~ All Our Tomorrows ~
J M Dragon
Part Twenty-five
© February 2001
e-mail: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer:   See Part One

Chapter Fifty

“She’s gorgeous! Faith my dear you must be thrilled and what an unusual name, Georgina. Is it a family name by any chance?” Alison asked as she cradled the four-day-old baby close to her cooing, as Grandparents were apt to.

“Yes she is a beauty, so like Grace when she was a baby. Although if you try telling that to my eldest daughter she will just give you a rather long-suffering look. I must admit though that I think Colin is turning out to have more maternal instincts than Grace. He’s so good with her and she smiles at him as soon as he picks her up or talks to her.” Faith proudly stated as she watched her friend and Jace’s mother smile indulgently at her, unable to answer the question regarding the name, because she wasn’t sure if it was a family name on Colin’s side.

“Are you sure it isn’t wind, the smiling I mean.” Both women laughed at the remark as they looked towards the opening door onto the decking where they were seated, sipping a long cold glass of lemonade and generally doting over the new addition to Destiny.

“Now Mom what are you two laughing at, poor Georgina having to listen to you two gossip.” Jace grinned as she came over and peeked at the baby, all pink, smelling of fresh talc.

“I think she will be fine with us Jace, nothing like advice at an early age and it’s certainly not gossip my dear daughter.” Her mother chuckled softly throwing her daughter a warm smile.

“Well, it’s certainly early, I’ll give you that.” Jace settled down next to her mother, grinning at Faith.

“Where is Grace?” Faith asked, surprised that she had left her daughter so long with her. That long being half an hour but having brought her home only twenty-four hours before, many first time mothers wouldn’t let the babies out of their sight for a minute.

“Oh she’s with Catherine, Constance and Clare. Something about a special cappuccino.” Jace grinned; yeah that was going to be one special cappuccino Catherine was making it. The expression on Grace’s face had been worth the lesson given to her partner a couple of days earlier on the art of making the beverage with Grace’s steel monster.

“Oh. No matter that gives us more time with the baby. Where are the other children?” Faith expected to hear them around the house somewhere but it had been silent.

“They are with Dad, Lucy, her friend Francesca, Constantia and Sarah. Catherine gave the special Land Rover keys to Lucy this morning as she volunteered to take the children with her. Although I think she’s taking the kids if she gets lost. Dad, Catherine’s Aunt and her friend went along for the ride, Dad loves the countryside around here.” Jace was happy her sister had finally agreed to come over for the holidays.

Their talk a couple of months earlier had been strained. All the problems had been aired from both sides, and at the end of it all, the jealousies had been vented making them both happier for it.

Catherine’s suggestion that Lucy bring a friend along if she wanted now that they had the room, as the house had been renovated and completed. Had been in her mind a stroke of genius from her partner, sending the message immediately; surprisingly it had been accepted readily.

“Yes Jason does love wide open spaces and plenty of greenery. Faith is Georgina a family name?” Alison asked again then heard a deep voice, which certainly wasn’t her friend’s answer.

“No, not a family name but it has a special meaning to Grace, and me too.” Colin had silently, and for a big man that was quite a gift, walked up to them and overheard the conversation.

All three women looked up at him, Jace nodded her head acknowledging how special the name was. Grace had told her and Catherine the night before the baby was born the reason for the name; it had brought a flood of unstoppable tears from her.

“Special, in what way Colin?” Faith asked softly she had been a little upset over the choice of name but they had been adamant, eventually she would get over the disappointment of it not being her mother’s name.

Colin gazed down lovingly into the small pink face of his daughter. Holding out a hand as the tiny fist clutched at the blanket she was held in, as he softly crooned her name. The baby seemed to automatically grasp the large finger that she had been given to anchor upon. “Someone who Grace knew died recently it’s in his memory.”

“My goodness Faith you are right, she’s smiling.” Alison exclaimed softly and smiled at the others, as the child appeared to be transfixed on her Daddy.

“Told you so. When Grace comes she’ll scream the house down.” Faith replied, as she saw her daughter coming towards them.

“Oh Mother really, anyone would think my Daughter doesn’t like me.” Grace proclaimed smiling as she looked at the sight of her husband and new baby.

“Oh, she likes you Grace. Especially when you feed her.” Grace walked closer to the increasing numbers around the baby.

“My Daughter has taste Mother, she knows who will look after her and she’s already worked out that twisting Daddy round her little finger might be a good ploy for the future.” Grace smiled as Colin grinned at her as they exchanged tender glances.

