~ Haunting Shadows ~
J M Dragon
© 2000 by J M Dragon
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:  See Part One

Part 18

Chapter thirty-one

Constance continued to look out of the gapping window that Gareth had decided was his only way out. 'Had it been? What did he mean by his comment about another person who was more powerful, perhaps even more powerful than Catherine and she could certainly weald some power if she had a mind also! No, this must surely be some thing he'd made up as his final party piece, she wouldn't put that past the evil bastard!' The phone on the desk rang and she quickly retrieved it, several seconds later she had Catherine Devonshire on the other end of the line.

"Constance, what can I do for you?" Catherine asked her tone indicative of a relaxed state. That was good!

"Catherine, I hope I'm not disturbing you, I know of course you have problems at your end too." Constance rambled a little.

"My problems for the moment have been resolved at this end, no doubt it will be in this evening's tabloids, but that wasn't why you called?" Catherine sat back in her chair and idly played with Rio's ears, he had come for his usual petting session before he was taken away by a boisterous eight year old. Lisa wouldn't be long before she bellowed half the house down calling him.

"No, you're right it wasn't about that! I wanted to talk to you about Gareth Cuthbert, well, explain about him anyway. I guess we get to reciprocate for the story will be in your papers no doubt this evening or the morning too!" Constance smiled wryly at her handset.

Catherine was intrigued, "Please, go on, you have my full attention."

Constance began explaining what should have been a simple meeting to expose his evil, with the end results turning into a suicide from the conference room window of the New York building. There were several minutes of silence at the end of her closing statement.

"By default he confessed?" Catherine finally muttered, her relief at the fact that it was all in the open. Perhaps now they truly could get back to a normal lifestyle; or as normal as she possibly could engineer for her family, that wasn't going to be as difficult now.

"Yes, or as the detective put it, 'justice' had been served." Constance said quietly, knowing she still had Gareth's final words to relay.

"Once again my building has seen death, I think Constance if you don't mind I would like to see those particular events squashed in the future. Do you think between us we can eradicate it before it becomes fashionable?" Catherine decided that this really was turning out to be quite a wonderful day!

The sound of the door crashing open in the study and the loud voice of Lisa, shouting for Rio, dragged Catherine's attention from her caller for a moment. "Lisa? I'm talking on the phone, if you want Rio call for him quietly, now take him and leave the room." Catherine sounded harsh, but the child simply got away with too much sometimes. She needed to have a little more discipline; she would need to talk to Jace about that.

Lisa looked shamefaced at the tall woman who was looking towards the door and right in her direction the blue eyes cold and distant. "I'm sorry Catherine, I'm pleased to have him back that's all, and I missed him. I missed you too!" Lisa said her voice barely audible for the final sentence.

Catherine realised that the child was hurt by her words. Speaking quietly to Constance, she then turned her attention back to Lisa. "Come here Lisa?"

Lisa shyly moved towards the large desk and the tall woman seated in the big chair, Catherine held out a hand and Lisa took it and was hauled onto the taller woman's lap and hugged. Lisa hugged her back and whispered into her ear, making Catherine smile. "Yes, and I love you too!" Holding the child on her lap, she went back to her phone call.

"Sorry for the interruption Constance, my eldest daughter here thinks that Rio only responds to loud noises and she imitates loud noises like no one I've ever met before," Catherine explained the interruption.

"That's okay; it's Lisa isn't it?" Constance chuckled at the impression her boss gave of her daughter. Quite a handful, very much like her employer she suspected.

The door to the study opened wider as Jace walked in looking for Lisa and was astonished that Lisa was perched on Catherine's lap with her arms wrapped around the tall woman's neck, as Catherine continuing her phone call. Now, why should she be astonished! Nothing in this place was quite what it seemed anyway, why would she think her lover would want peace and quiet when she had a call? Why indeed!

"Yes, that's right, don't know what we're going to do when she reaches the teenage years, she's hard to control now. I must ask Jace to control her a little more, that is more her field than mine." Catherine laughed as Lisa squealed and let out a shriek of Jace in Catherine's ear, almost deafening her. "Whoops."

Jace wagged her finger at Lisa and motioned her to come over to her and take Rio for a walk or play or whatever they managed to do together. "Control?" Jace asked a sheepish looking woman who was embarrassed at her faux pas.

"Constance, I think I just dropped a brick on my own head here. The beautiful mother of my youngest daughter has just caught me out. I could be in trouble here." Catherine laughed and Constance followed suit at the image that conjured up of a hen pecked Catherine Devonshire, no way in hell!

