~In Pursuit Of Dreams~
J M Dragon
Part Fifteen
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements:See Part One

Part Fifteen

Chapter Twenty-seven:

“She’s dead?” Jace whispered into the room, which appeared to echo at the sound she made. Constance had broken the bombshell an hour after Catherine had calmed down and escorted Jace on a shortened version tour of the building.

Constance looked at them both. Jace appeared to be genuinely shocked. And Catherine, well what did you say about Catherine; she looked like someone had told her that her lottery ticket had come up. With a fiendish smile that played across her features, her ice blue eyes creating the satanic image, as they remained remote but interested. This was the Catherine Devonshire that the legends had been made from. Right now Constance wasn’t sure if Jace had ever seen Catherine in quite this mood before.

“Bloody good riddance!” Catherine finally said, her eyes suddenly on fire, her hate clearly the dominant feature.

“Catherine you can’t say that!” Jace turned away from her stance at the large window overlooking the street below and saw the unusual expression on both her face and in her eyes. This wasn’t the Catherine she loved. This was a stranger.

“Just did Jace, and don’t tell me you will lose any sleep at her death, because I sure as hell won’t.” Catherine snared the blonde with a cold look unable to remove the pleasure she felt at the news Constance had given them.

Jace shuddered at Catherine’s whole demeanour.  It was wrong, so very wrong, no life however good or bad should be treated with such disrespect.

“No, I won’t lose any sleep over the death, but you appear happy at the news. Why is that Catherine?” Jace asked her sitting next to Constance on the sofa in the room opposite Catherine’s desk.

“Because, now I know there is no longer a threat, its over.  I can begin to believe that you and our children are safe.” Catherine informed her and smiled at the bubble of happiness that created within her.

Jace shook her head, “What are you talking about Catherine? When was Hudson ever a threat to the children or me?” Her voice trembled at the dark menace that faced her. It certainly wasn’t the woman she loved in her present condition. This was a cold heartless woman with no element of warmth surrounding her at all. If Jace was honest she was as cold as Hudson had been and quite possibly worse. There was not a shred of compassion within Catherine at the news.

Catherine gave her a piercing glance and locked her ice blue gaze on the green watery one.

“Jace the woman tried to bring me down with her scandal. She propositioned you and scared you so much that you had to marry someone you didn’t love!’ Catherine spat out the last part of the sentence and shut her eyes momentarily at that vision, for that alone the bitch was better dead! “I think she was behind the kidnapping and the shootings in the building here, but I can’t prove it. The bitch covered her tracks like no one I’ve come across before.” Her partner explained in a voice that matched her expression-- cold and heartless.

Jace couldn’t understand the situation.   Hudson had been true to her cold image she’d scandalised or attempted to, Catherine’s own image.  Catherine had paid the price in many ways and unfortunately still did. True Jace had made a bad decision by marrying Peter and that was primarily through Hudson’s threats, but she didn’t see Hudson as a cold bloodied murderer who would have set up that kidnapping event at home, no way!

“I think you’re wrong Catherine.” Jace said softly and watched as Catherine slowly stood up and came across to the sofa and looked down at the two figures seated there.

“What do you think Constance, you’ve had all the reports of the surveillance we’ve been carrying out on Hudson since her supposed retirement from her previous activities.” Catherine spoke quietly, but her voice held an edgy menace.

Constance cleared her throat as she thought about the most prudent approach to this particular problem.

“Obviously I had no prior knowledge of Ms Hudson. I have monitored the woman’s activities in the past seven months and she has kept a low profile. Recently, she did leave the country and visit several places in Europe and the Mediterranean. Our operatives were reasonably successful in providing a dossier of the places she visited. Nothing of note, except for one place, the Greek Island of Xianspiros.” Constance looked at the closed expression of her employer, waiting for her to perhaps say something about the destination.  Catherine only inclined her head for her to continue. “We know several of the people she contacted, but not all of them. Ms Hudson was very discreet and very resourceful if the need arose. She did eventually realise that someone was interested in her movements. Her main contacts were with a family called Spiros, a mother and son. We couldn’t find out much about them, but they appear quite powerful on the Island, only one other family is perceived to be more so. From the Island, Hudson had travelled back to Hawaii, where she’s been living with a German Producer, or at least in his home. They were both killed in a freak boating accident yesterday according to our operatives.” Constance finished her summary of Hudson and sat back with a heavy sigh.

Jace had watched Catherine’s expression change several times as Constance spoke, “Why do you think she would hurt us Catherine?” It was a plea from the heart. Jace didn’t understand any of this so-called vendetta scenario that she was being asked to take on Catherine’s word. Nothing Constance had said indicated that Hudson was working towards hurting the family or had previously done so.

Catherine went towards the window and looked out her body very erect and still, she looked like a statue and emitted nothing but a cold ambience. “The Spiros family has a personal dislike shall we say of my family name, and all the people who bear that name. I believe that as her first ploy didn’t work with Katia Schmidt, she was trying to convince them that now was a good time to continue the rift between our families. It is simple and makes perfect sense to a mad woman.”

