~ Actions and Consequences ~
J M Dragon
Part Eight
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Eleven:

Catherine viewed the meeting she had inadvertently interrupted with the senior staff and the new VP, Lee Western. It had not been a pleasant sight. Western had been shouting in his cultured English voice at the senior publicity manager Karl Lewis, a veteran of Xianthos of over twenty-five years.

“Ms. Waverly is unavailable at the moment Mr. Lewis. That is the only comment you will make if the media ask.”

“What bullshit Mr. Western! She is the talk of all the other publicity houses. Why last evening the police picked her up under the bridge near her apartment block. She was stoned on not only alcohol, but drugs they say.” Lewis replied angrily at the ignorance of the new man on the block.

“Did they prosecute her for any of those misdemeanours?” Western turned his hazel eyes on Lewis.

“No. They called Rita Tuscany to vouch for her. She like all other good PA’s in this place, backed her boss up to the hilt…just as… just as well in this case.” Lewis gave a derisive scowl at the newest executive.

“Glad to hear there’s some loyalty in my camp, and that it hasn’t all been pissed into the wind with the problems of late!” Catherine remarked drolly as she stood quietly at the door of the conference room and watched all eyes turn in her direction.

“Ms. Devonshire? I wasn’t aware you were in the building?” Western remarked and several others in the room sneering at another so-called weakness of the chief of operations in New York.

“You wouldn’t be Mr. Western. To the best of my knowledge there is only one person on site other than security, who knows I’m here. My error Mr. Western, I apologise to you. I will remember in future.” Catherine retorted no reason to undermine the man any more than he appeared to be at the moment.

“Ladies and Gentlemen if you wouldn’t mind, I need to speak with Mr. Western alone! Perhaps you can follow up on this topic of conversation at another time. It certainly sounds interesting.” Catherine gave them all a dismissive smile as she waved her hand, pointed to the door, and then went to stand in the middle of the room.

The other senior personnel all muttered under their breaths and vacated immediately, leaving Karl Lewis standing in the position he had been as Catherine entered.

“Not aware I invited you to the meeting Mr. Lewis?” Catherine gave him a cold look and he glanced down nervously at his hands.

“Ms. Waverly is a loose cannon Ms. Devonshire. We can do without the bad publicity.” He muttered and collected his papers and headed out of the room. His entire demeanour appeared as a schoolboy having been chastised for a prank gone wrong.

“That the case Western?” Catherine quizzed the new Vice President. As she walked closer to him, then gazed at his nervous stance with a cool appraisal from her ice blue eyes. She had never met the man before. But had agreed with Constance when the report recommending his appointment hit her desk. Although she had checked up personally on some of his successes when she had been in London.

Western eyed the tall woman, who towered over him by about four inches. Her height was quite disconcerting in this kind of situation. Sighing heavily, he pondered the question…do you lie about your immediate superior or tell the truth to the owner? “I believe Ms. Waverly appears to have problems that have nothing to do with the office. Shouldn’t we respect that?”

Catherine smiled at the man. So that’s why he was so good in marketing.

“Excellent choice of words Western. Diplomatic to the end I see. You do know we lost the Empire of course through actions of tact such as you have seen fit to carry out with both the senior staff and me too?”

“I…I wasn’t aware this was a bastion of the British Empire Ms. Devonshire?” Lee Western was puzzled at the reference.

“Actually its not thank god. I like your style Western. Keep it up and you will no doubt at least keep the job.” Catherine responded with a small smile.

“Thanks, I think!” the man waited for more. He had never been in a room with the owner before. She was certainly all and more that people had said about her.

“So, tell me when was the last time you saw Ms. Waverly?”

“She left the office two days ago. Rita saw her I believe, at your request. Beyond that, I have no idea what she’s doing or the state of her mind. Other than what Lewis implied earlier.” Western admitted honestly.

Catherine walked over to the large window that overlooked the street below. She watched the passing figures so small that she couldn’t say for certain which gender they were. Placing her hand on the cold surface of the glass she sighed and turned back to the VP.

“I will clear up the matter of the problems associated with the President of my company Western. You make sure the American end keeps to its’ targets and everything will work out.” Catherine looked at the man with a dismissive gaze.

“Thank you Ms. Devonshire. How long will you be in town may I ask?” the overawed VP inquired, making his way towards the door to exit the room as quickly as possible.

“As long as it takes Western, as long as it takes!” her words very distinctly, with the meaning very clear.

“I will see you later, perhaps?” the man said as he opened the door.