"Control, Catherine really! If you weren't so lenient with the children in the first place, then Lisa wouldn't be so much trouble to you! Because she's certainly not a problem to me! Say hello to Ms Waverly for me." Jace smiled at the chagrined expression on her lover's face and walked over to her chair and laid a hand on her shoulder.

Catherine smiled at the action and placed her free arm around Jace's waist and held her closer as she continued her conversation.

"Catherine there is one more thing from the episode earlier, I can't confirm anything for sure but Gareth did say something as he jumped." Constance could almost see the changing expression on her boss's face.

Catherine firmed her lips in a tight expression. "Go on."

"He said 'You haven't heard the last of this you know, there's still someone out there who is far more powerful than any of you can imagine. There is no safe place for Devonshire or her family none at all!' He looked like he believed it.  Although he did jump at that precise moment," Constance finished off lamely.

Catherine tightened her hold on Jace and her expression became thoughtful. "Thanks for the warning Constance, I'll watch my back and my family's. I think you better do the same yourself. If we are still on someone's hit list, you could be taken out like Paul." Catherine felt the tension in her lover at the spoken words. It would be pointless to keep the truth from Jace and in any case she'd known that Katia couldn't have funded that particular event out of her own pocket.

"I will! When will you be back in New York?" Constance asked her as a final note.

"Ah, well it was going to be in a week, but now that you have effectively cleared up this drama for me, how about in a month. I will need you to find me a replacement for Susan in the time, although, if I ask her nicely, she might stay this one last time. Even so, I will need a replacement; my family will be travelling with me in the future and the apartment is still the right size for the moment!" Catherine could feel Jace turn towards her, but unable to see the expressions on her face as she finished her call.

"I'll get Clare onto it immediately. Once we have a short list shall we send it to you?" Constance asked not surprised that Catherine had finally conceded she needed her family close by.

"Send it e-mail for the attention of Ms Jace Bardley; Jace will chose the person this time. Can't have a stranger looking after my.........family, although Susan will probably stay and help in the selection as well! Well, if that's all Constance, I have an inquisitive woman just dying to ask me all kinds of questions," Catherine grinned into the receiver.

"No problem Catherine, see you in a month and I'll keep you informed with verbal reports, say every week for now?  "Constance knew that Eduardo was sending verbal business tapes on a daily basis to Catherine, so the day-to-day running was covered.

"Fine, take care and be careful. Oh, did you resolve your problems with Danni?" It was an after thought and Jace stiffened at the mention of the name.

"She's back in Christchurch, no longer your responsibility and certainly a load off my mind. Let's just say she was instrumental in making me a very happy woman," Constance grinned at her end.

"Pleased to hear it, hope you and Clare are very happy together. Bye." Catherine replaced her receiver and turned to pull Jace down towards her for a very satisfying series of deep, passionate, exploring kisses.

Constance starred at the phone held tightly in her hand. "Does everyone know about Clare and me? Could my place be bugged?" Constance smiled wearily and considered that point, 'is my place bugged'; I think I might just have that looked at by Detective Kelsey.

Rising from her chair she walked towards the door and gave one final glance to the broken window, which by tomorrow would no longer be evidence of the tragedy that transpired today, although it did have the means of making a legend out of her meetings. Not a bad thing, no, not bad at all.


Hudson heard the snippet of news that there had been a jumper at the Xianthos building and the name had not been released as yet. Hudson was still angry and frustrated over the failed attempt to eradicate Catherine Devonshire from the face of the planet and her irritating blonde also. Can't get the good staff these days, but at least the German was dead and hadn't had time to give away any secrets. She was sure of that detail, or the police would have arrested her by now.

"Lose ends, always the very devil to tie up, but then we have only one left and that cannot be trace to me; only you can fall Cuthbert and fall you shall!" Hudson spoke out loud in her empty apartment, the vocal sounds echoing in the sparsely furnished room.

Walking over to the TV, she saw the Xianthos building and the numerous people milling around. Then Hudson's eyes looked at the face of one of the people who had been speaking to the reporters, wasn't he one of Catherine's executives? Yes, she had all the pictures and backgrounds on everyone and that surely was the Asian VP. Now, what was he doing there? Speculation from the reporter indicated that the person who jumped had been a prominent member of the Xianthos executive team.

Hudson mulled that information over in her head for several minutes, maybe Cuthbert had already fallen. Now that would be quite a finish to her aborted plans, he would not have been any use to her now anyway; smiling she hoped that Cuthbert was the jumper; it would make everything so simple.

