~ In Pursuit Of Dreams ~
J M Dragon
Part Nine
© 2000 by J M Dragon
Email:  jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer and Acknowledgements: See Part One

Part 9

Chapter Seventeen:

Catherine sat in the large brown leather, high backed chair that was now well used and entirely too comfortable when seated in its depths. Her eyes alight from the twinkling of the small coloured threads of light from the Christmas tree lights that adorned the eight-foot beast that was central to the room for the festive period.

Elena was playing happily in her pen at the right side of Catherine's chair. It was five thirty on Christmas morning. No matter how she'd exerted herself over the previous day and evening nothing stopped her from getting up early on this special day. It was something that she felt her body clock knew with conviction. Only this year, she had a compatriot-her daughter. Elena was wide-awake when Catherine had quickly washed up and put on some casual sweats and a shirt. The baby was duly changed from her sodden diaper and put into a fresh set of clothes, with this child; they had to be strong and fairly dark in colour. Elena had a habit of staining just about everything she wore not to mention other people's garments as well, as Catherine had cause to remember this titbit from yesterday.

"How about we get you a present to open little one?" Catherine smiled it was different when you shared the day with others and this day they were sure going to share with more than just the immediate family. Although, she would miss the presence of Grace, they had after all shared the day for over six years together. Never ceasing to amaze Catherine that each year she had to go and wake Grace up at nine in the morning, because she'd become tired of waiting for her friend to share the day. Last year had been slightly different in that the children had shared the day. It had been a bonus to Catherine to see their faces as the gifts were presented to each child. Catherine herself hadn't been in a condition to quite enjoy it as she would have normally, but there was always going to be another year and today was the point in fact.

Catherine stood up from the depths of the chair and raised her arms above her head to release the cramp she had suddenly found in her left shoulder, it still caused her problems from time to time, maybe she need more therapy? Now she wondered who would take on that particular task if she decided to go ahead with that contentious thought making her chuckle as she imagined Jace's comments on the proposal. Walking over to the tree, she kneeled down on the floor and rifling through the numerous presents that were situated under its generous branches. She considered sorting the presents into people, but then decided against it. After all, that was the fun in part of the morning the finding of presents, or she had always felt that way. It had been years since she'd ever had the luxury of more than a couple of presents under the tree. She had often watched Grace with envy when she'd selected and opened her presents from her family at least, as she always had more to choose from.

Jace had wrapped all the children's presents, although they had selected them together and Catherine had only gift-wrapped Jace's and Susan's so, she had difficulty in locating one for her youngest daughter. Then she spied a gift tag that had Elena's name on and it was from Jake, she almost passed it over and then decided that Jake wouldn't mind if his sister unwrapped a parcel without the rest of them being present.

"Okay, little one, time to cause havoc, what do you say?" Catherine's smile lit up her expressionless features as she placed the brightly coloured paper package inside the pen and watched as her daughter grasped it and started to poke it in an energetic manner. The child continued to poke the parcel and small slits appeared as she pierced the packaging, but it still remained reasonably sound. Finally, Elena placed it up to her mouth and began to suck the bow that had been placed on top of the package.

"Hey! No Elena you can't eat it; it's not good for you!" Catherine laughed as she retrieved the package and checked that she had repossessed all the trimmings that went with it. Elena looked at her with her expressive green eyes and they teared up at her Catherine's intervention in her play.

Catherine saw the glistening of tears and shook her head. "Elena, you look like your mother do you know that? How can I resist that look? Mmm." Catherine picked up the child from her pen and Elena rested her head on the broad shoulder and stared up at her with round green eyes. Sitting down in the chair, she placed the child in a secure position on her lap and then the package was placed in front of the child minus the bow and the coloured ribbon that held the package in place. Catherine watched in fascination as the child tentatively this time prodded the parcel and looked up at Catherine, and then she grinned. Catherine couldn't resist the grin and returned one of her own on the child and placed her head close to the smaller one and kissed her on the cheek.

"Go for it little one."

Elena must have been waiting for those words. Although, she was actually too young to understand the content, the intonation was enough and the child simply torn the paper apart and out dropped a clown in all its glory of orange spiky hair, multi-coloured suit and black large extended boots. The face of the clown had a bright red exaggerated nose and round blue eyes, the lips of the clown were in white and red with a big smile plastered over it's face. A sound was heard as Elena hugged the toy to her. It was in a soft material and none of the soft toy had any parts that could harm the baby. Jake had been very careful in his selection, not only that he'd bought something that the child looked as if she loved immediately and the belly laugh that erupted if its tummy was pushed in amused not only the baby but Catherine as well! They both chuckled as Elena began the process of working out exactly how she'd managed to create the sound in the first place.

