Part 21

The chirp of her cell phone woke Mia from a troubled sleep. "H’lo?"

"Open your bedroom door," Jordan’s soft voice said.

Half asleep, Mia got to her feet and opened the door, staring into the empty hallway.

"The other door," Jordan said, snickering.

"Jordy!" Now fully awake, Mia closed and locked the door to the hall, frantically keyed in the code for the alarm, then scampered across the room to throw open the French door that led to a small deck. A grinning Jordan stood right before her eyes, and Mia threw her arms around her and hugged her so tightly that the larger woman couldn’t take a breath. But she didn’t mind a bit — gladly willing to forsake breathing to be held in Mia’s fevered embrace.

"Let’s go inside," the blonde murmured. "I don’t want your parents to hear us. Their lights are still on."

Mia tugged her inside, then spent a minute running her hands up and down Jordan’s long body — trying to convince herself that her lover was really with her. "How did you manage this?" she asked, completely amazed.

"When I finished practice today, I decided I couldn’t stand the thought of you having to do this all alone," Jordan said. "I called Jamie, and she and Ryan came to get me from the airport. I was at your house when we talked earlier."

"Are you shitting me?" Mia asked, her tone a little loud for the setting.

"Shh! They’ll hear you!"

"Why didn’t you tell me you were here?"

"Because I didn’t want to put any more pressure on you. I knew you’d want to come home if you knew I was there — but I wanted you to stay here if you needed to."

"Damn, it feels wonderful to be in love with someone who cares for me so much," Mia murmured, wrapping her arms around Jordan’s neck.

"I do, I care for you more than anything else in the world."

Releasing her, Mia stood back and ran her hands over her lover’s body once again. "You look very cute in your USA warm-ups, but you’d look even cuter out of them. Can I?" she asked, her hands on the jacket’s zipper.

"Of course. There’s no one I’d rather be undressed by."

Mia made short work of the clothes, getting her down to her T-shirt and bikinis. "You’re still overdressed, but it’s pretty chilly in here. Let’s get into bed, and you can tell me how you managed to find your way down here." They climbed into the single bed, shifting around a bit to be able to fit. Suddenly, Mia sat up, and said, "Shit! If you parked on the street they’ll tow you!"

"I didn’t," Jordan assured her. "Jamie told me the whole drill. We called her mom, and I parked over there. I didn’t realize you guys lived so close to one another."

"And she told you which room was mine?"

"Yep. As well as how easy it is to scale the trellis by the garage. You know, I don’t feel very good about you sleeping in a room that’s so easy to get into."

"Well, if it wasn’t easy to get into, you wouldn’t be here now, so let’s be thankful for small favors." Mia cuddled up against her partner and said, "I can’t believe this, but I haven’t even kissed you."

"Let’s make up for lost time," Jordan said, grinning widely.

Mia laced a hand through her hair and pulled Jordan’s lips close. "I love you so much," she whispered. Pressing her lips gently against Jordan’s, she let the familiar sensations wash over her body. The smaller woman greedily delighted in the exquisite smoothness of her lover’s skin; the way their bodies molded so perfectly against each other; the firmness of Jordan’s supple muscles; the soft resiliency of her breasts; the minty taste of her freshly brushed teeth. Each kiss made her hunger for more — her need to merge with Jordan growing so powerful that she was unable to resist.

Jordan’s hand slipped under Mia’s long T-shirt and rhythmically squeezed her ass, her kisses growing more passionate as her hands continued to explore.

Without even being aware that she had moved, Mia found her hands happily filled with the warm, supple flesh of Jordan’s breasts. Her tongue darted into the receptive mouth as her fingers gently pinched the firming nipples.

"Oh, God," Jordan sighed, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs apart. She maneuvered Mia into position and wrapped her legs around her, pressing her lover against her need. Her powerful thighs flexed, and Mia growled when her mound ground against Jordan’s heat.

"I’ve missed you so much," Mia murmured, kissing down Jordan’s neck and sinking her teeth into the delicate skin in the hollow of her shoulder.

Suddenly, Jordan held her tight, her eyes wide with alarm. She placed a finger to her lips, then pointed at the door. Sharpening her senses, Mia heard something creak, then heard the knob on her door turn. Her eyes nearly popped from her head, but then she remembered that she’d locked the door. To her dismay, there was a very gentle knock, and she rolled her eyes at Jordan, shrugged her shoulders, then got up and went to the door. "Who is it?" she asked.

"It’s me," her father said. "Are you all right?"

"Uhm … yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?"

"Well, we thought we heard something, then your mother noticed that the alarm wasn’t on, and that your door to the deck was open. Are you sure you’re all right, honey?"

She unlocked the door and opened it a crack. "I’m fine, Dad. I couldn’t sleep, so I went out onto the deck for a minute to watch the stars."

"Do you want to talk some more?"

"No, no, really, I’m okay. I only have a T-shirt on, Dad, and I’d like to get back into bed so I can warm up."

"Oh! Well, go do that, baby. I just wanted to check to make sure you were all right."

"I’m fine, Dad. I’ll see you in the morning — and I’ll lock the door and turn the alarm back on, too."

"G’night, honey."

"G’night, Dad. Thanks for checking on me."

She closed the door and leaned against it, holding her hand over her heart and beating lightly on her chest to show how hard it was fluttering. Jordan looked absolutely panic-stricken, and Mia quickly locked up and crawled back into bed. "Well, I’m still excited, but it’s a whole ‘nother kind of excitement. Now, where were we?"

Jordan grasped her shoulders to prevent her from leaning in for another kiss. "Are you crazy? We can’t have sex with them both awake!"

"I’ve had sex in here dozens of time," Mia said. "They only saw the patio door open — they didn’t hear us."

"No, no, no," Jordan said, her blonde hair bouncing. "There’s no way I could relax enough." She looked into Mia’s eyes for a moment, saying, "It’s enough for me to hold you. Isn’t that enough for you?"

Swallowing her disappointment, Mia nodded. "It is. Holding you is all I need to be happy."

"Just cuddle up against me and tell me everything that happened today," Jordan said. "I want to know every single thing."

Placing a quick kiss on her cheek, Mia did as she was asked, starting, "Well, I got home at about four, and my mom was making my favorite dinner …"

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Is she all right?" Anna Lisa asked, a little anxiety in her voice.

"She’s fine." Adam took off his robe and tossed it onto a chair. He slid into bed and wrapped his arm around his wife, cuddling her close to his chest. "She said she couldn’t sleep, so she went onto her deck to watch the stars."

"Well, at least she didn’t sneak out by climbing down the trellis like she used to."

"Whose idea was it to give her the room with the escape route?" Adam asked, chuckling.

"That was poor planning on my part," Anna Lisa admitted. "I was silly enough to think that our son would be the one we’d have to keep a close watch on."

"It didn’t work out that way, did it, honey?" Adam asked.

"No, but at least we didn’t have two like Mia. I don’t think I could have taken that."

"Mia’s one of a kind, honey. She’s truly unique."

"Oh, Adam, what are we going to do with her?"

"There’s not much we can do, Anna. She’s 21 now, and she’ll graduate in just a couple of months. We’ve done our best raising her, now we have to let her make her own choices."

"I can’t do that, Adam, I can’t. You’re right when you say we don’t have much control — that’s why we have to use what we have while we still have it."

"I don’t see what that’s going to buy us, Anna. I think we should let her do what she wants. What’s the chance of this lasting long, anyway? She’s never had a boyfriend for longer than a year or a year and a half. Why will this be any different?"

"This isn’t what I want for her, Adam! I can’t let her do what she wants this time. We have to show her how much we disapprove!"

"But, I don’t disapprove as much as you do. I don’t think Mia’s a lesbian, either, but I know her well enough to know that the best way to make her dig her heels in is to say no."

"You might be right, Adam, but this time I feel like we have to make a point. I know we can’t force her to do what we want, but we can make her have to endure a little hardship to support her choices."

"I don’t think it will work, Anna."

"It might not," she conceded. "But we have to be united on this, Adam. I truly think this is the way to go."

"All right," he sighed. "We’ll try it your way — and see what happens." He stroked his wife’s back for a few moments, then said, "Can we try to have a nice morning? I don’t want the whole day to be filled with tension."

"I’ll do my best, honey," Anna Lisa said. "I love Mia so much, Adam. I hate to yell at her, but she makes me see red!"

"Try to mend fences a little. Let her see how much you love her — try to get her to talk about Jordan, so she feels you’ve at least heard her side."

"I don’t want to know anything about her," Anna Lisa sniffed.

"Then put on an act. You always act interested when my mother talks about her golf game — if you can do that, you can do this."

Anna Lisa chuckled softly and snuggled closer to her husband. "You’re right. If I can sit through dinner with your mother, I can do anything."

* * * * * * * * * * *

"I’m getting stiff," Mia murmured. "Can we switch sides?"

"Mmm … my shoulder’s asleep," Jordan said. "Are you sure you used to sleep with people in this little bed?"

"Well," Mia drawled, "there wasn’t much sleeping going on, but I’ve had several overnight guests."

"Oh … so that’s what we’re doing wrong. This bed works better when your guest is on top of you, rather than next to you."

Mia shifted around and pushed Jordan onto her back, then climbed on top of her. "Does it bother you, honey?"


"Does it bother you that I’ve had other people sleep with me here?"

"I uhm … I don’t spend my time thinking about things like that, Mia. I … I try to focus on what I have — rather than what I wish I had."

"That wasn’t a very forthright answer, Jordy." Mia rose up and rested her weight on one arm, stroking her lover’s cheek with the tips of her fingers. "Does it bother you?"

"Look," Jordan said, gazing into Mia’s eyes. "Here’s what I wish for. I wish that I had grown up in Hillsborough, and had met you in high school. I wish that you were the first person I ever kissed; the first person who ever touched my body; the first person that I ever desired. And I wish that the same had been true for you. I wish we’d been together for 4 or 5 years by now, and that our parents were totally cool with our relationship. That’s my ideal. Everything else leaves something to be desired."

"So, it does bother you — a tiny little bit?"

"It doesn’t bother me, Mia. I honestly don’t think about it — unless a cute little brown eyed girl forces me to," she added, straining to reach Mia’s lips for a kiss. "I like to look at it positively. If you’d been as inexperienced as I was, we still wouldn’t have kissed. We’d be sitting up all night, talking and talking. We’d both have laryngitis."

Chuckling, Mia settled back down on top of her partner. "I guess you have a point. Boy, I’m glad we started kissing." With a contented purr, Mia started to kiss Jordan’s soft lips, once again finding her hands snaking up under the T-shirt to cup her breasts. "I can’t resist," the brunette murmured, pushing the shirt up as she scooted down the bed and captured a pert nipple in her mouth.

"Oh, baby," Jordan murmured, her eyes closing while her hands went to Mia’s shoulders. She had every intention of pushing the determined mouth away, but Mia’s touch was so delightful, and her mouth was so warm, that she found herself urging her on. "Oh, that’s the way … just how I like it. Ooo … that feels so fine."

The smaller woman lifted up enough to pull her shirt over her head, then she tugged Jordan’s off as well, the blonde not protesting a bit. Sliding off the athletic body and lying on her side, Mia started to gently lick the soft, pink flesh — starting at the very base of each breast and continuing up until she sucked the firming nipple into her mouth. She was determinedly working her way around the entire mound when she heard her lover’s voice.

"Mia," Jordan moaned, "honey, you know that makes me lose my mind."

"I want you to lose your mind," Mia insisted, maneuvering Jordan onto her side and slipping a leg between her thighs. "I want to make you absolutely crazy."

"But your parents …"

"It’s 4 a.m., Jordy. They’re asleep — I’m sure of it."

"But what if they’re not? Mia, we can’t risk it."

"Wasn’t it a risk when you climbed the trellis? Isn’t it a risk to be in my bed?"