“Grace, where is Catherine?” Jace asked wondering why she hadn’t come onto the porch with Grace.

“She went to the study with her friend’s from New York. Said she would be with us presently.”

“Oh no! I hope she isn’t talking business.” Jace said, vacating the chair and went inside the house to check.

* * * * * * * * * *

Lucy had manoeuvred the large vehicle up the steep incline that Jake had said was a place called Cutters Ridge, having a beautiful view over the landscape. Not only that, Catherine had whispered to him that if they had a chance to take her Aunt there, she must see where the family burial plot was.

“I hope this is worth it?” Lucy asked as she pressed the gas for more power as they reached the summit.

“It is, it is.” Lisa happily responded she began to unclasp Elena from her restraints as the vehicle stopped. Rio had jumped in the back of the vehicle as they had started up, and he was now wagging his tail enthusiastically waiting to be let out.

Ten minutes later they had all vacated the vehicle and were looking out over the beautiful scenery below them to the horizon, it was a lovely summer day with the sun hot but not oppressive.

“Wow, certainly beats the buildings in New York.” Francesca said with pleasure as she stood next to her friend.

“Glad you like it, I wasn’t sure if this was your kind of vacation?” Lucy asked her quietly, they were a few yards from the others at a different vantage point.

Francesca turned to her friend smiling warmly. “Lucy, this is a wonderful opportunity for me to see a part of the world I probably never would have. Thank you for inviting me.”

Lucy grinned as she heard the sincerity in the tone of her friend’s voice. “Thanks for coming Fran.”

Francesca smiled back at her friend as they went over to see what the others were doing.

“Granddad can you help me push the wheelchair behind the outcropping. Catherine said that Aunt Constantia would want to see what’s there.” Jake asked his grandfather, not waiting for an answer, he went over to the wheelchair, placing his hands on the chair

“No problem son, lead the way. If you want my help I’ll be right with you.” Jason smiled at the boy following with Sarah by his side. Lisa was holding Elena’s hand as they moved forward faster than the rest.

“What is behind the outcrop Jake?” Constantia asked puzzled that her niece had made a point with the boy to show her something.

“You will see Aunt Constantia, you will see.” The boy grinned but kept the mystery to himself, even Lisa had been bribed to secrecy. His sister was apt to let slip at the most inappropriate times and he wanted this to be a surprise.

As they turned the corner, all eyes went to the beautiful waterfall that cascaded down the mountainside, the whole area looked like something out of a fantasy story. They made their way towards the family plot, which held Adam and Lucas’s graves.

As they neared the small gate that led into the burial area, Elena was released, Lisa and Rio bounded after her playfully.

“Will they be okay?” Lucy asked anxiously, that would be the end for her, if anything happened to any of the children.

“Let them be Lucy or better still go watch over them and relax.” Jason grinned at his daughter indulgently these days, she had gone from aggressive to deadly serious, and too serious he often thought.

“Okay Dad I will.” She went over to sit on the bench and Francesca followed her.

“Aunt Consa, Catherine thought you might want to see where her husband and son are buried, she said it would be important to you.” Jake supplied hoping she didn’t mind him using the short name that Lisa came up with because she couldn’t remember the name; it was catching on with Elena too. He didn’t really understand the message completely, but Catherine had been adamant that her Aunt would want to see the area.

Jason and Sarah looked at the wheelchair bound woman, and saw the tears being held back at the words.

“Why not let Jake take you Consty.” Sarah said softly, she herself wanted to be with her friend but felt that perhaps this time Consty should be alone without her.

Constantia blinked back the tears but they fell regardless and she gave a wry smile. “How about you take me Sarah, we can share this together. If you don’t mind that is?”

Sarah beamed at the suggestion. “Why would I mind? I will be honoured to accompany you.” Taking the handles of the chair pushing it forward to their goal.

Jason looked at the scene; something was going on here that he certainly didn’t understand. Although, he was sure it would be explained to him at some stage if others saw fit. “Jake, how about we go skim stones in that stream, then you can tell me how the soccer is going.”

Jake laughed at the thought of skimming stones in such a shallow, small stream, but it was his Granddad and you had to indulge the older people at times. “Okay, I’m the Captain of the team and Catherine is going to let me travel to England with some of my friend’s. We will be going on a football-training course and to see Manchester United play. What do you think of that Granddad?” The boy’s excitement building as he quickly glossed over the things happening in his life.

“Sounds good to me, so who are Manchester United?” Jason smiled as they set off towards the stream.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jace entered the study with a rap on the door that had been answered with a sharp enter.

