~ The Black Knight and the Lady ~
© 2000 J M Dragon
e-mail:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimers:  See Part One

Chapter Ten:

Once upon a time…

Destant was annoyed with this so-called Knight. It was time to rid his sight of the offending black image on the road. Taking his sword he lunged at the Knight.

Raven had many times reacted without prompting and once again, he did so. The parry that the golden Knight tried was but a swish in the air and displaced nothing, but the swirling new day.

Edwina was suffering great pain as the horse moved, but knew that at least she could save her rather depleted energy for one tangible attack on the Knight. She hoped Raven would know this and react accordingly.

Destant snorted in rage as the horse not the rider evaded his thrust. Now he knew that it was the horse that was the Knights strong point. It was just a parry to the centre of the horse to pierce it’s heart and rid him of the horse and leave the Black Knight open to his mercy, and he had none.

Edwina saw a movement that did not make sense, if the Knight chose to take her on. ‘He was put off position and could only cause injury to the horse…yes of course the horse!’ Her brain did several somersaults as she placed her hand on the flank of the horse and as the parry came close. Tapping Raven, who moved with a swiftness that was unheard of in a large warhorse, they rushed by the Knight who was thrown from his position and left to wonder at his ineptitude.

“Now I know my cousin was right. You are a coward. The horse is your strength and I will kill it, never fear.” Destant expounded in a tone of sheer malice, it was hard not to flinch from the words.

“Your cousin was wrong and I will show you that error.”

Edwina was annoyed at the arrogance of the man, but her love of the stallion was a better testament of her worth than anything else she could possibly think at this moment.

Destant moved forward and brought his sword towards the injured shoulder. Edwina tried but was unable to parry this direct hit. She groaned in acute pain, as the blow in normal circumstances would have just annoyed her. Now knocked her off the stallion and she thudded to the ground. The crash of her armour was to the watching army a victory, and they cheered heartily.

“Prepare to die Black Knight! I will be happy to tell my cousin Sir Arnold Dubois that my sword defeated you. A fitting end, I would think.” Destant motioned over one of the horse tender’s and was helped off the horse and strode with long steps towards the unwilling victim.


Alicia had taken the story her father told her to heart and it made her decision that more palatable. Walking over to the dressing area, she quickly selected a suitable costume to the replace the one she currently wore. This dress would not be worn again until her Knight was held safe and tight to her breast.

Within a short time Alicia was ready and had called the maid to fetch her sister to her chambers.

Sophia was annoyed at her sleep being broken. Although, she had to admit that she was only dozing. How could she do any other with the activity now evident in the courtyard below? Stifling another yawn she meandered into her sister’s chambers and sleepily called out to Alicia. “Alicia what do you require at this hour, are you sick?”

Alicia walked into the main area of the chamber and gave a satisfied smirk as she saw the look of surprise appear on her sister’s face.

“No I am not sick, or at least not the sickness of the body, but of the heart.”

“Alicia…what are you dressed like that for? You look…look like a boy!” Sophia exclaimed and rushed to her side and put a small hand to her sister’s brow.

“Sophia, you exaggerate, a boy indeed! I need you to make arrangements for my horse to be at the side of the Castle and open the side doorway for me. I need to make haste Sophia. So, I do not want to pass anytime explaining my actions.” Alicia spoke firmly. Her green eyes locked on the grey of her sisters and a message of understanding passed between them as it had always done as children.

“You are going to him?” Sophia asked softly and saw the warm look project itself back at her and Alicia smiled and nodded her head.

“I knew you would understand Sophia. So, make haste. I need to go now! I will be at the sidewall in a few minutes.” Turning away to walk back towards her dressing area, she swiftly changed her mind and ran towards her sister and hugged her in a ferocious loving hold, whispering into her ear. “I love you Sophia, look after Papa for me.” She then released her stunned sister who had tears trailing down her cheeks at the affectionate gesture.

Sophia managed to calm herself and left the room immediately, walking as fast as her feet would take her to the stables and hopefully she wouldn’t be delayed too long in explanation.


