Two of the tourists left at the gate stood watching in disbelief at the scene that unfolded before them.


“Did you see what I think I saw?” Tracy asked, still transfixed on the aero car and its two passengers.


“Uh huh,” Linna answered, nodding her head.  “I think we both saw the same thing.  But who is that she’s chasing?”


“Got me.  It’s obviously someone she wants really bad.”  Tracy thought for a minute as the light dawned in her head.  “Bet it’s the bitch that’s been causing all the trouble.  The one that had Tom killed.”


“Shit!  We should help her, but how?” Linna asked as the cable car crept out into the gorge.


“We’ll think of something.” Tracy paused, looking around the gawking crowd.  “Where’s Katie?  She was supposed to pick up Dean at the airport.  She’s got to be around here somewhere.”  Tracy started searching the crowd in earnest, moving through the mass of humanity as they watched the scene in the aero car unfold.  I’m getting a really bad feeling about this, she thought as she exited the gift shop and searched the parking lot.  Finding no indication of Katie, she hurried back to Linna, squeezing her way through the crowd.  When she stood next to Linna once more, she said in a low voice, “No sign of Katie anywhere.  My gut’s telling me that bitch out there has done something to her, and Dean’s going to find out just what.”


Linna looked at her boss, then back out at the gondola and said, “Oh, fuck.” 


* * * * *


Dean steadied herself against the railing as she landed, then stood to her full height as she moved away from the rail.  “What have you done to Katie?” she snarled, taking another step forward.


“Now, now, Colonel.  Don’t you remember I challenged you?  Only the winner gets Katie,” the ex-KGB agent said with alacrity.


Dean motioned at the gun still in Natasha’s hand, “Doesn’t look like it’ll be a fair fight to me.”


“You mean this?” She held up the gun.  “Oh, okay,” she sighed, tossing it over the side. “There, is that better?”


“Fine,” Dean responded quickly, then both rushed together, with Dean sending the first blow of the fight toward the woman’s abdomen.  Natasha went with the movement, deflecting most of the impact easily and bringing the two combatants into close contact.


“My, my.  You’re losing your touch.  That little blonde has really done a number on you.”

Not waiting for the next blow to be initiated, Natasha raised her right elbow into Dean’s ribs, then stepped to the side.  Dean spun with the contact, but kept the motion going, leveling a hard kick to Natasha’s head, snapping it back fiercely and following through with another shot to Natasha’s abs with her elbow.  This time, the double blow made her adversary fall to her knees.  Dean moved behind her and wrapped her left arm around the woman’s throat, pulling her back up to a standing position. 


“Where is she?” Dean shouted in Natasha’s ear.


The ex-KGB agent reached up with both arms, pulling down on the colonel’s left arm as she bent over forcefully.  Since she was nearly as tall as Dean, she was able to leverage Dean over her shoulder and onto the deck of the car.  Natasha leapt on Dean, but not before Dean was able to get her feet up to repel the onslaught.  The strength of her legs caused Natasha to fly backwards, crashing into the side railing.  Dean stood and charged at the blonde, grabbing her by the throat with both hands.


“Tell me, bitch!  Before I break your neck!”


It took all of the self-control she could muster to just smile at Dean and choke out, “Haven’t won yet.”  Then Natasha clapped both palms hard against Dean’s ears, causing her to loosen her grip just enough to break free. 


The pain was immense, but Dean managed to grab Natasha’s shirt and spin her back around to receive a right hook straight to her jaw.  The blow sent Natasha over the railing of the car.  Only Dean’s quick reaction saved her from falling into the fast approaching whirlpool.  Hanging on to the woman with one hand, Dean managed to wrap her leg around the center beam so she could reach over the side with her other hand, but the angle of her body kept her from making contact with Natasha.


“C’mon, Natasha.  Give me your other hand.”  The blow still had the dangling woman dazed as she looked down then back up at her arch enemy.  Dean’s grip was beginning to slip from the gnarled hand that barely held on to hers.  “Hurry, Natasha.  Give me your other hand.”  Dean felt the aero car jerk to a halt, causing her grip to slip a little more.


Recovering from the blow, Natasha looked up at Dean and laughed. “Guess you win.”


“Yeah, now tell me where she is while you give me your other hand!” Dean groaned as she tried to get a better grip. 


Natasha laughed harder, only it was more evil this time.  She looked down at the water, back up at Dean, then smiled.  “She’ll be with me soon,” she crooned, then winked at Dean and released what little grip she had left on Dean’s hand, making it almost impossible for Dean to hold on much longer.


Panicked, Dean tried to lunge for her, but Natasha wiggled her body harder, then the cable car jerked back to life, reversing its direction back to the waiting onlookers.  The jerking motion of the car, coupled with Natasha’s wiggling, were too much for Dean to overcome.  The gnarled hand slipped from her fingers, and she watched in horror as Natasha fell the 250 feet into the middle of the whirlpool.  “NOOOooooo!” Dean shouted, watching as the water swirled violently, swallowing the offering it received.  By the time the aero car to return to its station, Natasha’s body never surfaced and, in all probability, never would.


