By Mavis Applewater

For disclaimers see part one.

A big thank you to my beta reader Joanne.

As always this is for Heather.



CC rubbed her aching temple as she returned to the kitchen. She needed more caffeine if she was going to deal with her sister’s attitude. Stevie was following close behind her. CC loved her baby sister dearly but at that moment she wanted to ring her neck. "Stevie," CC growled as she turned and gave the smaller woman a cold stare.

"Fine. I’ll drop it." Stevie held up her hands and retreated into the living room. CC poured herself another cup of coffee and sighed heavily. The past few days had really sucked.

Her car still wasn’t running and Jamie hadn’t been around much. When she did encounter the blonde doctor, it was only briefly. Jamie seemed distant since the other night. She wasn’t hostile, just distant. CC really wanted to talk things over with Jamie, but Jamie always seemed to be busy. Stevie’s attitude towards Jamie just added to the mix. "I slept with her too soon," CC muttered absently.

"That’s all I was saying," Stevie piped in from the outer room.

CC rolled her blue eyes in disgust. Gripping her mug tightly, she walked back into the living room. "Look, Stevie. Just drop it," CC stated firmly. "I know it was mistake. I should have waited until we got to know each other again." CC found herself smiling as she watched her niece in her playpen try to put her foot into her mouth.

"I just don’t understand why you slept with her," Stevie said in bewilderment. CC groaned at Stevie’s persistence. "The two of you went from ‘gee you’re aren’t the jackass I thought you were’ to hopping back into bed together. I can understand the night you both got loaded, but this last time . . ." Stevie just shook her head.

"It felt right," CC explained. She was tired of having this argument with Stevie. For the life of her, she could not understand why her sister was so angry with Jamie. "We spent the day together, at your insistence I might add. It was like it was before. All the old feelings were still there."

"That’s the problem." Stevie groaned bitterly. "You are not getting to know her."

"I know her," CC scoffed. "This is James we’re talking about."

"No, this is Jamie Jameson," Stevie snapped back. "She’s not the sweet naïve little college girl you remember."

"I know that," CC argued. "She’s changed and so have I."

"Look, I like Jamie," Stevie defended herself. "But you’re rushing into this. You’re acting like nothing has changed. Come on, Caitlin. You slept with her and now she’s blowing you off."

"She isn’t blowing me off," CC protested. "She’s busy. She had a life long before we ran into one another again."

"Open your eyes," Stevie warned her.

"What is this really about?" CC finally demanded.

"I just don’t want you to get hurt again," Stevie said sincerely. "But Jamie isn’t the little virgin you left behind."

"I’m quite aware of that." CC snickered.

"I’m serious," Stevie responded flatly. "I wasn’t going to tell you this, but the night before the two of you hooked up together Brad saw her at the club. She ended up in the parking lot with some girl."

"Don’t do this," CC warned her sister in a cold threatening voice. "I know she was with someone that night."

"You do?" Stevie said in surprise.

"I’m a cop. I notice things," CC explained in a flat tone. "Let’s just say the lipstick on her collar wasn’t her color. What I didn’t need to hear were the gory details."

"I’m sorry," Stevie said as she blinked in surprise. "I just don’t understand why you would be with her so quickly knowing that she’s promiscuous. Come on; it’s a little sluttish."

"Don’t," CC hissed out through clenched teeth. "I wouldn’t worry about Jamie’s morals if I were you."

"Excuse me?" Stevie gasped.

"Do you think Emma’s room will ever get completed if you keep banging the contractor every time she comes over?" CC questioned her triumphantly.

"How did you . . .?" Stevie stammered as she blushed furiously.

"I notice things," CC taunted her. "I also know that you’re not in love with her. You just need someone right now. She’s a buddy," CC added with a shrug. She didn’t want to argue with Stevie. They had always been close. She understood that Stevie was just looking out for her. But until she talked to Jamie she wasn’t about to allow Stevie to trash her.

"What if that’s all Jamie’s looking for?" Stevie questioned her carefully.

"I don’t know," CC answered honestly. "If that’s all she wants then I guess that’s it."

"What do you want?" Stevie inquired softly.

"I don’t know." CC sighed as she sat down next to her sister, stretching out her legs. "Maybe we just needed one last time together to put everything behind us. Maybe it means something more. I don’t have a clue. All I know was, at that moment, none of it mattered. There wasn’t the past. No thoughts of the future. It just felt right. It felt right to hold her and kiss her."

"Okay," Stevie blurted out as she patted CC’s knee. "Speaking of gory details, I don’t need to hear everything." Stevie held up her hand as she grimaced. CC laughed as she swatted her sister playfully. "I just worry about you," Stevie added thoughtfully. "I can see that look in your eyes and it hasn’t been there is such a very long time. Just try taking it slow. Maybe have a date or go out for coffee before the two of you get naked again."

"I promise," CC agreed, smiling as she stood. "With our schedules I just I hope I get the chance before the next ice age."

CC’s smile vanished as she saw Jamie out in the parking lot hugging a small brunette. ‘Who the hell is that?’ the policewoman’s mind screamed. She felt her sister standing next to her.

"Oh boy," Stevie muttered as she grabbed onto CC’s coffee cup before it could spill.

"Not a word," CC said sadly as she marched back into the kitchen.



Jamie hugged the small brunette tightly. The woman was one of the few people she knew that she could hug without reaching up. Meagan had chestnut hair and gray green eyes and was one of the truest souls that Jamie had ever met. She couldn’t have asked for a better sister. Of course they had only officially become siblings a few years ago. But during all of those summer vacations and family trips they’d endured together, they had become sisters long before Jamie’s father married Meagan’s mother.

