By Mavis Applewater

For disclaimers see part one.

As always this is for Heather.



Jamie stirred slightly, feeling very comfortable. She blinked her eyes open to find herself resting in CC’s arms. Somehow the pair had fallen asleep and wrapped themselves up in one another. She was feeling the same sense of warmth and belonging that she’d had that morning when she went over to CC’s and apologized. The two women had fallen asleep together that morning as well. Of course she had to admit it always felt good when CC held her. There was something so comforting about the being in her arms.

She inhaled lightly, taking in the soft delicate scent that was CC. Her own lips curled in a smile of recognition. It was the same. After all these years she still smelled the same. It had always amazed Jamie that CC seemed so strong, casting a look of stoic indifference on everyone she encountered. But she smelled soft and delicate. It was her true self, the one she kept hidden.

Jamie shifted slightly, hoping that she wouldn’t awaken the slumbering policewoman. CC continued exhaling slowly in a steady rhythm. Jamie just wanted a few uninterrupted moments to enjoy the feel of CC’s body lying beneath her own. She lifted her hand slowly and placed two fingers against CC’s full lips.

Jamie’s pulse beat in a calming rhythm as CC’s breath caressed her fingertips. She guiltily indulged in the simple pleasure for a few more moments, knowing that it was probably the last time in her life she would have the opportunity to experience the sweet sensation. Fearful that CC would awaken and find her fingers pressed against her mouth, Jamie regretfully removed them. She began to lift her smaller body off of CC’s larger inviting frame. Her green eyes were still gazing dreamily at CC’s lips.

Before she could stop and think she did the one thing she had desired all day; she lightly brushed her lips against CC’s. She had only intended on placing a sweet gentle kiss on those lips that had been beckoning her all day long. She hadn’t expected the sleeping woman to respond. Jamie was certain that CC was awake when she felt her lips kissing her back.

The feel of CC tugging on her bottom lip overrode her senses. Jamie instinctively parted her lips. CC drew her tongue into her mouth and suckled it slowly. Jamie heard a deep moan and was uncertain who had released it. CC’s hands clasped her body and drew her in, pulling her body closer. Jamie parted CC’s legs with her thigh as her hips began to dance sensually against CC’s body. A desperate need to breathe forced Jamie to break free of the passionate kiss.

As her body rocked against CC’s, she peered down through half-opened eyes to see that CC was in fact still asleep. Anxiety flooded Jamie’s senses as she pulled away from CC’s touch carefully. "This is so bad," she groaned quietly as she felt her knees start to buckle as she stood. She braced herself as she moved over to the edge of the sofa.

"I’m cursed," she reasoned as she looked down on the sleeping woman who seemed unfazed by their intimate encounter. "Jamie," CC murmured as she turned onto her side and then curled up in an adorable manner. Jamie whimpered at the sight. ‘She is so cute,’ Jamie thought as she fought to control her breathing. Jamie found herself reaching out towards CC’s slumbering form. Quickly she snatched her hand back. ‘Bad blonde,’ she chastised herself as she headed up the staircase.

She stared at her rumpled appearance in the mirror above her dresser. She took in her flushed features and snorted in amusement. Jamie blinked as she looked down at the top of the dresser. Sitting there was a small wooden box. She ran her fingers over the intricate carvings. Small simple ankhs covered the top. She tried to remember what CC had said when she gave it to her. It had been so long ago; she couldn’t really recall the exact words. It was something about eternity. She lifted the lid of the medium-sized box. The scent of cedar greeted her. The only item inside was the now tarnished brass ring she had grabbed from the carousel that last day she had spent with CC.

Jamie rarely opened the box; yet she often questioned why she had kept it along with the silly brass ring. Whenever she wondered why she still held onto both items, she would toss them into a drawer so she wouldn’t be forced to look at them and be reminded of the painful memory. Eventually the box would always reappear. For the first time, she didn’t feel anger when she looked at them. This time she only felt regret.

She ran her fingers through her short blonde hair in a tense manner. She snapped the box closed and began to look for the blanket she had come upstairs to retrieve. She gathered the old blanket and a couple of pillows and headed back downstairs. Jamie glanced out the picture window, noting that the contractor’s truck was still there. She smiled slightly, feeling happy that CC would have to remain in her company for a little while longer.

Jamie placed the blanket over the sleeping woman and then carefully tucked the pillows under her head. She fought against the overwhelming desire to kiss CC once again. She stood slowly and looked down at CC who was sleeping so peacefully.

Jamie rubbed her tired eyes before heading back up the staircase. Once in her bedroom she shed her clothing and climbed under the covers. It wasn’t until her head hit the pillow that she realized that it had been over twenty-four hours since she had gotten any sleep. She didn’t count the warm catnap she’d shared with CC. Looking over at the open door, she debated for a moment on whether or not she should get up from the warm cocoon and close it.

