Copyright©1998 by C.L. Bactad


A Third Death: Part 6

by: C.L. Bactad

The heart can think of no devotion
Greater than being shore to the ocean-
Holding the curve of one position,
Counting an endless repetition.

--Robert Frost 1928

Chapter 25: Light

"Gabrielle," again the warrior tried to wake the slumbering bard. The first light of the morning glided into the hut and settled upon the golden hair of the woman that lie nestled within Xena’s arms. The warrior smiled at the persistent, finely muscled and chatty little package that snuggled into her embrace. "Gabrielle, come on . . . you’ll miss breakfast."

The bard shifted within her warrior’s arms when the word ‘breakfast’ sifted through her contented and sleepy haze. Eyes closed, she turned her head and picked up the inviting scent of her lover. Turning her body she draped and arm and a leg over the prone Warrior Princess; pinning the willing captive. Her lips found the bronze skin of her lover’s neck. "Breakfast? Mmmm, I am hungry," Gabrielle said in a quiet and scratchy voice while nipping at the delicate skin.

Xena’s cloudy blue-eyes closed at the bard’s insatiable assault. The tiny caresses caused a tingle of anticipation. "Gabrielle, don’t you ever get enough?" The warrior asked half-heartedly and smiled as she remembered the last time that question was raised. Xena moved, exposing more neck to the bard’s questing lips. The two lovers had been eagerly trying to make up for lost time. Waning stamina and the biological need for sleep finally triumphed late last night. However, as Gabrielle’s insistent kisses indicated, the lovers were not yet sated. Both of them marveled at what a few hours of rest could do.

The Amazon rolled on top of Xena. Emerald eyes laced with seductive amusement took in the lovely features of her warrior’s face. She pressed her hips into Xena’s torso and smiled when she heard a sharp intake of breath from the raven-haired beauty. "Get enough of what? Breakfast?" Gabrielle brought her head down and planted a demure kiss upon the waiting lips of her lover. She pulled back before the warrior could deepen the contact. A chuckle escaped her as she watched Xena’s head crane toward hers. Obviously, it was the warrior who couldn’t get enough.

"Gabrielle . . . do you know how dangerous it is to tease warriors? Especially, this particular warrior?"

"Oh really? I think that under all the armor and leather you warrior types are all soft," Gabrielle said and provocatively moved her hips for extra effect.

Xena growled and with a slight shift of her own hips she had the bard pinned underneath her. "Soft huh?"

Gabrielle smiled and lost herself in the blue of Xena. Without thought, her hand reached for the face that was her heart. With delicate, almost painful, softness, she caressed a beautifully sculpted cheekbone. "Yes, soft."

At that moment, Xena felt that she could melt away. Her life had been like ice, cold and frozen. Gabrielle was her sun, the heat that flowed through her veins. She looked down upon her light. A twinge of sadness darkened her eyes as she wondered what she could ever offer in return.

"Xena, what is it?" The sadness didn’t go unnoticed by the knowing bard.

Xena shook her head and shifted her weight to flop down beside Gabrielle. Her eyes took in the thatched roof of their hut. ‘That will need to be repaired soon,’ the absurd thought popped into her head. Sometimes, she preferred to focus on things she could change. Gabrielle didn’t relent. "Xena?"

A heavy sigh escaped the warrior’s mouth. She spoke without looking at Gabrielle. "Why Gabrielle? Why are you with me?"

A crimson-blonde head moved into Xena’s unwavering vision. "Where else should I be?"

"With someone who can give you what you deserve."

"What do I deserve Xena? Love, joy, passion . . . adventure . . . a life? You give me that and-"

"Pain, hurt-"

"By the gods Xena, can we stop torturing ourselves? The simple truth is that my will isn’t strong enough to forget you." Xena started to respond but gentle fingers upon her mouth muted any response. "Just listen Xena. Do you think that through all that’s happened that I’m lying here on a whim and that I’ve forgotten everything? No Xena, I have felt a pain greater than anything I ever imagined. It ripped me apart and for a while I thought I wouldn’t survive it. The pain settled in me like a stone. It hurt so much I prayed to forget you . . . your touch, your smile." Gabrielle’s voice became a whisper. " Sometimes I wished that you’d never entered my life." Xena turned her head; the bard’s admission caused a twisting ache in her gut. A strong hand on her chin forced her back to intense green eyes. "With the same breath I prayed that you would come back to me. This . . . " the bard took Xena’s hand and placed it over her heart. "This is greater than both of us. You are a part of me Xena, the light and the dark. I’m always going to fight for you . . . always. Xena," the bard took Xena’s face within her hands. " Living without you would be an endless winter."

