her. They were small waterskins that could be filled with milk, having a nipple fashioned at one end. Emery seemed fussy about eating; stopping far short of what Gabrielle thought a baby should be eating. The Queen questioned Sartori and the Healer confirmed that babies would eat as much as they needed, and since the child seemed healthy and content, it obviously wasn't hurting her. Gabrielle sat at her desk, near the window, listening to the questions Tai threw in quick succession in Xena's direction.


"Was dis, Xena? Ooh, look at dat! Can you do dis?"


Xena surprised the young Queen. The warrior seemed neither harried nor put out by the young girl's questions, answering them all and teaching at the same time. Finally, the young girl tired and came to stand beside the seated warrior.


Xena felt the small body as Tai sat beside her on the steps leading up to the veranda. The youngster hadn't said anything else in a long while, but the warrior could feel the weight of the girl's stare.


"What was your baby's name?" Tai finally asked.


Xena raised an eyebrow, wondering if Gabrielle had mentioned their daughter. "Brianna," the warrior answered, unable to remember if she'd said the name aloud before this.


"You miss her?"


"Xena looked at the youngster, unsure if Tai was asking a question or stating fact. "Yes, very much. I…I never really had the time to get to know her."


"I miss my mama."


"I know you do, Tai," Xena answered reaching out to touch the child's face. I know how that can hurt, losing someone that you love very much."


"Mama says good people go to Fields," Tai stated.


Xena smiled. "That's right. It's called Elysium and It's full of grassy hills and pretty woods, and they laugh and play music all day long. The sun always shines and it's never dark," Xena explained.


"Is little Bri dere, too?"


Xena chuckled at Tai's discernment between Gabrielle and Brianna. "No, Brianna is an Amazon, so she goes where all the Amazons go. Someone will take care of her there, just like Gabrielle and I would here. You know, Tai, the dead can hear our thoughts. If you want to talk to your mother, all you ever have to do is think about her, and she'll be able to hear you."


"Okay," Tai smiled up at the warrior.


Gabrielle sat inside, listening to the conversation that was taking place near her window. She smiled once more at the child's resilience and her warrior's loving patience with the girl.


"Are you a good warrior, Xena?" Tai asked.


Once again, the youngster was able to make Xena smile. "Some people think I'm pretty good."


The youngster inched her way closer to the dark-haired woman. "Would you teach me?"


"I suppose," Xena answered quietly.


"Mama said I should be strong when we left home. I don' feel like it, Xena."


The young girl sniffed and moved closer until Xena pulled the child into her lap. The warrior reached down and brushed the unruly blonde hair back that fell into the youngster's eyes.


"I know how you feel, Tai. Sometimes it's so hard when everyone expects you to be strong, but you don't feel very strong at all."


"Oh," the girl answered.


Xena realized she hadn't really given the child an answer she could use. "Sometimes, Tai, you just have to realize that it's okay for a warrior to cry."


No sooner were the words out of the warrior's mouth, before the young girl turned her head into Xena's chest, tears falling from sad green eyes. The dark-haired woman held the girl and stroked her hair, allowing her own eyes to mist over.


Gabrielle shed her own silent tears, listening to the exchange outside.




Hades form materialized within the large Hall of the Fates.


"We feared…"


"You would be unable…"


"To keep your end of the bargain." The three Fates said as one.


"This is a debt I owe as well, however there were reasons to give as to why the Princess' soul did not arrive in the Amazon land of the dead."


"I think I may be able to convince the sisters of those lands of the importance of our request," Bedilia responded.


Hades and Apollo met one another and the older God put his arms around his nephew in a heartfelt display of affection.


"A gift for you to give to your daughter," Hades said. The God held out a small silver box with a hinged lid. The ornately decorated box felt as if it were alive, an age-old power pulsing from within.


"Thank you, I don't know how to repay you for this," Apollo replied in a broken voice.


A breathless Ares materialized before them all. "It's show time, folks. Hera's making her move."




Xena and Gabrielle sat in front of the fire, the evenings finally having grown cold enough to need one. They relaxed and enjoyed a cup of wine before going to sleep for the night. They sat side-by-side, leaning in to one another as though the touch alone gave each of them strength.


Gabrielle turned her head to look at her wife. The flames from the fireplace dancing within sparkling blue eyes.


"What?" Xena asked without turning her head.