"Screw it." She sighed wearily. "If she does come up here, she won’t see anything she hasn’t seen before," she reasoned, closing her eyes as her weariness washed over her body.

It was difficult being around CC and yet it was wonderful at the same time. She knew without a doubt that the sexual tension flowed both ways. Still they needed to be careful. What if that was all there was? Also there was a part of her that was still angry at CC. Twelve years! In all that time CC had never made an attempt to explain what had happened. If Stevie hadn’t pushed her, CC probably never would have told her the truth.

Jamie understood what had happened. But what about later when some time had passed? CC could have tracked her down and sent her a letter. Granted, Jamie probably wouldn’t have read it but that would have been her choice. That’s what made her angry; CC never gave her an option to discover the truth. "Big jerk," Jamie muttered bitterly as she yawned. "Big gorgeous jerk." Jamie sighed as her mind conjured up images of the woman sleeping on her sofa.

Jamie started drifting off to sleep. She was torn between needing to talk to CC about the things that were bothering her and wanting to go downstairs to continue what she had started earlier.

Jamie turned in the darkness to find a pair of crystal blue eyes staring down at her. She didn’t hesitate as she drew CC down to her. She kissed her deeply, their tongues dancing together sensually. "Please, I need you," Jamie gasped as the kiss ended. Pulling back the blankets, she drew her lover to her. "Take me," Jamie pleaded as she kissed CC’s neck. She could feel the weight of her lover’s body pressing against her as she opened herself to her. CC entered her center as they kissed. She could feel her lover plunging in and out of her as her thumb stroked her clit. "Don’t . . . stop!" Jamie cried out.

The intensity of their passion sent a jolt through Jamie. Her eyes snapped open as she looked around her darkened bedroom. She groaned, realizing that she’d been dreaming. "Weenie," she scolded herself. If she was going to have a dream that good, the least she could do was sleep long enough to finish. The sound of feet running up the staircase startled her. "Oh no." She grimaced as she realized what was happening.

CC appeared in her doorway, panting and looking around in a frantic manner. "Great! Sshe can sleep through us making out but my dream wakes her up!" Jamie blushed, wishing she could just disappear at that moment. "Are you all right?" CC gasped as she scanned the room.

"I’m fine," Jamie snapped as CC stared at her in surprise.

The taller woman approached her bed. "I heard you screaming," CC explained as she neared Jamie. The blonde just wanted her to go away so she could finish playing out the fantasy that had emerged in her dreams.

"I was having a bad dream," Jamie lied.

"But you were calling out ‘don’t stop’," CC said as she knelt beside the bed. Jamie watched as CC’s eyes widened in sudden understanding. Jamie blushed to her roots as she pulled the blankets over her head. She could feel CC tugging on them. She knew that it was impossible to die of embarrassment but at that moment she wanted to. "Jamie?" CC pleaded with her as she continued to tug on the blankets.

"Go away," Jamie whined as she continued to hold the blankets in place.

"Come on. You’re being silly," CC coaxed her as she started to laugh.

"I don’t care." Jamie fumed at the sound of CC’s laughter.

CC continued to tug on the blankets as her laughter increased heartily. Furious that the tall woman was enjoying her discomfort, Jamie released her hold on the blankets while CC was still pulling. Jamie’s sudden release caused the tall policewoman to crash down on the floor. Jamie looked over the side of the bed to find a pile of blankets shaking with laughter. "This is not funny," Jamie scolded the pile.

"Yes it is." CC laughed as she emerged from the blankets.

Jamie couldn’t help but smile at CC’s unruly appearance. Her hair was mussed up and tears were running down her chiseled features. CC’s laughter suddenly ceased as her eyes grew wide and her mouth hung open. Jamie watched as CC’s breathing became ragged. The blonde stared at the woman sitting on the floor curiously. The coolness of the night air suddenly alerted her to what CC was staring at. She was sitting before the taller woman completely naked.

Jamie reached out for the blankets, stopping suddenly as she realized that all of the bedding was on the floor wrapped around CC. The tall raven-haired beauty slowly rose to her feet. Jamie’s mouth was suddenly parched. CC placed the blankets back on the bed, covering Jamie slightly. Leaning over to tuck the blonde in, her breath whispered across Jamie’s exposed skin.

CC’s long hair brushed against her skin as the taller woman adjusted the sheets on the bed. "What were you dreaming about?" CC inquired in a husky tone that sent a delightful shiver down Jamie’s spine. CC tilted her head slightly. Jamie found herself lost in a smoky blue haze. "What were you dreaming about?" CC repeated in the same rich tone.

