~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Thirty-four

Captain Travis was seated opposite the tall stunning raven-haired woman that he had heard about and seen pictures of, but was completely speechless when he actually came face to face with her. Her physical presence dwarfed anyone else’s in the same room and when she spoke, she dominated the conversation. It was fortunate that she didn’t say much. However, she certainly thought a lot by the concentration that flashed continuously over her expressionless features. Then his eyes strayed to the girlfriend of Devonshire who was seated to his left on a large comfortable looking two-seater sofa.

The blonde looked young and she was a very pretty woman also, not as stunning as her friend, but one of those that over time you found her to have that simple beauty that grew on you. Her green eyes were very expressive and she kept them averted from their prying eyes, but if you looked at her discreetly as she looked faithfully towards the tall woman when she spoke, reflecting a love and strength that the other woman acknowledged silently.

Dusterly was seated to his right and was looking at the letter that she held in her hands after he had made the necessary introductions and they had been shown to the study for privacy.

“You have news I hope Captain, preferably good news?” Catherine spoke her tone stilted.

Travis cleared his throat and looked directly into the all-seeing ice blue eyes of the woman opposite him, who looked calm and undisturbed by the events happening in her life or that’s how it looked.

“News… unfortunately I haven’t. Detective Delaney was supposed to meet us here; he’s obviously been waylaid. My main reason for the visit was to ensure you Ms. Devonshire that we are trying our up most to bring about the safe return of your child and bring the perpetrator to justice.”

Catherine inclined her head and she gave him a penetrating stare that un-nerved him, but he remained rooted to his seat and didn’t move as she assessed the sincerity of his words. “When you put our little girl into my wife’s arms or mine, you can be certain you will have done your job, until then I will keep that particular comment under scrutiny.” Her words acid and she turned her profile slightly so that she could take in the reaction of the woman at the detectives’ side, who he’d addressed as Ms. Dusterly and nothing more.

Serena Dusterly was watching the interaction between the two of them and it made her smile briefly as she realised who was the one in control here and it certainly wasn’t Travis! Her hands once again flexed against the copy of the letter she held and her expression became thoughtful at its contents.

“You appear to find something funny Ms. Dusterly, care to share the joke?” Catherine had caught the woman’s smile and was annoyed.

Serena Dusterly choked on her words as she glanced at the hawk like profile before her and then realised that the woman was partially blind. “Funny? No, not funny. I would like to ask you a question about the letter you received though?” A sharp exclamation was heard from the blonde seated in the corner of the room and she noticed that Devonshire had a guilty look appear on her face.

“Catherine what does she mean a letter you received? Why don’t I know about it? What does it say?” Jace asked urgently and stood up to her five feet four inches and glared at her partner.

Catherine swallowed hard and moved from her position at the desk to stand inches from the obviously upset and angry blonde, the other two in the room momentarily forgotten.

“I can explain Jace.” The words tumbled out pathetically.

“Explain Catherine.” Jace’s tone demanding.

Travis and Dusterly looked at each other with surprised expressions on their faces.

“I received a letter from…” she turned to the Captain who nodded in her direction. “The person we believe kidnapped Lisa… But it’s not clear and I’m not taking any notice of it Jace. We will ride this one out together!” Catherine responded desperately closing her eyes and hoping that Jace understood.

“Let me see it?” Jace held out her hand towards the other woman in the room, who meekly rose from her chair and passed the document to the blonde.

Catherine shuffled nervously around on her few square inches of the carpet as Jace read the contents. Her eyes looked down at her feet moving around waiting for a response from her partner.

Travis was amazed that the small blonde could have such a… hell of an effect, was all he could think of at the moment on the stoic woman stood before her, must be some relationship.

Jace looked at the bowed head of her partner and saw at this close range the grey hairs that were now appearing in the thick of her head. With this additional strain there were certain to be more making their presence known on that beautiful head of hair that she loved. Placing a hand out gently she lifted up the chin of her partner. “I have to go home, don’t I?” The words came softly, spoken gently and with understanding.

Catherine gazed tearfully at her partner when had she suddenly taken on the mantle of strength? For this was an inner strength to walk away and leave when they had no clues regarding their missing daughter!

“Not, if you don’t want to Jace. We can try to overcome those odds too.” Catherine replied slowly, leaving Jace in no doubt that she was wanted here, that she could stay and they would work together on this.

“If I stayed and the message is correct, we would be putting Elena in danger also. And who will protect her? We can’t know what these people will do Catherine. They might just kill her outright and we would be without both of our daughters.” Jace responded practically, her heart breaking at the thought of leaving Catherine to face this alone.

Catherine choked out a sob and pulled the blonde into a tight warm hug as she rested her chin on the blonde head. “They would have hurt you first Jace, according to the letter and I can’t accept that.  To allow that prospect would kill me too, we both know that. I can protect you Jace and Elena if you stay.” Catherine softly responded into the blonde hair as she tenderly kissed the top of Jace’s head.

