Chapter Twenty-Three

Regina walked into the suite of Pediatric offices located on the third floor of the medical center and signed in at the front desk. The walls were painted a clear blue, summer sky filled with billowy, white clouds.

She noted in the sign in log that Dr. Timmons had arrived only minutes ahead of her and was still probably in the office. Since the office staff wasn’t in yet Regina walked unchallenged down the hallway towards the Pediatric Director’s open door.

The older doctor with salt and pepper hair was just shrugging out of his overcoat when Regina tapped on his door.

"Hi, Dr. Timmons."

"Hello, Regina." His face brightened and he tossed his coat over one of the chairs in the cluttered room. "I trust you had a good weekend off."

"Yes, it was the first time that my whole family was together in a while." She looked at the walls of the office and glanced at the vast array of diplomas and certificates the doctor had earned over the years.

"Good to hear." He picked up a pile of charts and set them down on windowsill behind him.

Regina cleared her throat and gripped the back of the chair in front of her. "Dr. Timmons has there been any word on the boy who disappeared from pediatrics Saturday night?"

The pediatrician frowned as he turned back and sifted through some papers on his desk. "I’m afraid not. The whole thing is just a mess." He stopped and placed his hands on his hips, a distressed look on his face. "It seems our young patient simply walked off the floor unnoticed."

"I’m really worried about him. He was on anti-seizure medication."

"I know. I’m concerned about him too. Listen, I’m glad you stopped by. I had my secretary call a list of patients we saw in the Emergency Department last week that need follow-up. I planned on seeing them in the clinic downtown today. Unfortunately, because of this boy disappearing I’m going to be tied up in meetings all day. I want you to go down there and cover for me."

"You’re talking about the clinic across from the fire department? I didn’t think it was open yet."

"We got a certificate of Occupancy from the town on Friday and most of the equipment is there now. It’s still a little unorganized but, it’s functional." Dr. Timmons picked a folder and handed across the desk to Regina. "Here’s the list of patients."

Regina opened the folder and looked at the list of patients. An eyebrow lifted in surprise. "That’s quite an ambitious list."

Dr. Timmons waved his hand. "Don’t worry. Half of them probably won’t show up for some reason or another. I recruited one of the nurses from the ER to be there, so you won’t be working there alone."

"Oh, good." It would be kind of creepy being there all by myself. "Do you know if the police are looking for TJ?"

"TJ?" Dr. Timmons furrowed his brow and then recognition flashed across his features. "Oh, the boy, right. We filed a missing person’s report. One of the detectives was here on Sunday asking question, so I imagine they are."

Regina nodded her head somberly, wondering where the boy was right now and if he was safe. "Do you want me to stay for rounds, then?"

Her director studied her for a moment and then shook his head. "No. You’ve got you’re work cut out for you." He went back to searching through his desk and then stopped. "Oh, before I forget. Here are the keys to the front door and the small one is for the medicine room."

"Well, I guess I’m all set then." Regina jiggled the keys in her hand and looked at the folder with the list of patients in it. "I’ll see you tomorrow."

Dr. Timmons walked over to the door, reached up, and pulled a white lab coat off a hook from behind the door. He looked over at blonde haired woman sensing the nervousness there and smiled reassuringly at her. "You’ll do fine. Help is just a phone call away if you need it."

Regina nodded, feeling a bit foolish for the nervous jitters that beset her. Why do I feel like this? I know what I’m doing. What difference does it make if it’s in a hospital or a clinic? Maybe my cycle is getting close? She turned and walked out of the office, still chastising herself mentally.

Regina was still lost in thought as she walked onto the pediatric ward. She stopped at the desk, unsure of why she’d come here when her responsibilities took her elsewhere today. A unit clerk glanced up at her, offering a wan smile before she returned to her task at the computer.

Her green eyes glanced up and down the hallway. Regina smelled the distinct odor of hospital food before she saw a small-framed woman step around the corner, pushing a large, metal, food cart.

Terry. Regina sighed, wondering what the girl thought after their conversation on the phone the other day. Somehow she felt like she had let her down, although she wasn’t sure what there was she could do to make the situation any better.

With a determined set to her shoulders, she walked down the hallway towards Terry’s room. At the door, she stopped as she listened to the muted sounds of the television. She tapped on the door and waited a second before she entered the room.

Regina pulled the curtain back and peered down at the young girl, curled up in a tight ball on her side. "Terry? It’s Dr. Kingston." The girl shifted under the covers but didn’t respond. The gentle hiss and click of the IV pump drew Regina’s attention and she glanced at the bag of fluid, noting the dosage of the chemotherapy. I guess they’re bringing out the big guns now, she thought soberly.

She lowered the rail and sat on the edge of the bed. "Terry, I’m sorry about TJ."

A sniffle confirmed her suspicions that Terry was indeed awake and Regina waited for the girl to speak.

"Do you think he’ll be all right?" Came the whispered voice.

"I hope so," Regina replied honestly.

"I miss him." Terry shifted in the bed and looked up at Regina from beneath her tousled bangs.

"You two were getting to be friends."

Terry nodded her head as she plucked at the white sheets with her fingers. "He brought me snacks from the cafeteria because the food sucks."

As if on cue, the woman Regina saw in the hallway entered the room, carrying a tray of food. Regina shrugged her shoulders in apology and noted the sympathetic look the woman gave Terry.

"It’s better today. French toast and oatmeal," the woman said as she set the tray down on the table.

"I hate oatmeal," Terry complained.

Regina screwed up her nose. "It’s not one of my favorites either. Maybe I can find a way to make it taste better," Regina offered. "I’ll be right back." She disappeared out of the room and located the pantry on the floor.

She rummaged through some drawers and found where the nursing staff hid their stash of snacks and condiments from the cafeteria. Pleased with what she found, Regina sauntered out of the pantry.

"Okay, let’s see if this helps," Regina announced when she re-entered Terry’s room a few minutes later. She set the packets of raisins and brown sugar on the bedside table and folded her arms across her chest to wait.

Terry wrinkled her nose and peered at the offerings suspiciously. "Maybe if I make it really sweet, I won’t notice the lumps."

"My thoughts precisely."

Terry mixed the condiments into the oatmeal. Tentatively, she poked her spoon into the mixture and tasted it. "I guess it’s okay," she admitted grudgingly. She took another bite and leaned back against the pillows. Brown eyes stared up at Regina. "The doctor says my hair is going to fall out."

Regina returned Terry’s gaze and nodded her head. "It’s one of the side-effects of the chemotherapy."

Terry frowned and squirmed against the pillows. She reached behind her and pulled out a stuffed tiger. "That’s where you went!" she scolded the stuffed toy and then looked up at Regina. "Will it grow back?"

"It takes awhile but it usually does." Regina leaned closer and fingered the tiger’s black, velvet ear. "Did your parents give you this?" she asked, trying to figure out what to say to Terry next.

Terry shook her head, absently stroking her thumb over the sleek fur. "No, TJ gave it to me."

"Really?" She wondered how he had the means for such a gift and then discarded the thought with a shrug of her shoulders. "That was sweet of him." Regina smiled down at her affectionately. "Terry do you want to ask me any other questions about the chemotherapy?"

Terry stopped petting the stuffed animal and then shook her head. "No. I want to cut my hair off before it falls out."

Regina pressed her lips together and inhaled deeply. She chose her words carefully, not wanting to influence Terry’s decision. "You could do that."

"My mother wants me to wear a wig."

"What do you want to do?"

Terry shrugged her shoulders. "I don’t know."

"I don’t think you have to make a decision about the wig right now."

"You don’t understand. It won’t be my decision. She’ll just go out and buy it." Terry wiped her eyes in irritation and sank lower in the bed.

Ah, there in lies the problem. "Have you talked to your mom about what you just told me?"

"She won’t listen."

The conversation brought back memories of her own teenage years and the sometimes, volatile relationship she had with her mother. "Terry, don’t assume she won’t listen. You owe it to both of you to talk about it."

"Okay." Terry swirled the spoon in the oatmeal and looked up at Regina. "Are you going to look for TJ?"

A half-dozen different answers flashed in her mind but only one came to Regina’s lips as she stood there. "I’m going to try and find him."


An hour later, after an uneventful bus ride downtown, Regina unlocked the clinic doors and walked through the front entrance. A rueful smile crossed her lips as she looked around the clinic, recalling Dr. Timmons earlier words about the condition of the place, unorganized but functional.

With the remaining time she had left before the first patients that were scheduled to come in for appointments started to show up, Regina began to move some chairs to the waiting area for patients and family to sit in.

She unpacked some essential supplies and found the boxes containing the necessary forms for the charts. Regina looked up when she heard the front door open.

"Hello?" a female voice called from the waiting area.

Regina straightened up and wiped her hands off on her scrub bottoms. She walked around the corner and smiled when she saw her friend. "Hi, Sandy!"

"Oh thank god." The nurse set the box she was carrying down and then gave Regina a hug. "I wasn’t sure who was going to be here, but I sure am glad it’s you." Sandy slipped out of her jacket and tossed it over the desk. "I didn’t see your car outside. How did you get here?"

"I took the bus."

"Oh." Sandy frowned in confusion. "What happened to your car?"

"Nothing. I rode into work with Alex."

Sandy nodded her head, hoping that things were working out between her two friends. She looked around the open room with raised eyebrows. "Dr. Timmons has an interesting definition of functional."

Regina laughed and nodded in agreement. "My thoughts exactly." She pointed to the desk. "I left the list of patients there."

Sandy raised her eyebrows as she read through the names. "Here, I had the unit clerk make copies of all the intake notes from the patient’s emergency room visits." The nurse rummaged through the box she brought with her and handed Regina a stack of files.

"Good. At least I’ll have some idea of what their follow-up visits are for," Regina commented, as she started to read over the notes.

"How was your weekend?" Sandy asked.

Regina brushed her hair back behind her ears. "Alex and I drove up to my parent’s house. It was the first time my oldest brother had been home in over ten years."

"How did it go with your family?"

Regina rolled her eyes. "It was very difficult for Jeff. I think by the end he was wondering if he made a mistake coming home."

"I’m sorry to hear that," Sandy offered, as she unlocked the cart the held the clinic’s supply of medication.

Regina folded her arms and looked down at her feet. "I’m going to give him a call this week and see how he’s doing."

Sandy’s eyes fixed on the multi-colored bracelet tied around Regina’s wrist as she walked over to the doctor. "That’s new." She reached out and slid the woven bracelet around Regina’s wrist so she could see the intricate pattern. "I love the colors in it."

Regina fingered the bracelet, a warm feeling igniting in her chest as she remembered what Alex said to her that night out on the deck. "Thanks. Alex made it for me while we were in Provincetown."

"Wow. She made it?" Sandy’s eyes widened with surprise. "Who knew she could do that."

"It surprised me, too," Regina admitted quietly.

"So, I guess things are going better for you two." Sandy glanced briefly at her friend, probing gently with Regina where she dared not tread with Alex. She rechecked her count and wrote the quantity of the drugs on the inventory sheet.

"We’re just taking it a day at a time, but yeah, I think things are better."

"Nothing wrong with that."

Regina looked down at her watch. It was ten minutes to nine in the morning and they would be at the clinic until at least six that evening. "I better call Alex and let her know where I am. She thought I was going to be at the hospital all day."

Sandy looked up as the front door opened and a middle-aged woman bundled in a purple down jacket, walked in carrying a young child. "Go ahead. I’ll get her settled in a room."

Regina walked behind the desk and picked up the phone. After keying in the numbers she waited as the phone rang several times.

"ER." An agitated voice answered.

"This is Dr. Kingston. I need to speak to Dr. Margulies."

"Hang on."

Regina looked up as Sandy appeared and handed her a file.

"We’ve got a two year old girl with a kidney infection. She was seen in the ER last week, hospitalized and then discharged over the weekend."

Regina opened the file and read through it while she waited on hold. "Okay. I want to get a new set of labs before we prescribe anything. The antibiotics she was on should have taken care of the infection."

"I’ll get the blood drawn." Sandy winked at Regina before she turned around, and stopped at one of the carts where she selected the rubber-stopped glass vials she needed.

Regina glanced at the list of patients and exhaled.

"Dr. Margulies here."

She smiled, hearing the deep timbre of Alex voice through the phone. "Hi, it’s Regina."

"I know your voice," Alex chuckled, pleasantly surprised to hear Regina on the other end of the line.

