Chapter XXII

The next few weeks passed quietly. Geoff and Jill had enjoyed their stay immensely, and the weapons smith had even found to his delight a sense of renewed strength and determination to get well. Especially since Randi and Gwen had chosen the first day of the New Year as their wedding day.

"I’m looking forward to this," he’d confided to Jill as they’d prepared to leave that Sunday afternoon. "I *will* be standing when the time comes to give our daughter away."

"Of that I have no doubt, sweetheart. Your greatest strength has always been your single-minded determination. I am looking forward to the end results as well." Her tone gave him no doubt where her thoughts were headed, and he flushed.

"Oh, you bet, Mrs. Goldman. We have months of lost time we’ll be making up for."

She leaned down and kissed him firmly and long before she answered. "Not lost, love. Invested." He smiled and reclaimed her lips.


"Are you sure this is a good idea, love?" The bard sat on the floor surrounded by boxes, gifts, wrapping and red ribbon.

"You mean the Festival reading, or this thing?" holding up the pink nightie Gwen had gotten for her mother. "This just doesn’t strike me as something Jill would, um, like."

"I’ll have you know that was one of forty-two different items she gave me to choose from. Apparently pink is one of Daddy’s favorite colors on her."

"Well, if you say so. I think I’d like to see you in something purple myself." She raised rakish brows up and down at her lover. She smiled gently at the blush that suffused the bard’s face. "You’re so beautiful."

"Only in your eyes, love." A hint of...f ear... confusion... anxiety... Randi wasn’t sure which was stronger in the bard’s expressive green eyes, but it was clear that something was troubling her partner greatly. She offered her hand to Gwen, who took it with a puzzled look on her face, and allowed herself to be pulled up and away from the bundles and boxes of gifts still surrounding her on the floor. They had decided to give small gifts to the many friends who had supported and comforted Gwen during Randi’s absence. They hadn’t realized how very many that was going to be when they first started, but now they were glad they had. It made them understand how truly blessed they were.

The Sabre led the bard over to the couch, and sat down. Gwen immediately claimed her place on Randi’s lap, and the warrior felt a tremor run through the blonde’s body.

"What is it, love?"

"I don’t know if I can do this, Randi. I haven’t told a story in almost a year and a half. How can I get up in front of the entire world in five days, and just expect everything to be there for me?"

The warrior took the beloved face, and cradled it in her hands. "Gwen, if you’re not comfortable with this, don’t do it. You need to do this for yourself, not anyone else."

"But, you...."

"No, love. Not even for me. As much as it would please me for you to do it, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable or embarrassed. This is supposed to be a time to celebrate and be happy. Please don’t make yourself miserable over this. We deserve to be happy, especially this year."

The bard dropped her head onto Randi’s shoulder, and stayed silent a very long time, thinking over the Marine’s words. "I want to do this, I really do. I just don’t know if I can," came the soft-spoken answer.

Now the long arms tightened around the smaller body, and Randi dropped a small kiss on the top of the blonde head. "I know you can." She lifted Gwen’s chin with her fingertips, and gazed into trusting green eyes. "I believe in you."

Gwen’s smile at those words rivaled in brightness the sunrises and sunsets they could view from the island. "I love you."

Randi returned the smile. "I love you, too." She looked at her watch. "C’mon. Tobias will be here soon to pick up all the things that go to Midas. Is everything wrapped and ready?"

"Uh huh." The blonde pointed to a neatly stacked, rather large pile of gifts. "It’s a good thing you arranged for a pick-up, though. Those things would have never fit into the bike’s saddlebags." She chuckled at Randi’s expression. "Do you think Tori and Scott will appreciate these?" holding up a pair of beautifully made baby booties. "Maybe we should have gotten something more practical for them."

"I think they will treasure them. Now...." But a request from Tobias for the bridge extension came at precisely that moment, and stopped the conversation for the time being.

Sometime later, when the transport had been loaded, and was headed back to the mainland and Midas Enterprises, Randi called Gwen over to a small cleared space she’d made in front of the fireplace. "I know it’s not the same as having a campfire, but I thought you might want to share some s’mores with me." The bard grinned her delight, and hastened to turn down the lights. She even lit a few evergreen candles she’d gotten for their holiday scent. Randi smiled in response.

"Nice touch, love."

"I have many skills," Gwen replied airily, but her eyes were twinkling.

"You do indeed," the Marine agreed saucily, smiling largely at the ensuing color that flushed Gwen’s face. "Now, c’mon. Let’s ruin our dinner." The bard laughed outright at Randi’s childish enthusiasm, and they proceeded to do just that. The puppy curled up on the rug with them, but had to settle for a chocolate covered dog biscuit.



The following morning, after her shower, Gwen marched upstairs to the exercise room, knowing she would find Randi there. Indeed, her lover was just putting up the dumbbells, and had grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat from her face, when the bard stuck her head in the door.

"Morning, love."

Gwen couldn’t help but smile at the genuine love and affection that radiated from Randi’s eyes and voice. Then she remembered her reason for coming upstairs and scowled.

"Don’t you ‘morning, love’ me, Miranda Valiant," the smaller woman mock growled as she poked the Marine in the chest.

Big blue eyes went round as saucers, and her Sabre mind went scrambling for what could have possibly happened to the woman whom she’d left in bed humming with delight and contentment a short hour earlier to have caused her to be so grumpy. She didn’t have long to wonder, though, since the bard was quick to point out the problem.

"Do you see this, Randi?" The Marine could hardly miss the large bruised area along Gwen’s neck and pulse points. "You gave me a hickey!"

The blue eyes turn sheepish, and the tall woman defended her actions. "You didn’t mind it an hour ago."

"No, and I don’t mind it now." Emerald eyes twinkled up at sapphire. "It just dawned on me that the whole world is gonna see it too."

"You’re gonna do it then?" dropping the other line of thought like a hot potato when she realized that not only was Gwen not really upset, but that she’d made a huge decision.

"I’m gonna do it. I think it’s something I need to do. For me... for us. It’s something I can do for you, and that gives me a reason to try."

The Marine looked like she wanted to take the younger woman into her arms, but she looked down at herself and said, "I love you," quietly. "C’mon. I wanna give you a hug, and I don’t exactly smell as fresh as a bouquet of daisies. Let me get a quick shower and we’ll get the day started."

Gwen ignored the sweat and wrapped her arms around the slender waist. "I love you too." And she smiled when she felt a tender kiss pressed to the top of her head.



An hour later, dressed in leather pants, a blue silk shirt, and leather duster, the warrior found herself seated behind the bard on the motorcycle headed in toward town. Today was the annual Festival party at Midas, and they were gonna surprise everyone with their gifts. Normal gift exchange was a private affair between friends sometime during the party. But because of what they wanted to do, there was going to be a public presentation of gifts from them to each and every person who worked at Midas. Unknown to both women, Tommy had invited several unexpected guests. They had something special for Randi and Gwen as well.

The buffet set up in the company mess hall was enormous, and Randi found a favorite dish she hadn’t had for a very long time. It took her back to her childhood, and Gwen was loath to disturb the peace of the moment reflected in the face she loved. But the warrior felt her presence, and turned to welcome her with open arms, and a fork full of food.

The bard gratefully accepted the food, then moaned in appreciation as the culinary delight hit her taste buds. She made as if to go for seconds, but Randi protectively covered up her plate. "Mine," she growled, motioning to the table. "Get your own."

Gwen turned puppy dog eyes on her partner, and Randi growled again. "No fair." But she smiled and offered her the plate.

The blonde ignored the plate, and planted a kiss on the tall woman’s planed cheek. "Thank you, love." Then she turned to the table, and proceeded to fill her own plate. The Marine went to their table and took a seat to wait.

Randi was still looking after her, when Tommy walked up beside her. She looked up at him, and burst into laughter. His choice of attire was... interesting... to say the least. His baggy red velvet pants were held in place by a pair of red suspenders, and the fuzz on his face hinted at another effort to grow a beard. Wonder how long before Ella makes him shave it?? "Is there a reason you look like a hobo?" she asked, still sniggering.

He rose to his full height, crossed his arms over his chest, and glared at her, though the twinkle in his eyes reputed his stern visage. "I’ll have you know it’s a costume that dates back to ancient times."

"Uh... huh...." she drawled out.

"Hiya, T. What’s up with the scruffy stuff?" Gwen motioned to the man’s face even as she set a precariously full plate on the table.

"Yeah, what she said!" Randi added with a twinkle. He kept growing them and shaving them. Ella loved them, then hated them... he wanted one; it made his face itch. It was an ongoing thing between them lately, and the company never knew from one day to the next how the boss was gonna show up that day.

"Hmph!! I can see I’m not appreciated here," and with a grin, he went off to greet more of his people.

"He’s so funny," Gwen commented as she sat down. "Wanna bite?" holding up a small bit of food.

"Um, no, thank you. Squid is squid, no matter what it’s called."

"Your loss," and the bard continued to munch happily on the fried calamari.

As the meal began to wind down, Tommy signaled for everyone’s attention. "Folks, we’re gonna do things a little differently this year. I’ll turn the floor over to Gwen and Randi, and let them explain. Ladies." He gestured them to join him on the platform, and the Marine allowed the bard to lead her to the stage. They took up what had come to be their customary positions, with Randi standing just behind Gwen, hands resting lightly on her hips. Tommy went to take a seat near the back, so he could observe the entire proceeding, and watch for his special guests.

