could smell the fresh, cool air blowing in through a crack in the shutters to their room
and decided to go outside to cool off.
Inn was empty as she made her way out into the cool morning air. She took a seat on a log in a secluded area of the
yard and stared up at the night sky. It was cloudless and beautiful, and the stars
twinkled like chips of diamonds strewn across rich velvet.
The air was exquisitely fresh, cooling her sweat-dampened skin. It also cleared her lungs of the smoke of the
nights fire.
herself Gabrielle jumped with a startled yelp as a dark figure moved in the bushes slowly
toward her. It was still too dark to see but she recognized his voice and his general
cocked his head to the side and lifted an eyebrow, curious as to how she knew his name. “You know my name.”
was giving him that familiar look again, and the way she’d said his name…it was
like she’d said it a hundred times before. Unlike
the last time they’d met, the feeling that he also knew her was almost tangible and
her beauty in the moonlight was breathtaking. Joxer
wanted so much to reach out and touch her just to make certain she was real and not
something from a wonderful dream.
I do. You’re Poseidon’s
of course. Juice?”
handed her a decanter full of a clear liquid that smelled something like freshly squeezed
grapes. “Don’t worry,” he
said, grinning at her hesitation. “I
haven’t drunk from it yet. It’s a
clean decanter too.”
took his offering and drank some of it down. Like
the night air it was cool and refreshing. “That’s
so good.”
I like it. I like to drink the juice before
it ferments. I think its better this way.”
would tend to agree. You can enjoy it without
becoming intoxicated. I suppose it’s
important for a god’s champion to always be alert for danger, huh?”
it is.”
shared a few moments of comfortable silence as they watched the eastern sky begin to
brighten with a new day. The air was heavily
perfumed with the spring flowers that were blooming all around and Gabrielle found herself
missing sleeping under the stars with Xena. After
a few minutes of listening to the sound of the waking village, Joxer broke the silence.
like to watch sunrises?”
not really”, Gabrielle admitted, slightly embarrassed.
“I love sleeping in. It was just
too hot in my room with the bed being close to the fire and Xena smothering me like
she…?” He waited expectantly for
her to finish.
Xena said, looking away sheepishly.
the two of you I get the feeling you two are uh, more than meets the eye.”
“No. We’re friends but not lovers. Actually we only just met a few days ago.”
he was taking the subject matter into an area too personal for her to discuss with a
stranger, Joxer backed off, much to her visible relief.
“I love watching sunrises myself.”
when?“ She caught herself before she could say more. How easy it was to forget that
this wasn’t the old days and this wasn’t the Joxer that had loved her so much he
gave his life to save her. The woman in the
bed upstairs wasn’t her Xena. This
wasn’t even her world.
sense you are a woman with a troubled mind…” Joxer left the sentence hanging,
hoping she would tell him her name.
I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.”
alright. You know, you don’t look like one of Athena’s guards.”
became even more uncomfortable with his questions. She
felt perhaps like he was interrogating her, and she reminded herself again that she and
this Joxer were complete strangers. He
didn’t love her the way the Joxer she’d known had, therefore there was no reason
for him not to give away her identity to his god or Athena herself. He sensed her hesitancy and smiled.
sorry. I have a tendency to question people. I
shouldn’t do that but you’re different somehow.
Would you think me too forward if I told you that I felt as if I know you?”
wouldn’t find that strange at all. You’d be surprised at the things I’ve
real-world woman huh?”
I am. Though I’m loyal to no god in
can understand that better than you’d think. Sometimes
I tire of Poseidon’s petty cruelties myself. I
would have followed Athena but she doesn’t allow male Champions.”
found herself laughing. “Let me guess: You’re
an ambitious man and you’re not about to allow sexism to trap you in a dead end
began to laugh along with her, genuinely amused by her sense of humor and how well she had
read him. The sense of familiarity was stronger and he was pleasantly surprised by how
comfortable with it.
it exactly. I wouldn’t be able to rise above centurion. Besides all that I wouldn’t look good in one
of those silver skirts.”
too hairy?”
begin to giggle, helpless to control their laughter.
This man had every quality in a man she’d ever wanted to see in Joxer, and she
could feel a strange attraction tickle deep in her stomach.
This is ridiculous, she thought, trying to shrug
off the feelings that were arising within her.