"Yes, of course it is, but you know how we get. Neither one of us is very careful … or very quiet."

"Mmm … don’t you want me to touch you?" Mia asked, her voice soft and sweet and so very persuasive. She rocked her hips, sliding her thigh against Jordan’s vulva, smiling to herself when her lover’s eyes closed and she bit her lower lip.

"Of … of course I do," Jordan gasped, "but we shouldn’t."

"We’ll be quiet," Mia promised. "We don’t have to rock the house. I’ll just hold you and love you — quietly."

"We shouldn’t, Mia. We should … wait." Mia felt her lover’s whole body shake, and knew she was close to giving in.

"Make you a deal," Mia said. "You seem a little confused, so I think we should let your body decide. Let’s take a little peek and see how she votes." Before Jordan could react, Mia slid a hand down her belly and snuck under her waistband. Determined fingers parted her gently, and Mia growled into Jordan’s ear when her fingers were immediately coated with her essence. "That’s an unequivocal yes."

"I … I can’t be quiet when you touch me," the blonde groaned. "I just can’t."

"We’ll be quieter if we keep our mouths busy," Mia said. She started to slide down Jordan’s long body, a lascivious leer on her face. By the time she had snuck under the covers, she was surprised by Jordan’s long, elegant fingers preventing her from reaching her goal. Popping her head out of the covers, Mia said, "Hey! That’s my spot!"

"No way," Jordan said, smiling warmly. "You put your head right back down there and give me a little help. I can only be quiet if I have some control."

Eyes twinkling, Mia slipped back under the covers, saying, "I’ve never watched you touch yourself. This is cool!"

"Now remember, we have to be as quiet as little mice," Jordan said. She reached down and started to pull her panties down, starting when Mia latched onto them with her teeth and playfully removed them.

"You’re good at that," Jordan whispered, lifting the covers to gaze into Mia’s warm, brown eyes.

"Shh … we’re being quiet," Mia reminded her. She spread Jordan’s legs and rested her head on a muscular thigh, waiting patiently until the knowing fingers began to move.

Unable to resist the urge, Mia slipped a finger into Jordan as soon as the blonde began to touch herself. "Ooo … you’re so hot and wet," she moaned, her words muffled by the heavy blanket. Jordan’s scent was always alluring, but being under the blanket intensified the experience for the brunette, making her mouth water. Needing as much of the long-legged beauty as she could get, Mia started to kiss and suck the smooth skin of her lover’s perfect thighs. As Jordan’s fingers sped across her shimmering wetness, Mia bit and licked the pale skin, groaning right along with her excited partner.

After a few minutes, Jordan began to gasp for breath, her climax rapidly approaching. Mia slipped another finger into her, then started to lick all around Jordan’s fingers, competing with the blonde for precious space.

Jordan clapped her free hand over her own mouth, stifling the cry that desperately wanted to emerge. Mia heard the strangled moaning, and she climbed up her lover quickly, pulling Jordan’s hand away — only to replace it with her mouth. Kissing her rabidly while Jordan’s body still bucked and shook, Mia finally pulled away — both of them panting and gasping for air.

Holding her lover in her arms until Jordan had recovered, Mia teased her, "Such a bad little girl. If I hadn’t covered your mouth, my dad would have been down here with his shotgun."

"Your dad has a shotgun?"

"No, silly, my mom’s the enforcer around here. And she’s harmless as long as she can’t get to the butcher knives."

"Maybe I should leave now," Jordan said, only partly kidding.

"If you try to leave now, I’m the one you have to fear," the brunette warned. "I’m so hot, I’m smoking!"

"Let me help you put out the fire," Jordan said, starting to scoot down the bed.

"No, no, no," Mia said, grasping Jordan’s shoulders and pulling her back up. "If you go down there, I have no ability to control myself. Let’s keep it nice and simple and safe, babe.

Blinking up at her with guileless blue eyes, the blonde asked, "Just a tiny taste? I promise I won’t stay long."

"Uh-uh," Mia said, unyielding. "Your talented mouth is too much to resist. If I feel that fabulous tongue on me, you’re in for the duration — and that could have disastrous results."

"You’re no fun," Jordan said, grinning at the compliment.

"We’ll see how much fun you have when my mom’s chasing you down the street with a butcher knife," Mia warned, taking her lover’s hand and guiding it home.

* * * * * * * * * * *

At 7 a.m., a tall, blonde woman rolled over and reached blindly for the ringing phone. Unsure of the time, or even the day, she knocked the receiver to the floor, cursing softly while she fumbled for the instrument. "H’llo?" she muttered.

"It’s Mother."

Blinking the sleep from her eyes, the woman disentangled herself from the body of her lover, trying to figure out what was going on. "Why … what … what time is it?"

"It’s 7 a.m."

"Did somebody die? Why are you calling so early, Mom?"

"Because I spent most of the night tossing and turning — getting almost no sleep. I want answers, Cassie, and I want them now."

"Answers? What answers?"

"I want to know why you stooped to the depths of selling a bit of nasty gossip to a tabloid! We’re not the type of people who do that kind of thing!"

Her brain started firing, and Cassie slipped out of bed, pulling on her robe as she left the bedroom. Her boyfriend knew nothing of her association with the tabloids, nor with the money she had received. Speaking quietly, she sat in the living room and said, "I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mom. I don’t read those things."

"I didn’t ask if you read them, Cassie. I asked why you sold two stories to them!"

"I didn’t!" she said. "How can you even think I’d do that?"

"Cassandra Leighton Martin, I’m going to ask you this just once. Did you, or did you not sell stories to the National Inquisitor?"

"I did not," the younger woman said, sounding absolutely guileless.

There was a short period of silence, then Laura said, "If I didn’t hate her so much, I’d call Catherine Evans and apologize."


"I told her yesterday that I was very proud of the way you’d turned out. Now, I’m not so sure. I don’t appreciate being lied to, Cassie, and this makes me wonder about many choices you’ve made this year."

"Oh, God, here comes the lecture about Nick again, right?"

"You know I don’t like that boy, and neither does your father. I see no potential in him at all, and he might as well be an orphan for all the good his family will do for him."

"His parents are very nice," the young woman insisted. "His father makes a very good living selling cars, Mom."

"Selling cars," Laura sniffed. "Will you listen to yourself? You’re 22 years old, Cassie, and the contacts you make now are vital. Most women marry someone who they meet in college — you can’t afford to waste you time on this boy."

"We’re just dating, Mom, we’re certainly not engaged."

"Well, given that you’ve proven that you feel perfectly comfortable lying to me, I see no reason to believe what you have to say about this topic."

"I’m not lying, Mom." Yawning, she asked, "Can I go back to bed, now?"

"Certainly. I hate to keep you from your pressing business. Oh, one last thing. Don’t expect any more deposits to your checking account. You’ve gotten your last dime from your father and me."


"You heard me. I know you got $100,000 from the National Inquisitor. You can run through that until you graduate."

"But … but … I …"

"Yes?" Laura asked. "You had something to say?"

"You can’t do that to me, Mom! I don’t have any money!"

"You can lie all you want, Cassie. I saw the drafts that went into your account."

"But … but … I had to give the money away."

"Pardon me?"

"Jamie’s big dyke girlfriend showed up here and made me write her a check for every dime I had!"

"She threatened you?" Laura asked.

"Yes … yes, she did!"

"My God! What kind of a brute is Jamie hooked up with?"

"She’s horrible, Mom, really horrible. I think she’s been following me around school, too. She caught me alone in the bathroom the other day and I thought she was going to molest me!"

Totally shocked, Laura said, "Did you call the campus police?"

"No … uhm … I’m afraid of what she’ll do to me if I report her. She killed a man, Mom!"

Laura took a breath, then said, "Well, then you’d better call the police! As much as I disapprove of what you did, that woman shouldn’t be allowed to get away with harassing and robbing you."

"Uhm … I can’t do that. She … she blackmailed me."

"First it was force, and now it’s blackmail? Get your story straight, Cassie. This is getting ridiculous."

"She … she created a video game that showed me getting fat," Cassie said, her reason for giving away $90,000 sounding less catastrophic now that she was recounting it. "She was going to show it to everyone if I didn’t give her the money."

Once again, silence reigned for long moments. " I can’t guess which of the tales you’ve told are true. All I know is that you aren’t going to receive any more money from your father and me. You have a lot of growing up to do, Cassie. I suggest you get busy."

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Mia, breakfast is almost ready," Adam said as he knocked lightly on her door at 8 a.m.

"Be right down, Dad."

As they heard Adam’s footsteps retreat down the hall, the young lovers continued the bout of frenzied kissing they’d been engaged in when he’d knocked. Jordan had her hand on the door to the deck, but Mia was holding on to her so tightly that she couldn’t move an inch. "I’ve got to go," the blonde murmured between kisses. "Even if your parents don’t see me, the neighbors will."

"You can’t see the house from the street. I’ll go downstairs in my usual noisy fashion — and my parents won’t hear a thing. The kitchen’s at the other end of the house, and my mom always has music on in the morning."

"I could hide out here all day," Jordan said. "I’d like to keep an eye on you, and be here if you need me."

"I need you every minute," Mia said, kissing her again. "But you should go back to Berkeley and go to bed. You didn’t have a minute’s sleep, and I know how you need your rest."

"Will you call me?" Jordan asked.

"Yes, of course I will. I’ll call before I come home — but it might be late afternoon or early evening. Is that okay?"

"You stay as long as you need to. This is important, Mia. I want your parents to be on our side — and the chances of that are much higher if you spend some time explaining this to them."

"I’ll do my best. Now, go home and sleep! I won’t call before 4 or so — so you go crawl into my bed and dream of me."

"I will. I’m sure I’ll fall asleep immediately since I’ll be able to smell your scent on your pillow."

"If you need to relax, just open the bottom drawer of my bedside table," Mia said, grinning impishly. "My Jordy substitutes are all in there."

Chuckling, Jordan shook her head. "I want to wait for the real Mia. There is no substitute." She clutched Mia to her chest and said, "And tonight, I get to savor every inch of you. We can rock the house, baby."

* * * * * * * * * * *

To Mia’s complete amazement, the morning went stunningly well. Anna Lisa and Adam asked dozens of questions about Jordan and her future plans, and Mia went to her father’s computer and showed her parents some PG-rated pictures of Jordan playing for Cal, and her profile and picture on the USA Volleyball website. By mid-day, Mia was feeling remarkably relaxed, and she gladly accepted her mother’s offer to make her favorite dinner — and actually finish it this time. Even though she desperately wanted to be with Jordan, she knew that her lover was right — and that making peace with her parents was critical.

As the day went on, she felt practically giddy — her parent’s support meant so much to her that she couldn’t help but kiss and hug each of them every time she had an opportunity. Taking a break, she called Jordan at around 5. "Hey, baby, how’s my girl?"

"I’m good," Jordan said, stretching her muscles out. "I’ve been lazing around in bed all day, watching TV and napping on and off. I think I’m about ready for a big dose of my favorite woman. When will you be home?"

"Not for a while. My mom wants to make dinner for me — since she threw yesterday’s out. Do you mind?"

"No, I’ll see if I can find something around here to eat. No problem."

"What are Jamie and Ryan doing?"

"Oh, they’re going to a party."

"Oh, right! I said I’d go with them. When are they leaving?"

"Pretty soon. Ryan says it’s a ‘bring your own everything’ party, so they’re gonna stop and get some carry outs to take for dinner."

"Why don’t you go with them, honey? Then you can have dinner and socialize a little. I can come pick you up from there and take you back to Berkeley."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I’d rather you went — I don’t want you hanging around the house, waiting for me."

"All right. If you’re positive."

"I am. Let me talk to Ryan so I can get directions, okay?"

"Okay. I’ll see you when you get there, Mia. I’m counting the minutes."

"Me, too. I love you, Jordy."

