~ Haunting Shadows ~
J M Dragon
Part Nine
© 2000 by J M Dragon
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:   See Part One

Part 9

Chapter Fourteen

Grace knocked softly and opened the door of the master bedroom and grinned at the woman hugging tightly onto a large soft toy 'Taz' with a smile tugging her lips as she slumbered. 'One day someone is going to love me that much, that even a replacement soft toy from that person will bring that sort of reaction. Oh well, we can all dream.' her mind refused to put a name to her dream person, although her heart knew it instantly.

Walking inside she closed in on the crib and a smile replaced her grin as she saw the baby peering at her with those unfocused green eyes. "Hey little one, is mama ignoring you?" Grace cooed quietly.

The baby looked in the direction of the voice and remained starring towards it; Grace tentatively picked up the small bundle and noticed she was wet and should be changed. Not knowing what to do, she held the baby a little away from her and considered just removing the offending diaper and letting the baby have a little free spirit, until Jace woke up, which she surely had to do soon. Feeding time would surely be the next event and knowing how much Jace could consume, she was certain a baby with those genes would make her displeasure known if she wasn't fulfilled in that department. Walking slowly towards the bathroom, she put the baby on the diaper changer in the room, and removed the offending article. She looked around at the numerous things in the room that had been purchased for the baby but still had no idea of what she should to do with the now naked baby.  She shrugged her shoulders; 'oh well, at least she looked clean in that area, maybe she'd be okay,' she thought as she picked up Elena and walking back into the main room.

"I thought someone had kidnapped her?" Jace chuckled as she saw her friend holding the baby; now diaper less close to her chest.

"No way, she's going to be screaming soon for food and I know what feeding her mothers like, so no way!" Grace chuckled along with the blonde, who looked remarkably refreshed after her nights sleep.

"Okay, but I think you forgot to put something back Grace?" Jace mentioned with an innocent air.

"Look Jace, Catherine went to the classes with you, not me! I haven't got a clue; my mother would agree with me on that one as we know." Grace pulled her tongue out playfully at her friend.

"Yeah, she's got it in for you and your sister that's true. Maybe you could find someone to help you out with that small matter?" Jace looked up at Grace who gave her an evil stare.

"Don't go playing matchmaker Jace, we know he's not interested in me now, he has another lady friend." Grace frowned just at that moment and put a hand to her blouse front. "Oh no, she's got another of the Bardley genes, she's just wet on me!" Grace said in mock indignation.

Jace wasn't sure if she should be outraged by the remark or pleased that her daughter was showing some initiative however embarrassing. "Come on Grace, I certainly do not do that to you!"

Grace gave the baby over to Jace and looked down at the wet patch and shook her head. "I'm going to warn Catherine when I see her next, maybe she'll want to buy a wetsuit to go with the umbrella," walking towards the door she turned and smiled.

"Grace, we love you." Jace laughed and placed her lips on the forehead of her child, who started to suckle into her.

"Yeah, just as well I love you and that goes for the waterfall you have produced too!" Grace closed the door behind her and went back to her room to change.

Jace held her baby to her left breast as Elena suckled happily and her mind drifted towards Catherine. "Elena, she's going to enjoy you immensely if you play tricks like that on aunt Grace, just the sort of thing Catherine would pay to have happen."

* * * * *

Susan Lowther arrived at Catherine's apartment at seven a.m., precisely on time. She had talked to Catherine her long time employer the previous day, having asked her to have the apartment available for use, as she would arrive in the evening sometime, but not to wait, early morning would be fine.

Susan had worked for the Devonshire family for over twenty years. She had been Catherine's father's housekeeper at his home until his death and had assumed that her services would be terminated. But no, Catherine hadn't sold the house, immediately she had asked Susan to stay until decisions regarding the property had been taken. All that had happened was that she transferred from a large house, which had been difficult to run, to the new apartment complex, complete with every labour saving piece of equipment that current technology had offered. She had loved the young woman who had taken over from her father; she had been so like him in many ways, but her care for her employees far outweighed her father's. When she had forsaken everything and gone into seclusion at her family's demise, Susan had been asked to keep on with her duties or partial duties until such time as Catherine deemed it fitting to dispense with the apartment; it had never happened. Now, sixty and considering retirement to go and stay with her sister in Louisiana, she had been pleased but surprised at Catherine's return.