Walking over to her view of the beach from her window. 'Well Catherine you managed to survive again. How many lives have you lost now? There comes a time in everyone's life that the luck of the draw hits a bad steak and I now have the opportunity to regroup and try again; allies, allies, now where can I find allies?' Hudson went over to her computer terminal and logged in as if she had all the time in the world.


Grace was watching her new fiancé discussing soccer with Jake, they had decided that afternoon that visiting would be a full family affair.

Catherine was seated close to the bed as Jace sat on the bed and marvelled at the boy's calm attitude to what had happened. It didn't matter as long as they were all together as a family.

Lisa was happily chasing Rio around the room as best she could in the confined space. Rio appeared to enjoy the tag game that his small mistress inflicted on him everytime they met.

Faith was seated on the other side of the bed from Catherine, she was holding Elena and making noises that only grandparents make at babies, or so Jake had informed her a few minutes before.

"Catherine can I ask you a question?" Lisa had finished teasing the dog for a short time and all eyes looked in her direction, you never knew what Lisa was about to say.

"Sure Princess, what is it?" Catherine turned her head slightly but was surprised at the child's closeness to her as Lisa sat gingerly on her knee.

"You once asked us a question, Jake and me, do you remember Catherine, before you hurt your eyes?" Lisa looked directly at Catherine's ice blue eyes with her own blue ones and she put a small hand to them in explanation of her point.

Catherine looked perplexed, a question? But that would have been over a year ago, what question? "Do you remember the question Lisa?"

Grace looked at the child and it suddenly dawned on her what that question was; she glanced over at Jake, who was watching the expressions cross Catherine's face with marked interest.

"I remember, so does Jake. We have an answer for you don't we Jake, that is if you want to ask us again?" Lisa waited for the question to be posed again.

Jace looked at the faces around the room and then placed her hand on Catherine's in a gesture of support, although she wasn't exactly sure what she was supporting.

"Ah, well you see, I forgot something's Lisa, was it important?" Catherine struggled with the words. Surely, that must have been the most stupid comment Warriorson, of course, it was important if the child wanted to answer it!

"Oh, well it doesn't matter," the child replied in a sad voice. She looked over to Colin who gave her a strange look and then he shook his head at her. Grace watched in fascination as Faith smiled at the gesture.

"I think it does matter Lisa; and I really would like to remember the question. How about you help me out here or maybe Jake can?" Catherine asked quietly.

"I'll help you out Catherine." Jake answered quickly before Lisa stepped in, this time Lisa gave him a big smile of thanks.

"We want you to remember to ask us to be your children again. Will you ask us to become adopted by you Catherine like a real family?"

Jake continued to give her steady look to check her expressions.

Catherine couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks at the boy's words, God she was getting as bad as Jace! "I'd be proud to ask you both to be my son and daughter officially; so what are your answers?"

Jace was crying, Grace had her hand held tightly by Colin and Faith watched the tableau in quiet joy.

"Yes! I want to be your daughter Catherine and live with you always." Lisa hugged her around the neck and planted several kisses on her cheeks.

Jake shifted in his bed and touched Catherine's hand, "Yeah, I want to be your son too!"

Catherine managed to stop her flood of tears and nod her head, "Well I guess we are a family then; I'll see my lawyers first thing in the morning and have the papers drawn up."

Jace hugged Jake and then Lisa and then put a hand on Catherine's shoulder and squeezed it in understanding of the emotion that the moment had brought. "At this rate it's going to be some Christmas celebration, and long may it last!" Jace smiled at everyone in the room, and they all began conversations about different subjects. Lisa clambered off Catherine's lap and went over to talk to Jake. Grace was talking quietly to Colin, probably about his role in Lisa's question and answer session. Faith was murmuring away to Elena who was giggling at the antics of the elder person.

It was a simple family gathering, all tension removed.


Earlier that day Catherine had discussed her New York call with Jace. Obviously shocked that potentially they could still be targets, Jace had asked what they could do to prevent the worse happening.

"If I told you that beyond cosseting you and the children in cotton wool for the rest of your lives there was nothing I could do, what would you say?" Catherine needed to know exactly where Jace stood on this point. It was okay for her to keep beating the odds, but did Jace want to do the same. Now, with the children, it was all a different ball game and dangerous too.

Winding her arms tightly around her lover as they sat in the large armchair in the study, resting her head close to the dark one she loved beyond measure. "Are you asking me if I want to stay with you?" Jace asked her quietly.