"I love you, too. Remember that if things get tough tonight, okay?"

"I always do. You’re never far from my thoughts, sweetheart."

* * * * * * * * * * *

After getting the details from Ryan, Mia went back downstairs to watch her mother make another attempt at chicken and dumplings. While her mother kneaded the dough, Mia gave her a shoulder massage, and the older woman purred with pleasure from the sensation. "You’re so good at that," Anna Lisa murmured.

"I’ve gotten better since I’ve been with Jordan," Mia said. "She’s gotten thousands of massages throughout her career, and she’s shown me some techniques that have helped me improve."

"I’ll just bet she’s shown you some techniques," Anna Lisa grumbled, with her first sarcastic comment of the day.

"Mom," Mia said, turning her mother so she could see her face. "Jordan was a virgin when we made love. She’s taught me a lot about love, but she didn’t know squat about how to have sex. I’m telling you — once and for all — this was my idea. I’m the one who pursued her — I’m the one who made the first and the second and the third and the fourth moves. If anyone should be upset — her mother should be angry with me!"

"It doesn’t sound like her mother would care if she were dating a serial killer."

"She probably wouldn’t," Mia said. "She’s a sorry excuse for a parent." She wrapped her arms around her mother and gave her a gentle hug. "You’ve always been a good parent, Mom, and part of the reason you’re good is because you care about me, and you want to make sure I make good choices in life. I know this one is hard for you to accept, but it’s the right one for me — I’m sure of that."

"I know you are, Mia," Anna Lisa said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I can see how determined you are about this."

"Jordan means everything to me, Mom. I’ll do whatever I have to do to protect this relationship."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Mia pushed her chair away from the table, moaning, "I wish I’d worn sweats. I might be able to eat another bite or two if I had an elastic waistband."

"At least I don’t have to wonder if you liked it," Anna Lisa said, smiling at her. "It’s very simple to make, honey. I’d be happy to teach you."

"I wouldn’t enjoy as much it if I made it for myself. I think it’s so good because you make it for me."

"I’d do anything for you, Mia. I hope you know that." Anna Lisa looked down at the table and ordered her thoughts, then said, "Even when I do something that hurts you, or makes you angry, I do it because I think it’s the right thing for you."

The look on her mother’s face and the tone of her voice set off warning bells; and Mia quickly looked to her father, seeing him staring at the table. "What’s going on?" the younger woman asked.

"Your father and I have talked it over, and we’ve decided that we can’t support your choice to be in this relationship. I know this will upset you, but I want to make it clear that we support you — we just don’t think this is right for you."

"So, what does that mean?" she asked, her whole body starting to shake.

"We’ll do whatever we have to do to stop you from going forward with this, Mia. You made it clear that you don’t think you’re a lesbian — someday, probably soon — you’re going to see that this isn’t right for you. We’re trying to save you, and Jordan, from a lot of heartache."

"Bullshit!" she said, throwing her napkin down onto the table. "You’re full of it, Mom! That’s not your motivation, and you know it!"

"It is, too!" Anna Lisa shouted, her volume rising over Mia’s. "What kind of man will want to marry you when you tell him you were lovers with a woman for a year or two? This is only a phase, Mia, but it will come back to haunt you!"

"What in the hell are you talking about? I’d never marry a guy who was so narrow minded that it freaked him out to learn about Jordan! Besides, I’m not gonna marry anyone but her!"

"You’re being ridiculous!" Anna Lisa said. "You can’t marry her — you’ll never be able to marry her! There are laws against that kind of thing, and for good reason!"

"Great! just great! You’re probably gonna vote for Proposition 22! My own parents!"

"We are not," Adam said, looking to his wife for the confirmation that didn’t come. "Well, I’m not. I don’t want you to get hurt, Mia. I don’t want you to close off your options — you’re too young."

"I’m old enough to know that I’m in love," the younger woman declared. "You can’t change that!"

"Maybe not," Anna Lisa said, "but we don’t have to support it. If you continue with this, we’re not going to support you next year like we said we would."

Mia shoved her chair back, knocking it to the floor as she stood. "So, this is what love is, huh? You love me, and support me as long as I’m doing what you want. But as soon as I do something that doesn’t suit you — you cut me off financially. That sucks!"

"You watch your mouth, young lady, or we’ll cut your support off now!"

"Go right ahead," the younger woman spat. "I don’t want your fucking money!"

"Don’t you dare speak like that in this house!" Anna Lisa cried. "Don’t you dare!"

Mia leaned over her mother, fixing her with a fierce glower. "Fuckyou," she said, enunciating each word clearly.

"Mia!" Adam shouted. "You apologize to your mother, right now!"

"I will not," she said, giving him the same look. "You’re both a couple of hypocrites!"

She ran upstairs, throwing her things into her bag. Moments later, she was back downstairs, her parents still sitting at the dining table, but with Anna Lisa’s face now filled with rage. "You think you can talk to me like that? I’ll show you who’s boss, Mia! As of today — you’re cut off! Give me your car keys! You can take the bus back to Berkeley!"

"The car’s in my name," the younger woman said. "It’s paid off, and it’s mine!"

"You don’t pay the insurance!" Anna Lisa countered.

"Cancel it," Mia taunted her. "See if I care! I’ve got nothing, and if I get into an accident they can take me to the county hospital."

"We’ll see how long you last without your charge cards or your checking account," Anna Lisa said. "You know you can’t live without shopping!"

"I won’t have time to shop," Mia said. "I’ll be working."

"You know as well as I do that you don’t have the ability to get a decent job in Berkeley. What are you going to do? Make coffee at Starbuck’s after class?"

"I’m not going to be in Berkeley," Mia declared. "I’m going to be in Colorado Springs. I’ll send you my new address." She hoisted her bag onto her shoulder, and made for the door.

"Mia! Get back here right this instant!" her mother yelled.

"You can’t make me stay and listen to this crap," she said. "You don’t have any power over me, Mother. I’m going to be with Jordan — she’s the only one who loves me for who I am."

"We love you, Mia," her father said. "We really do."

"You’ve got a damned funny way of showing it, Dad. Cutting me off financially, and making me have to get a job to support myself isn’t the most loving act I’ve ever heard of."

"Anna, can’t we talk about this?" Adam asked in a pleading tone.

"No! Mia thinks she’s an adult. Let her prove it!"

Walking to the door, Mia stood with her hand on the knob for a moment, then turned and faced her mother. "I’m sorry I told you to fuck off. That was rude, and disrespectful." She reached for the door again, saying, "Goodbye," over her shoulder.

* * * * * * * * * * *

With tears streaking her face, Mia drove to the closest ATM. She took out $500, the maximum for a single day, then started to head towards the city. When she neared the airport, she had an idea, and took the first exit. After parking in a short-term lot, she went to Continental Airlines and found a pleasant woman at the ticket counter. "Hi," she said, sniffing a little. "I’m going to need to go to Denver on short notice. If I buy an unrestricted ticket, can I trade it in, or get a refund?"

"Yes. An unrestricted ticket is the same as cash. You can use it for any of our flights."

"Great." She looked at the receipt she’d gotten from the ATM, checking her balance. "I need a ticket that costs $1500, tax included. What have you got?"

The woman looked at her confusedly. "I’m not sure I understand …"

"Look," Mia said, "It’s too complicated to explain. I need to go to several different places over the next couple of months, but I’m not sure where or when. I’ve got $1500 in my account, but I won’t have it for long. So, I thought I’d better get a ticket to somewhere, and then trade it for what I need, when I need it."

The woman looked at her for a moment, then gave her a sympathetic smile. "Divorce?"

"Something like that," Mia nodded. "Bad break-up."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Back in her car, Mia dialed her parent’s home, pleased when her father picked up. "I cleared out my checking account, Dad. I’ll pay you back after I get a job, but I had to have enough money to get to Denver. I assume that Mom already canceled my charge cards."

"Uhm … yeah, she did," he admitted. "She tried to contact the bank, but they were closed."

"Well, I’d appreciate it if you don’t put a stop payment on the check I wrote to Continental Airlines. I think kiting a check for that much is a felony, and a prison record would really turn off the man you two envision me marrying."

"Mia, can’t we discuss this rationally?"

"I thought we had," she said. "But you know, you and Mom weren’t alone at all today. You had to have made up your minds about this last night."

He was quiet for a moment, then said, "That’s true."

"So, my talking about Jordan and trying to let you two see what she meant to me was a complete waste of my time. Nothing that I said mattered, Dad. Is that what you call discussing something rationally?"

"I’m sorry, honey," he said. "I swear that I am. I don’t want you to quit school and move away. Please reconsider."

"No, I can’t, Dad. I learned tonight that you have to have the guts to back up your choices in life. I … choose … Jordan."

* * * * * * * * * * *

The partygoers had to park so far away, that they were only four blocks from the O’Flaherty home. "Why didn’t we park in the garage and walk?" Ryan asked.

"Look at the bright side," Jamie said. "If you drink too much, you don’t have to worry about driving."

"The pizza’s getting cold," Ryan grumbled. "I should have dropped you guys off first."

"Then the pizza would be gone," Jordan said, bumping her friend with her hip. "I didn’t get lunch."

"You were asleep all day," Ryan reminded her. "I guess we could have hooked you up to an IV …"

"I didn’t get any exercise today, either," Jordan said. "Maybe I should take that pizza and run the rest of the way."

"No, thanks," Ryan said, clutching the box a little tighter. "I’ve seen how you can chow down when you’re hungry. I’m glad we bought a large."

"There’s plenty here for both of you," Jamie insisted. "Now, behave or I’ll have to separate you."

"Ahh … I haven’t heard that threat in years," Ryan said, smiling fondly.

"Well, if our kids are anything like you, you’ll be uttering that threat constantly in a few years," Jamie said, laughing at the insulted look on her lover’s face.

* * * * * * * * * * *

When they reached the proper street, Ryan ran in to a corner mini-mart and bought a twelve pack of beer — knowing that at least half of her purchase would be absconded with before the night was over. As usual, she bought the most offbeat brand she could find — merely so she could identify the thieves and give them a hard time.

Walking into the party, the trio was assaulted by a sea of humanity — seemingly filling every inch of the two-bedroom, second floor apartment. "Let’s try the other place," Ryan said, leading the way to the third floor.

"Other place?" Jamie asked.

"The party’s given by women who live on the second and third floors of this three flat," Ryan said. "Eventually, the guy on the first floor will get sick of their parties and move out — then they can have someone they know move in down there, and they’ll have the whole building."

As she had guessed, the third floor was significantly less crowded, and Ryan led the way to the kitchen, nodding and waving at people as they moved. A woman walked into the kitchen and gave Ryan a very friendly kiss, lingering longer than Jamie was comfortable with. "Bring your own, babe?" the woman asked.

"Yep," Ryan said. "Are you the enforcer, Judith?"

"Yeah. I try to catch people when they first get here and try to squeeze five bucks out of ‘em. But since you brought your own, you don’t have to pay."

"Oh, we can pay," Jamie offered. "Are you running short?"

Judith leaned against the counter and gave Jamie a long look. "Introductions, Rock?" she asked, her eyes never leaving the blonde.

"My fiancée," Ryan said with mock formality. "Jamie Evans, this is Judith Case."

"I never thought I’d see it," Judith said, shaking Jamie’s hand. "Are you sure you know what you’re getting into with this one?" She wrapped her arm around Ryan’s neck and gave her a gentle rap on the head.

"I’m learning more every day," Jamie said, sticking her tongue out at her partner. "This is our friend, Jordan, Judith. She helps me keep Ryan in line."

"Oh, I always knew it would take more than one woman to tame this one," Judith said, laughing heartily.

"It takes a village," Ryan said, wrinkling her nose at her old friend. "But Jamie has primary responsibilities."

"Well, give me a buzz if you need any help, Jamie. I know she can wear you out."