Entering the apartment, she heard no movement initially but as she walked further into the hall, she heard the sharp bark of a dog coming from the direction of Catherine's room. 'How odd?'

Susan headed for the kitchen and put on the coffeepot and the kettle to boil water for her employer's famous tea fetish as she dispensed with her outdoor coat and collected cups and Catherine's old mug from the shelves. Having no idea if Catherine was alone or if the apartment had visitors also, it was always wise to make up enough coffee for the unexpected guest. She had learnt that the hard way, with Catherine's penchant for having unexpected guests saunter out of the bedrooms in the early days.  Now, who knew what her employer did with her private life, except what she had read in the tabloids a year ago, but she hadn't believed those stories; fabricated to sell copies she'd always thought! Although with her background of the family and Catherine's father's outrage when she had been almost killed in prison, she knew deep down there had been truth in some of the so-called facts. Stewart Devonshire had been a very private man, but he had loved his only daughter, even if he had never told her that for years, he protected her as best he could from afar.

Turning suddenly she saw a dog watching her from the open kitchen doorway, it looked friendly enough. 'Catherine had always been a soft touch for the stragglers in this world; fortunately, she did her good deeds with discretion, maybe this was another of her lost causes? "Good morning to you, do you need feeding?" Susan spoke in a low tone to the dog and crouched down close as Rio moved deeper into the room cautiously, and patted its head in a friendly fashion. The dog responded by moving its head in a response to the touch. "Now I wonder what your name is fella?" Susan smiled at the animal's friendly nature.

"He's called Rio." Catherine leaned her tall frame, clad in a finely crafted silk robe, against the doorway and sent a smile down to the crouched shape close to her dog.

Susan looked up startled at the presence of the other woman and her hand going to her mouth in shock at the scars on her employer's face immediately replaced a wide smile of welcome. But it was the unfocused ice blue eyes that had always held so much emotion in them; now looking out sightlessly and entirely devoid of any that caused her to catch her breath in distress.  "Catherine?" Susan said indistinctly.

Holding out her hand to the older woman, she gave her a lopsided smile. "Yes, it's me Susan; the black sheep of the family has once again arrived to cause you hassle." Catherine chuckled and then placed her arms around the smaller plump woman in affection.

Susan hugged the taller woman tightly to her and wrinkled her nose at the stale smell of sweat that came from the body she had embraced in a bear hug. "You need a shower!" Susan told the younger woman firmly.

Catherine laughed softly at the remark, "Hell Susan, you never change do you? Tell you what, make me some of that wonderful tea you do so well and then I'll go and shower, while you make breakfast for me and Danni."

"Whose Danni?" Susan asked with polite interest as she disengaged from Catherine and walked over to make the beverage requested.

"She's my physio, but I needed to have a pair of eyes with me this time around and she was the only one available that fit the bill in time; but don't tell her that, or she's going to roast me?" Catherine said seriously but winked at her housekeeper.

"What happened to you? Why didn't you tell me? When did it happen? Are you totally blind?" Susan knew she was babbling, but at the sight of Catherine's hand going up in the air to stop her, she continued with her preparation of the drinks in silence.

"Susan, I'll tell you what you want to know, but I need that tea to help me along, okay?" Catherine said honestly. The fatigue of the previous couple of days only just behind her, she didn't know how much her body had charged up in the seven hours she'd slept, or at least tried to sleep. Some nightmares just never quit!

"Fine, here you go, sit!" Susan told Catherine firmly. She had treated the wayward younger woman with respect at all times, but also knew that she could take certain liberties that others couldn't.

The aroma of the fresh tea assailed Catherine's nostrils and she smiled in recognition of the flavour she knew would be coming.  She drank deeply from the mug immediately and sighed her satisfaction at the taste. "Susan as always, the perfect tea."

Susan smiled at the tall woman; she hadn't changed at all really, and it was just the shock of seeing her in the condition of being disabled that had been totally unexpected. "Well, you always said my tea was better than sex." Susan had been embarrassed at the admission one day, but she actually believed Catherine meant it, and with all those lovers too, incredible!

Catherine continued to smile but a red mark began its movement over her neck towards her cheeks as she recalled the statement. Susan saw the flush and silently laughed, maybe she had finally found someone who could replace that comment. "Unless you have found something else to replace it?" Susan asked her innocently.

