
The characters of Xena: Warrior Princess™©® and all others associated with the television series of the same name are owned by Renaissance Pictures and Studios USA. This is a work of fan fiction and no copyright infringement is intended.

Sexual Content: Oh yeah. It’s in there <G>. We’ve got graphic heterosexual as well as lesbian couplings. Okay, it’s probably okay to say ‘sex’ in the sexual disclaimer. We won’t be nearly so modest later. So cover up your eyes, kiddies and grannies. Actually, if you’re under 18, move on. But grannies are welcome to pull up a chair and enjoy. This story is intended for an adult audience only.

Violence: Yes, this is a Conqueror story so there is violence. Some of it is graphic. Callisto is also not very nice to a little boy in this story. She doesn’t hurt him physically, but she says some pretty mean things to him.

Videotape: We just slipped this one in to see if you were paying attention. But hey, don’t we wish<G>?

Language: Lots of foul language in this one folks. Be warned.

Drugs/Alcohol: And we’re not talking about all the beer TN and Advocate consumed while writing this tale. Heck, we’re not even talking about all the beer TN and Advocate drank while reading each other’s work on this story. To be clear, there is alcohol consumption in the story.

Acknowledgements: To Zoinks, who gave TN the original idea – a big thank you. To our beta readers, Barbara Davies and Chris – your assistance was invaluable! And, of course, we had a blast working together. But we won’t bore you with our mutual admiration.

Comments/Feedback to: TN and Advocate



Soul Searching

By T.Novan & Advocate

With Zoinks


Chapter Seven: In Like A Lamb, Out Like A Lion


Ares looked around the room, waiting as patiently as possible for Aphrodite to return so that she could remove the spell that kept everyone motionless. He had reclaimed his body, so he was free to move around. And since Aphrodite was the one who cast the spell, only she could remove it. He tapped his foot impatiently, wondering what was keeping the ditzy Goddess.

Ares reached up and scratched his head. Brown eyes widened as he frantically ran his fingers through his black, crookedly cut locks. "Xena! What have you done?"

He drew his blade and turned his head from side to side, speculatively studying his face and head in the shiny blade. He gave it a moment’s consideration before he shrugged, deciding he kind of liked the new goatee. He frowned. The hair, however, was unacceptable. With a snap of his fingers it evened up. It was still short, but at least it didn’t look like he’d been attacked by a dull knife. Besides, he grinned, if the little blonde liked it, he could live with it for a bit longer. Ares glanced over at Gabrielle and winced at the arrow buried deep in her chest. "That’s gonna leave a mark."

"No, it’s not." Aphrodite popped into existence next to her brother. "Just like Xena’s little tumble down the steps isn’t going to leave any marks either, because we’re going to heal them." She knelt down beside Gabrielle’s head. With a steady hand, she touched the arrow, causing it to disappear. Then she laid her palm on the woman’s forehead. She glared, snapping her fingers and pointing to a spot on the floor by Xena’s head. "They’re soulmates and to heal their spirit they need both of us." When Ares looked wholly unimpressed, she added, "Don’t make me come get you. Like, there are things I could do to all your big nasty warriors which would make you cry."

Ares dropped to his knees with a snort and placed his hand on Xena’s forehead. He rolled his eyes dramatically, secretly more than a little unhappy with his sister’s threat. "Okay, let’s get this over with."

Aphrodite extended her hand to Ares. "Sure, like nooooow you’re in a big rush."

"You just want to hold my hand."

"I’m worried about you," she snapped, as she reluctantly took his hand. "You need professional help."

"What about them?" Ares’ glanced at Nyssa, Jarrod and Palaemon who were still frozen in time.

The Goddess shrugged. "They’ll keep."

Both deities closed their eyes and bowed their heads, projecting a warm flood of healing energy into the bodies of their Chosen. Gabrielle moaned first, moving her head just slightly as she sucked in a deep breath.

Xena’s eyes moved rhythmically beneath closed eyelids, and her body began to stir. When blue eyes suddenly popped open, she immediately tried to sit up, getting dizzy in the process. "Whoa."

"That’s my girl." Ares grinned, standing up and offering the Conqueror a hand, perversely pleased that she was roused before his sister’s Chosen. "C’mon, Warrior Princess, vacation is over, back on your feet."

Xena blinked, slightly confused. She hadn’t been called ‘Warrior Princess’ since she was a teenager and raising her first army. Her eyes quickly focused and confusion shifted to annoyance. Knowing the dark turn her life had taken soon after she received that battlefield title only made the nickname a reminder of days that Xena would just as soon forget. "Vacation, my ass!" she growled, smacking his outstretched hand away and hoisting herself up onto very unsteady feet.

Angrily, she ripped bandages from her body, getting caught up in a tangle of gauze. By the time she was finished tearing the strips of cloth from her body, she was left completely naked in the cool, late autumn air. Ares smirked appreciatively and in response Xena snatched a blanket from the bed, wrapping it around her body. "Gods, I hate you," she grumbled.

Blue eyes quickly scanned the room for... "Gabrielle?" She scrambled over her bed and scooped her lover into her arms, hugging her tightly. Releasing her slightly, she stroked Gabrielle’s cheek, nearly crying at its healthy warmth and light pink color. "C’mon, Mama Bear." Her voice was a fervent whisper as she rubbed the downy cheek a little more vigorously. "Open your eyes!"

Gabrielle took another shuddering breath, exhaling with a deep moan, her eyes fluttering open. "Xena…"

"Yeah, sweetheart. It’s me." She pulled Gabrielle into another fierce embrace and was rewarded with weak arms wrapping around and squeezing her, their strength increasing with every passing second. She brushed her lips across Gabrielle’s temple, feeling a scattering of warm, salty tears splash against her bare shoulder.

Aphrodite and Ares watched the embrace. Xena and Gabrielle seemed oblivious to their presence… just as it should be during reunions of the heart. Aphrodite sniffed and dabbed her eyes. "I am like... sooooo totally awesome!"

Ares could only grunt.

She nudged her brother. "You see it, don’t you?" Aphrodite gestured quickly between Xena and Gabrielle. "The Fates’ thread binding their souls?"

Ares crossed his arms and defiantly said, "Maybe."

Now it was Aphrodite’s turn to snort. "Even the Conqueror needs someone to love… who truly loves her back."

Ares tried to scowl, but it came off looking more like a pout. "Love makes you weak."

"Get real, bro!" she scoffed. "Try telling that to the dead Britons inside and outside the palace walls. She didn’t seem weak when she was out there chopping them down for raising a hand against the Realm."

Ares’ mouth dropped open. "I missed that...?!"

"While you were watching Xena and Gabrielle porn," she finished, her tone chastising but still amused. "And it was tooooootally gross. Arrows and fire and gore..."

The God of War bit his lip and whimpered, imagining Xena in her dark, bloody, glory, embracing the part of her that was his… and, despite the annoying little blonde, always would be.

"I personally think her love for Gabrielle and Jarrod gives her two more reasons to stay the bad ass warrior you want her to be. She’s got something to fight for."

Ares just shook his head. "Women," he mumbled. "I’ll never understand them."

"True," Aphrodite agreed flippantly. "But at least you’re smart enough to realize that sometimes the best man for the job is a woman. That’s why Xena rules the world."

"SO!" Ares boomed, breaking up the lovefest. He couldn’t handle another second of his sister’s gloating and made mental note to make sure that one of her temples was right in the path of a pillaging army during the next battle he oversaw. "Did you figure it out, Xena?"

Xena kissed Gabrielle again before turning to face the tall God. "Yeah, we figured it out." She got to her feet. Looking around the room she realized that no one was moving except for the four of them. "Fix them." She pointed at Jarrod, Nyssa and Palaemon.

Gabrielle’s grip on Xena tightened when saw her son standing like a statue. Her pulse jumped. "Is he...?"

"He’s fine," Xena assured. She pinned Ares with a sharp look. "I’m not explaining a Gods be damned thing until Jarrod and Palaemon are cared for and I can confront those traitorous satraps as well. So you’ll just have to wait for your explanation."


The door burst open and everyone in the room jumped, their eyes growing wide with surprise and fear as Xena strode in, shoulders squared, chin up, long ebony hair flowing over her shoulders, bouncing lightly with each purposeful step. Gabrielle was hot on her heels, her face showing every bit as much determination as her partner’s. Next came the God of War, glad to be back in his own body where he could swagger to his heart’s content. Several seconds after him, a woman in a see-through pink nightie strolled in. Aphrodite was barely through the doorway when two guards bustled in behind her. They were flanking a grim-looking, chestnut-haired, young woman whose eyes remained downcast as she walked. While she wasn’t shackled, it was clear that she was in the custody of the guards.

"I have good news and bad news." Xena walked up to Brutus and snatched the chair out from under his butt, sending him crashing to the floor with a mighty thud. She glared at Lao Ma, who was sitting at the head of the table. The Asian woman wordlessly rose to her feet, obediently moving a seat down, and allowing Xena to kick away the empty seat and slam down the chair that was in her hands. She straddled it, continuing to study the satraps. The Conqueror had to admit they were a miserable looking bunch. Dark circles ringed their eyes, and their hair looked oily and unkempt. Gabrielle had done a good job keeping them off balance.

"The good news is I’m back." She let a slow feral grin spread across her face. "The bad news is... I’m back."

"Impossible!" Brutus declared. "You should be dead!"

"Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated," she offered drolly. Deciding that she liked to pace as she spoke, Xena rose to her feet. "And I’m pissed." She tapped her chin academically, her voice icy but calm. "You see... I resent it when people try to kill me and form alliances against me."

Lao Mao gasped.

Xena stared at the older woman, anger warring with disappointment. Of all the satraps, Lao Mao was the closest thing to a true ally that she had. She shook her head sadly. "You of all people, Lao Mao, should have realized that such plans couldn’t be kept from me for long."

The Asian woman ducked her head in acknowledgment, neither refuting nor admitting to the deceit.

Xena turned back to her larger audience. "You should all know that about me!" She sucked in a deep breath and reached up to rub throbbing temples. "Where to start?" Then she felt a small, warm hand press against the small of her back and begin a gentle rubbing motion. Xena fought hard not to close her eyes at the sensation and greedily absorbed the wordless comfort that somehow still managed to speak volumes. Gods, I love you too, Gabrielle.

Clearing her throat slightly, and setting aside the sudden and unexpected welling of emotion brought on by her lover’s touch, Xena said, "Well, let’s start with what I know for certain. I know that none of you traitorous fools were stupid enough to try and kill me. At least not by yourselves."

"Then Antony...?" Cleopatra questioned in alarm.

"Is fine..." Gabrielle interrupted then grinned wickedly, adding, "mostly..." It sucks to wonder and worry about your lover, doesn’t it, you back-stabbing bitch. Serves you right...

Xena stepped aside as several servants brought in food and wine, placing it on the table. She was pleased to see that none of the satraps had the bad sense to reach for it. Xena could see their gazes were fixed on the steaming plates. Aromatic vegetables were piled atop seasoned meat, and the gentle fragrance of fresh flat bread instantly filled the room. Several stomachs growled in response. Oh yeah. They’re hungry.