Jace looked at Constance, her puzzled expression bringing a wry smile to Constance and she stood up and shook her head. “Do you need any more information Catherine, I’m sorry to have put a dampener on your day, it hasn’t exactly been that good so far.”

Catherine laughed, it sounded hollow in the room. She turned and with an evil glint in her eye she shook her head at her world president. “On the contrary Constance you’ve made me a very happy woman, but I want the operatives to ensure it is Hudson. No mistakes, you get my meaning?”

Constance looked at her and nodded, “No mistakes Catherine.” The woman inclined her head to Jace and left them alone. The only sound between her was the breathing pattern of each woman.

Jace looked at Catherine and saw her return the gaze, it had softened slightly and Jace was sure a weight that Catherine had been wearing in secret was suddenly tumbling from her shoulders to disintegrate at her feet. “I’m glad she’s dead Jace. I can’t help that, for I sincerely believe she wanted us dead and our children also, if she had the opportunity.” Catherine’s eyes remained remote, but her face had softened and her smile held more warmth.

“I.......I wouldn’t wish anyone dead Catherine and nor should you!” Jace replied as her head hung down in disappointment at her partner’s attitude.

“Perhaps not Jace, but I never said that I could forgive Hudson for what she did in the past. Or what I believe she’s tried to do that I can’t prove. If I had found any possible connection to her and the shootings and your kidnap, I would have killed her myself.” Catherine stated simply.

“No! No! No! Catherine, that I won’t allow, do you hear me?” Jace shouted and moved swiftly from her seated position on the sofa to put her hands around her partner’s waist and look into her eyes.

The ice blue gave way with little resistance to the green plea of her partners.

“I would do anything Jace don’t you know that? I’m very capable of committing murder if necessary to keep you and our children safe.” Catherine laid her chin on top of the blonde head and whispered hoarsely into her hair.

Jace felt the tears slowly trail down her cheeks at the admission. She knew in her heart that Catherine could and would protect them, but the price. The price would be too much for either of them to contemplate! “You know that’s not going to happen right?”

Catherine lifted her head and gently lifted up the tearstained face of her partner. “I hope not, but never forget the darkness that I can home in on if I feel that anyone threatens my family, but particularly you! I won’t live without you Jace. Not now, not ever!”  Her words seared the blonde held close to her body.

Jace put her hands up to the profile she loved, and she really did love this woman. At the end of the day Jace felt a sense of relief herself at Hudson’s demise. It shut the final door in her mind to a period in her life that she never wanted to be reminded of, it was over! “If what you believe is true Catherine, it’s all over and we can stop looking over our shoulder and concentrate on living those precious moments that life is allowing us together. No more talk of murder, revenge or vendetta’s, okay?”

Catherine’s heartbeat stepped up a pace at the words. She sorely wanted to agree with every word Jace said, and for now, she would! Looking deep into the green eyes, which had a misty glaze with her tears, Catherine tenderly stroked away the remnants of those tears as she gently kissed each eyelid and pressed her lips to the side of her face and held her close breathing in her perfume.

“Okay Darling. Do you know how much I love you?”

Jace returned the gaze she was being subjected too. This time the ice blue eyes held all the warmth, love and sensual regard she had come to expect from Catherine. Nothing else was acceptable to Jace and that was her role in all this Catherine would learn to have more compassion for others, it just might take a little time that was all!

“About as much as I love you, maybe!” Smiling into the caress on her face.

“Well, we could have a competition as to who can prove that little debate. What do you say?” Catherine said her voice a low growl it’s pitch sending a spark to the pit of Jace’s stomach.

“What’s the prize?” Jace asked and nibbled at Catherine’s lower lip to show her partner that if it was a game she was more than ready to participate.

“Got me their love. Although, I’m sure between us we can come up with something interesting.” Catherine tangled her lips with the petite blondes and lost all thought of anything, except the woman she held in her arms.

“How would you like to marry me a week, on Saturday?” Jace smiled as she heard the indrawn breath and an answering smile that travelled between their barely touching lips.

“A week Saturday sounds like a date to me. How would you like to spend a month on a quiet Island I know to seal our vows?” Catherine stole a brief kiss as she heard a slow exhale of breath from Jace, who was gradually moulding her body closer and closer into Catherine’s broader and taller frame.

“Oh, yeah! You, white sands and me. One of my dreams.” Jace murmured and felt the heart beat next to hers race, as she was pulled into an embrace neither of them wanted to have a release from.

Catherine bent her head and traced her lips over Jace’s neck and nipped at her collarbone. “You know that you’re going to become even more of a legend now you do realise Jace.” Catherine replied, her mind now completely engrossed in the enticing body under hands and lips.

“Why’s that?” Jace questioned, her own voice practically incoherent as she felt her body’s reaction to Catherine’s touch.