Jamie had endured a long hard week of sheer hell. It seemed to her that every person she encountered was just plain rude lately. She tried to write it off to her own emotional troubles. Granted, she was upset about CC but she was trying to keep things in perspective and not fly off the handle. She needed some distance from the tall policewoman before she overreacted. She’d done that once twelve years ago and it cost her the woman she loved. So if it wasn’t the possibility that CC was seeing someone, what was going on with the world? She’d also double-checked her calendar just to ensure that there wasn’t another cause to the hostility that was surrounding her.

"Did you have any trouble finding the place?" Jamie asked her stepsister as she led her towards her home. Despite Jamie’s over-analytical mind, she was notorious for giving horrible directions. She was infamous for saying things like ‘you know, the place with the thing, turn right there’.

"No," Meagan responded brightly as they entered Jamie’s townhouse. Jamie smiled, thinking that she’d done a good job in getting her sister up there from Maryland. "I just ignored what you told me and looked it up online."

"You doubted me?" Jamie gasped in mock horror.

"Yes," Meagan asserted firmly.

"I’m wounded." Jamie chuckled as they removed their coats.

"Did you just get off duty?" Meagan inquired thoughtfully as she settled down on the sofa.

"Yes," Jamie responded with a yawn. "I’ll just put on some coffee for us," Jamie suggested warmly.

"If you need a nap or something, it’s okay," Meagan interjected.

"No way." Jamie waved her off as she shuffled off to the kitchen. "I don’t get to see you that often anymore."

"Okay," Meagan called out as she scanned Jamie’s sparse living conditions. "Jesus, Jamie! When are you going to unpack?"

"It’s getting there," Jamie called back as she carefully measured the coffee. "I’ve been busy," Jamie explained once she returned from the tiny kitchen.

"You look wiped, kiddo," Meagan noted thoughtfully. Jamie rolled her eyes at the term. Meagan was two years younger than Jamie. She’d been a bit of a wild child while they were growing up while Jamie had been a role model. Jamie always said that she’d saved everything up for when she came out. Despite their differences the two had always gotten along. It didn’t hurt that Meagan had finally outgrown her days of partying. Now the once feisty teen was a financial officer with a devoted husband.

"Are you certain you don’t need to get some rest?" Meagan suggested.

"No, I’m fine and I’m off for the next couple of days so we can spend some time together," Jamie explained. "I just had a really long week."

"You want to talk about it?" Meagan offered in a comforting tone.

Jamie shrugged as she sat down next to her sister. Perhaps it would do her some good to vent a little. "I don’t know," Jamie mumbled as she collected her thoughts. Meagan quirked her eyebrows to encourage Jamie to continue speaking. "It just seems that lately I’ve been crossing paths with the rudest people on the planet. For example, the other day I was going to the post office. You passed it on the way here. It sits on a curve of the rotary."

"Not very safe," Meagan noted.

"That’s why they put some lights there," Jamie explained quickly. "I pulled around the rotary and got stuck behind a car that’s double parked. I can’t go around because cars are coming up behind me. The driver can’t see this because she’s looking for something on the floor. So I beep my horn. I swear that’s all I did," Jamie added in her own defense, knowing that Megan would assume that she offered the woman a single digit salute. "There were parking spots just a few feet ahead of her. She pulls up a centimeter and I’m forced to pull out into traffic and go around. Then I park in one of the spots and she pulls in behind me. We both walk up to the mailbox at the same time. She tells me ‘you go ahead’ in the snottiest tone I have ever heard. I never wanted to bitch slap someone so much in my life."

"You didn’t?" Meagan laughed.

"No." Jamie blew out an exhausted breath. "I just rolled my eyes and mailed my letter. I really didn’t want to get into it with her. "

"How rude." Meagan shook her head in disgust. "I did notice that the drivers around here are a little tense. What’s with all the detours?"

"The Big Dig." Jamie groaned. "It’s getting better. I know that Massachusetts’ drivers have their own way of doing things. It’s part of the charm of living up here."

"Something more than a rude driver is getting to you," Meagan pointed out.

"It’s just that everyone I’ve run into this week has been like that," Jamie blurted out in exasperation. "I expect it at work. The folks I see there are sick or injured. It’s hard to stay upbeat when you just broke your arm. But the other day I went to get pizza for everyone. I’m dressed in my scrubs, heading back to the hospital loaded down with several pizza boxes, and this guy shouts out ‘hey where you going with all that food? I’m hungry.’ "

"Ugh," Meagan grunted in sympathy.

"I know what he said was innocent enough but it was the tone," Jamie bemoaned. "You know that flirty ‘I’m a cool dude’ tone. Did this guy actually think he was going to get my phone number or get lucky with me? Tell me truthfully. Does that random shouting out in the streets work with you straight girls?"

"No." Meagan laughed.

"It must work on someone since so many men do it," Jamie noted as she went into the kitchen to get their coffee.

She came back with the coffee mugs in hand. "Even in North Hampton or P-Town I’ve never heard a woman yell out ‘Hey beautiful’ or ‘I love you’," Jamie explained thoughtfully.

"Maybe you just don’t have sex appeal?" Meagan teased.

Jamie flicked her stepsister and then offered her a single digit salute. "And our parents always thought you were the nice one." Meagan sighed. "So are you going to tell me what’s really stressing you out?"

"Well, there’s this intern following me around at work," Jamie continued as Meagan rolled her eyes. "I keep explaining to him that I’m not interested plus I’m his supervisor."