Jamie couldn’t respond despite the reaction her body was having to CC’s voice. She could feel her nipples harden as her stomach clenched. Her mind and her body became engaged in a heated debate. She craved this woman’s touch. She needed to feel their bodies melting together more than she needed air to fill her lungs. ‘You know that you still love her. How can this be wrong?’ her heart screamed out from deep inside of her soul.

She watched as CC leaned closer to her. "Why are we fighting this?" CC asked as her voice dropped even lower in tone. Instinctively Jamie’s thighs parted in anticipation. She felt helpless to stop CC from approaching her. Helpless to stop her as she lowered the sheet that was covering her body. Once again she was revealing herself to her ex-lover. "You are so beautiful," CC murmured sincerely as she sat down beside Jamie. They sat there simply staring deeply into one another’s eyes, still not touching as a wave of electricity flowed between their bodies that remained only a few inches away from one another.

A flicker of hesitation clouded Jamie’s cherubic features. "Don’t," CC said so softly that Jamie had to lean in to hear her. CC cupped her cheek gently. Jamie leaned into her tender caress. "Would it be so wrong to be together one more time?" CC continued to speak softly as Jamie laced her fingers through CC’s long silky hair. "No thoughts of the past or the future."

Jamie placed two fingers against CC’s quivering lips, knowing the brunette was searching for some justification for them to spend the night together. Her action silenced the nervous woman seated next to her. "I don’t want to tell you what I was dreaming about," Jamie stated in a low confident tone. CC’s brilliant blue gaze lowered slightly. Jamie’s fingers lingered on CC’s lips. She could feel the exasperated breath caressing them.

Lowering her fingers from CC’s lips, she placed them tenderly under her firm chin. She lifted CC’s face so that she could see her eyes shining back at her. "I don’t want to tell you," Jamie repeated softly. "I want to show you," Jamie offered before placing an urgent kiss on CC’s full lips.

CC responded eagerly as the kiss deepened. There was nothing to stop them - no ringing bells and no unwanted intrusions. It was just the two of them. Jamie brushed aside the nagging doubts and fears. She began to suckle on CC’s bottom lip. She could feel the taller woman leaning into her body. The feel of CC’s clothing brushing against her exposed skin was driving Jamie insane.

She parted CC’s lips with her tongue and entered the sweet inviting warmth of her mouth. As she enjoyed the gentle exploration, she lowered her own body onto the bed as she pulled CC down on top of her. Their tongues engaged in a duel for control as the kiss deepened. CC parted Jamie’s firm thighs with her leg.

Jamie could feel her excitement pooling between her legs. Her body arched against CC’s denim clad thigh. Her body tingled as CC’s body moved against her in perfect rhythm. "I want you," Jamie gasped as she broke away from the kiss. Her fingers dug tightly into CC’s shoulders. "I need you, Caitlin," Jamie continued in a ragged tone as she felt CC’s lips on her sensitive neck.

CC broke away from Jamie’s neck as her body arched. Jamie looked up at her lover who was supporting herself above her. Jamie shifted her legs so she could wrap them around CC’s well-toned body. "God," CC panted as she continued to thrust against Jamie’s body. "You’re still so beautiful." Jamie could only whimper in response as she thrust her wetness against CC’s faded blue jeans. The friction against her throbbing clit was making her entire body pulsate with desire.

Jamie pulled CC down to her, needing to feel their bodies connecting. She gasped once again as the material of CC’s shirt brushed against her sensitive nipples. CC began to nibble on her earlobe as Jamie clawed at the material of CC’s shirt. Jamie’s entire body trembled as CC dipped her tongue in her ear.

She pushed CC away slightly so she could capture her lips in a fiery kiss. Their hips continued to dance together in a sensual rhythm. She felt CC pulling her closer as large hands roamed down her naked back. Jamie’s senses were nearing the edge. She fought against the urge to just allow the orgasm to overwhelm her. There was something more she needed. She needed to feel her lover filling her completely.

Reaching over, she captured one of CC’s hands and pushed it down with a gentle insistence between their bodies. She could feel her lover shifting. CC pulled away from the passionate kiss as Jamie continued to guide her hand down to her damp curls.

Their eyes locked as CC freed her hand and ran her fingers slowly along Jamie’s wetness. The blonde fought to control her breathing as long knowing fingers continued to explore her. A single digit pressed against her opening, teasing as it entered her slightly before pulling away. Jamie moaned in frustration as CC began to slowly stroke her clit. "You’re driving me crazy," Jamie whimpered.

"Good," CC teased as she wiggled her eyebrows.

CC continued to tease her in a slow delightful manner. "Is this what you were dreaming about?" CC inquired in a deep rich tone as she pressed two fingers against her entrance.