Picking up the small woman in her arms with a protest from Jace about her shoulder, which was duly silenced by a searing kiss, Jace was gently lowered onto the sofa and for a few seconds she wasn’t even aware of Catherine leaving her to lock the door to her office. The sudden feeling of the taller woman resting on top of her and continuing her assault on her neck and throat made Jace forget everything even the whispered answer from Catherine. “I’ve never made love to anyone in my office before and never will again unless it’s you in my arms.”

Catherine had cause to remember the situation well. It brought it home to her how much she could lose, but had no control over that part of her that would always protect those she loved. Yet, if Jace were there, she would turn the tide in their favour. Catherine was hoping that would always be the case. Especially now, here they were twenty-four hours away from their commitment to one another in the eyes of their family and friends. It was the only thing she wanted to do. Nothing was more important than this ceremony. It made everything clear to her, everything that was important. Everything she wanted in her life was a petite blonde Californian called Jace Bardley!

Glancing around the study, she pushed the plans of the house renovation ideas into a drawer that would come after the holiday. Although, she supposed if she did put a copy of the plans in her luggage, the two of them might have time to look over the proposed renovations and discuss the changes. Shaking her head she smirked, not a chance! Walking towards the door she left the room, Jace would be home with the family and friends that were coming from the States very soon. She’d better check on the Elena who appeared to be sinking her new teeth into everything she possibly could even people, which didn’t exactly go down well! Smiling happily, she walked towards the kitchen and the promise of tea.


Jason Bardley watched the tall raven-haired woman walk towards the house from the stables. He had watched her ride in on that marvellous mare of hers. The kids had informed him the beautiful animal was called Tralargon. He himself hadn’t ever been a fan of horses or horse riding in anyway. He suspected his elder daughter was much the same. She certainly never joined the rest of the family when they went off on their frequent rides in the early evening, which was quite the spectacle. Now, they were shortly going to have to call this woman what exactly? He wasn’t sure if it was daughter-in-law or something. His education in this realm hadn’t quiet gone that far. Nevertheless, he was happy to have her as part of the fold, even if there was some animosity between her and Lucy. At least this evening, he wasn't helping her to bed, not like the last wedding they had come to on the ranch.  That had been quiet an eye opener; one he wouldn't forget in a hurry.  Funny, they had never got around to discussing that particular situation.  It would be quiet a conversation he suspected.

“Ah I wondered where she was.” Grace laughed as she watched the confident easy gait of her friend get ever closer to the house.

“Yes, she’s definitely on her way.” Jason said and watched the woman and wondered why he was getting warm, as it had cooled considerably this afternoon.

“Are you ready to give your daughter away again Jason?” Grace smiled and came to lean against the railing next to him as they watched Catherine talk to a ranch hand that had stopped her on the drive.

“Again?” Jason asked the woman and watched the brown eyes smile into his.

“Yeah, she married Adamson didn’t she? You were there I think Jace mentioned?” Grace chuckled at the man’s expression. He looked affronted at the suggestion and she wondered if it was the fact that he was there or that he really wished he hadn’t been.

“Well, that doesn’t count. She never loved the guy, so I loaned her to him.” Jason finally replied and Grace actually thought he meant it.

“So, do you consider this one for keeps?” Grace was amused at how an innocent question was going quite out of the boundaries she expected.

“Well, my dear Mrs Montgomery, I somehow think it would be impossible for me to even ask if she wanted to come back never mind see it happen.” Jason laughed and shook his head at the thought, the tall woman walking up to them would probably kill him if he suggested it!

Grace laughed loudly and was pierced by an ice blue quizzical gaze that was striding towards them purposefully. Grace ignored her friends glance and looked directly at Jason, “you’re right Jace wouldn’t leave her again. That is something I know for definite.”

“Who wouldn’t leave whom?” Catherine heard the tail end of the conversation and pulling off her black gloves as she looked at them both for the answer.

Jason cleared his throat nervously. He had already had a sensitive chat on this porch that had gone perilously wrong the last time he was here. Grace seeing the nervous man chuckled and turned to her friend and tapped her on the back. “You!”

“Me what exactly?” Catherine asked. She hoped Grace wasn’t causing any mischief that wasn’t good. Catherine had promised Jace that today she would be on her best behaviour; even contribute to the conversations instead of doing the disappearing act on them.

“You wouldn’t leave Jace.” Grace smiled at the look of surprise on Catherine’s face.

“Of course not Grace! What the hell are you trying to say here?” Catherine said her voice held a touch of anger.

“Nothing Catherine. Please don’t get so upset. You do over react you know especially when Jace’s name is mentioned. Anyone would think you loved the woman.” Grace starred at her with a face completely devoid of expression.

Jason watched fascinated as these two women interacted. They literally set sparks off each other, and at times it looked like they were about to burn the other. Suddenly as now, they dissolved into laughter and Catherine was placing a friendly arm around her friend’s shoulders and whispered something to her that he couldn’t hear.

“Be right back.” Grace said with a grin and Catherine turned to Jace’s father and looked at him with a warm gaze.

