~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Fifteen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Twenty-three:

“Sarah why?” Constantia was sitting up in bed regarding her close friend who had just informed her that Catherine was on her way and would be on the Island later this evening.

Sarah moved over to the beautiful serene view from outside of the window of her friend’s room and then turned back to face the clearly angry woman. “Consty you were calling for her. I didn’t think it would be a problem. I’m sorry.”

Constantia looked at her apologetic friend in quiet reflection. No Sarah would have thought she was doing something good for her; the woman didn’t have a hurtful bone in her body.

“That’s okay Sarah. I was out of it I suppose. The drugs the doctor prescribed have cleared that up as well as the vomiting. Now to gain back some strength and as we know, it is always difficult these days.”

“Oh, I’m so pleased that you’re well again Consty. I was worried, you did look really sick and you kept speaking about the strangest things, including Catherine.” Sarah sat on the side of the bed and placed a gentle hand on the frail one of her friend’s.

“Yes, Catherine. Now, what to do about her? She will not be happy that she’s coming here and I’m not either dead or dying.” Constantia spoke dispassionately. She hadn’t talked with her niece in over fifteen years and that had been a brief acknowledgement at Lucas’ funeral. God knows how maturity had faired with the rebellious child. She really had been rather selfish and unforgiving of situations.

“I’m sure you’re wrong Consty. She surely will not want to see you dead. You are her only family after all.” Sarah said her hand went to her mouth as she exclaimed them.

“You’re right. I’m being harsh on someone I do not know. The Catherine as a teenager and the woman today, I imagine, are poles apart. At least from what Adam described as well as the papers have provided for us, she obviously is different. You must promise me one thing when she gets here Sarah?” Constantia looked at her friend her eyes earnest in their regard.

“Anything Consty, you know that.” Sarah smiled and saw the look of concern briefly flash over the face of her friend.

“You are not allowed to mention that I need a wheelchair or the accident. Do you hear me?” Constantia spoke with a steel edge to her voice.

“But…but why?” Sarah said astonished at the proposed deceit.

“Because it is none of her concern. She will not stay long if she knows that the illness was not life threatening. So, I suspect she will leave the day after tomorrow.” Constantia smiled warmly at her friend and placed her thin frail hand on the top of the one on the bedspread.

“I will do as you wish Consty. I do not agree with you. She will be hurt that you do not tell her, if she has any of the Xianthos blood flowing through her veins. I think you misjudge her without cause.” Sarah replied quietly and lifted her free hand to wipe away an errant tear.

“Oh, Sarah, please do not cry. It will be fine. Remember that Catherine and I are very alike. I would suspect she would do exactly the same in my position.” The older woman spoke softly and she had no realisation that the words did indeed, reflect the truth.

“Will Lukas pick Catherine up at the ferry terminal? The boat arrives at around eight this evening?” Sarah finally asked.

“Yes, of course Lukas will collect Catherine. I’m not that cruel that I leave her to find her own way here. She is family as you so rightly pointed out to me. How about some tea, I think we could both use it.”

“Yes, good idea. They do say that tea is good for whatever ails you don’t they?” Sarah smiled and stood up, made for the door and her task of brewing the mentioned tea.

Constantia watched her friend leave. She sighed again. This time in contentment, for she knew that Sarah would not break that promise and when she informed Lukas, he would not either. It was for the best, she did not want Catherine’s pity! Her mind was annoyed about the visit of her niece, but her heart for some strange reason rejoiced at it.


Thompson was waiting for Kelsey to arrive at his office. He was late! Typical he was suspicious of the man himself but he didn’t know him and hopefully he wouldn’t have to put up with him for long, after all his involvement was simply to open doors in the community to find out as much as possible of Sally Clauser. He’d already done some research that would help and it looked like Clauser had left the country but that was up to the detective to find out for sure more his field of expertise.

James turned to observe the car park and see if his visitor had arrived yet and low and behold there was the man of his thoughts, chatting amiably with one of the actress’s passing by. It was clear that Kelsey was being a total asshole with the young woman who he suspected was just being polite. In this game you never knew who that person might be and it could be your chance for stardom in this very competitive town. James was about to call his secretary when a burly security guard was asking Kelsey his intentions and a smirk came over James’s face. The detective probably had to bring out his identification.  Perhaps, that would scoff any plans the man had of perhaps passing himself of as a producer or something equally ridiculous. Chuckling he sat down and waited for the arrival of the man.