Ares led Gabrielle to a seat, and a plate was fixed for her by a servant, along with a tall glass of sweet red wine. She dug in eagerly, her eyes rolling back with hedonistic pleasure as she devoured the first meal she’d been free to truly enjoy in days.

Even Ares popped a small, rare slice of venison in his mouth, nodding his appreciation at its bold, gamy flavor. He poured a cup of dark wine and quirked a brow in the direction of his Chosen, holding up his cup in question.

"Please," Xena intoned hospitably. "Now where was I? Oh yes. The fool who tried to kill me." She moved towards Nyssa, smoothly taking the wine from Ares just as his lips grazed the rim of the cool, pewter cup. She laughed inwardly at his suddenly grumpy expression and took a deep swallow, savoring the taste. She regarded Nyssa carefully, finding it difficult to view her as the deadly scorpion she knew she was.

Nyssa lowered her eyes in shame. One look at Xena and Gabrielle and she knew she had been wrong about the Conqueror. She’d been horribly used. She had been told her actions would be saving the Realm, saving the Queen and her young son from an abusive tyrant who had to be stopped. Gods. Nyssa shuddered thinking about what almost happened... what did happen.

"You were the one who tried to kill me." It wasn’t a question. "But you don’t work for any mortal in this room do you?"

"No, Lord Conqueror." Nyssa shook her head and her shoulders slumped forward in defeat. "My allegiance was not to anyone in this room."

Gabrielle gasped. Standing, she pushed back her chair and took a threatening step towards the young tutor. "By the Gods! I trusted you with our son! You little harpy!"

"I... I... Bu... " Nyssa stuttered, surprised by the Queen’s sudden venom and not knowing what she could say in her own defense. She’d been tricked, to be sure, but that excuse wouldn’t save her now. "I never hurt the boy! I swear it." Her eyes begged Gabrielle to believe her.

"You hurt him by trying to kill his mother!" A crimson flush rose to her cheeks and she couldn’t understand why Xena hadn’t lopped off the girl’s head yet. She wanted to hate her, but the girl looked so pitiful and confused that she found herself having difficulty. She turned confused eyes on her wife. "How did you know?"

"It was during the battle that I first started making sense of it all." Gabrielle looked a little doubtful, so Xena added, "You’d be surprised at what pops into my head during a good life-or-death struggle. I realized that when I’m around Nyssa I get very close to that same creepy feeling I get when Ares shows up."

"Creepy?" Ares shouted indignantly.

Xena ignored him and continued to address Gabrielle. "It’s not exactly the same but it was close enough to get me thinking. That was the feeling I got when someone pushed me... and that’s what was missing when we recreated the scene."

Gabrielle’s eyes widened with realization. She backed up and bonelessly dropped into her chair. Palaemon had interviewed the prospective tutors, and the first time that Xena had seen Nyssa face-to-face was when she was in Ares’ body.

Xena’s tapped her chin as she spoke. "When I had you put your hand on my back in the Old Watchtower to recreate that night... I knew something was different. I just wasn’t sure what it was. But after seeing Nyssa a couple of other times, the feeling made sense. And it fit with one of the other big pieces of the puzzle. The one that was the most confusing"

"The footprints!" Gabrielle blurted.

"Exactly. Any mortal would have left them. So that leaves immortals. But other Gods can’t directly touch me." Xena looked expectantly at Ares, who began to fume.

Ares’ face twisted with rage. "But nothing would prevent them from passing on a few powers to help a mortal get the job done! That might be enough for the Conqueror to get her little," he made a face, "‘creepy’ vibe. Parlor tricks are all they could really be. But levitation is always a handy one."

"Totally no way!" Aphrodite looked shocked.

Ares threw his hands up in disgust. "It’s cheating... I know... I know... And Dad would never approve... but um... well, it can be done," he finished in a rush, deciding it wasn’t necessary to mention the fact that he’d done it several times himself in the past.

The tutor scowled unbecomingly.

"So Nyssa’s allegiance is to a Godly being." Xena retook control of the conversation.

Though she was sure Nyssa was nothing more than a pawn for the Gods, she didn’t trust herself to stand too close to the girl without cracking her skull, so she took a few steps backwards. Xena leaned against the edge of the table where the satraps sat, crossing her booted feet at the ankles. "What I haven’t figured out yet is ‘which’ God or Goddess sent you. And why they would want me dead."

Boadicea sniggered loudly, wondering who wouldn’t want the Conqueror dead.

Gabrielle jaw worked silently as she eyed the tall redhead, her face set in granite. She was sorely tempted to have her crucified this very minute... instead of later today as she and Xena had discussed on the way to the conference room.

"I think I can help you there, Warrior Babe." Aphrodite stepped forward, taking Xena’s cup just as it touched the Conqueror’s parted lips. She took a delicate sip, humming in her approval before handing it back with a wink. "Rumor on Mount Olympus is that like... some of the grumpier Gods aren’t too happy with big brother over there."

Aphrodite turned to her bother, ready to give him his due, but hating that she would undoubtedly increase the already enormous size of his swollen head. "They seem to think you have too much power."

"Tough!" he snorted, filling his cup to the brim. "This is nothing more than a typical case of Ares envy."

Xena choked on her wine. She opened her mouth to speak but Gabrielle jumped up and clamped her hand over Xena’s lips. "I know it’s easy... but just don’t."

"If any of them had the brains to make Xena their Chosen they’d have the power now." Ares chuckled. "Too bad for them she’s mine."

"I beg to differ," Gabrielle inserted, throwing a withering glare at the God. "She’s mine." The preciously enunciated, possessive words were bit out slowly, increasing their impact.

Aphrodite squealed with delight. "You go, Gabrielle!"

"Listen, Queenie..." Ares sneered, marching up to the blonde and planting his fists on the table as he leaned forward, pushing his face right up into hers. "I don’t care what..."

"Can you two discuss my ownership later please," Xena whispered loudly, jerking her head toward the avidly watching satraps.

Ares and Gabrielle were immediately contrite and their gazes dropped to their boots. This was not the place or time for this little discussion and they both knew it. "Of course," they said in unison, causing Xena and Aphrodite’s eyebrows to shoot skyward.

The Queen and God looked at one another in surprise, each face painted with mutual disgust. They both took a large step away from one another.

Aphrodite began again. "Aaaaaanyhoowwww, that’s why somebody tried to off the Conqueror here. She’s Ares’ Chosen, and while your," she pointed at Ares’, "temples are thriving and followers are increasing because of her, theirs are falling into ruin. And what are Gods or Goddess without followers? "A taunting grin curled the Goddess’ lips. "Seems that once again, behind every great man is a woman."

Ares rolled his eyes.

"And behind that woman is where you need to be if you’re going to bury a knife in her back... or push her down two hundred feet of stairs, isn’t that right, Nyssa?" Xena questioned sarcastically, pushing away from the table and back towards the tutor. "I can narrow down who you don’t work for. You don’t work for Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades. They’d never let you get away with the sloppy job you did. You’d already be dead."

Nyssa’s attitude turned belligerent, fear and immaturity overriding good sense. "If it weren’t for that meddlesome thief, Autolycus, you would have succumbed to your injuries. Celesta was surely on her way."

Xena looked totally unimpressed by the knowledge. She’d stoodup Celesta on several occasions in the past, and fully intended to do it a few more times before Hades claimed her for good and she was separated from Gabrielle. "You’re not working for Artemis either."

"How do you know that?" Nyssa lifted her chin.

"Because when Boadicea’s troops attacked the palace, Melosa’s troops fought with Greece. Had Artemis had a hand in the attempt, she would have allied the Amazon forces with the Britons."

"And..." Gabrielle jumped in, easily continuing with her wife’s line of reasoning. "Malaius’ suicide note said that he had been offered a position in a competing court if he would only betray Xena." Green eyes swung toward Melosa. "Queen Melosa, how many men do you have serving Amazon royalty?"

The dark-haired Amazon snorted. "None that serve in a capacity Malaius would have been well-suited for."

Xena burst out laughing, despite the tense situation. She shook her head to rid it of the mildly hysterical image of Malaius as an Amazon stud.

"What has become of my remaining troops?" Boadicea finally found the courage to inquire. She’d seen most of the battle from the conference room window and already knew that her losses would be heavy.

"What remaining troops?" Gabrielle asked incredulously. "You sent them on a suicide mission! Every last man or woman who fought on your behalf is dead," she ground out, nearly choking on the bitter taste of the words. Her eyes filled with unshed tears for the inexcusable waste of human life, and for the carnage she’d witnessed, not having truly understood its horrible extent until she asked Xena where she was keeping the prisoners. Her question had been greeted with a long, pensive silence, before her wife simply said there were no prisoners. The thought made Gabrielle physically ill.

The blonde woman’s gaze bore into Boadicea. "While you’re languishing on a cross... I hope you think of all the lives cut short by your stupidity. Of all the families you destroyed." The building pressure of keeping her anger at Nyssa and Boadicea under control became too much, and the volume of her voice rose to almost a painful level. "Our Lord Conqueror and the God of War stand here before you and you believe you have remaining troops?!" She laughed harshly, without a trace of humor. "By the Gods, woman, you are arrogant!"

Ares watched Gabrielle with growing desire, captivated by the flame burning brightly behind glassy green eyes. Oh yes, Xena… so very nice… so much more than she appears. I can’t wait to collect on your wife’s debt.

The Conqueror moved to Gabrielle’s side and gently cupped her chin with one hand. The shorter woman’s first impulse was to jerk her chin away in anger, her body rebelling against the soothing touch so at odds with how she felt. But with great effort she didn’t. Instead, she leaned into the long, tapered fingers that felt cool against her flushed cheeks.

Xena bent down, whispering softly into the younger woman’s ear, "Easy, My Queen. We’ll settle our debt with Britannia all in good time." The Conqueror straightened, but slid her hand up slightly, letting her palm linger on her bride’s pink cheek.

Gabrielle’s eyes fastened on the brilliant blue that she’d so missed over the past few days. She let out a slightly ragged breath and stilled her shaking hands. Then Xena smiled a full, always rare smile that was for her alone, and, quite without permission, Gabrielle felt her own tentative grin forming in response. The room, and the satraps, and even the Gods faded away, and for a good long moment there was only each other. Gabrielle gave a quick nod. She was all right.

With a soundless sigh, the Conqueror returned her attention to Nyssa. "My guess is you are an underling to either Hera or Athena. And your attempt on my life was made at their order."

Nyssa was about to reply when a soldier entered the room. He looked around the room nervously before approaching the Conqueror and handing her a note.

Xena took a moment to read it. Her eyes fluttered closed. When she opened them again, she leveled a glare at Nyssa. "Come with me. This is your chance to redeem yourself and to keep me from turning you over to Ares."

The Conqueror extended her hand to Gabrielle. "C’mon. A friend needs our help." She turned back to the group. "I’m not done with you yet. Don’t get comfortable." She motioned toward the food. "But please feel free to enjoy your last meal." On the way out the room, she couldn’t help but notice the satraps seemed to have suddenly lost their appetites.