"Something to keep you occupied little one until everyone arrives." Catherine consulted her watch and noticed it was almost six and that she needed a hot mug of tea as she continued her vigilance over the Christmas presents. Checking that the baby was okay in her pen as she placed both the child and the new toy inside, she walked out of the room, but left the door ajar for any sound from her daughter.

The kitchen was immaculate which rather surprised Catherine. After all the activity of the previous day, but then again they were paid enough to see that everything was put back in its place. Walking over to the kettle, she filled it with fresh water, switched it on, then removing her favourite mug from the rack and placing a teabag inside. Judy would be upset that she wasn't using the teapot but..........it was her house and she was entitled to be as slovenly as she chose. It made her smile anyway. Grace would have had a fit also, if she'd seen it.

"So, as soon as my backs turned you resort to unladylike behaviour, shame on you Catherine." Grace said from her position at the kitchen doorway.

Catherine almost jumped out of her skin; talk about sneaking up on someone and especially when you had been thinking of that person at that moment, Jesus! "Grace Merry Christmas to you too!" Catherine turned to her friend, and motioned for her to come inside.

Grace smiled at her and saw the obvious pleasure her presence brought to her friend; she had said to Colin that no way would she go without at least saying Merry Christmas to Catherine. Colin was sceptical that she would be up. Grace had laughed at that, and some hope the woman would stay in bed. "Merry Christmas Catherine, hope you have a great time."

"I thought you would have left by now. What time is the flight?" Catherine leaned on the breakfast table and looked keenly at her friend.

Grace gave her a suspicious look and answered. "The helicopter is waiting for us. We have a flight to this wonderful destination that was suddenly explained to me late last night, and we need to be there by nine. How on earth did you convince Frank to give up his Christmas day?"

Catherine looked down at the terracotta-tiled floor and then back up to her friend a bashful look on her face, her ice blue eyes giving her a shy appearance. "I asked that was all! Frank is very amenable and he likes you and Colin, guess that's his wedding gift to you both, his time."

"I don't believe it, Frank has kids who wouldn't want to be with them at this time of the year?" Grace gave her a shrewd look and saw the faint tinge of red appear.

"Can you ever take anything on face value Grace? Why do you always require the whole explanation even when you haven't the time? Go and join your husband and get away from here." Catherine smiled at her friend and saw the tilt of her head at the words.

Grace went over to Catherine and placed her arms around her in a hug and whispered into her ear. "Thank you Catherine, for the wonderful wedding present. I've always wanted to visit those places. Take care of yourself and everyone and have a great time, love you." Grace disengaged and heard a wail from the lounge. "You have a partner in crime Catherine.....in getting up so early?"

Catherine smiled at the choice of words, "Yes, it would appear so. Elena was awake, kind of thought she might like to keep me company, but I bet she's hungry now."

Grace laughed and turned towards the kitchen door, smiling as she saw Colin pacing up and down near the vehicle. "Well, today I'm going to leave you to that, and she likes the milk biscuits better than the chocolate ones, see you in a month." Grace left without another glance and walked swiftly toward her husband who enfolded her in a hug and they entered the vehicle, and then swiftly left the ranch.

Catherine watched them as she went over to the cupboard that held Jace's chocolate, and she hoped something to keep Elena happy. Peering inside, she chuckled as she saw the mountain of items, Jace really did have a sweet tooth. Fortunately, they exercised every morning to ward of the inevitable pounds that would appear if Catherine's whims over the chocolate cupboard were allowed to take over. She saw what she was looking for a packet of milk biscuits and pulled them out. Her own tea now diffused, adding the obligatory milk to the beverage, then sauntered back into the lounge to quiet the baby, which turned out to be easy with the milk biscuit. Grace was right; Elena loved the biscuits, which worked out very well. She settled back into her chair as she sipped her tea and waited for more arrivals.


Lisa was running around the room, her excitement displayed on her face and in her actions as she hugged first Jace and then Catherine and just about everyone she could get her hands on. Lisa had been given a dolls house. It was over five feet tall and was in the English Victorian period style; including the Victorian accessories and the miniature dolls that made up the family, who resided in the impressive looking house. Jace had mentioned to Catherine that Lisa had spent ages looking at the window of the largest toy store in New York at the old period style dolls house. Catherine had smiled at the child's choice; it wasn't that common a present these days, but if her little Princess wanted one, she could have one as Christmas was around the corner.