Count Lascelles was sitting in the hall close to the log fire burning brightly in the large open fireplace that was the main feature of the room. Above the large stone mantle was a tapestry that was the last one his wife had finished prior to the plague taking her away from him. It was a scene out of their lives, a small clearing that had a large oak tree and close to the bank of a small trickling stream. Along the banks sat a man with a woman held closely in his arms beside the tree in happy contemplation of the two children frolicking near the stream, two small girls one with the red hair of sunset, the other the golden aura of the day laughing heartily.

“You would be proud my love. Oh, so proud of our fine children. Alicia she is so like you in temper and bearing. I think you would approve of the match between her and the Black Knight, even though it will not bring us grandchildren. At least she will marry for love and that is all that matters in this world as we two found out and what a way to spend that short span of time with the one you love.” His voice low and solemn, but not unhappy. He would always have his love in his heart. She would always be there forever!

A voice clearing close to his right shoulder brought the moist eyes of the Count to the person who had gained silent entry to the hall. “Pascal, you old rogue, come sit by me as we wait for the outcome be it peace or war.” The Count smiled at his greatest friend Count Devries.

“You are such a dreamer Henri. How you convinced Antoinette to marry you is totally beyond me. It was such a shock for her father! Do you remember how he tried everything to convince Toni not to marry you?” Pascal sat next to his friend and retrieved a goblet of red wine and sipped it slowly, looking into the fire as old happy memories asserted them and he could imagine the scenes all over again in the glowing embers of the fire before.

“Ah, yes, but my Toni always did have her father wrapped around her little finger. She had told him forthrightly, that he would not see his grandchildren should he not accept her wishes.”

Henri smiled and looked up at the tapestry that depicted his wife. She had been a very forceful personality. They had been a good team together - the best!

“That she did Henri. That she did. I think the lady Alicia takes after her Mama in very much the same way. I trust she is going to marry the Black Knight when this is all over?” Pascal chuckled at the red stain that came over Henri’s features.

“How could I resist, she is her mother’s daughter after all! I think Toni’s father and I would have much in common now, don’t you think?” Henries eyes twinkled at the mere thought of having something in common with his father in law, the old man would be turning in his grave.

“Yes, my friend! I’m sure you would but you always did you know!” Henri looked at his friend quizzically.

“You both loved Toni. He might not have wanted you as a son-in-law, but he knew that she was in the safest possible hands for you loved her even more than he did and for that he was thankful.” Pascal saw the looked of puzzlement be replaced by a thoughtful look and then a brief smile.

Lifting up his goblet he raised it to his friend and said. “To all the loves of today and those of yesterday; let there be peace this day.”

Both men drank slowly from the goblets and both contemplated the fire, deep in thought, but knowing that whatever they had shared some very happy moments together.


Sir Louis Destant loomed over the prone figure of the Black Knight who was struggling to remain conscious as the pain from her injury rocked her to the core. Her mind unable to grasp the mention of the Knight in Camelot who had called her a coward, but she would remember it in the future, she was certain if she had a future. Her addled mind creating images so indistinct she wasn’t sure what was real and what was illusion. “No fight left in you peasant? It will be my pleasure to laugh in the face of the Count Lascelles as I slit him in half, that his gallant hero is in fact a snivelling coward.”

Edwina heard the words and this time she felt the fire burning deep in her belly, no one maligned her love’s fathers name again while she still had breath left in her body, no one! “I think not Sir!” Edwina snarled and Destant was startled at the menace in the tone and even more amazed when the Knight moved into a kneeling position and held tightly to the hilt of the sword.

Destant gave an evil laugh and moved towards the still seemingly defenceless Knight. “Who will save you Black Knight?” Destant scanned the area for any back up there appeared to be none.

David and Daniel held their breath, waiting for the sign from the brave Knight that he wished for them to attack. But, it had not been forthcoming and they did not know what to do. The only thing they had decided was that Francis would leave for the Castle once the Black Knight had fallen from his horse.

The Black Knight lifted her visor so that she was able to see the enemy in front of her with a clear vision, her blue eyes glinting in the morning light. Destant looked deep into those blue orbs and was fascinated that he did not flinch from death, nor did it look like defeat in the eyes before him.

“Love will save me.” Edwina finally managed to say her throat dry and sore her energy at perilously low levels with no hope of recharging.

Destant scoffed at the words, “Love? Love is for the foolish not the brave of heart. Whoever heard of love as a saviour?”