“How are you Jason, everything under control in my household?” Catherine had talked briefly to the man on his arrival, but she had wanted to take Tralargon out before dinner, as she wouldn’t be riding her again for a month. Although, she was looking forward to being alone with Jace for that time, she would miss her daily rides with the mare.

Jason smiled at her and returned her warm regard with one of his own.

“Yes Alison and Faith are debating about the children when you’re away. However, they wanted to discuss it with you and Jace before they did anything concrete about it.” Jason watched the normally still featured woman break into a smile.

“I wonder if I can guess, Alison wants the children to travel to LA for a couple of weeks and Faith isn’t sure yet, right?” Catherine chuckled as she saw him stare in surprise.

“Well. Yes. How did you know?” He asked and then watched as Grace came forward with two bottles and three glasses on a tray. Oh, god no! Jace would kill them!

“One of the many skills I have Jason is interpreting people’s needs. Especially when it’s my family. I know that both Jake and Lisa have been badgering Jace for a visit and Faith almost promised them when we left that she might agree to that. So it is easy really.” Catherine clapped him on the back as she saw Grace placing the tray on the small wicker table.

“Come on Jason, we are all going to toast the health of one Jace Bardley and a happy future for us all. What do you say?”

Jason looked at Grace as she opened a bottle of white wine. Then he noticed the other bottle. It was one of the most prestigious malt whiskeys in the world. In fact, he had never tasted that one before and he loved the odd drop from time to time.

“Jace will kill us, I kind of promised to keep an eye on you two to head off this situation.”

Grace laughed and sat down in the chair with her back to the kitchen. “That’s okay. I’ve given Catherine the chair to the kitchen door so if we have trouble she gets the first sight of it. I know one person who simply cannot say no to those ice blues of hers, if you understand me Jason?”

Jason looked at the two of them and smiled. Hell it would only be the odd drink and it was his eldest daughter’s health and future they were toasting. It shouldn’t be a problem! “Okay, just one and then we go find the others.”

Catherine smirked behind the raised gloves as she threw them onto the table and sat down on a chair that Grace had pulled up. ‘One indeed.’ “I’m fine with that, what about you Grace?” Catherine turned to her friend and they both had laughter brimming from their eyes.

“Yeah suit me fine.” Grace poured two glasses of wine and passed the bottle of whiskey over to Jason who looked longingly at it and then poured a small measure and was shocked when Catherine moved quickly and tipped the bottle from underneath and poured in a rather generous amount.

“Hey Dad, you can’t be stingy on your daughter’s health now can you?”

Catherine and Grace laughed and eventually Jason did also, as he savoured the first taste of a splendid single malt whisky.


Chapter Twenty-eight

Jace watched her mother cuddle Elena and whisper something to her granddaughter. Bringing tears to her eyes and a little sadness as well, as she realised that her parents wouldn’t perhaps see their first grandchild grow up. Or at least, very little of the baby’s growing up period, especially now when the baby grew so fast.

“She’s growing don’t you think Mom?” Jace wiped an errant tear away and smiled at her mother and placed her hand forward for her daughter to grasp the fingers.

Alison Bardley looked over the top of the baby’s dark hair, which was now becoming quite thick and silky to the touch. It had been spiky the last time they were here two months ago. Her green gaze similar to both her daughter’s and her granddaughters saw the tears and the faint trace of sadness. “Yes, she is darling. She is looking like a certain daughter I raised all those years ago.”

Jace laughed self-consciously, “Mom it wasn’t that long ago!”

“Yeah, well time passes by Jace. We have to catch all those memories and hold them in our heart and mind for as long as we live. What is bothering you darling?” Alison had been amazed at how open her elder daughter had been to her on the last visit. Jace had even taken to chatting with her about things that when she was home in LA she would have discussed with her father. Something, or should she say someone, had changed all that!

Jace decided that prevarication was hopeless with her mother. She had found that out at the last visit. “I was thinking about how much you will miss of Elena growing up. She is growing so fast, it seems so unfair!”

Alison smiled at her daughter in tender concern; her elder daughter had always been the one, who would take on the mangy dog in the street, or the cat that was about to be drowned for no reason, or the homeless person who needed shelter for the night. The homeless had been the most difficult phase in the household, but they had finally managed to get Jace to agree to give up some of her free time to the hostel rather than bring them home. It had been a wonderful trait Jace, as had only been thirteen. Her elder daughter suffered for others and that was the hardest lesson that Jace had to learn in this often-cruel world they lived in. She hoped that the woman that Jace had agreed to share her life with would take some of the blows on behalf of her daughter. It wasn’t a weakness it was an admirable trait. Yet, so easy to be taken for granted and ultimately could bring about disillusionment.

“Darling you can send us video and Catherine visit’s the States again now. So perhaps, you can drop by with the family when you come over each time? Let’s face it Jace, many grandparents never see the children grow. It is only the odd phone call, but I know you will be different.  I’m sure Catherine will support your choices, she loves you.”

Jace smiled one of her warm sparkling smiles that lit up her face and eyes and caught everyone in its glowing aftermath.