Constance turned to see who entered the room smiling at her; Catherine and Clare were engrossed in something on the desk.

“We can’t accept this Catherine, it was nothing really.” Clare stated as she pushed the documents on the table back towards the woman who had passed them her way.

“I insist Clare.” Catherine remarked mildly a smile hovering over her lips.

“What’s going on?” Jace whispered to Constance who was watching the exchange between the other two in the room with amusement.

“Oh nothing much.” Constance replied her voice filled with laughter.

“Nothing much? Doesn’t appear that way to me. I was just wondering what had happened to the three of you.” Jace said quietly, as she watched fascinated the stand off between Catherine and Clare continuing.

“Well, I know the both of them, and I think Clare might win out here.” Constance knew the tenacity of her lover.

Jace was surprised at the comment, as her own pride in Catherine and her winning the situation whatever it was, coming to the foreground. “I know Catherine very well too, believe me I haven’t seen her lose anything yet.”

Constance chuckled, the sound echoed in the study as Catherine and Clare both turned to look at them. “Jace, sorry Darling I didn’t know you were in the study.”

Jace gave her partner a tender look, giving a warm smile to Clare who was grinning at her. “No problem, can a girl ask what the situation is here?”

Catherine laughed, beckoning Jace over to her side of the desk. “I’ve just been pointing out to Clare the merits of accepting this document.”

Jace walked over and was pulled gently into the crook of Catherine’s right side; she felt safe and loved as her partner welcomed her into her arms. “What’s in the document?”

Clare interceded at the question. “Jace, Catherine has given us a ten percent holding in Xianthos!”

‘That’s good, right?’ Jace pondered the remark.

“Isn’t that good?” Jace watched Clare shake her head, and was about to state her case when Constance hooked her arm around the young woman’s waist and whispered into her ear.

“Yes, it’s very good but…” she trailed off wondering why she was protesting and not jumping for joy.

“But?” Jace asked a twinkle in her eye, so this had been Catherine’s gift to them for helping un-selfishly in finding Lisa, and putting their own lives at risk.

“It’s far to generous, we didn’t need to be rewarded. Having Lisa back home with you was reward enough.” Clare said, suddenly realising she was losing this battle; those emerald eyes that were turned to her told her as much.

“Why not say thank you and leave it at that.” Jace grinned and saw the resigned but happy look, replace the confrontational one.

“Thank you Catherine, Jace. Constance do you know what this means?” Clare turned excitedly to her lover.

“I think we will leave you two for now and go for a walk, catch up with you at dinner. Oh, would you be in the lounge, half an hour before dinner. We have a family tradition on Christmas Eve and I would like everyone to participate.” Catherine smiled warmly at them as she clasped one of Jace’s hands in hers and moved towards the door.

“No problem Catherine, we will be there. Have a wonderful walk.” Constance replied as she pulled Clare towards the sofa to go over the document that would effectively make them very wealthy as of now! This was some stock option; no one else had any stake in the corporation that she knew of, at least until now.

“See you later, bye for now.” Catherine and Jace left the room.

* * * * * * * * * *

Lisa sank down on the grass at the feet of Lucy and her friend. Elena was tickling Rio’s ears remarkably gently for one so young, sitting next to her.

“Are you our Aunt or our Great Aunt, like Aunt Consa?” Lisa looked up with a wide questioning blue gaze into Lucy’s surprised face.

Lucy was momentarily startled by the question and very nearly answered in the negative, at least to the child who asked the question. “Yes, I’m your Aunt. Jace is my sister so that means I have the privilege of being your Aunt, not your Great Aunt.”

Lisa beamed at her Mom’s sister, she’d heard that Lucy didn’t like them much and that was why she usually didn’t come to any of the other family gatherings. “Good, because Catherine say’s it’s nice to have family around and ours seems to grow every year. Do you like us?”

Francesca stifled the laughter the comment brought, and turned to Lucy to check out her reaction. Her friend was obviously startled by the forthright question; she could see several expressions cross Lucy’s features as she tried to compose a suitable reply.

“Of course I like you! Why wouldn’t I?” Lucy finally answered, looking around to see if her Father was in the near vicinity. Perhaps he could take this precocious child away.

“You didn’t come to the wedding it was a nice wedding. Mind you our Great Aunt Consa didn’t come either, maybe Aunt’s don’t go to weddings.” Lisa’s childish logic supplied an answer of her own.