“I DID!” A loud clearly defined voice said behind Destant.

Destant heard the voice and turned around suddenly forgetting the prone figure of the Knight in his shock at the sudden arrival of another to the scene. “YOU!”

“Sir, is that how to show respect to a lady?” Alicia smiled sweetly, but her eyes held a cold flint like look as she surveyed her beloved on the ground and the closeness to death her posture indicated.

“A lady would not be here. So, you are no lady in my eyes. When this is over, I will show you just what I think of one such as you who would mix with the peasant stock.” Destant spoke harshly clearly, insulting the young woman.

She glanced at the blue eyes of her beloved and saw a flash of fire spark and saw unbeknownst to the arrogant Knight in front of her.
Edwina rose slowly and reached for the small dagger on her right-hand side.

“I demand that you say that to me. I defend the lady’s honour sir.” Edwina said her voice barely audible, the angry tone could be heard, even if the words did not bear clarity.

Sir Louis Destant turned and realised his mistake in turning his back on his opponent as the Black Knight lunged one final time towards the large man. Her small dagger found its target in the defenceless chink in the armour near the shoulder. Her thrust dealt a fatal blow as her training demanded in such circumstances. As the Knight fell to the ground in agony, his words came strangling out in disbelief. “Love? You said Love…?” He fell onto his face and the army that had previously cheered, now had the silence of the grave about them.

“Yes, love!” Edwina herself struggled as her knees buckled and she fell to the ground unable to remain standing. David and Daniel ran forward to cover the back of the Knight. His lady Alicia quickly dismounted from her horse and moved swiftly towards her love.

“Of course, love, my dear Knight, how could it be anything else between us.” Alicia whispered as she gently cradled as much of the woman as she could in her arms with the weight of the battle armour obstructing her ministrations. Tenderly placing the injured body to the ground as she stroked the damp dark hair away from blue sapphire eyes and saw the pain Edwina was unable to mask. Beneath that, she saw the trust and the love that Edwina had in her and it made her smile as tears of happiness flooded her being.

“I will always love you Alicia,” blue eyes captured green and spoke of a love that would transcend death itself to survive.

“I know that Edwina, I know. I will always love you forever and ever.” Alicia spoke softly into the ear closest to her and watched as the Knight closed her eyes and her hand that had held her loves slipped from within now limp on the black armour.

Alicia placed her head on the chest of her beloved and sobbed until a hand gently brought her back to the matter in hand; there was still an army out there.

Raven had moved closer to his mistress and snorted for attention.

Alicia looked up at the steed her eyes heavy with unshed tears.

“Raven keep our gallant Knight safe for me!” Her words echoing in the clearing and the two men who had witnessed the death of the Black Knight could only gulp back their own tears at the sight. The black steed knelt and the two men placed the still form of the Knight on the horse.

“Let us rid this army of our lands, shall we?” Alicia spoke forcefully to the two men as they mounted their respective horses and rode without fear to the heart of the enemy.


Chapter Eleven:

Francis was riding as if the very devil was at his heals and shouted for entry at the gates of the Castle. Paul responded and opened the gates; a sight he was hoping would not be needed in this way.

“Francis, what of the Black Knight?” Paul the master at arms asked anxiously.

“He was taken from his horse with ease Paul. I do not know the outcome, but it did not look good for us! The black Knight would want you to know and be ready. He was insistent that we remove the women and children out of the Castle should it come to this battle.” Francis said quietly seeing the expressions of sorrow pass over the bulky man’s face.

“Then I will inform the Count, and Francis, thank you.” Paul swiftly turned and went towards the Castle entrance faster than a man of his bulk normally would be expected to move.

Francis nodded his head and went to the side entrance of the Castle and saw the pensive figure of the younger daughter of the Castle. She was beautiful and he had often fantasised about her. Alas, he was but a poor man at arms. “Milady, it is dangerous in the courtyard this day.” Francis said quietly, averting his eyes, not wanting to drown in the grey pools that lit her sunny face.

“Ah, Francis, but it is the only place that I want to be.” Sophia said absently. She had seen the man at arms on many an occasion and had been entranced at his prowess on the battlefield. She had especially spellbound when he had battled in a good-natured way with the Black Knight. He was a very handsome young man. Pity he was not a nobleman by birth.