In the background, Regina could hear the overhead paging system announcing an all clear on a fire drill. "It sounds kind of crazy there."

"What makes you say that?"

Regina snickered, hearing the tinge of sarcasm in her lover’s voice. "I can just tell. I called to tell you I’m downtown at the clinic all day."

"What? I didn’t know they approved it being open yet." Alex hesitated and then asked. "You’re not there by yourself are you?"

"No, Sandy is here with me. Dr Timmons scheduled the pediatric follow up visits down here. Listen, I’ve got a patient waiting to see me," Regina explained quickly. "Can you pick me up when you’re done?"

"Sure," Alex replied. "If you get done early, ask Sandy if she’ll give you a ride back to the hospital. That way you won’t have to wait there alone."

"Okay. I’ll talk to you later," Regina replied. She hung up the phone and then realized she didn’t ask Alex if she got to talk to the Vice President yet. She tucked the thought away in the back of her mind as she opened the patient’s file and focused on the task at hand.


Alex set the phone down in the cradle and looked over at unit clerk. "Donna, where are the charts I need to sign?"

The brunette pointed down the hallway. "They’re in the nurse administrator’s office. It should be unlocked."

"Thanks. If anyone’s looking for me that’s where I’ll be." Several minutes later, the attending was settled behind the desk.

She frowned as she flipped through the pages of order sheets, which were followed by the hand written history and physicals taken by the Emergency Department’s residents. She read over several consent forms signed by the patient’s that allowed the physicians to perform invasive procedures. Satisfied with what she read, she co-signed the order for narcotics and then closed the chart.

Over the course of the next several hours, she worked her way through the stack of charts. As she read over the notes, her mind continued to run through all the questions no one seemed to have answers for regarding the missing charts.

If the charts aren’t at the company that does the microfilming, then where the hell are they? "Jesus." Frustrated at the lack of answers, Alex picked up another chart and opened it. She shook her head and signed off on discharge orders for three patients.

"You don’t sound happy."

Alex looked up and saw Jon leaning against the doorframe, with a newspaper tucked beneath his arm. "No, I’m fine."

"Well, I’ve got some news that might cheer you up."

"Yeah, what’s that?" Alex leaned back in her chair and tilted her head, regarding her colleague.

"Here." He dropped the newspaper on the desk and pointed to a small article at the bottom right corner of the page. "Read that."

Alex glanced up at Jon and then started to read the small print. "Dana Romano…" she glanced up at him and then continued, "was convicted of manslaughter in the second-degree, driving while under the influence, and criminally negligent homicide. Is this today’s paper?" She opened the paper to look for the date.

"Yes." He smiled and sat on the edge of the desk. "You know that’s a maximum prison term of seven and a half years."

Alex shook her head in disbelief. "I didn’t think Dana’s court case was coming up that soon."

Jon looked down at his hands. "The mother of that kid has a good attorney and he really pushed things along for her."

"Sounds like you kept in touch with the family." Alex stared down at the paper and frowned as a myriad of conflicting emotions warred inside her.

Jon shrugged. "She lost a son and her husband is in jail. It was the least I could do."

"You don’t have to justify yourself to me." Alex rubbed her face as a wave of exhaustion hit her.

"I know it was just a bad situation all around. I thought this might help you put closure on some of what happened."

Alex looked at Jon and scowled at him. "Since when did you start to dabble in counseling?"

He held his hand up, warding off the angry look he was getting. "I don’t. It’s just from one friend to another. That’s all."

Alex closed her eyes and took a breath to calm her racing heart. "Thanks."

Jon tapped his knuckles on the desk and looked at Alex. "Those files you told me about never showed up."

"I know." She motioned him closer with her hand. "Close the door."

"Shit." Jon kicked the door with his foot and folded his arms. "Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like what you have to say?"

"Those files were apparently picked up by the company who does the microfilming for the hospital." Alex folded her arms. "When I called to get them sent back, I was told they have no record of them being picked up."

"Where are they?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." Alex met his bewildered gaze and sighed.

Jon hung his head and sighed heavily. "I don’t like this."

"Neither do I." Alex leaned forward. "Jon, not a word to anyone on the staff. As far as I’m concerned, any drug trials in the emergency department that are ongoing or proposed at this time are suspended until this whole mess with Dr. Jameson is over. No one talks to anyone unless they come to me first."

"You got it." Jon stood up from the desk and opened the door. Half way out he stopped and turned back around to face Alex. "Hey." He ran a hand over his mouth, stepped back in the office, and shut the door behind him. "I may need to take some time off on short notice."

"Everything okay?" Alex tilted her head and studied Jon, aware of his discomfort.

"Yes and no. Chris is pregnant."

"That’s great! Congratulations." Alex moved from her seat and sat on the corner of the desk. "You two will make great parents."

Jon pressed his lips together and ran his hand through his hair. "It’s not the first time. She’s miscarried two times before and the docs are considering this a high-risk pregnancy."

"Is she still working?"

"Yeah, as long as she doesn’t start to have any cramping or bleeding she’ll stay on. I told her she doesn’t have to but she wants to stay busy so she’s not thinking about it constantly." Jon’s shoulders slumped and he shook his head. "I just want to be there for her more this time. She won’t admit it, but I know she’s scared."

"Do what you need to do. We’ll be fine here." Alex laid a hand on Jon’s shoulder. "I hope everything works out all right."

"Thanks, Alex." Jon stood up and gave Alex a nervous smile. "I’ll let everyone know that we’re suspending any ongoing projects for the time being."

"Good." Alex watched Jon leave. Her eyes scanned the shelves of medical texts, binders and nursing books and then found what she was looking for.

Alex pulled the phone book down and found the section for county and government listings. After flipping through several pages, she wrote a number down. She drummed her fingers on the desk while she considered what to do. Cassandra, you have another thing coming if you think that I’m going to be a pawn for you.

With a grim expression on her face, she walked out of the cramped office. Alex walked down the corridor and passed several stretchers and wheelchairs that lined the hallway. About half the rooms in the emergency department were filled with patients and the staff was enjoying the brief lull in the usually steady flow of cases.

Alex nodded a hello to one of the nurses as she walked past the desk. She continued on, pushed the glass door open and walked down the concrete steps to her Jeep.

After unlocking the door, she settled in behind the wheel. Alex pulled out her cell phone and dialed the number she had written on the piece of paper.

The phone rang several times and she was about to hang up when a male voice came over the line. "Office of the Inspector General."

"I wasn’t sure there was anyone who would still be there this late," Alex replied.

"We’re always here," the man said. "What can I help you with?"

"I need to speak to someone about possible fraudulent drug trials that are being conducted."

"Can I get your name?"

Alex hesitated, knowing there was no return when she crossed this particular line. "Alex Margulies. I’m a doctor."

"Doctor Margulies my name is Matthew Weber. I have two questions for you. Where do you work and where are you calling from?"

"I work at Saint Xavier’s Medical Center and I’m calling from my cell phone in my car."

"Stop, that’s enough. Give me your pager number." After Alex recited it to him he continued. "I’ll page you to a number this evening and we’ll set up a time and a place where we can talk."

"That’s it?"

"For now."





























Chapter Twenty-Four



"Do you want me to wait with you until Alex gets here?" Sandy placed the last of the patient files into the five-drawer file cabinet.

"No, Alex said she would call if she was going to be late." Regina looked up from washing her hands and shook her head.

Sandy slipped her jacket on and regarded Regina dubiously. "I don’t like leaving you here alone."

"Don’t worry." Regina dried her hands off on a paper towel and then tossed it into a waste container. "I’m going across the street to talk with Todd."

"Who’s Todd?"

"He’s the fireman we met here a few weeks ago," Regina explained.

"All right." Sandy locked the door to the file cabinet and then walked to the door. "I’ll see you tomorrow then."

"Well, hold up. I’ll walk out with you." Regina grabbed her coat and followed Sandy out of the clinic.

They parted at the sidewalk. Regina looked up and down the street for Alex’s Jeep. When she didn’t see her she trotted across the road. She shivered in the damp air. Her thoughts wandered to TJ and she hoped he was safe.

The lights from inside the firehouse cast the misshapen shadows from the trucks outward onto the pavement. She could hear raucous laughter and voices from inside and she called out. "Hello."

"Hi there." A tall, burly looking man with a goatee and moustache walked towards the front of the garage.

"I’m looking for Todd. Is he around?"

"Yeah, he’s upstairs." He tilted his head and let out a piercing whistle. "Yo, Todd. You’ve got a visitor."

A few moments later, a door towards the rear of the garage opened and claws scrabbled across the concrete floor. "Lucky, heel." The large German Shepard stopped lunging ahead against his leash and fell into step along side his master. Todd’s face brightened when he saw Regina standing beside his friend. "I haven’t seen you in a while. What brings you here?"

Regina reached down and scratched between Lucky’s pointed ears. "I worked at the clinic today and figured I’d stop by to say hi and ask you a question." She glanced down as the dog grumbled and pressed against her. "He’s a pleasure hound."

"Always. You have a friend for life there. Why don’t you come inside?" Todd motioned with his hand.

"I’m waiting for Alex to pick me up."

"No problem. This is Moose by the way." Todd jabbed his thumb at the taller man.

Regina smiled up at him. "Why Moose?"

Todd chuckled. "Besides being incredibly hard-headed, he’s the strongest guy on the unit."

Moose puffed his chest out proudly at the compliment.

"Regina is a doctor at the Medical Center." Todd continued his introductions.

"Oh. What department do you work in?"

"Pediatrics," Regina replied.

Moose nodded tersely. "Well, I’ve got to get back and finish cleaning our gear. Nice talking with you."

Todd watched him leave and then looked back at Regina. "His ex-girlfriend works at the hospital. It’s still a pretty sore subject for him. So what do you want to ask me?"

Regina laughed as Lucky nudged her hand and leaned against her. "There’s a patient that disappeared out of the medical center on Saturday and no one can find him. He has a traumatic brain injury. I just wanted to know if you can keep an eye out for him in your travels."

"What does he look like?" Todd’s brow creased in concern.

"He’s approximately fifteen years old. His head was shaved about ten days ago and he has a half-moon scar on the left side of his head," Regina said.

"What’s the kid’s name?"

"I’m not even sure it’s his real one. He told me it was TJ."

"I’ll let the guys know." Todd looked over Regina’s shoulder. "Any idea why he ran off?"

"I think he was trying to avoid going into another foster home."

"That’s tough." His eyes followed a pair of headlights as they grew closer and came to a stop in front of the clinic across the street. "Is that your ride?"

Regina turned just as Alex stepped out of the Jeep and shut the door. "Alex. I’m over here." She waved at the taller woman.

The doctor glanced at the darkened windows of the clinic and then walked across the street. "Hey. What are you doing over here?" Alex asked as she walked up beside Regina.

"I was just telling Todd about that pediatric patient. I thought maybe it would help since he’s downtown and we have absolutely no idea where this kid ran off to."

"It couldn’t hurt. Alex nodded and gave Todd a reserved smile. "He’s gotten big since the last time we saw him." Alex stooped down and ruffled the coarse hair around the dog’s neck.

Todd laughed. "Tell me about it. I pay his food bills."

"Speaking of food," Alex jumped in, grateful for the excuse to end the conversation. "You ready to go home?"

"Yeah, I’m starving." Regina replied. She turned to the fireman and smiled. "Thanks, Todd. Let me know if you hear or see anything about our friend."

"I will." He nodded and waved his hand as the two women turned and walked back across the street.


"You’re awfully quiet." Alex cast a glance at her companion, wondering why she was being so quiet on the ride home. She slowed the Jeep and turned into the driveway of her condo.

Regina rubbed her face and stifled a yawn. "I’m just tired. Sandy and I treated thirty patients today."

Alex regarded her thoughtfully and then caressed Regina’s face with her hand. "Let’s go inside and get something to eat."

"Sounds good to me," Regina said, as she stepped out of the vehicle. She followed Alex up to the door and leaned against the taller woman as she unlocked the door.

"Hey. What are you doing back there?" Alex asked, over her shoulder.

"Mmph. Nothing, you feel good that’s all," Regina replied in a sleepy voice.

Alex smiled and stepped inside. She closed the door and turned to Regina. "Come here." She wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and hugged her tightly. Alex closed her eyes and pressed the full length of her body into Regina, marveling at how well they fit together. "Wait here," she guided Regina to the leather couch and nudged her back onto the cushions. "I’ll see what I can scrounge up for us in the kitchen."

