~ All Our Tomorrows ~
J M Dragon
Part Sixteen
© February 2001
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com


Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Thirty-two

Clare held Constance in her arms tenderly as she cried softly into her shoulder that had been some admission she’d listened too.

Stroking the silky brown hair of her lover, she could not, at first understand why Constance would have broken down in such a way so soon after they parted. Then she considered the tremendous amount of strains she was under at Xianthos and the tragic events that she had encountered in her three years in America. What with Paul’s death and her own serious injuries, along with Gareth’s suicide, the sheer pressure to work through it all and keep Xianthos afloat in a vicious market place. Was there any wonder that a crack or two had appeared been papered over to make it look as if everything was okay. When really it hadn’t been!

Clare felt heart sick, and a little angry with herself that she hadn’t seen the strain or considered Constance’s well-being before her own selfish desires before Constance’s well being. After all, it wasn’t just a lover walking out of her life she had walked out on the business environment too as well, which must have created havoc initially. Rita was an excellent PA but you get used to how people work it takes time to regain a routine with someone new.

Suddenly Constance raised red-rimmed eyes to her clear sympathetic ones, a question buried just on the surface.

Clare smiled lovingly at the woman held in her arms as she paused momentarily to take a deep breath before she spoke.

Constance took that as a sign that Clare wasn’t sure what to say.

“I guess you might want to reconsider your options in light of my confession. It could be difficult living with someone who might crack wide open to fall flat into the gutter again?”

Clare was astounded by the words, and shook her head as she realised her slight hesitation had brought on the speech.

“No! No please Constance don’t shut me out, we’ve come too far for that. As far as I’m considered I reconsidered my options a long time ago I came back, back to the only place that will be home.” Clare stated emphatically.

Constance raised her right eyebrow slightly. “The apartment will always be home to you Clare, whenever you need to use it.”

“Oh my love, it isn’t the apartment it’s you! You are MY home always will be. Darling let me tell you one thing, if I’d had as many problems in the last couple of years that you have suffered, I think I would have lost my mind by now.” She replied sincerely the honest appreciation of what her lover had gone through clearly expressed on her face.

“You want to stay with me?” A whisper into the quiet room you had to strain to hear it but she did.

“Stay with you? Try and stop me being with you, it would take a court order and then some!” Clare laughed softly as she saw Constance’s face clear magically to one of tentative joy.

“I think a court order would be difficult to achieve as I never want to be apart from you Clare, I love you so much.” Constance smiled tenderly at the woman who still held her in a warm loving embrace.

“How would you like it if I showed you how much I reciprocate that feeling?” Her fingers slowly touched around the eyes, nose, cheeks and finally lips, which opened slightly to allow the fingers to be kissed in tenderness.

“I think that’s one of the most wonderful invitation’s I’ve ever had in my life.” Constance captured the hand that she had previously kissed the tips of the fingers of and this time pulled the woman into her embrace so that they could share a kiss filled with the promise of the love they shared, whatever the circumstances.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jace didn’t know why she was surprised when Lukas, who was grinning at her opened the main door. Had she dripped some of that wonderful fish sauce down her chin? No, James would have told her that surely.

“Hi Lukas, how’s everyone?” Jace smiled back at him, and quickly went through the doorway into the marbled inner courtyard that she had to admit was her favourite part of the Villa. Not only that she felt that it had saved hers and Grace’s life when they had hidden behind that monster of a pot plant. She needed to get one for home if it would grow in their climate.

“Everyone is well Jace.” Lukas’s voice held was it a snigger?

“Great, where is everyone? It’s a beautiful night so clear this evening you can see for miles.” Jace waited for the man to close and lock the door behind her, as he did so she listened intently to the silence. It was rarely this, quiet! Maybe everyone was tired having retired for the night it was only eight but the past few days had taken its toil on everyone including herself.

“Well, some are in their rooms sleeping others are in the dinning room, a late dinner shall we say.” Lukas was being evasive.