* * * * *


Chapter 23

15 December, 1710 Hours



As the cable car docked, Dean’s expression was hardened, but determined.  She spotted the attendant she had given her bag to and looked for it.  “Where’s my bag?” she grunted. 


The young man shook his head and pointed into the crowd, “They have it.”


Dean followed the direction of his hand and was not surprised to see Tracy and Linna approaching, carrying her bag.  “Good,” she stated simply and walked to meet them.

She took the bag from Linna. “C’mon, we’ve got to find Katie.”


Linna and Tracy had the presence of mind to send the seniors back on tour, with one of the ‘regulars’ put in charge, indicating they would meet them back at the motel and to possibly not expect them until later tonight.  They also asked the driver to contact Colleen who had gone back to the motel after dropping Tracy off at the Spanish Aero Car.


“What now?” Tracy asked, as they left the crowd behind.  The young attendant had recovered and was chasing after them, trying to get them to wait for the Provincial Police.  The trio ignored his pleas and headed for the roadway.


“I don’t know for sure, but I’ve got to make a phone call.”  She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her cell phone.   It was badly battered, but she tried it anyway.  “Damn thing’s busted!” she cursed.  Linna pulled her cell phone out of her backpack and handed it to Dean.  Dean nodded gratefully and punched in some numbers.  When the voice answered on the other end, she closed her eyes, praying that it would be able to help her.


“Martha, this is Dean.  I need your help.”  Dean gave a succinct synopsis of the events of the last hour, indicating what she hoped Martha could provide: a clue to where Katie was.


“Dean, I don’t know how I can help.  The vision was overwhelming.  All I saw was this stranger, and water.  It was over me, and under me.  Swirling everywhere, and it was loud.  So loud it filled all my senses to overload.”


“Can’t you just, I don’t know, recall it…see if there’s more to it…some kind of clue?” Dean beseeched the minister.


“My visions can’t be conjured up like that.  I can’t just force them,” the minister explained softly.


“Martha, this is Katie’s life.  You saw something and knew you had to warn me.  Please, please, try.”  Tears were now forming in her eyes.  “I can’t lose her, Martha.  She’s my life.”


Hearing the strain in Dean’s voice, Martha went on, “Dean, my vision’s have only come when I touch the person, or touch their belongings.”


“I don’t have time to come back there,” she groaned.  “Natasha said she only had a couple of hours, and that was over an hour ago.”


Martha thought quietly on the other end.  “Dean, did you leave anything here?  A piece of clothing, book, anything?”


Dean shook her head, “No, nothing.”  Tears were freely falling now, and she was pacing back and forth on the roadway.  Tracy and Linna listened intently to this side of the conversation.  Linna slung her backpack over her shoulder, exposing several postcards in the net pocket to Dean’s view.  “Wait!” she said excitedly.  “I left a letter for my father.  I slipped it under his door before I left!”


Martha sighed hopefully on the other end, and then gave instructions for James to run up to Joshua’s room and retrieve the letter.  The dead silence on the line seemed to go on interminably while both parties waited.  Dean could hear James running into the room.


“Dean, I can’t promise anything; you know that, don’t you?”


“Yes, just try.  Please try!”


Martha reached out and took the letter from James and began praying silently as she did so.  Tracy and Linna held their breath waiting for Martha’s response.  Dean checked her watch, closed her eyes, and waited.  A thousand miles away, Martha, too, closed her eyes, waiting for a vision to appear.  She was just about to set the letter down when she started to get a strange feeling…she was cold… and wet.  The thunderous roar came back, causing her to sway.  She saw a shadow, blurred by a veil of water, heard a muffled cry of Dean’s name, then it was gone.  Martha opened her eyes wide, still swaying from the vision. 


“Dean, Katie’s in trouble.  She’s somewhere where it’s cold, and she’s wet.  I couldn’t see her, but the thunderous noise was there.  There was a veil of water obstructing the view, but she was calling your name.  You must hurry!”


Dean’s head lowered, thankful for the bits of information.  “Thank you, Martha.  We’ll find her.”


“Hurry, Dean.  She doesn’t have much time.”


Dean returned the phone to Linna and faced her friends.  “Okay, this is what we’ve got.  Katie is someplace wet and cold.  Martha couldn’t see her, but could hear a loud roar and there was water…lots of it.”


Linna looked at Dean, shook her head and pointed toward the gorge.  “Dean, look around you.  There’s lots of water; and if you go back up the gorge three miles, there’s a lot of roar, too.  Where do we start?”


Tracy looked at the two women as they stared at each other. “Did she say anything else, Dean?”


Dean turned to Tracy.  “She said she couldn’t see Katie.  She was obscured by a veil of water.”


“That’s it, then!” Tracy said as she flagged down a cab.


Linna and Dean looked at Tracy, simultaneously saying.  “What’s it?”


“Guys, I grew up in this neck of the woods.  I’ve been to the Falls a zillion times, and seen just about everything on both sides of the border.”  She looked back at the aero car. “Well, just about everything.”  A cab pulled up, and the three of them piled in.  Tracy told the driver to take them to Niagara Helicopters on Victoria Avenue.  In the cab she went on. “The answer has to be the Scenic Tunnels or whatever they’re called now.  They take you behind the Falls.  The view is awesome, and the roar of the water is thunderous.  And…they’re closed for the winter.  No one would know she’s there.”