"Yes, Jace, I am." Catherine answered her voice held a hint of her discomfort at the subject matter. They certainly still had raw nerves from the last forty-eight hours that was for sure, and they hadn't really discussed it together at length, maybe this was the appropriate time.

"Catherine I know you can't see what I'm thinking and I know that it hurts you not having that sense to help you evaluate what I'm thinking. Darling, if you feel my heart you will know exactly what the next words mean, so give me your hand," Jace said her voice emotionally charged. She placed the hand held out to her on her heart and kept her own over it to enhance the contact between them.

"You can feel how I love you Catherine; how I love the spirit in you when the odds are stacked against you; how you reach beyond that and come back with strength and love for us. I never ever want you not to come back to our children, Catherine or me! Where you travel we will also! Because together we're stronger than the hate that wants to harm or defeat you. So, I'm here to the end on this Catherine, so are our children also. Because, we love each other and that's all that matters at the end of the day, my love!" Jace spoke softly, her voice caressed Catherine's ears with her pledge to love beyond the hate that could encompass them again; nothing else really mattered did it? They had love!

"I love you all too, and I promise to take every precaution I can in life to protect you and the children Jace, with everything that I am and everything that I have." Catherine pulled Jace closer for a gentle kiss to seal the pledge.

"Now we have that settled Catherine, I need you to tell me once and for all that the issues that befell you in prison are now over and done with?" Jace smiled as she placed her lips tenderly on her lover's.

"Yes, it's over. Katia was my final nemesis from those unfortunate days. Maria is now at peace in my mind. I would have carried the guilt forever if Katia had lived, it was eating me away inside." Catherine admitted and rested her head on Jace's shoulder.

"I'm glad because I don't think your Maria would have wanted you to spend your life in recriminations over her death. She obviously loved you enough to protect you, even if she paid the ultimate penalty with her life. Do you feel guilty about Paul also?" Jace wanted Catherine to be free; it would be the only way for her to rid herself of the shadows she allowed to haunt her.

"I did. Constance has eradicated that problem to a degree for me, but Jace the person behind all of this is still out there and I need to purge them also, or we will never be safe and happy." Catherine spoke quietly into her shoulder, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Jace hurt inside too, but her heart broke at the pain of her lover; this was a burden they were going to share, after all it involved both of them now; her kidnapping experience had brought that home to her. "You know I'm happy Catherine. I have you and the children and we are all safe here. What more could I possibly want?"

Catherine lifted her tear stained face up to gaze at Jace, her ice blue eyes filled with a need to believe. "We might never be in a position to go out again alone, or have a family picnic without security, or go shopping, or see a soccer game with Jake or........"  Jace placing a finger on her lips stopped Catherine.

"I always thought the Catherine Warriorson that I met and fell in love with had a really positive ambience about her. Has she been replaced overnight with a negative clone?" Jace laughed softly and traced her fingers over Catherine's lips.

Catherine chuckled. "I guess you think I'm over reacting, huh?"

"No, overly protective perhaps. But we will live with that and if it means you never let us out of your personal space again, Hades I'll never complain, that's an unexpected fringe benefit." Jace laughed and replaced her fingers with her lips that lingered in a gentle heartfelt kiss.

"I love you Jace Bardley it makes my chest ache. What about how you feel about the events that have happened to you since you've met me?" Catherine asked slowly.

"Funny you should ask me that question, I know I should hate some of the things that have happened and indeed they scared me, and I was unhappy at the kidnapping. Okay! More than unhappy, down right frightened, I thought she was going to rape me!" Jace's tone came out panicked at her last words.

Catherine drew her close and held her, for this time, Jace broke down in tears. "I know my love, I know I was frightened for you too." Catherine stroked her hair soothingly.

Sobbing but wanting to explain further Jace continued. "I always knew you would come and save me and no matter what happened to me, even if she did rape me, as long as I was alive when you came for me that would have been okay. I didn't want to die without seeing you one last time Catherine; that would have been harder to take than any physical or mental abuse that woman could have possibly inflicted."

Catherine sucked in a deep breath at her words. "I would have followed you Jace; you would not have been alone." Catherine simply replied, knowing the children would not have been enough to keep her from joining this woman she held in her arms.

Jace looked deep into the un-focusing eyes and saw the expression of quiet acceptance of Catherine's fate in this life, if anything happened to her. "I don't want you to do that for me Catherine, we need to be there for the children too!"

"If it had been role reversal, what would you do?" Catherine knew that was an uncalled for comment.

Jace placed her hands on either side of Catherine's face and came as close as possible without touching as she replied sincerely, "You wouldn't have gone alone either Catherine." The embrace and kiss resolved the need for further words; they would have to be careful that was all. They would need to watch each other's backs.

