By Mavis Applewater

For Disclaimers see part one.



As Always For Heather.



Jamie stared up at CC who was cradling Emma in her arms. A rush of emotions assaulted the blonde as she drank in the sight. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful,’ she thought blissfully as her heart began to pound in her chest. Her emotions had been on overload ever since CC had unceremoniously reentered her life. She blinked in confusion as she suddenly became aware that CC was talking to her.

"Sorry," she apologized as she shook her head in an effort to clear her thoughts. "It’s been a long day," she added, hoping that the tall policewoman would accept the feeble excuse. "I just stopped by to see how you’re doing."

"Come in," CC offered in a friendly manner as she stepped aside.

Jamie accepted the offer and stepped into the condo. She tried to calm her racing heart as CC closed the door behind her. Jamie’s mouth went suddenly dry as CC moved towards her. "Have a seat," CC said as she sat down onto the sofa.

Jamie shrugged out of her jacket and took her place next to CC. "So, " she began slowly, trying to sound as normal as possible. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," CC replied. "Although the doctor who tended to me did seem to enjoy giving me a hard time."

"Nasty wench," Jamie teased as she reached out and allowed Emma to capture one of her fingers in her chubby little hand. "And how are you feeling, little one?"

"She’s doing great." CC beamed as she tickled her niece. "I want to thank you for taking care of her that day. "

"You don’t have to thank me," Jamie said, brushing aside the compliment.

"Well, I think that I should," CC continued in gentle tone. "Given everything that was going on that day, it was very thoughtful of you to put everything aside and look after my little peanut."

"I’m just glad that she’s feeling better," Jamie said as she finally forced herself to look into CC’s eyes.

Time came to a halt as she fell into the electric blue gaze. ‘Will I ever stop wanting you?’ she asked herself in desperation. Even when she had convinced herself that she hated this woman, her heart and body still ached for her touch. Emma gurgled, breaking the trance the two women found themselves locked in. Jamie watched as CC turned her attention back to her niece. She couldn’t help noticing that CC’s breathing was erratic. Of course she was only aware of this since her gaze had drifted down to CC’s breasts.

"I should put her down," CC commented quickly as she stood, cradling the tired infant in her arms. Jamie simply nodded in response, thankful for the reprieve. She used the time alone to collect herself. Lusting after CC was understandable and very dangerous. ‘Well, dangerous might be a little extreme. It’s simply unwise. Although when she looks at me, I’m not certain why that is. What would be so wrong about rekindling what we once had?’ Jamie’s mind rationalized as CC reentered the room.

"Can I get you something to drink?" CC offered.

"No, thank you," Jamie answered as she tried to bury her lustful thoughts.

CC smiled as she sat down next to Jamie. Emma’s absence seemed to create an electrifying energy between them. CC reclined slightly and winced as her shoulder pressed into the sofa. "Still hurts?" Jamie inquired, thinking how lame the question sounded. ‘Of course it still hurts, you moron. She has a bruise the size of Nebraska on that shoulder,’ she mentally kicked herself.

"A little," CC lied as Jamie rolled her eyes in response.

"So, what happened today?" Jamie inquired, desperately seeking a topic of conversation that would lead her mind away from CC’s body. Internally, Jamie was fighting back the urge to reexamine the injury and kiss it to make it better.

"We were escorting a prisoner and he didn’t want to go to jail," CC explained flatly as she shifted her position. The movement caused their thighs to brush against one another slightly.

Jamie’s body trembled from the contact. "So why were you so upset with Max?" she asked as she pretended that she was unaffected by the touch.

"He was baiting the guy," CC explained, once again adopting a flat dry tone. "He turned his attention away briefly." Unaware of what she was doing, Jamie gripped CC’s thigh as her eyes widened in anger. "The thing is, I think he was pushing this kid’s buttons on purpose," CC concluded.

"Why would he put you in jeopardy like that?" Jamie growled as her grip tightened.

"I don’t think he wanted to put me in danger." CC explained quickly. "I think he was trying to push the guy into doing something stupid so he’d have an excuse to beat the crap out of him."