Jamie gave the woman an enigmatic smile, raising an eyebrow at her lover as Judith left the room. "Have you worn Judith out, sweetheart?"

"Uhm … wow, we’d better get these beers chilled, huh?" There were two plastic trash bins filled with ice, sitting in the middle of the kitchen, and Ryan dumped the beer into the depths, retaining three bottles for them to drink immediately. "Let me find a spot for the pizza, and we’re ready to rock."

"Silence is affirmation, O’Flaherty," Jamie said, making Jordan snicker.

"I take the fifth," the brunette said. "I never kiss and tell." She added a wink, saying, "You know I have a fatal weakness for blondes."

While giving her partner a pinch, Jamie looked around at the small counters, bursting with boxes, bags and takeout containers. "Martha Stewart would throw up if she took a peek into this place," she said, chuckling softly.

"Hey, they have a few decorative touches," Ryan insisted. "See the nice plants?"

The blonde took note of the six potted marijuana plants, with a grow light hanging over them. "My mistake," she giggled. "Martha is very much in favor of edible plants."

"Sorry you came?" Ryan asked, leaning over so only Jamie could hear. "Did meeting Judith bother you?"

"No, not at all, baby. I love to see how you lived in your single days. It’s like getting a glimpse into your past."

They took the pizza and tried to find a flat surface to place it on, but Ryan stopped short on the way to an empty coffee table. "What’s wrong?" Jamie asked, having run into her partner’s back.

"Look who’s on the sofa," Ryan said, sounding very unhappy.

Jamie took a peek around her shoulder, seeing Jordan put the pizza down on a table just feet from a torrid make-out session — being conducted by Sara and Ally.

"Oops," Jamie said. "Well, not much we can do about it now. We’d better go say hello."

"In a minute," Ryan said, turning on her heel and disappearing before Jamie could say another word.

Rolling her eyes, Jamie went over to sit on the floor and dig into the pizza. Noting Ryan’s absence, Jordan looked around questioningly. Jamie twitched her head in the direction of the trysting couple behind them, and Jordan nodded. Leaning in close, she asked, "What’s up with that? Does she like those two, or not? She invites them to her house, and then acts like she can’t wait to get away from them."

"That’s about it," Jamie admitted. "You’ll have to ask her if you want a more detailed answer. Sometimes the reasons behind her behavior elude me," she said, adding a wink. "Let’s eat as much as we can before she gets back. If she’s gonna pout, she’s gotta suffer."

* * * * * * * * * * *

After about ten minutes, Sara broke away from Ally’s fervid embrace, and ran her hands through her hair to settle it. Jamie saw the opportunity, and raised her voice above the din. "Hi, guys."

"Jamie!" Sara said, looking mortally embarrassed. Her eyes shifted to Jordan, and her head cocked a little, then she said, "Hi, Jordan. Uhm … I … uhm …"

Ally came to her rescue, saying, "Hi, Jamie, Jordan. Sorry about the blatant PDA. We haven’t seen each other for a few days. Sara was on a business trip, and she just got here a few minutes ago. You know how it is."

"I do," Jamie nodded, smiling.

"Count me in," Jordan said. "Mia’s supposed to be here soon, and when she gets here I want us to be doing exactly what you were doing."

"Where’s Ryan?" Sara asked, looking around the room.

"Oh, she’s around here somewhere. She knows an awful lot of people."

"How are things in Colorado, Jordan?" Sara asked.

"Cold … lonely," she said, smiling shyly. "But it would be perfect if Mia were with me."

"I know what you mean," Sara said, giving Ally a squeeze. "I just saw my sweetie on Tuesday night, and here I am, making a fool of myself."

"You don’t look foolish," Jamie insisted. "When Ryan and I were first together, we snuck around campus, making out in every dark corner we could find."

Sara looked at her for a moment, then said, "You know, I could spend the rest of the evening being embarrassed — or I could slip my arms around this gorgeous woman and kiss her until her toes curl." Leaning so close to Ally that the larger woman could feel her warm breath caress her lips, Sara added, "I’d have to be a fool not to choose to kiss her." As the pair came together again, Jamie turned her back to give them some privacy, and said to Jordan, "We’ve been together 9 months, and I can’t even get Ryan to stay in the same room with me. What am I doing wrong?"

"Want me to go find her for you?"

"Nah. She’ll show up when she’s good and ready. If she’s not back by the time Mia gets here, I’ll go find her." Her eye was caught by a curly head, and she elbowed Jordan. "I think it’s your turn to start kissing, buddy."

Jordan was on her feet in less than a second, dashing across the room to throw her arms around Mia and hug her enthusiastically. "Mmm … I missed you," she sighed.

Mia held on tight, and buried her head deep into Jordan’s shoulder. When the taller woman felt Mia’s body begin to shake, she pulled back and stared at her in alarm. "Honey! You’re crying … what’s wrong?"

"Oh, Jordy, it was awful," she sniffed, tears slipping down her cheeks.

Jordan looked around the room, saw a deserted corner, and said, "Let’s go sit over there and you can tell me all about it. Can I get you a beer?"

"Got anything stronger?" she asked, and Jordan could see that her whole body was shaking.

"I’ll go to the liquor store for you. It’s right on the corner. What do you want?"

"A bottle of tequila … and a lime," she said immediately.

With wide eyes, Jordan nodded and started for the door, saying, "Jamie’s right over there. I’ll be right back."

Mia trudged over to her friend and plopped down next to her. "I’m an orphan," she said, leaning heavily against her.

"What? What happened, Mia?"

"My mother decided that she doesn’t want me to be with Jordy, so she used the only tool she has — she cut me off financially. The money I have in my wallet is all I’ve got."

"She what?"

"You heard me. By the time I’d left Hillsborough, she’d cancelled my charge cards. If the bank had been open, I wouldn’t have been able to take any money out of my checking account."

"Oh, Mia, I’m so sorry. That must have hurt you so badly."

"It did, it really did, James. I thought they loved me," she sobbed, burying her head into Jamie’s neck. "I thought they loved me enough to want me to be happy."

They were still sitting on the floor, Jamie rocking and soothing Mia, when Jordan returned, the tall blonde breathless from her run to the mini-mart. She pulled a plastic cup from out of the bag, then poured a generous portion of tequila into it and used the pizza knife to cut a wedge of lime. "Here, honey," she said, handing her the glass.

Mia drained the cup with one gulp, then bit into the lime, grimacing as she did so. "More," she said, extending the cup to her partner.

Without comment, Jordan complied, watching Mia carefully. After the smaller woman had bit into the lime, she placed the cup on the table, then gave Jamie a kiss on the cheek. "We need to find a quiet place to talk."

Jordan took her partner’s hand and said, "Come on, let’s sit in that quiet corner. No one will bother us."

"Okay." She let Jordan pull her to her feet, already feeling the alcohol starting to hit her. "See you later, James. We’re gonna go get drunk."

"Go ahead," Jamie said, "Rory’s out of town. You can have our room."

"Thanks, bud. We’ll just have to see if Jordan can carry me that far."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Part 22

Taking the pizza box with her, Jamie started to search through the apartment, finally finding her partner in the most unlikely of places — a bedroom. Ryan was sitting on the bed, with her arm around another woman, speaking softly and soothingly to her. The pair was facing the door, and when Jamie poked her head in, Ryan dropped her arm and gave her a stunned, nervous smile. "Hi! Uhm … I was uhm … kinda looking for you."

"Did you think I was under the bed?" Jamie asked, her voice in its usual, conversational tone.

Ryan’s smile grew even tighter, and she jumped off the bed. "Uhm … Mandy, this is my partner, Jamie. Jamie, this is my friend, Mandy."

"Pleased to meet you," Jamie said, extending her hand.

Mandy shook it, then got up in an ungainly fashion. As she did, Jamie noted that she was pregnant. The blonde must have been staring at the woman’s belly, for Mandy patted it and said, "6 months. Seems longer."

Jamie stared at the woman as she walked away, then turned to her partner and raised an eyebrow. "You’d better not have had anything to do with that, Ryan O’Flaherty."

"Am I in trouble?" Ryan asked, swallowing audibly.

"That depends on if you’re the father of that baby," Jamie said, giving her partner’s hair an affectionate ruffle.

"Close the door and come over here, honey," Ryan said.

"Are you holding court in here? I haven’t seen you in a while." Jamie closed the door and walked back over to the bed, holding the pizza box open for her lover.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Ryan murmured as she grabbed a piece of pizza and took a big bite. After swallowing, she said, "No, I’m not holding court. Mandy grabbed me a few minutes after I saw Sara and Ally, and we’ve been talking ever since. She’s having some problems, and she thought I might be able to help."

"Do tell," Jamie said, leaning over to take a bite off Ryan’s slice.

"Well, the details aren’t important, but the person she was relying on to be her Lamaze coach backed out on her. She thought I might be able to step in."

Rolling her eyes, Jamie gave her a resigned sigh, and asked, "When do you start?"

"Not for a while," Ryan said, stifling a smile. "Not until you’re pregnant."

"What?" Jamie gave her a puzzled look and asked, "You turned down a friend who asked you for a favor? You?"

"Yep. Me," Ryan said, nodding. "I thought about it while she was telling me what had happened, and I decided that helping a woman give birth is too intimate a thing to do with someone other than you. I want the first newborn I ever hold to be ours," she said, putting her pizza down and giving Jamie a tender hug. "It’s too precious an experience to share with Mandy."

"Oh, Ryan, that’s so sweet," Jamie sighed, giving her partner a kiss. Smoothing the hair back off her face, Jamie gave her a concerned look and asked, "Was it hard to say no?"

"Yeah, it was," Ryan said. "I don’t have a lot of practice in refusing favors. But Mandy’s got some issues that I can’t afford to get involved in. I don’t think I’d be able to walk away after the baby was born — I think I’d feel like I had to keep an eye on her — and I can’t afford to share my time like that." She gave Jamie another kiss, this one longer and filled with emotion. "I have to concentrate on you."

"Thank you," Jamie said softly, lying down on the bed and tugging Ryan down with her. "I know it must have been hard to turn down someone in need, but I would have been very jealous if you’d said yes." She kissed Ryan tenderly, and added, "But I can certainly understand why she asked you. You’d be a wonderful birth coach."

"We’ll have to see about that, won’t we?" Ryan asked, kissing the tip of Jamie’s nose.

The door opened, and a pair of women stood in the doorway, one of them peering into the darkness and saying, "Is that you, Rock?"

"Sure is."

"You gonna be long?"

"All my life," Ryan said, kissing Jamie softly. "But you can have the room."

* * * * * * * * * * *

On the way through the apartment, they stopped repeatedly, with Ryan kissing each of her friends on the mouth, then dutifully introducing Jamie. "Uhm … you don’t mind the kissing thing, do you, honey?" Ryan asked when they had a moment alone.

"Have you always kissed these people when you see them?"

"Yeah. Sure. Always."

"Then why should you stop because you’re in love? I think it would be odd and a little awkward to try to avoid a kiss — it’s like I own your lips or something."

"Well, ya do," Ryan said, wrinkling up her nose.

"Okay, then I give your lips permission to kiss any of your old friends. But don’t go out of your way to kiss people if it hasn’t already been established, ‘kay?"

"It’s a deal." They stood in the living room, just a few yards from Sara and Ally, who were talking — rather than kissing. "I guess we have to go say hello, huh?"

"You don’t have to do anything, honey. We can go down to the second floor if you want to."

"No, no, that’s not necessary." She was looking around nervously, and spotted someone who caught her attention. "I have to go say hello to Marcus, an old workout buddy from the gym. I haven’t seen him in over a year. Wanna come?"

Jamie looked over at a rather short man, who obviously spent all of his time working out. He was wearing a tank top and shorts, and his ample muscles were revealed upon every bit of exposed skin. He also had rather intricate tribal tattoos on his biceps, and down the backs of his arms, ending in cuffs at his wrists. "Mmm … I think I’ll go talk to Sara and Ally. Marcus looks like too much of a gym rat for me."