“My darling, I know you will and I would protect you unto death itself, but one daughter in this tragedy is enough, don’t you think? If my leaving with Elena will allow you and the police to track down our daughter faster and without further risk to the family, isn’t that the best thing for us to do this time around Catherine?” Jace looked up and saw the tears that traced the high cheekbones and gave the skin a luminous effect. Her fingers reached up between them as she gently smoothed away the waterfall in tender concern. Her own tears threatening, but she held on to them for the sake of her partner’s already fragile emotional state.

Catherine took a shuddering breath and gave her partner a look of pure adoration and love that Jace wanted to scream that she wouldn’t leave her again. This time however, it was the right thing to do! Wasn’t it? “I’ll arrange the flight once the police have gone.” Her response subdued and emitting a loneliness that broke Jace’s heart.

Her smaller hand was placed in the large one as they turned to the captive audience in the room.

Catherine stood erect and without a trace of the emotional breakdown she had just spent in her partner’s arms. “I’m sorry Captain, Ms. Dusterly please ask your questions.”

Jace felt proud of Catherine as she stood there in complete control to everyone… but her. As she said the stilted words Jace felt the tremor in her hand as she held it. Jace squeezed the large hand gently in response to their mutual pain and knew that though her heart would break when she left her partner this time, they had made the choice as a team. It was the right choice even if it would be terribly lonely and cold inside her soul until they could be together again.


Kelsey looked at the immaculately dressed Californian, thinking about what the woman he’d taken to bed had said about Thompson. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he concentrated on the task in hand. They didn’t have much time.

“Will you help me?” Kelsey asked Thompson shortly, he’d managed to find the house of the producer and it was a ramshackle looking building, but probably worth a fortune in this city.

James Thompson had been annoyed when the unkempt looking detective had appeared on his doorstep and said he had some news that was important. He reluctantly let him inside the building and went into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.

“What’s the problem?”

“Catherine wants the whereabouts of Hudson or Clauser as she’s currently being called. In twenty-four hours, well actually twenty-two now and she said she will cover whatever it takes. I need help.  I haven’t the contacts, but you might have and you can certainly use your studio image to get the information faster as it does seem to open doors.” Kelsey smiled briefly as he thought of the willing woman who was happy to share his bed just for an interview.

“That’s not reason enough to help you Kelsey. To be frank, I don’t like you! Your attitude stinks. You’re obnoxious and you dress like a tramp and that’s just for starters!” Thompson finally spit out at the man who looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“I’m not asking you out on a date Thompson. I’m asking for your help in tracking down the woman who wants to do harm to a mutual friend and she might have already done some damage already.” Kelsey remarked quickly. He didn’t want to enrage the man, he needed him and he could be charming if he needed something desperately.

James Thompson snorted his disgust at the thought of a date with the man in front of him. “What damage might already have been done?” He sipped from his coffee cup as he eyed the man over the rim of the cup.

Kelsey looked at him and noticed he hadn’t been invited to coffee. Shrugging, he stood silently for a minute and then answered. “Lisa her eldest daughter has been kidnapped in New York and she wants to speak to Hudson. It is as simple as that really.” He was unprepared for the look of shock and horror that crossed the other man’s face at the news.

“Are you okay?” Kelsey had seen people break down before, but he hadn’t expected it here. Just how close was this man to Catherine and her family.

Struggling to maintain his composure, James turned away from the man and peered out of his kitchen window and saw the shadows of night flickering around the small entrance light in the yard.

“Yes, yes I’m fine. Kelsey have a coffee, we have work to do.” The words clipped and emotionless, but his stomach was churning at the picture that he had in his head of the small girl that was so vibrant and happy it was a shock. He hoped that they could help, he really did!

Kelsey moved over to the coffeepot and poured himself a coffee, then sat down at the kitchen table waiting for the other man to join him as they planned a strategy that would gain the result they needed.


Travis had been impressed at the way Dusterly had handled her questions. He was puzzled, not for the first time, why she allowed the authorities to manoeuvre her into a position where her only option was to quit.

“I shouldn’t be saying this and you won’t hear it again, but I think you should ask Ms. Devonshire to take your rather unique talents onto her employ for this case.” Travis held open the door for Dusterly to enter his car.

She did not hesitate at his words outside the car, but gazed at him, her interest piqued eagerly.

“What exactly do you mean Captain? You already have a profiler on the case. Surely that would be a clash of personalities? Why would Ms. Devonshire want to utilize me anyway?” she reasoned with emphasis on her question.

“Clash of personalities are a part of living Ms. Dusterly and as to the other, well you know more about this case than anyone, even Delaney. He has been on all the abductions from day one. I like your reasoning Dusterly and so will she. If I could do something myself, I would. We certainly don’t have the time for the red tape. So, I suggest that tomorrow morning you get your pretty ass back here and plead for a job. Because if anyone can find the bastards, I believe you can!” Travis motioned for her to get inside the vehicle and he shut the door on the astonished face of the woman the all knowing grin covered his face as he went round the front of the car and flopped himself behind the wheel.