"Have you told him that you’re gay?" Meagan questioned her.

"No," Jamie admitted as Meagan gave her a curious glance. "I will but I just hate having to say that all the time. Why is it that you just can’t say ‘I’m not interested’ without having to add an explanation?"

"I think I know what you are saying," Meagan responded. "Before I was dating Anthony and even after we were engaged, guys just wouldn’t except that I didn’t want to go out with them. You always have to explain why. Do women do that?"

"Oh yeah," Jamie groaned. "I had this friend back in my days at George Washington who started giving out the phone number to the local FBI office. She said it was easier then having to endure this long drawn out drama about why you don’t want to give someone your phone number."

"I wish I had known about that little trick when I was single." Meagan laughed. "Okay, Jamie. You’ve stalled long enough. When are you going to tell what is going on with your ex-girlfriend?"

"I’m really trying to keep things with CC in perspective," Jamie explained carefully. "I told you what really happened twelve years ago and how it was just a huge misunderstanding?"

"Yeah, and I still say she had twelve years to tell you about the shooting," Meagan responded firmly.

"I do want to talk to her about that," Jamie muttered. "Well, I think she’s seeing someone. Which makes things a little awkward since she’s my ex-girlfriend."

"Well, face it. Once you get naked with someone, you never react the same way to them again. Even if you want to see them happy, or out of your life, or whatever, you still went to bed with this person," Meagan surmised.

"Yeah, and since CC and I ended up sleeping together recently it makes things even more difficult," Jamie said quietly in hopes that Meagan would miss what she said.

"Excuse me?" Megan choked, almost spitting her coffee out.

"It kind of just happened," Jamie squeaked out in embarrassment. "I was secretly hoping that maybe we could start dating or something."

"What do you mean it just happened?" Meagan berated her. "How does something like that just happen?"

"We spent the day together and it was great," Jamie started to explain.

"And you thought you’d celebrate by tearing one another’s clothes off?" Meagan jested.

"Something like that." Jamie winced at the implication. "It just felt right."

"Are you sure it wasn’t just old feelings?" Meagan suggested.

"Maybe," Jamie reluctantly admitted. "I just wish I had the opportunity to find out. Now I think it’s too late."

"I don’t know, Jamie," Meagan cautioned her. "If she’s seeing someone so soon then she’s not the person for you. I have to admit it is a little surprising to hear you talk about wanting to date someone. You’ve always been adamant about keeping your solitude."

"I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since CC reentered my life," Jamie confessed. "Maybe being alone isn’t the paradise I’ve been telling myself it is."

"My, isn’t this surprising." Meagan chuckled lightly.

"Oh, give it a rest," Jamie chastised her with another sharp flick. "Anyhoo, I want you to meet CC and her sister while you’re here. Even if I’ve missed my chance of making things work with her, she’s a really nice person. I feel bad that I’ve been avoiding her. I just needed some space on this one. I’d really like to keep her friendship."

"I’m a little curious as to why you haven’t asked her if she is seeing someone," Meagan prodded.

"I’m scared," Jamie admitted with a heavy sigh.



"Blunt force trauma to the cranial cavity," the medical examiner noted dryly. CC tried to listen carefully as she stare at the lifeless body.

"Someone hit her on the head?" CC questioned Marissa with a yawn.

"Yes. Am I boring you, Calloway?" Marissa curled her lips in amusement.

"Not at all." CC waved off the remark. "I’m not sleeping well these days. What was she hit with?" CC blinked her blue eyes rapidly, trying to remain focused on Marissa’s report.

"My best guess is a tire iron," Marissa explained. "You’d think they’d come up with something new. So what’s keeping you up at nights?" Marissa pried.

CC rolled her eyes, knowing that Marissa would prod until she got a response. "Oh, you know - the job, my car has finally died, the usual stuff," CC lied.

"Uh huh," Marissa scoffed at the explanation. "Haven’t seen you around town lately. I thought maybe some sweet young thing finally caught you," the dark-skinned beauty taunted the policewoman.

"Uhm, can we just focus on the case?" CC admonished her.

"So it’s true." Marissa beamed.

CC was growing steadily more uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was taking. She had no idea where she and Jamie stood. She had been avoiding Jamie since her houseguest had arrived. It was childish and CC knew it. On top of that, CC had dated Marissa briefly some time ago and she never missed an opportunity to let CC know that she was still very interested. "Dr. Vergas, can we deal with the victim for just a moment?" CC snarled. "Was she sexually assaulted?"

"No penetration." Marissa went into detail. "I did a rape kit anyway. No signs of semen. But there is bruising between her thighs. I think our boy wanted to but he was either interrupted or had equipment failure."

"What about the other thing I asked you about?" CC continued, making notes in the little pad she kept with her constantly.

"You were right," Marissa continued methodically. "The body was moved. She didn’t die in the park."

"Great. So the park was a dumping ground." CC sighed as her temple throbbed. "No crime scene and we have no idea who she is. You sent the dental impression over to Clooney?"

"Yes," Marissa answered her drolly. "Here’s the full report."

CC accepted the file with a slight nod and started to leave the sterile environment. She hated going down to the morgue; there was nothing rewarding about the experience what so ever. "Hey, Calloway!" Marissa called out.

"Yeah." CC sighed, thinking she had missed her opportunity to get out of the room. She tried to play the role of the big tough cop, but the sights and smells that surrounded her at that moment were making her sick.

"How about dinner on Saturday?" Marissa inquired with sly smirk.

"I don’t think so," CC responded quickly.

"Come on. It’s just dinner," Marissa pushed as CC’s stomach became increasingly queasy.