Linna looked at the direction they were traveling and said, “But aren’t they back there?”  She pointed over her shoulder in the opposite direction.


Tracy nodded, “Yeah, but trust me.  We’ll never get there in time if we try to drive there.  There’s way too much traffic now that it’s getting dark and the lights will be on shortly, drawing out even more visitors.”  The driver pulled up to the helicopter office.  Tracy handed him $10 for the $5 fare.  “C’mon.  We have to get up in the air.”


The trio ran to the office and explained their urgent need to get to Table Rock House.  The helicopter pilot that was sitting in the office looked up as Tracy was explaining to the reservations clerk.  He looked the group over and decided to check things out himself.  The first thing he asked for was Dean’s military ID to prove she was indeed a Colonel in the U. S. Army.  Satisfied with the ID, he told the clerk he’d take care of it and led the group to one of the helicopters.


“I served with the Canadian Air Force for twenty years; this is the least I can do to help a comrade.”  He opened the cockpit door and instructed them to fasten their seatbelts while he geared everything up.  Tracy took the co-pilot seat, anxious to observe his flying skill.  In three minutes, they were off the ground and on their way.  In another two, they were hovering near the bus parking area, waiting for a bus to move so they could put down.  One more minute and they were down.  The women shouted their thanks over the whomp of the blades, and jumped out.  They hit the pavement running, with Tracy leading the way.  By the time they made it to the side door, the ‘copter had lifted off and headed back to its base.


Table Rock House not only housed the entrance to the tunnels, but also a huge gift shop, restaurant, and the only restroom facilities for this part of the Falls.  They plunged into the building and bullied their way to the Journey Behind the Falls attraction, stopping short as they came up to a locked folding gate across the entrance.


“Now what?” Tracy asked, looking at her friends.


Dean reached out and tugged at the gate.  It moved away from the locking mechanism, obviously left open by Natasha for her return.  Dean looked around the crowd, deciding that no one was paying attention to them, and slid the gate back far enough for them to slip in.  “Go…quick,” she said as she kept watch on the crowd before slipping in and pulling the gate back to a closed position.  They headed down the stairs, taking them two at a time to the first landing.  Dean looked over her shoulder to see if anyone had followed them.  Whispering that the coast was clear, she held two fingers to her lips, indicating for them to continue down the stairway as quietly as possible.  They continued cautiously down past two more landings before they came to the bottom.  Tracy went first, followed by Linna, and finally Dean.  Quietly, they walked through the tiled room, eyeing the scattered tools.  Linna pointed to a chair that had ropes loosely wrapped around it.  Dean nodded in acknowledgement that they were on the right track.  Suddenly, the noise of a toilet flushing had them freeze in their tracks.  Linna was right in front of the stall door that opened, exposing a very surprised Pavel.


“Who are…” he began in his broken English as he lifted the Pm84 Glauberyt he was carrying, but never completed the sentence as Linna whipped around, landing a combination of jabs, thrusts, and kicks on the stunned man and grabbing the submachine gun from his hand as he fell.  He hit the floor like a ton of bricks, making a loud thump as his head hit the tile.


Tracy and Dean both looked at Linna, their eyebrows raised nearly to their hairlines.  The secretary looked back at them and whispered, “What?” and shrugged her shoulders.  Linna then checked out the weapon, finding the safety was in the “off” position.  She gripped the handle, nodding approvingly at the weight and balance of the gun, flicked the safety to “on”, and looked up at the two women.


“We’ll talk about this later,” Tracy whispered back as she shook her head in disbelief.


Dean also shook her head, “If there’s one, there’s bound to be more,” she said softly. “Let’s go, but be careful.”  Looking back at Linna, she said, “You know how to use that?  It’s a new, Polish made weapon…top of the line too.”


Linna quietly replied, “You’ve seen one gun, you’ve seen them all.  They’re basically all the same¾pull the trigger and bang.”


This time Dean was in the lead as they walked around the wall to the corridor that led to the elevator.  When they got there, Dean asked Tracy, “Is there a stairway down?”


“I’m sure there has to be, but I have no idea where.  It’s 125 feet down to the tunnels.”


Dean looked around, then checked her watch.  It was 1730 hours.  Not knowing what they would find at the bottom, Dean decided to take the elevator.  “We don’t have time to look.  We’ll take the elevator.  Hopefully, whoever is down there will just think it’s Linna’s friend coming back from the john.”


“Hey, he’s not my friend!” Linna bantered back softly.


Dean pushed the elevator button, and the doors hissed open.  It was a large elevator, meant to take at least twenty tourists down at a time.  “Okay, when we get to the bottom, keep yourselves plastered against the side closest to the door just in case there’s someone at the bottom.”  The two women looked at Dean and nodded, entering the elevator and pressing themselves to the sides as Dean pushed the button for the tunnels.  The ride down was quick, but the hum of the elevator was louder than they expected.  When the elevator stopped, the women got in position as the doors slid open.  Dean edged her head toward the opening and checked out the room before motioning for them to leave the elevator and hug the wall on the right side of the room.  It was a fairly large area, capable of handling a substantial number of tourists.  The closer they edged toward the opening, they realized that if anyone else was down there, they’d never hear them coming due to the roar of the water as it echoed down the tunnel.