“I will.” Serena whispered into the empty car and gave Travis a smile as he got in the car beside her and they headed back to her apartment.


Catherine was pacing the VIP departure lounge four hours after the police had left her apartment. The flight was due to take-off shortly and Elena had boarded the aircraft with her grandmother, who was going to New Zealand with Jace. Jason Bardley had declined Catherine’s offer to go along with the other members of his family.

Jason had already discussed the subject with Jace. He had simply stated Catherine might need some moral support at some stage and if she wasn’t here. Who better than the father-in-law? Jace had hugged him hard for his compassion at their predicament and felt genuinely proud that he was her father and her partner would welcome that support as well, she was sure of it.

Jace looked at the pacing figure of her partner and she remembered back to a time when pacing had been for a totally different reason, but involved Lisa also.

Catherine, she’s going to be okay, look at her go.” Jace chuckled as she watched the pensive face of her partner, who was watching their eldest daughter drive the go-kart around and around the circuit on the outskirts of town.
Stopping her pacing near the closest barrier to the circuit, she noticed the other side had old rubber tires attached by string to prevent damage to the barrier, and hopefully diminish the effects of an accident, if that happened.
“I never wanted her to do this; that child gets her own way far too much.” Catherine muttered and began her pacing again as she watched the child spin around on the track, but miraculously gain control. Catherine’s heart rate doubled at the sight and she gave a heavy sigh of frustration watching her child partake in a dangerous activity of which she didn’t particularly approve.
Grace had mentioned that she wanted to take Lisa racing the go-karts. Catherine had disapproved at first, and then had finally acquiescent when Lisa, Jace and Grace had bombarded her with the request. ‘What was it about these three women that could make her resolutions turn to jelly. Damn them!’
Now Grace was at the make shift pit stop, where close by at the fence Catherine continued her pacing back and forth, as Jace merrily watched the event with pleasure. Their child had a streak in her that couldn’t be tamed. She hoped it never would. It was an integral part of her character and she loved life.
“She does not Catherine…  and hey, riding a horse is as dangerous as this, if not more so when I watch the children and you ride away.” Jace calmly stated and was pleased when the pacing stopped and Catherine turned to her in outraged dignity.
“It certainly is not! Our children are perfectly safe on the horses. They have had the best training possible. And I, for your information have diplomas to prove my equestrianism.” Catherine stated proudly and watched as Jace burst out laughing.
“Well, my darling, I’m really pleased about that; we wouldn’t want you falling off, now would we? So please lover, relax and enjoy our daughters prowess behind… a little more horsepower… shall we say?” Jace giggled as those dark eyebrows of her partners hit the forehead and she sighed heavily and turned back to the scene of her daughter driving around like a maniac.
A little later, one dirt smudged faced child came running over to them and was caught by Catherine, who lifted up the light girl. “Hey, princess you’re not on the circuit now. Calm down a little please.” Kissing the top of the red head as she held the child to her. Now she was happy. The child was safe in her arms and no damage done except for a dirty face.
“It was wonderful Catherine and exactly what I thought it would be. No! It was better than that. I loved it. May I do it again tomorrow, please?” Lisa was so excited she spluttered the words out and Jace couldn’t help but laugh at the child’s excited face and at her partner’s rather pensive one; which had turned a little pale at the mention of another torturous session tomorrow.
“Lisa, how about we come over once a week. It was a little nerve wracking watching you take those corners.” Jace placated the child, knowing that Catherine wouldn’t know how to answer her.
Catherine looked across at her partner in grateful thanks at the suggestion.
“Oh! Jace, were you scared for me?  I was okay, wasn’t I Catherine? It’s just like riding a horse but faster.”
Catherine did look shamefaced as she answered. “Yes, you were okay Lisa.”
Jace glanced across at Catherine and gave her a wicked smile as she saw the red stain her cheeks, ‘my love, paybacks are so sweet.’
“Let’s go find Grace and we can all go eat.” Jace finally spoke having pulled a face at her partner for her cowardice in admitting her fear for their daughter.  She watched as Lisa clutched Catherine’s hand and held her free one out for Jace to hold and she skipped between them as they went to find Grace



Taking a deep breath Jace moved away from the entrance to the aircraft gangway and went towards her partner. They had decided that all the goodbyes had been said, and Elena had been relatively happy to go back on the plane; now was a time for the two of them to say goodbye for a period of time that could not be determined.

“I remember the time you paced like that when Lisa had her first go-kart lesson. Do you Catherine?” Jace smiled weakly as her tears filled her eyes at the thought of her daughter, but also the pain she saw in her partner’s eyes at the words and the memory they evoked.

“Yes.” A single word that spoke volumes as Catherine held out her arms for Jace to go into them with natural ease.

