By Mavis Applewater


For Disclaimers see part one.

A special thanks to my beta reader, Joanne.

As Always For Heather


Jamie allowed the water to rush over her body. The hot water and steam from the shower were helping her painful physical state. She leaned against the tile wall. The events of last night were finally creeping back to her. They had talked like old friends, only they weren't. Tequila had been a poor choice. But she knew she needed it, and she needed to be there for CC. Unless you saw the horrible things that they saw on a daily basis, you wouldn't understand the pain or the need to reach out to someone to feel alive again. Then the bar closed and it was time to leave. Jamie knew she was in no condition to drive and neither was her companion.

She was relieved and disappointed when CC raised her arm to hail a taxi. She had been fighting the tingling sensation pulsating through her body all evening. She reasoned that it was the alcohol making her notice the intoxicating scent of her former lover. Reason decided to abandon her when their eyes met just as a taxi pulled up in front of them. They moved together as if drawn by some unseen force. Their lips met instantly. The kiss lacked any shyness or hesitation. They simply exploded into a fiery passion. Standing in the shower, Jamie's hand absently felt her still swollen lips as she recalled the raw aching need that had coursed through her the night before.

Jamie’s stomach clenched as the memories flooded her senses. The kiss had deepened and she found herself sucking on CC's tongue. All she wanted at that moment was to take this woman to bed to fulfill all of her carnal desires. She cupped CC's backside, pulling her closer to her. The cab driver squawked. Jamie pulled away from the warmth of the taller woman's body, yanked the door open, and started to push CC inside the taxi. "We should talk," CC protested as Jamie followed her inside.

"No," Jamie argued, the effects of the tequila clouding her thoughts. She closed the door and pressed her smaller body into CC's. "Jamie . . . we need to talk." CC gasped as Jamie kissed her neck, sucked on her pulse point, and slid her hands across CC's chest. She pushed the taller woman back and straddled her. As she teased CC's nipples through the material of her shirt, she reclaimed her lips.

She plunged her tongue into the warmth of CC's mouth as her hands fumbled, slightly uncoordinated from the alcohol. CC moaned into her mouth as her body arched. "Still want to talk?" Jamie recalled herself whispering hotly just before dipping her tongue into CC's ear.

"No," CC panted unsteadily as Jamie continued to press her body into CC's.

As her mouth and tongue continued their assault on CC's ear and neck, she could hear CC give the driver her address. "Why didn’t I get it then?" she berated herself. "Because I was loaded." She groaned in realization. Jamie didn't make a habit of drinking like she had the previous evening. She recalled how the two of them wrestled passionately in the back of the taxi and how she had drifted in and out of the present. Images of their first and last time together flooded her mind.

The memories, the taste of CC's body, and the tequila all mixed together to fuel her passion. Somehow she had managed to unbutton and unzip the leggy brunette's blue jeans. She only halted her movements when CC suggested that they slow down. She managed to climb off of CC and they both sat up. She nestled herself in CC's arms. Even in her drunken state, she knew how right it felt to have this woman hold her.

CC kissed the top of her head. Soon they found themselves kissing again. This time they took their time to explore. They shared slow gentle kisses as their tongues danced together. There was a wonderful tenderness to their kisses as they snuggled. Jamie must have drifted off during the cab ride. She could only recall the warmth of CC's body as she nestled against her.

Then she found herself in a strange apartment being led to the bedroom. "We should sleep," CC suggested as they both staggered slightly. Jamie was about to agree when one look into those crystal blue orbs re-ignited her passion. She recalled pulling CC's jacket off and casting it aside. This time it was CC who reclaimed her lips as Jamie found herself pulling at the taller woman's still unfastened pants.

Jamie felt a returning flush of desire as she recalled how her lower anatomy had pulsated while they hurriedly undressed one another. Before she knew what was happening, they were both frantically tearing the blankets back and pulling one another down onto the bed, rolling around as their bodies melted together.

Jamie could still taste the tender flesh of CC's body and the taste of her passion as she feasted upon her wetness. The moans and groans that escaped from both of them. It was as if she was a moth and CC was the flame. She couldn't recall how many times she screamed out her lover's name. Or how many times she reciprocated the gift.

A sudden blast of cold water jolted Jamie back to reality. "Son of a . . . ," she screeched as she quickly retreated to the back of the shower. Tentatively she reached out, trying to avoid the icy spray of water. Finally she managed to shut the water off. Climbing out of the shower, she wrapped herself in a towel. Her head was still pounding as she threw on a pair of sweats.

Slowly she walked downstairs, her body aching from her overindulgence. She smiled slightly as she padded her way into the kitchen, thinking that alcohol wasn't the only thing she had overindulged in. "My God, I don't think I've ever behaved like that." She chuckled as she started to fill the teapot with water. Despite how and who she had been with, she had to confess that her carnal desires had been sated.

A knocking at the front door sent a searing pain through her temples. She flinched as she put the teapot on the counter and shut off the water. "Please stop," she begged as she made her way towards the insufferable noise. "Stop," she repeated in an irate tone as she opened the door. She found CC standing on her stoop, shivering from the cold. A sudden flash from the previous evening washed over her. CC was bent over in front of her as Jamie rode her backside, pressing her wetness hard into the policewoman as she begged for release. A blush covered her body as she tried to make the image disappear.

"Can we talk?" CC inquired sheepishly.

"No," Jamie replied in a weary voice.

Continued - Part 10

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