An hour later Jace raised herself off Catherine's lap and tapped her nose thoughtfully. "Catherine the children wanted a story the other evening, and I wasn't able to find it." Jace watched in fascination as an inquiring one replaced the languid expression.

"Which story? All the books are put back in the library, it's a ritual we developed." Catherine asked her mind, wondering where a book could have been misplaced.

"Does the title 'The Magic of Giving' ring any bells with you?" Jace smirked as she saw the concentration on the face change to one of brief recognition and then embarrassment.

"Well, yes it does. Maybe, the kids just couldn't find it?" Catherine asked tentatively.

"Oh, no, I asked Jake and he was adamant that you would know exactly were it could be located. Would you like me to give you a clue?" Jace was enjoying her friend's mild embarrassment.

"Jake does, does he? I might have to have words with the boy when he gets home tomorrow." Catherine grumbled.

"I take it you might know where I can find it, or would you like to read tonight? Lisa was upset at not reading her selection. "Jace laughed silently at Catherine's face; she really was cute when she didn't know what to say.

"You're teasing me aren't you? You know I made it up?" Catherine finally admitted.

Jace laughed out loud this time and wrapped her arms around the tall woman. "Got to hand it to you Catherine, you sure keep some of your many skills firmly locked up out of reached. The kids loved the story and I never knew you could do that?" Jace kissed the pouting lips in front of her.

"My father often read stories to us as children, and he made up all the voices for the people and animals. When I read to Mother and Lucas I made up some of the stories to meet the occasions. I never said they were good though!" Catherine pulled Jace back for another kiss.

"If you make people happy with them that surely is good enough, so when do I get to hear you read your first story to Elena?"  Jace laid her head on Catherine's shoulder.

"Actually you're to late," Catherine said quietly.

"What?" Jace jumped up and turned in her lover's arms swiftly, almost knocking the breath out of her.

"I told her how we met and fell in love the night I came home and you were gone. I thought it fitting at the time, even if she didn't understand me," Catherine whispered self-consciously.

Jace looked at Catherine, this was the woman who could take on a killer and match her and become a killer herself if necessary. She was ruthless in her business dealings when necessary. She was powerful, confident and in control. Yet, for the family and the friends she loved, she sacrificed her reserve; becoming a confidant, lover, and wiper of tears and the protector of the innocent. She also had the power to keep the demons of others at bay with her brand of stories and concern; that became the image that Jace would cherish for the rest of her life. She was simply Catherine, who, loved without reserve and who would make up stories for her children, if that was what it would take to keep them happy. "She understood you Catherine, trust me on that one." Settling back in her lover's arms, she sighed, her happiness complete.

"I suppose we need to make a move soon. I know Grace said she would take care of Lisa for us this evening, but I think I want to tell my eldest daughter a story tonight, and I think I know the one she wants to hear. What do you say Jace?" Catherine's voice low and hoarse.

"Tell you what, I'll bring Elena also. So she can hear her Mother tell stories and get used to that beautiful voice you have. Then, I think you and I deserve an early night." Jace placed another tender kiss on Catherine's lips as they moved together out of the armchair and Jace was drawn into the taller woman's arms.

"Sounds like a solid plan to me and as I make up the story, I can shorten it too!" Catherine gave a low growl as she released her captive and they walked hand in hand out of the study to spend some precious time with their daughters.


Grace waited in anticipation for Catherine to arrive for breakfast; it would be amusing in the extreme. As with everything Catherine never disappointed, she walked in the room looking very relaxed and if it wasn't for the fact that she'd lost so much weight, you would think that the events of the last month hadn't occurred.

"Good morning." Catherine sauntered easily into the room and sat down at her usual chair. Glancing around she could only see one shape in the room that was unusual.

"Good morning Catherine, sleep well?" Grace chuckled knowing that answer by the glow on her face.

"Yes! Remarkably so Grace, where is everyone? I was kind of hoping that Jace would be around?" Catherine looked around the room with an expression of interest.

"Ah, the esteemed Ms Bardley left a message for you, but first I have a favour to ask." Grace smiled at the quizzical expression that replaced the interested one.

"Jace has left me a message? She's not gone to see Jake without me has she?" Catherine asked quietly.

"No, now behave Catherine, I will give you your message, but first, I want to ask if I can get married on your property on Christmas Eve?" Grace asked her words rushing out at a remarkable pace.