Snuggling closer into the thick Jacket that Catherine wore to keep out the cold of the autumn day in New York. “She was so very happy that day. You were so scared for her. She proved you wrong that day with her bravado, didn’t she darling?”

Catherine felt a tear begin to fall at the memory of her little girl and that fast driving machine, which she had so loved taking around the circuit. “Yes, she certainly did, and still does my love. She’s a very brave girl and I’m going to make sure she continues to prove me wrong in the future as well.”

Jace felt the splash of tears on her hair as Catherine succumbed to her heartbreak and they held each other tighter. “I know you will darling. She’s going to grow up to be a beautiful woman; who’s going to knock the socks of all her suitors and give you a hard time with it.”

Catherine lifted her tear stained face towards Jace and they looked long and hard at each other gaining strength from each other’s love. “I think I might need to invest in that shotgun soon then for she’s a very beautiful young woman now.”

Jace smiled as her own tears cursed down her cheeks. “Yeah and we know what will happen, she will be chasing you all over the ranch asking what was wrong with the new love in her life.  You will be your stoic self and not say anything. And I suppose I’m going to have to take you both by the ear and make you see sense, right?”

Catherine moved her face closer and placed her lips next to Jace’s left ear. “As always my love, you will be there to make us both see sense. What would we do without you looking out for us?”

Jace’s heartbeat fluttered erratically in her chest. She didn’t want to leave this woman again; it was a habit that was going to have to be broken… and soon. “I will always look out for you Catherine. No matter where in the world you are and our children are just an extension to that. We can’t be separated now. We will get Lisa back, I know in my heart we will.”

Catherine gazed seriously into the green ones turned to her, they were filled with so much positive energy that Catherine felt like she had been given a new lease of life with one glance alone. “I trust your heart Jace. From the first day I met you. You have never, never caused me to doubt that trust I have in you.”

Jace looked deep into the ice blue eyes that reflected back an honesty that she hadn’t felt she deserved, but now she was going to accept it. For Catherine had never doubted her heart, for it had always stayed true. It had been her decisions that had been dubious at times. “I will be waiting for you Catherine. I know when I see you again, you will bring our little Princess home with you.”

A voice cleared from the gangway as Dave the steward called their attention to the waiting flight.

“I have to go.” Jace stated quietly as their eyes locked. The message they conveyed was one of such profound love and devotion it settled around them like a comforting halo.

“Yes, I know.” Catherine bent her head and placed several feather light kisses on her partner’s lips and finally captured them in a tender kiss that exploded inside both women.

Reluctantly parting Jace held out her hand and touched her partner’s fingers to reinforce the attachment of their souls. “I have all your tomorrows, don’t forget that Catherine.”

Catherine smiled at her partner as she went through the opening to the gangway and was lost out of sight. “I know and you’re going to love me through them all… whatever happens.”

Her body went rigid as she waited for the closing of the hatch to the aircraft and it taxied away out of view.

‘Time to see the bastards in hell who’ve taken my daughter!’ Catherine thought, as she turned on her heels and left the VIP departure lounge and went back to her lonely vigil in the apartment.


Chapter Thirty-five

Thompson had spent the best part of five hours talking non-stop to various contacts in Australia and when he thought that it was all a dead end, he received a call from Melbourne. This indicated that a woman bearing the name Clauser had taken a flight out several weeks ago to Athens Greece. No other information was forthcoming.

James put his hand on his head and looked exhausted out onto the morning sunshine that dappled his back yard. He decided a walk around the yard would help. Kelsey had gone to talk to some police colleagues and he wasn’t back yet.

Several minutes later he heard a voice shout directed towards him, “You know Thompson, we won’t be getting any kind of result if all you’re doing is feeding the fucking birds.” Kelsey said, although his tone was more jovial than aggressive.

James looked towards the man and gave him a smile and shook his head. “You know, you have a wonderful turn of phrase detective. Has anyone ever told you that?”

Kelsey blushed a little and smote a fist to his forehead mockingly, “No, I don’t believe they ever have, until now.”

“So, a first detective, I am honoured.” James walked closer to the man who still had the faint red tinge to his cheeks from his earlier embarrassment. They had actually worked quiet well together earlier and it was surprising how much they had accomplished jointly.

“Yeah, a first. So Thompson, what do you have for me?” Kelsey moved back into the kitchen and waited for the other man to follow.

James looked at the retreating man and was once again momentarily attracted to him. He couldn’t for the life of him think why. He was a definite straight boy and probably a bigot too. Clearing his head of the thought, he went inside and smirked as he said. “Athens, Greece.”

Kelsey looked at him in surprise and then his face wreathed into a smile as he went over to Thompson and placed a friendly hand on his shoulder. “Thompson, you just put my trust back in humanity; lets pass this one onto our mutual friend shall we?” He pulled out his cell and dialled a short code that would connect him to Catherine Devonshire.

“Glad to be of help.” James responded as he felt the heat of Kelsey’s touch on his shoulder and smiled internally, and then went towards the refrigerator to select something for a much-needed brunch.