“Yes Mom, I know she does. I know that if she can provide it she will, that’s one thing I have no doubts in this world about. So, have you and Faith finally agreed which weeks she and the children are travelling to LA?”

“How did you know?” Alison was suspicious. Had Jason mentioned it? No he hadn’t seen Jace much today. In fact, he had been missing the best part of two hours now.

“Let’s put it this way, my partner has superb deduction techniques and she shares those thoughts with me.” Jace smiled and stroked the sleepy face of her daughter who was very nearly asleep on Alison’s shoulder.

“Elena is ready for bed Mom.”

“Jace you go find your father. I’ll put her in the crib and catch up with you. I have not seen him for over two hours.” Alison peeked at the baby in her arms and smiled for she looked like her daughter. There was definitely no mistaking whose child she was.

“Okay. See you shortly. He is probably talking to Catherine or Grace in the kitchen.” Jace left the lounge and headed for the kitchen.

Walking inside she saw Judy and Faith laughing and could hear loud laughter and very loud voices from the porch area. Jace shut her eyes and considered going to her room. It could not be happening again surely!

“Hi! Anything I should know about here?”

Judy and Faith looked at her and both burst out laughing.

“Sorry Jace, but you really have a great father. He has the most incredible jokes which he churns out continuously.” Judy was laughing obviously at something that had been said.

“My father does?” Jace inquired, her throat going dry. ‘I’m going to kill her if Catherine’s coaxed my father to be in the same state she was with Grace last time.’

“Oh! Yes Jace. He, Grace and Catherine were having a quiet drink, then James, Susan and Colin joined them and it became quite the family gathering.

Jace decided that the only thing for her to do was to go and see what was happening for herself. There before her eyes were all the culprits. Not only Lisa sitting on Catherine’s knee as Jake was leaning against the railing next to Colin, but also all of them had a drink of some description in their hands. Catherine saw Jace approach and whispered something into Lisa’s ear as she moved giggling over to sit on Grace’s knee.

“Jace just the person, where’s your mother?” Catherine asked her voice appeared to be louder than normal. It was a sure sign. Yep! She had definitely been drinking again.

“Mom’s on her way, have I missed much?” Jace looked at them all and felt quite left out of the occasion. They looked happy and relaxed. Here she was, uptight about a wonderful situation, while their family and friends were all enjoying themselves.

Catherine moved forward so that they faced each other inches apart. “Missed? No, you would have been embarrassed darling. We toasted your health several times in fact, but I missed you lover.” Catherine spoke the last words the loudest and that made Jace blush as everyone else laughed at the endearment.

“Thanks Catherine!” Jace scowled through tight lips. No way in Hades was she going to let her partner ever drink again. This was getting to be a habit. Even if Catherine looked cute and very sexy with those misty looking ice blue chips she called eyes.

Alison Bardley chose that moment to enter the fray along with Faith and Judy. Each laden with trays of sandwiches and assorted snacks; Lisa was the first into the food along with a smiling Jake.

“Mom, look at them?” Jace gestured to her mother as she passed by her shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m looking, and I’m also going to join them. What about you?” Alison looked at her daughter and winked.

Jace raised her eyebrows and couldn’t keep the comical look of concern from crossing her face. “I have children to think of! Not like a certain partner of mine who seems to disregard that point occasionally.”

Catherine smiled at the jibe and placed her hands on Jace’s shoulders and pulled the blonde closer so that she could whisper in her ear. “I’ll go get our youngest daughter, because I want her to join in this moment Jace, even if she will never remember it. Be right back.” Kissing the lips of her partner briefly she left the room surprisingly very agile.

Jace was motioned forward and she shook her head, “Give me a minute.”

She didn’t hear the comments that Grace decided to share as she went through the door towards the lounge and her partner. “That’s the last we will see of those two until dinner folks. So, I suggest we refill our glasses. Who can provide us with another toast other than Jace’s health?

“How about Sex?” Jason Bardley answer back. He had certainly had more than the odd drop of the single malt whisky as his eye’s dilated slightly and a red streak was noticeable across his cheeks.

“Jason really, whatever do you mean?” Alison asked her husband as she took the chair opposite him that had been vacated by Catherine.

“Sex Al! You remember that small practice that produced the kids, and I tell you in this place there’s........” Alison leaned over and put her hand over the words that were tumbling out of her husbands rather lose lips at the moment.

“Not in front of the children Jason!” Alison told him sternly and watched as his face hung down clearly embarrassed at his near slip.

Grace watched the few words passed between the older couple and smiled wickedly. So that is where Jace gets that attitude--from her mother!

Taking pity on the older man Colin moved over from the railing and placed his hands on Grace’s shoulders, “How about we toast love in whatever form it takes.” His face held a look of love for the woman under his hands and she returned the gaze with equal measure as she smiled at him with grateful thanks.

“Uncle Colin can I toast love too?” Lisa asked, not really understanding some of the strange conversations going on. Especially from their grandfather, but the adults laughed, so she did also, some of the time.