It had been fun to make that call and when it arrived at the apartment, Stephanie Merchant, their new housekeeper at the apartment was enthralled by the present.

"She's a very lucky girl for you to buy such an expensive and wonderful gift. Kids don't always appreciate this kind of present, certainly not one so young." Stephanie had stated as she'd checked over the items on the itinerary that had come with the enormous box. Catherine being blind had to trust that task to her new housekeeper and between them, they finally agreed that all the contents were there and that she would ship the present out when she went home on her private plane rather than trust it to the commercial traffic.

"I'm the lucky one Stephanie, that little girl has brought more happiness into my life than I can ever repay to her. If it's possible she can have the world and I would try and get it for her!" Catherine replied simply to Stephanie's earlier statement.

Catherine mulled that point over in her head. 'Yes, I'm the lucky one.' As she watched Lisa being swung around the room by a happy looking James Thompson, she was glad he was here too; at least he had things to keep his mind off the first Christmas he'd not shared with

Paul in many years.

"Penny for them?" Jace smiled deep into her partner's eyes her green orbs lighting up the room for Catherine.

Smiling at her partner she turned a hand over the cheek that was close to her and gave back a dazzling smile of her own. "I guess I was thinking about how happy I am and how wonderful it feels to share this with everyone."

Jace caught the flash of wonder cross Catherine's face at her own words. "Well, my darling, you certainly know how to share this day. I have to hand it to you, everyone is so happy with all the gifts and I've never seen Jake and Lisa look so happy and that baby of ours well, she's got so many presents, they are tumbling out of the pen."

Catherine smiled as she recalled Jake's eyes go round as saucers as a state of the art computer was unwrapped and numerous items of software both educational and enjoyment were unwrapped. He'd finally tugged her hand and cajoled her to install it in his room. She'd done as he requested, hell it was hard not to, the kid only had to look at her with those shy hazel eyes of his and she fell like a nine pin. Now Lucy and Alison were 'helping' him to play, they were merrily arguing about whose turn it was going to be after Jake had his turn at a game.

Faith and Alison, Jace's mother were taking it in turns to hold the now tired Elena, as Grandparents are apt to do. Both knew that their time with the child was going to come to an end shortly, one to go back to America, the other had to go back to her life in Auckland. Faith's return to her old home had never been discussed, but the woman felt that her presence was now a hindrance now that the wedding was over and Grace was 'only' the ranch foreman's wife.

Jason Bardley was happily sorting through his stack of presents and had been amazed at the gift from his elder daughter and her partner. It had been a life membership of the most prestigious golf club in LA, the cost alone was phenomenal but to actually be nominated and accepted well that was impossible for one of his standing in the community. "How?" He'd asked, his mouth he was sure had kept open in astonishment.

Jace had smiled and placed a hand on Catherine's back. "You will have to ask Ms. Do-it-all here, because she sure does some amazing things."

Catherine had blushed at the compliment and shrugged her shoulders, did it really make a difference how, all that mattered to her was that he enjoy the gift.

"So, Catherine how did you manage to ingratiate my name among the famous and wealthy?"

Catherine looked down at her feet her face definitely taking on an embarrassed hue. "I have a business friend who plays at the club regularly, he was more than happy to sponsor you and well that's all really."

"Catherine you have to prove that you're worth millions before they let you pass over the reception area, never mind set foot on a green!" Jason was still amazed at the gift.

Catherine thought about that for a few minutes. "Well Jason you are worth millions aren't you? Look at all the love around you with your family, that's worth millions in my book." She turned away as she saw an opportunity to talk to Lucy.

Jason watched her move away towards his younger daughter. "Did she just say what I thought she said Jace?"

Jace was equally surprised at Catherine's comment but she always knew the right words if pushed and what lovely words too and she meant every single one of them. "Yeah, she did Dad and let me tell you, if that's what she thinks, then you take that as explanation enough, because that's all you'll get from her but isn't it enough?"

"Enough? Jace the woman is so right. I find it hard to associate the comment and what you hear about her that's all." Jason said quietly.  "Then don't go by hearsay Dad, take the time and get to know her, you will benefit from it trust me." Jace gave him a sympathetic smile. Yes, well the hard nosed Catherine Devonshire and the tender hearted Catherine Warriorson were a little hard to work out, but it was the complexity of the woman that made it a satisfying challenge and one Jace more than welcomed in every waking minute.