"You might be surprised," Ryan said in a singsong fashion.

"I’ll come get you if I start missing you," Jamie decided. "Go talk about pumping iron with your buff friend."

"Okay. Love you." Ryan kissed her, lingering a bit, then running the tip of her tongue all over the outline of Jamie’s lips, making the blonde giggle and rub her mouth against Ryan’s shirt. "Just want to make sure everyone knows you’re taken," she murmured, adding one more serious kiss to be certain.

"Brat!" Jamie swatted her on the butt and sent her on her way, chuckling to herself when she approached Sara and Ally. "Hey, guys, what’s going on?"

"Not much," Ally said. "Did you ever find Ryan?"

"Yeah, but she got waylaid again. She knows so many people!"

"She does," Ally agreed. "And I bet every one of them wants to ask her about the carjacking."

Jamie blinked at her, then shook her head. "That didn’t even dawn on me! Damn, I must be getting better when that’s not the first thing I think of when we run into someone we know."

"Are you both getting better, Jamie?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, we are. It’s gonna take a long while to be completely over it, but it doesn’t interfere in our daily lives much anymore. It still pops up every once in a while, of course — usually when you least expect it."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Jordan sat against the wall, with Mia sitting between her spread legs and leaning against her chest. "I can’t imagine how hurt you must be," the blonde said, bending repeatedly to kiss the crown of her lover’s head.

"That’s it exactly," Mia said. "I’m not angry anymore — I’m deeply, deeply hurt. You know," she said thoughtfully, "it isn’t even the fact that they don’t approve. What hurts is that they’d made up their minds last night. They were fucking with me today. That feels like such a betrayal."

"I know it does," Jordan soothed. "I’d feel the same way."

"It’s like they knew I’d be pissed, and they wanted to have a nice day — so they acted like they were interested in you, and how I feel about you, and how we came to love each other. But they didn’t give a crap," she said bitterly. "They just wanted to get through the day in peace. That sucks so bad!" She took another swig off her bottle of tequila, no longer bothering to use a cup or bite the lime.

"They probably didn’t want to hurt you. Maybe they wanted to work up to it, but it took ‘em all day. I think they really do love you, honey."

"Maybe they do, Jordy, but they have to learn to love me as an adult. I’m not their little girl any more — they can’t tell me who I’m allowed to play with."

"Give ‘em time, baby, they’ll probably come around."

"They’ll have plenty of time," the curly haired woman said. "They can reconsider while I’m in Colorado."

"Uhm … when are you coming to Colorado?" Jordan asked, completely puzzled.

"Tomorrow. I’m going with you."

"Mia! Are you serious? What about school?" Jordan’s face was lit up with excitement, her expression alone reassuring Mia in ways that words never could.

"What’s the rush? You and I can finish at the same time. It’s not a big deal."

"Oh, but, honey," Jordan said, "you’ve only got two more months of class. Don’t you want to graduate with your friends?"

"Sure, I want to graduate and be done with it all, but I want to be with you a hundred times more than I want to graduate. I can’t wait any more, Jordy. And now that my parents know, there’s no reason to be apart any longer. We’ll both finish our last semester at some point — then I’ll graduate with my best girl."

"Damn," Jordan said, wrapping her arms tightly around her. "Is it really that easy? Can you just decide to quit school and come to Colorado with me?"

"Yes, it’s that easy. The hard part is trying to figure out how I’ll support myself. I told my parents I’d drive my car uninsured, but I’d never do that. So, I’ll have to have the money for the car and food and a little entertainment. And I want to make sure I’m home when you’re home — so I have to get a day job. How will your roommates feel about having me around?"

"Huh?" Jordan shook her head. "Damn, I’ve got so many thoughts racing through my brain, I can hardly concentrate."

"I asked about your roommates," Mia repeated. "Will they mind having me move in?"

"Doesn’t matter if they do or not, ‘cause we won’t be there long. I want to be alone with you, Mia, not have three other women hanging around all of the time. We’ll get our own place."

"Jordy! How will we afford that? You said that apartments are very expensive."

"They are, but our relationship is worth too much to fool around with, Mia. Living in a dorm-like setting isn’t right for us."

"Oh, Jordan, I feel like I’m forcing you to do things you’re not ready to do. Are you sure you want me to come?"

"Turn around and look at me," Jordan said. Mia shifted around so that she was facing her lover, and she gazed into her clear, blue eyes. "I love you with all of my heart," she said. "And I want you as close to me as I can get you — 24 hours a day. I want to wake up holding you, I want to kiss your sweet lips when I get home at night, and I want to go to sleep cuddled up so close to you that you’ll feel like you’re covered with a Jordan blanket. Nothing on this earth would make me happier than to have you live with me — in our own apartment."

"But how will we pay for it?" Mia asked.

"I’ve got money," Jordan said. "I’ve been forcing myself to live on the stipend I get from USA Volleyball, and putting every dime of my modeling income into savings. But having you with me is worth more than having money in the bank. We can easily live for at least two years on my savings, and I’m only too happy to spend it."

"But, Jordan, that’s your money for graduate school! You can’t spend that!"

"Yes, I can," she said, her eyes blazing with determination. "I’m not merely looking out for myself anymore, Mia. My decisions have to include what’s best for you and for us. This is what’s best for us right now. Graduate school will take care of itself when the time comes. We need a place of our own, we need to keep your car insured; and we need to get health insurance for you. I’m not going to worry about what will happen if you break a leg skiing."

"You sound like my dad," Mia said, chuckling softly.

"That’s because I love you, and I want to protect you," Jordan said, bending to kiss her partner. "You’re the most wonderful part of my life, Mia."

"I love you, too, Jordy," she sighed. "Two hours ago I was as depressed as I’ve ever been, and now I feel like everything will be all right." Hugging her partner fiercely, she asked, "How do you work that kind of magic?"

"Love," Jordan whispered. "The secret is love."

* * * * * * * * * * *

Jamie went into the kitchen to fish out a beer, but when she took a look at how deep the ice water was, she thought better of it and started to leave the room. "Hey, good looking," Ryan said, filling the doorway by grabbing the top molding and stretching.

"Hi. I was gonna get a beer, but I don’t want to get frostbite."

"Let me assist," Ryan said, pushing off from the door and making for the tub. She looked inside, shook her head and muttered, "Heathens." Looking around the kitchen, she spied a large, aluminum pot and started to bail the icy water from the container, not stopping until she reached ice and beer. Sticking her long arm into the tall tub, she extracted two of their beers and handed one to her partner with a flourish.

"My hero," Jamie said, batting her eyes.

"Hey, gotta make sure I get my date at least half drunk if I wanna get lucky," Ryan teased.

"I think I’d better stick close to you for the rest of the night," Jamie said, smiling up at her. "I didn’t mind letting you hang with Marcus, but he’s practically the only guy here. You’ve probably had your way with everybody else at the party. I don’t want to find you in the bedroom again."

"Fooled you. Had my way with Marcus, too," Ryan said, adding a randy wink. She started to leave the kitchen, but found that a hand reaching out to grab her waistband slowed her progress.

"Hold on there, stud. You’d better be joking."

Ryan turned to find a very stern look on her partner’s face. "Uhm … yeah, I’m joking," she said.

Jamie slapped her soundly on the rump, muttering, "I can never tell whether you’re joking or not."

"Well, I’m only partially joking," Ryan admitted. "I didn’t have my way with him, but we did make out at a party once. I didn’t want to go any further, though, so we stopped at that."

"What? You made out with a guy?"

Giving her a curious look, Ryan asked, "Why does that bother you?"

Rolling her eyes in frustration, Jamie said, "Because, you’ve specifically told me that you’ve never been attracted to a guy, you’ve never fooled around with a guy, and that you’ve never even been on a date with a guy. Now, which is it, Ryan?"

"Wow," Ryan said, her brow furrowed, "you’re really upset about this, aren’t you."

Looking embarrassed, Jamie nodded. "Yeah, I am."

"Let’s go for a little walk," Ryan said. "I don’t want to discuss this in here."

They went outside, and strolled up and down in front of the building, taking sips of their beers to cool off from the overheated apartment. "I’ve never lied to you about my sexual history, Jamie. I’d never do that. But, I am puzzled about why it doesn’t seem to bother you that I’ve had sex with at least 10 women here, but you’re pissed off to think that I kissed Marcus."

Scowling, Jamie took another pull on her beer and tried to explain herself. "This sounds stupid, but something about you kissing a guy is kinda … gross."

"Gross? You’ve kissed your fair share of guys. Was that gross?"

"No, it’s not that guys are gross — but your kissing one is."

"I need a little more to go on," Ryan said, scratching her head, "’cause that makes no sense."

"Look," Jamie said, "it’s like this. Expressing your sexuality with women is natural for you. That’s who you are. But the thought of you making out with a guy at a party seems — perverted. It’s like you did it because you needed someone to kiss, and he was the closest one around. There’s something about it that doesn’t sound like you, Ryan, and that’s what bothers me. I have an image of you as this super-lesbian; and to hear you say that it’s ‘any port in a storm’ seems kinda sick. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I’m really bothered by it." She crossed her arms over her stomach, and said, "This is the first thing I’ve ever heard of you doing that bothers me. It seems … immoral."

Ryan took a sip of her beer and gave her partner a slow smile. "I guess I can understand that. And, no, it doesn’t hurt my feelings to have you say that. Like I said, I’ve never lied to you about my sexual history. I’ve never kissed a man."

"But you said …"

"Marcus wasn’t a man when I kissed him … or her."


"Marcus was Marcia when we first met," Ryan said, smiling when Jamie’s eyes grew round. "She was kinda cute, and I liked her when I met her, but there was something funny about kissing her. It sounds funny now, but she gave off male vibes, and I couldn’t get into it."

"Male vibes?" Jamie asked, still trying to get her mind around this information.

"Yeah. She was more aggressive than I like a woman to be."

"You liked Ally," Jamie reminded her dryly, lifting one eyebrow.

"Ally wasn’t aggressive," Ryan said. "To me, there’s a difference between being aggressive and being dominant. Ally was definitely dominant, but in a very slow, gentle way. Ally makes you want to submit to her," she said thoughtfully, her mouth unconsciously easing into a smile. "Marcia was just plain aggressive. I didn’t like that at all."

"But you stayed friends with her?"

"Oh, yeah, I like him a lot. Now that he’s more comfortable with his sexuality, he seems much more laid back. I don’t want to test my theory," she said, chuckling, "but I bet he’s not as aggressive now that he’s had the surgery. I think he had some trouble coming to terms with who he was back then."

Jamie’s eyes grew even wider as she asked, "He had the surgery? He’s … a … real guy now?"

"As close as medicine can make him," Ryan said. "He’s still genetically a woman — still has the double X chromosome, but he had a double mastectomy a couple of years ago, and about 6 months ago he had the bottom half done."

Gritting her teeth, Jamie crossed her arms over her breasts. "Jesus, I can’t imagine choosing to have my favorite erogenous zone removed. That’s a man with convictions!"

"Having the mastectomy is one thing, but risking losing feeling down below is a hell of a lot bigger commitment in my book. Nobody’s messing with my girl thang."

Jamie chuckled; giving her partner’s girl parts a pinch. "I like ‘em as much as you do, baby."

"I rather doubt that," Ryan said, barking out a laugh.

With a thoughtful look, Jamie said, "Damn, I can’t get my mind off that surgery. I wonder what his … thing … looks like."

"His thing?" Ryan asked, chuckling. "For someone who’s been well acquainted with ‘things,’ it’s rather odd that you can’t even use the word."

"Penis," the blonde said, sticking out her tongue. "I can say penis. Happy?"