One green eye opened and regarded her skeptically.

"Tch. Have more faith." Alex swiped her hand across Regina’s knee and walked away.

She opened the refrigerator and cringed at its meager contents. Alex made a mental note to stop at the grocery store before she invited Regina over again. "Okay." She rubbed her hands together and then reached for the eggs. "Looks like we’re having breakfast for dinner."

"Are you talking to yourself?"

Alex turned around to see Regina leaning against the doorframe with her arms folded across her chest. "I thought you were tired."

Regina shrugged and pushed off the wall. "Not anymore. Do you want some help?"

Alex gave her a sheepish look and held up the carton of eggs. "It’s not like we’re having anything lavish."

"Let’s see what else you have hidden away in here." Regina rummaged through the refrigerator, pulling out several items, while Alex set a pan on the stove.

"I talked to Cassandra today," Alex offered, as she cut off a pat of butter and dropped it into the frying pan.

"How did it go?" Regina looked at her and then pulled a knife out of a drawer.

"Not good." Alex shook her head. "Do you want four or six eggs in the omelet?"

"Four," Regina said, as she cut up a pepper. "What did she say?"

Alex cracked the eggs and drained them into a bowl. "I walked in on a phone call that she obviously didn’t want anyone hearing. From what I overheard, she and whoever else is involved has no intention of stopping any of the drug trials that might questionable."

"What did you say to her?" Regina turned the burner on and scraped the chopped pepper into the frying pan.

Alex didn’t answer and her brow furrowed as she stirred the eggs with a fork. "I played along with her.

Regina’s eyes widened and she grasped Alex’s forearm. "What do you mean, ‘you played along with her’?"

Alex leaned on the counter. "She wanted to know if I was still on the team. I told her I was."

"Have you lost your mind?" Regina’s eyes widened in disbelief.

"Maybe." Alex cringed before she told her the rest. "I also called the Office of the Inspector General today."

Regina pulled a spatula out of a drawer and fussed with the mixture of egg and green pepper. "Is there anything else I need to know about?" She closed her eyes and shook her head. "If there is, I’m going to need a Valium, right now."

"The guy I talked to is going to page me tonight so we can set up a time and a place to meet."

"Sweet Jesus. You’ve already made up your mind to do this." Regina turned off the burner and pulled two plates out of a cabinet.

"Yes I have."

"Why didn’t you tell me you were going to do this?" Regina stared down at the counter, trying not to get angry with Alex. Her heart fluttered in her chest and she forced down a wave of nausea.

"Reg, I didn’t know what I was going to do right up until I was talking to Cassandra. She told me I would be expected at a black tie affair to kick off the fundraising for the new cardiac wing."

"Wait a minute. I thought that idea got canned when they were six million in the hole at the end of last year."

"It was, but apparently they found a way to fund it."

"Alex, don’t be the one to do this." Regina stepped in, wrapped her arms around her waist and rested her head on Alex’s shoulder.

Alex linked her arms around the smaller woman’s waist. "Reg, my gut tells me I’m too close to what’s going on, not to get involved. I don’t want to be on the wrong side of this battle when the game is finally up."

"I’m scared for you." Regina tilted her head up and looked at Alex.

Alex kissed her forehead and hugged her. "Let’s eat before the eggs get cold."


It was ten o’clock and Alex was stretched out on the leather couch with Regina tucked in against her side. They spent the last couple of hours debating what Alex was about to do and they were both exhausted.

Regina sighed and rubbed her hand over Alex’s shirt. Her fist clenched and she grabbed a fistful of fabric and tugged it several times. "I hate it when you’re right," she grumbled.

Alex ran her hand over Regina’s face, stroking her gently. "It’s not about me being right. It’s about doing the right thing. I can’t in good conscience let them continue to do these drug tests. At best they’re not getting consent from the patients and at worst they’re falsifying the data to get the drugs out on the market sooner."

Regina jumped as Alex’s pager went off. "Son of a bitch," she muttered as her heart raced nervously.

Alex lifted it from her belt and squinted as she read the numbers. She reached behind her and picked up the portable phone that she had set on the table earlier. Silently, she punched in the numbers and waited for a voice.


"Hello, Matthew."

"Good, I’m glad you called me back. Do you know where Hawke’s Nest Reservation is?"

"Yeah, I used to run there all the time."

"We’ll meet at the south entrance in the parking lot at six tomorrow night."

"I’ll be there," Alex replied. Click, the connection cut off and she set the phone down on her stomach and sighed. I might as well get this over with now. "Regina…" She studied the blonde who was looking back at her with a wary, resignation on her face and realized she couldn’t expect her not to come with her. "Do you want to be to come with me tomorrow?"


Alex chuckled at the perplexed expression on her partner’s face. Not what you were expecting was it? "Do you want to come with me tomorrow?"

Regina studied her for a second and then nodded her head. "Someone’s got to look after your butt. Might as well be me." She settled her head back down on Alex’s chest and nuzzled the softness of her breast through her shirt. "So what happens now?"

"I suppose he wants to find out what I know so far and then make a decision to go forward with an investigation or not."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." Alex’s body shook as she stifled her laughter.

"Brat." Regina smacked her on her hip, then, propped up on her elbow to look at Alex. "Do you remember the girl with the tumor in her leg?"

"The same one who called you over the weekend?"


Alex nodded her head slightly. "I know who you’re talking about."

"She wants to shave her head before all her hair falls out."

"Mm. That’s what Lana did." Alex shifted on the couch so she was lying on her side with Regina pressed up against her. "What did you say to her?"

"I told her to talk to her mom and see if they could agree on something." Regina draped an arm over Alex’s hip and slid one of her legs in between the taller woman’s thighs.

"Sounds reasonable," Alex replied softly, waiting for Regina to get back to what she really wanted to ask.

"Alex, what happens if the investigation proves there is something illegal going on?"

"I guess it’ll go before a grand jury." Alex rubbed her hand over Regina’s back in a reassuring motion.

"No, I mean what will happen to you."

Alex heard the concern in Regina’s voice and looked at the worry-filled green eyes. The realities were there, staring her in the face. Legally, the hospital couldn’t do anything, but the fact remained, her decisions were sure to set off a chain of events that once started could never be pulled back. "I don’t know, Regina."

The blonde cupped her hand around Alex’s cheek and rubbed her thumb across her lips. "Well, whatever happens, we’ll get through it together."

Alex smiled and closed her eyes. She leaned her forehead against Regina’s in quiet relief. "I’m glad I have you with me."

"You are. Are you?" Regina worked the top two buttons loose on Alex’s shirt and nuzzled the warm skin, inhaling the subtle fragrance of her perfume.

Alex inhaled sharply as Regina nibbled at the base of her neck and felt her shirt being tugged from her pants. She watched as Regina undid another button and moved her lips lower and brushed over her cleavage. She shifted and rolled over, pinning the smaller woman beneath her. Their eyes met and a mischievous smile spread over Alex’s face as she leaned closer and then ducked her head to nibble at Regina’s earlobe.

She moved lower and began a slow, leisurely exploration of Regina’s neck, teasing her with soft nips of her teeth. Beneath her, Regina squirmed and moaned softly, her hands urging Alex on as they moved across her back and shoulders.

Slowly, Alex pulled back and smiled down at Regina as she sat back on her heels, straddling her hips. Her body was tingling with a pure animal arousal of their contact and she ran her hands over the front of Regina’s shirt, caressing her breasts through the cotton fabric.

She stared down into unfocused green eyes, tugged playfully at Regina’s belt, and then kissed her chastely on the corner of her mouth. She pushed herself off the couch and stood up.

Alex took Regina’s hand and led her up the stairs into her bedroom. She turned the light on and turned to Regina. "Come here." A wistful smile crossed her lips and she brushed her fingers through Regina’s hair. She trailed them down over her shoulders and then unbuttoned Regina’s shirt the rest of the way.

Regina’s eyes closed and she inhaled sharply as Alex’s lips brushed along her neck, down over the swell of her breasts. Her hands clutched at Alex’s hips and tilted her head back.

Alex ran her lips along her up turned chin and then captured her lips in a slow, tender kiss. Her hands slid up over Regina’s back and unhooked her bra, which she let fall to the floor between them. "I love to touch you," Alex growled, closing her eyes and rubbing her cheek against Regina’s.

After a time of touching and caressing Regina’s body, Alex sat her down on the bed. She tugged off her shoes and socks and gently pushed the younger woman onto her back.

She kicked off her own shoes and stepped out of her pants. Alex joined Regina on the bed and kissed her again. Her fingertips traced a lazy pattern across her eyebrows, down her nose and around her mouth, which she punctuated with a kiss before she renewed her tracing around her ears and down her shoulders.

Alex maintained eye contact with Regina the entire time watching her face flush with excitement as her fingers circled around her breasts. She trailed her lips down between her breasts, smiling as she heard Regina’s breath catch in her throat.

Regina’s hands grasped Alex’s shoulders and pulled her back up. Ignoring the buttons on her shirt, she pulled Alex’s shirt over her head. A mischievous smile touched her lips as she pulled the cloth down over her wrists and left the cuffs buttoned. Her hands roamed unchecked over Alex’s naked body.

Alex chuckled and shook her head. "Oh no you don’t," she said, deftly undoing the buttons and tossing her shirt to the floor. She leaned over Regina, planting her hands over her head and staring down at her.

Unable to resist the sight of her raised brown nipples surrounded by slightly darker areola Regina lifted her head and pressed her mouth over one breast, breathing warm air over the sensitive flesh. She caressed the other breast with a free hand, enjoying the sensual chemistry between them.

Alex’s head fell forward and she moaned softly. She reached down, and worked Regina’s belt loose and undid the button.

Their mouths met in a passionate kiss and Regina arched against Alex’s body, seeking more contact. Alex tugged the zipper down and broke off the kiss to pull Regina’s pants off.

Alex reached an arm down and caressed one of Regina’s calves while she rubbed her face over her belly and inhaled the heady scent of her arousal. She ran her hand up the inside of Regina’s leg, intermittently massaging the muscles and teasing with her nails.

Regina lifted her leg over Alex’s thigh, pushing her hips up as Alex’s fingers finally caressed and glided ever so softly over her swollen lips. "Please," Regina breathed arching her back to push herself onto Alex’s fingers. Her hands brushed through Alex’s hair and grasped the back of her head, guiding her mouth lower.

Regina’s hips rocked, matching the rhythm of Alex’s fingers as they filled her and then her body trembled anew as soft lips enveloped her clitoris. The trembling started in her center and spiraled outwards. Her hands clutched at Alex’s shoulders, her fingers clamping and unclamping until she arched her back in orgasm.

Afterwards, Regina lay half on her side with Alex curled up and resting her head on her belly. She ran her fingers through the dark hair, lifting it up and letting fall over Alex’s shoulders.

Alex caught her hand and planted a kiss on the soft skin of her palm. "You doing okay?"

Regina smiled and squirmed closer, still feeling tiny aftershocks of pleasure down below. "Wonderful." Her eyes twinkled and she laughed softly at herself.

"What?" Alex lifted her head and studied the changing emotions on Regina’s face.

"I was just thinking."

"Mm. About?" Alex propped her head on her hand in anticipation.

"Wouldn’t it be incredible if we could make a baby?"

Alex’s eyes widened. "Well, unless I missed a class in medical school I don’t think we’re going to have much luck with that."

"Tch." Regina rolled her eyes. "I know that," she replied and ducked her head to hide a blush. "I just think it would really be beautiful if we could, that’s all."

Alex stared at her and swallowed as her heart pounded in her chest. "Did you want to have a baby?"

"I don’t know. I think at some point I reconciled myself to never having that be a part of my life, but after seeing Zachary I started thinking about it again." Regina looked up at Alex. "Don’t worry it’s not like I’m going to go find a donor and get pregnant or anything. I just was thinking about it. That’s all."

Alex sat up and scooted up to the head of the bed. Okay, breathe, Alex. She’s just thinking about it. Agh! If she’s thinking about it that means…what? Does she want to have a baby and she’s afraid to say anything? Crap! A kid! I don’t even like them. She stared down at her hands and exhaled. "I never knew you felt that way."

Regina shrugged and curled up on her side. "Will you hold me?"