"We asked, as a special courtesy, to be allowed to distribute gifts to everyone this year," Gwen spoke quietly. "You were all so kind and supportive, and continue to be so, and we just wanted to take a moment and say thank you." The room applauded. Gwen and Randi were favorites, and everyone was so glad things had worked out the way they had.

Slowly, each person made their way to the front of the room. Randi handed the gifts to the bard, who in turn gave them to the recipient with a personal word for each and every one. As the small boxes were opened, exclamations of delight were heard around the room. For inside each was a small gold horseshoe pendant and chain, engraved with the name of the receiver and the date.

"We consider ourselves very lucky to count so many as our friends." Gwen explained as the last of the presents had been given out. "We thought we’d return a bit of the luck." The crowd chuckled. "Thank you all... for caring, and for being part of our extended family." Now the crowd whistled and cheered. "Happy Festival!" The assembly echoed her good wishes.

Tommy remounted the stage before the two women could scramble off. "Wait, hold it... hang on a minute." He snagged the Marine’s arm, and effectively halted their escape. "We have some things for the two of you as well." The people tittered, and Randi noticed for the first time her former band mates in the back of the room. They came forward now, carrying a long narrow box between them.

"We know you’ve been really busy in the last few months, and haven’t really had a lot of time for music since your return, Randi, but we thought this might put you in a musical mood. Gwen helped us pick it out, so you should like it. Everyone," indicating the large room, "pitched in to get it."

The Sabre turned a wary eye towards her partner, and tried to glare, but the smiling impishness peeking back at her made it impossible. Instead, she took the rather heavy box from the guys, and set it gently on the floor, and began unwrapping. Her breath caught when the object was revealed to her wondering eyes. Inside was a lyre she had stopped to admire many months prior, with a casual comment on how she’d like to learn to play one some day. Now, here, with very few words, she felt part of herself come alive again.

"Thanks, guys," whispered where only they could hear her. "This is just...incredible." She picked the instrument up carefully, and softly stroked the strings. "I can’t wait to learn how to play this." A little louder. "Thanks, everyone. This is great!" Then she replaced it gently in its case, and turned to her partner. She wrapped her in an engulfing hug. "Thank you, love."

Gwen returned the embrace fully. "Welcome, Randi."

"KISS HER!" someone yelled from the back of the room, and everyone burst into laughter. Gwen turned four shades of red, and turned her face into the Marine’s chest, which was shaking with the chuckles Randi couldn’t contain. The laughter released what had been a rising emotional tension, and the room around them relaxed as well. The band, heartened by the reception of the lyre, sat back down and waited for the proceedings to continue. Tommy cleared his throat.

"For our star bard, who had to be a princess without a crown," referencing a night that was a whole other lifetime away from them it seemed, "we have a tiara," placing the object on the golden head. The crowd laughed and cheered appreciatively, while Gwen herself laughed and cried. "And for the teacher who in the last nine months has taken the time to help and encourage others even when she herself was struggling...." He held up a small object. ".... a golden apple. A reminder of the good you do, and of the difference you have made." They exited the stage to cheers and whistles, and the party started shifted to a different mode.

Just as the two reached the floor, a childish voice was heard above the din. "WUV!!" The boy impatiently motioned to his mother to put him down, and she did so with alacrity. He ran on his short, little two-year-old legs, through the crowd that parted in front of him, until he ran smack into the long legs of the Marine. Randi hoisted him up, and he squeezed her neck before planting a rather sloppy kiss on her cheek. He squealed with laughter when the bard reached up and tickled his tummy.

"Outside, Wuv, pwease?"

"I dunno, love muffin. Mama may not want you outside right now."

"Wuv! Now!" grabbing her long hair and pulling.

"Randall!" The sternness of her voice got his attention, and he yanked. "No." She loosened his grip from her hair, and setting him down. She knelt at eye level, and said quietly, "No, Randall. That hurts."

He looked at her defiantly, before his face crumpled, just the least little bit. "Sowwy."

"C’mon, slugger. Let’s go talk to your mama." She picked him up again, and he snuggled into her neck for a brief second, before the sparkly crown on Gwen’s head caught his attention. He reached for it and she chuckled.

"You wanna be a little prince now, huh?" He gestured for it again, but she didn’t give it to him. "No, Randall. I don’t think it’s safe." The combs were somewhat sharp, and the dangling parts could be dangerous. He started to get angry, and Randi took a firm grasp on his grabbing fists.

"No." It was all she said. He put his head down and pouted.

They had reached Ella by this point in time, and the Marine just looked at the frazzled woman. An arched brow said more than words could, and the curly headed woman understood immediately. "He’s been like this for a while. We haven’t even eaten yet, because it’s been a war to get him in here. Gotta love those terrible twos."

"How about we take him out for a little bit and let you eat and socialize a bit? We’ll bring him back in when he’s calmed down, and ready to eat."

"Would you mind?" The woman looked ready to throw herself at their feet. "I’d appreciate a few minutes to regroup."

Gwen spoke up. "You take all the time you need. We’ll be fine." Then in a supposed aside to their friend, which she knew very well the Marine would hear she continued, "I think the um, "big kid" needs to get out and play for a while."

"I heard that, bard."

"I know you did." And she ran out the door carrying her jacket followed by a growling Randi and a cheering Randall. The room erupted into laughter at the antics that had caught their attention.

"What took you so long?" Tommy whispered to his wife. The harried look in her eyes prompted him not to question further, but to call for the attention of the assembly once more. It didn’t take long for the excited buzz to start.



"Are you sure this is what she said she wanted?" Jill questioned her husband as she walked into the room with two glasses of homemade watermelon wine. It was a very old family recipe, and they tended to drink it on the most bitterly cold days of the year, to remind themselves of the warmth and promise of summer. "She seems a little old and um, technologically beyond a kite."

"Oh, that is good stuff. Hits the spot on a day like today. Yes, sweetheart. I’m sure. I asked. It reminds her of her childhood. And you have to admit, it makes perfect sense for her to want to enjoy the simple things in life, now more than ever."

"I suppose it does," after a bit of thought. "That was a beautiful dartboard you created for her as well. Where did you get the idea?"

"Tommy gave it to me. He has one in his study, and we’ve played a bit. It’s really an interesting game. And she enjoys it as well. She’s just never taken the time to have one made."

"I guess Gwen has changed a lot for her, hasn’t she, Geoff?"

"I think they’ve changed a lot for each other, hon. I’m glad the doctors let me come stay here. I am much more relaxed than I was in the medifac."

"I’m glad you’re here too."



"Oh, this is lovely," the bard breathed as she took in the grandiose old structure of the Sword and Scroll Inn, situated in the heart of the capital city. The warrior looked down at her in amusement.

"Haven’t you stayed here before?"

"No. When I came the first few times, I was still considered a child, and this is for adults only. And when I was stationed here.... well, I was stationed here. I was quartered in the barracks." Neither of them mentioned the other hotel, where Tommy and his family were neatly ensconced. Gwen was still terribly uncomfortably with the memories that location evoked in her.

They were led to their suite, and Gwen smiled to see a tiny stuffed penguin sitting on the bed with a single red rose and a small box of truffles.

"Hmm, looks like Festival elves have been at work already."

"You must have been a very good girl this year then." Randi flopped on the bed as Gwen snatched penguin, flower and candy out of harm’s way.

"I have been a very lucky... very blessed girl this year." Tears filled her eyes. "I love you."

"Ditto, Little One." She looked at the clock. "You don’t have rehearsal for a while. Wanna snuggle?"

Without a word, the bard carefully placed her presents on the nightstand, and closed the heavy drapes.



It was sometime later that they awoke, and they lay curled around each other talking quietly.

"I still can’t believe you brought black powder for Daddy. What are ya’ll up to anyway?" The bard was far too comfortable to really scold much. It was curiosity as much as anything.

"*We’re* not up to anything. He asked for it, and I was able to find him some." Randi shrugged. "He’s a weapons smith, Gwen. He collects weapon relics. Maybe he just wants to see what an old fashioned explosion sounds like. Maybe he wants to make some of those ancient fireworks he’s been studying about. I dunno. I didn’t ask." She didn’t mention the antique handcuffs and lock pick set she’d gotten at his behest. Some things were best left alone.

"Well, I’m glad we were able to find that hand made whip. He will appreciate the craftsmanship involved there."

The Marine smiled. "Yeah, it cracks really loud." She chuckled. The bard had to laugh in tandem with the other woman’s exuberance. It was nice to see the five-year-old peeking out more often these days. The newly revealed playful aspect of her lover was something Gwen was learning to very much enjoy and appreciate. "C’mon," the warrior said as she rose and extended her hand. Let’s go get ready for tonight’s rehearsal."

When they came down the stairs a bit later, they startled the Siamese cat who had been resting by the fireplace by their hasty halt. Gwen, who had been trailing slightly behind the Marine, couldn’t see the reason for Randi’s quick stop, and was a little miffed by it.

"Randi, what’s the problem?" She came around to stand in front of the warrior, who simply turned her toward the small holographic message board tucked discreetly behind the front desk. She stood stock still as the implications stuck in her mind. Then whirled to face the Marine still standing rooted to the spot.