Xena looked at her bard with amazement. She had never felt so complete and vowed silently that she would never give up again; she too would always fight for Gabrielle. For the first time in her life, the taciturn warrior felt as if she deserved a little peace. "Ditto," Xena smiled as she spoke even though she felt she could wash away in a river of tears.

"Hmmm, loquacious as always Xena. That’s the real reason I love you."

Xena’s eyebrow raised which caused the bard’s heart to skip a beat. "Loquacious?"

Gabrielle laughed. "Yes, it means eloquent. I learned it from Eponin."

Xena’s eyebrow held its position. "Eponin?"

"You know Xena if you added a few more words you might make a sentence. And yes, Eponin. She has a real knack for vocabulary. Now enough talk . . . well as close as you come to it," Gabrielle said as she winked at her smiling warrior. The bard reached for Xena’s neck intending to pull her in for a searing kiss when a knock on the door interrupted the reunited lovers.

Gabrielle let out a frustrated moan. "Yes!"

From outside the hut a muffled voice replied. "Gabrielle it’s Eponin."

Xena nudged the bard and waggled her eyebrows. Gabrielle laughed and made sure that her warrior was covered sufficiently (although, Eponin probably wouldn’t have been adverse to the sight of a naked Warrior Princess). The queen then moved from the bed to a dark-green robe that was draped over a chair. With her back to Xena, she moved the soft material over her skin. A low hiss of air escaped from Xena who was trying very hard to stay away from the sensuous bard. Gabrielle smiled seductively, loving the effect she was having on the stoic warrior. Slowly she turned letting the robe fall open to expose one breast to her lover. Xena started to move but was stopped by an outstretched hand and a command from the queen. "Eponin come in."

Eponin entered the hut and swore she heard the end of a frustrated growl. Her eyes focused on Gabrielle who stood next to a table pouring a mug of water. Eponin couldn’t remember when the queen looked more radiant. The stocky Amazon remembered she was carrying a tray of food. "I brought breakfast."

Gabrielle’s face lit up. "Breakfast . . . I’m famished."

Xena snickered at the bard’s comment. "That’s a big surprise?"

"Hey," said the indignant queen as she threw an apple at the bed.

Xena caught it easily then focused her attention on Eponin. She wasn’t sure how the Amazons would react to her now. Clearing her throat she greeted the woman whom she hoped was still her friend. "Hello Eponin."

Eponin smiled broadly showing the trademark chipped tooth. "Hello yourself Xena. I hope that after you two are done . . . um . . . catching up you’ll have time for a rematch on the practice field."

Gabrielle blushed wildly but Xena just returned the smile. "Why? Need more dental work?"

The Amazon let out a hearty guffaw. "Well, I’ve been told that the chip gives my smile a certain charm."

Xena raised an eyebrow. "I bet," she deadpanned.

Gabrielle watched with amusement as she devoured a sweet roll. Swallowing the culinary delight she grabbed another sticky pastry and brought it over to Xena who smiled graciously. "So Ep, what brings you by? I know that it’s not just to bring us breakfast."

The Amazon commander shook her head ruefully. "No, I’m sorry Gabrielle but the council has called a meeting. We’re to meet in the council hut in a couple of candlemarks. Xena, you’re to come also."

Xena noticed the color drain from Gabrielle’s face. "Let me guess what it’s about?"

Gabrielle turned to Xena. Her green eyes filled with worry. "I’m sorry Xena. I thought that after what had happened they might forget about . . . "

Xena took her love’s face between her calloused but gentle hands. "It’s okay Gabrielle. I understand and I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right. Hey c’mon, don’t worry." She then took the queen into a warm embrace.

Eponin shifted uncomfortably; she wasn’t used to witnessing this softer, loving side of Xena. However, at that moment she knew that Xena, her friend, was back. She let out a grateful sigh. "I’ll leave you two to your breakfast. I’ll see you in a couple of candlemarks."