Thea Rosnova had been out of town when Delaney had called her and he was annoyed as hell about that. Still, she had a life outside the department although; he didn’t know what that life was. She had never been that open and was adamant that her private life and the work place never collided.

Now, he was late for a meeting with Travis at Warriorson’s place, or should he say Devonshire, whichever, did it matter?

What really irked him was that he couldn’t quite get a fix on this bastard and there were never any clues, none at all. After all this time surely there should be? No one was that perfect!

He was also seething that Dusterly had been mentioned. She had called him incompetent and implied he was covering up for a member of the team. What she hadn’t said was who, but he had a suspicion that she was pointing the finger towards his second-in-command Anderson. In his way of thinking, you couldn’t get a finer cop than Anderson. Then there had always been those fireworks between her and Rosnova and that had been something else! Rosnova was a cold bitch, but good with the families and hardly ever cracked her composure; but Dusterly had got under her skin and in a big way!

Walking towards the police vehicle he smiled, Anderson was a good detective, but a crap driver in the city.


Catherine had been pleased at the information that James and Kelsey had been able to retrieve. She had been sitting thinking about it and had her eyes closed sitting tilted back in her chair in the study. She was pulled out of her reverie as she heard a soft knock on the study door and Jason Bardley put his head around the door.

“Can I come in?” Jason smiled briefly at her as she smiled tightly back and motion him inside, which he did quickly, then closed the door before him and planted himself in front of her desk.

“What can I help you with Jason?” Catherine asked politely. She had wanted to be alone once Jace left. Although she liked her father-in- law and knew he was suffering for them, she didn’t want to talk about it, not yet anyway.

“There are a couple of things really. I would like to make the telecast on behalf of the family to try and jog people’s memories of Lisa. The pictures of her on the TV might have more meaning if it’s a personal plea.” Jason looked at her and she saw the determined expression that Jace sported when she wanted something badly.

“That’s one thing and the other?” Catherine was considering his question carefully before she answered.

“Second you need to eat, third you need sleep and fourthly….” he trailed off as she held her hand up to stop him in mid sentence.

“Jason please, my education indicated to me that a couple of things usually equates to two things or did I have a deficient education?” Catherine looked at him; her eyes sparkled with wry humour. It sounded like Jace and now she knew why she had liked this man on sight, Jace was a chip of the old block definitely.

“I’m sorry. I get carried away. Jace is very important to me and so are the family she’s chosen to spend her life with. You my dear Catherine happen to be a particularly important part of that scenario. So when my little girl asks me to watch out for you, I’m afraid you get the works.” Jason looked directly into troubled ice blue eyes as he spoke.

“She never asked you to look out for me did she?” Catherine couldn’t believe Jace would ask anyone else to do something that she allowed only Jace to do and maybe Grace at times.

Jason smiled at her expression, which was one of astonishment. “Actually… no! She didn’t, but I thought it was a good idea. You care to let me?”

Catherine breathed out a sharp breath and rolled her eyes at the man “Can I take a raincheck as you Americans are apt to say?” smiling sheepishly at him.

“Sure, anytime. Ask my little girl, she knows her dad has a very comforting shoulder and I extend that to my newest daughter and will to both of my granddaughters in the future.”

Catherine heard the sincerity in the remark and she looked down at her desk for a few moments. Then brought her head up in a decisive posture, that caused Jason to blink several times at the penetrating stare he received when she did so. “I omitted to explain something to Jace, Jason and I wanted to…well I just…that is….”

Catherine’s hesitation reminded him of the conversation he’d had with her the only other time she seemed lacking in confidence and that was a day after Grace had married and they discussed a certain help in getting to bed.