"Sure." Alex curled around her with her belly pressed up against Regina’s backside and her arm draped over her middle. She rested her head on the pillow and stared at the wall while she listened to Regina’s breathing as it slowed and became deeper as she relaxed and finally fell asleep. Alex rubbed her eyes and snuggled closer realizing that she never considered the possibility that Regina might want to have a baby. It certainly put a different perspective on things.












































Chapter Twenty-Five



Alex opened her eyes and blinked in the darkness of the bedroom. She stretched and arched her back away from the mattress. Beside her, Regina stirred under the covers and mumbled sleepily.

"It’s early. What are you doing up?" Her grip tightened momentarily around Alex’s waist as she snuggled closer.

"I couldn’t sleep," Alex grumbled. Abruptly she rolled over, dislodging Regina’s grasp and sat up over the edge of the bed.

"Hey, what’s wrong?" Regina reached up and rubbed her back affectionately.

"Nothing." Alex stood up and searched around the dark room for her duffel bag. The illumination from a single street lamp silhouetted her body as she moved about the room until she located it in the corner where she’d placed it before she went to bed. Alex fumbled through her duffel bag for her sweats and running shoes.

Regina sat up and pulled the covers over her chest, as she watched Alex pull her sweats on. "Where are you going?"

"Running," Alex replied curtly, pulling a running shirt over her head.

Concerned, Regina sat up and took her hand. "Are you sure you’re ready to do that?"

"It’s been too long. I need to run." Dammit, I need some time alone to think, too.

"Okay," Regina replied hesitantly.

For a moment, they both stared at each other in the gray light of the room and then Alex lightly squeezed Regina’s hand before letting go.

"I’ll see you later at the hospital," Alex said and then stepped out of the room, carrying her sneakers.

What happened between last night and this morning? She was fine when we went to sleep. Regina stared at the space where Alex had just been standing in utter confusion and then flopped down onto the bed. She wrapped her arms around Alex’s pillow and closed her eyes as tears welled up in her eyes.

Outside the condo, Alex tied her hair back in a loose braid and slowly stretched her legs. She forced herself not to think about Regina, knowing she ran out leaving the younger woman confused and upset. Her thoughts turned to last night’s conversation as she jogged in place on the macadam. A baby? I wonder how serious she is about doing this. My God our whole lives would change.

With a grim determination, Alex started to run. The only sound aside from the occasional car in the distance was the rhythmic pounding of her feet on the road. Her body responded sluggishly at first as it protested the increased demand she placed on it.

Angry at the fatigue and the memories, Alex ran up the steady incline of the hill. It’s been one crisis after another since we’ve been together. I love her, but I want some time just for us. Is that so selfish?

She crested the top of the hill and felt her body settle into a more comfortable rhythm as the initial shock to her system eased. She didn’t say she wanted to do this right away. A baby? What the hell do I know about being a parent?

Alex adjusted her stride as she reached a grassy stretch of land that led into a small park at the end of the cul-de-sac. She ran until she doubled over coughing, as the cold air burned her lungs. "Shit. I’m out of shape."

Alex dropped to the ground on the dew-covered grass and pumped out a flurry of push-ups. She gritted her teeth, hating the weakness she felt in her arms and chest. She pushed herself past the trembling and burning sensation until all she focused on was the rushing of her pulse between her ears.

Exhausted she sat back on her heels, tilted her head up to the sky, and closed her eyes. Regina’s words echoed in her memory. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could make a baby? Alex dropped her head forward and staggered to her feet. With her hands on her hips, she stared down the hill at the dark outline of the Saint Xavier’s before she started a slow jog back down the hill.

An hour later, Alex walked into the Emergency Department and headed into the locker room. Alex grabbed a pair of scrubs from the linen cart and tossed them onto the bench. The run made her feel a little better, but she was still unsettled by Regina’s comments.

The locker room door opened and Sandy walked into the room and slumped unceremoniously onto the bench. With a groan, she opened her locker and stared bleakly into the narrow space. "Do you think anyone would notice if I shoved myself in there and just hid for the rest of my life?"

"That’s a little extreme. What the hell would you do that for?" Alex snapped her scrub pants at the back of Sandy’s head.

"Hey!" She rubbed her neck and then did a double take when she looked at Alex. "What the hell are you doing down here?"

"What do you think I’m doing?" Alex opened her locker and hung her keys on a hook inside.

Sandy shrugged and started changing her clothes. "I figured you were getting assimilated by the suits."

Alex snorted and pulled her scrub pants on. "Sorry to disappoint, but I’d rather be treating patients. So tell me why do you want to hide in the locker?"

Sandy tied her sneakers. "Long story. It involves blue paint, a new carpet, and my ass being grass when I get home. Do you think I could work a string of double shifts?"

Alex rolled her eyes. "It sounds like it was an accident."

"I wish. If it hadn’t been preceded by a fight about painting the room a neutral color for…Alex she wants a baby!"

Alex stopped pulling the scrub top over her head and stared at Sandy. "She what?" Great what is it? A god damn epidemic? "Tina?"

"Who the hell do you think I’m talking about?" Sandy slammed her locker and banged her head against it. "We’ve been together for ten years and not once has she ever brought up having a baby. Now all of a sudden her biological clock is ticking."

Alex exhaled slowly trying to slow down the rapid beating of her heart. "Sandy…"

"I don’t want a baby, Alex." Sandy closed her eyes and leaned against her locker.

"What did you tell her?"

"Before or after I spilled the paint?"

"Does it matter?"

Sandy slid to the floor and buried her head in her hands. "I told her if I wanted to have a baby in my life I would have married a guy and had two point four kids, a dog and a white picket fence."

Alex continued to stare at the nurse, resisting the urge to cover her mouth in a sympathetic reaction. Thank god I went running this morning and kept my mouth shut. "You could work double shifts if you want but I don’t think it’s going to help."

"No shit."

A moment later, the locker room door burst open and one of the nurses poked her head inside. "We’ve got multiple traumas on the way. A school bus ran a stop light and plowed into a van."

Alex finished changing and slammed her locker shut. "How many?"

"Three major and ten minor traumas."

"Who else is on?"

"Dr. Washington, yourself and Dr. Torres."

"Sandy call the pediatric intensive care unit and tell them we may need beds." Alex hurried past her into the hallway. The doors to the ambulance bay burst open and two paramedics rushed a stretcher through the door.

"Maggie, I need your help," Alex said, as the nurse walked out from behind the nurse’s station. Out of the corner of her eye, Alex saw the tall, blonde-haired Vice President bearing down on her. Damn, now what does she want?

"Dr. Margulies."

Alex turned her head. "What Cassandra? She grabbed a yellow, isolation gown from one of the linen bins and shoved her arms into it.

"I need you to be at the dinner on Friday night by six." The Vice President trotted alongside the doctor.

"That’s important enough for you to tell me now?" Alex upper lip curled into a snarl and she fought to hold back the blunt accusation that formed in her mind. Oh yes, this is important enough for you to be down here right now, so the whole staff can see you’ve got me involved in your little game.

"There’s a new cardiac study we’re about to start and I want you to meet our lead investigator since the Emergency Department will be involved in the patient selection process."

Alex waved her hand in irritation and turned her attention to the paramedics. "What have we got?"

"Eight year old boy with a fractured tibia. He’s complaining of shortness of breath. His pressure is one hundred over sixty."


"I heard you," Alex snapped. "I’ll be there, when I get there." Alex grabbed hold of the stretcher and guided it into the open trauma room.

She grabbed a fluid shield mask from one of the boxes on the wall and tied it behind her head as she entered the room. Outside in the hallway, she heard Jon barking orders out in the hall as another patient was brought in. Okay, one thing at a time. Let’s do this. Alex grabbed hold of the backboard and looked briefly at the brown-haired boy. "On my count, one, two, and three." Four pairs of hands easily lifted the boy onto the treatment table.

"Where’s my brother?" the boy wailed as Alex started to examine him.

"What’s his name?" Maggie asked, as she cut the boy’s shirt off with a pair of blunt nosed scissors.

"Joey," the boy gasped out in between sobs.

Maggie looked at one of the technicians as he set a tray of instruments onto a metal stand. "James, go see if you can find anything out about his brother.

"Gotcha." He ducked out of the room.

Alex positioned the stethoscope in her ears and listened to the boy’s chest. "Good breath sounds bilaterally." She moved the stethoscope to listen to his heartbeat and then flipped the instrument around her neck. "Let’s get a trauma panel, type and cross match for two units of blood. I need two more IV lines with normal saline and get a catheter in him, now." She quickly examined his abdomen and chest, probing for any tenderness with her hands. "Does this hurt?"

The boy shook his head, fighting back a fresh wave of tears.

"What’s your name?" Alex asked, as she continued to examine him for any other injuries.


"You’re going to need surgery to fix your leg." She glanced up at Maggie as the nurse finished inserting an IV into the boy’s arm. "Find out where the parents are. We’re going to need their consent for the surgery."

Alex peeled off her gloves and stepped away from the table. "Get x-rays of the lower leg, anterior, posterior and oblique views. Call orthopedics and let me know if there are any changes in his condition." The door to the adjacent trauma room swung open and Sandy stuck her head into the room.

"Alex, Jon needs your help, now."

Alex nodded her head as she stripped off her gown. She grabbed a clean one on her way into the room and quickly shoved her arms into it. "What have you got?" Alex asked over the din of the alarms that sounded incessantly from the wall monitor. She pulled gloves from a box and slipped them onto her hands.

"The kid’s got a crushed pelvis and internal bleeding," Jon answered as he sutured a chest tube into place.

The boy grabbed the oxygen mask from his face and writhed on the table. Alex grabbed the plastic mask and replaced it over his nose and mouth. "Easy. Keep this on."

"It’s hard to breathe," he cried.

"Hang on. It’s going to be okay," Alex re-assured him.

Meanwhile, Sandy ducked around a resident who was inserting an intravenous line into the boy’s arm. She grabbed a package of Vaseline gauze from an instrument tray and packed it around the tube exiting from the boy’s chest.

The nurse glanced up at the monitor and rattled off the vitals. "His blood pressure is one-twenty over eighty. His pulse is sixty. Jon his oxygen sats are dropping."

Alex pulled the stethoscope from her neck, adjusted the earpieces, and bent over the boy’s chest. "Open an intubation tray," she ordered as she listened to the breath sounds. "He’s got scattered rails bilaterally."

One of the technicians tore open a sterile package and set it on a metal stand by the head of the stretcher.

The door to the trauma room banged open and Alex felt a chill run up her spine as the sound brought back a flood of memories. One of the nurses stood in the doorway. "Dr. Washington we’ve got a fourth critical coming in."

"Get Dr. Ortiz. He’s finishing up in trauma two." He looked up at Alex whose face had gone pale. "Alex, you okay?"

She shook her head and blinked trying to refocus her concentration as the noise reverberated inside her head. "Yeah, I need a laryngoscope."

"It’s coming," Sandy called from the across the room.

"No, I need it now." Alex picked up the endotracheal tube from the tray and held her other hand out. "He needs Versaid."

Beneath her on the table the boy looked up at her through the oxygen mask. "Am I going to die?"

Alex stared down at him and her mind flashed another image, and for a horrifying instant she was back on that table staring up at Regina. Still haunted by the intrusive and fragmented memories she rasped, "No, we need to put a tube in your mouth to help you breathe."

Her hand closed reflexively around the laryngoscope as Sandy placed it in her palm. Alex watched as the resident drew up the dosage and injected it into the IV line. Almost immediately the boy’s eyes rolled back in his head as the drug took hold.

"Where’s the hematocrit?" Jon asked, watching intently as Alex bent over, tilted the boy’s head back and started to insert the endotracheal tube.

"It’s low at thirty-one," Sandy called out.

"I’m in," Alex said, as she finished the procedure and inflated the balloon to keep the tube in place.

"Let’s move him now!" Jon grabbed the stretcher and kicked the brakes off the wheels of the stretcher.

Sandy attached the bag-valve mask and started to ventilate the boy’s lungs.

"Let’s go." Alex grabbed the drug box and pushed the stretcher ahead of her.

The hallway was an obstacle course of visitors and gurneys as the injured from the accident scene flooded the emergency department. Somehow the three of them managed to dodge through the crowded hallway and turn a corner into a corridor that led to the operating suites without incident.

As they reached the OR doors, Alex stepped back from the stretcher. "I’m going back." She turned and trotted back to the emergency department, keenly aware of the bitter taste of adrenaline remaining in her mouth. Alex detoured into the locker room and stumbled to the sink where she gagged and coughed. Her hands trembled as she turned on the cold water and splashed it on her face. Come on. Get a grip. You need to get back out there and take of the rest of the patients.