Catherine quirked her eyebrow at his need to get out of the room quickly; it brought a wry smile to her face.

“Yes. You will see me later. Have a good day Western.” She turned towards the window again effectively dismissing him.

Glancing once again at the figures below. Her mind left behind the problems of Xianthos and went to her partner who had boarded a plane for Boston hours earlier. They had arrived at seven in the evening last night. It had been prudent for them to stay at the apartment together before each went onto their respect tasks, one good -- one bad.

“Don’t be too hard on her Catherine?” Jace had softly entreated her, as she was held close in a warm embrace in the shared bed of the New York apartment.
“Hard on someone? Who me? Come on Jace, I’m the ultimate softy. Thought you had seen to that.” Catherine smiled at the concern her partner had for the woman she barely knew.
“Yes, you! And no, you’re not the softy here that you are at home, that’s the family Catherine. The business Catherine needs to be another type of person, which I’m aware of…don’t always like it, but very aware.” Jace reached up a hand and gently stroked the scarred skin of her left cheek.
“Perhaps you’re right. But, I do listen occasionally. Maybe not enough at times, but you have to admit some of your more compassionate nature is certainly trying to gain a foot hold in my mind.” Chuckling, the raven-haired woman placed several kisses on top of the blonde head.
“She needs help Catherine, not firing.” Jace pleaded on the other woman’s behalf.
“Who said I was going to fire her? You’ve been reading the tabloids again Jace?” Catherine laughed softly.
“No! No! Catherine we both know you’re capable of firing her out of hand regardless of her problems,” the voice emphasising with its’ tone.
“So, the mother of my children is now looking to be a mother figure for my employees as well? Novel my dear Jace, but not unheard of I guess!” Catherine waited for Jace to respond and felt the stiffening in her body.
“Yes, I’m proud to be the mother of your children. Those that are with us now and those that are still to be…” Catherine quickly moved in the bed and was lying across Jace.
“What do you mean those? I know we agreed on one more but ‘those’ imply more than one?” Catherine pierced Jace with an ice blue gaze that seared her soul.
“Okay, okay one more child, you can be so…so pedantic at times Catherine.” Jace smirked at her lover and gave her a kiss that sort to set the matter right there and then.
“I love you Jace never ever change.” Catherine breathed out slowly as Jace released her from the kiss.
“I love you too darling and it’s all going to work out.” Jace smiled at her and the green eyes sparkled with a knowledge that Catherine felt was ages old.
“Good. If it works out for you, I know I’m onto a good thing.” Catherine responded with a kiss that set both hearts beating and the rest of the conversation was lost somewhere between the first beat and the third, only love and the loving was important now.


 “The American is dead?” Althea shouted at the visitor, who had been leaning nonchalantly on the balcony facing the bright blue sea that for some strange reason gave a subtle reminder of the real reason behind the visit.

“Yeah. Freak boating accident and for Hudson, it would have to be a freak accident from all the stories I have heard about her.” The visitor informed the stricken woman, who had now taken up the same stance at the balcony starring unseeingly out over the Aegean Sea.

“You never knew her?” another exclamation from the young woman who was now starring intently at the visitor she had been introduced to the previous weekend.

“Not personally no. She contacted me by phone. She found out that the redoubtable Ms. Devonshire, Warriorson or in your case Xianthos and I have a history that turned sour.” The visitor retorted softly and waited for this seemingly intelligent woman to ask more questions, a normal reaction.

“That would be the niece. But why are you helping with the aunt? Surely she hasn’t done anything to you? From what my mother says it is planned already. It is a criminal act if found out, and is it all worth it?” Althea was intrigued as to the reason and concerned at this new information.

“True. The aunt hasn’t ever done anything to me. And quite frankly, I will be sorry to be part of her demise. However, if it eventually brings down Catherine Devonshire, then lady believe me, anything is worth it.”

“Even going to prison?” Althea inquired almost inaudibly.

The visitor starred out over the blue sea again and smiled wryly, “Yes. Even going to prison will be worth it.”

“Can I ask why you hate Ms. Devonshire so much?” Althea wanted to know how so much hate could have been cultivated.

“You can ask….” Came back the enigmatic reply.

“I see. Does my mother know that the American who instigated all this in the first place is dead?” Althea knew she wasn’t going to get a reply to her original question.

“Sure. She was the one who told me. I’m surprised she hasn’t informed you!” the visitor gave her a half smile and moved away from the balcony railing.