“Yes, well something came up. How about when we get back to the ranch you show me the photographs, that way you can tell me what I’ve missed.” Lucy tactically tried to vindicate herself from that question.

“We have a video too, want to see that with me?” The girl smiled at her Aunt Lucy.

“Sure.” Lucy turned her attention to her friend who was smiling at her in amusement. “Fran do you want to watch the wedding of my sister to Catherine, with Lisa too?”

Francesca was given a piercing stare from two sets of blue eyes and grinning nodded her head. “Of course I do, wouldn’t miss it.”

Elena chose that moment to walk over to Lucy and pull at her trousers to gain attention. “Hey Elena are you giving Rio a break?” Lucy laughed at the toothless grin she received from her youngest niece.

Climbing up onto Lucy’s lap Elena placed her arms around the young woman’s shoulders, and gave her a smacking wet kiss on the side of her neck. “Sleep now.”

“Okay.” Lucy gently pulled the child closer to her and gave a wry glance to her friend, what could you do in the circumstances.

“I guess you have the maternal side after all Lucy.” Francesca said softly as she saw how natural and gentle her friend was with the toddler.

“Well, believe me it will be a long time before I ever have any kids, if I do at all.” Lucy replied softly as she gazed down at her niece who had closed her eyes, appearing to sleep immediately. ‘Just like her big sister.’

Francesca smiled slowly at the remark, how many women actually said that and ended up with at least one child along the way. “Time will tell, it always does.”

“Are you Lucy’s friend like Anna at school is my friend?” Lisa engaged the other woman in conversation. She loved to talk to new people and this lady appeared to be real nice.

Fran turned to the child and held out her hand for the youngster to join them on the bench. “Yes, that’s right Lisa just like your friend Anna.”

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter Fifty-one

Jace watched as Catherine gave Tralargon the small apple she had taken from the kitchen and placed in her pocket, unknown to anyone or so she thought. Jace knew that was something Catherine did every time she went to see the mare, but was not going to ride her. Also suspecting the majority of the household did too! Who was going to say anything, it was a trait of her partner that Catherine did not like too many people to see, or certainly acknowledge, the softer side of her nature.

“Catherine how old is Tralargon?” Jace asked her quietly not wanting to spook the horse, she was about to foal any day and was a little skittish at times.

“She’s twelve, I bought her from a horse breeder in Sydney about eight years ago now, he was going bankrupt but knew his horse flesh. I guess I took to her immediately and she to me.” Catherine retorted softly as she stroked the muzzle of the horse that snorted in satisfaction at the gentle caress.

“I can understand that perfectly.” Jace smiled, as she was given a quizzical glance from the taller woman.

“What exactly. That the guy was going bankrupt or that Tralargon would take to me?” The emerald eyes of her partner now ensnared Catherine, her heart raced as she felt the warmth and love flood over her.

“Oh, that she was taken by you, I know how that works.” Jace whispered huskily.

“You do? Well, my love I’m eternally grateful for that. Seems I appeal to young fillies or at least I used to.” Catherine patted the horse’s flank one last time moving closer to Jace, smiling wickedly.

“Young fillies? Precisely where would you class me in that list?” Jace loved the banter she and Catherine had developed over time, it had been a long haul but they were now working together in every aspect, which made the news she wanted to impart to Catherine all the more special.

“Oh my love you are no young filly.” Catherine winked at her as she went over to the basin and washed her hands after handling the mare.

“I’m not? Oh dear, have I aged so much Darling?” Jace asked tongue in cheek.

Catherine spun around and heard the teasing behind the words. Feeling happy with the world, and all she had around her, especially the love of this woman. She couldn’t resist flicking the soap bubbles at her partner, laughing as the bubbles landed on her nose and the side of her cheek. “Not you Jace, you will always be young to me.”

“Catherine! Did you have to.” Jace exclaimed, in exaggerated disapproval as her own laughter bubbled over.

Wiping her hands on the fresh towel, she held out her hand and beckoned Jace forward. “How about I personally clean you up?”

There was no hesitation as Jace moved swiftly over to be encircled within Catherine’s arms as she diligently wiped away the offending bubbles.

“Mmm you can clean me up any time Darling.” Jace’s voice was filled with love for the woman who was starring at her intently, the look she received bordered on indecent, she was sure.

Catherine heard the emotional pitch in her voice. “I love you Jace.”

Bending closer, she brought the blonde towards her so that their lips were scant millimetres away from each other. Ice blue eyes scanning emerald ones, with an intensity that made Jace catch her breath, the feelings within her coursing around at an incredible pace.