Gabrielle smiled at her wife's senses. "We've changed so much, haven't we?"


Xena turned then, wanting to read the expression in her wife's face. The warrior returned the smile, realizing the small blonde meant it in an introspective, rather than bad, way. "I guess we have. It's funny; I've so often thought that you began following my path, simply because I was the one doing the leading, that because I was a warrior, you became a warrior. I used to think that I left you no choice, but to change who you were; to become me. Pretty arrogant thinking, huh?"


Gabrielle smiled; understanding the direction the conversation headed.  "Not arrogant, love, merely an assumption, laced with a little guilt, I suspect. Xena, our paths were so different at first. It's a testament to our love…our friendship really. That two people, so opposite, could come together and grow. It tells me we truly are soulmates."


Gabrielle reached over and brushed a strand of raven hair from her Consort's cheek, letting her fingertips graze the skin there. "If a stranger were to look at us now, they'd think that I gave up my way for yours. They would only see a peace-loving bard who took up the path of a warrior. It looks so different standing from where I do. I see two women whose paths crisscross and intersect so often that it's hard to tell where one starts and the other ends. I see two women who have grown so much, a bard who's a warrior-Queen…a gentle woman who learned to be hard. I see a Warrior Princess turned Consort…a hard woman who learned to be gentle. Some days I look at the two of us, Xe, and I think that you're walking my path, just as much as you think I'm walking yours."


"When did you get to be so smart?" Xena asked.


Gabrielle chuckled, then her expression turned serious. "I never thanked you, Xe…for being so strong for me after we lost Brianna."


The pain flooded into Xena's features and she furrowed her brow to contain the wave of emotion that threatened to break loose. The warrior felt Gabrielle's arms go around her, suddenly finding her own head resting on the soft shoulder of her wife.


"Let me be strong for you now," Gabrielle said. The Queen remembered the words the warrior spoke to Tai underneath her window. She also remembered the strain in the warrior's voice at holding back her own tears. 


"Sometimes, Xe, you just have to realize that it's okay for a warrior to cry."


The bard's words hit Xena at exactly the right moment. The very ones she used to allow Tai the freedom to express her grief were the words that broke down the walls holding the warrior's pain inside. The dark-haired woman cried, safe and protected, in the arms of the young woman who shed tears of a similar sadness.


Some time later, long after the flames of the fire burned down into glowing embers, the two women wrapped a fur robe around their bodies and drifted off to sleep.



Chapter 20


Gabrielle woke up the next morning in bed, vaguely aware that her wife carried her there before the sun rose. Finding the space next to her unoccupied, she saw a scroll wrapped up, laying on the pillow, along with a beautiful orchid. She smiled to herself, already knowing who had left the gift. Opening the scroll, she saw a smaller piece of parchment rolled up inside. The large scroll had a quick note scrawled on it.


Tai and I went off fishing, we'll bring back some fresh lunch.

I left Emery with Maris and Kiana so you could do your Queenly stuff today.

See you at lunch,



The second parchment was sealed with a small bit of wax and the pendant that Xena wore around her neck, a gift from Gabrielle on the day they were engaged. The Queen opened the parchment and had to keep the paper held away from her so her tears wouldn't destroy the beautiful words her wife had written there. Xena wrote down her thoughts on few occasions, but they were always profound and heartfelt.


Looking Back at You
As I stand alone
on the line between
this world and the next,
I look back among
the days of my life.
There , in every joyous moment,
you were at the center,
holding me up higher,
guiding me towards the sun.
You, the only reason I ever
was anything respectable;
my strength, my light
my soul and my heart.
If there is but one thing
on this earth I will miss,
it's the undying passion
and love I felt in every kiss,
and every touch,
and every time
we made love.
I can't believe that
one person could
change me so,
but you truly did.
All that I am
is because of you
and for as long as I
have any sort of existence ,
I will love you.


Gabrielle could do little else but cry for a long time. Her wife rarely expressed her emotions and even then, only to Gabrielle. When the warrior did reveal her heart, it always moved the small blonde to tears.


Gabrielle took the time to prepare herself to face her council. She promised herself that she wouldn't turn into a coward, but that she would meet her sisters and apologize for leaving them in the manner she had. The young Queen needn't have worried at all. The members of the council, along with her Regent, greeted her with open arms and loving embraces. Once again, Gabrielle thanked Artemis for all the young woman had been given in her life.