"An Artist’s Guild convention?? Why didn’t he tell us?" The tattoo of their rapidly beating hearts was the only sound either heard for a very long moment. The bard trembled, and leaned into Randi’s chest. "How can I perform now? The entire Alliance is having a convention here?!?" Randi moved to put a stop to the hysteria before it started.

"Love, I’ll bet they are here to support you. It’s been a long time since you performed, and your peers are as anxious for you to succeed as you are."

"Not all of them," Gwen muttered under her breath. But the Marine’s sharp hearing caught the mumbled words, and she wrapped the bard up in a hug.

"Well, we’ll take care of the detractors later. Maybe I’ll show them my fire spitting trick." The evil grin that accompanied these words caused Gwen to laugh out loud.

"I love you," she said, returning the embrace finally and relaxing in the warrior’s arms.

"I love you, too. C’mon, bard. You’ve got work to do."

As they exited the building, Gwen looked to her partner and asked, "Can you *really* spit fire?"

"Oh yeah."



The following morning, they met Tommy and Ella for breakfast. Randi was quick to take Tommy by the ear, and pull him to one side. "You’ve got some ‘splaining to do." The look on her face told him she was serious and he was in trouble if he didn’t talk fast.

"We, uh, we wanted it to be a surprise. The entire Alliance is here. The Guild from Midas came as a group and has special seating right at the front. We just wanted to show our support."

Tears sprang into crystal blue eyes before Randi could stop them. "Thank you, Tommy. She sorta freaked when we saw the board. I think some of those Alliance folks have been giving her grief." Her expression turned feral.

"Don’t worry, Randi. After her performance, they’ll be giving her nothing but adulation. C’mon. Food’s getting cold." But the both stopped to take in the scene. Randall was telling a story to the bard, while Ella watched with the biggest grin on her face.

".... pider!" he said emphatically.

"Oh, you were chased by a sand spider?" He nodded hard. Gwen hugged him. "Well, I’m glad you ran away and came to see me instead. Maybe we can talk Wuv into a day in the park. Whaddya think?"

"Pwease, Wuv?" Two sets of pleading puppy dog eyes turned toward the Marine, who melted, then blushed at the chuckle Tommy was emanating from behind her. He laid a hand on her shoulder.

"I couldn’t resist that either."

It was still dark on Festival morning when Randi and Gwen climbed out of bed and headed straight to the shower. They had been up very late visiting the bard’s parents, and it was going to take them a little extra effort to get moving. When they emerged, dressed and ready to go a very short time later, Geoff was knocking at the door with coffee for them both.

"Least I could do after we kept you up so long last night." He smiled, noticing the grip his daughter had on her partner’s hand. "You girls go get ready. We’ll be seeing you soon."

Gwen had made the stipulation that Randi be allowed on stage with her during the story telling. It was a bit unorthodox, but the Guild had been so happy to see her return, they had readily complied. And unable to resist when the bard had asked, the Marine had agreed as well.

So now Randi accompanied Gwen across the stage, carrying the scroll that had long ago become the bard’s trademark, seating her before moving into the chair beside her. The warrior heard the bard’s breath catch as the introductory music began in the voices that were swelling behind them.

"What’s wrong, love?" sotto voce from the Marine. Gwen simply gripped her hand tight, and motioned toward the audience. Row after row was filled with their friends and colleagues. A tremulous smile crossed the bard’s face. Their love and support washed over her and she felt the confidence that she had been missing for months flow through her veins. Gwenievere Goldman was ready to make her triumphant return to the stage. Randi felt the change flow through her partner as a living thing, and posed a questioning look at Gwen. She smiled, and the Marine understood what had happened. She smiled in response. She knew she’d get the full story when they were alone again. And then came Gwen’s first cue.

She stood and took a deep breath. Her voice quavered just slightly at first, but quickly settled into her natural rhythm. "In a time of ancient gods...."



Randi sat with tears rolling unashamedly down her face, as she listened to the bard’s voice. She had waited a long time for this renewal.

"And so it came to pass, when the war was over, that mankind finally discovered a few basic truths about itself. That we are all the same, regardless of race, religion, sex, or creed. We breathe the same air, eat the same food, bleed the same color. We all feel love and loss, joy and sadness, pleasure and pain. The only real differences we had were the ones we had created for ourselves."

"The time for differences had passed, and with peace came a new beginning, and a melding of traditions and ideals. And so we come together for Festival every Winter Solstice.... to celebrate our uniqueness, and our cultures, and our oneness together."

"Happy Festival, my friends."

The bard and the warrior stood together at the end, as applause rang out from around them, and from around the world. Gwen soaked in the adulation, its sound filling a place in her heart that had been barren for a very long time. Randi felt the change, and hugged the bard to her, knowing it had made a difference.



Sometime later, they were being seated at the table in the long room Tommy had reserved for the Guild to share Solstice dinner together. The room had broken into impromptu applause when they’d entered, and Gwen had acknowledged it gracefully and with a blush before taking the seat reserved for her. She was glad to see that some of their closer friends shared the table. Tori and Scott were there, and they chatted for a moment about the woman’s pregnancy. She was due any day, but....

"I wouldn’t have missed this. It was wonderful to see you return to the stage."

"It felt so right to be there, and I have Randi to thank for it."

"Did I hear my name?" The warrior turned from where she had been greeting a couple of late arrivals, and Gwen squealed when she saw Reed and Tiny standing beside her lover.

"I’m so glad to see you guys!" Introductions went round the table, and Geoff and Tiny greeted one another like old friends. Then they sat down to begin the wonderful meal whose scents were making their mouths water. Talk moved lightly from subject to subject, finally homing in on the upcoming nuptials.

"I never thought to see you hooked, my friend. But she has done wonders for you," Tiny commented privately to Randi, whose eyes were adoring her beloved. "It does my heart good to see you both so happy."

"I never thought to have what I share with her, Tiny. She’s become my whole world."

"I think it works both ways," noticing the bard’s possessive hold on the Sabre’s hand, though her attention was taken with a conversation with Reed and Tori. "I’m looking forward to the wedding." He paused. "Speaking of, Geoff really looks much better." They glanced down to where the weapons smith was in conversation with Scott and Tommy.

"Yeah, he does. The wedding has been very inspirational in his recovery. He’s determined to be standing to give Gwen away."

"Well, I for one am looking forward to it. It has been a long time coming."

Randi never had a chance to answer, for at that moment, Sal swept up to them, bubbling with unbridled enthusiasm.

"Such wonderful work today, my dear," addressing Gwen. "We got some marvelous footage. Now, we need to discuss the details for your wedding. It’s only eleven days off, you know. And we want to make sure everything is just perfect for you both."

"Sal, the fact that we are finally getting married makes it perfect for us. But we appreciate your wanting the recording part to be perfect as well. Let’s get together tomorrow for breakfast. Today is a day to celebrate."

"Thank you, ladies," and he kissed Gwen hand. "And thank you for the most memorable Solstice I’ve had in years. Seeing you perform again was wonderful. We’ll see you in the morning."

They chuckled as Dei led her brother safely away while shaking her head with long-suffering patience. The man’s wife stood waiting with hands on hips, and he dropped his head as they approached her.

"Ya know," Randi leaned over to whisper in the bard’s ear. "You’d think he’d know better than talk business outside of business hours by now. The women in his life just won’t let him get away with it."

Gwen turned and faced the warrior fully. "He’ll just have to cope. But for now, can we go rest a bit? The performance this morning took a lot out of me, and I’d like some recovery time alone with you."

Concerned blue eyes took in the shadows under the sparkling green eyes, and she realized the bard’s exhaustion was a physical one as well as a mental one. Emotionally, however, Gwen was on top of the world, and for that, Randi was very thankful. She was overjoyed to see that particular twinkle that had long been missing return to emerald depths. It made all the difference.

"C’mon, love," rising and taking Gwen by the hand. "I think folks will excuse us for a while."

They bade their friends a good afternoon, promising them more time later in the day, and headed upstairs for a well-earned rest.



Chapter XXIII

On the eve of the wedding, in the late afternoon, Randi sat out at the end of the dock watching the clouds drift by. She was bundled up warmly. Three days worth of rain had brought in a cold front, and it was quite chilly even in the middle of the day.

She was alone, except for the puppy that sat cozily curled in her lap, having finally reached her tolerance limit for having people around. She’d muttered an excuse to Gwen, whose concerned eyes had followed her. But the bard remained behind with their company, knowing her soulmate needed a little private time and space.

The Marine heard a slight whirring sound behind her, and knew that Geoff was headed down the dock towards her. She sighed soundlessly, understanding her peace and quiet was about to go the way of the wind. Surprisingly, the weapons smith pulled his hover chair up beside her, and sat wordlessly gazing out at the vista that lay before them. Nearly a half hour passed in silent contentment before he spoke, never once turning to look at her.

"All getting to be a little much for you in there, Marine?"

She sighed again, and he smiled in sympathy. It had been getting to be a little too much for him as well. "Yeah," she answered softly. "I know they mean well, and I’m sure I’ll appreciate it, but...."

"But they’re driving you nuts."

"Something like that, yeah."

Geoff laughed, and Randi finally turned to face him. He looked much better than he had even a mere month prior. Blessing Day seemed to have given him the impetus he needed to cross the hump, and the strides he was making toward recovered health were visible in his ruddier color and rested features. The weapons smith shifted a bit, turning to look squarely at Randi.