At the opening, Tracy informed them that the tunnel straight ahead led to an outside observation area, while the tunnel to the right led to the porticoes directly behind the Horseshoe Falls.  There were three of them. 


“Well, Martha said she couldn’t see Katie because of a veil of water, so my guess is, she’s in one of the porticoes.”  Tracy and Linna nodded in agreement, and the three of them readied themselves.  Dean once again, edged around the corner to check for another guard.  Whipping her head back, she whispered, “it’s all clear.  Maybe there’s just one guard.”


Tracy added, “Or maybe he’s in one of the porticoes?”


They stepped quickly into the tunnel, crossing over to hug the left wall.  Inching their way to the first opening, Dean squatted and peeked around the corner.  She stood and shook her head and moved forward, followed by her companions.  The same was true at the next opening.  As they moved to cross the second portico, they heard a shout from behind, followed by gunfire.  All three women threw themselves into the second observation point as bullets ricocheted off the tunnel walls.


Dean yelled over the gunfire, “Everyone okay?”  Getting two nods, she made her way over to Linna and was going to ask for the submachine gun, when Linna slipped off the safety and headed for the tunnel.  She took a deep breath, then dove into the tunnel, twisting onto her back and sliding across the floor as she leveled the gun at the man coming at her.  Two short bursts and he fell backward, bouncing off the wall and landing on his back.  The gun skidded from his hand and stopped in front of the opening where Tracy and Dean watched in amazement as they held their hands over their ears for protection from the noise.  Linna rolled over and got into a squatting position, waiting for another attacker to materialize.  When none appeared, she stood, walked over to the second guard, set her weapon down, and checked for a pulse. 


Tracy came out first, grabbing the weapon by the opening as she went.  “Is he dead?”

Linna nodded in affirmation and turned towards the last portico. 


Dean looked at the calm secretary, “Nice shooting,” she commented, still amazed.  She froze as she heard her name coming from that direction. 


“KATIE!” Dean yelled, and ran the last twenty-five feet.


* * * * *


Suffering from exposure, Katie was quickly losing her optimism.  C’mon, Dean.  I can’t hold on much longer.  Please hurry.  She was mentally chanting Hurry, love, hurry, when she heard the first burst of gunfire.  The sound rallied her spirits as she waited for the noise to stop.  Then she heard the second round, followed by silence.  “No, no, she’s all right!” she admonished herself out loud.  “Dean…Dean…DEAN!” she began shouting, and her spirit soared as she heard her lover call her name back.  Suddenly she remembered the black box and the laser beam triggers.  “DEAN, STOP!  DON’T COME IN HERE.  IT’S BOOBYTRAPPED!” 


Dean had just reached the opening when she heard the warning and came to a sliding stop barely an inch inside the opening.  She saw the black box and held her arms out to the side to stop Tracy or Linna from entering. 


“Katie!  Are you all right?”  Dean visually examined the small chamber, then fixed on the wiring from the box to the holes.  “Okay, tell me what she did.”


Katie looked over her shoulder and was buoyed by the sight of the three women.  “Natasha has set small charges in the walls and floor.  Not enough to cause a cave-in, but enough to set this railing free and send me into the Falls.  The charge is set for 6 o’clock.  The box also has a series of laser beams that will trigger the charges ahead of the timer if the beam is interrupted.”  Realizing the futility of the situation, compounded   by her prolonged exposure to the elements, Katie began to cry.


Seeing the tears fall from her lover’s eyes steeled Dean’s resolve.  “Hang in there, love, we’ll figure a way around this.  You’ll be okay.”


“I will be if you can figure out a way to get me out of here.  We’re running out of time.”


Dean checked her watch and turned to her companions.  “Can’t go in from here, so we’ll have to get her from out there.”  Dean hooked her thumb towards the Falls.


“You have a plan?” Tracy asked.


“Maybe.  Linna, go back upstairs and grab the rope we saw in the changing room and see if there’s any more laying around.”  She hesitated, then added, “Better take the gun, in case your friend wakes up.”


“Right!” Linna answered, taking the weapon from Tracy’s hands before running back down the tunnel to the elevators.


“You’re coming with me,” Dean said as she grabbed Tracy’s coat.  They ran the twenty-five feet back to the middle chamber.  Dean vaulted the first railing, stopping on the other side to help Tracy over it.  She spoke as she took off her belt and wrapped one end over her fist, handing the other end to Tracy.  “Okay, I’m going to see what it looks like between here and Katie.  Grab hold of my belt and don’t let go!”  Before Tracy could comment, Dean climbed gingerly over the safety railing and stretched around the corner.