Tweaking her lover’s nose, Ryan said, "Delirious. I uhm … can arrange for a peek. Do ya really wanna see?"


"He said he’d show me, but I said I didn’t have enough knowledge of the equipment to give him an opinion. You could help him out, though."

"Help him out?"

"Yeah, he’s kinda weirded out about showing it to a woman in a sexual setting. I think he wants to be reassured that it doesn’t look freaky."

"Why do all of your friends feel comfortable asking you to do the most intimate things with them?" Jamie asked, her pique showing.

Ryan slid her arms around her partner’s waist and looked down into her eyes. "Don’t you feel comfortable asking me to do intimate things with you?" she asked, her voice sexy and low.

"Yes, Ryan," Jamie said, unable to hide a smile.

"I guess I give off the right vibes," Ryan said. "But, don’t worry, cupcake, I refuse all intimate invitations, unless they’re issued by you."

"Let’s go back in," Jamie said, taking Ryan’s hand. "In only two hours, you’ve been asked to help someone have a baby, and check out a new penis. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Let’s hit the second floor and see what kinda trouble you can get into."

"Have I ever told you what a good sport you are?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, you have, but I don’t mind hearing it again."

* * * * * * * * * * *

After a tour of the second floor, and meeting more people than she could ever hope to remember, Jamie led her partner back upstairs. "I don’t want Mia and Jordan to sneak away before I see them," she said. "Mia threatened to get drunk, and I want to make sure Jordan didn’t join her."

"Jordan never gets drunk," Ryan said.

"No, but neither did Juliet before Mia got her hands on her," the blonde said, chuckling.

When they got back upstairs, Ryan briefly said hello to Ally and Sara, giving the brunette a quick kiss on the cheek; while presenting Ally with her lips. "Be right back," she said, before she even sat down. "I want to see how Mia’s doing."

Jamie sat down on the couch next to Sara, while Ryan went over to the corner. Crouching down next to the pair, Ryan said, "Jamie told me about how it went. I’m very sorry, buddy."

"It sucked," Mia said, nodding. "I was betrayed by my family tonight, Ryan. I never thought that would happen."

Reaching for her, Ryan sank to her knees and wrapped Mia in a firm hug. "We’re behind you. Whatever you need — whenever you need it. We won’t let you down. We’re your family, too."

Sniffling, Mia said, "I love you, Ryan."

"I love you, too. Now, I know how hurt you are, but don’t forget that things will change over time. Your parents will eventually come around. Look at how nice Jamie’s dad is to me now. If he could change that much, I’m sure your parents can, too."

"I know," she said quietly. "Someday we’ll all get along. But we’re a long way from that now."

Jordan unwrapped her long legs from around Mia and said, "I’m gonna go make a pit stop and then get a beer. Want one, Ryan?"

"Uhm … sure," she nodded. "I guess we’re walking home, so I can indulge."

As Jordan walked away, Ryan cuddled Mia to her side. "How ya you doing? I heard you were planning on getting hammered."

"Yeah, I’m half hammered. I was shaking so badly when I got here that I looked like I’d been in the freezer." She rested her head on Ryan’s shoulder and sighed deeply. Lifting her free hand, Ryan started to run her fingers through Mia’s curls, soothing her. "Mmm … that makes me sleepy. Can I take a nap while Jordy’s gone?"

"Of course. My shoulder’s always available, buddy." She continued to stroke Mia’s hair, quickly realizing that the brunette was breathing heavily already.

I think half-hammered might be an under exaggeration. Looking up, Ryan caught Jamie’s eye and gave her a wink. Sitting quietly, holding Mia in a loose embrace, Ryan allowed herself the rare pleasure of sitting back and watching her partner interact with people. She loved watching how open and genuine she was; how she brought a spark to every conversation, making both Sara and Ally laugh repeatedly.

Turning her attention to Ally, Ryan watched as Sara said something to her, the brunette stroking her thigh as she spoke. With her mouth twitching into a slow smile, Ally nodded, her eyes crinkling up as they did when she was particularly happy.

That’s what it is, Ryan thought, trying to figure out what was different about her friend. She’s happy. Being in a relationship is really working for her. She watched for another few moments, finally correcting herself. Being with Sara is really working for her. I’ve never seen her look so completely comfortable and relaxed.

Sara put an arm around Ally’s shoulders and tugged her down in front of her, kissing the back of her neck while the larger woman giggled like a child. Damn! After 6 years I wouldn’t have had the nerve to push her around like that! Watching carefully, she once again amended her thought. Ally wouldn’t have wanted me to push her around like that. That’s the difference. She’s let her guard down with Sara. Damn, I wonder why she never felt comfortable being that way with me? Ryan sat pondering her question for a few minutes, watching the two women play gently with each other. Suddenly, it dawned on her. She didn’t let you in because she didn’t feel the same way about you. You slept with her for 6 years and you were no closer at the end than you were after the first few months. And here’s Sara, only knowing her since Thanksgivingtreating her like she’s her own personal dolland Ally’s loving it. Something has clicked between these two that never clicked with youit wasn’t right, Ryan, and you know it. You were sex partners — just sex partners.

She smiled at the animated blonde who had captured both her body and her soul. Thank God it didn’t work out, she thought, shaking her head. As much as I was attracted to Ally, and as much fun as we had in bed, we never had the kind of chemistry that Jamie and I have. There’s not a doubt in my mind that Jamie’s the perfect match for every part of menot just my libido.

Just as she was considering this thought, Jordan returned, bearing a pair of beers. "Here ya go, Boomer," she said.

"Thanks. Here’s your girl back," Ryan said, kissing Mia’s head. "She’s been thoroughly cuddled, and she’s sound asleep. Now, don’t rile her up again." She untangled herself from Mia’s embrace and smiled when the curly-haired woman immediately cuddled up to Jordan in the same way. "You guys are gonna stay with us tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I think we will," Jordan said. "Especially if you’ll make us breakfast."

"It’s a deal," Ryan said. She started back to her partner, but was once again waylaid. One of the birthday girls stopped her and dragged her over to the opposite corner of the room to say hello to a few old friends. Ryan went along willingly, and spent a few minutes chatting with the women. The birthday girl, Shay, was feeling no pain, and she launched into a long, pointless story that Ryan was completely unable to follow.

As usual, when her attention wasn’t otherwise required, Ryan gazed at her partner, thoroughly enjoying the way she was interacting with Sara and Ally. How lucky am I? I can bring her to a party full of ex-lovers, former sex partners, a trans-sexual, a woman who wants me to be her Lamaze coach, and God knows what elseand she’s unflappable. She honestly looks like she’s enjoying herself, she marveled. What a perfect match she is.

And speaking of perfect matches, she thought wryly. Who would have guessed that Ally would be the one to bring the old Sara back? She watched her friend flirt and play with Ally, while seamlessly carrying on a civilized conversation with Jamie. She’s grown into such a woman, she thought fondly, so different from the girl I fell in love with. But, there’s a familiar lightness to her nowthat was completely absent when we met again this fall. It’s like being with Ally lets her be the woman she’s become; while reclaiming some of her girlish playfulness. She seems like Ally’s equal. She shook her head again, as she was forced to admit, We were never really equals. She always looked to me for validation, for approvalI don’t see that with Ally. She seems to trust herself more now. Sparing another fond glance at her old friend, she thought, I truly hope it works out for both of themthey both deserve to be who they really are.

Looking at Jamie again, she considered, That’s what life is all about. Striving to be who you areno matter how painful the journey sometimes is. I can be myself with JamieI don’t have to be someone for Sara to look up to, or for Ally to control and drive mad in bed. We don’t have roleswe’re just ourselves. In good times and badwe’re just our struggling, questing selves. Damn, that feels good.

Okay, she said to herself, so, what are you doing standing all the way over here, listening to someone who barely knows you’re here. Giving a tiny wave to the more sober people, Ryan walked over to her partner, and asked, "Anyone need anything while I’m up?"

"I need something," Ally said, "let me go with you and see if any of the water I brought is still here."

"Oh, water tends to last," Ryan said, laughing. "It’s the beer that disappears. Jamie?"


"Be right back," the dark woman promised.

The pair made their way into the kitchen, and Ryan performed her bailing task again, since Ally couldn’t find any of her water in the first tub. The water was all gone, so Ally helped herself to a Pepsi. "I hate this stuff, but Sara likes it," she said, smiling at Ryan. "One of us might as well be happy."

"Speaking of happy," Ryan said, giving her friend a gentle punch in the shoulder, "you look positively blissful, bud."

Grinning shyly, Ally said, "I’m in love, Ryan, and it feels fantastic. Really fantastic."

"You look like you’re in love," Ryan said. She wrapped one arm around Ally’s shoulders, and gave her a rough hug. "I assume Sara feels the same?"

"Uhm … well … to be honest, I haven’t told her yet. But, I think she does. She acts like she loves me," she admitted.

"That’s the important part," Ryan said. "Words are easy — it’s the actions that count."

"Things have gone a lot quicker than either of us had planned, but it feels right, Ryan. It’s all falling into place."

"I’m very, very happy for you both," Ryan said. "I mean that, Ally."

Looking down at the floor and shifting her weight, the larger woman said, "I was a little concerned when you seemed to be avoiding us earlier. Are you sure you’re okay with this?"

"You know," Ryan said, climbing up onto a bare space she created on the counter, "I’ve been having some trouble getting used to it. But seeing you both tonight has helped me turn the corner. You seem right for each other, Ally. You both seem happier than I’ve seen either of you. Since I love you both and want you to be happy, I think it’s time for me to let go. I honestly think I can do that now."

Standing between Ryan’s spread legs, Ally tucked her arms around her waist and held her to her chest. "Don’t let go completely, sugar. I want to have you in my life for a good, long time."

"I do, too," Ryan murmured into Ally’s shirt. "I was sitting over there with Mia, looking at the 3 of you, and you looked like you were having such a good time. I want to start doing things together." Pulling back, she asked, "Would you like that?"

"Yeah, we both would," Ally said. "We wanted to go out dancing the other night, and we both thought it would be fun to ask you and Jamie. But we weren’t sure you’d be up for it …"

"I am," Ryan said, "and Jamie likes you both. I’d really like to get together more often."

"I think we need to hang out with some other committed couples," Ally said. "Sara doesn’t know any lesbian couples, and most of my friends are terminally single, so you and Jamie are our role models."

Ryan laughed softly, saying, "Those are some big shoes to fill, pal."

"You’ve got big feet," Ally teased. "And I should know. I’ve nibbled on those tasty toes many times."

"Yes, you have," Ryan said, chuckling. "And you were darned good at it."

Ally looked at her for a long minute, stroking Ryan’s cheek with the tips of her fingers. "That’s not enough, is it?"

"No," Ryan said softly. "It’s not nearly enough. I used to think it was."

"So did I," Ally said, giving Ryan a wistful nod. "You know, I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and I think it would have been different between you and me if we’d been friends before we became lovers. I got into the same old patterns with you that I always fell into, and I never had the nerve to try to change them. Going slow with Sara has made a very big difference."

"I don’t think either of us was mature enough to go slow back then, Ally. I know I wasn’t."

"Yeah," she said, smiling. "I was newly sober, and the last thing I could have done is been truly vulnerable. I’m finally ready to let someone know me deep inside. And boy, that makes all the difference."

"It does. So, why don’t we get back to those women we love," Ryan said, smiling warmly at her friend.

"A fine idea." Wrapping an arm around Ryan’s neck, Ally gave her a hug. "Who would have thought that the two of us would both fall in love within a year?"

"Not me," Ryan said, laughing softly. "But I’m sure glad we did."

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Hey," Ryan said, sinking to the floor beside her partner.

"My beer had better not be warm," Jamie said, taking the frosty brew from Ryan. "Are you avoiding me, sweet cheeks? Every time you leave, you’re gone for a half hour."