Several minutes later Dan Kelsey was sitting opposite James Thompson. “Sorry I’m late, became distracted.” The detective offered as an explanation.

James stroked his clean-shaven chin and looked the unkempt man over. Did he have a change of clothes or had he slept in those he had on previously? “Yes, did it go by the name of blonde, leggy and cute?”

Kelsey looked at the man who seemed entirely serious. “Ha, well as it happens, yeah, it did. How did you know?”

“Call it an educated guess and leave it at that shall we.” James laughed inwardly.

“Yeah, fine with me. So what do you have for me?” Kelsey looked at the man, who again looked immaculate, with not a hair out of place.

“I found out where she last lived and her last known job. It is believed she has left the country. Beyond that, nothing much.” James replied, everything with a deadpan expression and almost choked on the laughter, he held back at the bug-eyed look, he received from Kelsey.

“Nothing much, hell man you might have just saved me hours, no days on this little number. Come on then, let me have the details. I will try and confirm if she really has left the country or rather who has!” Kelsey spewed the last couple of words.

James handed him the dossier and sat back in his chair observing the man. He could be quite attractive if he did something about his hair and the clothes. Hell the clothes would have to go! Shaking his head at the thought, he rose from the chair and went towards the door.

“I’ll be back in say half an hour. Diana will bring you coffee shortly.”

“Yeah, whatever!” the man was now engrossed in the dossier sifting through the precise details he had been given.

As James shut the door he muttered indistinctly, “You’re welcome and thanks!”


 “So the bitch is coming is she? About time!” Sally Clauser said to Fatama Spiros as they talked over lunch.

“A friend has confirmed that a Catherine Devonshire arrived in Athens yesterday and was scheduled to pick up the ferry for the Island early this morning. We believe she has done so.” Fatama said as she picked up an olive, bit into it, her face impassive as she spoke.

“Excellent. I knew if we made the old crone that sick without killing her, she would come. Catherine can be so predictable.” Sally sneered as she recalled the woman she hated and her stoic expressions, except on one occasion and that had been amusing also.

“Predictable? From what I have read, the woman is hardly predictable and is she really married to another woman?” Fatama had often thought that the Xianthos line was degenerative. Now it was fact if the papers were to be believed.

“Married to another woman, oh yeah, so I believe. But then she always was a stickler for doing the right thing. Guess she thought that was the right thing, but I suspect it can’t be doing her business much good. The other thing is that it makes her even more vulnerable, and I know exactly how to play to that particular vulnerability. I’ve done it before. I’m sure I can do it again.” A hollow laugh followed the comment.

“Well, if it comes to that, I’m sure you can. Why not just kill Constantia Xianthos. Surely it would have saved us the trouble later?” Fatama asked with interest her lined face carrying an inquisitive look.

“Ah, but if she died, Catherine might not have come here. If the old woman is sick, it will pull at those compassionate heartstrings of hers and she was guaranteed to come. Catherine Devonshire has gone soft since she met up with her lover. It will be a delight to inform the widow personally, that it was due to her influence that Catherine died. Now how deliciously desirable is that?” Sally Clauser smiled evilly. The thought was simply to good to forego. She would see to it that Jace Bardley knew, in no uncertain terms, that it was all her fault.

“You sound as if you know the other woman well?” Fatama was satisfied that her plans to see the demise of the Xianthos line happen in her lifetime and shortly. This woman beside her was a great ally and totally mad! What could possibly fail?

“Yeah, I have the pleasure of knowing her lover. She is nothing like what you would expect Catherine to fall for. An insipid blonde from California hardly reaches the other woman’s shoulders and she’s not the most intelligent woman on the block. I guess she must be good in bed, because there is not much else going for her.” Sally replied viciously.

“Well, I’m sure that is more detail than I actually required. Come! Let us enjoy our lunch. My daughter will be arriving back home soon and I want her to know the good news." Fatama soaked a piece of bread in the olive oil and relished the taste as Sally Clauser looked out over the Aegean Sea and thought of Catherine Devonshire.

‘It was going to be all over soon, all the heartache she’d suffered at Devonshire’s hands and, now! Now, to have the woman so near to her, and to end it was a dream come true! A spectacular moment in history for her anyway and this time there would be no mistakes. This time it would be the end. She deserved nothing less. A bullet to the head was going to be fine payment for her sins of the past…and who really would care? Ah, yes, the blonde might. However, she would find someone else and the kids she’d so called cared for, would be placed elsewhere. It really didn’t matter. There would be so many people glad the bitch was going to finally get her just desserts. She would be happy to deliver.’ Chuckling, she reached over and jabbed her fork viciously into the Greek salad.