"I remember, the day before Jill and I got married... a few of my buddies took me out, and several of her girlfriends got together to do the same. I think the intent was to get us so drunk that our wedding night would be a blur." He chuckled again at the memories. "It was funny, but we gave them the slip, and spent a quiet night alone together. The wedding was beautiful, and I remember every single detail."

Randi didn’t see a need to answer, and the two of them sat quietly for a long time, just watching as the sun edged its way toward the horizon. A second sound, and this time the Sabre smiled. She recognized the roll and weight of the steps that were approaching. She leaned back into the smaller body, as the bard’s arms came around her neck from behind in a fierce hug.

"I missed you," Gwen whispered into the nearby ear. "You okay?" The canine stirred from his warm nest and stood on his hind legs and began licking Gwen’s arms. Nibbling as he tried to get a good hold on them with his baby teeth.

"Carbon!" the blonde squealed, laughing. The puppy took that as his cue to play, and began gnawing in earnest. Gwen giggled, an infectious sound that caused answering chuckles to emerge from both her lover and her father. "Ya’ll are not helping me here," growling. The dog thought this was more play, and growled back at her in response. She loosened her hands from around Randi’s neck, using one to stroke the puppy’s soft fur, while he nibbled the fingers of her other hand. Deciding he liked the attention a lot, he proceeded to crawl up the warrior’s body and over her head into the bard’s arms. Now it was the Sabre’s turn to growl.


Geoff couldn’t help it. He laughed out loud, tears rolling from his eyes in his merriment. He had a passing thought of thankfulness on the steadiness of his hover chair, and then was grasping his sides, and trying to catch his breath. He glanced down at the tangled heap of humanity and caninety looking back at him in bemusement. "I’m sorry," he giggled again. "That has got to be one of the funniest things I’ve seen lately. Thanks, girls. I needed that." Without another word, but still laughing, he turned his chair and went into the boathouse, where he could now see Jill’s figure as a shadow.

Gwen looked down at her partner in some amusement. "Um, you wanna move now?" The Marine had her head quite comfortably ensconced in the bard’s lap, and Gwen had managed to wriggle into a more relaxed position, and was actually very content to be where she was.

"Nope, I’m happy here," Randi answered. "Unless you need me to move." She started to lift her head. The blonde pushed her back down, gently combing her finger through the dark hair.

"Nope. I like you here just fine. This is your place, ya know."

The Marine glanced at the puppy, who was looking slightly miffed that he’d lost Gwen’s attentions, and was now curled up beside them. He huffed in Randi’s ear, and the warrior started. "Hey!" She glared at the puppy, who promptly began licking her ear studiously. "That tickles!"

Randi could feel the bard’s stomach convulsing in laughter, and turned her stare to her lover. "You’re supposed to be on my side here, ya know."

"I am, love, but ya’ll are just too cute sometimes." The sun had fallen below the horizon while they’d sat there, and it had grown almost bitterly cold. Gwen shivered... a sensation the Sabre caught from her position, and Randi rose to her feet in a smooth, swift motion.

"C’mon, Little One. It’s cold out, and I’m getting hungry. Besides, we can’t leave everyone unattended to fend for themselves, can we?"

"Actually, I sent everyone away, with the promise that we would join them for dinner. And with the understanding that it was going to be an early night for us."

The Sabre picked the bard up in her arms, and hugged her tightly, twirling her around for good measure, though she did so slowly as a concession to the fact that they were still on the dock. "Have I told you today how much I love you?"

Gwen slowly opened her clenched eyes, and smiled up into blue looking back at her in adoration she could see even in the near darkness. "Um, yes, but it never hurts to hear it again." She smiled. "What brought that on, anyway?"

"I ran out on the wedding preparations, and you still look out for me."

"Can I tell you a secret?" The Marine plowed through the sand, never relinquishing her hold. She gazed down at Gwen and nodded, a question in her eyes. "I would have run out with you, but I figured you needed a bit of space. It was beginning to get to me too."

"Oh, Gwen. I’m sorry. I...." Soft fingers covered her lips, and she pressed a kiss to them. The blonde smiled at the gesture and spoke.

"Don’t be. I think they got the point. No one grumbled when I told them we were done, and set my conditions for dinner." She paused. "I know everyone wants everything to go perfectly tomorrow, and so do I. But truthfully, as long as you and I are there and married, the rest can go by the wayside. We’ve waited too long to allow details to make us miserable."

Randi stopped walking as she hit the deck, and dipped her head, claiming Gwen’s lips for a very long, heady moment. The sound of whimpering drew them apart, and they separated slowly, looking at each other in puzzlement. The sound continued, and the Marine turned, looking for the source of the sound. What she found made her grin.

"What?" the bard asked.

For answer, the tall woman turned slightly, so Gwen could see in the direction of the dock. What she saw made her chuckle in sympathy.

"Oh love. We need to go get him." Obediently, the Sabre headed back across the sand, the bard still held tightly in her arms. "Randi, wait. Put me down a minute. You don’t need to be carrying me back and forth across the sand like this. I’m not a featherweight, ya know."

"Oh, I beg to differ, Little One."

"Randi, please. You’re gonna hurt yourself."

Sad blue eyes with a look of profound hurt swung in her direction. "Oh no. Not that look. Not the puppy dog eyes. C’mon now, love. I.... Argh!" She put her head down in surrender, and wrapped her arms tighter around the Marine’s neck.

Randi’s grin was bright enough to have lit up the night sky, but Gwen didn’t see it. She could feel the joy, though, and smiled to herself in the darkness. Then they were stopping by the puppy, who was looking pitifully back at them from a hole that was almost as deep as he was tall.

Earlier in the day, Randall, having been exceedingly tired from the continued adult conversation, had coerced his father into some playtime outside. He had spent some time digging and apparently, Carbon had decided to investigate. Sand, being what it is, and slippery to boot, collapsed beneath him while he stood at the edge, taking him into the hole. And since he’d had no way to gain any traction, any digging just sent him deeper. When Randi had spotted him, only his eyes and ears, and a tiny bit of tail were visible. By the time they’d traversed the short distance to him, he had disappeared from sight completely. Now he looked back at the mournfully, trying to scramble out to them with no success.

"Ahh... c’mon, love. Put me down so we can get him out of there."

Instead of releasing her, as the bard fully expected the Marine to do, Randi dropped to one knee beside the pup, and motioned for Gwen to reach out and grab the small dog. Then centering herself, she rose and moved back to the beach house. The bard looked at her scoldingly.

"What? You were keeping me warm. You didn’t think I was gonna give that up, did you?"

Gwen opened her mouth to respond, then closed it. Opened it... closed it. Finally, she drew a deep breath and said, "C’mon. We need to get ready to go. We’re supposed to be at the Golden Touch in about forty-five minutes. Mother said she and Daddy would take the larger transport, so we could go alone together."

"That was nice of her," Randi replied, as she moved them into the bedroom. Finally, she let go her hold on her lover, letting Gwen slide into a standing position. They stood there for a long moment, absorbing the peace and sensations, then concurrently moved closer as one pair of lips captured another.

They pulled back reluctantly, and blue eyes gazed down into green. "We really have to go to dinner, huh?"

"Well, I did promise." She drew the dark head back down again. "But I never said we’d be on time."

Laughter followed this pronouncement, followed by a long stretch of near silence.



"That was a lovely dinner," Jill commented to Geoff as they readied themselves for bed much later that evening. "The girls have so many nice friends. It’s been fun getting to meet them all."

"Yeah, and I’m glad we’ll get more of a chance over the next week or so." He looked to his wife. "Did they ever tell you how long they expect this honeymoon to be?"

"I don’t think they know... at least, I don’t think Gwen does. I think Tommy said something about them being off for two weeks. I told the doctors we would be gone up to a month; so even with being gone since Solstice we’re not in any rush. That gives us better than two weeks." She watched as the man eased his legs to the floor, then moved to kneel at his feet. Without a word, she began a slow, deep, methodical massage, and Geoff groaned at the relief.

"The exercises still bother you so much, love?"

"I think it is the fact that I want so badly to do this on my own two feet tomorrow." He sucked in a breath when Jill hit a particularly tender spot. "I have been pushing extra hard."

"I know you have. You’ll do fine, sweetheart. I have faith."

"I love you. You have always been the wind in my sails."

Jill flushed, and rose up to kiss him firmly. "I love you too," she whispered. She knelt back down and finished the massage, watching without a word as the weapons smith hoisted himself from chair to bed. His legs still didn’t cooperate the way he wanted, but the doctors were constantly amazed by his progress. He was doing things in months that, given the fact that the regen unit couldn’t heal him, he shouldn’t have been able to do for years, if ever again.

He’d been frustrated by his seeming lack of progress, until Dr. Litzer had taken him aside, and very frankly explained how things *should* have been. From that day forward, he’d made every effort not to complain or make life more difficult for anyone, especially Jill. But there were still days....

Jill, for her part, had learned to refrain from helping too much. She was vocally supportive, but she’d learned the hard way to let her husband do for himself. It had eased a lot of the strain that his injury had caused, and they found themselves developing an even deeper relationship than they’d had before the accident.

Now he smiled up at her, gray eyes twinkling. He lifted the covers, and patted the space beside him. "Join me?"