“It is by far safer in the Castle Milady. Please. Your father will worry if you do not go back inside.”

Francis came closer his brown expressive eyes shone with affection for the young woman and he smiled briefly.

“You were with the Black Knight Francis? How goes it?” Sophia watched the smile fade and be replaced by a frown.

“It was not good last I saw. We expect the army to be here shortly.” Francis did not want to lie to the Lady.

“The Black Knight is dead?” Sophia gasped out. What of her sister?

“At that time no, but it did seem the outcome was but a formality Milady.” Francis turned to look into her troubled eyes there was something more.

“My sister!” Sophia exclaimed and slow tears fell on her pale cheeks, Francis was at a loss to know what to do.

“Milady please, I did not wish to upset you, perhaps if you went to see your sister she will surely need your comfort now.” Francis said compassionately.

“I cannot Francis for my sister is gone!”

“Gone? I do not understand Milady?”

“She followed the gallant Knight. What will happen to her now?” Sophia was beside herself she wanted nothing more than to go and look for her sister.

“The lady Alicia is near the battle field?” Francis was shocked. His face paled at the thought.

“Yes! What must I do Francis?” Sophia looked wretchedly towards him for help.

Francis wanted nothing more than to ease the pain he saw in the eyes looking towards him helplessly.

“I will go out and seek the Lady and bring her home. Please, Milady, you had better inform your father and stay indoors; it is safer there.” He turned not giving her another glance and went over to the stables for a fresh mount and a quick discussion with Paul.

Sophia watched the man at arms move with fluid grace towards the stables. She felt for the first time since Alicia left the Castle that perhaps there was hope; if not for the Black Knight, at least for her sister.


Alicia looked at the man seated on the chestnut mare. He moved neither forward nor back at her approach. She remained determined in her seat on her horse. Eventually coming within speaking distance to the man, she looked at him directly.

“I know you Claude Arinate! You are friend of the young Count Devries. Am I to believe that he has a hand in this sorry mess before us?” Alicia spoke with such a touch of steel. The man thought it was a dagger piecing his eardrums.

“Milady, you should not be here; it is far too dangerous.” Claude explained quickly. He had decided that now that Sir Destant was dead, he would await further instructions from the Count himself when he arrived.

“I am here to stop the danger sir. You obviously are not. And pray tell who was the Knight that lies defeated at the feet of my betrothed.” Alicia had wanted to turned her face away in anguish as she said the words, but could not it had to be the brave of heart today. She had promised that much to herself and the memory of her beloved.

Claude swallowed at the harsh words he had no personal wish to bring harm to the lady before him. “Sir Louis Destant, he was a friend of the Count Devries from childhood days.” Claude responded and watched as an expression of disgust crossed her face.

“Then it is fitting that both are dead this day, by the hands of the Black Knight; who sort only to bring peace to this area and the lands of my father.” Alicia retorted and was pleased that the news of Devries death had surprised the man before her.

“John is dead too?” Claude asked in a whispered tone. He couldn’t believe it. What did they do now? He had no want of a battle.

“Yes, where you left him, so the Black Knight duly informed us earlier.” Alicia stated coldly.

Claude thought for a few minutes as he gazed over the small army that would do as he bid. Silently, he raised an arm as Alicia held her breath considering what would come next. It would be so easy for him to kill her and advance towards the original goal.

Several horsemen came forward and Claude looked at each one in turn, and then spoke firmly. “We no longer have reason to continue our advance on the Castle Lascelles. We will return home.” The defeated man stated solemnly as all eyes went from him to the woman who sat proudly on the grey dappled mare.

Alicia released her breath and a heavy sigh came from her lips and the two men who flanked either side of her gave each other a wry smile of satisfaction.

“Milady, I will never set foot on your lands. That is a promise on my honour.” Claude turned and rode off to head the flight home.

Alicia looked at the retreating army and was both happy at the sight, but deeply sorrowful as she turned back to clearing and the two dead figures. She could not prevent the tears falling as she steered her mare around and headed back to Raven and her beloved charge. For today love had indeed won the battle, but it had not won the war. Her heart was heavy as she slowly cantered down to be with the woman she loved but for a short time. ‘In another lifetime my love.’ Her mind whispered the words and she took heart from them for she was sure it was Edwina’s voice she heard in her thoughts.