The woman was listening to the irrelevant chatter in the elevator and was inordinately bored by it. Yet, it was the only way she was going to find out if the child she was seeking was here. So far today is seemed she wasn’t. It looked like she would be waiting another day. Mind you, she still had over two months to come up with the goods. She hoped she could deliver; it would be a real nice Christmas present for someone. Well, someone that paid anyway. To the family of the child it might be a little different. However, that had no relevance to her, it never had and never would. The child was just a commodity on the market like any other commodity. It had its price and that was all there was to it.

As her floor came up the elevator doors opened and she pushed past the two women in the carriage with her. “Hey, haven’t you any manners?” the talkative one of the two said annoyed at being pushed in the back.

“Sorry, never saw you.” Came back a sarcastic reply, as the woman was certainly not thin and if she were being cruel, she would have said she was built with the side of a house in mind. But she wasn’t that cruel…today at any rate.

“I should think so!” the other woman snorted apparently not hearing the sarcasm in the voice.

“Have a good day ladies.” The woman quipped as the doors closed.

Walking down the exceptionally clean corridor to her apartment, she smiled wickedly at the thought of having a cool three million dollars in the bank at Christmas. Nice. Very nice. Her lifestyle was expensive, but unobtrusively so. She smiled at the thought of her meek manner and solid background that hid a dark evil secret to the outside world. For not many knew she was part of a child-kidnapping ring that would literally kidnap any child for the right price. She had certainly achieved her quota in the past ten years, since coming to this part of the country. Never had she been questioned by police or even considered as a potential candidate in any of the cases. The irony of it was, she had actually been called to several of the cases on a professional basis. It had been interesting to say the least, when you watched the child’s parents plead for their child to be brought back safely. She knew all along where they were; life certainly had a subtle way of dealing with issues. Laughing at her thoughts, she put the key in the door and let herself into the apartment.

The room was cold, but light. It felt like a show home rather than a comfortable one to settle down into at the end of a weary day. Walking over to the stand, which held one of her answer machines, she looked down and noted that there were three messages. She pressed the retrieve button and as she removed her outer coat she listened intently.

“Hi, you’ve had two weeks, do you have any news? Call me.” The message was short and precise. No names passed along, it was a message she expected, for the man did get uptight. However, when a five million deal was on the table it wasn’t a surprise at all.

“When are you going to call your mother back? It’s been over a month. Please darling, call me. I hate it when you leave it this long. You could be in trouble or even dead and how would I know? Please call me, I love you.” A wry smile crossed the woman’s face as she could picture her mother in that middle class suburban home cooking her father his evening meal and wondering who was coming over for bridge.

‘Well, mom I’m already in trouble. You just don’t know it yet and long may that last.’ She chuckled at the thought of the outrage from her father and the total shock and horror of her mother.

“Hey out of Towner, we need you on a new case. The ‘Devlin kid’ who was kidnapped a year ago has turned up in the sewer, not a pretty sight. Want you to go out and talk to the parents. We know how sympathetic you can be, see you there.” Her boss was as always right; she was sympathetic and it served her purpose. Pity about the kid though, he obviously didn’t come up to scratch. Oh well, that happens too.

Snatching back up her raincoat she collected her car keys that she placed on the side table and she went back out the door she had just entered. ‘Hope the two gossips have left. It would be nice to have the elevator all to herself just for a few minutes anyway; need to get the compassionate persona back in place.’ Smiling she headed for the elevator and her normal role in society.


Catherine was about ready to hail a taxi as she stood on the jetty waiting to be collected by someone named Lukas Dimitrie, her aunts business personal assistant. He was now late.

She looked at the island or what she could see of it. It had fascinated her as she watched the lights appear to twinkle like stars in the sky. The ferry edged closer to the small bay opening and finally rested at the jetty and off loaded it’s four passengers and several crates and packages. Her mother had often spoken of the island of her birth with great delight, but a touch of sadness in her eyes. They had talked when she was a child about going back there one day, but their father had been adamant that it was to early to consider returning. They had gone to another destination. Constantia had never mentioned it at any time they had lived together. Although her mother had said that Constantia had great influence on the island, even at that early stage in her life. She was after all the eldest daughter, but it had meant nothing to the young Catherine and even now, she knew very little about Xianspiros or it’s relevance to her family history.