"Show me again, Xena! Please?" Tai jumped up and down along side the tall woman.


Xena and Tai caught nearly a whole basket of fish. They were just returning from their early morning expedition. Crossing the center of the Village, they made their way to the food hut to give the majority of them to the cook. The youngster was completely taken with Xena's chakram and begged the warrior for another demonstration.


"Okay," Xena chuckled and put the basket on the ground. With a practiced hand, she tossed the round weapon away from her.


Tai watched, completely mesmerized, as the object struck two trees and a tent pole before returning to Xena's waiting hand. The warrior clutched the chakram, pulling it from the air and watched as Tai jumped up and down, clapping her hands. That's when the warrior felt it.


It was a tingling feeling, the same warning sensation she felt when Ares was near, but this one was slightly different. This sensation seemed tinged with something like malice, some sort of sensation that caused a moment of fear to run through the warrior. She bent down and pulled Tai close, whispering in the child's ear.


The youngster looked up into serious blue eyes, turned, and ran. Xena watched until Tai ran up the stairs and disappeared into the hut where the Queen's council met. Even as the shape materialized behind her, Xena knew who it was.


"Hera!" the warrior sneered, turning to face the Goddess. "Doing all your dirty work yourself now?"


"Xena…you and that Amazon slut have more lives than a pair of cats."


Hera watched the warrior's jaw tighten, but Hera could see that Xena wasn't about to give in unless the Goddess played her trump card.


"You'll never know how truly satisfying it was, Xena, to feel my hands around your baby's life force…as I ripped it from Gabrielle's body!"


Xena drew her sword even as her body was in mid air. The warrior gave in to her anger, going against everything her instincts told her. She launched her body at Hera, only to be thrown backward by a bolt of power hurled into her midsection. The blow not only knocked her from her feet, but flung her halfway across the Village, to land in a freshly stacked pile of firewood. Xena shook her head to clear away the cobwebs, cursing herself for her own stupidity. She should have known that Hera would fight dirty. Xena tried to get to her feet, but was immediately hit with another surge of power that left her flat on her back.


"I can do this all day, Xena, and believe me I will. I'm going to crush every bone in your body and then have you watch while I do the same thing to that abomination of Apollo's," Hera promised.


The Goddess drew her arm back for another blow intended to pulverize internal organs, but instead she met with a woman's scream and a burning sensation in her arm.   "Nooo!" Gabrielle shouted out, her own arm pitching forward. The young Queen rushed from the hut, stepping in between the Goddess and the fallen warrior. Gabrielle had no idea what was happening or what she was doing, but reacted on instinct alone.


A white-hot orb of power shot from the young Queen's hand, hitting Hera's arm and knocking the bolt of power aside to skitter harmlessly in the dirt. The Goddess screamed in frustration, turning toward her attacker. Hera's entire face calmed when she realized who had thrown the energy bolt. Pale eyes gleamed and she offered up one of her infamously evil smiles.


"Oh, my little Amazon, do you really think you're strong enough to play with me?"


Hera didn't hesitate. The Goddess hurled two energy-laden spheres at the small blonde. Gabrielle bent to retrieve her sais, pulling them effortlessly free of her boots, and successfully deflected each bolt of power with the handles. Hera watched with almost an air of admiration, right before she launched a half a dozen more of the objects at the young woman.


Gabrielle was able to deflect the first five, but the last one hit her shoulder, causing her weapon to sail from her grasp. The force of the blow slammed her to the ground.


"Gabrielle!" Xena shouted out, rising to her feet.


Hera laughed at the warrior's attempt. "Watch, Xena, see how this feels," Hera laughed aloud as she tossed an even stronger bolt of pure energy at the young Queen who was trying to stand.


Xena remembered hearing her own scream just before the blue orb slammed into Gabrielle's chest. Suddenly the flat part of a large blade appeared before Gabrielle, deflecting the bolt. Ares and Apollo both stood between Gabrielle and Hera causing another scream of anger from the Goddess.


"You have really got to start picking on folks your own size," Ares smirked.


"You will regret this, Ares," Hera screamed. The Goddess turned to Xena, the warrior on her feet, but unprotected from the angry Goddess' weapons of destruction.