By sheer will alone, Alex walked back out into the hallway several minutes later. She stopped at a stretcher and bent over its young occupant. "What’s your name?" Alex asked, as she slipped the stethoscope from around her neck.


"Do you have a brother?"

The boy nodded. "He was sitting in front of me in the bus."

"What’s his name?"


"Is he all right?"

Alex listened to the boy’s chest before she answered. "He broke his leg and he needs surgery."

"Can I see him?" He sat up on the stretcher and peered around the hallway.

Alex pressed up against the stretcher as on of the technicians wheeled a stretcher past her. "After we finish checking you out first. Does anything hurt?"

"I have a headache. Can I get up?"

"Not yet." Alex placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him.

"Where’d you go?" Sandy asked, as she hung an IV on the pole of the stretcher.

"Locker room," Alex answered curtly, as she flicked a penlight at the boy’s eyes and watched his pupils react. "His brother is in room four. He can stay with him but he needs to have another neuro check done in an hour," Alex told her and then moved on to the next patient.

It was several hours later before all the patients were treated and the emergency department had returned to its normal level of chaos. Back in one of the empty trauma rooms, Jon and Alex sat opposite each other at a treatment table, finishing the last vestiges of paperwork before their shift ended.

Alex signed her last note and flipped the chart closed with a relieved sigh.

"Congratulations," Jon said, a smirk crossing his face.

"On what?" Alex’s head jerked up and she stared at him with a blank expression on her face.

"Surviving your first marathon since you’ve been back."

Alex rolled her eyes. "Is that all? No wonder I feel exhausted.

"How about we head down to the diner and get something to eat," Jon offered.

Alex shook her head. "Sorry, I’ve got something I have to do."

They both looked up as the door to the room opened. Regina stepped into the room and hesitated before she walked over to the stretcher. "Hi. I was looking for you."

Alex rubbed her neck and forced a smile. "I’m here."

Regina glanced at Jon. "You both look beat."

He yawned and rubbed his unshaven face. "We got hammered today."

"I know. We got three admissions in the Pediatric Intensive Care unit and two on the step down unit."

Regina touched Alex’s shoulder. "You ready to go?"

Alex nodded her head, grateful for the warmth of Regina’s hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, let me go change my clothes and I’ll be right back."

Regina slid into Alex’s chair as the taller woman left the room.

Jon continued to write in several charts before she he finally sat back and tossed his pen on the table. "Finished." He studied Regina for a moment before he spoke. "How do you think she’s doing?"

"Alex?" Regina raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean? Here?"

Jon rested his forearms on the table. "She looked like she was really struggling to stay focused during the trauma today."

Regina glanced at the door and then looked back at Jon. "Did she make any mistakes?"

"Well, no."

"Then cut her some slack, Jon. She’s under a lot of stress, but she’s working though it."

Jon regarded Regina seriously. "Are you being objective or are you just protecting her?"

The door to the trauma room opened and Alex walked in. She stopped as Regina and Jon squared off at each other, neither aware of her presence for the moment.

Regina bristled at the comment. "Of course I’m protecting her. I also know her well enough to be sure that she wouldn’t do anything to compromise a patient’s life."

"I know Alex would never hurt anyone intentionally-"

"Hey, what the hell is going on?" Alex walked over to the table and looked back and forth between the two doctors.

Regina stared openmouthed at Alex. "I-I."

"Don’t." Alex held her hand out to Regina and turned to Jon. "If you’re concerned about my performance then you come to me, not Regina. Are we clear?"

Jon leaned back, his eyes widening. "Alex, I’m just concerned."

Alex leaned over the table and glared at her colleague. "I don’t want your concern. Save it for your patients.

"I’m done here. Let’s go, Reg. We have an appointment we need to keep."


They were both quiet as they waited in the parking lot of Hawke’s Nest Reservation. Alex stared grimly out the window, keeping her thoughts on a tight rein. She could sense Regina’s upset as the smaller woman sat quietly beside her. Alex seesawed between being angry with Jon for voicing his concerns to Regina and upset at herself for jumping on the defensive so quickly.

"Alex," Regina started.

"Do you really want a baby?" Alex blurted out. She glanced nervously at Regina and then puffed her cheeks out before she rubbed her eyes.

"I knew that’s why you were upset this morning." Regina turned in her seat and faced Alex. "Why didn’t you say anything?"

Alex rested her elbow against the window and rested her head on her hand. "Honestly, you blew me away last night. The thought never really crossed my mind that you would want something like that."

Regina was quiet as she looked down at her hands. "Alex, I don’t want to get pregnant right now."

"But someday." Alex leaned against the door and stared out the window.

"Someday, I’d like to get pregnant and bring a child into the world." Regina reached out and rubbed the back of her fingers against Alex’s cheek. "Talk to me. Tell me what you’re thinking."

Alex closed her eyes and shook her head. "I don’t know if I want that."

A heaviness settled on Regina’s chest as she studied Alex’s angular profile. "Ever or just now?" she asked, feeling like the wind got knocked out of her.

"I don’t know. Right now, I just want us to be together."

"We are and we always will be." Regina leaned forward and pressed her lips against Alex’s temple.

Alex sat, quietly absorbing Regina’s words. She watched a blue colored sedan pull slowly into the parking spot next to them. "I think he’s here."

Regina peered around her, and observed a lanky, brown haired man with a boyish face step out of the car and looked expectantly at Alex from across the roof of his car.

Alex opened the window partway and raised a questioning eyebrow as she looked at him.

"Dr. Margulies?" His voice carried easily in the crisp, cool air.


"I’m Matthew Weber."

"Show me some identification first." Alex stared at him impassively.

He walked around his car to Alex’s vehicle while he fumbled inside a pocket of his gray over coat. He pulled out his wallet and flipped it open.

Alex peered at the laminated card and then nodded at the investigator. "All right Mr. Weber, now what?"

He peered in the driver’s side window and frowned when he saw her passenger. "I thought you were coming alone."

"This is Dr. Kingston," Alex replied with an icy stare.

Regina mustered a smile as she leaned forward in her seat to acknowledge the man standing outside Alex’s door.

Matthew simply nodded and backed away from Alex. "Let’s talk out here."

Alex opened her mouth to speak, but Regina cut her off. "Don’t say it. I’m going with you."

A slow, side-ways smile crept over Alex’s face. "I was just going to ask if you’re ready for this."

"Oh, I thought…"

"I was going to ask you to stay," Alex finished for her.

Regina ducked her head. "Sorry, I should have let you finish."

Alex squeezed her hand, then, stepped out of the vehicle, and followed Matthew to a picnic table several yards away from where their cars were parked. She rubbed her hands together and pulled the collar up on her coat as wind swirled around them, lifting and twirling the dead leaves into the air.

"I don’t want to chance talking in the car."

Alex shrugged indifferently, although she wondered if he wasn’t being a tad paranoid as she sat on the bench across from him. A smile briefly warmed her eyes when she glanced up as Regina sat down beside her.

Matthew looked at both women, his face hardening into an expression of intense scrutiny. "I appreciate your cooperation doctors but I will warn you, this is not a game."

"We’re both well aware of that." Alex leveled an irritated gaze at the investigator. "Get on with it."

"Fine." Matthew pulled out a small notebook and pen. "We already know that the hospital is involved in some questionable relationships with drug companies. Up until now, their legal department has been able to take advantage of every possible loophole available to them. We need someone on the inside. I’m hoping you’re willing to do the right thing."

Regina leaned forward. "Do the right thing? Wait a minute. Alex hasn’t done anything wrong."

Matthew ignored Regina and spoke to her taller companion. "Alex you have knowledge of fraudulent drug trials being conducted at the hospital. If you choose not to assist the investigation you can be prosecuted for obstructing justice."

"That’s bullshit. She called you." Regina slammed her fist on the table.

"Reg, it’s okay." Alex pressed her leg against Regina’s as she glared at the man across from her. She was surprised when her lover leaned across the table and got to within inches of the investigator’s face.

"Do you want our help or are you just trying to intimidate us? We can very easily call my attorney and you can deal with him and not us. It’s your choice." Regina finished her short speech and slowly sat back down on the bench.

Matthew bowed his head and sighed before he looked at Alex again. "Fair enough. I just want you to know that once the hospital finds out your assisting in the investigation, they will use anything they can to rattle you."

"I’m well aware of that," Alex said.

"First, I need to know exactly everything that you’ve found out or have first hand knowledge of."

"Most of what I have just leaves more unanswered questions," Alex replied.

"It doesn’t matter. If it’s enough to justify getting a warrant it’ll be worth it."

"I can put something together for you."

"Good. Now there’s a dinner taking place on Friday night that we’re very interested in. Do you know about it?"

"I’ve been invited." Alex assumed a bored expression on her face while inside her guts stirred as she anticipated what his next remark would be.

"Would you be willing to wear a wire?"

Alex squeezed Regina’s thigh before the younger woman could lend voice to the concerns that were evident in the tensing of her whole body. "Why me?"

"You’ve done what it would take us another six months to do. We don’t have time to plant someone in their midst so we can find out the extent of what they’re up to."

"Why can’t you just get a warrant to get the information that you need?" Regina asked.

"Like I said before we have no just cause to do that. At the moment, our suspicions are not enough."

Matthew stopped and studied Alex before he continued. He’d done his homework and hoped the knowledge he gained would pay off. One name in particular had popped up on many occasions as he checked out Alex’s past and then suddenly the trail of credit card reports and other electronic data that was kept stored in large databases at the bureau just stopped. His search brought him to a jail cell and one bitter and angry Dana Romano. "Can I talk to you privately for a minute?"

Alex darted a glance at Regina and then back at the dark-haired man sitting across from them. "What ever you need to say you can say right here."

Matthew nodded, a little surprised by that. "Your choice, Dr. Margulies."

Uh oh. Alex tensed as she sensed the change in the man’s tone. Beside her Regina fidgeted and she knew her partner was aware of the shift in the tone of the conversation as well.

"The statute of limitations on the possession of drugs and selling them is six years. There are two years left on that statute in your case. If you agree to wear the wire on Friday, I can make those two years go away and you won’t face any charges now or in the future."

Alex swallowed, her ears burned hot and her stomach roiled in reaction to what she heard. She braced her elbows on the table to stave off the uncontrollable trembling that started in her gut. Even after all this time it still comes down to this.

With a resigned sigh, Alex lowered her head and then looked over at Regina, not sure what she would find in her eyes. What she saw was a look of quiet acknowledgement without a hint of recrimination.

"I’m sorry." She didn’t know what else to say.

They held each other’s gaze, conveying more in that one unspoken moment than a handful of hurried words would have accomplished. Alex looked back at Matthew and nodded her head. "I’ll do it."

For the next two hours, Matthew reviewed what information the government wanted to collect for their investigation. Both Regina and Alex were exhausted by the time they finally returned home.

Alex leaned against the wall, with her arms folded over her chest, quietly gazing out the window of Regina’s condo. She closed her eyes and tried to slow her racing mind. On the ride home she came to the conclusion that maybe this was justice being played out, since she did everything she was being accused of. Alex yawned and cracked her neck to relieve some of the tension she felt in the muscles.

"Alex come and sit down." Regina looked up from opening her mail and patted the chair next to her.

Blue eyes rolled in her direction and the taller woman walked to the table and slumped into the chair.

"Tired?" Regina ran her fingers through Alex’s dark hair.

The older woman nodded and rested her face in her hands. "Why aren’t you angry or yelling at me?"

Regina stared at Alex. "You’re doing a good enough job of beating yourself up. You don’t need me to add to the pile." This got her a tiny smile and Alex lifted her head up to look at her. Regina rested her head on Alex’s shoulder and inhaled the subtle, spicy scent of her perfume.

"This could get ugly in the next few days."

Regina nodded her head soberly and pressed her face into the curve of Alex’s neck. "I know."

Alex wrapped an arm around Regina’s shoulder and kissed the top of her head. Her thumb grazed Regina’s cheek and wiped away a tear. "You know there’s no guarantee the district attorney will agree to throw out the charges against me."

Regina lifted her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I choose to believe that he will, Alex. I have to."

Alex was silent as she stared down at the table. She exhaled and then looked into the pair of stricken, green eyes. "I guess I always felt that I was living free on borrowed time." Alex glanced up at the ceiling and took a nervous breath. "Maybe this is, it…the proverbial other shoe falling."