"What an asshole," Jamie blurted out.

"Not really," CC reassured her as she laid her hand on top of Jamie’s hand. It wasn’t until CC’s hand touched hers that Jamie realized she was holding on to her. Not only had she gripped the taller woman’s firm thigh tightly, she seemed to be hovering over the slightly reclined woman.

Jamie’s heart beat wildly as her breathing became erratic. She was so close to CC that she could feel her former lover’s breath on her skin. Jamie swallowed hard as CC reached up and cupped her face in her hand. Jamie fought back a moan as she leaned into the touch. CC’s legs parted slightly as Jamie unconsciously leaned her body closer. CC’s lips looked so inviting and they were so close. All she had to do was lean in a little closer.

From behind them came the sound of someone clearing her throat. The couple bolted up quickly. Stevie stood there looking very embarrassed. Jamie stood up quickly, weaving slightly.

"Sorry," Stevie apologized shyly. "I didn’t mean to interrupt."

"Oh no, you didn’t," Jamie lied as she blushed furiously. "I was just checking out . . . I mean, checking on your sister."

"I see." Stevie chuckled in amusement. "And how is my sister fairing this evening?" Stevie teased as CC glared at her.

"I’m fine," CC growled at her younger sibling.

"Well, it’s late and I should be going," Jamie stammered, feeling very disoriented by the entire situation. "Glad to see you’re feeling better," she offered to the smirking policewoman. Jamie snatched up her jacket and tripped as she made her way to the doorway.

"I’ll see you out," CC said from behind her.

Jamie’s stomach clenched as she realized that her escape had just been postponed. CC opened the front door for her and the two women stepped out into the cool night air. "You are far too amused by all this," Jamie chastised her as they lingered in the doorway.

"I’m sorry," CC replied softly. "You were so flustered. I shouldn’t have teased you."

"It was just so . . . " Jamie’s voice trailed off as she tried to organize her thoughts. Her mind was screaming for her to invite this woman back to her place. They stood there in an awkward silence as Jamie fought back the image of CC lying in her bed only a short distance away.

"It just old emotions," CC rationalized as Jamie tried to quiet her throbbing lower anatomy. "It would be a mistake," she stammered.

"Yes," Jamie confirmed, not truly believing what she was saying. "We’re just becoming friends again. Given our history, the whole thing would be so wrong."

"Right," CC agreed and Jamie felt her heart break just a little.

They found themselves staring at one another once again, cloaked in another cloud of silence. "Well . . . uhm . . ." Jamie finally said, hoping to relieve the tension. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," CC replied. Neither of them moved.

Jamie just stood there, losing herself in a sea of blue. Jamie’s mind and body were locked in an intense battle over what her next move should be. Before she could reach her decision, CC’s gaze dropped to the ground. Jamie suddenly felt a little foolish. "Goodnight," she repeated and quickly made her departure.

Once she was safely inside her own home, Jamie locked the door. Dropping her coat on the floor, she quickly unzipped her pants. Bracing her back against the living room wall, she slipped her hand into her pants. "Oh my God," she moaned as her hand was flooded by the river of passion that had pooled between her thighs. Her eyes fluttered shut as she began to touch herself.

Her mind filled quickly with images of CC kneeling before her. As her fingers plunged in and out of her center, she imagined that it was her former lover touching her. The young doctor’s body responded as her hips swayed in rhythm. She was so close to climaxing, but for some reason she couldn’t cross over the edge. Frustrated, she removed her hand from her body. "Damn it," she moaned as she banged her head against the wall lightly. "I need to get past this." She whimpered. "Don’t I?" she choked out as she slid down onto the floor. The confusion and doubt finally took their toll. The guilt returned in full force. "I left her all alone." She wept.

After she had cried herself out, Jamie dragged her tired body upstairs. After taking an extended shower, she climbed weakly into bed. Thoughts of CC quickly invaded her senses. She tried once again to pleasure herself and once again she failed. She tossed and turned for several hours as sleep evaded her grasp as well.


Continued - Part 15

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