A vehicle screeched to a halt at the edge of the road yards from the jetty and a tall blonde haired, very good-looking man stepped out and walked towards her swiftly.

Catherine watched him approach, not sure if he was the person she was going to meet, or just someone arriving to collect a parcel. She would wait and see. The man walked towards her and he inclined his head and spoke several sentences in Greek to the captain of the ferry.

Within a minute the man was at her side and he extended a hand, “Catherine Devonshire?” his voice had a wonderful sexy resonance that she was sure most women would simply adore to listen to anytime of the day or night. Pulling out of her reverie of the mans' voice, she turned her glacial stare on him, he was after all, late.

“Yes. Are you Lukas Dimitrie?” Catherine responded and gave his hand a firm shake and relinquished it almost immediately.

Lukas looked at a younger version of his godmother Constantia Xianthos. If he didn’t know better he would have said this woman in front of him was her daughter. “I am. I apologise for being late. I had to take a long distance call and it went on rather longer than I anticipated.” The man offered as an apology.

Catherine looked into the brown eyes and saw the sincerity there and she smiled briefly, “Yes, I know how that one goes, believe me.”

“Please, I will take your case and we will go directly to the Xianthos Villa. Your aunt is waiting to see you.” Lukas replied and he looked long and hard at the tall beautiful woman in the half-light of the jetty lamps.

“Lead the way, I’m waiting to see my aunt too. How is she?” Catherine asked almost forgetting for the moment the real reason for her being here.

“As well as can be expected.” Was the simple reply conveying nothing to the recipient?

The drive to the villa was markedly quiet from both parties. Catherine was exhausted. She hadn’t had that much time in between her journey from the States to her home; for within forty-eight hours, she was back travelling half way round the world to some insignificant Greek island. Lukas was silent because he didn’t know what to say to this woman who had shunned her aunt for years and brought shame on the Xianthos name in many ways. She would not be welcome here unless Constantia made it known she was welcome. Her reluctance to let her niece know of her infirmity spoke volumes to him and to the rest of the island, for they would find out. You could not keep things quiet on small islands no matter how clever you thought you were.

The villa was perched on a hillock overlooking the town on the west face with the Sea on the south. It was a breathtaking scene. The building looked like it would have hundreds or could it be thousands of years ago, truly spectacular!

“It’s amazing.” Catherine said quietly her voice awed at the sight.

Lukas smiled warmly at the appreciation from the woman at his side. He too loved the villa and it wasn’t so much the building, but what it represented, the history, culture and tradition of the island, but one family in particular.

“Yes, Constantia had the villa restored to its’ heyday. The building itself is centuries old. Your family have lived here for generations, but you would know that of course.”

Catherine turned to look at the man. Was he being facetious or simply stating what he considered to be fact? She was too tired to consider anything but fact. “I would of course.” Catherine said enigmatically.

Lukas pressed an electronic device on his dashboard and the gates opened automatically. Driving through, he pressed the device again and the gates closed behind them.

For Catherine this should have felt as if she was being put in a prison without escape, but her heart was telling her that she should not fear the place. It was a place she could call home if she so wished!

The villa from a distance looked amazing. However, its’ attention to detail on closer inspection was even better and she almost wished it were morning, so she could see it’s splendid features now.

“Welcome Catherine Xianthos to the villa Xianthos, the home of your ancestors and the true home of all who bear the name Xianthos.” Lukas stated solemnly and walked with her case towards the marble steps leading to an ornate wrought iron gate. The gate opened out onto a courtyard in terracotta stones, with a large water fountain depicting the Greek goddess Aphrodite as its centrepiece. Looking around her and at the large plants that complimented the scene, Catherine’s thoughts drifted to Jace and the wonder she was sure she would see out of her partner’s eyes, if she ever had the chance to see this. It brought an acute pain to her chest as she realised the foolishness of her leaving without at least saying the words ‘I love you’ to her partner.

The man was waiting for her, having stopped at the heavy door that was inlaid with a gold pattern, which was difficult to describe in the half-light of the courtyard. Tomorrow, she would see it all.