Catherine looked towards the floor as if she had been a schoolgirl caught in a compromising position. "Well, I guess I was younger then Susan, and maybe!" Catherine replied cryptically.

"When you were younger you did what?" Danni sauntered into the room full of the joys of spring. How did that woman always have such a breezy way with her first thing in the morning?

Catherine turned to the voice of her physio and smiled briefly. "Susan this is Danni, Danni met Susan, and BE NICE!" Catherine said her voice heavy on the last couple of words.

"Me? Catherine I'm always nice, it's part of my Irish roots; don't you know?" Danni laughed softly and held her hand out to the older woman.

"Yes, well the Irish have a way of being to nice at times." Catherine informed her icily, but continued to sip her tea.

"Pleased to meet you Danni, sit down, would you like coffee or tea?" Susan speculated at the relationship of her employer and this woman. They seemed familiar, but she didn't think it was the familiarity of lovers. Still you can never tell these days with the young people.

"Coffee please, I'm in America, like to try what the natives do." Danni smiled at the older woman and then transferred her gaze to Catherine. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept some, tonight might be better." Catherine replied shortly.

Danni had seen the whiteness of Catherine's face and the continuing tension in her body. "Would you like a painkiller for the headache?"

Catherine stiffened at the words. "How did you know that?"

"Ah..... well, they didn't train me for five years without some of it rubbing off on me. Seriously though Catherine, you need more rest, it's going to be hard the next few days," Danni responded softly and looking with genuine concern at her.

"Point taken. Hand them over and I'll go get that shower, before Susan throws me out of the apartment as a vagrant." Catherine conceded.

Danni smiled at her victory, it had been easily won, surprisingly so. "Here you go." Danni handed two pills to her and Catherine swallowed them along with a drink of tea to help them slid down.

"Let's go Rio, time to clean up. Susan I'll be half a hour; do you have any bacon and eggs for me?" Catherine smiled in the housekeeper's direction.

"For you anything, go and make yourself beautiful and I'll see what I can do." Susan laughed.

"You mean I'm not beautiful now?" Catherine gave her pout as she answered back teasingly.

Susan turned to her and walked the distance between them and placed her hand on the scarred left cheek and touched it softly.  "You will always be beautiful Catherine, never forget that! But you still stink, so get that shower." Susan chuckled at the embarrassment of her target of affection.

"Yes, well....... okay, be back shortly." Catherine said softly as she retreated with Rio.

Danni watched the exchange in fascination; it was always interesting to find out how Catherine reacted to different people around her. This woman was certainly held in deep affection, she would certainly remember that. 'Wonder if the token American knew it too?'

"So Susan, how long have you known Catherine?" Danni thought that they had time, before she came back. Why not ask about her, it never hurt to try to get more information.

* * * * *

Clare was awakened by something gently touching her hair. She wasn't sure what, as she came out of the mists of sleep and eventually opened her eyes and saw the movement of the hand on the bed. Suddenly she jerked up and regretted it immediately, her body protested at the movement she had been in a cramped position for several hours asleep with her head on the bed.  "Constance?" Clare whispered through moist filled eyes, as tears threatened to fall at any moment.

Constance looked at her young PA and friend and smiled weakly; the tubes in her mouth preventing any coherent words.

"Hey, it's great to see you awake." Clare said softly, her unshed tears glimmering on her eyelashes.

Constance looked sleepily at the young woman and tried to speak but couldn't.

"Constance it's okay, I'll go fetch the nurse, and we will see if we can get them removed. Be right back." She gingerly got up from her leaning position on the bed and walked stiffly towards the door, her heart racing; she was going to be all right, she was, she was!

Fifteen minutes later the doctor and the nurses had removed the tubes and pronounced that she was looking remarkably well considering her experience. Clare had nodded, but her gaze held the older woman's eyes throughout the examination and the removal of the various pieces of equipment that had helped her survive in the interim until her own body could resume the role.

When the doctor and nurses had left, Clare went back over to the bed and sat as close as possible to Constance. Her instinct had been to capture back the hand she had held all night, but she wasn't sure that it was wise, now that Constance was wake.

"How are you feeling now?" Clare asked her softly.

"Tired, and I hurt like hell! But otherwise peachy, isn't that the expression used by Americans?" Constance wanted to feel Clare's touch; it gave her sense of reality, and it made her feel alive and not so alone.