“See you later, it’s a wonderful day to go for a stroll and meet the neighbours.”

Althea watched the retreating back of the person who was motivated by hate in much the same manner as her own mother. There was no going back...her mother wouldn’t allow it! Now, for the first time, she wished there was a way of warning Constantia Xianthos, but how?


Detective Kelsey had found that visiting Hawaii had its’ benefits. It was a beautiful island and there had been some very pretty women at the hotel that had been very good company in more ways than one. Now he was leaving the island behind him. He stared out the window and watched, as the landscape became a dot in the distance as the aircraft rose higher and turned away towards the mainland.

Ms. Devonshire wasn’t going to be happy at all! Then again, he hadn’t ever seen her happy. Wonder if she did ever smile and light up those wonderful blue eyes of hers? Oh well, he wasn’t going to find that out anytime soon, that was a certainty. What do you say to the woman who could use her not inconsiderable power in the business world to achieve any goal she chose? That also, was something he was sure he did not want to find out!

He himself had first met her because of her persuasive powers with the State Governor after the shooting in her building. When there had been no clues or immediate clues to the reason behind the shooting. However, she had persevered and her own people had been instrumental in the bringing down of the perpetrator at the end of the day. That woman Waverly had some balls for a woman. Yet she was going to be having a rocky time when the facts he’d unearthed came out in the open. Still, that was between the two super bitches of the operation. What wouldn’t he give to be a fly on the wall that day?

Turning his head towards the stewardess who asked him if he wanted refreshment, why not. It was all on expenses anyway. “Scotch and water, thanks.” He chuckled and closed his eyes briefly thinking about the proposition Ms. Devonshire had placed before him months earlier. Maybe it wasn’t such a boring position he at first thought. It could end up quite exciting with that woman. She certainly had a knack of bringing trouble to her door. Wonder if she ever felt like becoming a recluse?


Chapter Twelve:

Rita Tuscany had stopped and made tea for Ms. Devonshire after having seen the woman stride purposefully past her office area and walk into the boardroom where the new VP was having a meeting. Smiling she had waited all of five minutes before making her way to the kitchen area as she watched the deadly serious faces of the senior personnel in the company troop out of the room and the door close behind them. Karl Lewis had been the last to leave and had given her a long look but thought better of saying whatever was on his mind. ‘Wonder what that was all about?’

VP Western had followed a little later leaving the owner in the boardroom alone. If Rita were any judge at all of the woman, she was sure the boss would appreciate tea about now.

Collecting a tray and placing the mug, teapot and milk jug on the smooth surface, she went towards the door and knocked softly and heard the rasped “Enter.”

Rita opened the door and saw the pensive stance of the woman starring out at the world milling by on the street beneath her. A little like having the world under your foot she surmised. Catherine Devonshire turned and gave Rita a bright smile.

“Got to hand it to you Rita, you certainly know how to make an entrance that appeals to me.” Catherine smiled at the woman and motioned for her to place the tray on the polished table.

Rita smiled back at the tall woman she looked a little tense, but not to bad. “Thanks. Thought you might need the refreshment.” Placing the tray on the table, she turned and headed for the door.

“No! Rita, please sit. You and I need to talk I think?” Catherine pierced her with an ice blue glance that was hypnotic.

Rita turned back into the room and sat at the table close to the tray she had placed there moments earlier.

“I wasn’t sure if you knew how things were going.” The woman said softly, watching the slow grace of the woman slip into the chair opposite her.

“Do you want to join me in tea?” Catherine asked her voice reflecting a relaxed ambience.

“That’s okay. I don’t drink hot tea. Iced occasionally, but thanks all the same.” Rita smiled and waited for Catherine to start the conversation in earnest.

Catherine smiled at the comment. “That sounds like someone else I know. She doesn’t like hot tea either, iced for her only also! My youngest daughter on the other hand has taken to the beverage with gusto. Nothing like her mother.” Catherine chuckled as she pictured Elena and her bottle of milky tea. You could never pry her from the bottle once she knew what the contents were.

“Then she obviously takes after her other parent, I take it?” Rita asked softly. The two women eyed each other warily and then the lines around Catherine’s eyes crinkled as she nodded her head.

“Yes. I do believe she does Rita.” Pouring a mug full of the piping hot liquid, she added the milk and sipped it approvingly and closed her eyes briefly as the aroma assailed her nostrils and she sniffed the beverage smiling as she did so.