“I love you too Catherine.” Jace finally choked out emotionally as her partner’s lips captured hers in a searing kiss that threatened to explode every sense she had inside.

Several minutes later they both finally allowed each other an inch or two of space. The intensity of their kisses sending them beyond coherent thought, and almost into a public display of the consummation of the love they shared.

“Jace, you are happy aren’t you?” Catherine asked quietly as she rested her forehead on the smaller woman’s loosely held in her arms.

“Of course I am Catherine, deliriously so. Why do you ask?” Jace smiled into the eyes that held a faint worried look in them.

“I just feel that the last few weeks you kind of were a little withdrawn, I was worried that was all. You’re not sick are you Jace?" Catherine asked anxiously as she pulled away from their embrace to look at her partner directly.

Jace pursed her lips slightly, watching the passion flare in Catherine’s eyes as she let the expression remain for a few seconds more. A twinkle appeared in the bright green eyes and Catherine gave her a fixed look waiting for the answer.

“I’m not sick Catherine, at least not conventionally sick.”

Catherine was perplexed at the answer, ‘what did that mean? Was Jace trying to make it easy for her? That she was sick really, but didn’t want her to know.’ “Jace what do you mean?” The whispered words held a hesitancy and degree of fear, which made the blonde realise how much power she really had over this woman held so close to her.

“Catherine, sit down.” Jace motioned to the hay bales that littered the stable. She gently pushed her partner to the nearest one and sat down next to her, picking up a much larger hand and tracing the lines of the palm.

“It’s bad isn’t it Jace? You don’t want to hurt me with the news do you?” Catherine bleakly voiced her fears, as she felt the sting of tears at the back of her eyes.

“Catherine, Catherine! Why do you always persist in thinking the worse? Darling I’m quite fit and trust me this news will not hurt you.” Jace calmed her partner as she turned Catherine’s palm towards her lips kissing it gently.

“What then?” Catherine could not help the anxious tone, although it did sound more like an order than an inquiry.

“You know I went to see Mom and Dad about Lucy a couple of months ago, well almost three months now?” Jace kept eye contact with Catherine this news was so very important to them both.

“Yes, yes of course I do. I missed you!” Catherine stated quietly.

“I missed you to Darling. I thought that as I was close by so to speak….” Jace stopped her explanation as Catherine intervened.

“Close to where?” Jace smiled warmly at the question, Catherine could be so impatient sometimes.

“Boston.” The blonde waited for Catherine to digest that news.

“Boston? Why Boston?” Catherine asked unsure of the significance of the place and then as she said the words, it dawned on her the reason or at least the only reason she could think of.

“You went to see the Doctor again?” Whispered the woman tremulously, she wanted this to be something they did together.

“I went to see the Doctor Catherine and we are going to have another baby.” Jace replied quietly, her eyes sparkling with the happy news. Knowing that as soon as it sunk in with Catherine she would be happy too.

Catherine was shocked, no amazed, no awed…or was it all of them and the rest that the euphoric emotions, triggered with the mention of a baby, caused.  “Jace, we’re having a baby?”

Smiling at the awed tone from her partner, she wanted to laugh at the expression along with the acute loss of words that the news had brought about. “That’s right Catherine, we’re having a baby and when I say we, I really do mean we!”

Catherine’s face changed becoming wreathed in smiles, gloriously happy smiles, emitting like a beacon from her features. “We are having a baby! My god Jace why didn’t you tell me?” It no longer mattered that Jace had gone alone they would talk about that later, it suddenly wasn’t the most important issue to her.

Jace did laugh this time as she hugged Catherine to her tightly, kissing her tenderly. “I just did.”

Catherine wanted to shout out the news at the top of her voice, but first she wanted to know it all. “Jace, I went there myself you know, when you were home with the children when they were sick. I don’t quite recall telling you, did I?”

Hearing the apology in the voice but already knowing the details of Catherine’s visit, the Doctor had been very clear about her partner’s visit and the instructions she had been given.

“I know, Doctor Cassidy informed me of your visit. Do you know how much I love you?” Jace could not help the tears that fell as she recalled the Doctor’s conversation.

“Mrs. Warriorson, I was given explicit instructions by Mrs. Catherine Warriorson should you arrive for the donor sperm.” Doctor Cassidy wondered if this couple ever did get together at anytime, as they always appeared alone for the consultations.

“You were? Did Catherine call you?” Jace asked surprised, Catherine hadn’t mentioned that she had called the Doctor at any time.