"I will." Jason smiled as he saw Catherine attempt to charm his reluctant younger daughter, Lucy wouldn't last long he was sure of that, or he hoped anyway they could do without any further friction.

Lucy watched with annoyance as the hostess walk up to her and effectively dismissed with a look, Alison her mother. Just because Catherine had charmed her parents didn't mean that it would work on her; she was stronger than them and Catherine had been wrong.

"Lucy would you mind if we talked for a few minutes? I owe you an apology and possibly to Mr. Cruisal, but I'll deal with that at a later time." Catherine said quietly her eyes showing an apologetic stance, not something she particularly cared to emit, but Jace was important to her, so her family had to be appeased.

Lucy was taken by surprise at the admission and the woman before her looked sincere. There again she was probably well versed in being polite and charming. She'd read up on Jace's lover and it hadn't been pleasant. How her sister had managed to get entangled in this one's life amazed her but for some reason Jace had and it was obvious that for Jace at least it was a lifetime's commitment, her sister was like that. "Go ahead it's your house."

Catherine inclined her head at the comment. "Yes, and I hope you use it as yours whenever you come over to visit us!" Catherine decided to use the word 'us' rather than Jace, see what Lucy thought of that. Catherine wasn't fooled either, the young woman was astute enough to see that she was making polite inroads for her sisters sake.

"You'll hurt my sister if you carry on those outdated arrogant attitudes of yours." Lucy countered angrily.

Catherine pierced Lucy with an ice cool glance and watched the younger woman squirm at the stare she was receiving. "Your sister is safe with me."

"But no one else right?" Lucy persisted she wasn't going to be intimidated by the glacial look she was receiving.

"All in how people treat others, I can defend my family, friends and property, especially from unscrupulous people who might want to exploit them." Catherine stated in a cool voice, which matched her eyes.

Lucy gave a sarcastic laugh. "So, you think John is under that category? You never had the decency to check what was going on before you became the heavy-handed father figure. I have a father by the way, if you hadn't noticed, I don't need a substitute." Her tone matched the laugh she emitted.

Catherine considered the woman's words, well not everyone liked her and perhaps she was going to have concede that perhaps this part of Jace's family might be hostile; it was always a possibility and one Jace hadn't considered. Then again, why would she, Jace was far too good-natured to even think that someone could dislike her especially one of her family. "I take your point and that is duly noted Lucy, for that I will once again apologise. Trust me on one thing, because shortly you will become part of my family. There will be an element of risk attached to that, and I WILL ensure that you are not hurt unduly by that joining of our lives however distant. You might not enjoy this aspect, but its going to happen and with your help or without it you will get my protection and my dear you will have to hate me accordingly, if that's the course you decide to take."

Lucy had never heard Catherine say such a long speech in the couple of days she'd been on the ranch, not even to Jace, the woman was ridiculously silent in some conversations that had gone on around her. "When you do talk you are rather cryptic and to the point."

Catherine gave her a sardonic smile and lifted her left eyebrow to her forehead. "Maybe to people who can't accept an apology when they hear it."

"Perhaps that apology isn't genuine that's why!" Lucy was affronted by the remark and looked at her elder sister who had been shifting uncomfortable, as their voices had risen so the whole room was aware they weren't exactly having a friendly Christmas chat.

"So be it Lucy. I'm not apt to repeat myself, take it anyway you like. I have other guests who would like my brand of conversation however limited." Catherine turned on her heal and walked away towards Susan.

Jace chose that moment to talk to Lucy. "I saw her face, her voice went a pitch higher, come on Lucy give?"

"She's too old and set in her ways for you! Why ask me?" Lucy said annoyed that her sister was questioning her. Why didn't she go and ask the bitch she was living with for an answer to that.

Jace looked at her sister it hadn't gone well, that was certain. "Age has nothing to do with this Lucy. And I will ask her, believe me she's not going to get away with this kind of upset on Christmas morning."

Lucy looked ashamed at her sister's obvious anxiety over the situation. "She apologised, I thought she wasn't sincere. Lets' just say, we agreed to differ for now."

Jace shook her head and looked at her sister giving her a long look that made Lucy wish she were in another room. "I love her Lucy. Whatever you say, whatever you do can't and won't change that. If you can't accept her, that's your loss. Believe me, you will loose by it, but she's in my life for good, and I guess we wont see much of you if you both keep up this antagonistic attitude to each other." Jace's voice carrying the hurt she felt, which made her sister cringe, that she'd caused any pain for Jace didn't deserve it.