Chapter 26: Options

"Is everything the priestess said true Xena?" Ephiny asked the stern question while seated at the large horseshoe shaped council table. On her right sat Gabrielle; she was dressed in her queen’s leather and armor. She was beautiful. On the Regent’s left sat Eponin whom every once in a while flashed a reassuring smile to the reticent Warrior Princess. There were five other Amazons present at the table. They were all leaders of the satellite villages within Amazon territory. These Amazons made up the council and they would be deciding the fate of the warrior. There was one chair that was noticeably vacant and that was Solari’s who was still too weak to attend.

Xena sat directly in front of the council. She sat straight, shoulders back and looked directly at Ephiny. To the outsider it would appear if she were in charge of this meeting. "Yes," Xena stiffly replied to the question. She wasn’t sure why Artemis had told the story to the Amazon priestess who, in turn, recounted the whole sordid affair to the stunned women. Although Xena had lived the story, she still had trouble believing it. The events of the past months seemed illusory as if she had not been present in her own skin.

As the words left the priestess’ lips, Xena watched Gabrielle the whole time. She saw the flickering of pain and anger cross emerald eyes as the story was unraveled from its painful web. When the priestess finished, Gabrielle had looked at Xena and the warrior flinched unsure of what look she would receive. But the green eyes spoke only of forgiveness, understanding, and devotion. Xena felt like an innocent, pure and in love.

"So let me get this straight," Jayla, a leader of one of the Northern Villages spoke. "When you killed our sisters you were under the spell of Ares?" Jayla leaned back, folded her arms across her chest and snorted in disbelief.

"What part of Artemis’ story didn’t you understand Jayla?" Eponin spoke up, fiercely loyal to her queen and her lover.

Dismissing Eponin’s remark Jayla continued. "So, after you supposedly recovered you own will, you went to Dimitrius’ camp to prevent him from attacking us. He, subsequently refused, tried to kill you, obviously failed; then you incited his men to attack you?"

"I believe we’ve already determined that Jayla," Eponin, who was starting to get a bit angry, spoke again.

"Eponin . . . " Ephiny wanted to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand but was halted Gabrielle’s firm grip on her right arm.

Gabrielle’s eyes were kind but firm when she spoke to the village leader. "Jayla that is what happened. Surely, our patron goddess wouldn’t lie to us." That was an ironic statement but being Amazons, they still had complete faith in the Goddess of the Moon.

Jayla looked at the queen defiantly; she had always resented Gabrielle for her quick rise in Amazon politics. "I’m not sure why Artemis would stick up for this murderer but I’m quite sure I know your reasons."

"Jayla!" Ephiny spoke and rose in unison with Eponin at the sound of the village leader’s insult to their queen. But it was the hardened stare coming from the table in front of the council that made Jayla halt her insults.

Xena didn’t move but sat relaxed with her hands clasped in front of her. "What reasons would those be Jayla?" Her voice sent shivers down the spines of all the council members except for Gabrielle’s who smiled and enjoyed the show. Cold blue eyes dug themselves into the resentful skin of the village leader challenging the Amazon to respond.

Jayla wiped her sweating hands upon her skirt and softened her approach. "What I mean is that the queen can’t look at the situation objectively considering her . . . er . . . feelings for you."

"Objectivity doesn’t seem to be your strong suit either Jayla," Eponin said as she sat back down.

"Actually, she’s right." All eyes shot toward the queen. Gabrielle looked at Xena, a small grin tipping the corners of her mouth. "I do have feelings for Xena . . . " Gabrielle heard the triumphant snort coming from Jayla. "That doesn’t diffuse the truth. When she was under Ares control, she did some . . . horrible things but that is the Xena of the past. Now, she would and will do everything to protect the Amazons and me. Her actions last night prove it."

The village leader shook her head vehemently. "No, what that proves is that she’s suicidal."

Eponin was on her feet again. "By the god’s woman, have you no brain in your head!"

"Eponin!" Ephiny yelled and the council erupted into a buzz of heated conversation. In the midst of it all, Xena and Gabrielle sat silently holding the other’s gaze. The warrior’s eyebrow raised and the bard let out a frustrated sigh. Simultaneously, they both mouthed the phrase, "I’m sorry." Each said it for her own reasons, but the sentiment was the same. Both smiled accepting the apologies without question.