“Mrs. Warriorson visited personally several weeks ago. You didn’t know about it?” Cassidy was surprised at the omission. The other woman had been adamant that her relationship with this woman here in the room was very solid.

Jace stroked her chin absently, “No, we have had a few problems recently, it must have slipped her mind. What were the instructions please?”

Cassidy looked down at the notes of both women, the instructions were simple enough to deal with. If everything went well and the situation resulted in success, then there was a rather large bonus in the offing for the clinic.

“Mrs. Warriorson donated two of her eggs to be used with your consent should anything happen to her. The procedure is quite common in certain circumstances.” Cassidy watched the surprise mirror on the face before her.

“Catherine donated her eggs? Did she stipulate that they could only be used if something should happen to her? What if I chose to take the donation now and we agreed the sperm donor. I take it she did make some choices in that area?” Jace’s mind buzzed with the information she was being given. Here was her chance to bear a child that would be Catherine’s child; no one could take that away from her partner!

“Well, she did state that specifically, although as to exactly what she meant, that could be taken in many ways I suppose.” Cassidy reluctantly admitted glancing over the file again.

“Then let’s go over the sperm donor’s Catherine chose please Doctor. When can I have the procedure?” This was such an exciting situation; she wanted to inform Catherine immediately.  Looking at the calendar and noting that in three months it would be Christmas, what a Christmas present it would be if everything worked out.

“Tomorrow be too soon?” Cassidy grinned at the blonde woman her enthusiasm was infectious.

“Not soon enough.” Jace admitted frankly with a wide grin, as she was motioned to a computer console to consult over the selections of the sperm donor Catherine had chosen.

“As long as it’s as much as I love you, I think we will both be happy don’t you. Jace it’s incredible news and simply the best Christmas present I could hope to ever receive.” Catherine’s voice was brimming over with joy as she pulled Jace into a tender embrace kissing her hair as she did so.

“Darling, that isn’t all the news, I have more.” Jace chuckled as she saw the wonder cross her partner’s face.

“You have more news?” Catherine whispered into her blonde hair.

“Catherine when I said it was our baby I meant that truly. I agreed to your donor egg being implanted. Therefore my love it really will be yours, no doubt about it.” Jace explained quietly feeling the tempo of Catherine’s heart respond to the words.

“Mine? You’re having my baby Jace?” Catherine choked out lifting her head so she could look at the face of the woman who had already given her so much, and was now taking her love one step further. How incredible could life be!

“All yours Catherine.” Jace whispered as she watched the tears trail down Catherine’s cheeks in happiness. There was so much that this woman deserved, and as long as she was alive, Catherine was going to receive whatever she could provide to make her happy.

“I don’t know what to say Jace.” Catherine softly entreated her partner through her tears.

Jace stroked away the track of tears as she tenderly replied; “you have said everything Catherine, in your words, actions and emotions. I’ve never felt so close to you as I do at this moment, being allowed to make you happy for all your tomorrows, makes me so fulfilled I feel as if my heart is bursting.”

Catherine starred into the emerald eyes that captured her heart and soul, oh so long ago. Now here in a stable, how terribly ironic that was. Her partner was giving her the one true gift any human could give to another, A NEW LIFE.

“Jace, I think we need to go inside the house, or when we give out this special news, there could be talk.” Catherine pointed out with a wicked grin.

“What do you mean?” Jace asked innocently as she was hauled up from the hay bale gently, Catherine’s arm snaking round her waist.

“Christmas Eve, a stable and a baby? All we need is the three wise men, a donkey and we might be on the news!” Catherine quipped, as Jace slapped her playfully on the arm for her comments.

As they left the barn, Jace suddenly realised that there had been one more thing she’d forgotten to inform her partner of as she leaned upwards to whisper the information to Catherine.

If anyone had been watching the exchange they would have seen a happy silly grin change on the taller of the women’s faces, to one of shock, then an even sillier grin, as she turned to the smaller woman and picked her up off her feet. Holding her close as she shouted, “TWINS” before lips sealed that wonderful additional news.  “Yes”

* * * * * * * * * *

Everyone had gathered in the lounge before dinner, tonight it was going to be the largest family gathering that had ever been seen on Destiny since Catherine’s custodian ship of the property.

As she walked towards the central point of the beautiful Christmas tree, she smiled at the faces before her, shaking her head a little as she realised how fortunate she had been that day on Cutters Ridge, when her life had changed forever. Regardless of the problems and the tragedy that seemed to dog her family, this was all worth it, the happiness and love that emanated in this room today.

