~ Haunting Shadows ~
J M Dragon
Part Eleven
© 2000 by J M Dragon
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements: See Part One

Part 11

Chapter Eighteen

It had been one of the most unexpected shocks in Jace's life when she arrived back on the ranch. Nothing, nothing had prepared her for the surprise and yes, absolute shock of seeing her ex-husband watching them alight from the vehicle after their eventful trip the town.

"I can't believe it?" Jace whispered but loud enough for Grace to hear her as she glanced towards the figure leaning against the porch railings watching them.

"Believe what? Oh bloody hell!" Grace asked and then saw the object of Jace's disbelief.

Jace's face was devoid of colour, her cheeks white as a sheet and her hands were shaking. "What is he doing here? I never told him about the baby, how could he know?"

Grace saw the turmoil in the anguished woman and closed her hand on the smaller one. "Don't worry, do you want me to handle this?"

"Yes! No! No Grace you can't; he will want to see Elena and I can't stop him, he is after all her father!" Jace spoke quietly, trying to convince herself.

"Biological father Jace, we know who will be the substitute 'father figure' your daughter will look up to for advice and love."  Grace pointed out to her, wondering if she'd forgotten Catherine in her shock at seeing Adamson.

"Yes. Well the only good point about this is, Catherine always said she didn't want to be on the property when he came visiting, guess she got her wish." Jace pulled her coat closer to her and braced the cold and walked briskly towards the porch and the straightening figure of her ex-husband.

Grace shook her head; some men never gave up on a lost cause did they! Climbing out of the vehicle she took Lisa's hand and called Jake to follow her to the stables. She needed to see Colin and they could come as, Jace had a visitor and needed to be alone for a little while.

Jace looked up at the boyish features of Peter Adamson, he hadn't changed but then again it had only been a year. "Peter, I'm surprised to see you here? Why are you?"

Peter Adamson looked at the beautiful blonde that he had been proud to call his wife and who had given birth to his child, but she wasn't his and had never been if he was prepared to be frank with himself! "I heard that you had given birth to my daughter, I thought I would see how you both were and get acquainted with my child."

Jace sucked in a breath and walked up the steps to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, her heart beating loudly, she was positive he must hear it. "Who told you?"

Peter quirked an eyebrow at her and gave a small smile. "A little bird, but obviously not the stork. It appears that privilege went to another." he couldn't help the sarcasm that laced his voice, his mind on the owner of the property he was currently standing on, but obviously very unwelcome.

Jace winced at his tone and wished that Catherine had been on the ranch, she could sure use the support, this she hadn't been ready for. "I assume you want to see Elena?" Jace decided that it would be prudent to let him see Elena and then he could leave.

"Elena? Foreign sounding name, no, don't tell me SHE decided on the name, typical!" Peter looked at her scornfully, why was she so besotted with that woman?

"I chose the name, Catherine didn't have anything to do with it!" Jace angrily responded. She didn't care what he thought anyway, it had absolutely nothing to do with him.

"Jace, you always did jump to her defence, after all the heart ache she caused you, you still think she's the most wonderful person on the planet?" Peter watched her carefully; he knew that Jace would find it impossible to lie about anything when looked at directly.

"She certainly is the most wonderful and loving person on the planet Peter. I hope you find someone like that yourself one day." Jace decided to keep her anger bottled, there wouldn't be any benefit in antagonism.

"I thought I had!' He stated simply and then looked towards the door of the house. "You look cold, time you went inside and we can see our daughter."

"All right." Jace stated reluctantly. "Follow me!"

They both went into the house and Jace motioned to Judy and requested she go ask Faith to bring down Elena if she didn't mind.

Jace placed her coat and gloves on the coat stand in the hall and went towards the study. It would be warm in there but also private; you could never tell when someone was going to walk in on you in the other main rooms in the house.

Faith joined them holding the baby cradled to her chest. She looked at the young man and her face took on a quizzical expression similar to one she'd seen on Grace's features.

"Thanks Faith. This is Peter Adamson, Elena's father." Jace announced simply.

Faith looked at the unhappy expression on her face and at the man's feeble attempt at a smile. "Pleased to meet you Mr. Adamson, she'll need feeding shortly." Faith said sharply and left the room after handing Elena over to Jace.