Before Hera could attack, the center of the Amazon Village filled with Gods. Athena stood before Xena, while Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and finally Hades flanked Hera. As if on cue, the Gods used their own combined energy to form a restraint of sorts around Hera.


The Amazon Village was silent as its residents looked upon more Gods than many did in an entire lifetime. They knew of their Queen being the daughter of Apollo, but seeing Gabrielle's newfound powers displayed before them like this, it stunned them into silence.


"Father?" Gabrielle asked, to see Apollo turn to her with a smile on his face.


The God swept the young woman into his embrace, his golden armor gleaming brightly. With the bow that he was an expert with slung across his back and his traditional gold helmet atop his head, he looked every bit the hero.


"Gabrielle," he whispered. "I've missed you so much, my child."


The Queen quickly turned her head at the sound of her warrior's battle cry. Xena, sword in hand, charged toward Hera, obviously ready to attempt to destroy the Goddess if she could.


"Xena!" Gabrielle shouted.


Hades and Ares both moved forward to intercept the warrior. One God on each side of the struggling warrior, they held her back from the Goddess. Gabrielle rushed to Xena's side, attempting to calm the distraught woman.


"Xena, please wait," Apollo moved to stand before Xena.


"You don't understand, Apollo. She killed my child!" Xena hissed through her tears.


"Because that's what she's good at." The deep voice came from behind them and when they turned to see whom the voice belonged to, no one was more surprised than Xena.


"Hercules?" Xena and Gabrielle said almost in unison.


Hercules drew closer, followed by Artemis, and an older man that Gabrielle didn't recognize. The handsome God wrapped strong arms first around Xena, then Gabrielle.<


"I know exactly what you're going through," Hercules whispered to Xena.


Xena knew that Hera destroyed her friend's family just as the Goddess had taken Brianna's life. "I know," she whispered back.


Artemis gently offered a kiss on the forehead to Gabrielle, then moving to her twin brother's side, sharing an embrace and a smile.




"Hey, when those two say they're going to get away from it all for a while," she nodded her head in Hercules' direction, "they really mean it. You don't know how many places I had to look before I found them," Artemis answered.


"Ahh," the old man stepped in front of Gabrielle. "So, this is my granddaughter. You've done well, Apollo."


"You're Zeus?" Gabrielle asked.


"Yes, I am. Disappointed?"


"A little," Gabrielle arched an eyebrow at the God. "I think you need to keep a tighter leash on your wife."


Those in attendance took a collective breath and held it. Xena couldn't hide the smile that played across her face. Her wife would never be one to be impressed with someone if it wasn't deserved.


Zeus laughed aloud at the young woman's forward remark. "Cheeky, my dear Gabrielle, but sadly true. It wasn't always like this," Zeus shook his head and turned his face toward his own wife. "Hera has always been headstrong, but it has been my own wayward actions that have made her into the jealous and bitter woman she now is. Do you know that our wedding was such a happy occasion that it lasted for three hundred seasons?"


"You are a bard, Gabrielle. Have you ever heard tell of the time that Hera stole my thunderbolt?" Zeus asked.


Gabrielle gave a small smile, wondering if the God had a repeat plan in mind. "Yes, Hera dared to steal the thunderbolt that belonged to the King of the Gods. It's said that you punished her by hanging her in the sky with anvils tied to her feet, and didn't free her until she repented."


"Quite true, too," Zeus added. "For a hundred seasons the stubborn woman hung there, too. For this, attempting to destroy my children and my children's children…I fear it may be a great deal longer this time, don't you, my dear?" he asked of his wife.


Having said those words, Zeus and Hera both disappeared.


Gabrielle moved into her wife's embrace, while the Gods around them looked on in approval. Tai had finally freed herself from Ephiny's grasp, running on tiny legs and jumping into Xena's arms.


"See, I told you so," Tai whispered into the warrior's ear.




"I knew you and Bri wuz strong. I knew you could beat up anybody."


Both women laughed, mostly at the youngster who seemed to have an innate ability to let life roll so easily off her back. They introduced Apollo to Tai, the young woman taking to the kind hearted God immediately. Tai still looked at Ares with an air of distrust and Xena wasn't in a hurry to dispel any of the youngster's notions of the God of War.


The Fates appeared, along with Bedilia. Gabrielle and the old woman embraced, while Xena and the oracle met for the second time. Bedilia handed over a silver box to Apollo and the old woman spoke for the group. There were things Bedilia didn't reveal to the young Queen, her future, and what the oracle knew Gabrielle and Xena's destinies to be.