Catherine looked towards the direction of her friend and beamed at her. "Yes, of course, I'd be honoured. How the hell did you manage to get him to say yes, never mind in a few months time?" Catherine moved towards her friend and wrapped her in a friendly hug.

"Ah, to be honest Catherine, he didn't. I didn't want to wait, so I guess I made the right call when I asked him, huh?" Grace said her voice a little sheepish.

"My friend I will never, ever underestimate you again, he didn't stand a chance obviously." Catherine laughed softly as she still held onto her friend in happiness.

"Well, it could have been something to do with my being naked and draped over his bed at the time, but who cares." Grace chuckled at the stain of red that flowed onto Catherine's cheeks.

"Did I really want to know that Grace?" Catherine moved away from her friend and sat back down in her seat.

"Probably not, but I thought maybe if you knew how it worked, you might try it yourself," Grace impishly explained.

"Give me Jace's message Grace, then go and tease your Mother, who I'm sure will be ecstatic over the news," Catherine replied with a grin.

"My mother? Yes, well that's another story. Jace asked when you arrived to go meet her in the gym. She mentioned a new piece of equipment that you might want to try out; you know all that tension release you need." Grace watched the woman in fascination as she considered the words.

"Fine, I'll go now, Jace still down there?" Catherine moved towards the door leading to the basement gym.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her come back up. She wanted to do some exercise herself anyway," Grace said tongue in cheek.

"Great, we will catch up with you shortly Grace and we can go over any plans you need me to get involved in." Catherine opened the large oak door and carefully went down the steps in search of her lover.

'I don't know about that Catherine, if Jace is planning what I think she's planning, we might not see you all morning. Now to talk to my mother, just as well she will be preoccupied with Elena.' Grace thought as she walked out towards the lounge.

Catherine approached the gym floor with respect; she knew that there were numerous objects that could cause her injury and serious injury if she didn't take care. It was evident that the gym had been left exactly how she remembered it. Now what piece of equipment had Jace possibly found that she didn't already have? Catherine heard Jace's breathing or she hoped it was Jace.  "Hello?" Catherine knew caution was a useful ally these days.

"Hi yourself, would you like to join me?" Responded the sultry voice Catherine Warriorson heard in every dream she had, even the bad ones. Smiling she walked across to the woman she loved and as she moved closer ready to enclose Jace in a solid hug, a hand was held out to stop her advance.

"No, no Catherine. Not this time! This time we get to see who needs the cold shower first." Catherine gave her a surprised but eminently pleased look from her ice blue eyes. 'God I swear she can see me,' Jace thought as she reached over the machine and pressed the button to activate the sound system. The room reverberated with the beat of one of Catherine's favourite bands, 'Infinity'.

Jace placed Catherine's hands on her hips, "This is all you're allowed to do. You can't touch until I move your hands, okay?"  She watched as Catherine nodded her head in understanding, a sexy smile clearly indicating that Jace could do whatever she wanted with her.

Commit to me your body and soul; I'll do the same for you.
Never take it lightly this love I give precisely.

Jace placed barely touching fingers to Catherine's ears and in sensual movement with the music traced her fingers over the inside of her ears and then down the cheek bones, her hips gyrating with the music, Catherine able to feel the rhythm through Jace's movements.

Replace my fantasy and illusion, by making me live and breathe you in.
I need your enticing, erotic body that invades my dreams, don't let it wait forever give it to me now.

Hands slowly traced from Catherine's breastbone, down the cleavage with a touch so slight it was like the ghostly sense of an apparition but Jace's lower body movement proved that a fantasy long past.

Everything I've ever wanted is in my love for you.  There will never be a reason why this love will die.  I give you all of me, will you do the same?

Hands splayed over the taunt stomach muscles on fire with the need to explore the smaller body, moving in perfect timing with the music, it was intoxicating Catherine's senses.

Your blue eyes enthral me; my green eyes adore you, come lover commit to me your body and soul.

Jace moved her body slowly down as she slid gracefully onto the floor, Catherine's hands having to relinquish their hold on her hips and move through Jace's silky hair. Jace placed her hands at the top of Catherine's taunt thighs and stroked a gentle path in a rotating motion down the full length of one and then up the inside of the other, eroticism had nothing on Jace Bardley at this one moment in time.

I won't let you slip away; your heart is mine to keep.
You're the blood that powers me; your smile devours me.  Please love me still.

Slowly in time with the beat that was thrumming at a ferocious pace in both bodies and could be mistaken for more than the feel of the music. Jace moved back up Catherine's body in a slow perfectly executed swirl around her whole body. Jace's touch so light it could be blown away with a slight wind.