"Hey beautiful, gonna open your eyes for mommy?" Jace whispered into the baby's face. The baby obediently opened her eyes and gurgled happily at the sight of her mother.

Peter shuffled around on the spot as he watched the woman he still loved, cradle and croon to their child. He was proud of Jace, but not happy with her decision to live here and with that woman! He was going to have some input into his daughter's upbringing, he'd make damn sure of that! "Are you going to introduce me to her?"

Jace had almost forgotten Peter was in the room with her, he wasn't important. "Sorry, Elena this is......Peter," she answered the glance she gave him defiant.

Peter noticed the title she had 'not' bestowed on him. Walking over to her he looked down at the curious eyes of his daughter.  "Hey, little one, what a beauty you are." Peter was enthralled and he placed a finger into her tiny fist and laughed softly as she grasped it in a very strong hold.

Jace watched him through veiled eyelids, he had every right to be here she knew but she had so hoped that he just wouldn't have bothered. "You didn't say who told you I'd had the baby. It could not have been my folks they don't know anything about her yet."

Peter glanced up briefly into her expressive green eyes and then looked down into a much smaller mirror image of them. "No I never did. Why haven't you told your family Jace, they would be pleased I'm sure?" He was surprised at the admission. He was sure Jace must have made up with her family once he was out of the picture; it was after all, his presence in her life that had prompted the rift, however innocently.

"Never been the opportunity, I guess, we will get round to it soon." Jace supplied her thoughts, sad at the loss of contact with her family.

"We?" Peter smiled at his daughter who clasped onto his finger with even more determined strength.

"Catherine and I, who did you think I meant?" Jace eyed him suspiciously.

Peter looked at her in annoyance. He wanted her back; he wanted this family life, and he would give up anything for it! "Come back to me?" he pleaded.

Jace looked at him in complete surprise, stunned at his question. "No! It's over, it should never have started in the first place, and I'm not in love with you!"

Peter pulled his hand away from the baby and she scowled at the action and began to murmur in agitation. "You never loved me did you; no matter what you said. What was it all about Jace, a stud for the night to have a child for that bitch you live with?"

Jace went several shades paler than she already was. 'No, no it had never been that, she had loved him but only the love of a friend, not a lover.' "How can you say that? You knew I loved you as a friend and I always will, but it was never the love that I felt for and do feel for Catherine. You always knew that Peter, ALWAYS! You were my friend."

Peter looked at her and knew it was a pointless exercise to try and convince her, 'what did he have to compete with Catherine Devonshire; hell she had everything! No, that wasn't strictly true she wasn't the father here I am, that gives me some rights.' "I want to have the right to see my daughter and have a direct influence over her upbringing." he stated matter of factly.

"Why?" Jace questioned. Now distraught and looked down at the peacefully innocent countenance of her daughter, 'Catherine had been right, he isn't going to let me have custody over Elena solely, how could I have been so naive.'

"She's mine too or have you forgotten that small point?" He was hurting her and he wanted to inflict even more hurt. Jace had hurt him when she left him suddenly the morning after the party at Thompson's, and pushed through with the divorce against his wishes.

"Your name isn't on the birth certificate." Jace told him defensively. She wasn't finished yet, he might be winning the skirmishes, but she was damned if he was going to win the war.

"Don't talk rubbish Jace, that's not your style, your lying to me!" Peter looked astounded that she would even think it.

"It's not my style you're right, but you're going to have to take me to court to get any access to my child and I'll fight you, if youthink I won't. TRY ME!" Jace exploded and Elena let out a shriek of surprise and started to sniffle and burrow closer to her mother. 'Feeding time.'

Peter looked at her angrily, and gave her a tight look. "Your upsetting her." He looked about the room and realised he'd worn out his welcome assuming he had been welcome in the first place, which he doubted. "This isn't over Jace!" He looked her over once again and then swiftly went to the door and left.

Jace sat down heavily on one of the large armchairs in the room she cuddled Elena to her, deciding this was a good place to feed her daughter. Opening her blouse and freeing her left breast, she pulled the baby close to get her to suckle. It didn't take long, that was something her daughter had caught on easily. It always made her chuckle at the appetite of her baby and today wasn't any different except Jace's expressive eyes remained sad. 'Please come home soon Catherine, I need you.'

A lone tear trailed along her cheek as she contemplated Peter's motives for trying to stay in her life, and who had informed him of the birth, that was still a puzzle?