"Um hmm. Thought you were never gonna ask. Lights."

Darkness fell in the boathouse, and the weapons smith smiled in the night. Jill snuggled up tight against him, and he held her close, once again reminded of how blessed he truly was. He fell asleep with that smile on his face.



Late the next morning found Gwen and Randi in the big bed wrapped tightly around one another. The Marine woke first, a bit surprised, then remembered the relaxation technique she’d helped the bard learn the night before. Guess it worked, she smirked to herself and smiled wholeheartedly when Gwen began to stir.

She watched as the green eyes fluttered open several times before finally remaining that way. The lithe body stretched on top of hers, and Randi gave it a firm squeeze. "Good morning, love," she whispered into blonde hair.

"Hiya, Sexy," the bard drawled with a grin. Then her face became more serious, and she reached a questing hand up to gently trace the strong features below her. Randi closed her eyes, absorbing the sensation through touch alone. Gwen took her time, following every plane and curve, committing them to memory once more. When she was finished, she laid her head down on the Marine’s chest, and hugged her tightly.

"I love you, Randi. Always."

"Forever, Gwen. I love you too."

Finally Gwen slipped from the bed, and headed upstairs to take a shower. It was a promise she’d made to her mother, and though she saw it as slightly ridiculous, saw no reason not to humor the older woman’s request. Randi had simply rolled her eyes when the bard had told her about it, but had cheerfully agreed. So the Sabre bathed downstairs while Gwen was upstairs. Then they took their wedding clothes from their individual closets, and headed out the door together to go to the temple.

There were a few who were scandalized by what was seen as a lack of respect and decorum, but Randi silenced their detractors with a Look and "If it was that much of an issue, I doubt we’d have gotten a second chance in the first place." And left it at that.

When they arrived at the temple, the priest and priestess were waiting for them. A long, loving look, a brush of fingertips on the cheek, and the two were separated until it came time for the actual ceremony.

The priest led Gwen into a small room off the sanctuary specially built for the purpose. The bard thanked the man, and hung her dress on the rack, gently removing it from its protective covering. She stared at it for long moment, remembering the long hours Randi had put into the design, making sure it was just right. She looked at it again with a sense of wonder, letting the love it represented fill her very soul. Then she sat at the vanity, and began preparing herself for this most important day.



Randi followed the priestess into another tiny alcove on the other side of the sanctuary. She nodded her thanks to the woman, who closed the door softly behind her as she left the warrior alone to change. The Sabre hung the garment bag up, taking a deep breath before opening the enclosure on it.

The scent that wafted up to her was at the same time familiar and foreign to her senses, and she took in the essence surrounding her with a wistful smile. She removed the uniform gingerly, not wanting to lose a crease. She looked at it for a long moment, her memories surfacing and reminding her of how she’d earned her many awards. She stood lost in thought, until a knock at the door brought her back to the present with a start.

She walked over to the door, peering out, then opened it further to admit Geoff. He entered, and found his gaze caught by the uniform that hung ready. "There is a lot of honor wrapped up in that."

She looked at it again, seeing it through his eyes. "Yeah, I guess there is." Randi ran a hand down the smooth front, brushing lightly over the medals and ribbons. She was adjusting the braids when she felt the ex-Sabre slide in next to her.

"Does Gwen know about these?" pointing out different awards.

The Marine took a breath and looked at him, shaking her head. "No. She asked me about them once or twice, but that was before... when I was so wrapped up in the darkness of what I felt I had become." She blushed slightly. "It hasn’t really been a topic of discussion for us since I came home."

"I’ll just bet" Geoff muttered sotto voce. To Randi, whose blush had deepened at his words, he said, "Maybe it’s time you shared that with her."

Randi looked at him thoughtfully, then turned her attention to the outfit that represented so much of who she had been... who she was still. "Maybe it is. She certainly has the right to know."

"I should go so you can get dressed." Randi didn’t answer him, but just walked to the door to open it for him. Geoff held out a hand, to prevent her from doing so, and she threw an inquiring gaze his way. "Before I leave though," he locked the brakes on the chair, and slowly stood. "I wanted to welcome you into the family... officially. I have always thought of you as a daughter, from the very first." He swallowed hard, and caught her blinking back tears furiously. "I can’t tell you the joy it gives me to be able to embrace you as family finally, and to know you and Gwen have claimed responsibility for one another."

He opened his arms, and she moved into them, her excitement and fear and nervousness overcoming her normal reserve for once. The weapons smith held on to her tightly, until he felt her pull away. "I have one more thing for you," Geoff said, as he resumed his seat in the chair. That brief period of standing had his legs quivering with exhaustion, and he had to do it one more time.

An arched brow was his answer, and he chuckled. The emotional tension dissipated, and he reached into the pocket of his formal coat. What he withdrew was a wooden box, two inches square and remarkably heavy when he placed it in her open palm.

"This talisman has been passed down every generation for hundreds of years. When people were still small-minded, before who you married wasn’t as important as your loving them completely, this was passed from father to son, with very little exception. Since the peace when mankind became more accepting, the holder has chosen who the next bearer will be."

"The token is yours now. Keep it well."

He ducked out the door before she had a chance to respond. She stared at the box, then glanced to the closed door in consternation. With a sigh, she shrugged her shoulders, and sat down at the vanity. The Sabre examined the box from all angles, then slowly lifted the lid. Her breath caught in surprise.

Inside the box, nestled on soft bedding, was a coin. At least she was fairly certain it had been a coin at some point in history. It was very worn, so that the outlines were barely visible. It was silver in color, and by its weight (which was great considering its size) probably silver in make-up. She studied the object for long moments, before nodding her head in acceptance. She determined she’d ask Geoff for more of its history sometime soon. But not now, not today. Now it was time to publicly pledge her life to Gwen.



A light tap on the door caused Gwen to turn away from the mirror, and she called out softly. "Come in."

Jill stuck her head in the door, then walked over to where the dress still hung in its bag. "Nervous, little girl?"

The bard looked down at her slightly trembling fingers, then smiled tremulously up at her mother. "I shouldn’t be. I mean we are simply making a public acknowledgment of something everyone is already aware of."


"But yes. I’m a little nervous. I’ve waited my whole life for this, for her. She’s the only one, Mama. I won’t do this again."

Jill smiled, remembering having voiced a very similar sentiment to her mother thirty years before. She moved to stand behind Gwen, taking a brush in her hand and gently pulling it through the blonde locks. Green eyes met in the mirror, and Jill asked softly, "Shall I put it up for you one last time?"

Gwen nodded, not able to get sound past the lump in her throat. Both mother and daughter had happy tears in their eyes as they participated in a ritual they had shared from the time Gwen had been very small.

"There," the mother replied as she wisped the last little bit around Gwen’s face. "You like?"

The bard stood, and cautiously enfolded Jill in a hug. "It’s perfect. Thank you." She kissed her mother then, careful not to leave lipstick on the other woman’s face. "You look lovely, by the way."

Jill smiled, looking down at the dress she wore. It was a floor length emerald silk, with a long-sleeved black jacket. She wore a pendant that matched the material almost perfectly, that aside from her wedding set was her only adornment. "Thank you, dear. Your father is wearing the frock coat and ascot. We make a great looking couple, if I do say so." She paused then continued. "Now, let’s see about getting you dressed for this wedding. It’s time to get you married."

She removed the covering from the dress, and stood still gazing at it for a long moment. "Did she...?"

Gwen smiled wistfully and nodded. "She certainly did," tenderly fingering a fold of the soft white material. The silk shimmered in the early afternoon light, and picked up the luminescence of the pearl buttons and accents. It was beautiful in its simplicity, and Jill stood amazed.

"What a magnificent testament of her love for you, daughter. Cherish what you have together."

"I do, Mama. Everyday."

"Good girl. Now," becoming brisk and businesslike, "let’s get you into this."

Another knock sounded at the door, and the Goldman women exchanged glances. "Yes?" Gwen called out.

"Gwen, it’s Ella. May I come in?"

"Sure, Ella. Door’s open."

The curly haired woman entered, walking over to the nearly ready bard. "You look gorgeous, Gwen. Absolutely radiant."

"Thanks Ella." She turned her back to her mother so Jill could fasten the buttons. This put her facing Ella squarely. "So, what’s up?"

"Oh," extending a hand. "Randi asked me to give you this." She opened her hand, and on her palm lay the warrior’s Soulmates Ring.

"God, how could I have forgotten that?" She reached up to unclasp the chain around her own neck, but was stopped by Jill’s squeal when the buttons started moving. "Sorry, mama. Ella, could you...?"

"Sure, honey." The other woman reached around and unfastened the necklace, dropping the bard’s ring into her own hand. "I’ll just take this one back to Randi. You let me know when you’re ready, okay? Everyone is here, but we are having a good time talking, and the reception doesn’t start til five. So take your time, all right?"

"Thanks, Ella. You’ve been a good friend, and become like a sister to me. I’m glad to be joining your family today."

"Oh, hon. You’ve always been part of the family. Today just makes it legal." She kissed the fair cheek. "Now let me get this back to Randi before she wears out the soles in those white boots." And she slipped back out the door, her footsteps fading rapidly.

Gwen looked at the ring in her hand before slipping it onto her middle finger for safekeeping. Then she turned and faced her mother. "How do I look?" twitching at the material nervously.