CC was about to tell her in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t interested but for some reason the brooding brunette found herself hesitating. "Fine." She accepted the invitation, thinking that perhaps going out with a friend was just the distraction she needed. "But it is just dinner," she emphasized, not wanting to lead Marissa on.

Later she was sitting at her desk looking over the medical examiner’s report and her own notes and photos. CC drummed her fingers on her desk as she tried to piece together the evidence lying before her. "I hate it when you do that," Max grunted indignantly.

"Sorry," she grunted in response as she rubbed her face in her hands wearily.

"Okay, I’ll get us some coffee." Max sighed as he stood, his chair creaking in relief once he had vacated it.

They had worked together for so long and, like most partnerships, they had each developed little habits that they knew drove their partner up the wall. CC would tap her fingers or fiddle with a pen or some other object. Max wouldn’t have his chair fixed. Every time he stood, sat, or shifted, it would let out a high-pitched squeak that sent shivers down CC’s spine. Max returned with two mugs of coffee; he handed one to CC before returning to his chair directly across their adjoining desks. CC glared at him as it squeaked.

"Let’s go over it." Max sighed, ignoring her glare.

"White female, twenty-five to thirty years old. Blunt force trauma to the head, probably a tire iron. Marissa made a notation that it was probably a smaller one, like the kind that comes with a foreign compact car. The victim was found off the soccer field in Jackson Park, completely nude. Blonde, not natural," CC read off their findings.

"They never are." Max snorted.

"No rape but based on the bruising on the inside of her thighs, there was an attempt," CC explained dryly. "Probably why he killed her." Max nodded in agreement. "None of the victim’s clothing or belongings were present at the scene which makes identification impossible for the time being. The body was dumped so the murder happened somewhere else. That’s it for Jane Doe number . . . Good Lord, how is possible that that many women could just disappear?" She blinked her eyes in shock when she read the tag number. "Okay, died from a blow to the head; other than the bruising between her thighs, there’s no sign of a struggle. The blood work came back clean so we can assume that she knew her attacker who couldn’t step up to the plate. Her remains were dumped. Her identity and the site of the murder are unknown."

"Don’t you love these easy cases?" Max joked half-heartedly. "You remember your first call after getting your gold shield?"

"What a nice guy." CC smiled. "He called us and then sat and waited while sipping his twelve-year-old scotch. He put the gun safely off to the side so we would know he wasn’t a threat. He refused a lawyer and confessed."

"On the drive over I’d been lecturing you on the do’s and don’ts and not to expect the suspect to just confess. Then this guy blurts out the whole story while offering to make us tea." Max laughed. "He was quite a gentlemen about the whole thing. I almost didn’t want to put the handcuffs on the guy."

"You had to love it," CC agreed. "What happened Mr. Henderson? I got home early from work and found my wife and best friend in bed together. I shot them both. Would you nice officers like a cup of tea?"

"I don’t think I’d be that calm if I caught Shirley with my best friend." Max snorted. "Frank is an ugly guy," Max teased. CC couldn’t resist laughing.

"Okay, I’ve got a couple of possibilities from Missing Persons," Max explained, getting back to business. "I don’t think any of them are our girl. It might be too soon for someone to have reported her."

"Let’s go," CC said grimly as she grabbed the Polaroids of their victim and her jacket. She hated this part of the job. She was about to visit people who didn’t know where their loved one was and she was carrying pictures of a corpse.


CC sat at her desk exhausted; she was no closer to finding out the identity of her victim. It had been hell visiting those hopeful families. They seemed so eager when they first arrived and then, when they realized what CC and Max were there for, they fell apart. There was a strange sense of relief when CC viewed their photos and informed them that the girl they had found wasn’t their child. She left them no closer to finding the answers as to what happened to the young person they were seeking.

Max was shifting in his chair causing the squeaks to increase loudly. They were both frustrated. She was contemplating throwing her pencil at him when her telephone rang. The desk sergeant informed her that she had a visitor. She made her way across the squad room and out to the desk sergeant who simply pointed through the bulletproof glass to the lobby. CC’s eyes lit up when she saw Jamie leaning against the wall. Her joy was short lived when she noticed the brunette sitting close by.

The sight of both women waiting for her startled CC slightly, and she braced herself for the awkward situation that awaited her. The tall policewoman brushed her bangs out of her face and quickly checked her appearance before opening the door and stepping out into the lobby. She approached the women as they chatted. "This shouldn’t take to long," Jamie was explaining. "Why don’t we check out that Mexican place for dinner tonight?"

"Hello," CC said, effectively interrupting the brunette’s response.

Jamie jumped slightly, apparently startled by CC’s arrival. She smiled as she looked up at the raven-haired beauty. "Hi," she responded in a voice just above a whisper. CC felt like she hadn’t seen Jamie in ages. Mentally she was kicking herself for staying away.

"What brings you down here?" CC inquired shyly, suddenly feeling like a kid. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the small brunette looking at her. CC knew when she was being sized up. She cast an icy blue stare down at the stranger. Much to CC’s surprise, the small woman gave as well as she got. Neither seemed to be willing to give up.

"Uhm Caitlin …," Jamie said, interrupting their staring contest.

"Hey," CC groaned as she returned her attention to Jamie, "don’t call me that."

"Sorry." Jamie chuckled lightly. "CC," she corrected herself. "I would like for you to meet Meagan."

"Hi," CC responded in a bored tone, not even glancing in Meagan’s direction.