“Well, as we are all here, even the youngest edition to our growing family here on Destiny.  It’s time to indulge me in one of my family traditions. Placing your own Christmas bauble on the tree. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the process, I’ve a selection of baubles on the table for you to chose from.” Catherine pointed to the small table with several ornaments of differing complexity.

Lucy and Francesca moved over to select an item. Lucy’s expression was one of amused tolerance. ‘Was this woman really a ruthless bitch, for she sure as hell didn’t come across as one. Soft in the head was more her estimation but if her sister was happy what the hell.’

Catherine turned surprised eyes to Constantia and Sarah, who she had expected would need to take up her offer. Smiling, Constantia removed a small item from under the blanket that encased her legs.

Inclining her head, Catherine acknowledged that her Aunt had also kept up the family tradition.

“I think this year we will have a change of routine. Jake, men first I think.” Giving her son a smile, her eyes twinkling happily as he looked up with a surprised but happy expression.

After everyone had placed their particular choice on the tree, all eyes turned back to Catherine, as Jake passed her the crowning glory of the tree. The angel she had kept, which had belonged to her mother.

As she rescued it from the tissue paper it had nestled in for the storage months, a gasp was heard from Constantia as the object was brought into view.

Whispered words of Greek filled the silent room, all eyes focused on Constantia who had paled slightly at the sight of the angel.

Catherine moved swiftly to her Aunt’s side and gave her a concerned quizzical stare. “Is something wrong Aunt?”

Constantia looked up and saw the compassionate warmth in her niece’s eyes; ‘Oh life could be quite wonderful, thank you God for allowing me to see this part of Catherine.’ Her thoughts must have mirrored in her eyes as Catherine bent down to kiss her Aunt’s cheek in an impromptu and uncharacteristic display of affection.

“I thought the angel had been lost.” Constantia tremulously remarked as she brought her gaze to the very old family heirloom.

“You have seen this before?” Catherine asked quietly, as she gently held the angel out for inspection.

“Yes. Oh Catherine, Papa gave it to us the first Christmas Mama wasn’t with us. He said that it would remind us of Mama and she would enjoy Christmas with us every year through the angel. Elena always put the angel on top of the Christmas tree, Papa thought it fitting as she was very young and didn’t understand why Mama couldn’t join us for Christmas.” The older woman’s voice broke as silent tears trailed down her lined cheeks; it was a poignant story.

Jace saw Catherine stiffen at the story of the angel. Having either forgotten the story as one sometimes does as a child, or had never heard it and associated it only with her own mother, who had died when her children were young. Walking swiftly over to her partner she placed a hand on Catherine’s shoulder and squeezed it in understanding.

“I…I made sure that when we had our personal belongings put into storage that some of the Christmas ornaments went too, particularly the angel. It was Mama’s favourite but until now I did not know why.” Catherine stated simply, her voice wavered slightly as she felt her weak left eye drip a single tear.

“Catherine, how about you place the angel on top of the tree and let her weave wonderful magic for us.” Jace said quietly to her partner, and pulled her away from her stationary position beside the wheelchair.

“Yes, yes of course.” Catherine brought herself out of her trance like state proceeding to do just that. As the angel sat pride of place at the top of the tree, Colin switched the lights on and for a few minutes they all watched the shimmering array of light, losing themselves in their own thoughts.

As everyone started to talk with the nearest person to them, Catherine cleared her voice nodding to Judy and Faith who left the room immediately.

“Before we go into dinner, I’d like to make a couple of important announcements if you would indulge me a little while longer.” Catherine said clearly, Jace who was straightening the bow in Lisa’s hair looked up in surprise. ‘What announcements? Surely she wasn’t going to mention their news?’

Judy and Faith came back into the room with trays laden with drinks of differing kinds and offered them to everyone.

“I would like to make this a very special Christmas Eve this year. A few days ago Jace received some papers that made us both extremely happy. I would like to raise a toast to Jake and Lisa.” Both children looked around the room wondering if they had missed something.

“Jake, Lisa will you come here?” Catherine smiled warmly at them, waiting for them to come forward.

The two children slowly made their way to the middle of the room beside Catherine. Then Catherine turned to Jace smiling slowly, passing a silent message for her to come forward also.

Jace gave her a frown of consternation, and then she realised what Catherine was up to grinning at her as she went forward.

“Jake, Lisa you are now the legally adopted children of Jace Warriorson. Welcome officially to the family.” Catherine softly explained and saw the children gain a wide-eyed expression as the words registered.