"Well, that's to be expected, the doctors are very optimistic that you won't be impaired by any of this, which is good news." Clare tried to sound cheerful, but knew she'd failed miserably.

"What about the others?" Constance rasped from her dry throat.

Clare tried to look away and not answer directly, what did she say, that made any sense of the mayhem they had suffered. " Ms Devonshire is in New York, when you want to see her she'll come immediately." Clare decided that was the best position to fall back on.

"Why? Why is she here? Can't Paul handle this? It was my fault for being so confident and so greedy, I never looked at the possible consequences." Constance said despondently.

Clare looked at her friend and felt the heartbreak as she failed miserably to stop the flow of tears, "I'm sorry Constance but he died, as did Celeste, and most of the others in the party. I'm so sorry!" Clare whispered through her tears.

"Hey, hey now Clare it's okay, it's okay! Come on can you give me a hug, I think I need it?" Constance was reeling from the news of her boss's death and the others, but the drugs that were circulating in her body gave her a cushion against the real pain and she knew that it would help to comfort each other.

Clare went into a tender and very gentle hug and both women held on. It felt so right and the pain diminished to a level they both could fight.

"We will get through this together Clare, trust me?"

Clare smiled into the older woman's neck and whispered, "Ms Devonshire said that too!"

Constance smiled weakly, "Then she's a very astute woman, always knew it." Her voice becoming sleepy and her eyelid's shut with the drugs shutting down into a healing situation along with the comfort of the young woman nestled close. "Will you still be here when I wake up?"

Clare smiled wanly, "Yes, I'll be here." She lay there for a few more minutes until she could hear Constance's deep breathing in sleep, then she disengaged herself from her friend. "I think I'll always be here for you." Clare kissed the dark forehead in wonder.

* * * * *

Jace was a little upset! No she was a lot upset! Catherine had been gone for over forty-eight hours and she hadn't contacted her or anyone at 'Destiny', and it wasn't like her at all! Pacing on the porch she watched in agitation at Lisa having a snowball fight with Jake and Colin moving a tractor around the drive to clear the heavy snow. 'Zeus Catherine, don't you know I worry about you?' Her steps heavy on the wooden decking, she hadn't heard someone come up behind her, until a voice call her name.  Snapping back immediately, "What?"

Grace looked her over and smiled wryly, 'If this was love, maybe they could keep it, then again!' Her eyes scanned the scene outside the porch and she shook her head derisively. "I wanted to know if you would like to take a call from Catherine?" She laughed loudly as a small blonde tornado shot off in the direction of the phone. "In the study Jace." Grace called out at the retreating back.

Faith arrived at the same time to see the sudden retreat from Jace and pondered that, while looking at her eldest daughter and the direction of her thoughts. "Penny for them?"

Grace looked at her mother, from her leaning position on the railing of the porch and gave her a weak grin. "Oh, I don't think they're worth even a penny Mom."

"To you maybe, but to your mother, well they could be worth a fortune." Faith looked directly at the tractor driver.

Grace laughed and continued to gaze at the picture postcard scene. Her thoughts definitely on the man in the vehicle, it hadn't changed, but then she would have surprised herself if it had in such a short space of time. "I was just wondering what it must be like to love someone so much, it becomes impossible to function without them."

Faith looked seriously at her daughter, who had always been strong she had never needed or appeared to need a shoulder to cry on. She was the one you went to when things got rough, but Faith couldn't remember a time when Grace had ever asked for the same help with a problem. "It is heartbreaking when they leave." The simple statement relaying her own feelings about the loss of her husband effectively.

"I'm sorry I wasted so much time arguing with Dad." Grace said sadly.

"He felt the same way, but you are your fathers daughter, it was never going to be easy to get either of you to admit that you were sorry. Alison and I worried about you so much Grace." Faith said, her voice breaking at the words.

"He was ashamed of me when I had the accident wasn't he?" Grace had often wanted to know the answer to this question, but hadn't ever had the courage to ask directly.

"No Grace! He was never ashamed of you. Never! Do you hear me?" Faith almost shouted at her daughter.

"Then what?" Grace asked upset at her train of thought.