* * * * * * *

Grace watched Colin Montgomery saddle up Tralargon, he was going to take the mare for her daily exercise. She watched as he talked and soothed the creature then stroked his hand down her right flank to compliment his words. Grace felt like a voyeur, she had to shake her head a couple of times, she knew her body was responding to the resonating tones of the ranch foreman not to mention the movement of his hands on the mare. He had always had the sort of voice you could spend a lifetime listening to, it was soothing and made you feel so safe. She wanted to have that in her life, no, she wanted to have him in her life!

Jake had taken Lisa to the top of the hillock to make a snowman. They would be engrossed for at least an hour or more, which should give Jace the time she needed to rid herself of her ex.

Now Grace looked closely at her own problems, it was okay to give out all this advice on love and commitment, but what did she do when it was her problem? Who was she going to talk to about it? 'Jace? I would but I think she's got enough on her plate, so my problems wouldn't be exactly welcome. Mother? Oh yeah, she could try the mother daughter interface and I know as soon as I mention this particular problem, mother would come running over to sound the man out, and that would be that!  Not a problem any longer, but plenty of embarrassment all round. No, that wasn't an option. Judy? No, she was okay but there was something not quite right with that girl, I really must check her out soon. I guess that leaves me,' her natural buoyancy to make light of a problem where possible, made her laugh out loud.

"Grace?" Colin had turned at the laugh and was surprised but pleased to see her.

"Hi Colin, sorry to disturb you. Jace needed to have some time with her ex at the house and the kids are making a snowman; so I thought I would just pass the time of day with the horses. By the way, how did Adamson get to the house, wasn't your newly installed security working today Colin?" Well, it was close to the truth, wasn't it?

"Actually, Adamson arrived about the same time as the contractors who are fixing up the equipment on the north side. He obviously was taken to be one of them. I need to clear that matter up, not sure how yet; but I will! I checked up on him when he arrived about an hour ago, I said he could stay on the porch, no access to the house and I had a ranch hand close by watching him; it would be Jace's call then I suppose. So, horses and you Grace? No! Others I can understand, but you, come on what's the problem?" He looked at her in a friendly fashion, perhaps for the first time in months.

Grace gave him a wry grin, "Can't keep much from you can I?"

Colin gave her a long look and the lines around his eyes wrinkled as he smiled at her, his grey eyes locking with her brown ones. "I think you have in the past, but it's different now."

"You going to enlighten me on that little gem?" Grace gave him a full smile.

"Tell you what, I have to exercise Tralargon, would you care to have dinner with me and I think we can perhaps trade some stories, that might be enlightening for both of us. What about it Grace?" Colin smiled back at her and waited patiently for her answer; she seemed to be at a loss for words.

Grace was momentarily lost for words, anything she'd thought of as a smart remark to whatever he was going to say, just dried up; her mouth felt dry and incapable of voicing the smallest of sounds. 'Was he asking her out on a date?' finally she found her voice. "What about Fiona?" Grace looked at him and expected him to recant his invitation.

He continued to smile, then a mischievous grin appeared on his face and he bent close to her ear and whispered, "Long gone Grace, it's time to experience the real thing. I'll come to the house at seven. Okay?" He then placed a light kiss on her lips, mounted Tralargon and trotted the mare out of the stables and cantered down the drive to the open range without a backward glance.

"The real thing? Did he just say what I think he said? I have to tell Jace, I have to tell someone, I want to tell everyone!" Grace was spluttering over the words and she sat down on a clean bale of straw and hugged the information to her. Maybe she was getting her third chance at this and no way was she going to lose it this time, no way!

Smiling as if she had won the lottery, she decided now was a good time to throw some snowballs at those kids of ours, yeah payback time. She was in one of the best moods she'd been in for ........years.

* * * * *

Danni chose the moment that Catherine went into her study to venture out of the guestroom and search for something to eat. Walking into the kitchen she noticed that Susan was although still here, was putting on her overcoat in readiness to leave.

"Hi Susan, anything left for me?" Danni smiled at the housekeeper, but lost it immediately as she was given an icy glance from Susan.

"I have left something in the refrigerator for you." Susan answered shortly.

Danni noticed the coldness in the housekeepers tone and she hung her head, "I never meant to say what I did to the newspapers." Catherine would have informed the old crone about the story in the papers so it wasn't much use denying anything.