Loud applause and congratulations came from the others in the room as the toast was raised to celebrate the fact.

Lisa was the first one to speak. “We really are a family now? No one can take us from you?”

Jace bent down so she was close to the child, kissing her cheek. “Not now darling, now you can live with us forever if you want.”

Lisa whooped for joy as she threw her arms around Jace, kissing her back. Then rushed over to be picked up hugged and kissed by Catherine too.

Jake watched the scene his ‘sister’ was making and he turned a shade red as he considered what he should do.

Suddenly he made a decision and looked towards Colin, mouthing an instruction to him.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe Jake wants to say something.” Colin winked at the boy, as all attention turned to him. He turned a shade redder as he cleared his throat and looked to Jace and Catherine.

“A toast please, to the best parents any boy…and his sisters could have.” He smiled shyly at them both as the toast was acknowledged and Jace went over to hug him.

Catherine smiled at the boy, as she gazed at the others in the room. “I know you will all be ready for dinner, but there is one final thing this evening, if you will bear with me.”

“I was always under the impression that you didn’t go in for speeches Catherine?” Grace chuckled as she smiled at her friend who had suddenly become so very vocal.

“Ah, but if there is a good reason, I can be vocal, wouldn’t you say Jace?” Catherine smirked at her partner; Jace knew exactly what she meant by that remark.

“Yes… well, put us all out of our misery Catherine and tell us what the final announcement is. I’m sure everyone can hardly wait.” Jace suspected that Catherine was going to announce their news and waited patiently for her partner to do just that.

“Well actually darling this is for you.” Jace was startled by that comment, looking with wide eyes at her partner.

Me?” Jace gasped out in surprise.

“Jace I had a visit from someone a few months ago, when you were in America. They gave me a gift that I never thought I’d receive without a long battle.” Catherine turned to Alison, smiling as she beckoned for Elena to be brought forward into the family circle.

“Jace, you have always told me that Elena is my daughter, well as of a month ago she is my adopted daughter too.” Catherine pierced Jace with a loving ice blue gaze, and could feel the happiness bubbling inside as she saw the disbelief, then the joy that flashed over her partners’ face.

“Catherine, he signed?” Jace asked unable to believe the words Catherine had uttered, she had thought would be years away.

“He signed.” Immediately engulfed in a loving embrace from her partner, who was crying with supreme joy at the news.

“I love you Catherine, for today and everyday, all your tomorrows.” Jace said her words muffled slightly, as she pressed her face into her neck.

“As I love you Jace, for now and forever. You are my one and only destiny.” Catherine whispered into her ear, smiling at the tear stained face of the woman she loved.

Judy opened the door, and the others followed the lead leaving the happy family to celebrate for a few moments alone.

Catherine smiled at the children who were looking at them indulgently. She released Jace slightly, pulling Lisa closer, as Jace turned and placed an arm around Jake who was holding Elena in his arms.

If this was what all their tomorrows would bring, then it was certainly worth fighting every obstacle placed in their path to achieve it.

As her thoughts wandered to a poem her partner had once recited to her, a long time ago.

You were bound for me,
I needed to explain so you could see.
Fate decreed the meeting place,
Tragedy already beset your face.
It was preordained,
No actions ever to be explained.
A chance only you and I could have taken,
Oh what wonderful words were spoken.
Enroute for loves explosion,
We almost missed and ended up in collision.
The chance to ensure our fate,
With luck we wouldn’t be too late.
Now as fortune pushes forward,
We happily head toward.
The greatest love we can achieve,
A destiny defined always to receive.

Catherine Xianthos Devonshire Warriorson had finally arrived HOME.


Author's Note

After the closing stages of the fifth story in the 'Destiny Series' I would like to add a footnote for all those readers who have travelled the journey with the characters and myself. I've enjoyed and believe acted upon where possible, the feedback I've received over the last year and a half. Solving, it is hoped, the many mysteries regarding the plots and the characters themselves. As in the real world there will always be the odd loose end!

Well, my loose ends cover lots of twists and turns. What will happen when the twins are born? Lucy has so many choices, will she follow her sister or branch out on her own? What were Danni O'Neil's secrets and did they die with her? Whatever happened to the ever-faithful nemesis Hudson? Last but not least, what was in that box? With Jace's and Catherine's luck it could be a Pandora's Box!

Did I really say this was the end? Shall I take a woman's prerogative and change her mind and say...expect the unexpected?

For the moment however, it is farewell from the Destiny clan.

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