Xena’s sharp voice said from above.
looked up to the third floor window to find Xena looking down at them, and the Bard
wondered how long she’d been there listening, and Gabrielle hated it when people
snooped. “Yes Xena?”
are you doing?”
jealousy in Xena’s voice was painfully obvious and it wasn’t lost on Gabrielle
that that Xena’s behavior must have made her look like a liar to Joxer. After all, she’d just finished telling him
there was nothing between her and Xena of a romantic nature and now Xena was acting like a
lovesick schoolboy. Gabrielle tried but she
was just unable to keep the irritation out of her voice.
just talking to someone Xena. Why are you up
this early?”
looked at Joxer with a mixture of jealousy and anxiety.
For all she knew he had already told Athena their whereabouts and her former lover
had sent assassins to kill Gabrielle.
upstairs. Now.” Xena’s voice left no room for argument so
Gabrielle looked back at Joxer, somewhat apologetically.
This woman was proving to be radically different from her Xena, what with the way
she barked orders to her instead of asking. Gabrielle
began to feel as if she were being smothered by this Xena.
be right up.” Gabrielle lay a hand on
Joxer’s arm, surprised by the hard flesh beneath.
Yes, he was definitely a different man from the Joxer she’d known. “Enjoy your sunrise Joxer. Perhaps we’ll
meet again.”
hope we do. And Gabrielle?”
get the feeling you’re a woman of truth and honor.”
had indeed sensed her fears that Xena’s behavior had made her look like a liar, and
he wanted to soothe her fears. What a man
this Joxer was.
smiled and left him there to watch the sunrise as she went upstairs to deal with Xena. She didn’t know what path her life was going
to take but it promised to be a rocky one if this Xena was going to be in it.
you out of your mind?” Xena yelled when Gabrielle arrived back in their room. She realized Joxer was still below their window
and quieted her voice. “He’s
Poseidon’s Champion and he’ll sell us out to his god in a heartbeat. Trust me, I know him.”
well do you know him?” Was that jealousy
Gabrielle was feeling in the pit of her stomach? Ridiculous. She wasn’t going to fall for this Joxer any
more than she had the man from her own world.
enough to know I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. He’s a womanizing bastard so stay clear of
him. I’ll try to find a horse that can
carry Gabrielle and Callisto so we can head move on.”
don’t think Joxer will tell on us Xena.”
said you knew him from your world. Remember
one thing: He is not your Joxer. He belongs to Poseidon.”
watched Xena storm out in her new leather pant outfit.
It went with her personality but it also served not to remind her too much of her
Xena. She shook her head at the situation
she’d gotten herself into and hurried next door to wake her younger version and
Innkeeper tenderly reached inside the safe and pulled out the purse that held his profits
from the day before, trying desperately to avoid cutting himself on the blade that was
pressed dangerously close to his throat.
old man,” the thief whispered. The
Inn’s inhabitants, mostly consisting of temple guards from Poseidon and Athena’s
own champion, were beginning to arise for the day. The
Innkeeper was surprised at this thief’s ambition.
It either meant he was crazy or he was desperate to steal with that much protection
in the Inn.
the rest of it?”
The thief pressed the knife into the Innkeepers throat again.
swear. That’s all I have.”
gonna start cutting until you tell me where the rest of the money is.”
thief replaced the gag over the Innkeepers mouth and slashed twice at his substantial
belly. The pain must have done something to
clear the Innkeepers mind because he remembered Xena’s gift. Something of a freebee get-out-of-trouble card
with Athena for being nice to her champion.
the Innkeeper mumbled under his gag. “I
ask for you help in the name of your Champion Xena…hey, that rhymes.”
in Tartarus are you mumbling about?” The thief asked, yanking the gag off the
Innkeepers mouth. He never saw Athena appear
behind him.
has summoned me?”
Innkeeper sighed in relief as Athena appeared. “I
did my goddess. This man is trying to rob
“Really?” Athena said, giving the thief a wicked grin. The mood she’d sank into since finding that
Gabrielle’s presence was destroying her world had left her depressed. The chance to dispense a little quick justice was
just what she needed to lift her spirits. Besides,
this Innkeeper had mentioned Xena, and wherever Xena was, so was Gabrielle.
here my child.”
thief shook in fear from head to toe as he slinked his way over to Athena like dog that
knew a spanking was coming. “Yes,
goddess? I can explain, really-“
“Shhh.” She cupped his chin in one hand and looked deeply
into the thief’s eyes seeing his life in a detail greater than his own memory could
allow. “You have killed many innocent
people for nothing more than to satisfy your sick desires.
You’re a menace to society. A
threat to my other children. I cannot allow
you to live.”
The thief tried to pull free of her grasp. When that failed he made a useless attempt to
escape by running his dagger into her mid-section, with no effect of course.