Bedilia convinced Aphrodite to tell Gabrielle the story of Ella once the confusion was at an end. The old woman thought it important for Gabrielle to know that the events in Ella's life were all true, but the friend the young Queen met and learned to love, was none other than Aphrodite herself. Besides, Bedilia knew that Gabrielle held a bit of guilt over Ella's death. The oracle wanted the young Queen to know what really happened, and what would have happened to Tai and Emery had the Queen and Aphrodite not crossed paths.


"Gabrielle and Xena, you have both been a friend to the Olympians, and on many occasions your faithfulness has been repaid in less than a satisfying manner. We would like to repay our debts to the both of you with this gift." Bedilia motioned to Apollo, who stepped forward with a smile on his face.


The sandy-haired God opened the hinged lid and scooped his hand into the velvet-lined box. Withdrawing his hand, he held it out before Xena and Gabrielle, displaying a bright swirling orb of multicolored sparkles. The sphere pulsed and emanated something that felt like emotions. Xena drew her own hand closer and felt, rather than saw, what the God held in his hand. Tears filled the warrior's eyes as she looked down at Gabrielle. The Queen's face was one of confusion and uncertainty as Xena took the smaller woman's hand and drew it toward Apollo's hand. Gabrielle smiled and cried at the same time.


"This is Brianna's life force. The Princess wasn't fated to make the journey to the Amazon lands just yet. This," Apollo held up the sphere that began to burn brighter, "belongs to the two of you. It's your decision, however. You've been through a great deal up to this point and I have no wish to make this harder on you than it's already been."


Xena looked at Gabrielle, excitement, and happiness evident in the warrior's face. The tall woman watched as Gabrielle's brow furrowed together and the young woman pulled back slightly.


"Brie…what is it? Don't you want this?"


"I--" Gabrielle swallowed nervously. "What if something happens again, Xe? I don't…I don't know if I could handle it a second time."


Xena's heart ached for her wife, wishing she could take the pain of that day from the small blonde's memory. The warrior looked first at Gabrielle, then at Apollo. "I only want what you want, Brie. I know this is scary and it hurts to think about what already happened."


"Gabrielle," Apollo said softly. "It's never a good thing for mortals to know too much about their future, but in this case, I think I can show you something that will ease your fears. I want the both of you to place your hands on top of mine," he commanded.


Gabrielle first looked up at Xena.


"It's all right, my heart. Give me your hand, Brie," Xena directed.


Gabrielle offered her hand up to her wife without hesitation. Xena took the small hand within her own and placed both of them atop Apollo's hand. The two women felt the heat as the shimmering light spilled through their fingers, filling their minds with disjointed pictures, racing from one scene to the next.


The young Queen smiled at last, watching the images in her mind's eye change from a laughing baby to a grown woman, dark hair and eyes a brilliant emerald green. The young woman was first a student, a warrior, peacemaker, and then Queen. Neither Gabrielle nor Xena could linger long enough on any one image to see the story that went alone with it, but the feelings were there. The emotions swept through each woman just as if they were experiencing the actions.


The smile was enough for Xena as she gave her wife one of her own and pulled their hands back from the light. Gabrielle nodded to Apollo.


"Yes, father. Please," Gabrielle asked.


A gentle smile creased Apollo's face. The God moved his hand and pressed his palm against Gabrielle's abdomen, the light spilling from his hand, and melding its way into the Queen's body. Apollo took a step away and watched as Gabrielle gasped, reaching for Xena's hand. The small blonde took the warrior's hand and placed it where Apollo's had just been.


Xena felt the life in her wife's body jump beneath her hand, bringing the warrior to tears. Then Xena did something very out of character. Gabrielle watched as her wife took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Apollo, placing a kiss on his cheek.


"Thank you…thank you so much," she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion.


It was a tearful, yet happy time for all. The pain of the past few weeks melted away as a new happiness took hold in their hearts. Not only would they have two daughters who would always be the children of their hearts, but also Xena and Gabrielle were once again expecting their first baby.


Once the Village cleared of most of the Gods, the Amazons were able to gather their wits about them, offering the Queen and her Consort their congratulations. Gabrielle embraced Bedilia once again.


"I'll miss you, Bedilia."