Jamie’s jaw dropped; she was surprised by CC’s rudeness. CC just folded her arms against her chest defiantly. Jamie tugged on CC’s arm and pulled her off to a corner of the room. "Now I know you like to preserve your big tough cop image," Jamie sputered. "But that’s no excuse to be rude to my sister."

"Your sister?" CC gaped in embarrassment. Suddenly her face turned grim. "You don’t have a sister," CC snapped in a quiet accusing tone. "You have three brothers."

"Meagan is my stepsister," Jamie corrected her.

CC tried to process the information as Jamie’s face brightened slightly. The blonde seemed to suddenly understand everything. "CC, my Dad married Meagan’s mother almost two years ago. Our families have always been close and Meagan’s Dad passed away about eight years ago and we lost Mom almost five years ago. Dad was really lost and they just seemed to lean on one another. We were thrilled when their relationship turned romantic," Jamie explained in a very slow and careful voice.

"Your Mom died?" CC said sadly as she laid a comforting hand on Jamie’s arm. "I’m sorry. I didn’t know."

"How could you?" Jamie addressed her softly as she placed her hand on top of CC’s. The blonde’s thumb casually brushed the back of CC’s hand. "We weren’t even speaking to one another back then."

"I need to apologize to your sister." CC grimaced.

"Yes you do." Jamie gloated as she patted the back of CC’s hand.

CC groaned before turning her attention back to Meagan. The brunette seemed overly amused by the situation. "I’m sorry," CC stammered as she offered Meagan her hand. Meagan shook her hand warmly. "I thought you were . . ."

"Jamie’s latest hottie," Meagan teased. "Sorry, wrong team."

"Your husband would like that." Jamie snorted in delight.

"Yeah, laugh it up, blondie," CC chastised her. "So is this why you stopped down here? Showing Sis all of Boylston’s hot spots?"

"No. Actually I have a favor to ask," Jamie said grimly. "One of my interns is missing. She’s only missed one shift, but Stella called me even though I’m taking some time off. It’s just really out of character for her not to show up. The hospital called her apartment and I stopped over there before I came here."

"I’ll look into it for you," CC volunteered immediately.

"Thanks." Jamie sighed with relief. "I don’t want to alarm her parents just yet. These kids are under a lot of pressure and sometimes they just freak out. Still, I wouldn’t have pegged Sandra for losing control."

"Tell me about her," CC encouraged her.

"Her name is Sandra Bernstein. She lives in a two-family near Longwood," Jamie explained as she reached into the back pocket of her jeans and retrieved a slip of paper. "That’s her address and phone number. She worked the night shift two nights ago and hasn’t been seen by anyone on the staff since."

"What does she look like?" CC continued, thinking that the intern was probably spending time with her boyfriend.

"A little taller than me. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She’s a little older than the rest of her classmates, maybe twenty-six," Jamie explained as CC’s heart began to beat just a little faster.

"Is she a natural blonde?" CC inquired carefully.

"I don’t know her that well," Jamie shot back quickly.

"Sorry," CC offered. "Did she have any tattoos or distinguishing characteristics?"

"Where is this going?" Jamie asked fearfully.

"Hopefully nowhere," CC said absently. "Can you wait here for a moment?"

Jamie nodded hesitantly as CC had the desk sergeant buzz her back into the squad room. She grabbed the Polaroids off her desk and motioned for Max to follow her. She returned to Jamie who had turned white as a sheet. CC said a silent prayer that the nagging hunch she was experiencing was wrong. "James, could you look at some pictures for me?" she inquired carefully as Max looked on with interest.

"Oh God," was the only response Jamie offered as she accepted the photos. "It’s her," she said after viewing the first one. Jamie thrust the photos back into CC’s hand.

"Are you . . . ," CC began hesitantly.

"Yes," Jamie said, cutting her off. "How?"

"We’re still investigating," CC offered softly as she fought back the desire to wrap Jamie up in her arms. She could see the pain in the young doctor’s eyes and she just wanted to make it stop. "I’ll need to see her employee file so I can contact her family."

"If it’s all right, I’d like to call them before you do," Jamie requested softly. "I’ll let the hospital know that you’re coming over. I suppose you’ll still need her file and need to check out her locker?"

"Thank you," CC responded as she began to absently rub Jamie’s forearm.

Jamie gave her a halfhearted smile as she captured her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Sorry, Meagan," Jamie apologized to her sister who was now standing beside her. "Looks like we’re going to miss the museum."

"Tell you what." CC began to formulate a plan of action. "Why don’t you come with me to the hospital? That way Meagan can take your car and do whatever she wants. I’ll take you home; it’ll give me a chance to see Emma. Max, here’s Sandra’s address. Why don’t you go chat up the landlord and see if you can get a look inside?" She handed him the slip of paper. He simply nodded in response.

"Mrs. Grayson," Jamie provided. "Her landlady is Mrs. Grayson; she lives on the first floor. She’ll chat your ear off. But she’s sweet."

CC watched as Meagan and Jamie conferred. "You have my cell number?" Jamie questioned her sister as she handed over her car keys.

"I just need a few moments." CC explained quickly.

CC gathered up her notes and jacket and went to rejoin Jamie. Max halted her movements by gently touching her on the arm. "That’s James?" he inquired with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah," CC responded in confusion. "You’ve met Dr. Jameson before."

"And so have you," he noted dryly. "Twelve years ago?" he prodded. "I could never understand who James was. I had always suspected that you were gay."

"Let it go, Max," CC cautioned him.

"Right. We aren’t suppose to talk about it," Max growled. "It never happened. I didn’t get my gold shield after watching the rookie I was supposed to be taking care of almost bleed to death."