The water coming down was occasionally whipping in toward the opening in sheets of spray, soaking Dean quickly.  In between the bursts of spray, Dean was able to take stock of the wall of rock between her and Katie.  The water thundering down did not run against the wall.  In fact, the wall almost bowed inward at what looked to be a 75 to 80 degree angle.  Just enough to let her body rest against it as she found holds for her hands and feet.  It would be an almost impossible journey, but she had to try.  Katie’s life …and her soul, depended on it.  When she inched her way back to the safety railing, Linna was there with the rope and some quarter inch cable that had loops on both ends.   


“I found some plastic cable ties too and trussed up my friend good and tight,” She smiled at Dean and handed her a couple of extra items.  “I thought you might need these, too.”  She handed Dean a pair of insulated work gloves and a rock pick.  Linna reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small bolt cutter.  “These may come in handy too.”


“Great.  Thanks.”  It took another couple of minutes to get the rope and cable ready.  Dean had put her belt back on, and slipped the rock pick into it, the bolt cutters into her back pocket, put on the gloves and hopped back over the railing.  “Don’t let go,” she commanded as she winked at them before edging around the corner.  The first few hand and foot holds were easy to find, but the whipping spray made it hard to see too far ahead.  Blindly reaching forward, she felt a piece of metal jutting out from the rock wall.  Squinting, she was able to make out a large metal hook.  “Now that’s handy.”  She pulled herself closer and slipped some of the rope slack over the hook.  The mist eased a bit and Dean spotted another hook, but it was just out of her reach.  Searching for another handhold she came up blank.  “Guess I’ll have to make my own,” she mumbled as she pulled out the rock pick with her left hand and spied a likely spot.  She was thankful that the wall of stone was not perfectly vertical.  In fact, it was angled enough that she could rest her body against the wall as she chipped away at the limestoneIt only took about a minute to get it deep enough, but a minute per handhold was going to be too long if she had to do this often.  Slipping the pick back into her belt, Dean inched forward again, then once more and she was at the next hook.  She caught her breath while searching the rocks.  “Aha, there you are.  I’m sure glad someone stuck these here ahead of time.”  She reached for the next hook. It was just slightly out of reach, but she tried again and was able to get her fingertips on it.  Mentally crossing her fingers, she released the hold she had with her right hand, and lunged a bit toward the new hook.  Relief swept over her as she wrapped her left hand tightly against the hook.  Finding purchase for her feet, she swiftly moved forward again.  This time she was able to see Katie’s outline through the blowing mist. 


“I’m almost there, love.  Hang on,” she shouted over the roar.


Hearing Dean’s voice coming from the outside startled Katie.  “Where are you?”


“Just about eight feet away from you.  I’ll be there in a sec.”


Not seeing another hook, Dean explored the wall for a good spot.  Luck? God? Skill?  Something was with her and she found a nice niche for her left hand.  Now she just needed one for her foot, but the constant spray of water against the rock made it hard to keep her feet from sliding off.  She carried most of her weight on her hands and only relied on her feet to transfer her hand grips. 


This last bit of distance was the toughest as she hung on dearly with just her fingertips on her left hand and the grip on the hook with her right.  Finally, her left toe struck something sticking out just a wee bit as she nearly did the splits to get more of her foot on the small ledge.  Pressing her body against the wall, she released her right hand and started to creep ever-so-slowly to her left, hanging on to whatever little grip she could find with her right hand.  “Okay, one more set of hand and foot holds and we’ve got it made.”  Dean explored the wall and found a good foot hold, but came up empty once more for her hand.  She quickly pulled out the pick and began whacking at the rock.  This time it took a bit longer before she was satisfied with the grip.  Reaching, stretching, changing her position and shifting her weight, she was now able to reach the very end of the railing and pulled herself next to Katie.


“Okay, let’s get you out of these manacles.  She pulled out the bolt cutters and went to work on the set, holding Katie’s left wrist and making short work of the chain to free that hand.  “Now, let’s get over this railing before I do the next one.”


“You think it’s safe?” Katie asked as she wrapped her left arm around Dean’s neck.


“We’ll soon find out.  Try to stay close to the railing, though,” Dean instructed as she helped lift her exhausted mate over the rail, glad to see there was no reaction.  “Good.  Now, let’s get the other one off.”  Dean snuck a peek at her watch as she tackled the cuffs on Katie’s right hand.  Four minutes to spare, she thought as she snapped through the chain easily.  She looked at the charges and figured they were set to blow outward toward the Falls.  Deciding that their best bet was to run right at the black box, she looked at her lover, “Katie, do you think you can run?”


Her legs were weak and she was shivering violently, but Katie nodded her head in affirmation.  “I won’t set any records, but I’ll give it my best shot.”


“Natasha was right when she said the charges would just loosen the railing.  It even looks like they’re set to blow out toward the Falls.  My guess is, if we run toward the tunnel, the blast will be focused out, and we should be in the clear.”  Again, she mentally crossed her fingers.  “I’m also guessing that the laser beams are concentrated on the opening by the tunnel, so we should be able to get over the next railing without setting anything off.  Once I get you over, stay close to the wall.”  Dean pulled Katie to her, kissing her forehead softly.  “Ready?”