“Okay guess I’ll go interrupt dinner, sorry if I disturbed your meal Lukas.” Jace apologised, for obviously the man had been eating if they were having a late dinner.

“No, not me Jace no apology necessary. If you don’t mind I need to go do some work in the office, I will talk with you tomorrow, good evening.” Lukas walked away rapidly before she had time to answer.

Oh well, never mind he had looked pre-occupied she wondered if Althea Spiros wasn’t part of his pre-occupation. There she was again match making, just as she had earlier with James and Demitri. Now on that particular match she was sure it was going to happen! Her hand closed around the handle of the door to the dining room and opening it quickly stepped through the door.

“Hi….” Jace’s jaw dropped as she looked a round the dining table she shut her eyes not once but twice as she saw faces she hadn’t expected to see for at least another three or four days.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she heard the squeal from Elena and a slightly throaty part boy part man’s voice answer, “Hi Jace.”

Then she was overwhelmed by a small tornado that hit her as she quickly evaluated that Lisa was now hugging her legs laughing.

My god, her daughter was here safe and well.

“Oh my god Lisa darling I love you.” Jace struggled with the words as she picked up the small child into her arms. Holding her close looking over her beloved face, kissing her cheeks and hair reverently, unsure if this was a trick of her imagination was she actually dreaming

Then her eyes scanned the remainder of the people in the room. Her senses knew where her partner was before her eyes saw the woman she loved. Constantia was smiling indulgently, Grace seated next to Faith was laughing at the shocked expression on the blonde’s face.

Then there was Catherine!

She had so much to say to her partner, so much to explain and share. The very fact that she was here in this room, with the rest of the family expressed it all no words were necessary.

Ice blue eyes captured her emerald green ones, messages like a binary code began passing between them. The love that was captured in their hearts, eager to be shared once more with their soulmate

“I guess we surprised you Jace?” Catherine spoke quietly but distinctly; her smile spoke volumes, as she stood up from her place at the table to go over to Jace.

“Yes, yes you did. I can’t believe this, you are all here!” Jace whispered into the room. Her eyes that had filled with tears at the sight of Lisa, now happily cascading down her face. It was too good to be true.

Catherine with swift steps arrived alongside Jace, placing a tender hand on her cheek the other on the red hair of Lisa’s head. Jace was hugging Lisa so tight it was hard to know if she was hurting the child with the embrace.

“I thought you would want to see Lisa sooner rather than later.” Catherine replied quietly.

“Oh darling of course I did, I thought you would have gone directly home. Rather than take the long journey here.” Jace couldn’t help the tender glances she gave Catherine, her heart singing; yes it certainly was the only expression she could think of.

“Jace, don’t you know by now that you are my home, everything else is just a place to live.” Came back the soft retort.

Jace looked over to Constantia at that comment, amazed to see a smirk of ‘I told you so’ splattered across the older woman’s features.

“I don’t know what to say?” Jace admitted ruefully.

“Well, I must say that’s a first Jace, but I’ll forgive you this once.” Catherine smiled warmly gently taking Lisa from her arms.

“I think that you need to go say hello in person to Elena or she will start to scream the place down.” Catherine had seen the toddler’s expression gradually change from happiness at seeing her mother to annoyance because she wasn’t gaining any attention.

“Okay I will.” As she did so she kissed, Lisa again, whispering something into the child’s ear that had her grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Catherine I can walk you know.” Lisa stated to the tall woman who held her aloft as she watched fascinated, Jace walk over to Elena and pick her up out of her high chair.

“What? Oh sorry, Lisa go ahead.” As she placed the child down who went back to her place between Grace and Jake.

Catherine looked around her as she took in the family scene. Here on the Island that had been part of her family heritage for centuries was to her three generations of Xianthos. Her Aunt, herself and her children, if anyone had said that would be possible three years ago or even a year ago, she would have thought the odds rather stacked against them! How lives change unexpectedly, in her case some of the events might have been tragic but the benefits were oh so satisfying.