"Like the beautiful bride you are. Now," taking a deep breath, "Do you want me to wait with you or...?"

"No, Mama. You go be with Daddy. He needs your support now more than I do, and I’m willing to bet you need his as well."

"When did you get to be so smart?"

The bard just smiled shyly and opened the door for Jill. "I love you, Mama"

"I love you too, baby girl. Happiness always."

Then she walked out and into the sanctuary. It was almost time.



Ella knocked on the door, and opened it. Tommy was sitting at the vanity, gazing on the woman he’d considered family his whole life. Currently, said woman was stomping her feet, trying to get the white boots settled without losing the sharp crease in the white trousers. The tunic hung neatly, waiting patiently until time for it to be donned. "I dunno, Tommy. Does it look all right?"

At the sound of the opening door, both heads swung to it, and smiled when the curly haired woman stepped in. "You look wonderful, Randi. Here." She extended her hand, offering the Marine Gwen’s Soulmate’s Ring. The warrior reached over with slightly trembling hands, plucking it from Ella’s grasp, and sliding it onto her pinkie finger.

"Come on, husband," the older woman said to Tommy. "Let’s leave the little sister to finish dressing in peace. It’s almost time."

"I’ll be there in a minute, sweetheart." Ella nodded her acceptance, and left the two of them alone again.

"Here, short stuff." The man lifted the tunic from its place, and held it open for her to put on. He slid it onto broad shoulders, and dropped his hands, coming around to stand in front of her and face her. "This has been a long time coming, but I’m so glad it has. She’s a wonderful woman, Randi, and ya’ll make a beautiful couple." He swallowed, a little embarrassed but determined to finish his say. "Take care of one another, and love each other well. Remember to always talk to one another." He paused. "I wish you both much happiness and peace."

"Thank you, T," and she reached out and gave him a hug, despite the tunic. She had the passing thought briefly, of being glad it wasn’t closed yet, and then she let his embrace engulf her for a very long moment. "Now, go out and be with your wife. We’ll be ready in just a couple minutes."

He nodded and stepped from the room. Randi slowly fastened her jacket, looking into the mirror to see the Sabre staring back at her. She let the wave of nostalgia wash over her, before adding the ceremonial blade and sais to the outfit. Then she smirked just the least little bit at her reflection, and her loose, flowing hair. Gwen’s request, of course, and one she was happy to indulge.

Finally, satisfied that her appearance was as spit and polished as she could make it, she retrieved a lone red rose from the vanity, and stepped out the door and into her future.



All eyes turned her way as Randi closed the door determinedly behind her. This was as much a part of the ceremony as anything, and no one wanted to miss a single step of this journey. She crossed the vestibule area, in full sight of the friends who were gathered in the sanctuary. She knocked lightly but firmly, smiling when the bard opened the door to her. Then the blue eyes lit up in true delight at the beauty of the woman who stood before her, and the answering smile on Gwen’s face as she took in the sight of the Sabre she loved.

No words passed between them. Randi handed the bard the single rose she carried, and Gwen accepted it. She then extended her arm, and the blonde placed a small hand on the white sleeve, gathering the folds of her long dress, and pulling them to her so Randi could close that door as well.

They walked slowly toward the altar, never taking their eyes from one another. The small group of friends parted for them, then closed around them again as they reached the front, stopping as they reached Geoff.

He stood slowly, willing his legs not to give out. Gwen and Randi tore their eyes from one another to watch as he stood, and took the solitary step necessary to reach them. Without a word, he lifted Gwen’s hand from Randi’s arm, then took the warrior’s hand in his hand as well. Then he positioned them together, and picked up the ceremonial blade and binding. He looked to them both, and they nodded, and turned to gaze into one another’s eyes again as the small dagger was pulled through their linked hands. A small flinch, and then the cool binding was being applied, joining them physically.

The weapons smith then returned to his chair, legs shaking in exhaustion, and not a small amount of pain. Jill came and stood behind him, her hands comfortingly lying on his shoulders. He leaned into the contact and absorbed some of her strength, glad beyond words his part was done and had gone so smoothly.

Bard and warrior turned toward the altar, and knelt before it, bowing their heads. They heard the rustle behind them as their friends afforded the entering clergy the same courtesy of respect. After a moment, a touch on their heads caused the couple to look up and gasp. On the dais, instead of the expected priest and priestess, the three goddesses stood patiently waiting.


"We came to offer you our blessing in person." There was no trace of the flighty personality so often seen in the love goddess. She was serious and dignified.

"You honor us," answered Gwen. "Thank you."

"Ah, no child. It is you who honor us," the huntress said.

"It is as Artemis says. What you share reaches farther than your eyes can see," from Athena. "It will be pivotal to you in the days and weeks to come."

"Find strength in each other and the love that you share. It will make all the difference. A long and fruitful life full of love and happiness. That is our wish for you today." Dite paused. "Now rise, and exchange your vows one to another."

The Sabre rose first, then offered her free hand to Gwen. They stood facing each other for long moment, their eyes exchanging promises that would never pass their lips vocally in public. They were far too private for even this intimate gathering.

Finally, Gwen swallowed and looked to their now standing friends. "I’m, uh... I’m glad you could all join us today." Her voice, which had quivered at the start of her speech, grew steadier as she spoke. "It is so nice to be surrounded by loving family and friends for something this special." She turned her attention to the woman who stood before her, and loosened a hand. She stepped closer, moving the free hand into the dark hair, letting her arm rest on the warrior’s gilded shoulder. Randi’s hand naturally went to the bard’s waist, bringing them into contact all along their lengths. To a person, the small gathering found the need to bow their heads again, feeling the profound bond they were being exposed to overwhelmingly sacred.

"I wrote down everything I wanted to say, but it seems so trite now." Gwen’s voice was just above a whisper. "Instead, let me say before the goddesses who stand here and our friends and family that I will always, *ALWAYS* love you, and protect you from harm. Keep you warm when it’s cold, and take care of you when you’re sick. Stand beside you through the triumphs and trials of our lives, and lend you my strength when your own is gone. I will grow old with you and remain faithfully yours for eternity. "I love you, Miranda Valiant, and pledge my life to you for as long as we both live, and beyond." Gwen took the ring from a finger on her right hand, and grasped the warrior’s left hand in her right. Then she slid the warrior’s ring onto her finger.

The Marine couldn’t help it. The words were so moving, they brought tears to her eyes, and she leaned down and captured Gwen’s lips passionately for a timeless moment. Long enough that they both lost sight of where they were, and Aphrodite decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Hey, you two!" She smacked the back of Randi’s head lightly, though it was hard enough to get the soldier’s attention. "We’re like in the middle of a wedding ceremony here. You wanna wrap things up first before you start that? Some of us are so looking forward to that radical wedding cake." A chuckle tittered through the crowd. "What?" the blonde goddess asked, looking around at her sisters. Athena nodded toward Randi who was glaring at them. "Oops, sorry, babe. Continue," waving a hand in their direction.

The Sabre took a deep breath. "I’m not good with words. We all know who the bard in this relationship is," with a smile at Gwen, who smiled back through her tears. "However." She drew the blade carefully from its sheath across the front of her body then knelt before the bard. With sabre drawn, she saluted the bard, then extended it hilt first to the smaller woman. "All that I am, all that I have is yours. And I promise you, in life and in death I will be with you and love you and take care of you. You are my life and my soulmate, and I treasure and cherish you above all things. I will remind you daily of the special place you hold in my heart, my life, and my soul. I love you, Gwenievere Goldman. Forever." Gwen accepted the blade. Randi put the ring on Gwen’s finger, working around the binding to slide it into place.

The bard slipped the sabre into the sheath, needing both hands for the next part of the ceremony. Then she helped Randi to stand and drew her close, but paused to look at the love goddess first.

"Well, what are you waiting on? Kiss her already!"

Now the entire room burst into laughter. Even Gwen chuckled and Randi rolled her eyes, and they held one another tightly. Then their lips were meeting again, and the world faded out beneath the wash of passion between them and the cheers of the friends that surrounded them.



Chapter XXIV

Friends and family gathered around after they parted, though it took them another full minute to notice, and remove their gazes from each other. Then the next few minutes were spent in the giving and receiving of congratulations.

Finally, the small group made its way out of the temple, leaving the warrior and bard alone with the goddesses.

"Thank you for presiding over what has to be one of the best, most memorable days of our lives," the bard gushed. "I mean... thank you all," smiling at Randi through the tears again. "From a sincerely grateful heart."

The goddesses all smiled in return, the happiness that flowed from the couple filling them all with an unexpected joy. "Just remember our words to you, and yours to one another." And then the trio disappeared from sight.

"Guess we need to get to the reception, huh?" Randi rolled her eyes, but nodded her head reluctantly agreeing. "You okay? Except for our vows, you’ve hardly said two words."

"Just trying to absorb the newness of everything." She paused and breathed, gathering her thoughts. "I know a few words spoken aloud don’t change the realities of how we feel, but it seems more real now, more permanent. Like it’s not a dream I’m gonna have to wake up from."

"Oh no, love. This is as real as it gets." She squeezed their bound hands lightly together, careful of the dual cut. "This is forever."

Randi pulled the bard to her, and indulged in a long, passionate kiss. When they separated, breathless, green eyes glared at her.