"Look Jace, Catherine and I might not agree on something's but we will be civil okay, I promise you." Lucy said meaning every word after all; she didn't have to talk to the woman, did she?

"Okay, I accept that for now, so did you like what you received as a present?" Jace linked her arm in her sister's and watched the animated face of her younger sister enthuse over the laptop computer that she'd received it was going to be a life saver in college, not to mention all the educational software that had been loaded on it. Jace didn't think it was the right time to tell Lucy that it had been Catherine's idea. That she had personally chosen the model, and checked with her college on the study programs her sister was taking to help her buy the most suitable software to have loaded. Oh, well, there was always another time; her partner did have that unique talent of being misunderstood!

Now sitting close to Catherine and watching the eyes light up with the sheer joy of the day, Jace had to admit there was never a time when Catherine look so relaxed and happy to her. "You haven't opened all of your presents Catherine?"

"Yes, I have, all the presents I'll ever need are here in this house, and everything is a gift Jace. Simply the feeling of being part of a family again, it is simply too precious to not keep looking at it and savouring the emotions it brings." Catherine turned her gaze to the laughing faces in the room and she was happy.

Jace looked at her partner and realised that was the truth of it, Catherine really didn't need material things; she had all of those and could buy whatever she needed. What she couldn't buy was the simple enjoyment that others had in the day, which was a gift that her partner never took for granted. She guarded it with quiet determination; it wasn't to be squandered in anyway. "Tell you what, how about you and I go to our room and share a moment to open our presents to each other, what do you say?"

Catherine gave her a bright smile and nodded her head. "Yes, plenty of people.....family to take care of the kids for an hour or so." Jace noticed the change of tack Catherine had taken in the comment and it made her smile even more.

"Let's go then!" Jace grasped Catherine's hand and hauled her out of her chair and they went out of the room, knowing glances followed them.

"Jace wants to kiss Catherine Merry Christmas you know. That's where they're going; why they don't do it here it's a mystery." Lisa piped up and a round of laughter greeted her words.

"One day Lisa, that mystery will become apparent to you, but for now well let them have a mystery." Susan chimed in and the child looked at her with bright blue eyes, her red head bobbing in acknowledgement of the words.

"Yeah, okay Susan, Catherine likes a mystery do you know that? She can tell smashing stories too, do you know she's telling us about a dragon called......" The child went over to sit at Susan's feet and related the exploits of Catherine's story telling.


Chapter Eighteen:

Catherine immediately pulled Jace into her arms and gave her a resounding kiss that set Jace's heart hammering at a tremendous speed that threatened her composure.

"You certainly know how to kiss a girl to block out anything else, but you Catherine." Jace whispered hoarsely into her left ear as the embrace was loosened and Catherine looked down into her green eyes.

"I only know how to kiss one girl like that, and she's the only one who will ever receive that kind of attention from me ever!" Catherine responded her voice low, totally compelling Jace to continue where they left off.

Several minutes later they both gasped for breath and clothes were straightened from their disarray. "Can I ask you a question before we open our presents Catherine?" Jace wanted the sorry subject of her sister out of the way; having Catherine totally relaxed in her embrace seemed as good a time as any.

"Ask away, for you are the only present that I'd like to open this morning." Catherine responded huskily her eyes tracking to the bed and she pulled Jace towards the comfort of the mattress.

Jace gave into the insistent tugging of her partner towards the large comfortable bed. "You say the most seductive things, and I love them all!"

"Good! I have more where that came from, so what do you need to ask me?" Catherine slid onto the bed and Jace slowly sank onto her chest and they faced each other both smiling languidly at each other.

Jace placed a gentle kiss on Catherine's lips and then gave her a serious look. "Are you and Lucy going to be friends or enemies?"

Catherine sighed heavily at the comment. It was not exactly what she had expected, but she knew it was bound to be asked at some juncture, as they had not exactly had a quiet conversation. "How about we are going to exist uncomfortably, together, at the moment."

"Lucy has always been independent and she can look after herself Catherine, she doesn't need......" Catherine stopped the words.

"I know she doesn't need a father figure, she told me, guess you can be to protective huh?" Catherine smiled wryly and captured Jace's lips in a reassuring kiss that melted Jace's heart.