"That’s enough!" Ephiny’s voice rose over the tumultuous hum that enveloped the council hut. "We’re going to take a break. Then we’ll come back here and make a decision. One candlemark, be back here in one candlemark." With a dismissive hand from the Regent the council disbanded.

Eponin caught up with Jayla as they departed the hut. Walking behind her the weapons master leaned forward so her mouth was close to the village leader’s ear. "You know you’re lucky Xena’s not that warlord you think she is. If she was, you’d be dead for that remark against Gabrielle." With that, Eponin brushed past Jayla with a wink and a smile. The village leader sneered in defiance but that didn’t stop the wave of cold sweat that rushed from her pores.

Ephiny, Gabrielle and Xena stood in the now awkward silence of the hut. Gabrielle looked slyly at the two warriors who diligently avoided eye contact. "Well, I think you two have some things to talk about. Xena, I’ll be in our hut," Gabrielle said as she rushed out of the hut before the other two could argue.

Ephiny laughed nervously and ran a shaking hand through her curly blonde hair. "She certainly likes to force issues."

Xena grinned. "She’s good at that. Look Ephiny, I’m not sure what to say . . . "

The Regent shrugged at the attempted apology. "I still love her." She looked up at Xena expecting to see anger but what she saw made her regret she’d spoken the phrase. The stoic face of the warrior she had come to know was not present. Instead, Xena stood before her with a look of empathy and the threat of tears glistened at the corner of blue eyes.

Xena took in a deep breath. "I know."

"I’m not ready to forgive you just yet."

"I know."

"If you hurt her . . . for any reason, I’ll give my life to avenge her."

"I know."

Ephiny narrowed her hazel eyes at Xena. With a shake of her blonde head she let out a small chuckle. "Gabrielle’s right . . . you’re not that hard to talk to."

Xena’s face lit at the light tone in the Regent’s voice that signaled the start of their truce. "I-"

Ephiny held up her hand to halt the Warrior Princess. "Yes, I know."



"I’m sorry Gabrielle."

"By the gods I’m sick of that phrase."

Ephiny frowned in understanding. "The council has made their decision."

"So what your saying is that I have two options . . . one bad the other worse."

"Yes, it was a majority vote. The law can’t be changed."

"Right, five to four, against Xena." Gabrielle paced the council chamber, her arms gesturing grandly in frustration. She stopped and looked at the Regent who had stayed behind to take up the unenviable task of comforting the queen. "Ephiny which way did you vote? I mean, I know you don’t have to tell me and it won’t make me angry at you . . . I would like to know." Emerald eyes implored the Regent for the truth.

Ephiny nodded in understanding. "I voted in favor of Xena."

The bard smiled but then her face hardened in frustration. "So Xena has two choices; she can be publicly whipped or she can be banished." Again, Gabrielle began to pace and roughly rubbed her forehead with her hands. "I won’t allow her to be humiliated by the whipping. That’s not an option. The only choice is banishment so that means I can no longer be an Amazon."

"Now Gabrielle wait a minute. Let Xena decide what she wants. You need to tell her the choices."

"I know what she’ll choose because she wouldn’t want to hurt me. She’ll choose the flogging to prevent me from having to give up my role with the Amazons, my friends."

"Then let her. Don’t give up being an Amazon."

Gabrielle stood in front of her friend and a gentle hand reached out to grasp the Amazons forearm. "Ephiny, in my heart I will always be an Amazon but I will not have the woman I love battered by my sisters. If that happens, we are no better than her own army which brutalized her. It ends now . . . even if I can no longer be queen."

"You won’t change your mind will you?" Ephiny asked as her hazel eyes clouded with acute sadness.

"No, I can’t. I’ll be saying my good-byes tonight. Xena and I will be leaving in the morning."


"Oh Gabrielle . . . " Xena cooed to her lover who wept gently in her arms. "How many times can I say I’m sorry?"

The bard wrapped her arms tighter around Xena’s waist and settled into the embrace. They stood outside their hut where Gabrielle told Xena the news. A cool fall wind whipped the air and the purple and orange glow of the sunset colored the horizon. Slowly, the sun sank lower and they remained locked in the silent hold; the bard was seeking affirmation that her love for Xena would dull the hurt of leaving her Amazons. Eventually, it would but for now, it couldn’t lessen the sting of this fresh pain.