"You had to go and do that now, hmm? We still have the reception to go to, ya know."

"You think anyone would notice if we didn’t show up?"

"I think *everyone* would notice if we didn’t show up. It’s gonna be a zoo, you know. But it’s gonna be *our* zoo."

The Marine chuckled at the image of their friends as different zoo critters. "C’mon, then. Let’s get this done so we can be alone for a while." The warrior gave her beloved a melting, heated look. "Cause I don’t think forever alone with you would be long enough for me to get my fill of you."

Gwen blushed and muttered. "Are you sure you’re not a bard under all those medals?"

"Nah, though I do find you to be particularly inspiring. Maybe we’ll get a chance to talk about the medals and ribbons on this little trip."

The bard looked up, totally caught by surprise at the offer. Then she answered shyly, "I’d like that." Randi merely nodded her agreement to share. Gwen held onto the moment as another special part of an extraordinary day.



They had forgotten the little detail of their having to get to the reception, and didn’t realize the problem until they got to the transport.

"Damn! I can’t believe we forget about this binding thing."

"It’s okay, love. We’ll manage."

Randi stood drumming her fingers on the top of the transport, thinking. "Do you trust me?" she asked the bard.

"Implicitly," Gwen answered without a second’s hesitation. "You know that."

"Well, c’mon then. We’re gonna have to drive us over to the reception." A blonde brow quirked in question, and the bard waited patiently for Randi while the Marine keyed the lock. She stood still as the Sabre stepped behind her, wrapping their bound hands around Gwen’s small body. "Now," backing them toward the open door and the seat. "If I sit first, and you sit in my lap, you should be able to navigate while I take care of the other controls."

Gwen looked a little dubious, but her faith in her partner far outweighed her doubts, and she willingly followed Randi into the transport. It took them several moments to get comfortably situated, and then they were slowly easing their way towards the Golden Touch, and their reception.



When they arrived, Tiny, Tommy and Geoff were outside waiting for them. The three men went goggle-eyed when the transport door opened, and they realized how the women had overcome the little binding issue. To a man they wanted to rush over and scold the two, but realizing they had no room to criticize since they’d left them alone to get past it as custom dictated. "We should have known they wouldn’t call for a driver. If there was an unorthodox way to get here, they were gonna find it." Tommy’s comment to the other two was received with nods of acknowledgement.

"They *did* find it, Tommy. How many people do you know have managed to drive themselves after being bound for their ceremony? This from Tiny. "I know I’ve never seen it."

"Me either," Geoff agreed. Then he turned and went into the restaurant.



Sal was ecstatic. Just from the ceremony, the holos and picture images he had were incredible. All of Rico’s work so far had been candid, nothing posed, but then they hadn’t needed to. The two men were looking forward to getting back to their studio later, and reviewing everything. It was a pretty sure bet this was going to be some of their finest work.

Jill approached him, and he clasped her hands enthusiastically. "You have done a magnificent job, my dear," gesturing to the atmosphere of the room around them. "The vivid color choices of your arrangements set off the bridal couple so well. We are getting some excellent material for them."

"I’m so glad. I want this to be special for them."

"It will be. They will have beautiful memories of this day."

"Thank you, Sal. I’m so glad you and Rico are handling that. There is no one I trust more to make it perfect for my children."

"I was honored that Randi asked me. For a very long time there, I was convinced she hated me."

"That’s because you come on like a downpour," replied Dei, who’d heard his comments to Jill. "One day you will learn finesse, brother." The siblings looked at each other. "Nah," in unison. Then they chuckled. At that moment, Geoff came through the door.

"Excuse me, I need to start the music. They’re here."

Sal moved over to the door to alert his brother, while Jill went to the musicians, and had them change the tune they were playing. Everyone present recognized the signal, and turned to face the door as the two women walked in. A rousing cheer went up and the couple flushed, but stood in place bearing it bravely. When the noise died down somewhat, they moved into the room, and began greeting the multitude of their friends who’d joined them for this most special occasion.

Lacey was the first to approach the newlyweds, and they opened their arms to her jointly. She moved into the hug, and the three embraced for a long moment. "I am so happy for the both of you. So glad things worked out so beautifully. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Lacey. What you did for me, for us, was simply amazing, and it’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay." The bard spoke sincerely from her heart, and the Sabre doctor smiled.

"Tell ya what... if you’ll invite Nicky and I for a weekend at the boathouse, we’ll call it even."

Gwen looked at Randi who nodded faintly. "You’ve got yourself a deal, Lacey. We’ll call you when we get back, and set up a time."

"That’s wonderful. Thanks, guys. Now, will you come meet my better half? She’s been anxious since she learned who you are. She’s a fan from way back."

"Sure, we’d love to."



Slowly, they made their way through the crowd, receiving congratulations from scores of friends. "It’s amazing," the bard whispered to Randi, knowing the warrior could hear her. "I hadn’t realized we knew so many people."

The Marine looked around, and realized that she did indeed know everyone at least by name and who they were with. But most of the folks she considered friends. She found she was more than a little surprised, since she’d never considered herself a friendly sort of person. She looked down at Gwen, who somehow was in her arms, and she felt the world fade out around them.

"Thank you," she whispered back. Green eyes looked questioningly at her. "You changed my life for the better, in ways I am just starting to understand, and for that I will always be profoundly grateful."

"Ditto, my love." And they smiled, and Randi lifted their bound hands to her lips for a kiss.

"Are you getting hungry, Little One? Ella is signaling us. I think they are about ready to start serving."

"Lead on, love."



The atmosphere around the room grew noticeably quieter when folks were seated and being served. Reed turned to Gwen, whom she was seated next to. "This has been an absolutely beautiful occasion. Something I’ll always have as a treasured memory. I’m so glad we could be a part of it."

"So am I, Reed. I am so thankful for many things, but I am especially glad of your friendship. I am grateful Randi decided to introduce me to this part of her life. I owe you twice for myself, and...."

"No, my friend. What I did for you was freely given. You offered me your friendship and accepted me without question or judgment."

"Of course. Why wouldn’t I?"

"Ah, Gwen. Don’t you ever go changing, all right?"


"Let’s just say that even though the majority of society aren’t, there are still plenty of people around who want to be judgmental. Being a Sabre exposes me to that on a regular basis. You were like a breath of fresh air."

"You and Tiny were that for me. You both helped me to understand what Randi was, and helped her to see that there being an us was not a bad thing."

"And just what are you two conspiring about over here, hmm?" Randi asked, holding a bite of food to the bard’s lips. Gwen took the morsel, and kissed the finger, causing a tremor to run through the tall frame sitting beside her. "Behave, you," growled the Marine sotto voce.

"Oh, I am, Stud. I haven’t crawled into your lap and danced yet, have I?"

An audible swallow was its own answer, and Randi took a long, deep draught of her drink before responding. "I don’t think you could in that dress, but I guess we’ll be finding out tonight, won’t we?" The rakish grin cast in her direction caused the bard to blush profusely.



"They really are well suited to one another, aren’t they?" Jill and Geoff were seated at the end of the table at their own request. It had been Ella’s idea to put them next to the warrior, and herself and Tommy at the end of that side to facilitate her management of the reception. However, Geoff’s need for extra space she certainly understood, and it had resulted in the arrangement they had now.

The weapons smith watched them together with a smile, their playful banter and teasing well apparent in their responses and expressions. "They certainly are. Was a time I had given up on ever seeing them this happy together," he replied thoughtfully. Then Tommy stood, and banged his glass for their attention. The room got quiet, and everyone including Gwen and Randi turned to hear him speak.

"My friends and colleagues... this happy event has been a long time coming," he said with a smirk in the Marine’s direction. "I for one am thrilled that it finally did. ‘Bout time someone put a leash on you, short stuff." The room chuckled, and waited for Randi’s response. They didn’t have to wait long.

She stood, drawing Gwen up with her, and wrapping the bard in her strong arms. She had to smile when the smaller woman leaned into her naturally, and she took a minute to breath in the younger woman’s unique scent. She smiled and answered, "I walked into this willingly, T. No leash was necessary." Now the room cheered wildly, and the man had the good grace to acknowledge the Marine’s well-made and very valid point. Then he had to wait for the crowd to quiet once more. When it did, he lifted his glass.

"Join me in raising a glass to the happy couple." Almost instantly there was complete compliance, and he turned to the two still standing wrapped up together. "A toast... to a couple who means the world to one another, and whose soul bond in readily apparent to all who see them together... a wish for a long and happy life together. May the sun of good fortune shine on you often, so that when the rains of adversity fall, it only enables the flowers of joy, strength, faith and love to blossom in your life together. Long life, my friends, and happiness always. Salut!" He lifted his glass again in salute to them and drank.

"Salut!" the gathering echoed and then drank with him. Applause rang out around the room.

When it got quiet again, Gwen began to speak. "Randi and I were reminded once again when we entered the reception this afternoon of just how truly blessed we really are. Not only do we have one another, but we are fortunate enough to count so many," gesturing to the assembly, "as our friends. Thank you, for sharing your friendship and our wedding day with us." The crowd whooped its response.

The cake was brought out and set in front of them. This was one thing they had discussed in all seriousness. For what it represented, they were not willing to make a mockery of their feeding of one another. They had lost one another once. Making a joke about taking care of each other was not something they found funny at all, even off handedly.