"No." Regina scooted forward in her chair and squeezed Alex’s hand. "It’s been four years and you’ve turned your life around. You’re not that person anymore. I wouldn’t be with you if you were."

Alex nodded her head in quiet acknowledgement. "I know. Listen, I wasn’t mad at you before in the car. I was upset at Jon for putting you in the middle of everything."

"I wasn’t sure," Regina acknowledged quietly.

Alex reached out and turned one of the envelopes around to read it. "What’s this?"

Regina squinted her eyes and read the address. "My lease is up in a month."

Alex bit back the question that was on the tip of her tongue, prudently deciding that at the moment it wasn’t the right time for her to ask Regina if she wanted to take that step with her. She wants a baby. I don’t. Why would she want a commitment if we don’t want the same things? "I think we should hit the sack. It’s going to be a long couple of days." With a sigh the taller woman, stood up and stretched. "You coming?"

"Yeah. I’ll be there in a couple minutes." Regina watched as Alex walked over to the bedroom and disappeared inside.

What if she decides she never wants to have a baby in her life? Then what? Well, we’ve come this far together, Regina thought to herself. It’s not the time to have a crisis of faith. She propped her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hands.

After a quiet moment of reflection, Regina picked up her cell phone and dialed a number to the police station. She listened as the phone rang several times and then a gruff voice answered on the other end. Officer Briggs."

"Hi, this is Dr. Kingston from Saint Xavier’s. I’m calling to get an update on the boy who’s been missing since Saturday."

There was a monosyllabic grunt on the other end. "Hold on." A few seconds later the officer came back on the phone and spoke. "Sorry, ma’am but we don’t have any new information on him yet."


"No ma’am."

"Are you even looking for him?" The words leapt from her mouth before she could thing about what she was saying.

"Ma’am, we get hundreds of reports of missing children every year. We go through the same procedures for each of them."

Regina sighed. "I’m sorry. I just can’t believe he’s disappeared and no one has seen him."

"It’s tough. Sometimes these kids don’t want to be found and they just slip into the shadows of street life."

Regina shuddered at the images that conjured up. "Let me give you my cell phone number. If you hear anything please call me."

The officer took down the number as she recited it. Thanks," Regina replied when she was done and flipped the phone closed.

She walked into the bedroom, stripped off her clothes, and tossed them into the hamper. "You asleep?" she whispered, as she crawled into bed beside Alex.

One blue eye opened and peered back at her. "No, I was just thinking." Alex reached out with her arm in an invitation to Regina.

With a smile, the blonde snuggled down beside her and rested her head against Alex’s shoulder. "I’m going to be covering down at the clinic for the rest of the week."

Alex nodded her head and continued to stare up at the ceiling.

Regina traced a fingertip over Alex’s collarbone. "I want you to come down there before you go to that dinner on Friday."

Alex looked at Regina and gave her a nervous smile. "Why? So you can make sure I look presentable," she joked in a feeble attempt at humor.

Regina shook her head and kissed Alex’s neck. "No, silly. I want to be able to wish you luck before you go."

Alex slid an arm around Regina and pulled her close. "Are you upset about what I said earlier?"

"You mean about you wearing a wire for Matthew. He’s using you and that pisses me off."

"I know. I meant about the baby."

Regina rose up on her elbow and peered down at Alex. "I’m not upset, disappointed that you don’t feel the same way, but we’ve never talked about it before this. Things have to be different than they are right now and we both have to want that." She leaned down and kissed Alex’s collarbone. "Tomorrow’s another day. Go to sleep."































Chapter Twenty-Six




Sandy pushed the privacy curtain aside and stepped into the exam booth. "Alex, when you’re done here, there’s a fifty year old in room two with bronchitis."

Alex finished stitching the laceration on her patient’s forehead and then looked over at the nurse. "Have Jon take it. I’m already late."

Sandy held the chart out to Alex. "He’s tied up with a trauma in room three."

"Then page a resident," Alex replied curtly.

Sandy raised her eyebrows. "You got a hot date or something?"

Alex gave her a dour look and flicked her gloves into the trashcan beside the stretcher. "Or something."

"Ooh, you’re touchy today. What’s up?"

Alex ignored the comment and walked past the blonde haired nurse. "Did you work a double shift last night or did you actually go home and talk with Tina?"

Sandy kicked the toe of her sneaker against the floor and wrinkled her nose. "I went home, late. She was already asleep."

Alex stopped at the sink and stepped on the floor pedal. Tepid water ran over her hands and she washed them under the stream. "Sandy, you two have been together too long not to be able to work this out."

The nurse leaned against the wall and folded her arms over her chest. "Alex, we want different things."

"People want different things all the time. Do you still love her?" Alex glanced at Sandy as she dried her hands.

Sandy leaned closer, as a patient was wheeled past them. "What kind of a question is that? Of course I love her."

"Then isn’t it worth staying together?" Alex turned and walked toward the locker room.

"Alex, it’s not that simple." Sandy stormed after her. "Who are you to ask me anyway?"

"A friend." Alex opened the door and walked inside.

Sandy followed and waited for the door to shut behind her. "Like you you’ve got some great track record with relationships."

"You’re right. I don’t." Alex removed the lock from her locker door and then leaned against it. "I know I’ve got a long way to go to learn about loving another person. Regina and I don’t always see eye to eye but you know what? She challenges the hell out of me. She’s forced me to change and grow and not to run away because that’s the easy thing to do."

Sandy folded her arms and glared at the doctor. "Since when did you turn into a damn philosopher?"

"Because a month ago I had a choice to make about my relationship with Regina." Alex stripped off her clothes and changed into her pants and sweater while she talked. "It was a pretty simple decision when I thought about it. Work it out and stay together or give up the best thing I have in my life and for what?"

Sandy threw up her hands. "You’re right she is rubbing off on you."

Alex smiled as Sandy turned and opened the door. "Go home and talk to Tina. Don’t throw it all away."

Ten minutes later Alex slipped unseen out of the Emergency Department and walked to her Jeep. While she pulled out of the parking lot, she started to review the information she needed to get for Matthew’s investigation. Alex guided her Jeep through the early rush hour traffic. She uttered a curse and hit the brake pedal as an oversized sport utility vehicle abruptly changed lanes nearly clipping her front bumper.

She rolled to a stop at a red light, watching the offending vehicle speed off down the road. So tonight I get a chance to trade information for my freedom. Ironic, what I found out may put someone else away. I wonder how Regina feels about that.

Her expression changed to one of pensiveness as she saw the jewelry store she had been to with Regina. She recalled the promise she made to Regina not to long ago while they were up on the Cape and a wistful smile crept over her face.

As the light turned green, Alex flicked her blinker on and pulled into an open parking space across from the storefront. She folded her arms over the steering wheel and rested her head on them. I must be crazy. I don’t even know what’s going to happen tonight.

She snorted derisively and shook her head, knowing full well that she should have been going to the clinic to meet Matthew Weber. Alex lifted her head and blinked to refocus her vision. She watched as a group of teenagers ran across the intersection.

Alex rubbed her face with her hands and finally got up the nerve to step out of the Jeep.

She waited beside the Jeep as a small, compact Toyota sped by her and raced through the yellow light in the intersection barely missing one of the kids. Must be a full moon. Several angry shouts erupted and the closest teen graced the driver with a universal hand signal.

Alex watched the group congregate on the corner, still angry at the recklessness of the driver. First there are diapers, then, they go through the terrible-two’s and then the dreaded teenage years. She shuddered at the thought.

She cast a cursory glance in either direction of the street, stuffed her hands into her coat pockets, and trotted across the street. Alex shook her head in mild disbelief at herself when she finally stepped into the store. My god, am I really going to do this? Alex almost spun on her heel and left in that instant.

"Hello there." A warm cheerful voice called out from behind the counter.

Alex recognized the older gentleman who sold Regina the necklace for her mother’s birthday the last time they were in the store. "Hi." She stepped closer and glanced down at the glass cases.

"Can I help you find something?" the jeweler asked, as he moved closer to her.

Unused to feeling so unbalanced, Alex stammered as she fumbled with her words. "The last time I was here, there was a ring, downstairs."

The older man’s blue eyes twinkled as he watched the dark-haired woman. "I remember you and your fair haired friend. It was a Celtic design the young lady fancied."

Alex stared at him as her heart bounded in her chest. "I’d like to see the ring if you still have it."

A gentle smile touched the man’s lips and he moved from behind the counter. "Certainly. Come, I’ll show you."

Alex followed him down the carpeted steps as her mind raced in half a dozen different directions. I must be half crazy out of mind. She wants to have a baby.

The jeweler looked over his shoulder as he swept back the heavy velvet curtain and stepped into his small back workroom filled with the tools of his trade. "Every now and then there’s a piece that comes into the store that is just waiting for the right person to come along."

Slowly, he knelt in front of a safe, and spun the dial several times and then opened the door. "Now, it may look a bit different from the last time you saw it."

Alex frowned as she watched him pull out a black box and slowly straighten up. "I don’t understand."

He set the box on the table and turned to her. "The vines that form the bands of the ring signify the never ending circle of our lives and the ones we love." He opened the box and slipped the gold ring from its velvet nest.

Alex’s eyes widened as she studied it. Perfectly imbedded into the smooth intertwining bands were three, sparkling diamond chips nestled into the spaces where the vines curved around each other. "It’s stunning."

The jeweler beamed as he turned the band around for her to see.

Alex brushed her palms on her coat. "Can I?" she asked, reaching for the ring.

He nodded and placed it in the palm of her hand. "What’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking."

Alex glanced at him from beneath her bangs. "Alex Margulies."

"I’m Vincent Falco."

"How long have you owned the store?"

"It’s been in the family for fifty years. I’ve worked here for the last thirty."

"So why did you hold onto this ring?"

Joseph chuckled at the quizzical look on Alex’s face. "After working in the business this long, I can see when two people are in love with each other."

A shiver ran up Alex’s spine and she stared down at the ring. She swallowed nervously, feeling suddenly like all the air had gone out of the room. "It does make everything else seem pretty insignificant."

"It’s the reason why we’re here on the planet."

Alex laughed and looked back down at the ring. "Can you clean it up so I can take it with me tonight?"

"I certainly can."


It was five o’clock by the time Alex arrived at the clinic. Alex opened the door and stepped out of the Jeep. She pulled her dry cleaned suit out of the back and walked up the concrete steps. Alex stopped on the landing and looked up at the sky. I’m not very good at this God. I’m not even sure I know how to do this or if you’re listening up there. If you are, please let this work out tonight.

She entered the front entrance and smiled when a door opened to her right and Regina stepped into the hallway. When their eyes met, a feeling she couldn’t even describe settled deep inside her and she stood where she was until Regina walked up to her.

"Hey. Where have you been?" Regina clasped her hand over Alex’s arm and pulled her closer as they walked over to the reception desk.

Alex’s eyes darted nervously over Regina’s face as she leaned against the counter top.

"I had a couple of errands to run."

Regina frowned and rubbed her arm. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I’m fine." She moistened her lips and forced a smile, despite the nervous flutter she felt in her guts. "Is Matthew here yet?"

The younger woman nodded and pointed toward the back of the clinic. "He’s in the back room with all his high-tech gear. You better go back because I’m going to have to cause bodily harm to him the next time he comes out and asks me if you’re here yet."

An evil smile appeared on Alex’s lips and she leaned closer to the Regina. "Now that I’d like to see."

"I bet you would."

"There you are. You were supposed to be here a half hour ago," Matthew called out and flung his arms up in agitation as he walked towards the pair.

Alex met Regina’s gaze and rolled her eyes. "Come back when you’re done out here."

"You bet I will." Regina reached out with her hand and touched a wisp of Alex’s hair before she walked away.

Halfway down the hallway, Alex turned back around and held Regina’s gaze for a moment. She pointed to herself, then placed a hand over her heart and pointed at Regina.

Regina hugged her arms around herself as a warm tingle ran up her spine and mouthed the words ‘I love you’ back to Alex.

Behind her, a door opened and her patient, six-year old girl with straight brown hair and gentle brown eyes walked out, clutching a teddy bear in one hand. An older, grizzled looking man shuffled along next to her, holding the girl’s hand.

"Thank you," he rasped and nodded at Regina as he walked past her.

Regina grabbed a prescription pad from the counter. "Here let me get the door for you." She jogged across the room and pushed the door open. "Don’t forget this." Regina tore a page from the stack of bound paper.