Grace hugged the small girl close to her and Colin bent his head and kissed the top of her red hair. “Lisa you surely can. It is the very best toast to make in your life. Believe me.” He shifted his posture slightly and kissed Grace shyly on the lips and raised his head and then his glass to disguise his embarrassment.

“To Love.” Was the chorus and they all laughed and began a round of conversations that had the children snatching some snacks from the nearest plate and heading towards the stables, chatting amiably about the horses.

Watching in fascination Jace arrived in the room within a minute of her partner and saw her tall figure drop down on one knee next to the crib and speak to the sleeping child.

“Your mother thinks I’m drunk little one, but I’m not. Might have her Dad and a few of the others drunk, but they are enjoying themselves. I want to go into tomorrow with a clear head and show your Mother that every word spoken I mean from the bottom of my heart. She deserves no less Elena!”

“I think you deserve exactly the same Catherine.” Jace solemnly echoed from her position at the doorway. Moving inside, she closed the door behind her and went towards the woman who was now sitting in embarrassed shock on the floor.

“I guess you followed me. I wasn’t expecting that.” Catherine glanced her way ruefully and stroked her chin in absent concentration of the event.

Jace knelt down opposite her with their faces level. She saw the smile that played around Catherine’s lips and the lines around her eyes that indicated to Jace she was happy.

“I will follow you to the ends of the earth Catherine, that is a promise.  However, when it comes to the possibility of you being drunk and walking around with our daughter alone, you can count on it.” Jace stated with a mock frown teasing her friend.

Catherine chuckled and put out a hand to slowly caress the face so close to hers. “I hope you always will Jace. For I will gladly follow you wherever you go.” Bringing her head closer to the blonde one and kissing the lips that she knew would always be a temptation she could never resist.

Jace released her lips a fraction so that she could speak, “We will have to go back Catherine. They are expecting us.” Her lips then locked back on to her partners--it was just--so right!

Catherine finally looked up and into the glazed green eyes of the woman she loved, and laughed softly. “No, actually they’re not, at least not now. Especially, if my friend Grace is true to form in her usual tactless self after she has consumed a couple of glasses of wine. I told her I was going to have some time alone with you before dinner. I think this counts as that time.”

Jace looked at her with eyes full of astonishment. “You planned all this? I’m impressed and dinner isn’t for at least another two hours.”

Catherine’s eyes smouldered as they looked into Jace’s and she felt that her heart would burst at the love she had for this woman held in her arms. “Well, that was phase one, phase two needs for one Californian who shares my soul to take me and our daughter to bed for a ‘rest’, how does that sound?” Catherine saw the sultry look in those expressive eyes and knew she’d made some good choices here today.

Jace moved quickly and stood up and held out her hand to the taller woman and heaved her off the floor. Placing her arms around her shoulders and pulling Catherine’s head down this time the kiss explored both their mouths and their tongues danced to a tune only they could hear that pulsed rapidly between the two bodies. “Can we rest after I’ve produce a rather exciting sound effect from you?”

Catherine placed her chin on the blonde head, “And which sound effect would that be Ms Bardley? You care to enlighten me?”

Jace looked up and the sexual current that passed between them was electric. “How about I show you with your help what it sounds like first, and then you follow my lead?”

Catherine gave in to her insatiable lust for those lips and kissed Jace breathless. “Let’s go lover. I’m a fast learner.” Catherine picked up the crib and all three went up the stairs. In the distance they could hear the happy laughter of their family and friends. But, for the next two hour all that could be heard from upstairs were reverberation after reverberation, first from Catherine and the Jace of “Again,” and “oh, yes,” until the swiftly generated pleasures were finally succumbed and both women lay drained.  Well, for the time being at least.


Catherine looked over the paddock area and its inky blackness in the dead of night, as her dreams or should she say nightmares once again woke her at the ridiculous hour of three a.m. She had padded out of bed, pulled on a sheer silk nightgown and looked out over the property that she loved. In all the countries Catherine had lived or visited in her thirty-seven, well almost thirty-eight years, this was the place she knew in her heart was her true home other than Jace. Her next birthday would be the last week of their holiday together. Just the two of them, which would be different from the last one, that amused her as she thought back to her last birthday.

“Jace she’s coming, she’s coming Jace!” Lisa shouted excitedly jumping up and down on the decking of the porch. Jake was leaning with a bored expression on his face, but his eye’s if you looked closely were as excited as Lisa’s verbal outburst.

Jace peeked out of the open doorway of the kitchen and smiled as she saw Catherine alight from the Landrover and speak to Colin. He had been unable to collect her from the local airport, after her trip to Australia after a plea from Paul Strong that things needed her brand of attention. At that time Jace had almost, but finally managed to hold her temper at the news because knowing their luck Catherine would be away for her birthday. And away for the surprise party they had planned for her. Catherine being Catherine had managed to solve the problem late the evening prior to her birthday and with some smooth talk by Jace had agreed to travel overnight to be home today. Jace was sure the significance had passed her by, but not for the rest of them. This would be the first time Jace herself had been in Catherine’s life to celebrate the event. In her present state anything she could do to return some happiness to Catherine for all the wonderful caring the tall woman had showered her with in her final months of pregnancy, then she would do it!