Susan looked at the young woman and speculated on that comment. "Then why did you? It would have been prudent to say 'no comment' others do?"

"I was mad at her, she brings me here and then ignores me altogether, I was, no I'm jealous of what she has with Jace Bardley."  Danni wanted to talk to someone about this knot she was tied in and didn't have anyone else.

"Are you telling me you love her too? What are they putting in the water in New Zealand these days?" Susan chuckled at that scenario.

Danni laughed quietly with the joke the woman had tried to ease the tension with. "I think it's just a certain person, not the whole of the country."

"So, are you in love with Catherine?" Susan persisted.

"No, lust might cover it but love, well I've never been in love and what I feel for Catherine it is pointless anyway, and she's so in love with our token American, no one stands a chance. It makes you feel sick, when you see them together." Danni said, her manner one of resignation.

"Token American, isn't that a little harsh?" Susan looked at Danni who had poured herself orange juice from the cold compartment of the refrigerator.

"Sorry, Irish humour." Danni replied as she took a large draught from her glass and placed the half-empty tumbler on the kitchen table. This was her stock in trade answer when she couldn't formulate anything equally witty.

"What does Jace Bardley look like Danni? Call it a nosey old woman's inquisitiveness." Susan explained.

"Jace is well, she's Jace! She has silky blonde hair down to her shoulders, the most amazing green eyes that you could ever want to see you drown in them when she looks at you directly, mesmerising. When she smiles it's like she glows and it's hard not to respond to the compassion that flows from her. She's about five foot four or five; short when you see her and Catherine together, and yet she doesn't appear small, she has a way of holding her body that makes her as tall as Catherine and taller sometimes. You know she has a way with words that makes everyone love her, I don't think there is anyone on the ranch that ndoesn't; she's simply Jace." Danni spoke almost to herself, capturing images in her head of the described woman.

Susan had been watching Danni as she spoke and couldn't stop a half smile of recognition pass over her lips. Picking up her purse she walked to the doorway leading to the hall. "Danni if I was you I would reconsider how you feel, you might be in lust with Catherine, but in my opinion, you are in love with Jace Bardley, think on it." Susan left the stunned Danni looking into the glass of her juice and then Susan popped her head back round the doorway. "I suggest you keep that information from Catherine as that would certainly send her way over the edge with you if she suspected you of having deep feelings for Jace, and I mean any feelings at all!"

Danni completely still her mind numb from the housekeeper's disclosure, she heard the door of the apartment open and close as Susan left.

'What the hell was the old crone going on about, I can't love her? Impossible, she's an irritant nothing more, she hardly gives me the time of day.' Danni considered that remark, but did she give Jace the same courtesy. 'I can't believe Susan said that, I must be going mad with frustration that's what it is, it must be!'

Danni retrieved several items from the refrigerator and set about making a sandwich, it would at least give her something to do until her emotions settled back down. 'Me? In love with Jace Bardley? No! No! No!'

* * * * *

Catherine waited patiently for the connection to be picked up at home it seemed to be hours instead of the seconds that had lapsed.

"Hello 'Destiny' ranch who's calling please?"

Catherine smiled as she realised that Jake had answered the phone and he answered the call appropriately also!

"Hi Jake, what's my boy been up too since I've been away?" Catherine smiled as she heard the intake of breath and the sudden release as he realised who was at the end of the line.

"Catherine?" he asked tentatively.

"That's me boy, how you doing?" Catherine felt happy for the first time since she'd talked to Jace earlier in the week, it was the deep sense of desolation without her family that she had completely misjudged, and this wasn't going to happen again that was for sure.

"I'm good to go! What about you?" Jake used one of her expressions.

"I'm good to go too Jake, so are you in the study or the hall?"

"I'm in the hall, I will get Jace and Lisa and we will transfer the call okay?" Jake said remembering the rest of the family.

"Sure, but what about Grace?" Catherine had been surprised that Grace hadn't been mentioned.

"Oh, Grace and Colin have gone to town for a meal; she looked beautiful, she had a dress on!" Jake explained, the surprise in his voice at Grace's attire evident, which prompted Catherine to chuckle at her end.

"Well, that answers that one, go get the rest of the family and we will have a nice chat." She heard him put the phone down and call Jace and Lisa.

The call had been underway for over an hour and Lisa asked Catherine when she would be home.