They entered the infirmary. Healers and assistants were tending to wounded soldiers, and the smell of medical herbs and poultices hung heavily in the air. Xena and Gabrielle moved into a back room where a single bed had been placed. Ares and Aphrodite popped into existence right behind them with Nyssa in tow.

Palaemon stood near the window; his arm had been treated and was in a sling, which was bound tightly to his mid-section. He stepped forward, bowing to the Lord Conqueror and her Queen. "We just found him. His body was tossed behind some bushes on the west wall of the stable not far from where you were…" He stopped not wanting to discuss Gabrielle’s non-existent wound. "He almost made it to you."

The Queen turned to the bed to find Autolycus. The thief had been badly beaten. His face was bruised and bloodied, and a thick bandage covered his left eye and that entire side of his face. Unbidden, tears sprang to her eyes as she took a seat next to her friend, with Xena standing close behind her. She ran her fingers through his thick hair. "Autolycus?"

He slowly licked dry lips and cracked open one eye, peering at her fuzzily. A tiny, relieved smile tried to find its way to his lips. "Gabrielle…You’re okay? I saw you and I tried to follow but…"

"Shhh…" she cooed softly, her fingertips grazing crisp white linen bandages and then cool skin. "I’m good." She smiled a gentle, sympathetically smile. "You don’t look so good though."

He barked out a tiny laugh. "Umm… I’m thinking no." Weakly, he reached out and grasped her hand. "About that pardon. I think I’d rather stay here. You and the Conqueror… Always in so much trouble… You need someone to look out for you."

Ares was about to speak up that his Chosen didn’t need a two-bit thief looking out for her, when Aphrodite silenced him with a look.

Xena stepped around Gabrielle and kneeled by the dark-haired man’s bedside. "You’ll stay, Autolycus, but you’ll stay as a free man and a security advisor to the Realm."

His look of startlement was evident even under the pile of wrappings covering most of his face. "Thank you, My Lord." He shifted his head slowly towards Gabrielle. "I lost my eye."

Gabrielle bent down and brushed her lips softly against the spot on his cheek that looked appeared to be the least bruised. "I figured." The bandage over his eye looked heavy with blood. "I’m so sorry," she whispered brokenly.

"Made them keep it, though, in case you need it for something." He grinned.

The Queen smiled and wiped the corner of her eyes, an unexpected laugh escaping her throat. "Before this is over, I’ll be known as Gabrielle, Cannibal of Poteidaia."

The thief coughed. "Nahhh… I think something along the lines of ‘Defender of the Realm’ would be much nicer." He coughed again, wincing at the obvious pain the movement caused his ribs. His eye slid closed under the effects of the herbs. "‘Course there’ll be those that’ll just call you bitch," he mumbled just before sleep claimed him.

The Queen nodded, watching her friend enter Morpheus’ Realm. "Rest well." She pulled the blanket over him, fussing a little with the edges and tucking them under the thin straw-filled mattress. When she stood, her eyes found the healer. "Make sure he lacks for nothing. He is to be treated as if he were my flesh and blood. The moment he’s well enough, I want him taken to the private chambers where Our Lord was treated so we can be close by."

Xena grunted her approval of the idea.

"Yes, My Queen." The healer bowed his head.

"My Queen?" Xena touched Gabrielle’s arm lightly. "Would you like Nyssa to help him?" She glared at the woman. "I’m sure she’ll do what she can. Since it may be the only thing that could save her miserable life."

"No." Gabrielle shook her head wildly. "She tried to kill you. I don’t want her near anyone I care about. As a matter of fact, I want her as far away from my sight as soon as possible."

"And she will be, but first I want to know which God she was working for." Xena turned to Nyssa. "It was Athena, wasn’t it?"

Nyssa’s gaze dropped, confirming Xena’s suspicion. The Conqueror just nodded.

"Why Athena?" Gabrielle questioned.

Aphrodite stepped forward, wrapping her arm around Gabrielle’s shoulder. "See, the problem is, all of the temples that tall, dark and erotic here had built were for Ares. Xena has pretty much let the others fall into disrepair or let them be converted for my Bro. Petty jealousy is an ugly thing, and it causes a lot of problems. I should know this better than anyone." She rolled her eyes in disgust. "Athena’s a little more aggressive than the others… Even Hera has a certain respect for her children’s Chosen. Most of my siblings don’t feel the same way."

"You don’t seem to be bothered by Ares’ prominence," Xena said pointedly, crossing her arms.

Aphrodite grinned broadly. She marched up to Xena and pinched her cheek much in the manner of an adoring aunt. "Ooooo…. You are so suspicious. No wonder big brother has got such a thing for you. He secretly loves that," she confided.

Xena pulled away grumpily, rubbing her cheek.

"Temples are nice, babe. Don’t get me wrong. But my power comes from here." She placed her hand over Gabrielle’s heart. "No matter what happens to my temples… I’ll always have that." She took the time and gazed deeply into Gabrielle’s eyes, stroking the Queen’s cheek with a finger in an intimate gesture. "Even you believed that." The Goddess cupped Gabrielle’s cheek tenderly. "All the time you were scratching away in your little village, despite the life you were forced to lead, you always held out hope for real love. In your heart… you believed." She winked. "And whether you know it or not, that’s a direct prayer from you to me.


"You’re wondering why I choose you," she read her mind matter of factly. "That’s the reason, Little One." Aphrodite leaned forward placing a gentle, chaste kiss on the Queen’s lips.

Twin sets of dark eyebrows shot up as Ares and Xena watched the intimate scene unfold before them. Xena was tempted to knock Aphrodite into next week for that little stunt. But somehow she knew that interfering with a Goddess and her Chosen would be a very bad thing. It’s a… she drew in a deep breath, …complicated relationship. And Aphrodite’s obvious affection for her wife was more of a blessing than anything else. The Goddess had chosen well, and Gabrielle would be better off for it.

When the tender kiss was over, Gabrielle blinked. Now that was something she wasn’t expecting.

Aphrodite turned to Nyssa. "So, under the command of Athena, you waited until Xena was vulnerable and you popped up behind her while she was in the Old Watchtower and gave her a helping hand down the steps…"

"Then," Gabrielle spat, her emotions ping-ponging from one extreme to the other. Gods, she needed a vacation. "You went to Malaius’ quarters and faked his suicide. You believed we would think he was the one who tried to kill Xena and the investigation would be over."

"No! I wouldn’t do that! I mean… I helped by writing the suicide note. But he really did kill himself." Nyssa began to sob. "Athena approached me about killing Malaius, but I refused. He was a good man. Not evil like…" her voice trailed off.

"Athena has no power here! She couldn’t have done it. Who else?" Xena demanded.

"She enlisted the Furies, who owed her a favor. It didn’t take them more than five minutes with Malaius before they’d convinced him that demons were after him and suicide was the only way out. I… I wrote the note at Athena’s insistence to help cover my tracks for what I’d done to Our Lord Conqueror. We never expected you to look so closely. I didn’t realize anyone loved her enough to dig that deeply into her death. I swear… I…" Her sobs intensified. "Athena tricked me… I actually believed it would come as a great relief to everyone involved when she was dead."

"You were WRONG!" Gabrielle charged the young woman but was stopped just before she reached her when Xena caught her around the waist.

"Don’t, Mama Bear." She brought her spouse into a warm embrace. "She works for the Gods, and we don’t know what little tricks she can do. She may be able to hurt you." Her eyes warmed. "And we’ve been hurt enough. We’ll let ‘our’ Gods deal with her now. We’re together. We solved the mystery. Now all that’s left for us to do is deal with the satraps and get on with our life. Together."

Ares raised his hand, waggling his finger. "Ah, ah, ah. There’s one liiiitle detail that Gabrielle and I have to settle up on first." He stroked his goatee and leered openly at the young blonde.

Xena pushed her spouse behind her with one arm and drew her sword. "Try it! Try and touch her and I’ll find a way to kill you, I swear I will!"

Ares blinked. "You told her?!"

"Of course she told me!" The Conqueror pointed the tip of the blade towards Ares. "I am her wife!"

"Xena," Gabrielle swallowed hard. "I did make a deal."

"Yeah." Ares crossed his muscular bare arms. "And bargains made with the Gods are binding."

"So they are," Xena agreed, suddenly amiable as an idea solidified in her mind. "And Gabrielle fulfilled her end of the deal," the Conqueror informed him smugly, sliding her sword back into its scabbard.

"Huh?" Ares shook his head. "No, she didn’t." Crudely he thrust his hips forward several times in rapid succession causing Aphrodite and Gabrielle to groan in disgust. "That was the subject of our agreement, Xena!"

"And, umm," Xena licked her lips in smug satisfaction. "She did. Several times." Xena took a step forward, placed her arm over Ares’ shoulders and patted him squarely on the chest. "And it was wonderful." She smiled with mock sympathy. "Too bad you weren’t home at the time."

"Oh no!" he complained loudly. "No way! It doesn’t work that way Xena!"

"Uh… Bro…" Aphrodite moved forward. "I think you should know that Xena and I have a deal too. And if you make good on yours," she gave him a pouty face, "I’ll make good on mine. And while their love is strong enough to survive your nasty little deal, you’ll never survive if I call in my marker from your Chosen."

Ares’ face turned bright red, and his body literally shook with frustration. Releasing an explosive breath, he stalked over to Gabrielle, rolling his eyes when Xena reached for her sword. "So…" He wiggled his eyebrows, puffing up his chest proudly. "How was I?" he asked eagerly.

Gabrielle looked him over from head to toe in an appraising motion that caused him to square his shoulders despite himself. She lifted a single pale brow and said seriously, "YOU were adequate." The Queen jerked a thumb at the Conqueror and smiled saucily. "SHE, on the other hand, was spectacular."

Ares’ hands balled into fists. "I hate women!" His yell could be heard for several seconds after he disappeared.

"Only because we’re smarter than you," Aphrodite called after him, as she took Nyssa by the hand. "I’ll take care of her. Later, Babes." With a happy wave, the Goddess and Nyssa disappeared.


Xena decided to let the satraps stew in their own juices for another day. She had far more important things to attend to. After making sure Autolycus and Palaemon were being well cared for, she and Gabrielle headed directly for their apartment, where Palaemon had taken Jarrod before he’d received word about Autolycus.

They opened the heavy wooden door to find Jarrod playing with a wooden puzzle box Palaemon had fashioned for him. The fireplace had been lit and the room was toasty warm and smelled of hickory. His back was against the couch and he sat on a braided rug, idly fingering the puzzle but not really playing with it.

"Hey, Tiger." Xena knelt down and opened her arms.

His head shot up and he scrambled to his feet, throwing himself into Xena’s arms with so much force that she nearly fell backwards. But years of riding and sword drills allowed for strong thighs to compensate for his momentum, and she recovered with barely more than a hobble, pulling the boy into a tight, heartfelt hug. Xena felt a tap on her shoulder and without looking over her shoulder, she spread one arm out wide, allowing Gabrielle to be enfolded in the loving embrace.

The Conqueror actually felt weak at the knees as she let it soak in that this nightmare was finally over. Never in all her life, even after the worst battles of her life, had Xena felt so much relief as she did at this very moment.