Gabrielle steeled herself for her last remaining duties as queen. She pushed herself from the comfort of Xena’s firm embrace wiping her face with the back of her hand. Her eyes red and swollen, she took a deep breath to solidify her resolve. "Xena I need to say goodbye to my friends."

"Okay, I’ll go with you . . . I want to say goodbye too."

Gabrielle shook her head. "I’m . . . um . . . going to see Solari first."

Blue eyes understood immediately. "I’m still going with you but I’ll wait outside." Xena cupped the bard’s cheek with her hand. "Hey, you don’t have to do this . . . leave the Amazons."

Gabrielle grabbed Xena’s hand and brought it down to touch her lips. "Yes I do. There’s no other choice."


As Gabrielle stepped into Solari’s hut, she was greeted by darkness. The wooden enclosure still smelled of medicinal herbs that caused a slight twinge of nervousness to settle in the bard’s gut. Xena had told her what had transpired between her and Solari. Things were still quite raw among the three women who had once been friends. However, Gabrielle understood Solari’s reaction and could only hope that her anger had subsided.

Gabrielle cleared her throat and called out into the darkness. "Solari?"

"Gabrielle? Is that you? Light a candle." Solari’s voice floated from the back of her hut. Although weak, it held traces of the resonance the Amazon once possessed.

"Yes, it’s me," Gabrielle said as she fumbled for a candle and some flint. The candle was lit and Solari’s face, puffy from sleep and violence, was cloaked in the amber light.

Solari smiled. "Gabrielle, I heard you were all right. I’m so glad."

"Yeah, just a couple of bruises," Gabrielle winked and sat on the pallet next to her friend.

"They said you were . . . "

"They lied. Just bruises, honest. I came to see you yesterday but you were sleeping."

"I’ve been doing that a lot lately," Solari said with a hint of bitterness. "I’m glad you came by tonight. I hope I didn’t miss the celebration of your return."

Gabrielle chuckled. "Well, we haven’t really had time for a celebration and besides we had to wait for you."

"Well, I’m awake . . . what are we waiting for."

Gabrielle took Solari’s hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze. She didn’t miss the wince of pain flash across the Amazon’s face. "I’m sorry . . . they still hurt huh?"

"Yes, thanks to that warlord." Solari spit out the sentence with unveiled venom.

The bard stiffened and moved off the pallet. "Solari I’m here to say goodbye."


"I’m giving up my right of caste. Ephiny will be the only Queen of the Amazons."

"What? Why?

"Xena’s been banished, as punishment, and I’ll be going with her."

"What! You’re still . . . together? Look what she did to me Gabrielle. I can’t believe you!"

"Solari you don’t understand! She was being manipulated that wasn’t her."

"No, the warlord that did this had blue eyes, black hair, big breasts, dark brown leather and a bad disposition. I think that pretty much describes Xena. Don’t you agree?"

"Please listen to me Solari. I’m sorry, so very sorry about what happened to you; but you can’t let it eat you up. Maybe if I explained to you what happened you’ll-"

"I know what happened, Ep told me, but I don’t give a demon’s ass in Tartarus. This is my reality. Look at me! My hands are gnarled. Do you know what that means for a warrior? I’m a useless Amazon thanks to your lover. So don’t expect compassion from me. For all I care Xena can drown in the river Styx and the world will be a better place for it."

"Solari please, as my friend, try to understand-"

"Shut up!" Solari’s anger no longer followed protocol as Gabrielle turned from queen and friend to betrayer. "If you choose Xena then the Amazon Nation is lucky to be rid of you. We don’t need a queen who would choose a murderer over her sisters. You’ve betrayed us Gabrielle. Get out of my hut."

Gabrielle was stung by the hurtful words of her friend. Again, salty tears followed the well-worn path down her tanned cheek. "Solari, I have had no greater honor than that of being Queen of the Amazons and I’ve cherished it more than you could know. I would die before I would bring dishonor to the Amazons. I was hoping that you knew me well enough to realize that." Gabrielle walked toward the door. "I’ve always been proud to call you my friend and I always will. One day I hope you let go of your anger. Your hands are not what makes you an Amazon Solari . . . it’s your heart."