"Max, it was a long time ago," CC said softly, fighting against the familiar panic. "And you got your gold shield because you’re a damn good cop."

"Right," he sneered, the bitterness clearly evident in his tone.

"Please, Max, let it go," CC cautioned him once again. She knew that both of them were still haunted by the demons that day had brought forth.

"At least the bastard got what he deserved," Max added dryly.

"Don’t," she cautioned him sternly as she grabbed his arm tightly. "I don’t want to think about that either." It was a nagging question that had haunted her for years. Was the man who had shot her that day later killed by the mob or by someone who didn’t like the fact that he had gotten away with shooting a cop? It was a question she prayed she would never know the answer to.

"Fine." Max shrugged it off. CC wasn’t buying his sudden change in demeanor. "So is the good doctor the person you were seeing back then?"

"Yes." CC sighed in exasperation. "God, you’re worse than an old lady. Can we get some work done now?"

As Jamie and CC drove to the hospital, the policewoman couldn’t help noticing that Jamie was lost in thought. She assumed that it was the death of her young colleague. "Uhm CC . . . ," Jamie began hesitantly, "why do you have your sister’s car?"

CC looked at the blonde strangely; it certainly wasn’t the question she was expecting. "Mine broke down a few nights ago," CC explained dryly, still feeling uncertain as to where this conversation was heading.

"So you’ve been using Stevie’s?" Jamie said with a slight smile.

"Yeah," CC responded curiously. "Like I said, mine died. I really need to get a new one, but Stevie hasn’t had the time to take me."

"I could take you," Jamie volunteered. "Are you free on Saturday afternoon? Meagan will be gone by then and it’s my day off."

"That would be great," CC answered brightly. "Thank you."

"You’re welcome." Jamie smiled once again. "Uhm CC . . ." The doctor paused, trying to gather her thoughts. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"Me?" CC laughed at the thought. "No. I haven’t been dating anyone for a long time. It’s been about ten months or so. Jamie, what is all of this about?"

"You’re going laugh," Jamie stated with some degree of amusement.

"Why do I doubt that?" CC questioned her companion.

"Okay, so maybe you won’t," Jamie conceded. "After the last time you and I were intimate, I went over to your place to see you. " CC raised her eyebrow in suspicion as she listened carefully while trying to keep her eye on the road. "Your car was there and Stevie’s wasn’t so I went around to the back door. The door was open and I heard noises."

"Noises?" CC questioned, still not getting the gist of the conversation.

"I heard someone . . . you know," Jamie stammered.

"No, I don’t know," CC responded honestly.

"Having sex," Jamie finally blurted out.

"Oh?" CC laughed and then her face dropped when she realized whom Jamie had heard. "Icky." She groaned in disgust. "That must had been Stevie and her little playmate, the contractor."

"No wonder it’s taking so long to get that room done," Jamie said thoughtfully.

"Tell me about it," CC grumbled.

They drove in silence while CC processed the information. She knew that she should be focusing on the case. "So that’s why you were avoiding me?" CC finally asked.

"Yes," Jamie confessed. "Look, I know I don’t have any right to say anything about who you date. But it hurt when I thought that you had bedded someone else so quickly."

"Jamie," CC began slowly as she reached out and took Jamie’s smaller hand in her own, "you are the first and only person I’ve been with in almost a year. I honestly want to see if . . ." CC stopped speaking abruptly as they pulled into the hospital parking garage. "Sorry. Can we talk about this later? I really need to focus on Sandra right now."

"I understand." Jamie nodded in agreement. "I’m not looking forward to calling her parents."

"Are you all right?" CC inquired tenderly.

"Not really," Jamie admitted. "It’s just such a shock. She was so young."

CC could see the pain in Jamie’s eyes as she pulled the car into an available spot. She unhooked her seatbelt as Jamie did the same. As Jamie went to open the car door, CC halted her by reaching out and placing her hand on Jamie’s shoulder. She watched as the blonde’s eyes fluttered shut. Without question CC wrapped Jamie up in a warm and comforting embrace. "Why would anyone do this?" Jamie choked out. "She was just a kid."

"I know," CC said soothingly as she rubbed Jamie’s back.



Jamie shifted once again, trying to make herself comfortable on the sofa. It was her own fault; she’d known Meagan was coming for a visit and she still hadn’t gotten the spare room ready in time. Now she found herself fighting nightly to get comfortable on the sofa. Jamie sighed heavily as she began to flip through the channels on the television. "Four hundred channels and there’s still nothing on." She grunted as she continued to search for something to watch.

It didn’t help that she was accustomed to working at night. Now it was well after three in the morning and she was wide-awake. She knew that a part of her insomnia was because of Sandra. The call to the energetic girl’s parents had been difficult. They were flying in from Colorado in the morning. Jamie couldn’t imagine what it must be like to lose someone so suddenly. It had been hard enough watching her mother’s life slip slowly away. Sudden loss was something she dealt with constantly at work, and she still didn’t know how to handle it.

The only bright spot in her day was CC. She felt good about having some of the confusion between them cleared away. The constant misunderstanding reinforced what she had already known. She and CC really didn’t know one another anymore. "Maybe now we’ll get the chance," Jamie said thoughtfully. "Wouldn’t it be funny if we get through all this only to discover that we have nothing in common." She chuckled. "Well, almost nothing," she murmured in a breathy tone as her mind flashed to CC kissing her way down Jamie’s body.