They made their evening meal more like a picnic, on the floor in front of the fireplace. Xena and Jarrod wrestled and played, while Gabrielle did her level best to keep them from making a mess. But she joined in often enough herself, and by the evening's end they were all in considerably better spirits.

Jarrod barely managed to get his clothes changed, climb into bed, and mumble a sleepy good night to his mothers before he was sound asleep. Gabrielle added an extra blanket to his bed while Xena checked the fire in his room.

Xena pulled the door to his room closed after guiding Gabrielle out.

"Well, Xena, you certainly wore him out."

"Part of my plan." The Conqueror scooped up her Queen in her arms. Zeus! This was a lot easier in Ares’ body. "You’re next."

"Gonna wrestle me to exhaustion, are you?" Gabrielle inquired impishly, already hunting for the warm skin under Xena’s tunic.

"You can call it that if you want." Xena caught her spouse’s lips in a passionate kiss, which lasted without interruption for the duration of her slow walk to their bedchamber.

The blonde opened her eyes slowly when she felt herself placed in the lower center of the large bed, her legs dangling over its foot. She signed happily. "By the Gods, Xena. You’re trying to kill me," Gabrielle managed to pant, when the Conqueror’s lips finally left hers and she was able to draw in a badly needed breath. She allowed her arms to fall limply to her sides. "But what a way to go."

"I can only think of a couple of ways I’d like better. In fact... let’s discuss those." Xena laughed as she smiled down at her lovely wife and began removing her own clothes. "Woman, why are you still dressed?" She affected a mock stern look. "Don’t make me cut you out of your clothes."

"Like you’d take the time to cut when tearing is so much faster," Gabrielle chuckled, even as she pulled her tunic from her own shoulders. A shift of light and shadows and she was distracted to the point where her hands froze in place as she watched Xena’s tunic drop limply to the floor. She licked her lips, trying not to blink. "Oh yeah, that’s muuuuch better."

The Queen had apparently taken a little too much time appreciating her partner’s body, because the next thing she knew her boots where being yanked from her feet. The left one came free quite easily, ending up against the far wall with a solid thud. But the right one was so stubborn that Xena spun around and pulled Gabrielle’s leg between her own, as she wrestled with the stiff leather, cursing the entire time. The shorter woman burst into helpless laughter. Her entire body shook, making Xena’s job that much harder.

"A little help here please!" Xena said with a hint of exasperation. "Quit curling your toes." She stopped and stared at Gabrielle’s impudent foot then laughed when she realized she was being played with. "God! You’ll be the death of me!" She shook her head ruefully. Ever notice that we’re always wrestling with our boots? Shoes only from now on."

"I can help," the younger woman giggled, placing her bare foot on Xena’s backside and pushing. "Come on, Xena, you can Conquer the world, but you can’t get a boot off your wife."

"If it doesn’t," she gave a yank, "come," another yank, "soon. I’ll just have to cut your foot off." Xena’s gaze flickered around the room. "Now where did I leave my sword?" Suddenly the Conqueror felt herself stumbling forward as the boot came free. She crashed to the floor face first, sprawled on her belly like a drunk. Getting quickly to her feet, Xena spun around with an outraged look on her face.

One look into those wide blue eyes and Gabrielle burst into another round of helpless laughter, wrapping her arms around herself and shaking the bed. "Gods, I needed this." She beamed at her partner. "Thank you. I love you, Xena."

"Yeah... well..." Much to the Conqueror’s dismay she found herself blushing without knowing why.

"Well, whaddya know." Gabrielle wiggled her freed toes happily. With great effort she managed to uncurl one arm from around her stomach and wipe away the laughter-induced tears. A large body, backlit by the glowing embers of their fireplace, rose up and launched itself onto the bed, and the next thing she knew, her entire body was being jostled as six feet of overly playful Conqueror landed next to her on the center of the bed.

She wasted no time in climbing on top of The Conqueror. Sitting up very straight and looking down, her hands roamed lightly, slowly over bronzed skin, eliciting gooseflesh and short moans of pleasure. "Oooo, you like that, do ya?" The Queen leaned over and placed the tiniest of kisses on the Conqueror’s lips before pulling back just slightly, their breath still mingling.

Gabrielle remained in that position, dangerously close to the soft crimson lips that were calling to her. She knew she was playing a dangerous game and it could get her bitten. But instead she was graced with a bright smile. My, my. Someone’s learning that they don’t have to be in control every second.

Xena ran her hands up and down Gabrielle’s back. "You feel good," she said earnestly. "I can’t tell you how good it feels to touch you with my own hands."

"It feels good to be touched by your hands, Xena." Unable to stop herself, the blonde leaned forward and brushed tender kiss against Xena’s lips, while her hands snaked between them and found firm, lush breasts. Kneading gently, she watched intently as Xena’s eyelids fluttered shut, a slow sexy grin crawling across her face.

A low rumble of satisfaction worked its way from Xena’s chest.

Gabrielle’s eyes darkened with desire as she took in the sight of the Conqueror writhing beneath her and let the sounds of Xena’s deliciously contented moans seep deep inside her. "Feel different?" she asked curiously.

Xena nodded. "Much."


"Better." She squirmed under Gabrielle’s inquisitive hands and fingers. "More feeling… more power… more love... more everything." Xena lifted her head a little to share several of her own tender kisses. "Everything is perfect now."

Once. Twice. Three times. Their lips melted together... slowly. When they parted for the last time, Gabrielle sighed happily and turned her head, placing her mouth next to Xena’s ear where she began to nibble. "It’s very, very close to perfect, Xe."

The Conqueror rolled over gently so they were both on their sides, facing each other. She let her hand trail down the soft skin from Gabrielle’s shoulder to her waist. She tugged on her trousers. "Could be a lot closer." A grin pulled at her lips. "I mean, here I am, all naked and vulnerable." She offered what she hoped was a vulnerable face, then winked. "And ready to play." Long fingers reached out and tugged affectionately on a lock on pale hair.

There was just something about the way Xena said ‘vulnerable’ that Gabrielle found amusing. If there was one person in this world who wasn’t vulnerable, it was her mate. "Play, huh? Hmm, I’ll bet we could have lots of fun."

"I’ll take some of that bet." Xena gave Gabrielle’s tummy a little pinch. "And anything else you’re willing to give me."

"For you, my love, I’ll give you the world." The Queen moved from the bed and finished undressing while Xena moved into the middle, tucking several pillows behind her to prop herself up against the headboard. Gabrielle returned to the bed, straddling her wife. "Tell me... where should I start playing?" Her smile was mischievous and her mossy green eyes twinkled in the firelight.

Xena pretended to consider the question. "Well, I’ve always found north to south a fun way to go."

"This is true," the Queen agreed, running a solitary fingertip from north to south. "But," the same finger traveled from one erect nipple to the other. "East to west could be nice too."

Xena groaned softly and bit her lip at the sensation. "It is." Her voice had dropped an octave and the effect on her wife was instantaneous.

Gabrielle’s nostrils flared as she sucked in a deep breath. A low burn started at her center, slowly creeping outward.

"You can touch me anywhere you like, Gabrielle." Eyes that looked more silver than blue in the muted, glowing light fastened on the pale-haired woman’s face. Never breaking her gaze, she rubbed her hands up and down Gabrielle’s thighs, leaving goosebumps in the wake of her tender, arousing touch. "As long as you don’t stop."

Without another word, Gabrielle ducked her head, running her tongue from points east to west, her hands roaming freely over warm flesh. She massaging everywhere she could reach as her mouth worshipped hypersensitive skin. Gabrielle hummed with pleasure, her own ache making itself known, as her tongue tenderly wrapped around her mate’s nipple and she began to suckle in earnest. She could feel her lover’s strong pulse beneath her lips as she tasted sweet skin, inhaling the scent of honey soap with a hint of wood smoke, clean sweat, and taller woman’s own unique aroma with a quiet satisfaction. She savored Xena’s unhurried, knowing touch in return.

The connection they had shared while Xena was in Ares’ body was about pleasure, sex and power. Tonight was about desire, love and understanding. Each form of expression had a place in this bedchamber, and, using a primal link between them that extended far beyond the five senses, each had the knowledge and commitment to be what the other needed... when the other needed it. One look, or touch, or a few murmured words of heartfelt love or blinding passion and the stage was set, often before their lips had even met for the first time.

The Conqueror sat up slowly; reaching behind Gabrielle’s thighs, she pulled her tighter to her, spreading the legs straddling her just a bit farther. They were face to face now, breasts and stomachs touching, skin moving gently as ribs expanding and breaths were exhaled. Eyes slid shut and their mouths came together in a kiss that was playful and teasing at first, but slowly mounted in intensity. Xena gently sucked Gabrielle’s lower lip into her mouth, running her tongue lightly over the delicate, wet skin and skimming across white teeth.

The young Queen’s response was affectionate and fierce at the same time, speaking of the unbridled passion and endless love she felt for her partner. Small hands threaded through thick hair as her grip took hold and she hungrily deepened the kiss.

A happy growl escaped Xena’s throat, and she wrapped long arms tighter around the blonde, one crossing over her back, pulling her close and tight, the other finding the soft nape of Gabrielle’s neck, holding her firmly into the kiss.

It was Gabrielle who began moving her hips against her partner’s hard stomach. She wrapped her legs around Xena so tightly she actually had to back off a bit when she felt her flinch. "Sorry…" she panted, without missing a stroke in her slow grind.

Xena nodded absently as she kissed her way around to Gabrielle’s neck and ear. Coaxing her head to the side with the slight pressure of one hand, Xena licked and nipped the tender skin of her throat, enjoying its salty tang, and the flutter of movement that accompanied every heartbeat. "So good…" the Conqueror murmured, sweeping aside red-gold hair and nibbling her way up to a perfectly shaped ear.

"Oh yeah…" the Queen moaned, feeling the wonderful sensations take root within her body. Her lover was in no rush, and she relaxed under her touch even as her excitement slowly mounted. They were going to make love and it was going to take a long time.

Using the strength in her stomach and back, Xena slowly leaned back and twisted until Gabrielle was lying under her. She tried to lift herself from her mate’s body, but Gabrielle refused to relinquish her hold, keeping her legs firmly wrapped around Xena’s waist.

"No," she protested breathlessly. "Stay."

Her name was drawn out in a low, throaty voice that Xena used to show her mock annoyance. "Gabriellllle…"

"Yes, Xena?" The smaller woman gave her legs a little tug, drawing Xena closer. "Did you want something?" Her suggestive words were said in a sultry tone, but Gabrielle’s face was the picture of youthful innocence. It was designed solely to spark her partner’s desire and good humor. And it did.

Xena chuckled. Gods, she plays me like a lyre sometimes. "If you release me from the thighs of doom, I’ll make it worth your while," she teased, swooping down and giving a quick, playful lick to a taut nipple that was attached to a very aroused wife. "I promise."

Slowly Gabrielle released her spouse. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Xena to make good on her word. She did. Gabrielle simply couldn’t help herself. She placed her hands on broad shoulders and made a breathless, one-word request that burned through Xena’s veins and settled between her legs like liquid fire. "Down."