"Soon Princess, soon. But you can play with Elena until I get there isn't that right Jace." Catherine sounded hollow as her voice echoed from the intercom.

Jace laughed, "Well, in small doses but this eldest daughter of ours is a dare devil Catherine; she wants to take Elena for a bicycle ride. I kind of think Elena is a little young for that yet!" Jace replied the call was just what the doctor ordered, not only for the children but for her also.

"Did you like my snowball Catherine?" Lisa asked in her usual excitement.

"Princess I loved your snowball and Susan my housekeeper here wants one too, gives you a tingling sensation when you hold it." Catherine laughed at the delighted sounds from the child.

"Did she? Can we send her one Jace? CAN WE, CAN WE?" The child shouted in glee.

"We will see, what about the others Catherine, did you recognise everything?" Jace had wondered if Catherine had received the box of goodies but had to wait for her to mention them directly, it would have spoilt the surprise otherwise.

"I love it all, Jake thanks for the horse it reminds me of you and Tralargon." Catherine's voice held her appreciation at his thoughtfulness.

"I nearly sent you a football, but the horse was better because you could think of Tralargon too, she misses you as much as we do." Jake said quietly.

"I miss her too Jake." Catherine replied equally as quietly.

Jace chose that moment to call a halt to the free for all call and asked if the children could watch some TV for a few minutes while they talked alone. Both children rolled their eyes at her.

"We know you just want to tell her you love her Jace, we can listen, you say it often enough here." Lisa pointed out frankly.

"LISA YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!" Jake shouted at her, but couldn't help the smirk cross his face as he agreed with her.

"I just did." Lisa said and looked directly at Jace. "It's true though isn't it?"

Jace turned red, very red at the child's accurate observation, it was embarrassing.

"I agree with you Lisa, so scram and then I can say I love her too!" the disembodied voice of Catherine resonated around the study.

"Yeah, okay, love you Catherine come home safe soon." Lisa laughed.

"Yes. I agree, come home soon Catherine." Jake called as he followed Lisa to the door.

"I love you both, don't go causing trouble while I'm away." Catherine smiled into her receiver.

"We won't, see you soon." They answered in unison and left the room.

"So how much do you love me Jace Bardley?" Catherine asked seductively her voice low and sensuous.

"Ah, coming from the woman who is having an affair with her physio, that's rich. Is there something you need to explain to me?" Jace commented although she laughed.

Catherine heard the tone of voice and the question but Catherine decided that she wanted her answer first. "How much?"

"Whatever you can handle Catherine and more." Jace huskily replied.

"That's my girl, and Danni is leaving the apartment tomorrow, she said stupid things to the reporters." Catherine offered in explanation.

"Good! I didn't believe any of it anyway, who would want my cast off anyway." Jace's voice held the confirmation and trust that Catherine needed to hear. Catherine heard.

"Anyone ever tell you that you can be cruel Jace." Catherine laughed softly, never having been considered someone else's cast off before; it was amusing and accurate beyond measure, 'Who would want her if Jace didn't, there wouldn't be anything left to salvage!'

"Mmmmm today, I had a visitor." Jace decided that Catherine being ignorant of Peter's visit would be foolish, to many avenues for trouble.

"Who?" Catherine asked quietly, she knew that there were few people who would even know where Jace was, never mind visit her.

"Peter, Peter Adamson." Jace waited for the explosion. Jace didn't need to wait long, holding the receiver away from her ear slightly.

"HOW CAN YOU ENTERTAIN THAT MAN WHEN I'M AWAY?" Catherine shouted down the line.

"He came to see Elena, he has a right! Entertaining isn't the word I would use for it either." Jace answered calmly.

"No, he doesn't! Where has he been all through your pregnancy? Did he hold you when you couldn't sleep? Did he go hunting for those special cravings in the middle of the night?" Catherine would have continued her tirade, but was interrupted by Jace.

"Yes he does Catherine; he's the baby's father, I can't deny him the chance to see her." Jace choked on the words, hadn't she expressed exactly that to him herself, why was she aggravating Catherine with a lie.

"The bastard waits for me to leave the country and then he homes in on my family. Some good guy he turns out to be; couldn't keep you when he was married to you, so he waits for me to leave the country and he tries again!" Catherine blasted Jace.