"Yeah, maybe if you back off a little, we can work things out and who knows, she might get to like you, I know I do." Jace said diplomatically.

Catherine quirked her eyebrow and gave her a sultry smile. "Oh! I'm hoping you more than like me Jace." Her chuckle close to Jace's lips was silenced as the blonde captured them in an exhilarating kiss of abandon.

Eventually, they surfaced again and both looked bemused at the emotion they were creating. "You want to open these presents now, or later?" Catherine asked their foreheads touching.

Jace moved a little, reached over to the nightstand drawer located on her side of the bed, opened it and retrieved a slim oblong package. Jace looked at it a couple of times and then handed it over to Catherine, who gave her a quizzical look and a smile that set the blood rushing through Jace's veins like a river flowing in a storm.

Catherine reached into her shirt pocket opening the button that kept it closed and removed an even smaller object and handed it to Jace. Green eyes smouldered into hers, she was hard pressed not to say to hell with packages and open the package that enticed her with its lithe, warm, living and breathing entity held within.

Both women moved up the bed and rested against the pillows as each carefully opened the package they had been given.

Catherine was the first inside hers well she'd given tips to everyone on how to open presents fast, years of practice she'd quipped when asked. The velvet box enclosed within the wrapping was opened to display a solid gold chain and hanging from the centre a locket in finely crafted solid gold the front had a 'C' in a gothic print and on the back an 'X' in the same style. Catherine carefully opened the clasped that held the locket together and it sprung open to reveal a picture on one side of the three children and the other a picture of the two of them laughing together. "It is enchanting Jace." Catherine barely audible her hands turning the locket over and over in her hands as fingers tracing the pictures held inside, it was her family!

"You like it?" Jace gave her lover a tentative smile. What did you give the woman who could buy anything?

Tears glistened on her eyelashes as Catherine confirmed her pleasure with a gentle kiss. "What's not to like, you have given me a family," her words soft and spoken with emotion.

"I didn't want to make you cry Catherine." Jace tenderly wiped away the tears that slid down her cheeks.

"These are happy tears Jace, you have made me happy. What more can you possibly give me than what I have today?"  Catherine's words were spoken with a quiet conviction, which had Jace spurting her own tears as well. "Open yours Jace."

Jace began to unwrap the small package she'd received, her hands folded around an even smaller velvet box than the one Jace had given Catherine. Opening the box Jace gave a startled gasp as the largest emerald ring encrusted with diamonds on the eaves sparkled at her. "Catherine this is......gorgeous, I saw it in Tiffany's in New York it......it cost a fortune!"

Catherine pulled the ring out of the box and tenderly placed it on Jace's ring finger. Taking the finger up to her lips she placed a gentle kiss on the finger and the ring, "perfect fit, just as you are in my life Jace."

Jace this time had tears streaming down her face, it was simply the most expensive and exquisite piece of jewellery she had ever seen outside of Tiffany's. "Who told you about this ring Catherine?" Jace knew that the only time she'd ever discussed it had been here at home with......yeah with Grace. Wait until she got back, that woman was going to get the warmest hug in history.

"Ah a little bird told me and obviously was right on the mark too." Catherine chuckled and held Jace close the blonde head finding a natural space on her shoulder.

"Well, maybe I might get the chance to thank the little bird huh?" Jace kissed the collarbone that was exposed with the shirt collar being open.

"Maybe and where did you manage to get my present custom made?" The craftsmanship was very professional and clearly handcrafted.

"Would you believe here or rather in Christchurch, it was hard to think of something you didn't have." Jace admitted ruefully and pulled a face into the exposed neck.

"I love you, and I love the locket it will be close to my heart from now on and if we are ever separated, then I will always have you near. It's a wonderful gift my love. One I will cherish the rest of my life." Catherine smiled and kissed the blonde head.

Jace looked up into the ice blue eyes that now flashed with banked down passion, her own eyes glazed with a fire that burned for the woman beneath her. "What did you say about another package you'd prefer to open?" Jace's voice was enticing and extremely seductive.

Catherine returned the gaze and held it for several seconds before she bent her head and began a passionate exploration of the whole face of her lover, moving in a sensual meandering over her throat and then progressively to her breastbone. "This package is going to take time to unwrap, but have patience Jace, you will love what the receiver has to offer in exchange." Catherine said in a low growl that plundered Jace's senses and she was consumed with a desire that only the woman who was holding her could extinguish and they would do that in time, she had patience just as Catherine said, oh did she have patience.

Continued in Part 10

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