"Never," Ryan said, giving her a kiss. "As a matter of fact, I plan on being within an inch or two of you for the rest of the evening."

Seeing the slightly hazy look in the pale, blue eyes, Jamie kissed her partner gently and asked, "Are you a little tipsy?"

Holding her thumb and index finger an inch apart, Ryan nodded, giving Jamie a slightly goofy grin. "It’s hot in here," she said. "I have to keep drinking to stay cool."

"Shoulda worn your shorts," the blonde teased. "You’re way overdressed."

"I thought jeans and a knit shirt was about right for a 45 degree night," Ryan said, shaking her head. "I should put all of my long pants away until spring."

"You," Jamie said, tapping her partner’s nose, "are a goofball."

"Yeah, but I’m your goofball, and you’re stuck with me." Ryan tucked her arms around her lover and pulled her close. Several slow, sexy kisses later, Ryan let a sweet, languid smile settle on her lips.

"I think you’re more than a little tipsy. How many beers have you had, baby? I can’t even smell pizza on your breath. You’re all hops and malt and barley."

With her mouth forming a little pout, Ryan asked, "Bad?"

"No, not at all. I just need to drink a little more to keep up."

Nuzzling her nose into her partner’s neck, Ryan murmured, "You’re such a good egg."

Jamie took a little nibble on a nearby earlobe. "Do you know that you lapse into your Irish accent when you’re a little drunk?"

"I don’t!" Ryan declared, sounding like a lass straight out of County Mayo.

"Oh, but you do," Jamie said, her own accent sounding much more English than Irish.

With a slightly lopsided grin, Ryan asked, "Do ya like it, then?"

"Umm-hmm … very sexy."

"Well, not to brag, but we do have a certain charm with the ladies." She pulled back and focused her attention on Jamie’s clothing. "Have I told ya how juicy ya look tonight, love?"


"Pretty," Ryan said. "I don’t know what you call this little design on your jeans, but it’s adorable. And the shirt looks so nice with them. It’s almost a hippie look — very sixties."

Looking down at herself, Jamie said, "Yeah, I guess it is. The design is called batik, by the way. It’s an Indian look, and that was pretty popular in the sixties. I bought it because I like the eyelet design down at the hem."

"I like this part," Ryan said, tracing the deep v of collarless shirt with the tip of her finger. "Just another inch and I could reach your bra."

"Go ahead," Jamie said, giggling softly. "I think I’m the only woman here who hasn’t been felt up yet. I’m feeling like a real wallflower."

"Told ya my friends are a little wild," Ryan said. "And they get a lot wilder when they’re drunk."

"This is very frat partyish," Jamie decided. "I went to a few Stanford frat parties with Mia when we were in high school, and I was more than a little shocked."

"Are you shocked tonight?" Ryan asked, her finger dipping a little lower into Jamie’s cleavage.

The blonde took her partner’s hand and pushed it further into the v of the blouse. "Not really," she purred, smiling at Ryan’s wide eyes. "I’m a big girl, now."

"Mmm … here’s one part that’s exactly the right size," Ryan insisted, raking a fingernail along each crescent-shaped curve below Jamie’s breasts. "Perfect."

"When you say that with your little accent, it sounds like paerfect," Jamie said. "It’s terribly cute."

"Give us a kiss, then, will ya?"

"With pleasure, my wild, Irish rose."

"You can search everywhere, but none can compare …" Ryan sang softly before she took her partner in her arms and kissed her passionately. Before she knew what had happened, Jamie was lying on the floor, her ravenous partner greedily consuming her.

The hosts of the party had declared that the third floor was now the dance floor, and the pair barely avoided being hit with a couch as the guests busily moved all of the furniture to the walls to make some room. "Uhm … honey … we’re about to get trampled."

"No matter," Ryan said, sucking lustily on Jamie’s tender neck.

"Yes, honey, it matters. We’re lying on the dance floor."

"They can go around."

Pushing against Ryan’s chest with both hands, the blonde managed to extricate herself from her partner’s feverish embrace. "Up. Now." Jamie got to her knees, then stood and offered Ryan a hand. "You need to cool off, hot stuff. Let’s go outside for a bit."

"Huh-unh," Ryan said. "Let’s dance."

"You’re steaming hot — in every way. Won’t you get overheated?"

"Not if I strip down a little."

"Uhm … what did you have in mind? I concede that most of the people here have seen you in your undies, but …"

"Just my shirt," Ryan said, wrinkling her nose. "I’ve got a tank top on under it." She tugged off her shirt, then ran her fingers through her hair. "Ready?"

"Mmm … you look fantastic in that," Jamie said, her eyes bright with interest. "Maybe we should find a quiet corner and do what our friends are doing."

Ryan looked around and saw Mia sitting on Jordan’s lap; and Sara in the same position with Ally. Both couples were kissing passionately, and Ryan shrugged her shoulders as she turned back to Jamie. "I’m always up for that, but I’m not the most disciplined woman in the world tonight …"

"Mmm … good point. Let’s dance a little bit and then go home. We can skip the foreplay," she said, giving Ryan a lusty wink.

Winding their way through the crowd, they found a relatively spacious spot near the kitchen, and started to dance. They’d each taken their beers with them, and Ryan continued to take generous sips from hers as they moved to the quick beat of the music. By the time the first slow number came on, both beers were empty, and she tossed them into the recycle bin in the kitchen. At Ryan’s quizzical look, Jamie shook her head, so the brunette grabbed a fresh one for herself.

"Aisling and I used to call a set of slow songs the erection section," Ryan said, pulling her partner so close that Jamie’s thigh slipped between the long legs.

"I can easily give you an erection." Jamie wrapped an arm around her, and took the ice cold beer from Ryan’s hand. With a mischievous grin, she pressed the cold bottle right against the small of Ryan’s bare back, making her jump in surprise. "Damn, that’s cold!" She waited a moment, then said, "But it feels great." While they moved to the slow beat, Jamie ran the cold, sweating bottle across Ryan’s shoulder blades, bronzed skin pebbling from the sensation. "Grrrrr …" Ryan murmured, her hips moving against her partner. "I love it when you tease me."

Moving a few inches away, the blonde took the bottle and slid it across Ryan’s bare belly — the black, cropped, tank top exposing a surfeit of skin. The brunette shivered, and Jamie slowly ran the mouth of the bottle up along each rib, then flicked it against the remarkably rigid nipples. As the taller woman shivered and squirmed, the impish blonde pressed the side of the bottle against first one, and then the other rock hard nub. "Mmm … that had a decidedly frigorific effect."

Blue eyes narrowed, and Ryan’s nostrils flared. "If I had a dictionary, I couldn’t turn the pages ‘cause my hands are shaking so badly. You’re gonna have to give me that one."

"Chilling effect," Jamie said. "Your nipples look like they’ve been in that tub of ice."

Blinking slowly, Ryan promised, "In about two minutes, we’re gonna be back in that bedroom. I’m about to explode."

"Hmm?" Jamie drawled, moving the bottle again and sliding it under Ryan’s hair to chill the back of her neck. "Why’s that?" With a devilish grin, the blonde slipped the bottle into the waistband of Ryan’s jeans, then kept going when her path to bare skin was unencumbered. "Mmm … commando."

"Yeah," the dark woman gasped. "These jeans are a little big and I didn’t want my drawers sticking out of the top."

"Tonight I’m glad they’re loose," Jamie said, pushing the bottle until it started to make a forward turn.


"Like that?" the blonde husked.

"Ye … yeah!" Ryan said, shivering all over. "Just don’t make a mistake and lose it!"

"Ooh … I bet you have a place that I could easily insert this … given how those hips are grinding." She pulled the bottle from the back of the jeans, then immediately slipped it down Ryan’s belly, watching it disappear beneath the faded denim.

Ryan’s eyes grew comically wide while her legs instinctively spread, the bottle sliding down her thigh. "I … I … don’t … I’m not sure …"

Chuckling evilly, Jamie said, "I’m teasing you, baby. You know I’d never risk hurting you."

"I’m not … I’m not tracking very well," Ryan admitted. "I’m half crazy for you tonight, and the drunk part of me wouldn’t mind giving that bottle a try."

"I’m not nearly that drunk," Jamie said. "And no matter how turned on I was, I would never, ever put anything breakable anywhere near your girl parts."

"Thank God I’m marrying a moderate woman," Ryan sighed, resting her head on Jamie’s shoulder as the bottle slid back up her belly.

"I’ve gotta admit that it’s hard to stay grounded tonight. The estrogen is flowing through here like a river," the blonde said, "and there’s enough smoke to get us all stoned."

"I’m stoned on your estrogen. Your pheromones are about to drive me mad."

"Show me," Jamie purred. "Right now."

Suddenly, Ryan fought through her fog to recognize an altitude change. Blinking, she found herself sitting in a chair in a dark corner of the room, with Jamie ensconced upon her lap, kissing her energetically. Fully giving in to the experience, she let her senses open up again and allowed the smaller woman to explore her body to her heart’s content.

The amorous couple touched each other unabashedly, kissing and moving against each other with alacrity. When Jamie’s hands claimed her breasts, Ryan held on for as long as she could, finally pulling away enough to mutter, "Bedroom. Now."

Panting, Jamie sat up and stared at her partner, her eyes glassy with desire. "God! What am I doing?"

"You’re making love to me," Ryan answered thickly, looking perfectly happy with the development. "I just don’t wanna to take my pants off in the living room."

"Oh, lord!" Jamie collapsed against her partner, groaning, "You make me lose my mind!"

"Who needs a mind when you have a perfectly functioning libido? Let’s pull up our socks and claim that bedroom." She patted her partner on the butt, urging her to get moving.

"I don’t think adults make love on top of a bunch of coats at a party," Jamie said, pushing her sweat-dampened hair from her face.

"We can throw the coats on the floor," Ryan suggested, looking hopeful.

"Wouldn’t you rather go home and make love nice and slow and unhurriedly?" Jamie asked, licking all around the pink shell of Ryan’s ear as she spoke. "And then, do it all over again, and again, until we collapse? Doesn’t that sound better?"

"Mmm … that does sound nice," Ryan admitted. "And if we go into that bedroom and let a little pressure off first, I’m all for it."

"Make you a deal," Jamie said, smiling fondly at her over-excited lover, "I’ll call a cab to get us home faster."

Ryan kissed her hungrily, nipping at her bottom lip with lascivious intent. "Charter a helicopter, and you’re on."

"Ooo … I know you’re serious when you’re ready to spend that kind of money."

Slowly, Ryan stretched, taking in a deep, cleansing breath. "You’ve got me talkin’ crazy," she said, smiling. "The thought of spending money snapped me right out of my lust-filled haze."

"I had a feeling that would do it," Jamie said, giggling. "Now, let’s say goodbye to our friends, collect our roomies, and head home."

"Well, our roomies disappeared down the hall while we were dancing. They either went out the back door, or they had the sense to claim one of the bedrooms. And our friends are about to combust over there. If there’s a spare bedroom, it’s not gonna be available for long."

Twinkling green eyes looking Ryan up and down, then Jamie’s voice dropped into a sexy register as she said, "Let’s head home so I can get you into bed."

"We can’t leave Mia and Jordan, honey. I know Mia’s not able to drive, and God knows what shape Jordan’s in."

"Let’s put a note on Mia’s purse, and take her keys so she can’t drive. I’ll tell her where we hide the spare key to the front door. We only have to say goodbye to Sara and Ally and the rest of your friends."

"If you think I’m gonna interrupt Ally and Sara — you’ve lost your mind!" Ryan said, bursting out in a laugh. "And no one else in this shower of savages will notice we’ve gone."

"Good point," Jamie said. She slid off Ryan’s lap and pulled her to her feet. "I’ll find our coats — you leave the note and get your shirt."