“I’m ready,” Katie chattered.


“Slowly, to the next railing,” she said as she held Katie tightly around the waist.  The two women moved the eight feet toward the next railing.  Dean helped Katie over and waited.  No blast.  That’s good.  Now it’s my turn.  Guess I’d better take this rope off now.  As she reached down to untie the rope, the explosives blew, sending a shower of rock chips inward while the main blast went out.  Dean fell toward the remaining railing, from the force of the small blast.  Just as she started to recover, she felt herself being pulled toward the Falls  What the heck?  She hung on to the railing as she looked over her shoulder to see a part of the blasted railing caught on her rope.  The iron railing had to weight at least three hundred pounds.  Between the force of the blast and its sheer weight, it was beginning to win the battle.  “Katie, quick.  Get the bolt cutters out of my back pocket and cut this damn rope before it drags me over the side.”


* * * * *


Tracy and Linna had been feeding out the rope, and now the cable as Dean made progress across the rock face. 


“Looking good,” Linna told Tracy as they let out some more cable.  “She should be there by now.”


“Let’s hope so.”


They waited for a long time, before the cable tugged once more, cueing them to relax their grip and let out more cable.  They were nearly to the end of the cable and they both looked at each other with concern.


“I would have thought we had plenty of rope and cable,” Linna said.


“Maybe she had to alter course to get handholds?

“Well, I hope she doesn’t need much more,” Linna commented as she tightened her grip once more just as the charges went off.


“Shit!  Hold on tight!” Tracy shouted as they pulled on the rope when it tugged violently.


* * * * *


“Hurry!” Dean shouted, and Katie’s numb fingers groped for the tool.  Dean felt a second jerk on the rope and almost lost her grip.


“Got it,” Katie said as she pulled them free and went to work on the rope.  Not able to fit the cutter on the piece of rope around Dean’s waist, she opted to lean out over Dean’s body to reach the rope extending out.  “Almost there.”  Finally, the rope snapped in two and whipped over the edge, freeing Dean at last.


“Damn, that was close,” Dean commented as she sat on the floor of the chamber.


* * * * *


Unbeknownst to Tracy and Linna, they were feverishly adding to the strain on Dean’s waist and her grip on the railing.  When Katie cut through the rope, it whipped through the railing, releasing the heavy weight and setting the rope free to backlash toward Tracy and Linna.  Without the weight at the other end, the two women promptly fell on their butts.


“NO!” they shouted in unison as they crashed to the floor.  Releasing the cable they still held in their hands, they jumped up and ran to the safety railing, their eyes trailing down the freely dangling cable, no sign of Dean at the other end.


“Oh, my God…she’s gone!”  They stood there staring out at the torrent of water, tears mixing with the spray of Niagara on their faces. 


Linna was the first to speak.  “Do you suppose they both went?”


“Went where?” the voice behind them asked.


Turning their heads, they saw Dean holding Katie against her tightly, and then they looked back over the railing.  “We thought...” Linna and Tracy looked at each other and grinned, before hugging each other with everything they had.  Hopping over both railings, they ran up and hugged their two very alive, very safe, friends. 


“Let’s get out of here,” Dean croaked as Linna bear hugged her one more time.


* * * * *


Chapter 24

16 December, 0800 Hours


Dean tried to roll over onto her side in the warm bed, but found her movement impeded by her lover’s body wrapped tightly around her torso.  Closing her eyes, she replayed the events of the evening after they took the elevator back to the changing room.  When they got there, they found several Provincial Police officers and the helicopter pilot from Niagara Helicopters coming down the stairs.  Thanks to the pilot, they were spared much of the questioning at the site and were escorted instead to the local hospital, where Katie was examined for her exposure and given warm, dry clothing and a good dose of medicine to ward off the ill effects of her ordeal.  Dean, too, was examined for possible soft tissue damage by the rope that had tried to cut her in two, and was also given a change of clothes.  The rest of the evening was spent explaining what happened to: 1) Colleen, 2) Martha and Joshua, 3) A bus load of seniors, 4) Tiny, and 5) their new friend Luke the helicopter pilot, who treated them to several rum toddies, swearing they would protect them from catching a cold.  The police were even considerate enough to postpone their statement until the next morning.  A police car would even be sent around to pick them up at noon.  Tracy and Linna were going to have to report to the police station with them, but right now, Dean was perfectly happy to be where she was.  Looking down at the blonde head nestled in the crook of her shoulder, she smiled at the contented feeling she was experiencing.  She bent her head, gently placing a kiss on Katie’s forehead.


“Is it morning already?” Katie mumbled into Dean’s chest.


“Mmhm.  But there’s no rush to get up.”  Dean reached over with her free hand and brushed the hair out of Katie’s eyes.


“Good, because I’m really warm and comfortable right here,” the blonde confessed, tightening the grip she had on her partner.


Dean wiggled down further under the comforter, getting a bit more comfortable before closing her eyes once more.


At ten in the morning, they were awakened by a soft knock on the door.  Dean checked the clock on the bedside table, before letting her head fall back on her pillow.