Jamie felt the blush creeping across her body. "She is certainly good in bed." Jamie blew out a frustrated sigh. Jamie looked around the room, shyly wondering if her sister was sleeping. The blonde licked her lips in anticipation as she cupped her breasts. A soft knock at the front door disrupted her exploration. "This just isn’t my day," the doctor growled as she clicked off the television and tossed the blanket aside.

She raced over to the door, thinking that the only person who would come calling at this hour was the woman she had just been fantasizing about. She scowled when she looked through the peephole. "You’ve got to be kidding me," she growled as she swung open the door. "What are you doing here?" she snapped at Simon.

"I just wanted to see how you were," Simon stammered. "I heard about Sandra."

Jamie blinked in disbelief as the young Dr. Fisher rambled on. "How did you get my address?" she barked coldly as she folded her arms over her chest.

"I . . . er . . . uhm . . . ," the young man stuttered as he blushed.

"This stops now," Jamie fumed as she stepped outside and neared the tall lanky boy. Despite the fact that Simon was much bigger than she, the feisty blonde was making him cower in fear. She knew she could appear menacing when she needed to be. "I am your supervisor and that is all. We are not friends and you are not permitted to invade my privacy. Is that understood?" she growled fiercely.

"Jamie, I just thought . . . ," he began shyly.

"You thought wrong," Jamie barked as she watched Stevie’s mini-van enter the parking lot. "And didn’t your Momma tell you that it is impolite to address someone by their first name unless they invite you do so?"

"I just think . . . ," he continued as Jamie watched CC exit the vehicle. The tall policewoman cast a curious glance over at her. "I just want to talk to you," he pleaded.

"No," Jamie responded firmly as she watched CC approach. ‘Oh goodie, the cavalry has arrived. She’s going to blow a gasket. I can feel it from here,’ Jamie thought fearfully.

"I have feelings for you but I could accept just being friends," Simon continued pitifully as CC drew closer.

"Dr. Fisher, we are not friends," Jamie corrected the young man, trying to get rid of him before CC could intervene. "I’m only going to say this once more. I am your supervisor. Coming to my home was inappropriate. Now I suggest you leave."

"I just want to talk," he whimpered as he reached out to her. His movement was halted by CC’s grip on his forearm. "Ouch!" he yelled as he turned angrily towards his attacker. "Let me go," he growled.

Jamie stepped back, noticing the young man’s demeanor had changed dramatically. "I think the lady asked you to leave," CC said firmly, her hand still gripping his arm.

"This is none of your business," Simon spat out.

Jamie could see the intense look in CC eyes. "Caitlin," she said softly in an effort to diffuse the situation. There was a twinkle in CC’s eyes as she turned towards the doctor. "Dr. Fisher was just leaving. You can let go of him now." CC’s lips curled into a snarl.

"Back off," Simon snapped as he moved to push CC who then grabbed the young man by his throat.

"This is just great," Jamie grumbled. "Let him go. The kid’s turning blue," Jamie pleaded.

"Is he going to behave?" CC asked, holding the struggling man up straight. Simon was choking.

"Simon, if CC let’s you go, will you play nice?" Jamie inquired forcefully as CC lifted the man higher off the ground. Simon nodded. "Put him down," Jamie instructed CC firmly.

"All right," CC sighed as she dropped the man to the ground. "Hi, honey. I’m home." CC teased as Simon gasped for air and struggled to get to his feet. Jamie shook her head as she stepped closer to CC.

"You . . . ," Simon growled as he reached out for CC. Jamie quickly stepped between the two. Simon instantly backed down. "Who in the hell is this creature?" he growled.

"I told you that I’m involved," Jamie stated flatly. Simon looked stunned as CC snorted triumphantly from behind her. "Now go home. I’ll be back from my vacation in a couple of days. You and I are going to have long talk," Jamie addressed him coldly. The young doctor nodded mutely as he rubbed his throat. He cast a cold stare at CC before stumbling off.

"You enjoyed doing that," Jamie moaned as she turned to find CC smiling.

"Just a little." The policewoman beamed in delight. "Who was that?"

"Long story," Jamie groaned. "Come in for some coffee and I’ll tell you." She ushered CC through the door. Jamie was anxious to get inside so they could stop giving a show to the entire complex.

"You’re sleeping on the sofa?" CC inquired as Jamie closed the front door behind them.

"Meagan has my room while she’s staying here," Jamie said softly, hoping that her sister wasn’t awake.

"That can’t be comfortable," CC noted thoughtfully.

"It sucks," Jamie agreed as she stretched her shoulders to alleviate some of the tension from her body. "But Meagan is leaving soon so it’s not too bad."

Jamie stared at the tall brunette whom seemed lost in thought. "Jamie, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but you’re more than welcome to bunk with me," CC offered in a sincere tone. Jamie could only stare at CC in disbelief. Certainly she hadn’t just said what she thought she said. "I’m not trying to hit on you," CC explained quickly. "I just thought you’d be more comfortable in a bed. We’ve slept in my bed before without anything happening. And this way you could get some real sleep."

"It would be nice not to be squished up on the sofa," Jamie reasoned as she wondered if she could trust herself sleeping so close to CC.

"It’s settled then," CC responded casually.

"I’ll just leave Meagan a note," Jamie said absently as she padded off to get a pen and paper.

"Tell her to come over in the morning and the four of us can have breakfast together," CC added with a warm smile.

"Okay," Jamie answered her blankly, wondering if this was such a good idea. Jamie wrote the note quickly and left it on the coffee table. She grabbed her keys, wondering if she should bring anything else. Realizing she had everything she needed, she followed CC out the door and locked up behind them.