Walking inside the marble floored hallway of the main villa, she was once again awed by the simple opulence of the features that had been lovingly restored, as well as the furnishings. Although simple, they perfectly matched with the more elaborate architecture and murals that defined the building. Catherine walked further inside. Immediately she felt at ease, something that totally surprised her. She wanted to consider that point carefully, but as her mind tried to grasp the feeling and interpret it, someone walked down the large ivory and black marble staircase.

“Catherine?” Sarah Rogers exclaimed in sincere welcome, the woman before her looked so like Consty when she was younger.

“Yes, Sarah?” Catherine smiled at the older woman, who must be in her late forties or early fifties now. Hadn’t she gone to work for her aunt when she and her brother first went to live with Constantia over what…it must be twenty-eight years ago, surely?

“Lukas turn on the main lights please. It is so dark out here and I want to see how Catherine has grown up.” Sarah smiled at the man.

He duly complied and the hallway flooded with bright light that made them all blink several times before they could focus properly.

Catherine stood and watched with a silent smile as the two others in the hall now looked at her. Their faces each mirrored shock at the traces of scars on her left cheek, the blindness in the left eye which refused to co-operate with her when she wanted to look at someone. It always let her down when she was tired and she was definitely tired. “Would someone show me to my room so I can freshen up before seeing my aunt? After travelling all day, I’m in need of a quick shower.”

Sarah was dumbstruck. It was all well and good for Consty to keep her secrets, but it looked like Catherine had done a wonderful job of doing exactly the same.

“My dear of course. Of course. How very rude of me to keep you waiting so. I was just…I’m pleased you came Catherine.”

“Thanks.” Catherine smiled genuinely at the older woman who looked a little nervous now. Her injuries, however well she’d tried to disguise them did sometimes caused disconcertion in others.

Catherine had been shown into a large room that had a wonderful four-poster bed, which had to have been custom made, as it was enormous. You usually found them to be small into the bargain. They might look good, but when you shared them, well you really had to like the person you were in the bed with. Her eyes teared up as she thought of how Jace would look in the bed and the image made her heart beat increase. The sheer thought of her was enough to bring on the passion. Going over to the window, her view overlooked the bay and its inky blue surface mirrored the lights from the town, a true picture for the artist or the poet in anyone. Her mind once again drifting towards the image of her partner and the acute loss of not having her held in her arms with this wonderful view.

Half an hour later she was showered and had a change of clothes and she was ready to see her aunt and all that would bring!

Chapter Twenty-four


Jake was a little easier after his heart to heart talk with Jace yesterday after Catherine left the ranch.

He had cried for the first time since the kidnapping over a year ago. As Jace had held him in her arms, she was finally sure that the path she was taking to adopt this child and the wonderful little girl inside the house was the right choice and the only choice.
“Will she still love me when she comes home Jace?” the boy gulped down tears with his spoken words.
Jace smiled tenderly into his hazel eyes, in which she saw the vulnerability there. It reminded her of another who had expressed the same emotion out of ice blue orbs.
“Yes, she will Jake. We all have words from time to time. Sometimes they hurt the person we love and all we want to do is say sorry and be forgiven.”
“Has it happened to you and did they forgive you?” Jake asked quietly, his tears now a mere trickle down his cheeks.
“Yes, Jake.  It happened to me and it was the worse time of my life. Actually, I was lucky they forgave me and still loved me beyond all the faults and the hurtful words that passed between us.” Jace was reminded of the day she came back to Destiny, had walked into the study and saw the only person who would ever be important in her life. It was so simple really.
“Was that the day you came home?” Jake’s looked at her with a small grin, and she responded with a smile of her own.
“You’re far to clever for us, both you and Lisa, whatever will we do in a few years time?” Jace chuckled and heard a chuckle emit from the boy also. “Yes, that was the day I came home, because Jake, whatever else, I do love Catherine. She’s home for me no matter where she may be.  A part of me will always be with her no matter the distance between us. I hope she remembers that, for I wasn’t too happy with her either today.” Jace admitted and saw the boy raise an eyebrow and it reminded her of her partner as nothing else could.
“I guess Catherine gets to forgive us both then, Jace. So, I’m in good company?” Jake questioned wickedly.
“Yes Jake, I guess that’s right. You are in good company and all I wish is, for her to be safe, well and that she comes home soon.” Jace hugged the boy to her and felt all the muscles that Grace had been joking about, he really was filling out.
“Can I come home Jace?” Jake gave her a pleading look and she saw the wistful expression in his eyes.
“Don’t you like it here?” Jace asked astonished that he wouldn’t like living with Colin and Grace. They loved him as much as Catherine and she did.
“Oh no, it’s not that at all. But I miss the girls and my room.  I want to come home please, Jace?”
Jace looked at him and her green eyes watered as she tried to stop the flow, but couldn’t.
“Come on young man. Lets go talk to Grace and get your stuff. It’s time you got to tease your sisters.” Jace offered him her hand as she hauled herself off the hay bale they had been sitting on.
Jake accepted the hand with a large grin plastered on his face.  Suddenly, he hugged the woman who was now smaller than he was. “I love you Jace.” The boy whispered into her ear and then ran out of the stables towards ranch foreman’s house.
Bemused Jace watched him run like the wind. Smiling, she said softly to the now empty stable, “The feeling is mutual Jake.” She left the stable to follow her boy and bring him home where he belonged.