The man reached out and took the piece of paper. "Thank you, doctor. Say goodbye, Becky."

Regina waved as the girl forced a smile and then ducked her head against her grandfather’s leg. "Remember to have her take the pills with food." She stood on the landing and watched as the pair walked down the steps.

The man hunched forward against the breeze that stirred up around them. He directed the young girl ahead of him as he walked along the sidewalk. Regina watched them disappear into the dark before she stepped back into the clinic and shut the door.

After filing her charts away and locking the cabinet she walked to the back of the clinic. She knocked lightly on the closed door, waiting until she heard the sharp acknowledgement from inside to open the door.

Regina stepped into the stark white room and stood off to the side, watching quietly as Matthew went about his work.

Inside, Alex sat on a treatment table half dressed in her black linen pants and bra. Next to her on the table was an open briefcase with several small devices sitting inside, which looked similar to the pagers they used for work. The doctor’s face was set in a stern and somber expression as she allowed Matthew to tape the wire to her skin.

"Um, I…" He motioned with his hand where he needed to tape the final length and Alex rolled her eyes.

"Here," she grumbled and grabbed the wire from him. She slid it up underneath her bra and affixed it between her cleavage with a piece of tape. "Good enough?" She glared at him from beneath furrowed brows.

"Yeah." Matthew averted his eyes and fiddled with two of the devices in his briefcase. "You, um, have quite a scar there."

"Gee, thanks." Alex leaned toward him. "Would you like one too?"

Matthew startled at the ominous tone her voice and his body stiffened. "I’m sorry. I just meant…" his voice trailed off as he met Alex’s stony gaze. He decided it was better not to pursue his present course and instead went back to studying the receivers in the briefcase.

He selected one and inserted the lead hanging at Alex’s side. "You don’t need to do anything special when you talk. This little microphone can magnify your voice to ten times its normal volume so I’ll be able to hear you from the car." He cleared his throat and stuffed his hands into his pocket. "You know what information I need you to get."

Alex picked up the small, black instrument, looked at it for a second, and then clipped it to her belt. "Did you talk to the District Attorney?" She boosted herself off the table with her arms, flexing well-toned muscles that despite the two and a half months of little exercise still maintained some of their sleek definition.

"I spoke to him yesterday and they’re willing to make a deal based on the information you get for the investigation."

"What’s the deal?"

"They would agree not to bring any charges against you."

Regina tilted her head and watched as Alex slipped her high-collared shirt on and started to button it. She pushed off the wall and approached her. "Can we have a few minutes together?"

Matthew glanced at his watch and started to protest.

"Alone," Alex growled as she pinned Matthew with her eyes.

"Uh, sure. I’ll meet you outside." He grabbed his briefcase and closed it, then, ducked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

"You didn’t tell me you were wearing a tux to this thing." Regina ran her fingers over the black three-quarter-length coat and smiled up at Alex.

"Well, it is a formal affair." Alex finished working on her cuff links and glanced at Regina. "You didn’t honestly think I’d be wearing an evening gown."

The younger doctor wrinkled her nose and pretended to think about that. "Uh, no, but then again you’d look incredible no matter what you had on."

Alex raised both her eyebrows and pointed at the tiny microphone. "I’m quite sure the he’s already listening."

Regina rolled her eyes and stepped closer. "I don’t give a crap. I hate that he manipulated you into doing this." She tugged on the tails of Alex’s shirt and kissed her lightly on the lips.



Alex sighed and rested her chin on the top of Regina’s head. "I got myself into this, Regina." She stared at a crack in the floor, thinking about how one moment in a person’s life could change it all forever. "It’s just…I have a chance to change something that can ruin the rest of my life and everything I care about." Alex lifted her eyes and looked at Regina. "I don’t want my past ruining what we could have together."

Regina tilted her head up and smiled sadly. "Come here. I want to give you a hug, but I don’t want to get your shirt all wrinkled. You’ll get to this stupid cocktail party and everyone will be wondering what you were doing and with who."

Alex snorted and stifled a laugh. "Or I could just bring you and there’d be no question."

"You’re bad." Regina undid several buttons and slipped her arms inside. "Mm, that’s better." She nestled her head against Alex’s shoulder and hugged her tightly.

Alex closed her eyes and slowly wrapped her arms around Regina. "You okay?"

"I’ll be better when you’re back home safe, with me tonight." Regina lifted her head when she heard a muffled cough from the other side of the door. Her lip curled and she pinched the top of the microphone with her fingers. "Do you think he’ll hear this?" She flicked her middle finger hard against the tip.

"Ow! Shit, dammit! What did you do that for?" Matthew’s aggrieved voice filtered through the closed door.

Alex tilted her head back and her body shook as she laughed. "Excuse me, one second." She slipped from Regina’s grasp and opened the door.

Matthew was leaning against the wall, still rubbing one ear as she descended upon him. He shrank away from her as she invaded his space and towered over him. "Listen you little shit. You pull another stunt like that and I’ll shove this receiver so far up your ass you’ll be able to pull it out your throat. Turn it off and get lost."

He fumbled with the device for a few seconds. "Okay, it’s off," he whined and then slunk past her along the wall towards the front door.

"Stupid piece of…" Regina’s hand clamped over Alex’s mouth as the taller woman turned around.

"I think you just scared the crap out of him."

Alex stared at Regina and then nibbled at the palm of her hand.

"Brat." Regina poked her in the stomach and then backed up as the taller woman’s eyes glinted with a predatory gleam.

"Come here."

Regina yelped and half-heartedly skipped back a couple of steps as Alex playfully advanced on her. The next step brought her back up against a wall and she found herself pinned against it with Alex’s outstretched arms on either side of her head.

She stared into eyes that seemed more gray than blue in the fluorescent light. Regina watched the corners of Alex’s lips twitch into a smile and then felt the soft touch of strong fingers running through her hair.

"What are you going to do while I’m gone?"

"Mm." Regina pressed into the caress that enveloped her senses. "I um," she cleared her throat and continued. "I’ve got some paperwork to finish up here." She heard Alex exhale.

"Don’t stay here too long by yourself. Okay?"

"I won’t." Regina wrapped her arms around Alex’s waist and pulled her close. "Please be careful tonight."

"I will be." Alex ducked her head and pressed her lips against Regina’s in a slow, gentle kiss. When she pulled away she kept her eyes closed while she savored the gentle strength of Regina’s arms and the warmth of their bodies where they touched. "Regina," she whispered and opened her eyes.

"What?" Regina started to re-button Alex’s shirt from the bottom up.

"I love you."

She stopped what she was doing, rose up on her toes, and kissed Alex’s lips. "I love you, too."














Chapter Twenty-Seven



After Alex left the clinic, Regina locked the front door and walked back to her desk. She settled down into a chair, dragged the top chart off the pile in front of her, and opened it. She scanned over the hastily scrawled notes and then rubbed a hand over her weary eyes.

"I wish I could do something to help Alex. I feel so useless sitting here, just waiting."

With a pensive sigh, she started to write the remainder of her notes for the patients she treated throughout the day.

An hour later, after working her way through half the pile, Regina leaned back in her chair, yawned and stretched her arms over her head. A sound from outside startled her and she twisted in her chair.

"What in the hell was that?"

At first, she attributed it to a loose shutter being rattled by the wind. Then, it came again, and this time, she realized the short, staccato like, high-pitched noise was a dog’s frantic barking. The young doctor looked briefly at the pile of paperwork and stood up. She grabbed a flashlight from behind the counter and then lifted her coat off from behind the door.

Regina slipped her jacket on as she unlocked the front door. At the top of the steps, she zipped up her coat while soft gusts of air crystallized into a misty cloud in front of her with each breath.

Across the street, at the firehouse she made out the silhouette of the German Shepard, dancing around in a circle as he barked.

Regina trotted down the steps, glanced up and down the street, and waited for a break in the traffic. When the line of cars finally broke she darted across the road.

"Hey, Lucky. What’s wrong?" She called out as she approached the distressed animal. "Did the guys leave you here all alone?" Both rigs were gone and her voice echoed off the concrete walls of the firehouse.

Regina ruffled the coarse hair on the German Shepard’s neck and the dog whined softly as he strained against the length of rope that was tied to a bolt in the concrete wall. "It’s okay, boy. They’ll be back."

A burst of deep guttural barks startled Regina and her eyes darted around looking for the source of the dog’s agitation. "What’s got you so upset tonight?" Before she could react, the dog lunged furiously against the leash that restrained him.

"Lucky, stop." She tried to mimic Todd’s stern tone with the dog. A frustrated whine and high-pitched bark answered her.

The powerful dog lunged repeatedly toward the open door. Suddenly, the rope pulled taught and snapped. Lucky bolted into the street, darting in front of an oncoming car and just barely avoided being struck.

Regina took her hand away from her mouth and shook her head in relief. "That was too close."

Across the street, Lucky lowered his head to the ground and sniffed frantically all along the sidewalk in front of the warehouse. He barked several times and then trotted into the alleyway on the side of the clinic.

Regina ran across the street and called the dog’s name. "Oh this is just stupid," she chastised herself as she halted in front of the dark opening that led between the two buildings. "What am I chasing after him for? He’s not my dog."

She heard another bark and the sound of scamper of large paws running on the concrete grew louder. Regina yelped as the dog’s form took shape as he emerged from the shadows.

"This is a fine time for you to decide to play games. Come here." She reached out to grab his collar but the dog ducked and pranced away from her. Regina glanced back up at the clinic, briefly giving a thought to the paperwork she had left on her desk. "Maybe I can coax you inside."

She backed away several steps. Lucky tilted his head and cocked his ears at her. He whined and shook his large head obstinately, then barked several times as he backed away.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Regina turned on the flashlight and swept the beam over the alleyway before she tentatively stepped forward. She felt something gooey squish beneath her shoe and she shivered involuntarily. "Yuck. I don’t even want to know what that was."

As she approached the dog, he wagged his tail and danced closer to a stairwell that took shape as her eyes adjusted to the dark. "What is it, Lucky?" She grasped the cold, metal rail and felt a shiver run up her spine as she looked down the dark, forbidding steps.

Lucky turned and trotted to the end of the alley and disappeared around the corner.

Regina shook her head and cautiously followed after the dog. She turned the corner and flashed the beam of light on Lucky in time to see him worming his way underneath the partially opened garage door.

Regina shivered and looked around her. A large garbage dumpster stood in a far corner of the empty lot and garbage littered the ground.

She walked over to the loading dock and boosted herself up onto the concrete ledge. Regina peered under the door and shined the beam of light inside. Two eerie golden orbs reflected back at her from several feet away and she heard the dog whine. She shifted the beam of light and a startled cry escaped from her lips.

Two dirty bare feet stuck out from behind a crate.

"Hello, can you hear me?" She called out but got no reaction.

Regina struggled to lift the door up. It budged several inches and then stuck solidly in its track. Next, she sat back on her heels, pulled out her cell phone, and flipped it open. She dialed several times and then ran her hand nervously through her hair. "Damn, it figures I can’t get a connection from here."

She peered back under the narrow opening and then lowered herself onto her stomach. It took several minutes but Regina finally managed to squirm her way under narrow opening.

A dank, musty odor assaulted her senses and she wrinkled her nose in revulsion. "Gross."

She pushed herself up onto her hands in knees and was immediately welcomed by Lucky’s warm, wet tongue. "I know, I know. You’re a good boy." She pushed him away and then shined the beam of the flashlight around her. After a few minutes of searching, found a row of light switches on one of the walls.

She flipped the switches and was relieved when several rows of fluorescent lights flickered on overhead. Regina exhaled nervously and walked back to where she saw the pair of feet sticking out from between several crates.

Regina looked down and let out a startled cry. "Jesus, how did you get here?" She dropped to her knees, reached down, and felt for a pulse. "Thank god, you’re still alive." Regina cradled the boy’s face in her hands. "TJ wake up. Come on sweetheart open your eyes for me."

The boy stirred and mumbled incoherently for a moment. Suddenly, his limbs thrashed and his eyes rolled back in their sockets. Regina stripped out of her coat and bundled it beneath TJ’s head. She leaned against one of the boxes and pushed it several inches away, then, did the same with several others.

Lucky whined and lowered his head as he hunkered down next to the boy.

Regina rolled TJ onto his side and waited for what seemed an eternity until the seizure passed and the boy lay quietly on the ground.