* * * * * * * * * *

Captain Artillius couldn’t believe it!

As he surveyed the hospital room with its overturned furniture the news that the prison patient had escaped.

“What happened?” He asked the officer who had been one of the officers stationed at the hospital.

“I’m not sure exactly Captain, but as far as I could tell Samos was hit over the head by an unknown assailant as he waited outside the door. I was taking a rest room break when I got back he was unconscious on the floor the woman was gone. The Doctor’s in pretty bad shape too, she’s lucky to be alive, the prisoner almost strangled her!” The officer tried to explain as quickly but concisely as he could.

“Where are Samos and the Doctor?” The Captain’s first concern was for his fellow officer and a member of the public.

“Samos is being treated for his head injuries the doctor is under shock and bruised around the neck but waiting for you in her office.”

“Do we know how many people helped the woman escape?” Artillius asked as he considered what to do next.

He’d placed a call to the small airstrip to stop any more aircraft’s leaving unless his men searched every craft and passenger. As to the ferry, well fortunately that had left before this had happened therefore they couldn’t have sought passage on the boat. His heart felt lighter as he considered there wasn’t a possibility, especially as James was on the ferry if this mad woman found out he wouldn’t have stood a chance.

The only other escape route was by sea it was impossible to stop someone if they had a cruiser waiting, he didn’t have the manpower or the facilities to cover every possible launch point from the Island. As it was dark, their only helicopter wouldn’t have much chance either, it would have been like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

“Not really, but a couple of the staff I’ve talked with saw two men walking in this direction just before the situation developed. What do you want me to do Captain?” The officer asked distressed that this had happened on his shift.

Artillius considered the problem for a moment then placed a firm hand on the man’s shoulder in support. “Go see how Samos is doing then you need to fill out the paper work, we have officers from Athens due early in the morning they will want the details.”

“Yes Captain.” The man walked off towards the casualty area.

Demitri Artillius looked around the mess in the room stroking his chin. There was an officer doing guard duty over at the Villa Xianthos, he had been the first person he called when the news had been broken to him. If there was any disturbance at all he was to call it in no matter how minor the skirmish He had delayed informing the residents of Villa Xianthos, after all they had suffered enough if the woman was off the Island they were at least safe.

He walked down the corridor to the Doctor’s office and tapped on the door, a voice barely distinguishable bid him enter.

“Doctor Crystal?” he asked tentatively as he saw a shadow seated in the darkness of the room, only a small desk light illuminated a corner of the room.

“Yes.” A voice he hardly recognised as the Doctor’s croaked out.

“I’m sorry Doctor perhaps you could relate to me what happened?” The captain asked with compassion.

“You were right! How did you know?” The doctor said indistinctly as he recognised the horror and fear in the words from the woman.

“I didn’t know Doctor, but I have seen the criminal type before. What she put people through at the scene of the crime the potential for disaster that very nearly became, made me suspect she was still capable of anything. The criminal mind housed in an insane person is something you must never ever dismiss, it is a lesson worth remembering Doctor.” The Captain remained standing close to the small light so that he didn’t scare her anymore than she already was.

“She nearly killed me! I didn’t think she had the strength but she had such a wild evil glint in her eyes it was like watching a horror movie except it was real, I was the victim.” The Doctor tried to explain her predicament.

“How about you go home and rest, tomorrow we can go over the details, you are far too upset and would benefit from sleep at the moment.” Artillius said quietly for the woman was clearly distressed it would be cruel to put her through the ordeal of remembering the episode again, tomorrow would be early enough.

“Will you catch her?” Doctor Crystal asked quietly, she wanted the reassurance of knowing the woman was under police custody preferably off the island too.