Jason heard her approach and he smiled inwardly, Jace had said at breakfast that Catherine had wanted to discuss something with him, but she didn’t know what exactly.
Jason had known that the woman who loved his eldest daughter was disconcerted at her lack of control a couple of days before.
“Good morning Jason. Sorry I wasn’t around for breakfast, but I needed to exercise my horse. I’ve been a little neglectful recently.” Catherine stated as she leaned on the porch railing next to him.
“Hey, no problem to me. I was surrounded by females all cooing over the children and maybe, I would have preferred to be with you.” Jason responded amiably.
Catherine smiled as she looked across the drive towards the paddock and the two young fillies frolicking around.
 “Yes, I know what you mean. It can certainly get over powering at times can’t it? Think yourself lucky Jason. You see it occasionally, I get to experience it everyday.”
“Yeah and I bet you don’t regret one single minute of that do you?” Jason smiled as he too looked at the horses in the paddock.
Catherine chuckled and shook her head, "No. I don't regret one single minute. Between you and I Jason, my children were the second best things that ever came into my life. Your daughter who I might add is the best thing then decided I needed to experience parenthood again from the beginning..... Well, I have never looked back!"
“Well, Jace always did like to involve her loved ones in everything.” Jason smiled as he turned to the tall woman at his side.
“I apologise for my behaviour the other afternoon Jason. I rarely drink more than a couple of glasses of wine. But Grace and I have been through some interesting times and…well it didn’t harm anyone.” Catherine stated wryly sucking in a breath waiting for his reply.
Jason considered what she’d said. “Catherine, the only person you need apologize to for that afternoon is my daughter.”
“I did apologize. She was left to look after our children and our guests on her own. That was very short sighted of me.” Catherine replied quietly.
“No…. no, that’s not what you should have apologized for.”
Catherine turned to look him straight in the eyes, “It’s not? So, what do I need to apologise for?”
“Well, young woman, you offered her your body I believe, and then you fell asleep on her!” Jason turned his face away as a smirked crossed his face.
Catherine wasn’t sure she heard right and turned to the averted profile of Jace’s father. “You’re joking right?” Her face turning crimson in embarrassment at the comment.
“Catherine, would I joke with you?” Jason smiled at her and patted her shoulder as he moved away.
“I… she means the world to me Jason. There is nothing that she could want in this life that I would not try to provide for her. I guess I owe her one.” Catherine reasoned absently.
“Well, I didn’t want that particular detail, but whatever you and she work out is fine with me.” Jason replied and moved away from the railing.
“Thanks Dad, I owe you.” Catherine said, her smile lighting up her face.
“No problem Daughter, isn’t that what parents are for?” he grinned and went towards the kitchen door.
“Yes, they are and thank you for bringing the love of my life into the world.” Catherine replied with sincerity.
Jason turned at the remark before he went inside the door. “It was my pleasure from the day she was conceived, to the day she was born and the years that have seen her grow. I have only one thing to ask…. Make her happy Catherine. She deserves no less.”
“I will, I promise.” Catherine replied as he headed indoors.
Jason looked at the pensive expression that had taken over the woman seated opposite him, she really was quite a stunning woman and who would have thought that his little girl had captured and tamed that ferocious heart of the dangerous feline she portrayed. “Is there something that you wanted to tell Jace and would like me to for you, is that what you’re trying to say?”
Catherine starred at him as if he was an alien from another planet. Shaking her head at the preposterous suggestion, she finally gave him a wry smile. “No. No, Jason that wasn’t it at all, but I do need to speak to Jace about a particular issue… thanks for offering though.”



“So, will you allow me to take part in the telecast on our families behalf. I am the head of the family after all?” Jason asked again.

Catherine smiled warmly at him as he called himself the head of the family... put that way, how could she refuse? "No, it might be too dangerous for Lisa. Jace and Elena might be out of the country but who's to say the bastards aren't waiting in the wings at home too. Oh, and Jason, thank you."

Jason smiled at her and then looked at her puzzled at her last comment. “Thank you for what?”

“Your acceptance of the importance of family and that you have allowed my family to be joined with yours. I will be eternally grateful to you for that.” Catherine’s words filled with sincerity.

“The day you came into my daughters life and made her happy was the day you were accepted into my family Catherine. Your children are just a natural extension of the love you share and that we see you have together. Who would not accept you as part of the family?” Jason responded seriously and looked at her with a quiet regard.

“Some would not, we are not the ‘normal’ married couple in this world, and people are apt to be judgmental about difference.” Catherine turned a clear ice blue gaze to his waiting for his reply.

“Very true! To be honest Catherine, I have only wanted what was best for my children and Jace went through the conventional scenario that some expect and she was the unhappiest person I have ever met in my life. When I saw her again with you a year later, it fortified my view of earlier when she talked of her love for you before she knew you loved her. That was the happiest I have ever seen her and exactly what any parent wants for their child. I could do no other than accept you into my family Catherine. It would be a gross case of parental neglect to do any other!” Jason looked at the woman who gave him a surprised look but her features smiled warmly at him.

“Thank you, for I do love her Jason and always will.” Catherine answered back huskily.

“I know and you’re very welcome. Does that mean I get to make you sleep and eat too?” Jason smiled back at her.

Catherine gave him a mock stern glance, “I think that’s pushing the head of the family a little too far Jason, but you’re welcome to remind me from time to time.”

"Okay, I will. I'll go and talk to detective Delaney and try to find out if we have more news catch up with you later." Jason gave her a wink and left the study, leaving Catherine with her thoughts.


Looking at the comatose form of the small girl and checking her pulse for about the fifth time in as many seconds or it seemed that way to her anyway, the woman smiled derisively at the child.

She was now at the safe house, concerned at the child's condition. She should have come out of the drugs that she'd administered to keep the child quiet. She was something else. This child never shut up! All the others had been to scared to say anything. But this kid... you had to hand it to her, she had the heart of a lion and talk, well she could certainly talk!

Looking at the pale face that was cold and clammy, she'd wait another couple of days before saying she had the merchandise. The kid might die and then she would have to start again. Although, that wasn't a problem, she had seen another likely candidate recently.