Xena, who quietly stood outside Solari’s hut, listened to the Amazon’s tirade with clenched fists. ‘Don’t direct your anger at her Solari. She doesn’t deserve it. I’m the one that does.’ Before her rational mind could function, she burst angrily into the hut. Shocked, both Gabrielle and Solari looked wide-eyed at the formidable presence that entered the dwelling like a gale force wind. In a moment, the air was calm and Xena indomitably stood before them. "Gabrielle, I need to have a word with Solari."

"Uh, Xena I don’t think that would-"

Xena looked at Gabrielle making it obvious that she wasn’t asking for her bard’s opinion. Then her face softened and she tilted her head toward the door. Gabrielle nodded and left the hut realizing that this was something Xena needed to do.

Solari focused her anger on the woman that she blamed for everything. "I thought we got rid of you Princess."

Xena took a menacing step toward Solari’s pallet. "That’s right Amazon. Focus your anger on the person who deserves it."

Solari laughed. Her anger surfacing from her own deep well of self-pity. Her world and thoughts, were focused on her present condition and how she got that way. She couldn’t forgive Xena and all those who loved her deserved her bitter wrath. "Oh geez, don’t tell me you’re in here defending the honor of our beloved queen. How romantically ridiculous. You two make quite the couple, a murdering wench and her Amazon slut!"

Xena descended upon Solari with frightening speed. The bronze face barely contained the anger that permeated her skin. Pale blue eyes held themselves a fraction above Solari’s. Both women breathed heavily, a familiar adrenaline pumped through them. As warriors, they understood what was happening. The battle had begun and the air crackled with tension. Xena spoke and Solari could feel the warm breath dance upon her face. "Watch your mouth! Hate me Solari, I deserve it, I can take it but leave Gabrielle out of it!"

Solari lashed out with her arm but was stopped by an iron grip. Again, she tried to strike with the other arm but Xena dodged the swing. Solari, fueled by frustration, struggled madly crying out with anguish. She wanted to hit, to hurt to pound out her agony on something, anyone. "I hate you! I hate you!" Solari gasped through ragged sobs. Her eyes closed tightly she kept swinging until she felt her arms being pinned to her sides and a strong body engulfing her own. She cried and struggled to break the grasp but Xena wouldn’t relent.

"Solari," Xena spoke quietly as if trying to comfort a friend through a nightmare. "Let it out Solari. Scream and yell but I won’t let you hurt yourself. I’ve got ya; go ahead tell me how much you hate me. I deserve it, I’m the monster in your nightmares and I did this to you. Scream at me. I’m the one that deserves your rage but not her Solari. Not her . . . ever."

Solari struggled and the tears streamed down her face. She had struggled for so long and now she could feel her body was close to exhaustion. Xena’s voice was but a blur, an incoherent stream of words. Yet, somehow they were managing to penetrate the Amazon’s fury. Solari’s muscles contracted as if she were going to push one last time against Xena’s restraining arms. Xena felt the change and braced herself for the new assault. However, Solari’s muscles relaxed and a long sigh escaped from the lips that moments before cried out against the Warrior Princess. She collapsed against the dark brown leather and bronze armor letting strong arms support her limp body. Her anger, the red fury that she clung to, began to fade away.

Xena held the Amazon supporting the weakened body against her own. She was quiet and waited for Solari to come to terms with what was happening and what had happened. Unconsciously, she began to rock the woman who was now gently weeping. Her own tears of self-reproach falling lightly on the Amazon’s shoulder.

Solari felt strangely comforted but some thought in the recesses of her mind still wanted to rebel. As she began to push away, tears falling on her shoulder stalled her movement. She became acutely aware of her surroundings, who was holding her and that the Warrior Princess was crying. Xena understood her pain and the anger that engulfed her. The warrior had been there once or twice herself. They had been pawns in a game. This realization moved the Amazon closer to the edge of forgiveness and to the regret of harsh words said to her friend Gabrielle.

Solari cleared her throat now hoarse from her screams. "Xena . . . you can let go of me now."

Xena jerked as if surprised by the calmly spoken words. "I will if you promise not to thrash around anymore. I...I don’t want you to hurt yourself."