“Eventually I’m sure. Now Doctor have you someone who can go home with you perhaps stay the night?” He asked concerned for her welfare it would be better for her if she wasn’t alone this evening you just didn’t know what the ‘Hudson’ woman was capable off.

“Yes, yes my husband is due here anytime.” Doctor Crystal said softly, it made her feel happier to know that he was home with her.

“Then Doctor I will leave you, tomorrow I will call and take your statement personally. Rest now Doctor until the morning.” Artillius turned to leave barely hearing the next words the woman spoke so quietly.

 “I’m sorry for my stupidity Captain, I should have listened to you.”

Artillius heard the honesty in the words simply nodded his head as he left the room.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Are we away from the coastline?”

“Yes, they haven’t the men or facilities to follow if they even knew what they were looking for.” The man answered as he concentrated on keeping the cruiser at maximum throttle and in the right direction.

“Excellent, when will we arrive at our destination?”

“In Four hours we should see the coastline and we have everyone ready for the onward travel arrangements.” The man carefully responded.

“What about a doctor?”

“She’s been selected, as it will be very early in the morning, chances are she will be too tired to ask too many questions. But if she does we will pay her handsomely for the trouble.” The man laughed cynically as he considered the payback.

“Okay, I need to rest, wake me when we reach the coastline.”

The man turned to watch the woman slowly walk or practically crawl to the tiny cabin located at the back of the cruiser he heard her groan as she dropped into the hard mattress.

“Sure thing Ms. Hudson.”

The cruiser moved on through the waves of the Aegean Sea to the area of coastline that he’d planned for the next stage of the journey.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter Thirty-three

Colin had looked at the night sky on many occasions, relishing the feeling of wonder it brought over him at the vast expanse filled with stars and the moon. He and Grace had shared many a quiet evening watching the night close in around them. He missed her!

Today he’d received a call from detective Andrews to say that a miniature electronic device had been set up on Ms. O’Neil’s vehicle. The device activated remotely, probably within a distance of a couple of miles.

The detective had said that the device had been placed on her car several days before, if she was being followed. Obviously the situation had developed that the people who had been monitoring Ms. O’Neil had felt that it was the right time to activate the device that had killed her instantly. He had been assured that there was nothing he could have done to detect the device or that his security had been weak. The people who were responsible were experts likely the police would be unable to trace them, but they had a team now working towards that. The detective would be in touch if he gathered any more news on the case, and gave his congratulations on the good news of Lisa’s safe return.

He had felt a little easier at the situation at least when Catherine came home he knew she would understand that currently there was nothing in the security system that would have found the device. He had already contacted the Security Company they used for the equipment they had been given the instruction to locate equipment that would help with this issue, should it ever arise again.

How far did you go? It was a question he’d asked himself several times recently and didn’t really have a definitive answer, guess it was the type of question similar to the remark ‘how long is a piece of string’.

Then his thoughts turned back to Grace she had said that although the family was now safely together at the villa in Greece, she would be coming home, he was her family and she missed him. He had to admit that sometimes he doubted that Grace loved him as much as he did her. But then she would say something to him that made him dismiss the thought entirely making him smile like a lovesick teenager all over again. He had smiled exactly like that when she had spoken to him earlier in the day. Grace was coming home that was all he needed to know, and all he cared about now!

He once more looked up at the night sky considering himself a very lucky man.

* * * * * * * * * *

Constantia looked up from her observation of Sarah sleeping peacefully in her bed, the woman had been upset that she wasn’t allowed to have dinner with the rest of the family, but it would have been too much for her today. Tomorrow Sarah could get up for a few hours and see the family, they had finally agreed on that before Sarah would give up her objections to not seeing them immediately.

It was strange that in the twilight of her life family was becoming important again as it had been in the early days, when her father and Elena had been alive.