"He was so proud of you when you followed in his footsteps, I think he thought that having two daughters and no son, meant that he wouldn't see another Thornton in the police, you know its been a family tradition for nearly eighty years?" Grace nodded her head. "I don't think I have ever seen him so happy, except when I put you in his arms for the first time when you were born.  He just didn't understand that part of your personality that wanted to rebel, driving cars up mountainsides at speed wasn't responsible, not to him Grace, not to me either but you are your own person. Do you think it's responsible?" Faith looked into her daughter's mist filled brown eyes.

Grace shrugged her shoulders and then faced her mother squarely. "It was something I had to do! I never meant to try and kill myself, I miscalculated, and it was an accident. I loved the force just like dad."

"Do you still crave the speed Grace?" her mother asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes!" the reply emphatic.

"One day you will kill yourself, you can't go on helping other people with their problems and trying to solve yours behind the wheel of a fast car Grace!" Faith told her daughter bluntly.

"What do you suggest, I come and look you up and we do the mother and daughter chat, whatever the hell that is?" Grace said sarcastically.

Faith flinched at her daughters words, they hadn't been close that was true, but she didn't think she was unapproachable. "You could try."

Grace looked at her mother in surprise, her eyes taking on a hooded look. "You never exactly welcomed me to bare my soul to you when I was younger, why now?"

"Because I realised that I was wrong and I want to try to make amends before my child does something that is irreparable. Is that so wrong?" Faith looked with anguished eyes at her eldest child.

Grace considered the points for a moment and gave her mother a small grin. "Maybe not, let's see how it goes huh?"

Faith gave her a similar grin, "Yes, let's do that!" Then leaned on the railing next to her daughter and whispered into her ear,  "You never told me about Mrs Warriorson and Ms Bardley?" the tone mildly accusing.

Grace laughed out so loud the children stopped their snowball fighting and glanced in their direction, waving in reaction. "Didn't I? How silly of me, must have slipped my mind." Grace chuckled softly.

"Slipped your mind my foot, knowing you it was all planned." Faith said her tone chastising her child.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Grace asked with interest.

"Uncomfortable? Yes, it does, I rarely come across this type of association. It takes time to get used to it." Faith looked over the heads of the children to the paddock area.

"So you could get used to it?" Grace persisted in her line of questioning.

"Can I take a raincheck on that?" Faith replied honestly.

"Yeah of course." Grace smiled, her mother was rarely disconcerted at something, however, she certainly was with the status quo on this property.

"Excellent, so shouldn't those children come in now and get some warm clothes on?" Faith directed her gaze to Jake and Lisa.

"Oh, Mother behave!" Grace laughed again and smiled broadly as her mother turned away towards the kitchen.

* * * * *

"Catherine is that you?" Jace said breathlessly as she crushed the instrument to her ear in eager anticipation.

"Absolutely," giving a soft chuckle at the heavy breathing at the other end of the line. "You doing anything I should know about?"

Jace considered her question and what Catherine had implied, she snorted, "No I'm not! I was on the porch, when Grace told me you were on the phone." Jace replied a little indignantly.

"Are you out of condition my love?" Catherine said sweetly, imagining a very flustered woman.

"Oh, how very observant of you Catherine, I've given birth to our child three days ago and you dare to say that?" Jace couldn't help the annoyance in her voice.

"Temper, temper. So how is Elena?" Catherine asked softly.

"You're teasing me Catherine, one day I'm going to pay you back my love, and you can count on that. As far as Elena, she is a very healthy baby and has already christened Grace." Jace chuckled, as her mood became buoyant.

"How so?" Catherine asked with marked interest. Wondering what payback Jace could possibly be thinking.

Jace proceeded to enlighten her with Grace's methods of changing a baby much to her own cost. Catherine was laughing hard at the picture she created in her own mind. Jace smiled happily at the sounds, she hadn't been happy with Catherine's state of mind and body when she'd left but she sounded quite relaxed. "I said you'd pay to see that."

"And of course you would be right as always about me Jace. How are you my precious one?" Catherine asked tenderly.

"I'm very well, except for one thing." Jace said seriously.

"What? What's the matter Jace, do you need a doctor, are you okay, and has Grace.........." Panic in her voice trailing off as Jace interrupted her.

"Hold on, hold on Catherine, I'm fine really. But I miss you!" Jace simply replied.