"It's not like that Catherine and you know it! If you're so concerned come home." Jace pleaded.

"I can't." Catherine replied hoarsely.

"Why not?" Jace wasn't happy with the answer.

"Because it's not over yet and I want who was behind the chaos at Xianthos." Catherine said coldly.

"So you want revenge?"


"For the people who died or for Xianthos or because you want it personally?" Jace asked desperately.

"Does it matter?"


"Then it's all three, you can't separate them."

"Revenge isn't the answer Catherine, come home, let's get on with our lives, we have so much to look forward to." Jace pleaded but already knew her pleas were falling on deaf ears.

"No!" Catherine emphatically stated.

"This could take years and even your life! Are you willing to sacrifice our life together for revenge?" Jace now realised the depths Catherine would go for the sake of her precious Xianthos, family life and values paled in comparison to the drive she had from that entity; how did you compete with something so powerful?

There was a heavy silence from Catherine's end of the line.

"GIVE MY REGARDS TO DANNI, TELL HER I WISH HER WELL WITH YOU." Jace put down the phone in anger. Tears leaking from her eyelids, she shouldn't have done that, hadn't she learned anything from the last time she shut Catherine out.

Catherine held the disconnected instrument in her hands. 'You're just being over reactive Jace; I'll be back before you know it.  That weasel Adamson doesn't stand a chance with Jace; she loves me! When I get back I'll make it up to you and the family, I promise. Jace always forgave her, didn't she?'

The phone rang at 'Destiny' Jace picked up the receiver in the study. "Hello 'Destiny'......"

"I love you Jace, please don't leave me!" Catherine choked back a sob as she sincerely pleaded. Her hand had speed dialled the number for home within minutes of the disconnection, that wasn't the way to end any conversation with Jace, she had learned that the last time.

Jace smiled through her own tears, "Not a chance dearest, you owe me all your tomorrows, remember?

Catherine smiled weakly at her end; she'd called it right, thank god. "Yes dear one, you have them and you promised me your love for every tomorrow too!"

"That you have and more, it's safe my love." Jace said her own tears making it impossible for her to say any more.

"I know and I'm coming home soon Jace, I promise. I love you." Catherine had managed to get her own emotions under control.

"He wants access to Elena, Catherine, I told him no!" Jace admitted her upset over the Adamson visit.

"You did huh? How did he take it?" Catherine had known that Jace was upset way over what they had discussed, she'd felt it in her gut and being stubborn about not calling back had not been an option.

"He did not take it well Catherine. He got angry; I told him his name wasn't on the birth certificate!" Jace tearfully admitted.

"That's not like you to lie Jace?" Catherine couldn't help but chuckle, she would have paid to see Adamson's face.

"I know, maybe you're a bad influence?" Jace managed a small tearful chuckle of her own.

"Good. I'll speak to my lawyers, get an opinion and then we can stop the bastard seeing her. When she's twenty-one she can decide for herself." Catherine stated positively.

"Catherine, you are so bad!" Jace smiled at the age their daughter would be before she would allow her to have that freedom.

"Yes, but I have reason to be, no one threatens my......family." Catherine's voice growled with frustration at not being at home to see to Adamson personally.

Jace pondered the last word, she was positive Catherine had wanted to say something else. "What do you say about a holiday when this is over? You, me, walking barefoot and holding hands in the moonlight on golden sands?"

Catherine's mind homed in on the suggestion, her thought patterns going wild at the tantalising impression she could evoke in her mind eye. "For you anything and I have just the place," her last word a seductive growl deep in her throat.

"Oh I know you do!" Jace smirked at her end of the line.

"You do, how?" Catherine asked puzzled, never having discussed her other properties with Jace.

"The power of the tabloids Catherine, they don't just give bad news, occasionally they pass on something of interest."

"Okay, we will discuss that when I get home. I love you Jace Bardley, so go and get some rest and I'll be home as soon as I can."

"I love you also dearest, and thank you for understanding." Jace referring to the returned phone call of earlier after she had abruptly disconnected the line.

"Anytime my love, anytime. Talk to you again soon," Catherine replied softly. Smiling contentedly, the tall woman gently lowered the phone to the cradle.

This was how it was going to be, she refused to let an argument fester; that was one lesson etched into her heart and soul from their previous experience. She was not going to allow that to be an issue with them ever again.

Continued In Part 12

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