She now watched him with Elena sitting on his knee and Lisa at his feet. He was telling them a story about how Zeus the Greek god sent thunderbolts down on the people at the bottom of Mount Olympus. It was a sight that depicted a family in harmony. There was but one important member was missing…and as if on cue, Lisa asked an interesting question.

“Jace, Catherine won’t have to be saved from thunderbolts will she?” Lisa looked at her expectantly and Jake smiled and played with the dark locks of hair that had fallen over Elena’s face as she continued giggling at the tall boy she loved to play with.

“No, darling. I certainly hope not. But if she does, I’m sure she will just send them right back.” It had been the right answer, for Lisa smiled and nodded her head and nudged Jake to continue.

 ‘You better not have to defend yourself against thunderbolts Catherine. However, if you do, I’m going to be there right alongside you watching your back,’ the very thought brought a smile to her face as she pictured the romantic scenario, just like something in the movies or TV.


Catherine was shown to her aunt’s room and was surprised at the size of the place. It was enormous. She wondered why her aunt wanted all the space in one area. It was evident that it wasn’t the original size of the room. Sarah had opened the door, but discreetly left immediately.

Catherine walked inside and closed the door on the two women.

Catherine’s heart was racing for all the wrong reasons. She felt as if she was a ten year old again, visiting the aunt, who they had only ever seen twice a year and now she was going to take care of them for good. Here she was thirty-eight and she felt as gauche and timid that she remembered being all those years before.

“Catherine?” a strong voice that hadn’t changed at all asked from the confines of a bed that was much the same size as the one in her room, except this one was very modern and obviously could move position.

Walking over to the bed Catherine came face to face with one of the demons of her past, or a perceived demon at any rate; damn, she wished that Jace were with her.

If Catherine was shocked at the pale and clearly frail woman in the bed, Constantia suffered the same shock at the injuries that were still evident with Catherine as well.

“How are you feeling aunt?” Catherine finally found her voice. She hoped it sounded far more confident than how she was actually feeling.

“Sarah as usual over reacted, I’m going to be fine. It was a wasted journey for you Catherine.” Constantia stated, her years of being in control of her emotions coming into full force. When actually, all she wanted, was to put her arms around the young woman before her who had obviously suffered some terrible accident.

“Perhaps, time will tell. What has the doctor diagnosed?” Catherine moved closer and stood towering over the woman in the bed.

“Sit please, Catherine. You look far to intimidating, standing over me like an avenging angel.” Constantia wasn’t particularly intimidated. But she wanted to see the child better and with her sitting in the chair close to the bed, that would serve its purpose.

“Fine, so tell me?” Catherine’s voice moved up an octave.

“The doctor has said it was a bad case of food poisoning and that I’m to rest. However, in a couple of days, I should be well again. Does that answer your question?” Constantia had been taken back at the woman’s insistent question. She was certainly different to how she imagined her to be. There was arrogance to the woman before her and she certainly wasn’t the patient type.

“Yes, so effectively, I came here under false pretences?” Catherine paused and considered her own words.

“No! Sarah was never that malicious Catherine. You and I may have been in the past, but she never has in her life.” Constantia defended the honour of her friend.

“Sorry, it’s been a long day.” Catherine accepted the rebuke and gave a heavy sigh.

“I’m sorry also to bring you this far from your…what do you call the person in your life?” Constantia wasn’t sure what was appropriate and if it was even true, for the papers had been known to lie.