“So, you had to help Ms Waverly out of a sticky situation last night, I believe. Want to share the circumstances with me?” Catherine continued to experience the aroma and taste of her tea as she waited. Not wanting to push the younger woman about the events of the previous evening if she didn’t want to say anything.

Rita smoothed her hands over her skirt and she contemplated the short neat nails on her fingers and sighed heavily.

“Ms. Waverly was incapacitated and found by the police in an undesirable condition and place. They asked her whom she wanted to call? I guess she couldn’t think of anyone… she gave them my name and I went to pick her up and take her home.”

Catherine heard the nervous inflection in the voice and the distress the incident had obviously caused.

“How long has she been in this condition Rita?”

Rita looked directly at the tall woman before her; the question levelled had been quiet and controlled.

“Not really sure. At first I thought it was the reaction to Clare leaving. That she would handle it, but it gradually deteriorated to the pills and the booze several weeks ago. She needs help!” the younger woman had a tearful expression as she said the final words.

Catherine stood up and grasped her mug tightly as she heard the anguished words, very much as her partner had pleaded the night before.

“Yes, I know she does. Hopefully we can be of assistance. However, it isn’t a one-way street this Rita. She must want to accept the help or, it’s a waste of time!”

Rita starred at her and stood up also.  Ms. Devonshire was far too tall and looked intimidating when she stood and others sat.

“I know and I think that’s going to be the hard part.”

“Has Ms. Fallon been in touch recently?” Catherine wasn’t too sure if this young woman had any major dealing with the former PA, but it was a chance.

“No, Clare hasn’t been in touch for a couple of weeks! She may have talked to Ms. Waverly, but I wouldn’t know about that obviously.”

“Then I hardly think she knows the condition of Ms. Waverly. I sincerely doubt that either of you have had the opportunity to make her aware of the recent developments. Am I correct in my assumption?”

Catherine replaced the mug on the tray and poured herself another drink. Her mind was contemplating how best to deal with this situation. Under normal circumstances she would leave it to the personnel chief. But this wasn’t normal circumstance. Possibly there was a backlash from the shooting in Constance’s mind that hadn’t been released until now.

“Yes. I wanted to call Clare, but I didn’t think it was my place to do so.” Rita said and watched the closed features of the owner and knew that the sharp mind of the woman was working, when didn’t it?

“Quite right. Personal difficulties are always the very devil to explain to anyone at the best of times, and not usually taken well either. So, do you think Constance will be at home if I call?”

Catherine sipped her tea, letting her mind wonder momentarily to her partner, and speculated if Jace had arrived at the doctors yet.

“Yes. Well, as far as I know. However, in her present state of mind, it’s hard to say.” Rita responded and waited to be dismissed.

“Thanks for your devotion to the company Rita and the President’s image. I’m sure Ms. Waverly will thank you for that one day also. I will be leaving shortly. Would you please call for my car? The chauffeur is waiting for me to leave the building soon.”

Rita walked towards the door and before she left she responded to the comment finally. “I wasn’t doing it for the company Ms. Devonshire. I was trying to help a woman who deserves better than ending up in the gutter someplace.” She opened the door and left the room.

Catherine looked at the closing door and shook her head. ‘So, there still was compassion in the big city. That was refreshing and unexpected.’

Placing the mug to her lips yet again, she relished the taste and her mind went once more back to her partner and her schedule for the day. Catherine certainly hoped the balance of Jace’s day was a whole lot better than she anticipated the remainder of hers to be.


Jace sat in a quiet booth in a café two blocks away from the hospital, contemplating her next action in her quest for another child. The doctor had been supportive and all initial tests carried out that morning had proven excellent for her to proceed.

Now to have Catherine come to Boston so they could both agree on the donor. She could do it all alone, but that wasn’t how she wanted this baby conceived. She wanted Catherine to have as much input as possible from the earliest stage and feel that it was her baby too in the truest sense, except actually physically providing the sperm herself. Jace chuckled at that thought. Hades, Catherine would give her anything she wanted, but sometimes there was just the slight hindrance of nature as the obstacle.

Looking deep into her coffee cup she longed to look up and see the ice blue eyes of her partner sparkling across at her. They made her feel safe in a world where that wasn’t always the case. Tragedy had a way of sweeping into your life unexpectedly.

Shrugging off the melancholy thoughts, she considered the wonderful process of bringing another life into the world. This time she was going to share it all with Catherine. There was no mistake this time, no regrets and certainly there would be no doubt in anyone’s eyes that this child would be Catherine’s too in everyway!