Catherine hooked her left hand through the handle of Rio’s harness and walked confidently with the dog towards the house and her family! Although she was tired it was a wonderful feeling of being home and having a family that persuaded Catherine to travel through the night even though she’d not finished her meetings until midnight.  Even if Jace hadn’t talked her round she would have probably done the same anywhere.

 She didn’t want to lose any more time without Jace by her side. Now with the baby due only days away she wanted to be here even more so. Smiling secretly to herself at her foolish romantic thoughts, she shook her head and reflected what a lonely woman she had been for all those years. And it wasn't just her reclusive state here on Destiny; it was all her adult life. Until the confident, petite, blonde, Californian had miraculously entered her life that stormy day. She quite loved the sound of a good storm now! Rio slowed down as they approached the porch steps and he negotiated them with familiar ease and knew that his tall mistress would do the same.

“Catherine you’re home?” Lisa enthused and ran forward to hug the woman around the legs in a tight hold that defied the child’s small frame.

“That I am princess. Have you been good while I’ve been gone?” Catherine bent her head and placed a warm kiss on top of the red hair that she couldn’t see these days, but her memories of the child were perfectly intact.

“Can I take Rio to play until you get washed up for.....”? Jake took that moment to poke her in the back gently and give her an older brother-warning look.

Catherine tilted her head in question something was going on. She just wasn’t sure as to what.

“Lisa washed up for what exactly?”

“Lunch Catherine, can I take Rio please?” The child pleaded and waited for Catherine to say yes, never had she ever said no to the request.

“Sure he will like that, but Lisa he needs a drink and he’s been very good. So, one of those special treats you’re always feeding him when my backs turned would be a wonderful surprise for him, okay?”

Lisa squealed at the words. “How did you know that? Did Jake tell you?” Lisa starred accusingly at her ‘brother’, who shrugged his shoulders.

Catherine tilted the child’s head up so that she faced the child, couldn’t see her, but that wasn’t the point. “Princess when have you ever been able to keep a secret from me? I have eyes in the back of my head didn’t you know that?” Catherine teased the child and bent down to kiss her cheek. “Go take care of Rio, he could do with a run around after the flight.” Catherine turned the child around and passed her the harness, which held the dog securely.

“Have you really got eyes in the back of your head? I often wondered......” Lisa said as she headed for the open kitchen door.

“Lisa go!” Catherine said with a chuckle. That child could be encouraged to end any conversation no matter the topic.

Catherine tilted her head towards the other person on the porch she knew that it was Jake. He was never far away when she arrived home after a trip. “How’s the football practice going Jake?”

Jake smiled and went closer to the tall woman he had grown to care about. The feeling for her was growing stronger daily.  But, especially when she’d arrived home hurt all those months ago. “Great Catherine. I think I’m going to be the left hand striker this year in the team.  I’m scoring lots of goals in the friendly matches.” The boy announced proudly.

“Excellent! We will have a professional player on our hands yet.” Catherine smiled at the boy and held out her arms. The boy rushed into them and hugged her. His head gently touched her shoulder. The boy certainly was getting taller. Catherine thought that he might actually be as tall as Jace. She would have to ask her friend about his height.

“Glad to have you back Catherine. We miss you when you’re gone.” The boy whispered into her broad shoulder, his words uncertain.

“I’m glad to be back Jake and I miss you all too!” Catherine placed a light kiss on his head knowing that it embarrassed the boy any major sign of affection.

“I’d better go and make sure Lisa doesn’t kill Rio with kindness.  We will see you at lunch Catherine.” The boy pulled gently out of the loose embrace and had his hair ruffled as he went.

For Catherine the subtle aroma of perfume was enough for her to know that Jace was close. Not having heard any footsteps on the decking, she wasn’t sure if it was her imagination of the lingering essence or something she just really wanted in her heart.

“This may sound foolish, but do I get a hug from my favourite Californian?”

Jace laughed softly and walked towards her tall raven-haired friend and put her arms around Catherine’s waist as best she could. Her pregnancy did have the effect of keeping a certain distance between their bodies. “Now why would that sound foolish Catherine?” Jace reached up and placed a brief kiss of welcome on the full lips that gave a wry smile.

“It could have been someone else or no one at all. That would look as if I’m talking to myself, or even worse, making a pass at another party.” Catherine decided that the brief kiss she’d experienced wasn’t enough and she placed her own lips on the blondes in a much more satisfying exploration.

Coming up for air Jace looked at the smiling face and the ice blue eyes that darted around but didn’t particularly focus. “Mmmm, I suppose. But how many Californians have you allowed to live here and who use the same perfume and are as big as a house? You just had to know it was me, right?”