Turning away from the child, she looked out over the green fields that surrounded the property she used as a safe house; no one even knew that anyone used the house anymore. It was twenty miles outside the city, so not likely to be of interest to anyone; to close to the rail tracks anyway for some commuter to be interested in it.

Taking out her cell phone she flicked through the messages and saw a familiar one, 'Well there's a surprise.' Shethought sardonically and chuckled. Glancing once more in the direction of the child she walked towards the door and left the room. She would go back to the city and come back later in the evening, or maybe tomorrow. She was tired and needed sleep.

The building she left behind in darkness and never gave it a second look as she manoeuvred the car out of the shadow of the building to the dirt road towards the main intersection.


Jace arrived home with her mother and Elena. She couldn’t help the tears that fell, as Colin drove towards the house and she saw Grace, Jake and Faith waiting on the porch for their arrival.

As Colin brought the vehicle to a stop outside the ranch house steps, Jace sucked in a deep breath and looked tearfully at her mother who in the entire furore had not shed a tear and kept a careful and loving vigil over her daughter and her child. What Jace hadn’t known was that when her mother had been alone with her father, it was a totally different story and she had shed so many tears it was as if Niagara Falls had taken up residence in Alison’s tear ducts.

“We’re here mom.” Jace said and gulped back further tears.

“I’ll take Elena darling, you go and talk to your son and your friends.” Alison replied knowing it was important that Jake particularly feel the support of one of his mom’s at this time.

Jace gave her a grateful smile, slowly exited the vehicle and looked towards the distraught looking people silently watching her.

“Hey, how about a hug?” Jace asked looking directly at her son.

Jake pensively stared at her, his eyes wide and anguished. He relinquished Grace’s hand as he moved forward and rushed down the steps of the porch and practically knocked Jace off her feet as he placed his arms around her and hugged her as she requested.

“I’m glad you’re back Jace.”

Jace felt the tremor in the boy. She couldn’t stop the tears that dripped unceremoniously on his head as she heard the pain in his voice and the emotion he had pent up. “I’m glad I’m back as well Jake. Catherine wanted me to kiss you too if that’s okay? As she can’t be here with us.”

The boy lifted his face towards hers and he shyly nodded his head as Jace placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “She’s going to bring Lisa home with her isn’t she Jace?” His face held all the questions she wanted answered. However, she didn’t have the answers, but she had the strength to believe, and she would; she would believe that her partner would bring home their daughter and soon.

“Yes. Yes, Jake. Lisa will come home with Catherine! Come on Jake can you imagine your mom having Lisa play havoc in America on her own huh?” Jace hid her own uncertainty with a slight playful comment, both knew that it was only to make him feel better as he looked at her seriously.

“No, mom wouldn’t want that she might embarrass the family with some of her comments.” Jake uttered giving her a weak smile.

“Yeah, Jake and we both know what your mom thinks of the family name.” Jace hugged him tight to her and glanced up over his bent dark head and towards Grace who looked at her with pride and compassion.

“Come on Jake, let’s go and give a hug to Grace and Grandma, okay?” Jace smiled over his head as she acknowledged Grace’s expression. They had come a long way since that first time she had stepped over the threshold into this house. A long way to get there and still a long way to travel, but as a family… a whole family!

Walking up the steps with her mother following behind with Elena, Faith hugged Jace and tried to express words of comfort, but found it impossible and went over to Alison and the child who had laughed and squirmed at the sight of her other grandma.

Grace put a hand out to touch Jake’s cheek; “Hey, Jake! How about going to check on Judy and make sure she’s got plenty of coffee on the go?” Smiling at him as she said the words.

“Yeah, okay Grace.” He smiled at Jace and went towards the kitchen door and went inside.

Faith and Alison had gone through the main house door to take Elena indoors from the cold early evening weather.

Jace looked at Grace who looked directly back her brown eyes reflecting the pain she felt for the situation and held out her arms as Jace went inside her friend’s embrace.

“It’s so hard to believe Grace.” Jace whispered into her friend’s shoulder.

Grace stroked the blonde hair of her friend, “Yeah, I know. It’s going to get worse before it gets better Jace, but we know it will work out.”

Jace stifled a sob and looked up into the brown compassionate ones as her green haunted ones beseeched her friend to be right. “What if it’s not Grace? What will happen if we don’t get her back?”

“I hate what ifs Jace. I prefer to be more positive, but if Lisa is lost to us forever, we will go on because she would want that! Lisa has an optimism that sheds light in the darkest places. Whatever happens we will always know that and have felt it in our lives. Not many people can say they affected people in that way but she did and she will again Jace, I know it!” Grace avowed positively.

“Catherine won’t accept anything else, but Lisa’s return Grace.” Jace uttered desperately, brushing the blinding tears away.

“I know, and how is my friend taking it really Jace?” Grace asked quietly, knowing that Jace wouldn’t lie to her. They both loved the woman and her well being was as important to them both as their own was, if not more so.