"I'll miss you too, Gabrielle," the old woman answered as she and the Queen walked a short distance away from the others. "You've come a long way, young Queen. Have you made your choice yet?"


"Choice?" Gabrielle echoed.


"Which path you will walk," Bedilia clarified.


Gabrielle smiled. "I think I'll choose the path of a Queen."


Bedilia raised an eyebrow in question and Gabrielle explained further.


"One of my own making," the Queen enlightened. "I find that I have to be many things for many people; bard, warrior, wife, and mother, but Queen…" Gabrielle smiled again. "I walk the path of a Queen for myself and no one else."





Gabrielle signed the last few declarations before her and pushed aside the mug of tea that had long since grown cold. She was making an early day of it after having received a message from Xena earlier. The scroll her warrior sent was equal parts mystery and seduction.


The warrior's message said that the children were spending the night with Ephiny and the Queen should hurry home from her duties. The note went on to conclude with a most intriguing line.


"I've planned an evening I hope you'll enjoy…I'm putting all my trust in you."


Gabrielle reread the parchment, her mind conjuring up some rather inventive fantasies as to how her Consort would prove that last statement. They talked quite a bit over the past two weeks, discussing not only what happened that involved the two of them, but the issues that plagued each of them individually. Gabrielle decided to come to terms with the fact that she had the skills of a warrior, along with the powers of a half Goddess. Denying either one no longer seemed an option.


For her part, Xena had been working on those issues she had with herself and her need for control. It wasn't an easy change to make and she and Gabrielle both knew it would take more than a matter of days for the warrior to affect a real change. Xena was changing, however, and Gabrielle noted the transformation on more than one occasion.


"Now, to see what my lovely wife has planned." Gabrielle grinned to herself.




Gabrielle entered their home and could tell Xena was preparing a bath in the other room. What the Queen saw walk through the door to the bathing chamber was enough to freeze her into silence. Xena stepped through the doorframe wearing little at all to cover her tall, muscular frame. In fact, the only two items the warrior had on were a decorative chain that circled her waist, actually hanging low on her hips, and a leather slave's collar, buckled around her neck.


"Oh my," were the only two words Gabrielle could manage.


Xena crossed the room; seemingly oblivious to the nakedness that she knew was certainly affecting Gabrielle. The tall woman moved behind the small blonde, removing her cloak. Xena's arms wrapped around her wife and the warrior whispered in Gabrielle's ear.


"Would you like to play…My Queen?"


Gabrielle could imagine the look of seduction in Xena's twinkling blue eyes. The small blonde watched as steam came through the bathing room door, curling as it rose to the ceiling. She glanced around the main room they used at a bedroom. Silken red sheets from Chin covered the bed, but the biggest surprise were the leather restraints tied to each of the four corners of the large bed.


Gabrielle cleared her throat, willing some strength back into her knees and attempting to keep some blood flowing to her brain, the blood that was now rushing to points much further south.


"I take it I'm in charge here?" she asked, hoping her wife didn't notice the catch in her voice.


"As always, Mistress," Xena whispered into the smaller woman's ear before moving away and dropping to her knees in front of the bathing chambers.


Gabrielle's nervousness melted away as her libido got the better of her. She made her way to the bath, attempting to remove her top at the same time.


"Allow me, my Mistress," Xena said, quickly moving to stand beside the small blonde, making short work of the leathers Gabrielle wore.


The Queen smiled at the control the warrior displayed. Xena removed Gabrielle's clothes without a hint of seduction, rather as a slave would serve a master. Once Gabrielle's back was turned, however, Xena couldn't help but sneak a glance at the shapely figure as it descended into the steamy water.


Xena waited patiently, her gaze steady; head lowered just a touch. The warrior owned enough of her own slaves to know the proper behavior and the ways in which to show the proper respect. She especially knew the actions a body slave would perform to convince her Mistress that the possessor was in charge. Xena picked up the bathing cloth and moved toward the young Queen, who was obviously enjoying the feel of the hot water on her tired body.


Working the soap into a lather with the cloth, Xena prepared to bathe the Queen when Gabrielle opened her eyes.


"No cloth. Just use your hands," the blonde commanded.