‘Thank god money talks and can buy pretty much everything in the world today, even a baby!’ Jace thought, and ordered another coffee and the largest piece of apple pie from the attentive waitress.


Catherine pushed the doorbell for the sixth time and leaned against the doorframe waiting. For what she wasn’t quite sure, although she was certain that there was someone in the apartment. She had dismissed the car telling the chauffeur she would call him when she was ready to leave.  It could be in ten minutes, it might be hours. Who knew with this type of situation?

Several people had passed her as she waited for the door to open. They had looked at her, but said nothing. Mind you, the simmering anger she was feeling at being kept waiting didn’t exactly encourage any friendly overtures from anyone. Catherine considered moving away and making her call for the car from the lobby, but tried another tactic instead in a last ditch effort to attract the attention of the woman.

“Open the bloody door Waverly and let me see your sorry arse in front of me NOW!” Catherine shouted and thumped her hand hard on the door and kept her finger on the doorbell to emphasise her intolerance of the situation.

She heard the sound of shuffling feet, an oath or two, which were certainly not out of the Bible that was clear. Smiling to herself at her ploy, she heard the rasp of a chain snaking back and the door cracked open slightly.

“Ah, so the good President of my company is available for comment after all! Open the bloody door Constance.”

Constance gave her a bleary eyed look, her eyes red rimmed and bloodshot, her face pale even with her darker skin to foil it a little. She looked liked shit and from the smell she emitted, it wouldn’t surprise Catherine if she hadn’t been physically sick too.

“What comment do you want, that I quit?” was the sarcastic reply, bitterness edging the simple comment.

“If that’s what you want fine. We’ll talk about it; open the f’ing door!” the words softly spoken, but the menacing tone perfectly clear.

Constance opened the door and walked towards her kitchen leaving the woman where she stood. For a moment Catherine was unsure, but that was merely for a second or two as she walked in and nearly vomited herself at the smell emitting from the apartment. The place hadn’t been cleaned in weeks. The stale smell of dirty laundry, crockery, rotting food and the general unkempt appearance was telling enough. But the gaunt and distinctly undesirable creature that was now reaching for a bottle of whisky brought anger out in Catherine and not the compassion she had hoped she could furnish this woman.

“Leave the fucking bottle alone for two minutes Constance. I’m sure you can handle that or can’t you?” Catherine challenged the woman and saw a faint spark appear in the dulled eyes before her.

“Yeah for two minutes……all you need to fire me.” Constance spat out.

Catherine turned away as the stale aroma of sweat and alcohol sped in her direction, making her wince at the smell.

“I’m not here to fire you. I’m here to ask if you want my help?” Catherine told her patiently and watched as a look of astonishment cross the intelligent features of the younger woman.

“How the hell can YOU help me?” Constance sneered and walked closer to the elegantly clad woman. The woman before her had everything, money, family and love. What did she really know?

Catherine had often wondered what she had been like when she had been in this condition. Now she had the picture as clear as a bell. It was like looking in a mirror and seeing herself in the cold light of day. Now she knew the strength that was needed to help people like her younger self and Constance and she didn’t have that strength! It had been the love and friendship of others that had brought her back to a life that she could function again. But in her case, both of those people had paid with their lives. Was she prepared to pay with her life for Constance? No!

She wasn’t like Maria, Adam, or Jace. She didn’t have the compassionate nature it would take to help Constance. Yes, she had money and could use it to help people. But, she didn’t have the heart to help on a personal level -- or did she? No matter what Jace said about her, she was a cold-hearted bastard, who did things for her own self gratification and she knew that was the reason she thought Jace might leave her? One day that option would come, just as it had for Constance. For her it wouldn’t be booze or pills, it would be a shotgun to the head and she would deserve no less.

“Help you…? Help you, god knows Constance? But someone needs to and I’m the only one who wants to give it a shot about now.” Catherine finally answered, her own voice filled with a slight doubt.

Constance heard the doubt and mistook it for pity. “I don’t need your help Ms. God Almighty! What right do you have to come here and preach to me?”

Catherine considered the words and she shook her head. “None I suppose, but that never stopped me before. So, I guess it’s not about to in this situation.”

Constance broke down at that comment.

“She left me. She never let me try to change. She just left me!” the words bleak and defeated. Constance sat down heavily at the table in the kitchen and ran her hands unsteadily up and down the bottle of whisky.

Catherine looked at the seating offered and grimaced; pushing a stack of papers to the floor she sat down gingerly on the chair and didn’t touch the table at all.