Xena wanted to nod, but she found herself so focused on loving Gabrielle that the gesture got lost amidst a sea of other things she found much more important. With extreme care and thoroughness, she began giving her Queen the royal treatment she knew in her heart that she deserved; paying homage to her body with lips, teeth, tongue, fingers and hands, Gabrielle’s soft whimpers and moans of pleasure urging her on.

The blonde felt Xena tap the inside of her thighs and she shifted, allowing her mate to settle between her legs. All the air in Gabrielle’s lungs was expelled when she let out an unexpected hiss as she felt Xena nip the tender skin of her inner thigh, then lick the spot she had just bitten. Her hips thrust forward of their own volition, her breath short and quick. "Xena… stop teasing."

There was no verbal response, just a slow shaking of a dark head as her tongue traced a path up one slightly trembling thigh. Her lips would stop every couple of inches, offering small kisses and sucking gently. Xena took in a deep breath as her lips grazed across glistening, golden curls, and then began traveling down the other thigh, repeating the erotic torture.

"Xena!" Gabrielle’s muscles were twitching from the pressure building inside her. "Not nice…" she rasped in frustration. The slight tremor of her lover’s laughter caused green eyes to turn to slits. "Not funny…" she insisted once again. Reaching down, she threaded one hand into ebony locks and placed it on the side of Xena’s face, guiding the older woman to exactly where she needed her most.

Having run out of patience herself, the Conqueror happily settled there. Her mouth was already watering when she extended her tongue and proceeded to languidly lick up one side then down the other of the passion-swollen folds. The Queen moaned long and loud, her entire body convulsing at the first sensual, almost delicate touch. She had to consciously relax her grip on her partner’s hair or risk taking it out by the roots. Gabrielle forced heavy-lidded eyes to open as she glanced down, only to have another wave of white hot pleasure sweep over her, Xena’s gentle touch taking her higher than she thought possible. "Gods!"

Xena felt her partner’s impending climax, she wrapped her arms around Gabrielle’s shaking legs, holding her hips firmly in place as she continued her slow, methodical movement, wanting nothing more than to bring her wife ultimate pleasure. Her own desires intensified as Gabrielle responded to her every touch with abandon. Xena shifted slightly, her own slicked thighs sliding together.

Gabrielle’s cries of passion touched her very soul and she moaned softly into the hot, wet flesh. She heard her name called out in a strangled, throaty voice, and looked up to see passion incarnate. Gabrielle’s back was arched, throwing firm, succulent breasts into prominence and accentuating her well-defined abdomen as its muscles bunched and released with each labored breath. Her head was thrown back with pale, slightly damp hair spilling over her shoulders. Eyes dilated with desire were visible for just a flash before rolling back and disappearing beneath lids screwed tightly shut. Full lips were slightly parted and flawless; glistening skin glowed as firelight danced across it.

Xena’s eyes were riveted to the ravishing sight, but she never moved from her position, never slowed or speeded up her maddening caresses.

Gabrielle was immediate propelled into another powerful climax. Her body quaked and her chest heaved as she gasped for air, but Xena continued through her whimpers and finally near screams as she came yet again. Finally, whimpering, she begged her lover to stop, gently tugged the determined dark head from its task.

Slowly, teasingly, kissing every possible spot of skin between where she was and that tempting, tasty mouth, Xena worked her way up, her hands leading the way as they slid along Gabriele’s belly then between her breasts and over her shoulders. She smiled down into the face of her best friend, who was lying there, arm thrown over her eyes, a contented smile peeking out from beneath her bicep. "Oh, you look happy," Xena murmured against a flushed, moist cheek.

"I am happy." Her voice was slightly raspy but undeniably blissful. "I am very happy." She smiled, and lowered her arm, never opening her eyes. "I’m happy about five times over." A deep growl escaped her chest. "Oh yeah… It should be illegal to be this happy."

"Hmm," Xena kissed her wife. "Glad to be of assistance."

"Oh, sweetheart…" The Queen’s arms wrapped around the Conqueror pulling her down on top of her own body. "You have no idea." She kissed her partner’s ear. "No idea, but I’ll be happy to try and help you grasp the concept."

"I think I’d like that. You know they say warriors... even conquerors benefit from guidance from time to time."

Gabrielle pushed on her spouse’s shoulders, flipping her onto her back and once again straddling Xena’s hips. She gave an evil grin as she ran her hands through Xena’s long hair. "Gods, Xena." She licked her lips, tasting herself. "You are so damn sexy. Thinking about you too long in the middle of the day is bad for me."

A dark brow rose. "Really?"

Gabrielle nodded. "Absolutely. Because I want to find you and take you out of what meeting you’re in or what training your giving," she ducked her head to her partner's ear, pressing her lips lightly against the sensitive organ, "and take you somewhere and just do things to your body that…"

"Gods!" Xena’s eyes snapped shut at the sexy, mildly raunchy, fantastic words. "This is one the advantages of being married to Aphrodite’s Chosen, I think. Your voice does wonderful things to me." She opened her eyes and seriously regarded her partner. "It was the sound of your voice, you know."

Xena rubbed Gabrielle’s thighs, which were on either side of her waist, with a firm circular motion. She was content to spend time talking and reconnecting. Even though they hadn’t been apart, some part of her missed this intimacy with this woman. When she was in Ares’ body, they had never even considered taking time to be with each other like this. It wouldn’t have been the same, and if they’d been interested in trying, there simply hadn’t been the time. Now, however, they had all the time in the world. And she wasn’t going to waste a single second of it.

"What did you say?" Gabrielle reached for a small bottle of scented oil. She poured the fragrant liquid into the palm of her hand and warmed it before applying it to Xena’s skin, alternating between soft touches and a deeper muscle massage.

"Hmmm? Oh, that’s nice." The Conqueror hummed, bringing her hands up behind her head and interlacing her fingers. She crossed her legs at the ankles and just lay there ready to enjoy the massage.

"I asked you a question." Gabrielle teased, giving Xena’s nipple a tweak and eliciting a high pitched squeak in response. "Try not to get too distracted." Uh huh. Like you could have done that, Gabrielle. Fat chance.

"Oh yeah, right." Xena was able to recall through her haze of pleasure. "It was the sound of..." she paused, "a little lower if you don’t…oh yeah, right there, that’s nice. It was the sound of your voice... I think... that I first fell in love with." Sable brows furrowed in sudden concentration. "In fact, the moment you spoke to me, I felt like I had been struck squarely in the chest by Cupid’s arrow."

The Queen gave her a long luxurious rub from shoulders to stomach, using her thumbs and fingers to pay special attention to round breasts and tender nipples. She smiled when she felt Xena arch into her warm palms. "Well, who knows, maybe you were." She raised a fair eyebrow. "You know... that could be part of this whole Chosen thing," she wondered aloud, pouring another pool of oil into her cupped hand. "I don’t think the fact that you were brought to me was an accident, Xena. I never did. Even before I knew about Aphrodite."

"Me? Brought to you?"

"Sure. You ... brought to me... like a Solstice gift... only taller." She laughed at Xena’s puzzled look. "You did come to me, you know."

Xena hadn’t really considered the whole thing since it had happened. But now that she thought about it, and especially in light of the events of the past few days, it all made sense. She had thought she was crazy to fall in love so quickly. But she couldn’t stop herself. Not that I really tried, she admitted privately.

In the early autumn, she’d had the unexpected and unstoppable urge to flee the Stronghold. To start riding and not stop. But what if it wasn’t that she was running away from something, but towards it? Towards her.

Xena had teasingly told Gabrielle it was the first place her horse wanted to stop, but the truth of the matter was, it was the first place she wanted to stop. Something there called to her, and now, as she looked up into warm eyes full of love and devotion and trust, her missing word nearly broke from the happy ache. Here was the other half of her soul she unknowingly had gone searching for. A brilliant smile creased her cheeks and brought sparkling, unshed tears to her eyes. The search is over.

Xena let out a satisfied exhale as her lover crawled down her body, leaving a path of blazing kisses as she went. The Conqueror relaxed and entrusted everything she had to this young woman.

Her mind, heart, body, and soul.

Gabrielle had given her back the life that being Ares’ Chosen had taken from her. She drifted in a state of total bliss when the sensual jolt shot brought her careening back into the moment, her body lifting itself up off the bed as Gabrielle’s name was rent from her chest. Pleasure and love washed over her, and after several long moments she fell bonelessly back onto the feather-filled mattress and sheets which felt nearly cold against her superheated skin. She gasped for air, hearing only her blood racing in her ears and the sounds of her own ragged pants. Gabrielle was in her, on her, around her, and with her in every way. Her scent, her touch, her taste... and finally the sound of the younger woman’s contented sigh and soft words of love. Her Queen was simply everywhere.

While she tried to catch her breath, Gabrielle settled alongside her on the bed, opening her arms to her lover. Xena responded without hesitation, fingertips tenderly pushing back wet bangs and lips grazing the newly exposed skin. Blue eyes slid closed and Xena felt the soft quilt being pulled around their joined bodies as high as her waist. There were no more words as they both tumbled helplessly into slumber. This was the one place in the Known World that The Conqueror, The Destroyer of Nations, felt safe.


Gabrielle rolled over when the door to the bedchamber opened. She pulled the sheet up over her body. She was still groggy and it took a moment before she realized it was a servant that had disturbed her sleep and that Xena was gone from the bed.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty. I thought you’d be up and about by now…" the old woman stammered and began backing out.

"No... please, it’s okay," she yawned, waving the matronly servant back in. She rubbed her sleepy eyes as she continued. "Do you know where Our Lord Conqueror has snuck off to this morning?"

"No, Your Majesty. But I believe she left you a note." Bending down and picking up some of the Conqueror’s clothing, the white-haired woman gestured a pointy chin to the blood-red rose and scrap of parchment that sat on the nightstand next to the bed.

Gabrielle tried to maintain some kind of Queenlike bearing as she pulled the sheet over her body and scampered across the bed to read Xena’s note and sniff the fragrant flower. Wonder where in the world she found a rose this time of year? A carefree smiled tugged at her lips. Like I care. The note was definitely written by her mate’s hand. Gabrielle read the words, a pink blush making itself first visible on her cheeks. Biting her lip, then deciding to deny herself nothing, she read the note again.... several times. Oh Xena, her heart sighed.

The washerwoman laughed, clucking slightly at the Queen’s smitten appearance.

To Gabrielle’s only slight dismay, the blush began creeping over her entire body. She took a deep breath and flipped over on her back, smiling as she pressed the delicate petals to her nostrils and deeply inhaled the spicy-sweet fragrance. Her giddy feeling bubbled over and she giggled in delight.

"Ahh... to be young and in love," the old woman mumbled tolerantly as she closed the bedchamber door behind her. She had half a mind to hunt down that randy blacksmith who’d been eyeing her for the past three moons.

After wallowing in bed for a while longer, the memories of the previous night’s activities maintaining the flush on Gabrielle’s skin, she rose from the bed and shrugged into her robe as she headed for the living room. She checked Jarrod’s room, to find his bed unmade and empty. We’re going to have a little talk about this, Jarrod. The boy was very fast becoming accustomed to having someone waiting on him hand and foot. Not that it was a hard thing to fall into. It isn’t, she admitted somewhat ruefully. But she didn’t want him forgetting what it was like to work from sunrise past sunset, falling into bed with a sore body but a determined spirit. He was Xena’s heir, and someday, when he ruled Greece, he would know and understand how her people really lived. Gabrielle would make sure of it.