“Jace, you can call her Jace. Yes it wasn’t the best of leave taking, but it was an inevitable conclusion at the moment in my life.” Catherine’s voice sad and edged with the loneliness she felt without her partner.

“She means a great deal to you?” Constantia had seen the look of devotion pass over the face, which she had to admit, did look remarkably like her in her youth.

“Yes. She does. She is the most important person in the world to me. Although I’m sure you’re not interested in my current lifestyle.” Catherine remarked bitterly.

Constantia shook her silver hair at the woman, her posture one of defeat. “You haven’t changed have you Catherine? Deep down you’re still that angry child that lost both parents on the day your mother died and you haven’t forgiven me, your father or yourself for that have you?”

“I don’t know what you mean Aunt. I’m no longer a child.” Catherine turned her head to one side and regretted it as Constantia observed the scars more closely.

“What happened to you Catherine? Why was there no mention of your accident in the papers?” Constantia was upset and her voice must have reminded Catherine of an earlier experience as she flinched at the harsh tone. Constantia saw the flinch although, Catherine tried to hide it as her head turned sharply and ice blue eyes met across the bed space between them.

“That’s surely my private affair. When have you been interested in what happened to me?” the voice accusing.

This time Constantia flinched at the words. What had she done all those years ago to face such bitterness? All she’d done was accept responsibility for her sister’s children when their father left with a broken heart. They would never have a life with him. He was a shell of a man. At least she still had love in her heart, albeit it hidden away. “I’ve always been interested in your welfare from a distance. You certainly didn’t want it directly, as we both know.”

“You’re right. I didn’t and who’s to say I have changed. You and I are poles apart Constantia. Let it remain so. Why go through the motions for the sake of blood?” Catherine spoke in a tone she used in her business meetings, completely without emotion.

Constantia saw the stoic expression settle on the beautiful if marred face. Had she ever found someone to bring the features alive, as they should be? “Would you please allow me the benefit of trying to bring those poles a little closer, if only for the sake of your mother?”

Catherine considered the question and Constantia thought that she had totally clamed up until she spoke in a soft voice. “Jace would be unhappy if I did not at least try.”

“Are you really happy with…Jace?” Constantia saw the tender expression cross the stoic face.

The mask that Catherine was renowned for fell away and left behind a woman who had found love and a measure of peace in a turbulent life.

“Yes. She’s the woman I love. The mother of my children and she means simply everything to me.” Catherine expounded with warmth, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind, that she meant every word.

Constantia raised an expressive eyebrow and Catherine frowned that was so familiar she wondered why?

“I’m sorry Catherine. But I thought you only had Lucas and he died with Adam?” the woman watched as pain momentarily etched those features again.

“My birth son yes, died with Adam. My soon to be adopted children have the same hold over my heart that Lucas did.” Catherine waited for a scathing retort from her aunt and was surprised when a different one emerged.

“How many children do you have?”

“Oh, didn’t the papers tell you that little gem? I was the talk of the tabloids for sometime I believe.’ Catherine saw the look of censure she received for her remark. The look suitably chastising she answered the question. The damn woman always made her feel like a child of ten. “Jake is twelve going on twenty.  Lisa is nine and quite a handful. The baby is Elena, and she is fifteen months old.”

Constantia sucked in a painful breath at the younger child’s name.

“You named the youngest after your mother?”

“No, I didn’t. Jace did. It’s her daughter……no our daughter. I just agreed. She said it would hopefully bring the child closer to me if she had the name of someone I loved.” The words stilted and quietly spoken into the heavily charged room.

“Your Jace sounds like a very astute and compassionate woman.” Constantia would have liked to meet the woman who had effectively tamed the beast within her niece.

“That’s right, she is and I’m very grateful that she came into my life.” Catherine sighed heavily and stood up and walked towards the window, her thoughts on the blonde with the warm smile and twinkling green eyes.

There was a soft knock on the door and Sarah popped her head inside, “Anyone care for a cup of tea?”

Constantia smiled with relief at her friend, “Yes Sarah, tea would be wonderful for me. What about you Catherine?”

“Tea sounds great to me also. I think I need some.”

“Be right back then and I’ll bring you something light to eat Catherine I’m sure you’re hungry as well.  We can’t have you saying we starve our guests can we?” she laughed and closed the door as she went on her errand of making the tea.

That left two women alone with their thoughts. Neither wanting to carry on the previous conversation, after all, what was there to say?

Continued in Part 16

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