"I promise."

Xena released Solari and stood to adjust her leathers and armor in the most nonchalant way she could muster. She wasn’t sure what had just transpired between her and Solari but she hoped that the outcome would be better than the beginning.

Solari leaned back against her pillow suddenly feeling very tired. "So, you’ve been banished."


"You didn’t go for the public flogging huh?"


Solari’s eyes widened. "They didn’t give you that option? When Ep came to get my vote that was an alternative-"

"I had a choice."

"Yes, Ephiny said she would tell Gabrielle."

"Hades! Gabrielle why didn’t you tell me." Xena started to leave the hut but was stopped by Solari.

"Xena wait. Gabrielle didn’t tell you?"

"No, she didn’t because-"

"Because she knew, you would choose the whipping rather than forcing her to leave the Amazons." She waited until she saw an affirming nod from Xena. "But she couldn’t let you suffer the humiliation."

"Yes, but that doesn’t matter. She won’t be leaving the Amazons."

Solari rolled her eyes. "Gods I’ve been a bitter fool. Xena, I’m still angry but I’m starting to understand and I’m sorry that my hate-"

"Please Solari . . . don’t apologize to me."

Solari smiled. "I will apologize, to both you and Gabrielle. You’re right. She didn’t deserve what I said to her earlier. I was just so angry that she would choose you instead of us. But she had no choice really. Ever since you two first set foot on Amazon land, it was obvious that your souls were bonded. Her love has changed you Xena. I should have realized that."

"Solari I can’t say that I wouldn’t have acted differently."

The amazon laughed ruefully. "Xena, forgive me if I say that doesn’t make me feel better." Xena’s eyebrow rose to a point well taken. "I can’t change my vote now. I’m sorry but . . . " Solari’s face took on a mischievous smirk. "There is another option. If you’re willing Warrior Princess."

"Yes, anything."

Chapter 27: Freedom

Three months later . . .

"Gabrielle!" The queen turned as she heard the voice from across the Amazon compound. Eponin was making her way over.

"Hello, Ep."

"Hello yourself. So, today’s the big day huh?"

A radiant smile graced the queen’s features. "Yup."

The stocky Amazon returned the smile in full. "Well, there’s that goofy smile again. You know that was very clever what you did."

Gabrielle feigned confusion. "What?"

"What?" Eponin mimicked her queen. "Bonding with Xena, making her an Amazon so she would be sent to a work camp instead of banishment. I couldn’t believe how stubborn that council was being."

The bard shrugged. "Amazons can be very stubborn." Gabrielle winked at her friend. "Actually, Xena asked me remember?" Again, Gabrielle smiled and her mind drifted to that evening three moons ago. The warrior took her hand and Gabrielle felt the other woman trembling. "What is it?" she asked. Then Xena fidgeted and dropped to one knee. Gabrielle thought she would drop with her but she willed herself to remain standing.

Xena looked up at her love, the most beautiful creature to ever grace the known world and her mouth became unbearably dry. Swallowing hard, she began to explain. "Gabrielle, Solari gave me another option, to this whole mess, to think about. I’ve thought about it and I’m going to ask this of you not just because it’s a way for you to remain an Amazon but . . . oh Hades! Gabrielle, I’m not good with words and talking and well, you know that." Blue eyes looked up at green eyes for understanding and it was received. Then a small hand stroked raven hair as an act of encouragement. "Okay, Gabrielle I’ve loved you for a long time even before I realized it. If you can believe it."

Gabrielle laughed nervously. "Oh yes, I can believe it my stoic warrior. I think I have loved you forever."

Xena squeezed her bard’s hand affectionately. "When we first met it seemed as if I was always saving your hide and rescuing you from the trouble you seem to attract."

"Hey, I don’t think I like the turn in this conversation."

Xena laughed then rose to her feet and took both of Gabrielle’s hands. "No my little bard. You have done the rescuing. My life was empty, no joy, no light, and no love. You’ve given me that. Made me believe in myself and in love. I can’t live without you. You’re in here now." Xena moved their hands and placed them upon her chest. "Nothing will ever change that. I guess what I’m trying to say . . . to ask actually is Gabrielle..., will you marry me?"

Gabrielle’s mouth dropped open in shock. "Oh gods," she gasped.