Gabrielle was feeling every bit the Mistress and she was determined to enjoy this scenario for all it was worth. Xena hesitated for a heartbeat and Gabrielle decided that she would simply pretend that she was Xena, from her Warlord days. The bard heard all the tales, even the ones told as bawdy stories in the taverns. Her wife's proclivities were well known in those days and Gabrielle decided to use what she knew in this fantasy.


Xena dropped the bath cloth, lathered her hands with the soap, and began to slide them down the length of Gabrielle's body. Down and up, Xena covered Gabrielle's body in soap, but drew to a halt when her downward moving fingers rested against the edge of golden curls.


Gabrielle leaned against the back of the tub, parting her thighs. "Keep moving in that direction," she said, a carnal smile spreading across her lips.


Xena closed her eyes, willing her body not to respond. Remember, you don't have to be in control here…this is for her. Xena's hand continued its downward motion, her fingers mingling with the smooth wetness that had little to do with the bath water.


Gabrielle tilted her head back and moaned, spreading her legs open further.


The sound nearly undid the warrior. She let her fingers linger, teasing as they circled the hardened nub that screamed for attention. She allowed her fingers to explore, dragging the wetness from its source upward. Gabrielle's body jerked, her mound thrusting against the fingers, coming closer and closer to screaming her release. On the downward stroke of Xena's hand, the Queen thrust herself at the invading fingers, groaning loudly as the digits penetrated her, pressing deeply into her.


It didn't take long. Xena began thrusting two fingers into Gabrielle's swollen core, the warrior's speed, and power increasing as Gabrielle's hips dictated. Gabrielle's shout as her climax hit thankfully covered the loud, frustrated groan that Xena verbally expressed.


Xena slowly moved her hand away from its intimate refuge, enjoying the way the bard's inner muscles clutched possessively at the receding fingers. Gods, she'll be the death of me! Xena's mind screamed.


Gabrielle was still for a few moments longer, and then shook her head to take possession of herself once more. Gods, she'll be the death of me!


Gabrielle turned her head and grinned up at her wife. Xena couldn't help herself as she grinned in return. Snaking a hand around the warrior's neck, Gabrielle pulled Xena into a kiss that left both of them struggling for air. Pulling away first, Gabrielle rewarded Xena with a very smug smile.


"I think I'm clean enough for one day."


Xena offered a hand and led the small blonde from the bath, drying the Queen with an oversized towel. Gabrielle turned around and stood face to face with the warrior, watching the drops of water that had splashed onto Xena's dark skin, roll down her torso. The Queen grabbed a towel, but came up with a better idea at the last moment.


Leaning in close to the warrior's chest, hands on Xena's hips, Gabrielle allowed her tongue to capture the rolling drops of moisture. Xena's head rolled back and she moaned at the exquisite feel of the warm tongue as it blazed a path of fire across her breasts. Gabrielle stopped in the appropriate places to suck or nibble, but then she continued her tongue's journey. Gabrielle abruptly stopped, turning and heading for their bed, leaving Xena trying to catch her breath.


"You're not going to make a habit of keeping me waiting, are you?" Gabrielle's voice shocked Xena from her pleasurable daydream.


"No, Mistress," Xena answered breathlessly, rushing to the Queen's side.


Xena watched as Gabrielle fingered the thick leather cuffs tied to the four corners of the bed. The Queen ran her fingers against the silky rabbit fur lining the inside of the restraints. The look in the Queen's eye as she looked up at Xena, caused the warrior to swallow hard.


Gabrielle reached up and examined the leather collar wrapped around her Consort's neck. On one side, it bore the Queen's Royal crest and in the front, a hard loop was sewn into the collar. Gabrielle chuckled aloud at the thought of how red Xena must have turned asking some vendor to burn an Amazon crest into a slave's collar. The Queen's soft laughter did nothing to ease Xena's peace of mind, nor did the Queen's next action.


Gabrielle breathed in the aroused scent of her wife, now her slave. "Gods, you smell good when you're excited." The words elicited a nearly silent whimper from Xena.


Gabrielle hooked her index finger within the loop on the warrior's collar and pulled down slightly. "Sit," the Queen commanded.


Gabrielle dropped to her knees and parted her wife's long legs. She bent her head and Xena shivered, simply knowing what the contact of that lovely pink tongue would feel like. Gabrielle touched the outer edge of Xena's folds with her tongue and tasted the moisture that daubed the tips of the woman's dark curls. Exploring further, Gabrielle dipped her tongue in carefully, sliding it along the entire length of Xena's sex.