So they took up the knife together, awkwardly, considering their bound hands, but they managed, and sliced a portion of cake to share. Then almost reverently, the warrior fed the bard, and then Gwen reciprocated the act. And without conscious thought, they sealed the unspoken promise with a kiss that lasted until the sounds of cheering and clapping brought them back to the reception, and their friends.

They resumed their seats, slowly feeding one another bites of the remaining cake while the rest was served out to their guests. Conversation buzzed around them, but for the moment, they were lost in their own little world alone together. It caught the eyes of more than one guest, and many an indulgent smile was turned their way. As the eating wound down, the musicians returned to their places, and began playing again.

It took a few minutes for the sound of music to penetrate the little haven they had created for themselves. They looked at each other knowingly.

"We have to start this, don’t we?" the Marine mumbled to the bard.

"Um hmm. But you know what, I am looking forward to dancing with you again. It is one of the things I dreamed about when you were gone." Unbidden, tears rushed her eyes.

"No bad memories, Gwen. Not today. I will dance with you every single day for the rest of our lives if it will erase the emptiness you bore."

"Just hold me in your arms and love me, Randi."

"Always, my love." She stood and drew the bard with her. "Now, dance with me?"

For answer, Gwen led the way to the floor. The warrior pulled her close and wrapped her in a blanket of love so tight that the bad memories evaporated before the warmth that surrounded her.

The music changed subtly, and the couple smiled into one another’s eyes as they recognized the song. It was the one Randi had sung to Gwen the night of the big awards party at Tommy’s house almost two years prior, and without thinking about it now, the warrior sang the words to her beloved again, only changing the tenses to make it a current fact instead of a past one. And in their hearts and minds the song took on a whole new meaning.

They were so focused on one another, that they never noticed that the room had fallen silent, and every eye there was watching them intently. Not that it would have mattered in the least. This was their day, and PDA’s were the least of their concerns. For the most part, nothing existed outside their little bubble, and those gathered together to share in this event were very grateful for the peek into something as rare and beautiful as what the two of them had together.

As the song ended, Gwen tightened her arm around Randi’s neck, pulling a willing pair of lips into range of her own. "I love you, warrior. Forever." But she gave the Marine no chance to respond, as she captured the tempting lips and they spent long minutes in mutual exploration. They didn’t notice the music slide into a new melody, nor did they realize others were slowly joining them on the dance floor. Not, that is until they slowly separated, and blue locked with green.

"I love you too, my bard." Gwen smiled, and laid her head down on the firm chest, careful of the medals and ribbons. Randi looked around then, noticing the movement. There were several couples on the floor now, all smiling indulgently, and giving them a wide berth. The Sabre wasn’t sure whether to be pleased, annoyed or embarrassed. Finally she shrugged her shoulders a touch sheepishly, and hugged the bard tighter to her, reveling once again in the feeling of just how perfectly they fit together.

Gwen’s voice brought her out of the haze of sensual delight she’d fallen into. Blue eyes blinked a couple times before they focused on the green now staring back at her. "I’m sorry, love. What did you say?"

An indulgent grin this time, at the relaxed state the soldier had allowed herself to fall into. It was rare in the extreme, and something the bard intended to coax along and cherish for as long as she possibly could. "I was just wondering," motioning to the room around her, "if Mother gave the guys in particular some sort of dress code."

The Sabre frowned, noting for the first time that Tommy, Tiny and Geoff all wore the same frock coat and ascot, only the color of the neckwear distinguishing them. A glance around the rest of the room showed most of the rest of the men in similar eveningwear. A longer look made her realize that Ella, Reed and Jill were also dressed alike except for their colors that coincidentally matched the ones their partners wore. She decided to call Jill on it, but first she answered Gwen’s query.

"I dunno, Little One. Not like guys have a lot of variety to choose from in the eveningwear department."

"Yeah, but Mama, Ella and Reed match as well." She shrugged lightly. "Ever get the feeling everyone is in on the secret but you?"

"Um hmm, but I bet I can find out what’s going on." The warrior smiled engagingly, and Gwen had to grin in return. Just to see the joy in Randi’s face made her happy.

"I’ll bet you can too, Stud. But not right now. Right now, I want another dance." They finished the third dance before deciding to take a break. Randi seated Gwen next to her father, then leaned down to whisper in her partner’s ear.

"I’d like to talk to your mom." The blonde head nodded, and she planted a chaste kiss on the smooth lips.

"All right." And then she started a quiet conversation with her father.

"Will you sit with me?" Randi asked a startled Jill, who accepted the held out hand gingerly, and rose from her seat. She looked at Geoff who was engrossed in a talk with their daughter, and patted his shoulder as she passed.

"What’s on your mind?" inquired Jill as the Marine seated her next to herself. A dark brow rose in mute question, and the older woman nearly giggled in response. "I’m sorry, hon. You just seem so different today. So much more relaxed and open. What changed for you?"

"Aside from getting married, ya mean? Actually, I wanted to talk to you, and asking seemed the easiest way. I’m sure I’ll go back to being my dour, unsociable self after today."

Jill wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that until she caught the twinkle in the blue eyes, and she smiled. "Well then, as long as I have a captive audience here, so to speak, let me just say I’m glad whatever the reason. Thank you for the invitation." A gracious nod of acceptance. "Now, what did you want to discuss?"

"The dress code."

The dumbfounded look on the elder’s face nearly caused the younger to crack up. Only years of discipline helped her to keep a straight face. "The dress code? What dress code? Did I miss a memo here or something?"

"Funny, that’s the way Gwen and I felt." She motioned to the room around them with a slight jerk of her head. "Everyone here is in formal wear, and to a man, the guys pretty much match. And you, Ella and Reed match both each other and the colors your partners are wearing. And Geoff, Tommy and Tiny are identical as well. Can you see why we feel a little out of the loop?"

The older woman flushed a bit, and turned her gaze to look up into the blue eyes. "Um, well... when we started getting the RSVP’s back, almost everyone asked about what to wear. I just told everyone formals. And you know there just isn’t a lot of variety for the men in that department. Never has been."

The dark head nodded in acceptance. "That was almost exactly what I told Gwen." A pause. "And the other?"

The blush grew darker. "Well, the girls and I got together and decided to be the somewhat impromptu wedding party. We figured you two wouldn’t mind, and you might actually like the idea of having us all standing with you, as it were. Especially since we were the only ones there," she finished with an impish grin.

"That’s a good point." Now Randi had to chuckle. "I’m glad ya’ll did."

They sat for a while in silence, a warmth settling between them. When the music stopped, Jill gave the strong body next to her a firm hug. "Thank you, dear. You’ve made me very happy today."

"My pleasure, mom."

The unexpected salutation brought tears to the older woman’s eyes. Jill moved back to her seat beside Geoff, and Randi brushed her fingers across the bard’s cheek tenderly. Gwen captured her hand, and held it while she and her father finished their conversation. Then she turned to face her beaming partner.

"Are you having a good time, love?" Knowing the answer to her question without having to hear it. But she got the feeling the warrior might want to voice it.

"It’s been perfect. And the best part is, it’s just the beginning for us." The wonder in Randi’s voice was painfully apparent to Gwen.

"Yes, it is," she agreed quietly. "And it’s only going to get better."

The Marine lifted her free hand, gently threading it into the blonde hair, and urging her bard forward. Their lips met slowly, and they took their time, as the world around them gradually faded out of their consciousness. Gwen brought her hand up and slipped it up under the Sabre’s tunic. Randi’s hand clenched convulsively in the blonde hair when the small hand began tracing the contours of her body through the t-shirt she wore underneath her uniform. She could no more stop the moan that escaped her than she could stop breathing, although that function was becoming more optional by the moment.

Slowly, but much faster than either wanted, they separated, spending another timeless moment simply looking into one another’s eyes. "C’mon, Stud," Gwen whispered huskily. "It’s time for us to go. I want to take you to bed, and make love til the sun comes up. And I can’t do that here."

Blue eyes darkened in anticipation of the promise those words held. The warrior stood silently, pulling the storyteller up to stand beside her. And to Gwen’s surprise, she was led to the dance floor. "Randi?"

The Sabre held her close, smiling when the smaller woman unconsciously relaxed into her body. "We don’t want to announce to the world at large we’re leaving, do we?" whispered in the ear near her mouth. "You know they will do everything possible to delay us if they know we are ready to leave."

"Oh, that’s a good point. What’s your plan?"

"We are simply gonna dance our way out the door." She nodded to a small niche that housed a side entrance. "Billy moved the transport to the service door for me. We glide over to the alcove, and slip out the door. People are busy having a good time. They’ll never miss us until we are long gone."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." And they slowly began easing their way toward the door.



"They’re getting ready to escape, you know," Jill commented to her husband, as they watched the two lovers dance. It was a good feeling to see the soulmates so happy together, and it brought back lots of memories for the older couple. They smiled at one another for a minute, reliving their own wedding and reception.

"I know. They lasted longer than I expected them too, actually." He grinned evilly. "Besides, the transport has been duly decorated. Everything is all set for them."

Jill noticed the evil twinkle lurking in the weapons smith’s eyes. "What did you do?"

"Well, let’s just say we’ll be seeing them again, before they actually leave on their honeymoon. They’re gonna want to return Ella and Randall to Tommy first."


The room echoed his laughter as the party rolled on.






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