"Yes," Jamie gasped, praying that her lover would continue. Jamie opened herself up further, offering all of herself to the dark woman.

Jamie’s body rose off the bed as CC entered her slowly. She felt CC’s fingers reaching her very core. CC wiggled her fingers inside of her before retreating slightly. Jamie found herself lost in a sea of crystal blue as CC plunged in and out her. She clutched the bedding as her hips glided in unison with CC’s knowing touch. She saw something in CC’s eyes that captured her as she felt the pad of CC’s thumb tease her clit.

CC’s rhythm grew more insistent as Jamie’s body trembled. Jamie’s mind filled with thoughts of touching every inch of CC’s body. She needed to make this woman feel as wonderful and as loved as she did at that moment.

Jamie could feel herself nearing the edge as CC’s rhythm reached a wild pace. Jamie’s head fell back as the explosion rumbled through her body. Her eyes snapped shut as CC continued to pleasure her. She could feel warm kisses covering her skin as they worked their way down her body. She was still trying to recover from her climax as she felt her lover’s breath on her thighs. Her body continued to spasm uncontrollably as CC began to suckle her.

Jamie’s head was spinning as CC’s fingers and her mouth pleasured her completely. "Dear God!" Jamie screamed out as CC feasted upon her, drinking in all that she had to offer. The strange ringing in her ears mixed with a faint crimson flash in her mind as CC continued. Dimly aware that she had blacked out for a moment, Jamie felt her body explode once again.

Her senses went into overload as she pushed away from CC. "Need to breathe," she panted as CC finally lifted her head. CC’s crystal blue eyes danced merrily as she looked up at Jamie. She moaned slightly as she felt CC’s touch departing from her body. She pulled the taller woman up to her and captured her in a sweet kiss. Her mind reeled as she tasted herself on her lover’s lips.

"Did you get your blood test back?" Jamie asked softly as she began to pull CC’s shirt out of her jeans. CC nodded with a reassuring smile. "Good," Jamie purred before pulling CC’s shirt up and off her body. She ran her fingers slowly across CC’s shoulders, enjoying the feeling of warmth emanating from her lover’s skin.

The sound of the telephone ringing disrupted their actions. They both turned and glared at the offending instrument. Jamie turned her attention back to CC, choosing to ignore the ringing phone. "The machine can pick it up," she said softly as she cupped CC’s face. A distant chirping was added to the disturbing sound. Both women grimaced as Jamie’s answering machine clicked on. "This isn’t happening," CC moaned as she stood. "That’s my cell phone. I left it downstairs."

"Don’t," Jamie reached out to halt CC’s movement. "It’s our day off," she reasoned as she heard an unfamiliar voice on her answering machine. "Dr. Jameson, this is . . . ," the frantic voice began as Jamie’s pager began to vibrate on the nightstand next to the telephone. "It’s the hospital," Jamie said with regret as her shoulders slumped.

"It can’t be good if we’re both being called," CC muttered bitterly as she headed out of the bedroom.

Jamie snatched up the telephone receiver quickly. "This is Dr. Jameson," she growled into the receiver. She listened as the woman explained the situation. CC had reentered the bedroom. She tossed her cell phone onto the bed, grabbed her T-shirt and put it on. Jamie ended the telephone call and climbed off the bed. She fumbled slightly as she wrapped herself up in a blanket. "There’s a fire downtown," she explained to CC.

"I know," CC said sadly.

"Why did they call you?" Jamie inquired fearfully.

"There’ve been some casualties," CC said carefully. "It looks suspicious. There isn’t much I can do until the fire department finishes and the investigation team goes through everything. But I need to start talking to some of the survivors."

Jamie shifted uncomfortably for a moment. Suddenly it was that awkward moment when they would be forced to deal with what just happened. Jamie didn’t regret a single moment of their day together. The only regret she had was that their blissful day had been interrupted. "I need to get to the hospital," Jamie explained quickly.

CC simply nodded in response, a grim expression clearly written across her face. "I really want to finish this," Jamie said boldly. "Today was great. Every moment of today was simply wonderful. I would really like to see more of you."

"Yeah?" CC asked with a brilliant smile.

"Yeah," Jamie confirmed with a smile of her own.

"Okay." CC smirked confidently. "We both need to get going. We can talk later."

CC leaned in and kissed Jamie gently before she departed from the bedroom. Jamie ran her fingers across her lips and smiled at the tingling sensation she still felt. Jamie felt ten feet tall at that moment. She shook her head before heading towards the shower. She needed to focus on what was happening at the hospital. She decided that was a good thing. The emergency wouldn’t allow her the time to second-guess what was happening between her and CC.

Continued - Part 19

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