Thanks to my beta reader, Joanne.





CC stood in the shadows and watched as her former lover retreated. She didn't understand why she’d driven out here. But once she spotted Jamie, a silly part of her said it was fate. Not that she was hoping for reconciliation. But Stevie was right. Jamie deserved to hear the truth. Now she only had one problem - how was she going to get the stubborn blonde to listen to her? Just what are the right words for totally abandoning someone? Of course, that wasn't what had actually happened. CC rubbed her throbbing temple and decided to leave. She didn't need to tell Jamie tonight. In fact, what she needed to do was go home and get some sleep.

Later that evening as she was lying in bed trying to sleep, her mind kept spinning. Thoughts of the younger innocent Jamie filled her; she wondered how and when she was going to tell Jamie the truth. Life had been so simple back then. They were young and in love. They gave each other their innocence. Why had she never told Jamie that it had been her first time as well? After seeing Jamie kissing a stranger, CC had never really opened her heart to anyone again.

Many women tried to get through to her. But the stoic policewoman only offered her body and never her true self. Her tossing and turning continued. CC showed up for work the following night completely exhausted.

"Hey, CC," her partner called out. "You look like shit."

"Thank you," she snapped.

"Ooops." The older man cringed. "At first I thought maybe you got lucky. But from your nasty attitude, I'll assume that you struck out."

"What are you talking about?" CC snarled as she flopped down in her chair. The rickety metal chair squeaked under her weight.

"That Doc last night," he continued, oblivious to the fact that he was treading on shaky ground. "You couldn't take your eyes off her. I can't blame you. She’s a real looker."

"Shut up," CC growled. "We have work to do." CC watched with some degree of amusement as her partner's eyes widened in fear.

CC's night was long and boring. It was quiet. In fact, things had been a little too quiet. Just as she relaxed enough to enjoy the reprieve, all hell broke lose. There had been another shooting. CC grabbed her coat and her partner. As they drove to the scene, she said a silent prayer that she wouldn't end up at the hospital again looking into those angry green eyes.

After they finished taking statements from the witness, who of course hadn't seen or heard a thing, they went to Boylston General. CC braced herself as she stepped through the electronic doors of the emergency room. She flashed her badge at the receptionist and made her way to the nurse’s station.

"I'm Detective Calloway," she explained.

"Yes, I know." The heavyset woman smiled at her. "Dr. James will be with you just as soon as she can."

CC groaned as she fought back the desire to bang her head on the counter until she lost consciousness.

Continued - Part 6

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