Concerned, Xena took Gabrielle by the shoulders. "I’m sorry . . . I didn’t mean to . . . well if you don’t want to it’s okay."

"Yes!" Tears of joy sprang from the wells of emerald green.


"Yes, Xena. Yes!" Gabrielle jumped into Xena’s arms and she was happy. Happier than she had ever been. A voice from the present brought her back from her reverie.

"Oh my, did you go and get all sappy again?" Eponin chuckled at the dreamy look on the queen’s face. For that remark, she got a stiff punch to the arm. "Gods, I’m glad that Xena’s coming back today so she can take your abuse."

"I’ve missed her so much Ep."

"It’ll be over soon. Hey, I heard that she actually took over the work camp."

The queen chuckled at Eponin’s joke. "You know that wouldn’t surprise me."

"Hey you two." Ephiny’s came up beside her two friends. "Are we gossiping? Or is this official business?"

"Hello Eph," Eponin said as she ran a hand over her friend’s shoulder in greeting.

The gesture wasn’t lost on Gabrielle and she smiled slyly. Rumors had it that her two friends had been seeing more of each other on an unofficial basis. "I don’t know Eph, you have anything to share?" Both the taller Amazons blushed furiously. "Hmm, looks like we need to-"

"Hey wait up!" Solari, after noticing her friends, decided to join them.

"Well, now we have all the *good* lookin’ Amazon’s in one spot." Eponin’s joke made Ephiny laugh girlishly which in turn made Gabrielle raise both eyebrows in disbelief. She started to say something but Solari beat her to it.

"By the gods Eph. You’re acting like a school girl." Solari nudged Gabrielle with her elbow and winked at Eponin who, like Ephiny, was turning a delicate shade or red.

Gabrielle laughed and wrapped an arm around Solari’s slim waist. "I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing. How are the hands?"

"Better," Solari wiggled her fingers for effect. "Those exercises Lara gave me to do are actually working. I think I’ll be able to grip a sword in another moon or so."

"That’s great Solari."

"My Qu-Queen!" Lara came rushing toward them in obvious excitement. "X-Xena’s back!"

Gabrielle’s heart quickened and her palms began to sweat. She took off toward the edge of the village as the three smiling Amazons jogged behind her. Riding into camp, in all her warrior regalia, Xena sat astride Argo. Her blue eyes searched and flashed when she saw the crimson-blonde rushing toward her. In a graceful movement she dismounted and caught her love in mid-stride. With a heart-warming smile, the raven- haired woman swung her love around in a joyous circle. She would never let go of the one that held her heart.



Soundly, Xena and Gabrielle slept. The fire of their campsite had burned down so that only a few embers glowed in the darkness. They had traveled far today but that didn’t stop them from the passionate lovemaking they had indulged in since their reunion a week ago. The warrior had her arms protectively wrapped around the smaller woman and both had a smile on their face.

Xena, even in her slumber, was always aware of her surroundings and the slightest sound never failed to wake her.

However, tonight she was not awakened by a sound but by a feeling, the horrible tingling and buzzing of her skin she had come to associate with Ares. Her arms stiffened around the bard vowing to protect her until the end. ‘No Ares, that will not happen again.’ Warrior instinct kicked in and her breathing calmed, her eyes wide and focused and her muscles tensed for action. She lay perfectly still, holding, protecting her love. Slowly, the tingle vanished and the threat disappeared. Xena let out a sigh of relief and pulled Gabrielle closer to her.

The motion woke Gabrielle up and she sleepily turned over to face Xena. "What is it?"

Xena brushed the crimson-blonde bangs from Gabrielle’s forehead. "Nothing love, I just wanted you closer to me. Go back to sleep."

"Mmmm." The bard closed her eyes and was lost to Morpheus once again. Xena smiled but her eyes didn’t close. Instead, she kept the silent vigil until dawn.


In the halls of Mount Olympus, Ares appeared in a flash of darting white light. He laughed and thought about his chosen. "Not tonight Xena but soon. Very soon." Some gods never learn.

The end.

Well, that’s it. I hoped you liked it and I’d like to thank all for the comments and words of encouragement. This, being my first attempt at fanfic, proved to be quite a challenge. To write or not to write that is the question. Let me know what you think.


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