As those words filtered through she was astonished to see that Raven had left the area and no trace was left of the Black Knight, she had disappeared into the forest as King Arthur had done into the lake.

What manner of mystical mystery was this?


A year had past since the remarkable turn around of what was to be a siege, petered out to nothing except the death of a few Knights.

The Castle Lascelles was a happy place. For it heralded the birth of a son to the daughter of the Castle. The old Count was bustling around like a mother hen. He had said that he wanted to tell his grandchildren stories of love and battles and good over evil and he would now have the opportunity. He himself had rested so much in the last year; his own injuries that had taken their toll had finally been laid to rest. He was now confident that he would see more than one grandchild in his lifetime.

The Castle hall was being given a good cleaning. Fresh flowers were being placed in many of the areas dedicated to the birth of the new heir to the Castle. For the Count had changed legally the way the Castle would be willed in the family line.

Walking towards the large fireplace, he saw the huddled figure of his great friend Pascal Devries. Who had aged considerably after finding out that his own son had arranged the siege on the Castle. Had it not been for the Black Knight, all would have been lost, including his own life.

“Ah, my friend. I see I cannot keep you away from the wine on this wonderful morning?” Henri relinquished, laughing merrily and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Dulled eyes looked up into those of his friend. He smiled slowly. The hurt of all the previous memory were about to be replaced by the christening of his friend’s grandson.

“My friend you always did have the best wine cellar in France and well you know.”

“I want only the best for my family as always.” Henri chuckled, sitting himself next to his friend as he retrieved a goblet of the tasty wine for himself.

“Pascal a toast to the love of today and of yesterday. May peace remain firm in our hearts.” The goblets chinked together and both men drank heartily.

“Love as always will conquer all.” Pascal said and both men then started to relate memories of long past days.


Alicia smiled at Francis and hugged him as he laid the baby in the crib and they both looked at the new arrival to the Lascelles family.

“He’s Beautiful Alicia, just like his mother.” Francis said and looked at the woman at his side smiling back at him.

“You are a flatterer Francis. I’m sure David here will not thank you for that comment. He will want to be a strong looking young man like his father when he grows to maturity.” Alicia countered seeing the red tinge his cheeks at the statement.

“My dear, I will try to remember that. But, he does have the look of his mother. She is a very, very beautiful woman.” Francis fixed his eyes on the small baby, touching a tender finger to the hands that grasped his finger in a strong hold.

“Yes, yes that is true…beautiful.” Alicia responded. Her mind in a faraway places that only she went.

“Who is beautiful?” Sophia walked into the room.

Her husband, who kissed her hair and smiled down at her, enclosed her in a loving hold.” Why you of course my love. But you have a second, in our son here.” Francis acknowledged.

Sophia blushed at the compliment and raised her eyes to gaze lovingly into the man who she had to beg to marry her. But he was no match for a woman from the house of Lascelles.

“If you two do not mind I will go for a walk. I will be back for the party never fear.” Alicia watched the love and affection pass between the happy family unit and she walked swiftly out of the room, her heart containing sadness she could barely contain.


Some time later she was riding her mare towards the clearing where she had held her love for the last time…and heard words whispered from those lips…and the look of love from those eye she would give her life to see one more time.

She had often sought sanctuary in this area. The young woman had been pleasantly surprised to see a small stream with a large oak settled into a deep recess that was easily overlooked. Tethering her horse at the tree, she smiled at the tranquillity the place always gave to her even though, it was the final place she had seen her beloved.

Sitting under the branches as the sun filtered through the trees and she took peace from the silence that surrounded her in this place.

They had sent messengers from all around the area to find the magnificent black horse called Raven. But the horse and rider were never seen anywhere from that day forward.

Alicia had sent letters to friends in England, the bordering countries, but alas, no information was forthcoming. It was as if horse and rider had been but a figment of over active imaginations. It was as if it had been but a dream that had suddenly been broken and the reality was far different.