Was this the full circle feeling in her bones? Rather than her death, which she had been certain was nearby. Now with Sarah dependent on her for a short time at least. Catherine bringing her family here, was this her full circle? Sometimes she had wished for death to take her when the pain became intolerable and of late that had been the case, but she had never known the depth of her love for her friend nor her friend’s love for her.

I suppose they had just both accepted it, never doubting that it would be there every morning they woke up to a new day. Constantia had reason now to wonder if that was taking complacency to the limit.

When Sarah had been shot, lying motionless and bleeding at her feet, unable to tend her friend. That had been like taking the bullet herself, she felt that her heart was bleeding inside also. The relief she felt when she had been told Sarah was alive and would also get well, was like watching the sun come up on a gloriously warm beautiful new day! Sometimes you never realised how much you cared about another until it was too late, now both she and Sarah had the opportunity to spend she hoped many more twilight years together as friends.

Then there was Catherine and her family. What a family it was too! So very varied in characters yet wonderfully projective of what she considered a happy family background. The child Lisa didn’t look to have suffered too much trauma from the terrible kidnapping, but time would tell on that. Although with the love that obviously surrounded the child it was clear she would have lots of helping hands and care if she did eventually need it.

The boy Jake was so like Catherine in mannerisms that it was difficult not to believe that he was hers by birth. He was clearly very intelligent yet kept himself in the background, unless needed. Or felt he had something to say. That did remind her of Catherine as a teenager except the boy didn’t appear to have the hang ups she had portrayed.

Elena her sister would be proud of her namesake, the child was adorable, very much like her mother in facial characteristics. She had a temper that was certainly not Jace or at least the Jace she had seen in the time they had spent together. It was clear that Catherine had her hands full with the child but it was interesting also humorous to see the two of them in a stand off position as they had at the start of the meal. She’d had to stop herself from laughing as it appeared that the child was gaining ground on the stand off until Catherine actually did take charge of the situation then everything settled down.

A deep smile wreathed her features as she recalled the astonishment on Jace’s face then the realisation that Catherine had come home to her, not a place but to her! It had been a picture worth a thousand words the quiet peace that settled over Catherine’s face and posture when Jace had walked into the room was another sight to behold.

Love was a very potent force for some people they got to feel it for a lifetime, while others only had a fleeting moment. But when you had it in your life however briefly, it was something that you could hold in your heart forever. And no matter what happened in the rest of your life it was a memory that you could hold onto and look  at all your tomorrows.

Tomorrow she would share the love she felt for Adam with her best friend. Yes, she would do that, it was time!

She placed a frail gentle hand on her friend’s hand that was outside the bedclothes, before she turned her wheelchair towards the door and left the room.

* * * * * * * * * *

The night was closing in Catherine reclined on the bed in the room that Jace had been given, which was exactly the same as the one she had been given on her previous visit.

Glancing towards the slightly billowing curtains that moved with the breeze from the open balcony window letting in the cooling air. She recalled the only other time she had been here without Jace, it had been a beautiful sight then but now with Jace it would be both beautiful and romantic. Although it was autumn here the day had been hot, hotter than she had at first realised that was good for the kids would relax and have fun.

They had continued dinner in a fashion she had watched Jace all evening taking in any conceivable change in her partner and realised something had changed. A subtle change but she was as certain of it as she was about the changes she’d undergone with the current events in their lives.

Nothing was mentioned of the tragic and horrific situation that had developed here at the Villa until all the children had been settled for the night. Faith had insisted that she bed down in the room with the girls, just for tonight she said to make them feel secure. Catherine was certain that the older woman was grateful to have the chance to have Lisa back in the fold wanting to reassure herself that the child wouldn’t disappear again.

Jake had at first been a little awkward about going to bed but had agreed when he was given the chance to go fishing with Lukas early the next morning. Lukas had even persuaded Althea to go with them he felt certain that it would help to get away from the villa for a short time.

Constantia said little during the dinner retiring to bed early saying that she wanted to go sit with Sarah for a while tomorrow they could talk things over.