Xena closed her eyes and moaned, shamelessly spreading her legs wider. "Please…" she begged the kneeling woman.


That sound was all Gabrielle needed. She lapped greedily at the warrior's center, Xena's hips arching up to meet the tongue that penetrated deeper with each thrust. Suddenly without warning Gabrielle pulled away leaving the warrior moments away from her orgasm.


"Oh, Gods…please…" seemed to be the only words Xena was capable of.


"Lie down in the middle of the bed," Gabrielle demanded.


Xena scrambled quickly, realizing somewhere in the back of her mind that the old Xena would have smirked, moved slower, done something to prove she was unaffected by the young Queen. The warrior knew better. She was completely and utterly under the will and whim of the Amazon Queen.


Gabrielle positioned the warrior's arms above her head, one on each side of her head. Gabrielle moved to fasten the cuffs to Xena's wrists, but stopped at the frightened expression in Xena's eyes. The Queen knew she would have to do this carefully to keep her wife from experiencing a full-blown panic attack.


Gabrielle touched her fingers to Xena's cheek, stroking the flesh there, gentling the warrior. Xena's blue eyes locked onto emerald green and the Queen allowed all the love and adoration she felt to come to the surface. Gabrielle slipped both restraints on the warrior's wrists, but once she buckled them tight, Xena began to breath deeply, nervously wondering if she would be able to get enough air into her lungs.


The small blonde leaned closer to the woman beneath her, feeling the warmth of their bodies pressed together, taut nipples teasing those below her, smelling the sweet scent of the dark hair.


"I've got you, there's nothing to fear," Gabrielle murmured against Xena's throat.


Gabrielle finally leaned in, claiming Xena's lips in a soul-searing kiss. The warrior felt her whole being respond to that kiss. The anxiety she was feeling heartbeats before, disappeared entirely when Gabrielle's knee tenderly slipped between drenched thighs.


Xena's nipples tightened and an intense heat filled her body to the brim. She could feel the folds of her swollen sex rubbing along the bard's thigh, and then heard her own voice groan loudly, the sound muffled by the sultry kiss that seemed to go on forever.


Gabrielle swallowed Xena's sounds of passion. The Queen replaced her knee with her fingers, relishing in the drenched feel of Xena's sex, and Gabrielle's hand moved in time to the erotic rhythm of the warrior's hips. Kneeling over her wife, Gabrielle slipped two, then three fingers inside, grinding her own center along the warrior's thigh.


Xena watched, mesmerized, as Gabrielle's breasts swayed temptingly above the warrior. Xena lifted one leg, maximizing the pressure Gabrielle felt and the Queen moaned loudly, tightening her grip around her wife's muscled thigh. Xena could suddenly think of nothing else beyond her restrained arms, which prevented her from reaching out and taking what she wanted from her bard. A groan of frustration escaped her throat, but Gabrielle was determined that the warrior should be rewarded for her submission, not punished.


The Queen slipped her hand from Xena's body, but before the warrior could voice her disappointment, the bard penetrated the warrior's slick passage with four fingers.


"Oh Gods, yes!" Xena cried out. "Deeper…" Xena pleaded. "Yes, there…"


Gabrielle drew back and offered a breast to the warrior, who wrapped her lips around a rosy colored nipple, sucking hungrily. It was Gabrielle's turn to cry out and she began to drive her sex against the warrior's thigh, moving to the tempo her hand set inside the warrior.


Xena wanted nothing more than to propel herself headlong from the edge of the cliff Gabrielle led her up to. The warrior used the last of her reserves, however, to drag the young Queen down with her. Xena tugged on the erect nipple in her mouth, gently pulling with her teeth, sucking the nub of flesh hard. Just as she felt Gabrielle's trembling body arch against her, she let herself go, leaping from the precipice into the arms of a heart stopping climax.


Pleasure coursed through the warrior's body as she stiffened, crying out Gabrielle's name. Xena's body convulsed with intense spasms of delight that lasted long after the warrior gave up her last bit of control, and blacked out. Gabrielle finally withdrew her fingers, laying the palm of her hand across Xena's sex. Gabrielle felt the intermittent pulsing of her inner muscles, the sensation continuing to send shivers of pleasure sweeping through her body until she too, fell sound asleep.

The End

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