They went about their assigned tasks, and met up at the door. Ryan had put her shirt back on, and as they walked along they both began to chill. Jamie cuddled up to her partner, and Ryan tucked her arm around her waist to share her warmth. "Boy, this is one way to sober up! It must be 30 degrees!"

"Maybe we should have called that cab," Jamie said.

"Nah. I really am a little fluthered, and being outside for a while will sober me up."

"Yeah, thinking about consenting to have a beer bottle inserted in a sensitive spot is about as drunk as I’ve ever seen you," the blonde said, chuckling wryly.

"I swear, it was estrogen poisoning," Ryan said. "It’s impossible to be around all of those writhing bodies and keep your cool."

"Well, I’m plenty cool now, and you must be freezing!"

"No, not yet, but we’ve got another 8 blocks to go. Give me time!"

* * * * * * * * * * *

By the time they reached the house, Ryan was shivering all over, and this time it wasn’t from arousal. "Go on downstairs," she said, teeth chattering. "I’m gonna get something to drink."

Expecting her partner to arrive with a cup of hot tea, Jamie was puzzled to see Ryan gulping down an enormous glass of Gatorade. "You can’t be thirsty!"

"No, of course not," she said, shaking her head. "But if I force some of this down it’ll help me not have a hangover."

"How’s that?"

"Well, drinking as much as I did will make me get up to pee, and every time I do I’ll drink another glass of this. By the time I get up I’ll be hydrated – and since a hangover is usually because of dehydration, I shouldn’t have a problem."

"You’ve got too much experience with this," the blonde said. "Are you sure I’m the one who should watch her drinking?"

"I’m sure I don’t want to spend much more time talking about the issue," Ryan said, stripping out of her clothes. "Remind me of this conversation tomorrow, when I’m completely lucid, okay?"

"Deal. Now hop in bed and I’ll warm you up."

"Mmm … shower first," Ryan decided. "I’m all sweaty, and I definitely need a little lovin’."

"I’ll wait for you," Jamie promised. "Don’t take too long."

After a very quick shower, Ryan dashed across the floor and dove for the covers, crying, "I’m perishing!" She rolled up in a little ball while Jamie rubbed every part of her body vigorously – trying to get her blood moving. "Okay, I’m warm now," Ryan said, as her dark head popped out of the bedding. "I’m also pretty sober," she said.

"Good. I want you to be aware of everything I do to you tonight. I want your senses heightened — not dulled."

"They’re getting there," Ryan decided. She scooted up and sat against the headboard, propping herself up with a couple of pillows. "I uhm … realized a couple of things tonight, babe, and I think I should share them with you. There’s a good chance they wont stick with me," she added, giving her partner a slow smile.

"I’m all ears," the blonde said, cuddling up to her lover’s side. "Well, I’m all ears and sex drive, but the libido can wait for a few. You know I don’t mind simmering a bit."

"That makes one of us," Ryan said, grinning. "Luckily, I’ve cooled down a little, so I can think straight."

"I like that T-shirt you have that says ‘I can’t even think straight.’"

"That is a good one," Ryan agreed. "Did you have a good time tonight?"

"You know, I did. It was very … different … but I liked it. I like feeling like one of the big girls. How about you? Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, very much so," Ryan said, nodding thoughtfully. "I like seeing my old friends and thinking about the past. I almost always learn something from these experiences — it’s very worthwhile for me."

"What did you learn tonight?" Jamie asked.

"Uhm … I guess what struck me tonight was how much I’ve changed in the last year. Before, I would have noticed every woman who came in the door, and within an hour I would have been trying to make a move. But now, I hardly notice anyone in that way, and I don’t get a sexual vibe from anyone but you. Some of them might be sending a vibe my way, but I don’t pick it up anymore. It’s like I have a vibe-shield," she said, chuckling softly.

"You need one," the blonde said, giving her lover a little tickle.

"No, not really," Ryan said. "When I was sitting in the corner with Mia, I couldn’t help watching you. Everything about you attracts me, Jamie. Your body, your personality, your mind, your heart — there are so many layers of attraction that I couldn’t even begin to tell you which is the most powerful. That’s never happened to me before."

The blonde looked into Ryan’s eyes, seeing that the hazy look was nearly gone. She lifted her hand and traced her lover’s strong features with her thumb, making Ryan close her eyes in reaction. "Never?" Jamie asked, a slight hesitation in her voice.

Pulling back, Ryan looked at her, gazing deeply into her eyes. "Never."

"Not even with …"

Ryan bent to kiss her, lingering a good, long while, letting the intensity of their bond flow between them. "Never," she repeated, her eyes bright with conviction. "It’s taken me a while," she said, "longer than I would have liked, but something became clear to me tonight."

Jamie cocked her head in question, and Ryan couldn’t help but give her another kiss, just because of how cute the gesture was.

"Most of the women I’ve been with have appealed to one part of me," she said. "They turned me on because of their bodies, or their senses of humor, or their energetic personalities. I knew that there was nothing else there — it was only sexual chemistry. "But there was more to it with both Sara and Ally," she said, and Jamie nodded in confirmation. "With Sara, I cared for her and loved her as well as a 17-year-old can love. But I was still a child then, Jamie, and part of my attraction to her was childish. It was as real and as important as it could be at the time — but it was immature. I was immature, and so was she. We’re women now, and we’re both able to love as women. I’m ready to put my feelings for her where they belong — with my fondest memories. She’ll always be my first love — but she’ll never be my great love. That place is reserved for you, and you alone."

Jamie pulled her partner’s head down and bestowed a kiss that made Ryan offer up a sincere ‘thank you’ to her creator for having been born. The sensations were overpowering, and seemed to assault each of Ryan’s senses in sequence. Jamie’s clean, fresh scent tickled her nose, while her lover’s strong, determined hands ran up and down the muscles in her back. Soft, firm breasts pressed against Ryan’s, her nipples growing hard once again. A warm, wet tongue gently explored every surface of the tall woman’s mouth, Jamie’s sweet breath merging with her own.

"God, I love you," Ryan sighed. "You do more to me with a kiss than any other woman ever has."

Jamie settled back down and looked at Ryan carefully. "Any woman?"

Ryan nodded, looking a little confused.

"What about Ally?"

"Oh." Ryan nodded, and collected her thoughts. "I can see why you’d think that she had that effect on me. Mmm … not to denigrate my relationship with Ally, but I didn’t feel nearly as close to her as I did to Sara. I think my feelings for Ally were mostly gone already."


"Yeah. I think so. I think what’s bothered me lately is having the two of them together. It’s like my feelings for each of them were magnified when I saw them. But, if I’m completely honest, I have to admit that what Ally and I had was barely a relationship. We had fun together in bed, and I liked her a lot, but that’s not enough to build a relationship on. I think my attraction for her was partially because I couldn’t get her," she admitted.

"Huh. I guess that makes sense," Jamie said. "Do you honestly think you’ll feel differently about them from now on? I hate to see you struggling with your discomfort."

"Yeah, I think I will feel better about them. I mean, I didn’t go out of my way to watch them make out, but I didn’t feel like I had to avoid them once I got this settled in my head."

"I think they’re usually pretty well behaved in public," Jamie said. "But Sara has been out of town for a few days, and they had some excess energy to burn off."

"They did a good job," Ryan said, chuckling.

"You’re really okay with it?" Jamie asked once again. "It wasn’t hard to see Ally all over her?"

"Well, I didn’t spend a lot of time with them, but I caught a look when we were dancing." She looked at Jamie and cocked her head. "Wanna hear an embarrassing admission?"

"Sure. Hit me."

"Seeing them together that way has completely ruined Sara’s allure."

"Huh? Why?"

"’Cause the thing that most attracted me to Sara was her purity, her innocence. When I fell in love with her, she’d never been kissed, or touched by another person. She was mine — alone," Ryan said softly. "I fantasized about her for years since then, Jamie, and in my mind, she was always that way — it was like having sex for the first time, every time I dreamt about her."

"That would be compelling," the blonde agreed.

"Well, I don’t fantasize about her any longer — let me make that perfectly clear," she said, smiling softly. "But when I think of her, I think of her as an 18-year-old. I’ve been having a hard time seeing her as the woman she is now. I’ve been locked in the past — and that’s never a good thing."

"But we’ve been with her quite a few times this year, babe. What happened tonight to change your view?"

A slow, warm smile settled on Ryan’s face. "I think I’ve had the fantasy that Ally was the one pushing the relationship along. I think I’ve been feeling protective of Sara — like I subconsciously wanted to guard her innocence, but I didn’t know how. Seeing them together drove me a little crazy, probably because I felt powerless."

"Okay, I think I can understand that. But my question remains, sweetie. What happened tonight?"

"I don’t know if you saw this," Ryan said, "but when we were dancing, Sara climbed onto Ally’s lap, straddling her."

"Oh-oh," Jamie said, her eyes widening. "She didn’t have a stitch on under that cute little kilt she was wearing."

Ryan’s head cocked, and she gave her lover a calm, but questioning look.

"I couldn’t help it!" Jamie insisted. "I was on the floor — at the perfect height! I wasn’t trying to look, but Sara crossed her legs at one point and …" She shrugged, blushing a little.

"Well, that makes the scene even more interesting," Ryan chuckled. "They were making out like mad, and Ally’s hands disappeared under that tiny skirt. Sara’s hips started to twitch, and it looked like they were gonna go for it." She smiled and said, "That’s why I moved over near the wall when we were dancing. There was no way I was going to watch Ally …" She rolled her eyes and said, "The bottom line is that once you’ve been with Ally, you don’t have a pure molecule left in your body. The spell has been broken, baby. Sara’s a woman now — someone else’s woman. I’ve got my own, and I’m very, very happy that things worked out like they did."

"I am, too," Jamie said, leaning in to kiss her again.

"And I’m doubly happy that I have a lover who gives me the space to figure these things out for myself. If you’d forbidden me from seeing either of them, I might have always had a little doubt."

"Huh," Jamie said, thoughtfully. "I guess that might have happened. Luckily for you, I’m not the jealous type."

"I’m lucky in so many ways," Ryan said, sighing deeply and tucking her arms even tighter around her partner. "I think I learned a lot tonight, honey. And one of the biggest lessons is something that I’m just now beginning to understand." She shook her head, her brow furrowing. "I’ve always known that I’d be able to be faithful once I fell in love. Honestly, that’s never been a concern. I know how important it is, and I was brought up believing that being true to your spouse was absolutely vital."

Jamie nodded, knowing that Martin would have made that message come through loud and clear.

"But, I’ve always thought that having to give up sex with other women was a trade-off. Do you know what I mean?"

"Mmm … I’m not sure."

"Well, I knew that being faithful would ensure that I’d get love, and security, and commitment, and intimacy. But I thought I’d miss the variety and the thrill of the chase."

Giving Ryan an adorably hopeful look, Jamie asked, "And that hasn’t been true?"

"No! Not in the least," Ryan insisted. "Monogamy isn’t something that I have to endure in order to have a good relationship. It’s something I freely and lovingly choose. It’s what I want … it’s what I need." She looked down at Jamie and gave her a warm, sexy smile, then reached out and touched her chest with her index finger, letting out a long, slow hiss. "Monogamy is sizzling hot."



The End

NB. With the posting of Book 13, the series is half complete. I’m going to take a short break to catch my breath and work on a few other projects, then resume the story this summer.

To chat with me and ask questions, get updates as soon as they’re available, and commune with fellow aficionados of the series; consider joining my Yahoo group. The group is, by far, the easiest way for me to handle my mail – and I will continue to read and respond to the postings during my short break. My e-mail address will be changing soon, and I don’t know what the new one will be; so the Yahoo group will be the best way to reach me during my spring hiatus.

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My thanks to Day for all of her efforts and expertise in beta reading the story; and to Dee for taking another look at it after I was unable to stop making changes <s>.

To Carrie, for providing ample evidence that choosing her as my partner was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I can only hope that I enrich her life as much as she does mine.


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