“She’s hurting Grace, but you know her, she won’t let people inside.”

“I rather thought that, but she let you inside surely?” Grace gave a sharp look.

“Yes. Oh… Catherine let me in and then I had to close the door and come home. I didn’t want to leave her, but I had too Grace! Really, all I want is to go back and hold her and say it will be okay, and together we will work it out, but the bastards who’ve taken our daughter made that impossible!” Jace spoke vehemently, venting her frustration at the situation into the cold still air of the porch.

Grace saw the pain, anguish and the loneliness of the situation her two friends now found themselves in.

“Come inside Jace and have some coffee and tell me about it. Who knows, we might find a solution.”

Jace smiled weakly at her friend and hugged her hard for a few moments longer.

“Why is it, I know you will come up with a solution Grace?”

Grace gave her a wry look and smiled, “Because I will always be there for you all. When it comes to solutions I’m the best!”

Jace gave a feeble chuckle as she wiped away her tears and thought about those words. ‘Yeah, she was always there for them, any of them and somehow Grace did have solutions and she would in this case too!’

Together arms wrapped around each other they went towards the kitchen and the coffee that was waiting for them.


Catherine looked out of the large window of the apartment. She was alone. Stephanie had reluctantly gone home. Jason had gone back to his apartment… even more so, but she had insisted, and when Catherine Devonshire insisted there was no way you changed her mind, unless you went by the name of Jace.

Looking down at the single sheet of white paper she held in her hand, a single tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of Lisa and her inability to protect her daughter. Then her thoughts went to her partner and the strength that Jace had shown in leaving her here alone and with the knowledge that their daughter was here someplace and would need both her parents when they found her! Had the tables been turned she would have stayed and caused untold trouble that was for sure and probably been the instigator of further tragedy in the family. Jace had seen the problems and looked past their own needs to be together and made the only decision that she could in the circumstances she had left with their youngest daughter and gone to the relative safety of the ranch and the support of their son.

Reading the contents of the sheet of paper another tear tracked down her cheek and her ice blue eyes wavered over the words written there.

Please Come Home

Where are you?
Please come home.

We wait we love you, we pray for you!
Please come home.

Sorrow is the emotion left behind!
Please come home.

Misery besets us, trials await us!
Please come home.

Distress now you’re gone, heartache covers us whole!
Please come home.

Anguish surrounds us, suffering prevails upon us!
Please come home.

Pain seers our lives without you, woe fills our hearts!
Please come home.

Dejected without you, we feel wretchedness within our soul!
Please come home.

With a heavy heart we miss you, desolated to find you still gone!
Please come home.

We will never mourn you, never ever, for you live with us always inside!
Please come home.

Where are you? We wait we love you we need you!
Please come home.

Catherine had found the poem when she looked over the desk in the bedroom for a pen. She knew Jace had been scribbling away as Catherine had showered the evening before. Normally Jace would have offered her the finished article to read and make a comment, but this one was a plea from the heart. Knowing Jace’s tender heart, she probably thought better of passing it over. There had been so many traumas already.

Glancing out of the window she wondered what Jace was doing as she spoke into the empty room.

“I will bring her home Jace, I promise! I wish I could feel your gentle touch and your warm eyes look into mine with love. Know this my love... whatever the circumstances, I will always love you. One day we will put all this behind us then fall into step, together once again. I’m standing right beside you Jace and if I reach out you can take my hand just for a moment let me feel the love you have always shared with me.” Catherine reached her hand out before her and for a moment a very brief moment she thought that it warmed with the imprint of a smaller hand that she knew so well.

“I love you Jace.” Catherine walked slowly towards her lonely bedroom to try and sleep for a few hours anyway.

Tomorrow was another day!


Jace walked over to the study patio window and looked out into the dim shadows of the ranch drive. Her heart cried over and over for Catherine and Lisa. All alone in a world that was making them pay for every moment of love they shared, or… that’s how it appeared.

As she looked over the silent scene before her she felt a chill in the air and a shiver going down her back as if there was someone there with her. Shaking her head she let the tears trickle down her cheeks as she recalled a pledge she made to Catherine the previous year.

Whispering to the silent room. “You will always have me Catherine, wherever you are in the world, always remember that! You asked me to indulge you last year my love how about you indulge me and when the time is right come home to us! I know you’re hurting about Lisa Catherine but I know you’ll do what you can to bring her home too! And if you can’t, don’t stay away we will all need each other so much more if that’s the situation. I’m going to hold out my hand now and hope that you will feel the love I have for you and gain strength from it, I know I do when I think of you and I do that every minute of the day!”

Jace held her hand out and she felt for a split second as if a large one she was oh so familiar with held hers fleetingly. It was so profound a feeling, she sobbed out at the ache she felt in her heart.

“I love you Catherine.” Her words echoed in the room as she turned and shut off the lights and went upstairs to her empty bed.

Tomorrow was another day!


To be concluded in ‘All Our Tomorrows’

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