Catherine placed her chin on the blonde head and grinned. “Yes, I just had to know it was you!” her voice soft and warm to Jace’s starved ears and Catherine had only been gone four days!

“Let me look at you?” Jace moved her head gently to gaze into her friend's face, which moved slowly from side to side as Jace made her appraisal.

Catherine never did have much patience. “Do you like what you see?” Her voice teased her friend as she grinned happily at her.

“Oh, yeah! I like what I see, but as usual you need to be fed and watered. I’m sure you don’t eat when you go away on business. I really must talk to Paul about that.” Jace laughed and tenderly stroked the battled scarred left-hand side of her face.

“I eat. As for Paul, he eats for the starving I think, a little like another person I know.” Catherine bantered back and felt the gentle slap on her arm at the remark.

“I have the perfect excuse darling. I’m eating for two.” Jace said smugly and placed her arm through her friend’s as they went towards the main entrance.

“Are you sure it’s only two Jace?” Catherine dipped her head and placed a precarious kiss on the side of her cheek. It was always difficult to judge the distance between them as they walked, but she usually found her mark however haphazard.

“Come on let’s go inside.” Jace swiftly pulled the woman along and they headed for what Catherine assumed would be the bedroom. Then she was steered towards the lounge and as Jace opened the door and pushed Catherine forward before her, the sounds of celebration crackers and small whistles and a chorus of ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ echoed around the room in greeting as Lisa, Jake, Grace and Colin all shouted together.

Catherine had been shocked at the surprise. Her heart shot into her mouth, as she was welcomed back home in such a wonderful way. This was surely what coming home really was all about.

Catherine felt the small hands encircle her waist as she stood at the window. “How about coming back to bed and I’ll chase away the nightmare. What do you say?” Jace whispered into her back her voice still sleepy clearly indicating that she had just woken up.

“How do you know it was a nightmare? It could have been a good dream?” Catherine asked her smile creasing her face at the comfort her partner wanted to give.

“Ah! Well, when you have a good dream, you kind of want to hold me tighter and you do have rather wandering hands, a little like an octopus, did you know that?” Jace smiled and kissed Catherine’s back through the fabric of the robe she wore.

“I never heard you complain.” Catherine quirked her eyebrow and turned to draw the woman closer and where she could see her face.

“Hades, I’d never complain about that Catherine, not in a million years. When you leave our bed I know that’s different. I want to help darling. If you want to share them with me?” Jace looked at the ice blues that were illuminated in the light of the moon.

Catherine placed her hands around the face she craved every minute of the day. Sometimes she didn’t think she would survive the power this woman had over her, but dying wasn’t an option, not for a long time she hoped. “I love you and I want to share them with you, but could we share them another time? I think I’d like for you to explain to me in detail exactly what happens when this octopus comes to visit. Think that is okay with you tonight?” Her voice cut in softly pleading for Jace’s understanding.

Jace chuckled at her partner. “Whatever you say, I’m going to be here for you and that’s all you need to know.”

“Yes. I know Jace, I know.” Catherine placed a searing kiss on the blonde’s lips and moved with her in her arms towards the bed.

“I love you Catherine Warriorson with everything that I have.” Jace whispered as she was lowered to the bed.

“I love you too Jace, now what shall I do with my hands?” Catherine teased her mouth open and started a devoted exploration inside.

Jace merely moved the hands over her body in answer to that question and allowed them whatever access they chose and they certainly knew where she wanted the hands to travel, and travel they did.

She brought one to her shoulder in the dark, squeezing it convincingly.  The grip was like iron before she moved in one smooth flow, coming up, turning her, fazing her onto her back with a kiss that told her she was done with preliminaries. Her mouth was wide, and her kiss hungry.  Her tongue touched hers, and then moved in a circle upon her lips.  She felt the soft silken skin of her inner lips beneath her tongue, and deep in her body a pulsing made her lower parts feel ready to burst from need.  Her tongue washed her teeth, explored the warm crevice between them and her upper lip. The turn of her waist was her undoing as she found it, then moved her hands upward to slake its emptiness and fill her palm with her breast while her other cupped the back of her head.

She rested her lips against the side of her nose as she pleaded hoarsely, “Jace, I have waited long enough.”

It was heavenly being touched by her, fully, intimately.  The hand now gentle in its insistence, provoking a yearning in Jace’s breast to be bared to that large palm.  “Wait, wait,” she moaned, just this. For tonight, just this joy of knowing your touch and tingling to it and tasting the sweetness of my body yearning for more is enough.

“Oh, Jace, you are all woman.  You are so warm.” Gently, she fondled her breasts, carried away by touching them at least, feeling her nipples hard and aroused. “No more waiting, Jace. I want you now.” Her hand slid down her ribs and kneaded her hip while she covered her mouth with hers.

Jace wanted her so badly, all thoughts of playing her any longer fled, for as she played her, she played herself, and it had become torturous.  She grabbed her hair and murmured, “oh, yes, now Catherine”. She heard a sharp, indrawn breath before she relaxed with an audible groan.

Continued in Part 16

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