“Hey, love, guess we’d better get up.  It’s ten o’clock already.”  The knock came again, only this time a bit louder.  “That’s probably Tracy.”  Dean called out, “Just a minute,” before pulling off the covers.  She padded over to the chair where she had placed her duffle, rummaging in it for her sweat pants and a t-shirt.  Slipping them on, she waited until Katie was in the bathroom before she opened the door.


“Hey,” Tracy said as Dean opened the door.  “Are you two just getting out of the feathers?”


“Yep,” Dean replied as she waved her visitors in.  “We woke up earlier, but decided to just mellow out for a bit.  We must have been more tired than we thought.” 


“Well, from what I heard about your little adventure, I’d say you had a good reason to stay in bed,” Colleen said as she took a seat on the couch.  “In fact, I tried to get these two to leave ya’ll alone until at least noon.”  She looked over at her two companions as they both just hung their heads and stared at the floor.


Dean looked at them, her brows knitting together, “Aren’t you two supposed to be with your group this morning?”


“Yes and no,” Tracy hedged. “They went over to the Botanical Gardens today with a local tour guide.  After the events of yesterday, a couple of our regulars offered to take over for the morning tour.  This afternoon, they’re going to the casino, so we’ll be free for the memorial service.”


Linna lifted her head, a chagrinned look on her face, “Besides, we thought you might be hungry...or at least, Katie might be hungry.”


Dean smiled at her and nodded.  “Now that you mention it, food does sound like a good idea about now.  Does this place have a good restaurant?”


It took a few minutes for Dean and Katie to get ready, but they were off to the restaurant in no time flat. After ordering, Tracy looked over at Linna and said,  “So, Linna, are you going to explain that little show you put on for us yesterday?”


Linna blushed as four sets of eyes looked at her questioningly.  “Hey, he just took me by surprise, and I reacted.”


“Where did you learn those moves?” Tracy inquired earnestly.  “Did your son teach you that stuff?”  She looked at Dean and Katie to explain.  “Linna’s eldest son is a Tang Soo Do instructor, and quite a good one too.  National champ and all.”


The embarrassed secretary nodded, “Yeah, he did.  I’ve been messing with that stuff for quite a while now.  I just never had to use it before.  Guess it’s nice to know I can do it for real.”


“And what about the way you handled that Polish Pm84?  He teach you that too?” Dean asked seriously.


“Nah!  Just a lot of target practice and deer hunting,” Linna chuckled.


Dean raised an eyebrow and, grinning at Linna, said, “Hmm, interesting hunting style you have there, my friend,” which was followed by hearty laughter from everyone.


* * * * *


When they exited the chapel, a glorious setting sun greeted them.  Vivid purples and pinks, with a tinge of gold, played on the puffy clouds overhead.  The sight renewed their hearts and souls after the sorrow of saying final goodbyes to Tom.  The service was short, but very moving as friends and relatives came up to speak about the Tom they’d known.  It was obvious to Dean and Katie that there was much more to the man than they got to know, and it saddened them that they would never have the opportunity to explore that friendship further.


Tiny came up behind Dean and Katie and gave them a gentle hug.  As they stared at the beautiful sunset, he spoke softly, “Tom was a good man.  I’m going to miss him.”


“I’m so sorry, Tiny.  Natasha took her revenge on so many innocent people,” Dean said, leaning into the hug.


“Are you going to go back to the island?” Katie asked, looking into the sad eyes.


“Nope.  I think I’ll head back to Texas.  See what kind of trouble I can get into there.”  He smiled at his friends.  “Nick’s offered me a new job.  It’ll be a challenge, but he needs to beef up security at his new refinery…all high-tech stuff.  He’s working on a new product there.  It’s all hush hush.”


“Well, there’s nothing like a challenge to keep you on your toes,” Katie said, giving his arm a squeeze[PAK58] .


“Katie, Tiny, please … if I hear the word ‘challenge’ again … “ Dean drawled, shaking her head.  Katie smiled at her lover, wrapping her arm firmly around Dean’s waist.  She looked up into the beautiful sapphire eyes and said, “We’ll face the next one together.” 



The End








24 December, 1900 Hours


The holiday season was into full swing and Dean was looking forward to surprise party with all their friends tonight on Christmas Eve.  Dean had called everyone on the sly, swearing them all to secrecy to surprise Katie.  She knew how much Katie wanted to be around family and friends on this special day, and she even arranged for Martha and her father to join them.  The surprise was going to be perfect.  No one had spilled the beans and Dean couldn’t wait to see Katie’s face.


Dean was just finishing tending to the fire in the fireplace and Katie was fixing mugs of hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps.  They had spent the entire weekend putting the finishing touches on the holiday decorations and hiding from each other as they wrapped their gifts.  Katie just finished adding the last present under the tree before heading to the kitchen.  Satisfied with the way the flames were progressing in the fireplace, Dean stood and stretched.  She looked around the living room, smiling at the festive atmosphere.  It’s been so long since I’ve celebrated Christmas, and soon we’ll have a houseful of family and friends to enjoy this with us, Dean thought as she grinned happily at the thought of everyone opening the gifts she bought.  I can’t wait till Katie tackles the box with the tickets in it.  Dean had managed to arrange for a four-day vacation to St. Croix over the New Year’s holiday.  The resort was one of those with individual bungalows nestled on the hillside overlooking the bay.  Each one was completely self-contained and they even had their own little pool on the patio.  She requested the management stock the little kitchen with all sorts of goodies so they wouldn’t have to leave for anything unless they really wanted to.  Ah, peace and quiet after the holidays with nothing to do but be with my sweetie … I can’t wait!