Alex walked around to the back of her Jeep and dropped her keys into the hands of the young valet attendant. A low rumble caught her attention and she quickly jumped back onto the sidewalk just as a candy, red Porsche rolled to a stop right where she had been standing a second before. The driver side door opened and a tall, lithe man with wavy, salt and pepper hair stepped out.

"Where’d you learn how to drive?" Alex glared at him in contempt.

"What are you worrying about, I didn’t hit your old relic," he replied with a sneer. With negligent grace, he tossed his keys at the same valet and walked away with his coat tails flourishing out behind him.

Alex forced a smile as she looked up at the sky and then over at the attendant. "There’s a nice piece of open road over on Valley Drive. You should be able to open it up all the way."

Dark eyes met hers and laughter rung in the air as the valet tossed the Porsche keys in his hand. "Indeed it is, ma’am."

Alex clapped him on the shoulder and then walked across the circular drive. "Could they have picked anyplace more ostentatious?" Her eyes roamed over the dramatically lit main entrance that was flanked on either side by two life-size, marble statues carved in the likenesses of Greek water bearers. Water bubbled over from their fluted openings and flowed into the pools that were their bases.

Alex opened the door and was immediately blasted with a gust of hot, dry air from the overhead vents as she walked through the entryway.

She slipped out of her long, black leather coat and draped it over the wooden half door of the coatroom where an attendant handed her a ticket in exchange for her coat.

Around her, the noise level rose as a number of medical staff continued to arrive in small groups. Alex walked through the growing crowd toward the large ballroom that was reserved for the evening’s function. Strains of dinner music filtered from over-sized speakers at the other end of the hall.

The thought of eating, smiling and fraternizing with Cassandra and her cronies all night nauseated her. What I’d give to be with Regina right now.

Seeking some reassurance, Alex’s hand drifted to the inside pocket of her coat where she felt the small ring box that was tucked securely away. She stopped and looked around her for a second, pushing away the dark thoughts that crept into her consciousness. I hope I get that chance after tonight.

After walking through the ballroom, Alex’s gaze settled briefly on Cassandra who was dressed in a low cut, black evening gown. At the moment, she was engaged in a conversation with the driver of the Porsche. Oh how lovely, he must be her latest prize. We’ll see how long it takes him to fall from grace.

The man’s dark eyes locked with Alex’s momentarily as he continued to talk with the Vice President. A second later Cassandra turned and glanced her as well.

Alex simply returned the Cassandra’s incendiary look with an impassive expression, then, casually turned and walked away. Yeah, that’s right I’m here Cassandra, but we’re going to play this little charade by my rules not yours.

Across the hall, Dr. Timmons emerged from the fringes of a crowd of people and walked up to Alex. "Evening, Dr. Margulies. How’d you get wrangled into attending this lovely affair?"

"I believe the words command performance are appropriate for this occasion," she answered shortly.

"Don’t I know it. I feel sorry for the poor bastards who don’t realize yet that their budgets for next year hinge on the amount of their department’s contributions." He gestured at the long buffet tables that were meticulously decorated with ice sculptures. "How much do you think they’re shelling out for this affair anyway?"

Alex shrugged and leaned closer so he could hear her over the rising din. "Too much, I’m sure."

The pediatrician laughed and gestured across the room with his hand. "It’s an open bar. We might as well recoup some of our donation. Do you want anything?"

"Just a tonic with lime." Alex declined the offer.

"Are you on call tonight?" He glanced at Alex as they walked through the crowd of people toward the bar.

"No. I just want my wits about me tonight."

"Not me. I need a stiff one to make it through this nonsense." He turned to the bar tender. "Give me a scotch straight up and a tonic with lime."

Alex took her drink from Dr. Timmons and sipped it while she studied the occupants of the room around her.

"Let’s check out the spread at the buffet before we get dragged into a night of talking about hospital politics."

"Sounds good," Alex answered, realizing it had been hours since she’d last eaten.

Twenty minutes later after sampling their way through the buffet, Alex and Dr. Timmons stood at the far end of the room and talked briefly amongst themselves.

"So, shall we go rub elbows?" Alex scanned the room again and found Cassandra standing with a cluster of doctors and administrators.

The pediatrician shook his head. "You mingle. I’ll refresh my drink."

A smirk crossed Alex’s features and she acknowledged him with a wave of her hand, then, focused her attention on her quarry standing ten feet away from her.

Okay, this is game time. Get your head on straight, Alex reminded herself as she slipped up behind Cassandra and flashed a smile at the two colleagues the Vice President was engaged in a conversation with.

"We’d truly appreciate any support you can contribute to our endeavor," Cassandra stated sweetly as she laid a hand on one of the doctor’s forearms.

"Hello, Dr. Margulies." One of the radiologists acknowledged her with a nod of his head.

"Hello, Gordon." Alex lifted her glass in mock salute and then smiled disarmingly at Cassandra when the Vice President turned toward her.

"Alex it’s so nice of you to be here. Gentleman." Cassandra dismissed the two men with a brief nod of her head. Once they were alone, her eyes roamed appraisingly over Alex’s figure. "You’re looking rather butch tonight."

Alex ignored Cassandra’s comment and lifted the doctor’s empty glass from her hand. "What’s you’re poison?" she asked, trying valiantly to appear and sound normal and not like she was plotting a strategy to entrap her boss.

"Vodka Gimlet." Cassandra eyed the taller woman warily and hesitated. "Maybe I shouldn’t."

Alex rolled her eyes and forced a chuckle. "Come on, Cassandra. What’s one drink to take the edge off? You deserve it, after all."

"I suppose one more wouldn’t hurt," she conceded.

Alex nodded her head and strode to the bar. She glanced back at Cassandra as she waited for the bartender to mix the drink she requested.

Cassandra appeared by her side seconds later. "Why thank you, doctor," she demurred as she took the proffered drink from Alex and sipped it. Her lips left a ruby-colored outline of their shape on the rim of the glass. "I think that’s the nicest thing any one’s done for me this week."

"That’s not saying much, Cassandra," Alex replied evenly.

The blonde shrugged. "It’s a lonely place at the top, Alex."

"As lonely as you choose to make it, I suppose."

"It’s a trade off for having to make unpopular decisions."

That’s an interesting spin on things, Alex thought.

Several boisterous residents crowded around the bar where the two women were talking. Alex discreetly guided Cassandra away from the ruckus. "You have a lot on your plate with the new Cardiac program coming on board. When’s the ground breaking date?" Alex probed cautiously.

"That depends."

"On what?"

"How much we draw in from tonight’s proceeds." Cassandra tipped the glass to her lips again and waved exuberantly to a doctor standing several feet away from them.

"How much are you expecting to raise?"

"We have a million dollars in pledges so far, but what’s more important is that we have a party who is willing to match us dollar for dollar."

"Must be one hell of a plaque that’s going up on the wall of the new unit for that price," Alex half joked. Come on Cassandra, give me something I can use.

"We’re way beyond plaques at this point," the Vice President scoffed.

Alex nodded at one of her colleagues as he walked past them on his way to the buffet table. She leaned in closer to Cassandra. "What’s the prize? A position on the Board of Trustees?"

Cassandra’s eyes widened and she gulped down a swallow of her drink. "Oh, look there’s Doctor Pierce. He’s the doctor I was telling you about the other day. I must introduce you to him," Cassandra gushed. "Roger, come here. There’s someone I want you to meet."

Oh lucky me, Alex groaned inwardly as she watched the doctor scrutinize her as he walked towards them.

"Hello, Cassandra." He nodded graciously.

"Roger, this is Doctor Margulies, the director of our Emergency Department." Cassandra laid a hand on his arm and turned him towards Alex.

"Ah, the doctor who has nine lives. I’ve heard so much about you."

Alex extended her hand, expecting a hand shake and then steeled herself when Dr. Pierce abruptly turned her hand over and kissed the back of it. "Funny, I haven’t heard a thing about you," she replied through gritted teeth.

"No one told me you were so beautiful," he replied as he raised his head and smiled at her.

Alex extracted her hand from his grasp, resisting the urge to wipe it off on her pants leg.

"So where did you practice before joining the medical staff here?"

"I’ve been at several facilities out west," Dr. Pierce shrugged his shoulders.

"Really, where?"

"This is supposed to be a fun evening, Alex. There will be plenty of time to talk about business later," Cassandra jumped in.

"I’m sure we will," replied evenly, hoping her voice didn’t betray the nervousness she felt. Movement from across the room caught Alex’s attention and she watched as two men dressed in white shirts, blue coats, and gray wool pants walked briskly toward them.

"Dr. Mitchard, we have a problem," the huskier of the two guards reported nervously.

Alex turned and watched Cassandra’s reaction closely.

Cassandra’s eyes bored into the security guard and a vein bulged in her neck. "What do you mean we have a problem?" Cassandra demanded.

"I think you should come see for yourself." The guard shifted on his feet and looked around the room before he returned his gaze to the Vice President.

Dr. Pierce turned to Cassandra, his eyes narrowing as he stepped into her space. "I thought you said everything was tied up and there would be no loose ends."

"Roger, I assure you everything is fine." With an exasperated sigh, Cassandra waved her hand ahead of herself. "This better be important," she warned the security guards.

Alex followed the small entourage out of the crowded ballroom and down a side corridor that led away from the boisterous noise of the party. The taller security guard opened a locked door and led them into a small room.

"I thought you should see this." He pointed at one of the monitors on the wall.

Dr. Pierce walked up behind Cassandra and squinted as he tried to make out the grainy images that were displayed on the screen of one of the wall monitors. "Who in the hell is that?"

Alex’s eyes darted to the monitor as she stepped closer. Her mouth went dry and she felt nauseas as she made out Regina’s unmistakable image on one of the screens. Oh sweet Jesus, Reg what are you doing there?

"Should we call the police?" Dr. Pierce asked.

"No, absolutely not. We’ll take care of it internally," Cassandra said coldly.

"Is that a good decision?"

"It’s not yours to make. Besides, the police can’t be involved. There’s too much at stake now."

A chill ran up Alex’s spine. She backpedaled to the door while Cassandra argued with Dr. Pierce.

Cassandra leaned closer and then tilted her head. "That’s one of our doctors. What is she doing in the warehouse?" She whirled around and let out a frustrated shriek when she realized Alex was standing behind her. "You, you’re responsible for this. Do not let her leave the building," she yelled at the security guards.

Alex yanked the door shut and sprinted down the hallway. She bypassed the coatroom and flung the exit door open as she ran through. Outside, she raced to the small valet shack and leaned in the door, startling the attendant.

"I need my Jeep now. I have an emergency."

"Sure lady so does everyone." The young man slowly uncrossed his legs and stood up from his chair.

Alex pulled out her wallet and slipped a bill into his hand. "I’m serious. Now move!"

The boy’s eyes widened as he looked at the bill in his hand. "You got it." He grabbed the keys from a hook, raced out of the booth.

Alex glanced behind her and saw the two security guards bearing down on her. "I’ve got to go. Just don’t give up on me yet." She flipped her cell phone shut.

She turned to follow the valet but a meaty hand grabbed her by an arm and twisted her around. "Ma’am you have to come with me."

"Like hell I do." Desperation fueled her actions and she wrenched her arm out of his grasp. She ducked under his outstretched arm and slammed an elbow into his solar plexus.

As he grunted and doubled over, Alex grabbed his shoulders and shoved him back into the other security guard. There was a strangled shout as they both stumbled and collpased to the ground in a heap.

Breathing heavily, Alex turned and saw the illumination from the Jeep’s headlights swing out of a parking spot. She ran out into the road and flagged the attendant down as he sped up the hill. "Thanks."

She jumped in behind the wheel and slammed the door shut. Her heart pounded in her chest and the bitter taste of adrenaline soured her mouth. She glanced into the rearview mirror in time to see Cassandra and Dr. Pierce hail down the same valet attendant. Alex hit the gas pedal and sped out of the driveway. She offered a silent prayer that she would make it to the warehouse before they did.

She gripped the steering wheel tightly as she weaved in and out of traffic down the four-lane divider highway. Alex punched in the number for Regina’s cell phone and waited.

User unavailable? "Dammit!" She threw the phone on the passenger seat and focused on the road ahead.

Minutes later, she cut across two lanes of traffic and raced up the exit ramp, unaware that behind her, a pair of headlights winked on from the shoulder and a car accelerated out of the shadows.

To be continued in Chapter Twenty-Eight - Thirty (Conclusion)


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