“Yes. I heard. Want to talk about it?”

“The work. It was the work! We only saw each other at work and in bed. We never had time to relax normally together. That is not how it should be. Is it?” the voice still bleak and desolate.

“No. No, it’s not Constance. Work is important, but it can’t be the total driving force of your life. You need the leisure hours as well.” Catherine freely admitted.

“Easy for you to say. You don’t need to work, never have.” Constance replied.

It brought a wry smile to Catherine’s lips as they had both come up with the same conclusion.

“You have me there Constance. And you’re right.  I never have needed to work, but I did. It caused me heartache in ways you will never know. This time around, I hope I learned the lesson.” Catherine stated precisely, knowing deep down she hadn’t. However, she was being given a second chance because someone loved her enough to do so. But, how many second chances do you get in life?

“I want a second chance.” Constance responded, her eyes far away on a memory only she could see.

“Well, unless you clean up your act here, you can’t hope to experience that. Are you willing to clean up?” Catherine pointed out practically.

Constance looked around her, then down at her condition of health, state of dress and then across at her boss.

“If I said yes, will you help me?” the plea was plaintive and pathetic to Catherine’s ears. She wanted to run away and leave the pathetic picture before her to others.

“Okay. How about you get a shower and change into some decent clothes, preferably fresh ones. Do you have clean apparel? You and I are going out to eat a decent lunch.” Catherine retorted.

“I think so, underwear could be a problem.” Constance muttered, embarrassed at the thought.

Wrinkling her nose at the thought that comment brought about, she had no wish to dwell on that subject.

“I’ll call Rita. You get in the shower. Take your time, you need it and it will help.”

“Yeah, I smell I guess.” Constance admitted and went towards her bathroom.

“Yes, you certainly do.” Catherine muttered under her breath as she went to the telephone and called Rita. ‘This was going to be some day at the office dear,’ Catherine thought sarcastically. Jace might just be proud of her today, but there was a long way to go yet. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to face her own demons on the subject, never mind Constance’s.


Faith had called her daughter over once the children had been made comfortable, or at least the two girls. Jake appeared to be unscathed at the outbreak of measles that had entered the household. The doctor had advised Grace that she couldn’t come into contact with the children until the incubation period was over, which would be in about two weeks.

“So, do I call Catherine and Jace? Or wait for them to come back before we let them know that their daughters are ill?” Grace asked her mother, not sure what to do.

“Well, they can’t do anything by rushing back. Although, I think it would be wise to let them know. The doctor says the girls will be ill for the next week and possibly, no, very likely Jake will come down with the illness also. That could be more dangerous for him than the girls. Would you like me to tell them?” Faith looked at the drawn features of her daughter, her own condition taking its toll on the younger woman.

“No, they will expect me to notify them. They have always left the children in my care. I know you have been very supportive these days, but it’s going to come better from me. I know Catherine will feel easier if I explain what’s going on. No offence mother.”

“Yes, I understand that Grace. Catherine trusts you. You are a good friend to her and she knows it.”

“Yeah, well, she’s a good friend to me too. We share some history I suppose.” Grace softly replied her mind obviously miles away.

“I know you might not answer me, but living as you did here with her and knowing she prefers women, I wonder if…that is have you ever… what I mean to say is….” Faith couldn’t ask her daughter outright if she had an affair with the head of the household. As much as she would find it distasteful to know the fact, she did realise that the two women had a bond that went deeper than a normal friendship.

Grace looked at her mother for a several seconds and wondered if she should just let her think whatever she wanted. But, that would be cruel and she wasn’t that.

“No! No, mother we have never had an affair. Anyway, she wouldn’t have wanted me and I think my preferences go to a rather different direction don't you? I do love the woman though and I will do anything for her, she only needs to ask.”

Faith looked at her daughter and saw the sincerity in her eyes and smiled briefly.

“Thank you Grace.”

“What for exactly?”

“For being you and for caring about people. I wish we’d had an easier relationship when you were younger.” Faith stated, watching the confusion in her elder daughter’s eyes at the statement.

“Thanks. Maybe we can get our relationship on a better footing when your grandchild is born. What do you think?”

Faith beamed at her daughter. “Yes. That sounds good to me. Now, when shall we tell the children’s’ wandering parents?”

Grace laughed softly and moved towards the door.

“Never a better time than right at this minute.” Grace left her mother in a much happier state of mind as she set up the coffeepot for a cup of the dark brew upon her daughters’ returned.

Continued in Part 9

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