The blonde woman couldn’t believe she had been left to sleep in and rest. Why, the last time that had happened.... She stopped dead in her tracks and blinked. Was never! And what surprised her even more was that she hadn’t woken when Xena left. That had never happened either. But then again it had been a very tiring three days.

After calling for a bath to be drawn, she settled down for a little of the morning meal that had been left for her. She could tell by the table that Xena and Jarrod had eaten together. Gods, they were messy people when left to their own devices. She shook her head as she leaned back in her chair and propped her feet up on Xena’s chair, spreading thick, white cheese on a roll.


Xena escorted Jarrod to see Palaemon in the infirmary. The soldier was delighted to see his little charge and greeted him with a warm, one-armed hug, ruffling his dark blond hair for good measure. Xena glanced over at the pallet that held the thief, clearly surprised to still see him there.

"How is he? He should have been moved to my private healer’s chambers by now." Her voice held a note of anger.

"He’s badly beaten, My Lord. The healer says he’ll live but didn’t want to move him until he could be sure Autolycus wasn’t bleeding inside."

She nodded. The healer was being careful. She approved of that, and wouldn’t run him through for disobeying the Queen, after all. "And how are you, Palaemon?"

The beefy soldier smiled proudly. "I’m fine, My Lord. I promise you I’ll be back to duty status in a few days."

"You take you’re time to rest and heal. I have plans for you and I need you in top form."

"Plans, My Lord?"

"I need a second-in-command, Palaemon," she said casually, trying not to laugh when the fair-haired man’s hazel eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Buu...bu..." he stammered.

Mercifully, she broke in. "You’re not ready yet. But you will be. I’d like you to continue on as Jarrod’s mentor for at least the next few seasons. At least until he’s twelve or thirteen. During that time," she gave his back a strong pat, and he did his best not to wince at the painful jolt that sent through his arm, "I’ll be mentoring you but will make certain you’ll have more than enough time to work with the lad." A dark eyebrow lifted and she couldn’t resist the tease. She was in far too good a mood this wonderful morning to pass it up. "Can I assume, by your open-mouthed stare, that you’re at least tentatively interested in being my second in command?"

"Buu...bu," he stammered again, despite his best efforts.

Xena laughed and that uncharacteristic action made Palaemon’s eyes go even wider. "I’ll take that as a yes. Good man." She extended her arm and they exchanged a brisk but decidedly warm warrior’s handshake. "Thank you, Commander," she said with a wink. Xena turned to her son who was giggling at Palaemon’s shocked face. She rolled her eyes. "C’mon, Jarrod. We need to let Palaemon rest." And check his trousers.

The boy was reluctant to leave his friend’s side.

"Actually, My Lord," Palaemon held up his good hand, "I wouldn’t mind if he stayed with me. I’ll actually be leaving here in a bit and would like to have his company today."

Xena looked at the pair. They had bonded like brothers and she could see that neither was eager to be apart from the other. "That’ll be fine, Commander. Bring him back to the residence when you need to rest."

"Yes, My Lord."

The Conqueror turned to leave, but Palaemon stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. She turned around to find his eyes suddenly intense and his expression serious.

"I... I um... I just wanted to thank you, My Lord. And let you know that if I had to choose between taking over the command position now or spending the next few seasons teaching His Highness, I would have turned down your offer."

Xena cocked her head slightly to the side, a knowing smile slowly forming. "I know, Palaemon. And that’s why you’re perfect for the job."


Gabrielle met Xena in the hall as she was walking toward the conference room that held the satraps. The Queen was dressed in an outfit that complemented Xena’s own and showed her as a woman deservedly taking her position at Xena’s side – as a ruler.

Sky blue eyes went round as saucers when Xena got a look at her partner. She gestured to the leather pants that where laced up the side and showed a rather impressive view of royal skin. "Those are, uhhhh, interesting." Gods, am I actually drooling?!

I love it when she drools... for me. Gabrielle pushed her lover into a darkened corner. Pressing her against the cool, stone wall, she leaned into her until they were touching all along their lengths. "I’m taking advantage of this unexpectedly warm day, Xe. You," she gave Xena’s collarbone a little kiss, "don’t," another tiny kiss, "approve?" This kiss was followed up with a slight nip.

"I didn’t say that," Xena growled, wrapping her arms around Gabrielle and kissing her for all she was worth.

A long time later, with Gabrielle still fiddling with her hastily fastened clothing, they strolled into the conference as if nothing had happened. Xena and Gabrielle wrinkled their noses, realizing their ‘guests’ had been held in the room for several days. And they were more than just a little ripe.

Xena crossed the room and threw open the small window before turning back to the satraps. "You will all be taken, under guard, back to your quarters. You will bathe." She paused, hearing her mate grumble, ‘Praise Hestia!’ and had to clear her throat to disguise the chuckle that burst forth when her eyes fastened on Gabrielle’s ‘innocent’ face. Lifting her chin, she added, "You will change into proper attire and be brought to the gallery where we will deal with this coup you tried to effect against the Realm." Her voice was calm and flat, devoid of any emotion.

The satraps felt dread swell within them. They had all seen her rage but had learned to fear the calm before the storm even more. Xena snapped her fingers and suddenly the room was full of guards. She issued the orders and watched with a great deal of satisfaction as each of them was led away.

"Xena?" Gabrielle moved to her partner.


"What are you going to do with them? You’re not going to kill all of them are you?" Although she wasn’t at all certain that wasn’t exactly what they deserved.

"Not all at once." Xena rubbed her cheek, giving serious thought to her plan. "I’m going to let them do each other in."


Gabrielle stood before Morgaine, arms extended straight out to the sides as she was being fitted for a dress. The seamstress smiled. "You’re going to have to tell her soon, child. She’s bound to notice. I can’t keep letting your clothes out forever."

The Queen’s eyes widened. "How did you know? I just came back from the healer this morning." Her eyes narrowed and she studied the creased face carefully. "Aphrodite?"

"Oh no, My Queen, it’s me. While I was happy to allow the Goddess to use these tired old bones to bring you and Our Lord together, I haven’t been visited by her since." The woman tugged on the sleeves of the Queen’s new gown, then tossed a scattering of pins into a flat woven basket. "And let me tell you, my boy, Gilles, is more than grateful that Cupid hasn’t been back." The old woman chuckled. "He was sore for days after that naughty God found the local brothel and went hog wild."

Gabrielle covered her mouth with her hand, but her shoulders still shook as she laughed.

"Hush," Morgaine scolded, but began laughing as well.

"I’m glad to have you both back." Gabrielle smiled affectionately at the woman she’d come to think of as a grandmother or second mother. "How did you know?" she asked a little insecurely. Gods, I’m barely showing.

"I know the look." She slipped the gown from Gabrielle’s body and handed her the brown tunic she had worn previously. "Your trousers are tighter too."

"Wonderful." Gabrielle pulled her tunic on.

Morgaine frowned at Gabrielle’s less than thrilled expression. "Are you all right, My Queen?"

The blonde woman patted Morgaine’s hand, idly noting its softness and the blue, ropy veins that lined the back. "I’m fine," she assured. "It’s just... just... I don’t know how Xena..."

"Ahhh..." Realization broke out across the ancient face. "This is the product of a rather unique experience, I understand," she probed gently, having a good idea what had happened after she and Autolycus sat gossiping one evening over a tray of warm cookies.

Gabrielle nodded miserably and her voice dropped to a whisper. "I can’t lose her. I can’t. But I could never..."

"Shhhh..." Morgaine squeezed the young woman’s shoulders in a gesture that promised everything would be okay.

Gabrielle absorbed the wordless comfort, relieved that at least one person knew what she’d been suspecting for the past couple of moons. "Thank you for tea and the fitting. Although I don’t think I’ll be wearing this gown anytime soon." She made a show of tugging on the waist of her snug pants. "I need to get going. Today is Jarrod’s birthday and…"

"Oh yes, speaking of which." The old woman handed her a package. "This is for Jarrod."

The Queen’s smile made a reappearance. "Thank you."

Gabrielle tucked the small package under her arm and left the seamstress’ quarters. She ran her hand over her stomach. So much had happen in the time since the attempt on Xena’s life. She had prayed things would start getting back to normal... even though she still wasn’t quite sure what ‘normal’ was in the palace. But this... This could change everything. Her fingertips brushed her belly once again and she smiled hopefully. Even with the potential for trouble with her mate, Gabrielle couldn’t bring herself to think of a new life as anything other than a blessing.

As she made her way back to the royal apartment, she recalled the Conqueror’s unique brand of justice when it came to the people who had betrayed her.

Boadicea had, indeed, been put on the cross. It took the stubborn bitch four days to die. And Gabrielle hadn’t shed a tear on her behalf.

Then Brutus had been told he would return to Britannia with her body, to rule in her stead. Xena, Palaemon, and several other officers still had a pool going on how long it would take before he was assassinated by a pissed off Briton. Boadicea was a bitch of the highest order, but a respected, if not beloved, ruler on her own soil. Brutus, the pompous, was dead. He just didn’t know it yet.

Cleopatra and Antony were reunited... for all of fifteen minutes before Xena explained that Antony was being sent back to Rome to take over from Brutus. Xena had sent a young and notoriously ambitious officer named Octavius back with him. Antony had smiled down at her from atop his horse as he departed the Stronghold, arrogantly proclaiming that the Conqueror was smart and wholly right in sparing him. The Conqueror had nodded silently, but Gabrielle had seen the glint in her partner’s eyes that told her there was a plan afoot. She wasn’t sure what was up, but suspected Antony would not be of this world for very long and that Pluto was already making room for one more traitor.

Cleopatra was sent back to Egypt with orders to stay away from Antony and Rome. Xena made sure the woman understood that she would know if her order was disobeyed and that the Queen would pay with her life if it happened. As soon as Cleopatra was out of Greece, one of Xena’s spies informed her that the Egyptian was already conversing with Antony by messenger and that they were planning to rendezvous. Xena’s package arrived in Alexandria the same week that Cleopatra did. It was Gabrielle’s measured opinion that the snake that bit her got the short end of the bargain.

Lao Ma had been sent back to Chin with a very firm warning from Xena that she would not tolerate further insurrection. As Gabrielle watched them, she wondered for just a moment if her jealousy had been directed towards the wrong satrap. They shared a bond that was plain to her eyes. Then her gaze drifted to her joining bracelet and she realized it really didn’t matter. She was the one who owned the Conqueror’s heart and she always would.

Melosa was allowed to return to her village and her people. Her request for more land had been denied and her sister Terries had been conscripted into the Conqueror’s troops at the palace. Just as a precautionary measure, Xena had assured with a smirk.

Gabrielle's thoughts were interrupted by her arrival at the apartment. With a start, she realized she’d been thinking so hard she had paid no attention whatsoever to where she was going. Lucky I didn’t end up in the dungeons. She sucked in a nervous breath as she slowly padded into her chambers, the butterflies dancing in her belly making her slightly nauseous. Morgaine was right; she had to tell Xena soon. Now that she’d gone to see the healer, the palace gossip mill would begin to grind.