Catherine dispelled a sharp breath she'd held and almost lost her composure at the admission. "I miss you too Jace, I need you to keep my demons at bay during the night," she replied honestly.

Jace sighed pleasure at hearing Catherine's need of her, but pain at the reason. "Then you had better make it quick over there or I might take it upon myself to visit you, demons and all."

"Do you know how much I love you?" Catherine croaked out the words.

"The same as I do you." Jace replied simply.

"Good. What about Jake and Lisa, how are they doing?" Catherine changed the subject abruptly to mask the nagging feeling of not having Jace in her arms.

"Lisa is her usual bubbly self, she thinks Elena is a toy; we've discouraged that for the moment. Jake is, well he's Jake, he misses you, perhaps more than you know." Jace said frankly.

"My little Princess always loved you more from the first day I suspect Jace, she'll be fine. Tell Jake........ well, tell him we have a date with the phone Sunday at seven okay." Catherine remembered her weekly phone calls to home when she was in Rio.

Jace gave a little sob at the words. "What's wrong Jace?" Catherine asked desperately, she'd heard the break at the other end of the line.

"You.........you won't be home by Sunday? I was kinda hoping that you would have finished by then." Jace finished lamely.

"It's not quite that simple here Jace, I'm waiting for information and I need to make some changes, as soon as I'm done I'll be home, I promised you!" Catherine said assuredly.

"What if it's never over, what if you need to stay?" Jace tried to hide her fear.

Catherine heard the fear and the insecurity and knew immediately why. "You're not Adam." Catherine said quietly.

Jace sucked in a breath at the quiet statement and tried to think of a suitable reply but was stopped as Catherine continued. "I made mistakes way back Jace, I'm not going to do that again! I want what you have to offer me, I want a family life, I want our children and I most definitely want you!"

Jace began to cry and her words became incoherent to Catherine, who smiled at the thought of the tear stained Ms Bardley.  "You know I think I might take out shares in the Water Company wherever you decide to live Jace." Catherine replied lightly.

Snuffling as she tried to gather her composure, "I'm a weak fool."

"Now that's a little strong wouldn't you say, how about a little emotional and with good reason too! It's not everyday you produce a baby into the world is it?" Catherine smiled at the thought.

"You know exactly what to say Catherine, when was the last time I told you I loved you?" Jace laughed weakly.

Oh, I would say at the start of the conversation but I can always take more anytime." Catherine teased gently.

"I want to kiss you do you know that?" Jace contemplated the impossibility of their positions.

"Believe me when I say I would love to receive that kiss and more but......" Catherine responded sadly.

"Are you okay Catherine?" Jace asked her finally.

"Me? Oh you know me, I'm good to go Jace," the words flippant and Jace knew them to be totally untrue.

"And you want me to believe that?" Jace asked her softly.

"I need you to believe that! You worry far to much about things; you need to concentrate on Elena and I'll be home before you know it." Catherine knew it was pointless to lie; this woman had the knack of knowing how she was feeling even through a phone line.

"Then I'll do what you say, because I know to argue will upset you more, but you come home to me Catherine, I have plans." Jace said adamantly.

"Plans? Now that's surely worth getting home quickly for." Catherine smiled at the possibilities the comment supplied to her imagination.

"Good, I'm waiting." Jace smiled at her own wayward mind.

"Hell, you make it difficult for a girl don't you? I have to go, Danni is calling, and the car must have arrived." Catherine said her mind now moving to other pressing problems.

"How is Danni?" Jace said in a stilted voice.

"Danni is Danni; she is also in the guest bedroom furthest away from me if that helps." Catherine couldn't help but smirk at her words.

"Really Catherine, I'm not that jealous!" Jace spluttered out.

"Oh, well that's okay then. Well I'd better go, give my love to everyone and kiss all the kids for me Jace. Goodnight," Catherine had been a little crestfallen at Jace's response.

"I will, be safe Catherine." Jace softly responded she could hear other voices in the background of Catherine's line.

"Take care Jace, I........well I have to go, love you." The phone disconnected and Jace looked at her handset and gave it a weak smile.

"I love you too." Jace whispered to the empty room. Her mind mulling over Catherine's reference to Danni, 'It's okay saying I'm not jealous, quite the opposite of what I'm feeling inside. If you so much as make a pass at her Danni, so help me, I will see you in Hades realm personally!'

Continued In Part 10

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