There had been some recent news that had astonished her. But after talks with Daniel and David after the near battle, it had seemed fitting in her eyes. Sir Arnold Dubois had been slain in a personal battle of honour only the month before by some mystery Knight who had left as quickly as he had appeared. To this day, no one could say who it had been; only that Sir Dubois had known whom he fought. She had been apprised of the information, as it was known of her love for the Black Knight and that his name had been cleared of any cowardly association, being the last word spoken by the dying Knight.

Now, a year later at least, they could celebrate something other than the death of such a brave and gallant Knight as Edwina D’Argent Lion had been, to not only her but also the area in general.

“In another lifetime my love.” Alicia whispered to the small breeze that moved her hair forward into her eyes as she shut them deep in thought.

“Would you care for it to be this lifetime?” a voice she only heard in her dreams sounded clearly in the now still air, the breeze miraculously gone.

Alicia dare not open her eyes as she turned towards the voice.

“It cannot be!” her voice so low it was hard to hear the words.

She felt a movement at her side. Suddenly her chin was lifted gently and a lean finger traced the slow trail of tears that had leaked out of the closed eyelids.

“It can be whatever you want it to be Alicia. Please, my love open your eyes?” a tentative plea from the one voice she had thought stilled forever except in her imagination.

Alicia slowly opened her eyes and she sank into the sapphire blue that she had thought forever lost. Her own green ones shone with tears as she experienced the soul reaching connection the simple glance and touch of the woman she loved could bring forth.

“How can this be?” her voice trembling and questioning as her eyes greedily took in every facet and line and expression that was allowed to her.

“Raven knew better than all. He galloped to the cave of a healing woman. I cannot say for how long my life was in the balance, but as I thought it was finally to end, I felt a light beckoning me back to this life and I answered it. That light was you my love.” Edwina replied, not really answering the question, but it did not matter for now. Her fingers gently cupped the face of the tearstained face she loved and had missed in the months of her recuperation.

Alicia sighed softly and pursed her lips against the finger tracing her lips.

“Why did you not return earlier? I would have gladly helped you heal your wounds Edwina. I thought you dead. How cruel is that?”

Edwina knew the truth of the words, but she shook her head gently, “It was the wish of the old healer that I stay until I was totally healed. I gave my promise Alicia, would you want that? For me to break my promise when she had saved my life?”

“No! No, I would not want that, but could word not have been sent? That would have lightened my heavy heart my love?” Alicia asked as she saw the tears appear in the blue eyes before her.

“When I was fit again it was many months from the day Raven left the battlefield. I did not know if you would want me back, or that you had not found another. I also had some unfinished dilemma I needed to complete. It might not have gone my way, then it would have been cruel to mourn my death twice would it not?” Edwina let a tear splash down her cheek. However, she did not tear her eyes away from the green ones she had dearly missed, as she waited for words from the smaller woman to seal her fate.

Alicia anxiously put her hands around the neck of this so precious body that had been given back to her. She was going to hold on and on and on…forever this time.

“Are you still going to marry me?”

Edwina beamed. Her entire face lit up with the joy of the straightforward question. She came close to the cherry red lips that had always been in her mind as she waited impatiently for the wound to heal, her constant thoughts were always of coming back and claiming this woman as hers. “Alicia Lascelles would you do me the honour of becoming my wife I who am but Edwina D’Argent Lion with nothing to offer, other than my heart and a love so strong it will be yours for all eternity?”

Alicia caught a breath and decided that this time words had no meaning but actions spoke equally as well if not better. Pulling the dark head forward she placed passionately waiting lips to the full lips of her suitor and the kiss that they exchanged changed their lives forever.

As mouths slid and danced a dance that only lovers know and tongues beseeched an opening to tangle deliciously together it was for the two lovers a meeting of souls that had evaded death itself. The sensation that the kiss evoked in them both, sent them slowly down into the velvet green grass as their bodies fused together for the first time. Each unable to do anything but surrender to the deep building passion that the kiss demanded of them. Clothes a barrier that would be dispensed with, and eventually bare bodies reacted to the stimulating connect of breast-to-breast, limb-to-limb. For them both, the ultimate act of love was theirs and theirs alone. To be savoured and experienced time and time again for as if by enchantment, their love had conquered all!

This day was for lovers long lost, but reunited. Love had not only won the battle, but it had won the war over hate and as in all good stories there are adventures anew to experience as love would grow never to be distinguished by anything ever again.

Once upon a time…


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