I pledge everything I have, all you have to do is say yes!

Finally Jace tangled her hands in the dark hair and brought a heavily breathing Catherine Warriorson to fever pitch as she placed her lips on the willing prisoners of her partners in a kiss, guaranteed to block out every other sense.

The music drifted off, as the two bodies seemed unable to extricate themselves from their present position. A very flushed and incredibly turned on Catherine Warriorson was being released finally from the searing kiss. She looked sightlessly at her equally heavily breathing partner, and a low sexy growl escaped her lips. "How about I help you remove your clothes, you can do the same for me and instead of a cold shower we take a cold swim together in a very, very private pool I know?" Catherine's low tone sending further ripples through Jace's already aroused body, the indication given that the pool wouldn't stay cold for long!

Placing her hands on Catherine's shirt Jace gently pulled at the corners to release them from their prison. "Way ahead of you lover, way ahead," she continued the process as they slowly and deliberately took several expressive minutes to do just that.

"You've heard of paybacks Jace?" Catherine was almost lost in her sensual haze.

"Yes, and if this is what happens with our paybacks, were going to have some fun, a whole lot of fun." Jace pulled the dark head closer to hers as she whispered the words and sent them both over the edge with another passionate kiss.

It would be several hours before they emerged from the exercise and this very special payback situation.


Catherine let Rio run around in the snow after Lisa, who had promised with Colin's help to make a snowman close to the lounge window so Jake could watch from the patio window and issue instructions. The boy was happier home and now with his cast full of black writing, he was laughing at the antics of his sister and the dog.

That had been an interesting time when Jake had been settled at home on the sofa and turned in whichever position he wanted to either see the TV or others in the room or out by the patio window, nothing was too much trouble now the boy was home.

Catherine had started the whole episode and that had been a pleasant surprise to everyone and Jace had watched once again as another facet of her lover came into the open. Colin and Grace were pushing the sofa around the room much to Jake's amusement, Lisa was laughing and chasing Rio much as usual and yelling at the top of her voice. Jace had brought Elena in and then immediately turned to leave at the excited voice of Lisa, if Elena started too, then the place would be chaotic. Catherine had chosen that moment to appear having finished the business part of her day. Now, she held a black marker pen in her hand and Jace smiled at her raven-haired partner.

"Right! Everyone, I want to put my good wishes on Jake's cast, anyone else interested? When it's full, we'll ask the doctor for another one!" Catherine chuckled as Jake spluttered that he didn't want to go through having another cast so soon.

"Yeah, great idea! Let me go settle Elena in our room and I'll be right back. Jace squeezed Catherine's shoulder as she passed her at the door.

Catherine smiled in acknowledgement and went further into the room, Rio immediately at her side and nudging her gently. "Ah, thanks for the reminder Rio, who's moved the furniture?" Catherine laughed as she heard Colin say he was sorry. "Forget it Colin, but you can come over and lead a blind woman to her son, I want to be first with this as it is my idea." Colin rushed over, which made Grace smile at his action he was such a wimp with Catherine, but such a loveable one.

Eventually, she was directed to the edge of the sofa and her hands were placed on the cast. "Jake this isn't going to hurt, but let me tell you by the time your friends are finished with it, you might want to cover it up."

"Why Catherine?" Jake asked innocently.

Catherine looked towards the voice, smiling as she withdrew the top off the marker and placed it on the cast. "Because my son, people put the most embarrassing messages on the cast," with that, she duly proceeded to write boldly on his leg. Get well Jake, for my son who will be my hero forever! Catherine.

Jake saw the message and gulped. "That's embarrassing Catherine," his expression delighted at her message.

"Exactly my point son, so you better get used to it!" She reached over and kissed him on the nose. "Who's next?"

"Me! I want to be next." Lisa piped up and pushed Colin out of the way in her haste to get to the cast. Catherine held out the pen and it was taken hastily out of her hand by anxious little fingers.

"Be careful with the pen Lisa, we don't want black ink over the furniture and Jake too!" Catherine listened as the pen squeaked its message across the cast. Get well soon Jake, I want to throw snowballs at you and win again Lisa. The writing wasn't exactly neat nor was it legible in some parts but this was Lisa after all.

The pen was handed next to Colin who wrote, Jake you need both legs to play soccer, you're not staying on the bench too long, get well soon. Colin.