That had eventually left Catherine, Jace and Grace to sit together in companionable silence, as Jace was held tightly close to her chest. Both were relishing the closeness of the contact, without need for words.

The discussion that ensued had scared Catherine so profoundly she had found it difficult to find any words when the brief synopsis had been related to her.

She could have lost Jace!

Grace and the unborn child too!

Then there was her Aunt as well; all of it could have been lost to her!

One person had been responsible for it all, Hudson!

When she’d heard the story she had released Jace from her hold left the room to make a call to the security people at the gate asking for another officer to be allocated to the villa building. The officer had stated that someone was on the way. If Catherine hadn’t been too tired and shocked she would have asked more questions but now she just wanted to get back to Jace.

They had talked a short while longer then Grace had said it was time she was in bed as the baby was kicking hard tonight. She and Jace had decided that bed was a great idea. Jace was now checking on the children and Faith.

Jace had shown tremendous courage and determination to save the lives in the villa by putting herself in danger. From what had been said more importantly what hadn’t been said at almost dying at the hands of Hudson. But it had made Catherine realise how much Jace had changed since they had first met, she was no longer the innocent who had captured her heart. She was a very resourceful, strong and resilient woman who would fight to death itself for the people she loved. How could she be remotely angry about that aspect of her partner, when it proved beyond all doubt, not that she had any, of Jace’s depth of emotion for them all.

Catherine heard the door, could smell the faint perfume that Jace always wore, as soft footfalls brought her partner closer to the bed.

Ice blue eyes captured emerald green ones passing a message as old as time; it had crossed continents bridged gaps that seemed unimaginable. It was a trust in their love that defied explanation created invisible links that forged a chain impossible to break. It was the classical fairytale ending of a story, when soulmate’s are reunited to be one again.

“You came home to me?” Jace whispered a tender smile on her lips as she eventually broke the silence.

“Did you ever doubt it?” Catherine quietly replied her eyes glowing with love for this woman who had brought her immeasurable joy in the short time they had been together.

“No. But when I meant home I meant me as home!” Jace was entranced in the glow that emitted from Catherine it was always the same the feeling of wonder and awe that so many emotions would surface with her presence or the sound of her voice.

“You are my home Jace, you have all my tomorrows remember? Where else would I want to be but share as many as I have left in this world with you.” Catherine stated with a conviction behind the words that Jace had never heard before. She really had come into the light from her dark shadows.

“I remember I will love you through them all Catherine that’s a promise that will never be broken, ever!” Jace slowly moved onto the bed and was taken in the most wonderfully tender embrace Catherine had ever given her they had finally come home.

Several gentle satisfying kisses later; Jace placed her hands around Catherine’s face gazing into the features she loved. Tracing a tender finger over the fading scars, she kissed each one reverently tears that she was unable to control dripped onto the smooth cheeks under her fingertips.

“I never want you to leave me Catherine now I know for certain you never will. You may leave my side for a short time but inside I know that you are with me as I’m with you. You and I will always come together again it’s just meant to be!” Jace spoke softly as she smothered Catherine with gentle feather light kisses feeling the emotion building in her partner as her hands and lips felt the tremor beneath them.

Catherine seized an opportunity swiftly turning Jace over so that she now lay beneath her; Catherine was holding Jace’s face between hers, her own heart beating rapidly, as she smoothed away the tears from her face tenderly. Moving her fingers over the pale cheeks down her throat to the beautiful skin of her shoulders, her fingers deftly trailed under the open neckline to stroke the collarbone.

“Physically Jace, you and I may be parted from time to time, but I know now that spiritually we can’t ever be parted, as you are a part of me. I’m a part of you, my love. Not just for this lifetime but for an eternity of lifetimes, all our tomorrows Jace yours and mine!” Catherine resumed her tender caress of Jace’s body as they succumbed to the love they shared not just of the soul but physically too.

Continued in Part 17

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