The Queen placed the package for Jarrod on the table alongside several other gifts. She had made it clear that Jarrod would only accept gifts from people he knew. It was already hard enough for the boy to adjust without exposing him to the royal butt kissing such occasions would undoubtedly spur. It appeared that no one was home, so Gabrielle grabbed her cloak from a hook by the door and settled it around her shoulders, fastening it at the neck. She pulled back the heavy gates and then the doors to the balcony and stepped out into the cold winter air. Her eyes were drawn to the corner of the courtyard, where Autolycus and Palaemon chased around with the dozen or so children that were celebrating Jarrod’s birthday with him.

She felt a pang in her chest when she saw her lover standing by awkwardly. Even from this distance she could see by Xena’s pose that the tall woman wanted to join in but wasn’t sure how. Then the Conqueror was hit on the head with a snowball thrown by Autolycus. Gabrielle laughed as the man lifted his hands, making sure Xena knew exactly who did it. She couldn’t hear what he was saying. But Gabrielle was sure he was bragging about having no thumbs and only one eye and still being able to hit his target.

Having been directly challenged, Xena shrugged off the formality that was a product of years alone and years of conquest and joined the others in their play, focusing on a certain and now suddenly contrite thief. You get a big kiss for that one, Autolycus. Gabrielle smiled. Xena had come a long way. But the Conqueror still had a long way to go. They all did.

Seated near the laughing children, and keeping hot tea at the ready, was Nyssa. Aphrodite had assured Gabrielle that the young woman’s memory had been wiped clean of Athena’s influence and the only thing she remembered was her dedication to being Jarrod’s tutor. That alone hadn’t been nearly enough to convince Gabrielle or Xena that Nyssa should be spared. Not after what they’d been through. But when Aphrodite explained the extent of Athena’s involvement, and the many moons of cruel mind games she’d played on Nyssa in order to gain her consent, neither she nor Xena could find it in their hearts to hold a grudge. The young woman had been Athena’s pawn and never held Xena any malice on her own.

Since it appeared that Nyssa was going to be a permanent fixture in their lives for many seasons to come, Aphrodite couldn’t resist doing just a little more meddling. Gabrielle was looking forward to Palaemon and Nyssa’s wedding in the spring.

Gabrielle waved when Xena looked up at the balcony. The Conqueror returned the wave and, excusing herself from the games, made her way to the side of the building. She studied the wall, the tip of her tongue appearing between her teeth as she formulated a plan of attack in her mind. Then, with a running start, she launched herself against the stones and grabbed onto the thick layers of vines that ran down the stone walls. She maneuvered back and forth, avoiding the places where the vines appeared weak or their coverage patchy until, finally, she hoisted herself over the edge of the balcony and stood before her Queen.

"Hi, beautiful." Xena smiled and began fussing with her wife’s cloak. "Remind me to order those vines cut tomorrow." Her smiled faded and she cupped Gabrielle’s cold cheeks. "Why are standing out here in the cold?"

Gabrielle hugged her solicitous partner, pointedly not mentioning that everyone else happened to be playing out in the cold right now. "I only did it so you’d come over here and keep me warm." She snuggled closer.

"It worked. By the Gods, if I’d only had access to your devious mind earlier..."

"You’d rule the world?" Gabrielle teased.

Xena chuckled and kissed the top of her wife’s head. "Something like that," she agreed amiably.

Gabrielle looked up into her wife’s face. "Xe, I need to talk to you. Let’s go inside." She took Xena by the hand, leading her inside and closing the doors and gates to the balcony.

Gabrielle removed Xena’s cloak, led her over to the fire, and gestured to the couch. With slightly trembling hands, she poured a cup of what she knew was Xena’s favorite wine, handing the cup down to the Conqueror. "Here. You may want this."

Dark brows came together and Xena’s heart gave a double thump. "Gabrielle." The words got stuck in her throat and she paused, swallowing before saying, "What’s wrong?"

Gabrielle stood by the fire, her back to the taller woman as she stared into the flames. Desperately, her mind searched for the right words. Gods, now I know how you felt the night you proposed. She scratched her cheek as the best approach continued to elude her. Finally, feeling the tension in the air, she took pity on her partner and just started talking. "Xena?"

"Yes?" Her tone was guarded and Gabrielle winced inwardly at the strain that showed clearly in just one word.

"I was wondering, umm, well…"

Xena jumped to feet and joined the blonde at the fire, pulling Gabrielle’s forgotten cloak from her shoulders, tossing it onto a nearby chair. "Sweetheart, has something happened." He mind raced for what could possibly be upsetting her Queen. She was fine last night! "I mean...."

Gabrielle sucked in a deep and blurted out, "I’m pregnant." She glanced up, waiting with bated breath for a response. When Xena didn’t say anything, she felt her heart stop beating. Hades!

"How long?" Xena finally asked neutrally.

Gabrielle frowned a little. When did she think this happened?! "You, me, Ares’ body on loan... Ring a bell?!" Gabrielle felt her ire rise. "I would never betray your trust with someone else. I would never..."

Xena nodded furiously. "Of course not. I know. I know," she blathered. "So the baby will be here by summer?"

"Yeeeeessss," Gabrielle drew out the word cautiously. Xena didn’t look so good. Her skin wasn’t always this pale, was it? This was not the reaction she expected. Happiness or anger she could deal with. But Xena looked like she’d been hit between the eyes with a board. She stared at the curious expression, yelping when she was suddenly pulled into long, strong arms and lifted off her feet as Xena whooped with joy. She laughed from a relief so profound that she actually felt dizzy. Then her eyes went unfocused. Okay, that wasn’t relief; Xena was spinning her around like top. Lips found hers and she was kissed senseless.

"Gods! Gabrielle, that’s wonderful! We’re going to have a baby." Xena placed her hands on the Queen’s stomach and her eyes widened to an almost comical extent. She licked dry lips and wonder colored her voice. "A baby."

Tears welled in soft green eyes as Gabrielle realized that this was what she’d been hoping for. The reaction was just unconventional, like Xena herself. She let out an explosive, pathetically grateful breath. Her stomach had been in knots, fearing that Xena would view this more as Ares’ child than her own, no matter that Xena had been in his body at the time of conception. She shook her head in amazement. Obviously that wasn’t the case.

"Hey, hey what’s wrong?" Xena was quick to embrace her spouse. "Gabrielle, don’t you want this baby?" The Conqueror clutched the smaller woman tighter, praying to the Gods that that wasn’t the case.

"No… I mean yes," the blonde answered quickly. "I was afraid you wouldn’t want it." She leaned back, still in Xena’s warm embrace and wiped the happy tears from her cheeks. "It... I mean... Ares..." She began to stutter and Xena pressed two warm fingers against her rapidly moving lips.

"It might have been his body. But there was no one in our bedchamber that night but you and me, Gabrielle. This is our baby. Yours and mine." Her grin widened, showing off sparkling white teeth. And she dropped to her knees, pressing her lips against Gabrielle’s stomach.

The younger woman’s hands sank into the dark hair. As Xena gently kissing her abdomen and Gabrielle tilted her head skyward, closing her eyes and offering a prayer of thanks of her own.


The carriage stopped in the middle of the road. Gabrielle and Jarrod’s pale heads poked out of its windows, trying to figure out why they had stopped. When they couldn’t see anything, they settled back into their seats. Gabrielle looked at Nyssa, who turned her palms upward and gave a quick shrug. A few seconds later the door opened and Xena climbed in, closing the door behind her. Blue eyes scanned the small interior and Xena tossed the blanket that was lying next to Gabrielle across to Jarrod and Nyssa, knowing that once she snuggled in next to her partner she wouldn’t lack for body heat. Xena happily wedged herself between Gabrielle and the carriage wall, her hand immediately coming to rest on her wife’s swollen mid-section.

The Queen quirked a questioning brow.

"I thought I’d ride back here with my family. Palaemon reminded me that there wasn’t a rule that said the Conqueror can’t ride in the Queen’s carriage."

"Not without paying the price," Gabrielle teased before shifting for a kiss.

Jarrod groaned and rolled his eyes, flushing at his parents’ behavior. Of course, he was getting pretty used it.

Xena broke the gentle kiss reluctantly. She turned and gave her son a playful shove with her boot earning a giggle from him and his mother. "One of these days, my boy, you will understand. Won’t he, Nyssa?"

The young woman’s blush matched Jarrod’s. Her own wedding to Palaemon was only a few days away, and both the Lord Conqueror and the Queen took every opportunity to engage in a little good-natured teasing. She truly felt sorry for her betrothed, though. The Conqueror was downright merciless with him. "Yes, My Lord, he will." She put her arm around the boy and pulled him close.

"So, My Queen." Xena returned her attention to Gabrielle. "Do you think the village of Potadeia is ready for our return?"

"I doubt it." Gabrielle laughed, laying her hand on Xena’s, which was, of course, still on her belly. "I don’t think anyone is ever really ready for you to ride into town. I know I wasn’t." She placed a tender kiss on the cheek before her. "But I’m glad you did."

"Will we be staying at the inn?" Jarrod questioned, wondering if his friends would still be out and about town. Some of the boys had tormented him over his height and the fact that his mother worked at the tavern. He couldn’t wait for them to see him now. It wasn’t showing off... exactly. Besides, he wanted to tell everyone he was going to be somebody’s brother!

"No, lad. I had a house built for us near a certain apple orchard I know to be your and your Mama’s favorite spot. We’re going to stay there for a while, so your Mama can be close to your grandmother and Aunt Lila when your brother or sister is born."

"I can’t wait to see grandma again. I’ve missed her."

"So have I," Gabrielle agreed. She was disappointed that her mother and sister had insisted on living in the village, even when Xena had offered them a palace apartment. But her mother had assured her it was simply because the village was home. Gabrielle couldn’t dispute that fact. She’d found a home in her partner.


The house was modest compared to the palace but still spacious and beautiful, already appointed with servants hired from the village, who were eager for the steady employment and the prestige of working directly for the Lord Conqueror herself. In fact, it seemed that the entire community was enjoying a new peace and prosperity now that one of its own had become Queen to the Lord Conqueror. And they welcomed Gabrielle and her son back with open, if somewhat awestruck, arms. Times were good, and even the small towns scattered across the countryside seemed to have found new blood.

The winter had been mild, and the Conqueror’s troops hadn’t been involved in anything more than squashing an ambitious warlord or two since the attack on the palace last autumn. Peace was good for the land and her people.

Gabrielle speculated that most of that had to do with the Xena’s order that a number of small temples, whose upkeep would be paid for out of the national coffers, be built in honor of Gods other than Ares. And to avoid problems with the God of War, Xena made sure that the new temples were always smaller and less adored than his, while still being well maintained. To Gabrielle’s relief, Greece took the hint and temples never lacked for worshippers.