Grace was given the pen next, Jake no stealing cookies from the jar because we can catch up with you now! Grace

Jace arrived back in the room and was given the pen by Grace. She saw the differing messages and smiled at Catherine's bold script, it was a fitting tribute to the boy's heroism. Jake I always thought breaking a leg had something to do with acting, is there something you want to tell us? Love you Jace

They had a wonderful time trying to convince Jake that people wouldn't laugh at the messages, but he was sure to get worse when his school friends had the pen in their hands. The soccer friends he had were due at the ranch on the weekend; that had made the boy smile broadly at the gesture. Catherine hadn't been particularly said anything about friends coming over to the ranch, but with all the new security Jake hadn't wanted to bother anyone about it. Jace had been asked to persuade Catherine to let the boy's friends on the property and resume as normal a family life as they could. Catherine hadn't protested, in fact, she'd been surprised that the security had stopped the children bringing friends home, which had never been her intention.

Now walking towards the stables Jace held Catherine's hand in hers in a light hold that helped Catherine make the distance without Rio's help, in the snowy terrain. She was unable to safely negotiate the distance in the snowy terrain due to the snow banks and the slippery surfaces. Jace hadn't minded, in fact she enjoyed this small gesture, this was something that Catherine needed her for and she could provide it; but they both knew it was only a feeble, obvious excuse for the closeness they both needed.

"You know I'd swear you love Tralargon more than you do me?" Jace said a teasing note in her voice.

"I do love her that's true, but she can't do for me what you can, that much I guarantee." Catherine laughed and placed her arm over Jace's shoulders.

"I think I can guess what that would be." Jace smiled and placed her arm around Catherine's waist.

"You can, can you, and what might that be?" Catherine stopped in the snow and pulled Jace into her arms, oblivious to anyone else around.

"Well, she wouldn't be that good about changing Elena, and certainly she'd take up too much room in the bed, not to mention the smell that would we rampant in the room and you can't say I smell of horses now can you?" Jace chuckled and Catherine placed cold lips on Jace's and the loving kiss warmed both women indubitably.

"Mmmmm, got me cornered on this one I see, but I have a better reason and I'm willing to show you later if you're interested?"  Their faces came very close together.

"I'm all ears Catherine," Jace laughed and saw the smile turn wicked at her words.

"Oh, I think you will find that more than your ears will be interested Jace." Catherine gave her a sultry laugh and they moved on towards the stable.

"Really Catherine, is your mind permanently in the gutter?" Jace said in mock outrage.

"Lover, every thought I have of you goes to the gutter given half a chance."

"Guess I'm going to have to get used to that because, I intend to be around for the rest of your life Catherine Warriorson."

"Somehow, I don't think either of us has a choice in that decision any more do you?" Catherine replied seriously.

Jace turned towards her and stopped their advance on the barn. "Can I ask you one question Catherine?" Jace placed her right hand on Catherine's left cheek stoking the faint scars tenderly.

"Sure, anything. You know that?" Catherine gave her a puzzled look.

"You've read your late husbands book lots of times Catherine, am I your soulmate that Adam wrote about in the book?" Jace saw Catherine flinch slightly at the mention of her husband.

Silence ensued for a few minutes and Jace wondered if Catherine had shut down on her, a habit that had been happily non-existent of late. Catherine reached for Jace's hand and turned the palm to her lips and kissed the cold hand in reverence. "I never thought I could love Jace. To have a soulmate seemed a miracle that would pass me by and yet, I found you on a mountainside in terrible weather and the gods were looking out for me that night, because you stole my heart, and my soul happily sped right along with it. My love for you is without question and our bond will survive our ultimate deaths on this plane.  Jace Bardley, if that was the emotion that Adam tried to convey in his book, than by god I have that for you and more!"  Catherine spoke from her heart.

"You really are quite eloquent when you need to be Catherine. You had my heart and soul from that day also!" Jace placed both her hands around Catherine's face and pulled her into a tighten embrace, sealing their love once again with several deeply passionate kisses.

Jace placed her cheek close to Catherine's and whispered to her, "I love you Catherine Devonshire-Warriorson. If there ever comes a time when you doubt that in any way, look back on today and let all the good memories flow through you. Because we have them Catherine, in ourselves and in our family, always remember that, let your haunting shadows go and let us get on with our dreams, and live our lives happily together, what do you say?"

Catherine turned slightly so their lips were close, "I love you too Jace and I will always remember this and more. You gave me the ability to replace my shadows with something far superior; I owe you everything. Yes! Let us go in pursuit of those dreams together." Catherine sealed her words with a gentle kiss as Lisa and Jake's laughter could be heard near to the house.

'Kids! Who would have them? I would!' Catherine thought as she hugged Jace tighter and they continued on their path to the stables and the rest of their lives together.

The End


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