I allow you to live, you will continue to harm those who are weaker than yourself. I’m sorry but I’m afraid I’m going
to have to put a stop to you.”
one smooth jerk she snapped the thief’s neck and allowed him to drop to the floor.
Next, Athena focused on the Innkeeper who swallowed over a lump of panic in his throat as
Athena callously stepped over the thief’s body and focused on the wound on his
not too bad. I can clear that up in no
the wound was healed, Athena captured the Innkeepers eyes with hers. “You called for me in Xena’s name. The only way you would have known to do that would
have been if Xena gave you her favor when she was my champion. When was the last time you saw her?”
night my goddess.” Despite her gentle smile, the Innkeeper feared he would loose
control of his bladder at any moment. “She
is staying with some friends on the third floor.”
here now?”
my goddess.”
you.” Athena turned and stepped back
over the body, then on a second thought, looked down at it. “You don’t mind
cleaning up my mess do you? I’m in a bit of a hurry.”
at all.”
that, Athena faded away. She had a blond home
wrecker to kill.
muted chanting of the Amazon sisters increased in both tempo and emotion as Varia’s
body was taken from the preparation tent to the pyre for burning. Xena had spent the entire day listening to the
sisters preparing the stake at which she would be burned along with Varia’s body. It was only fitting, considering she’d
murdered the woman who’d been willing to leave her tribe in order to save her soul
from falling back into the hatred and despair she’d been lost in before Hercules and
Gabrielle had entered her life.
knew these things mentally, yet she couldn’t help but feel as if she were a woman
wearing a mask to cover her true face to the world. She
had shown these women nothing but a contrite spirit, but inside she seethed with hate and
anger. The only reason she was going to allow
them to kill her this night was the simple fact that if she didn’t let them
slay the monster, the monster would slay many more innocent lives in the name of her hate. She just couldn’t allow that to happen.
have to end this.”
didn’t even bother to look up at the sound of the one who’d spoken to her. She wasn’t surprised he was here now, but she
was a little curious as to why it had taken him over three and a half months to get to
her. There had to be a reason.
took you so long Ares?”
reclined on a pillow that had been given to her by Cyane in an attempt to make her last
few hours on earth at least moderately comfortable. She’d
refused to allow herself any small measure of comfort as a pathetic act of atonement for
killing Varia and the villagers of Amphipolis.
was waiting for this to happen.”
figured you would. Opportunistic bastard.”
come here to talk about your future.”
don’t have a future Ares.”
could. You could atone for what you’ve
done and I can help you.”
look of incredulity on Xena’s face was almost comical so she forced a small grin to
take its place. “You know in Amphipolis
they turned your temple into a stables.”
they?” Ares said, wondering why she would talk to him about temples when they could
be discussing her future. A future with him
at her side.
Xena said. She knew how Ares felt about
temples. They were a status symbol and he
loved them more than he let on. Besides that,
she wanted to get in one last dig before she died. “Now
it’s as full of shit as you are.”
of angering Ares he let go with a genuine, full-fledged belly laugh. “Oh, Xena.
I love you. Even at the hour of your
death you still find it within yourself to insult me.
What a woman.”
Ares was off the pillow and in her face. She
tried to jerk away from him; startled by his sudden movement, but she only succeeded in
hitting her head painfully on the supply cabinet she was chained to. His breath was sweet, as the breath of all gods
was. It reminded her of the ambrosia he used
to wave before her face in the old days when they’d first met and she’d pledged
her loyalty to him. She knew the taste of
it, the power that he could breathe into her with every kiss. It had always been intoxicating.
was now, as his wonderfully dark eyes bore into hers.
That old feeling of half remembered love and desire flooded her loins and her
chest, and had she been standing her knees would have bee made weak. He was like a drug
she had been addicted too all her life, and only Gabrielle’s love had been able to
keep her from using again.
she’s gone.”
was reading her thoughts. She’d always
hated that, but at this moment she found it strangely comforting. “Ares, I will never call out to you for help. You know that so why even try?”
one of the reasons why I love you.”
feigned disgust when she really wanted him to take her in his arms and just hold her. She wanted him to make this nightmare of the past
few months go away, and she knew he had the power to do so. However to get him to do it
would mean she owed him. It would cost her her soul.
just it, she thought. I don’t have a soul.
It died with Gabrielle.
can give it back to you.”
out of my head Ares!”
can’t. I’m a part of you and you
know that. Xena you considered Gabrielle to
be your soul mate. I consider you to be