The blonde woman’s jaw dropped as she stared at the lovely home, trusting that Xena wouldn’t let her fall as she clumsily stumbled out the carriage door. "Xena, it’s beautiful." She’d caught a glimpse from the road, but it simply didn’t do the place justice. She wrapped her arm around Xena’s waist, her fingers gently stroking her lover’s supple, black leather vest.

"I’m glad you approve, love." Xena sighed in relief. She would reward the architect handsomely for putting that beautiful smile on her wife’s face. "I just want you to be happy and comfortable when the baby comes."

"Oh, do I have any choice?" Gabrielle grinned cheekily, standing on tiptoes to kiss her mate in their doorway. "You were right, Xena."

A raised eyebrow.

"You have indeed spoiled me like an old woman’s cat." Gabrielle’s smile was unrepentant. "And I do love it."


Xena, Gabrielle, and Autolycus stood by quietly with a few other members of the court and honored villagers while the priest performed the marriage rites for Palaemon and Nyssa.

The sunrise over the pond was beautiful and Xena truly hoped that her second-in-command and his young bride would find as much happiness here as she had. She wrapped her arms around Gabrielle, feeling a strong kick beneath one arm. "I love you, Mama Bear," she whispered, watching Jarrod pass Palaemon the ring he had chosen for Nyssa. "You think they’ll be as happy as we are?"

"Is Palaemon as messy as your are?" Gabrielle teased, her low spoken words far too quiet for anyone other than Xena to hear.

"Just as bad, from what his barrackmates say," the Conqueror played along.

"Well... then so long as Nyssa is as patient and wonderful as I am, they should be in Elysia."

A sharp tickle to her ribs caused Gabrielle to burst out laughing.

Xena clamped her palm over the Queen’s mouth and shot the scowling priest a look of wide-eyed innocence. "It’s the baby," she lied smoothly, filling the awkward silence that had taken over. "She kicks My Queen as though she were a gladiator in training."

The priest nodded skeptically and continued with the ceremony.

"She?" Gabrielle gave Xena’s hand a little nibble as it left her mouth.

"I am the Conqueror, you know. My instincts are impeccable."

"And yesterday when the baby was a boy?"

Xena smiled, unable to think of a snappy comeback. In fact, she considered, she smiled a lot now. "I love you, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle felt the arms around her tighten and she glanced over her shoulder, wanting to see Xena’s face. "I love you, too."

The look that greeted Gabrielle was contemplative. "You gave me back my life, you know. And the strength to continue to rule."

"You had it all along, Xena." Gabrielle tumbled helplessly under the spell of pale blue eyes, the wedding and the sound of the priest melting away. "I told you that when we first met."

Xena nodded. "You did. I just wasn’t sure I believed it."

Gabrielle turned in Xena’s arms, leaning forward and pushing upward until her forehead was pressed lightly against silky, dark bangs. She smiled. "It’s a good thing that I did then, isn’t it?"

"Yes, Ma’am." Xena laughed softly, tilting her head for a kiss.


Palaemon and Autolycus elbowed each other and laughed as Xena and Jarrod both paced back and forth outside the window of the room where Gabrielle was currently in labor.

Palaemon and Nyssa had been roused very early in the morning by a very flustered Conqueror beating on the door of their small cottage, which sat about a quarter mile behind the main house. She had sent Palaemon to fetch Hecuba so the Queen’s mother would be with her daughter during labor, and she’d enlisted a wide-eyed Nyssa to sit with the Queen herself.

Xena had been so nervous and full of energy that it hadn’t taken long for Gabrielle to order her out of the house, telling her not to return until the child’s six birthday. Xena knew she was only kidding. At least she hoped so. But she didn’t take the shoe that had sailed over her shoulder and crashed into the wall in front of her as a good sign. Now she and her son walked back and forth in endless circles, passing each other as they did, waiting to be called back into the house. They both would stop and grimace or moan in sympathy when a particularly loud cry of pain could be heard from the house.

The Conqueror looked down at the very worried Jarrod. She stopped walking and offered her open arms to him. He quickly wrapped his hands around her neck. "Is she okay?" His voice cracked with emotion.

"She’s fine, son." She’s fine... She’s fine.... She’s fine. "Babies just take a lot of time to get here," a grim memory of Solon’s birth surfaced and she pushed it away, "and unfortunately, it’s painful. But she’s fine. Otherwise the healer would have said something, right?"

Jarrod looked at her blankly.

Her head snapped toward Palaemon and Autolycus. "Right?!" she barked at the men, whose heads immediately bobbed up and down.

"Right! Absolutely," they confirmed in unison, each taking a large step away from Xena.

"That’s what I thought," Xena muttered, willing herself to believe it. She glanced back down at the freckle-faced boy. "Everything is fine and very soon you’ll have that little brother or sister you wanted."

It wasn’t long after that the silence outside was broken by the loud cry of a newborn baby. Xena kissed the top of Jarrod’s heard and thrust the boy at Palaemon, nearly tripping as she ran for the front door.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door of the bedchamber, not wanting to just rush right in. She mentally prepared herself to duck a shoe or anything else Gabrielle might find within reach. The door opened and Nyssa smiled, wordlessly slipping out past the Conqueror. Lila, who also was sporting a happy grin, followed the tutor. Xena’s neck craned as she tried to peer beyond the door and into the room. She was painfully aware that she hadn’t been invited in yet and was just about ready to march in despite that fact when she heard footsteps.

The healer came to the door, drying his hands on a rough-hewn cloth. "Please, My Lord, come in and see your wife and baby."

That was all it took. Xena bolted across the room to Gabrielle’s bedside as though her feet were on fire.

Gabrielle looked tired and a little pale, but very, very happy.

Xena let out a shuddering breath, and knelt. Taking her spouse’s hand, she watched anxiously as Hecuba carefully bundled up a pale-haired, wrinkled-skinned, squirming baby and brought it to the bed, placing it in Gabrielle’s arms.

"I’ll have someone bring you some broth, sweetheart." Hecuba kissed her daughter on the forehead and smoothed away wet bangs. Then she looked at Xena. "Congratulations, My Lord," she said, stubbornly ignoring her daughter’s multiple requests that she call her Xena when they were not in public. The older woman bent at the waist and gave Xena a soft kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Xena gaze dropped to Gabrielle and the now gurgling baby.

"Would you like to hold your son after his meal?" the Queen offered gently, absorbing the look of pure pleasure transforming her wife’s face.

"A boy?"

"A boy," Gabrielle confirmed with a tired grin, taking a moment to shift in the bed so she could offer the child her breast. He began suckling immediately enjoying his mother’s rich, warm milk. She closed her eyes and sighed. "So, what are we going to name him?"

Xena ran her hands through her hair, taking in the sight before her. Every other name she had considered over these past months flew right out the window. She cupped his small head, his tuft of blonde hair tickling her palm. "I think Leander is a very appropriate name given that first cry. He certainly sounded like a lion."

Gabrielle nodded. His lusty howl had nearly caused her to jump right out of her skin. Leander: like a lion. She chuckled softly. That was quite a roar. "Leander it is." She peered down into sleepy dark eyes. "He’s perfect, Xena."

"Of course, he is." Xena felt the beginnings of tears. "You’re his mother."


Xena held her son close to her as Gabrielle slept. A familiar tingle chased up and down her spine and she shook her head. "Life was going along too perfectly for it to last for long."

The God of War materialized right in front of her. "So," Ares glanced nonchalantly at the bundle in Xena’s arms, frowning at the blonde hair but grinning stupidly when dark brown eyes peered back at him. "That’s the little poop machine, huh?"

"No, this is my son." She placed a tender kiss on the baby’s forehead. "And don’t
you forget it, Ares."

"Oh, I won’t. But don’t I even get a little credit," he pouted. "I mean... come on! It was my body…"

Xena held up a hand to forestall what she could see was fast turning into a rant. "Okay, okay. You’re right." She made a face when his pout turned into a smug smile. "I guess that does sort of make you the Godfather."

The muscular God rolled his eyes. "So, Xena, how was it, being in command of all this?" He gestured to himself. "You have to admit, there are advantages to being male."

"Peeing standing up."

"Is a big one," he agreed instantly.

"What makes you think I don’t do that now?" she said drolly, beaming as Leander gripped her finger tightly and began shaking her hand.

Ares sighed dramatically. "You may be the Conqueror, Xena." He bit his lip as his gaze drifted down her lanky form, lingering on his favorite parts. "But you’re all woman."

"Give it up, Ares."


She narrowed her eyes and her grin turned wicked. "I did enjoy making him," she taunted, knowing full well that Ares’ attention had slid over to her beautiful, slumbering wife.

Ares looked back and needlessly tugged up his tight leather pants. "Listen, if you decide you ever want to take another crack at the baby thing, I’ll be happy…"

"Only if you loan your body to Gabrielle."

"Oh, please," he scoffed loudly, rolling his eyes yet again. "She couldn’t handle this body."

Xena burst out laughing, cradling the suddenly startled baby. "Wanna bet?"


Xena lay back on the lush grass under a tall, shady tree as she contentedly listened to Gabrielle and Jarrod splashing around in the pond. A light breeze blew her hair and the mid-day sun was still far from being uncomfortably hot. She laughed at Leander’s antics on the blanket spread out next to her. He was clapping and squealing every time his toes touched the prickly green grass at the blanket’s edge. And whenever he’d start crawling for his mama and brother, Xena would reach out and drag him back, causing him to laugh and squeal even more.

And, oh, he was a devious ten-moon-old. He would happily crawl across her chest, giving her a sloppy wet kiss as a means of distraction, while he tried to scramble off of her body and make his way to Gabrielle. Xena had already determined that he would be a world class tactician in no time, and was planning on giving him a gentle nudge in that direction. With Jarrod’s natural charm they would make an unstoppable team.

"C’mere, little man," she growled playfully, grabbing after a tiny, squirming, bare foot. Over the past few days he had started to try and push himself up to walk. Xena knew it wouldn’t be much longer, and she relished the thought of seeing him take those first steps. She had been blessed with a second chance at motherhood. And she was determined not to waste it.

These trips back to the village in the springtime appeared as though they were going to become a family tradition. And she wanted to talk to Gabrielle about staying for more than a week or so at a time. The thought of actually having family traditions warmed her from within. She scooped her son up in her arms, laughing when he grabbed her face and tried to bite her nose. "Be nice," she chastised, kissing his tiny snub nose.

The Queen joined them, panting slightly from her dash over, and drying her hair with a thick towel. "What’s he doing now?" she looked back at Jarrod who was still trying to master Xena’s fishing technique.

Xena let her son stand between her legs as she tossed her wife a robe. "He thinks my nose is a teething toy." She rubbed the body part in question.

Gabrielle slipped her robe on and gestured to her son, coaxing him to let go of Xena and come to her. "Come on, honey." She knelt and held out her arms. "Come to Mama. Come on."

Leander looked to Xena and gurgled, then his head swung back to Gabrielle. With a loud yell he pushed off Xena’s knees and took three very wobbly first steps right into Gabrielle’s arms.

A brilliant smile broke across the faces of two very proud mothers as Gabrielle hugged the boy tightly against her damp chest.

Yes, the Conqueror considered again, family traditions by this pond where going to be a very good thing.

And Gods willing, there would be many more of them for countless seasons to come.



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