As they entered CC’s home, Jamie still felt a little awkward. "I’m going to take a shower then you can tell me about Doctor Feel Good," CC said casually as she headed out of the room. "Jamie, thanks for accepting the invite. I’ll be honest. I didn’t like the looks of that guy and I’ll feel better if you stayed here," CC confessed in a shy tone.

"Thanks," Jamie said with smile, feeling better about the situation. She understood CC’s overprotective nature and it made her feel good knowing that her invitation was born from concern and not lust. "Go take your shower and I’ll make us some tea."

CC smiled in response and left the living room. Jamie went into the kitchen, filled the kettle, and put it on the stove. She couldn’t shake the feeling of how natural the simple act seemed. She was going to brew tea and relax and talk with CC after each had experienced a long day. Something felt so right about the moment.

A short while later they were sitting on the sofa sipping their tea while CC played with Emma. "She is never going to sleep through the night if you keep waking her up when you come in," Jamie noted as she watched the two of them giggling.

"You sound like Stevie." CC smirked as she continued to play with the infant. "Doesn’t she?" CC questioned her cooing niece. "So tell me about the guy on your front steps," CC inquired.

"He’s one of the med students," Jamie explained nonchalantly. "Simon Fisher. He’s had this crush on me," Jamie continued in a dismissive tone. "I ignored it at first, but lately he’s been stepping over the line. I tried being nice and then I tried being firm. I told him I wasn’t interested and I’m also his advisor so it would be inappropriate to interact socially. I even told him that I’m seeing someone." She groaned in disgust.

"He seems to be a bit slow on the uptake," CC said thoughtfully. "He didn’t know that you’re gay?"

"No," Jamie sighed as she rolled her eyes. "I know that some of the nurses told him that he was barking up the wrong tree. I don’t understand him. I’ve been very up front about my lack of interest. I can’t believe he showed up at my house."

"None of this sounds very good," CC said in a serious tone. "I don’t want to alarm you but something about him makes me nervous."

"Don’t worry," Jamie responded as she rubbed CC’s shoulder gently.

"Hmm." CC grimaced.

"You probably scared him off." Jamie chuckled. "No," she said quickly as Emma reached for CC’s teacup. "I’ll take these into the kitchen," the blonde offered as she collected their cups.

"Thanks," CC responded.

Jamie rinsed their cups and then took a moment to brush her bangs out of her eyes and straighten her T-shirt and sweatpants. She rolled her eyes at her actions. She was enjoying their comfortable conversation. Still, sitting so close to CC who was clad in a pair of boxer shorts and a tank top, was wreaking havoc with her libido. "How am I going to share a bed with this woman?" she whimpered before reentering the living room.

Stevie had appeared and was cradling Emma as she chastised her sister for waking her daughter. "Told you so," Jamie taunted CC.

"Hey James," Stevie greeted her with a smile. "I hear you’re going to be crashing here."

"Yeah, if you don’t mind," Jamie said, feeling a slight degree of tension from Stevie.

"No problem," Stevie responded sincerely as she cast a cautioning look at the doctor.

"I’m beat." CC yawned as she stood. "I’m heading to bed."

Jamie was about to follow her when she caught Stevie giving her a slight nod. "I’ll be there in moment," Jamie said softly.

"I meant it, Jamie," Stevie addressed her after CC had left the room. "It’s not a problem. It’s just that you two seem to have a real issue when it comes to taking things slowly."

"I know," Jamie conceded. "I’m not going to hurt your sister. I promise."

"Jamie, I really like you," Stevie continued. "I know I’ve been giving you a hard time, but my sister means the world to me. Honestly I would love to see the two of you work things out."

"Really?" Jamie said in surprise.

"Really." Stevie chuckled. "I just think maybe you need to get to know one another in the vertical position first."

"I’m trying," Jamie said with relief. "Goodnight, Stevie," she said as she touched the brunette’s arm gently.

"Goodnight, James," Stevie said brightly.

Jamie entered CC’s bedroom to find the brunette still awake. She closed the door behind her and climbed into bed. "My sister giving you a hard time again?" CC inquired with concern.

"You can’t really blame her." Jamie yawned as she tried to distance herself from CC’s warm and inviting body. "It’s not like you and I haven’t said the same things."

"I know," CC grumbled as she clicked off the lamp on the nightstand. "It’s just so annoying coming from my kid sister."

Jamie chuckled lightly as she clung to the edge of the bed. "You know I invited you to stay here so you’d be more comfortable," CC said dryly. "I’m not going to ravish you if you move a little closer."

"How do you know I won’t ravish you?" Jamie taunted CC as she rolled over on her side so she could look at her. Even in the darkness she could see CC’s crystal blue eyes staring back at her.

"Goodnight, James," CC said softly, ignoring Jamie’s comment.

"Goodnight, Caitlin," Jamie said softly in response as she unconsciously leaned in closer and placed a soft kiss on CC’s lips. Jamie hadn’t realized what she was doing until she felt CC’s lips pressed against her own.

Jamie pulled back slightly, startled at how natural her actions had felt. CC cupped her face with her hands and brought Jamie’s face down to her. Jamie felt CC’s breath teasing her skin as she leaned into her touch. CC reclaimed her lips gently. Slowly mouths parted and tongues began to explore the warmth of the other’s mouth. Jamie felt the spark of desire ignite within as her body pressed against CC’s.

Jamie smiled down at CC as the kiss ended blissfully. She lowered her body so she could rest her head against CC’s chest and smiled as CC wrapped her arms around her to hold her close. She still felt aroused by the contact, but she felt something else as well - she felt loved. She drifted off to sleep as she listened to the steady beating of CC’s heart.



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