Katie came out of the kitchen, mugs in hand, catching the sight of Dean grinning.  “You look like the cat that ate the canary love.  What’s got you in such a good mood?”


“Ohh, nothing.  Just enjoying the feeling.”


“Mmhmm,” Katie added wisely, grinning herself at the thought of Dean seeing her shiny, new, black Boxster when it gets delivered later tonight.  Ohhh, and wait till her Dad and Martha arrive.  She has absolutely no idea they’re coming.  And, Bill and Dirk will be here shortly.  And Tracy and Colleen should be here right after that with Linna and her hubby.  Oh, oh, … I sure hope she doesn’t get upset with my impromptu party.  I can’t believe no one slipped and let the cat out of the bag.


Dean walked over to her lover and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a big hug.  “Our first Christmas in our new house.”  She looked down into Katie’s eyes and the love she saw there filled her heart and her soul.  “I love you,” she said softly, bending to seal her statement with a kiss.  Katie’s lips welcomed the touch of Dean’s, and answered the love and passion that was given and taken so freely between them.  The kiss lingered on, until they finally broke contact, breathless and much warmer than they had been a minute ago.  “Mmm, how about we move this to a more comfortable spot.  I think the rug in front of the fireplace is calling our names.”


“I’ve always wanted to make love in front of a fireplace,” Katie responded tenderly, placing a hand against Dean’s cheek, “But, um, …” The doorbell chimed at that moment, a harbinger of the many friends that were expected that night.


Dean feigned a sigh, “Maybe if we ignore them they’ll go away,” she suggested.


Katie placed both hands on Dean’s chest and bowed her forehead into them.  “Honey, I don’t think they’ll go away…not when they’re invited.”


Two dark eyebrows rose in question, “And that would mean…what?”


“It would mean that I planned a little surprise for you this evening,” gathering her thoughts, she quickly went on, “Christmas eve is a time for family and friends.  And, I thought…well, I thought that it would be nice to have them here with us in our new home to help celebrate.”  She picked up her head and looked into Dean’s smiling face.  “You’re not upset are you?”


The doorbell rang again.  “I guess we better get that,” Dean chuckled as they walked to the door, “It’s probably Bill and Dirk.”


Katie looked up at her lover, “You knew?”


“I should,” she replied laughing.  “I invited them.”


“You … but, I … “ shaking her head she joined in with Dean’s deep laughter.  “Guess the surprise is on us, huh?”


* * * * *


By 2200, everyone was assembled and having a great time.  Christmas tunes were in the air, snacks were prepared and eaten, drinks were consumed, and laughter and love were everywhere.  Katie was sitting in Dean’s lap, subconsciously running her fingers through her lovers long raven hair.  They were all listening to a story Linna was telling about a trip she had chaperoned to New York City for the annual Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall.  As she told about the string of Murphy’s Laws that occurred during the trip, they all laughed as Linna explained.  The secretary had just finished her story when the doorbell rang once more.  The timing couldn’t have been more perfect.


Dean frowned as she checked her watch.  “Now who could that be?”


Katie, on the other hand, was grinning fiercely.  She had been waiting for this moment all evening.  “Hmmm, don’t know love.  Why don’t you go and see.”  She slid off Dean’s lap and watched her get up to answer the door.  When she got almost to the door, Katie signaled everyone to follow quietly.


Dean opened the door and found a rather rotund gentleman wearing a Santa suit standing at her doorstep.  “Yes?” she inquired politely, “May I help you?”


In a deep jovial voice the man asked, “Deanna,” he said as he pulled out a roll of paper from his pocket, allowing it to unfurl onto the sidewalk.  “According to my list … and I’ve checked it twice you know … you have been very good girl this year!”  He began a round of ‘ho ho ho’s’ grabbing his belly as he laughed.  Settling down from his laughter, he reached into his other pocket and brought out a little gold box and handed it to her with a wink.  “Like I said, you have been a VERY good girl.”  He winked again, touched his nose with his index finger, and then turned to leave a stunned Dean standing with the box in her hand.  All of her friends and family gathered around her as she stared at the box.


“Maybe you should open it,” Katie offered with a grin.


Dean nodded and opened the card on the box, reading the inscription, “With all my love, Katie.”  Then she opened the box, staring at the contents.


“Well?” Linna asked impatiently.  “What’dya get?”


Dean held up a key ring with a set of keys on it.  As she spied the logo on the keys, her eyes became round with surprise.  The entire group looked up as they heard a car engine purr up the driveway and stop before them.  Out popped Santa from the shiny black Boxster, waving at them, ‘ho ho’s’ coming freely.  Then he tipped his head and said, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!”


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