Bound Conclusion

Conclusion of Bound

Standard Disclaimer - These characters, most of them, belong to Universal, and Renaissance Pictures, and whoever else has a stake in Xena: Warrior Princess. This is written just in fun, and no copyright infringement was intended.

Specific Story Disclaimers:

Violence – Where there is Xena, there will be violence. It’s just one of those things. But this kind is not too graphic, and we avoid mentions of limbs being chopped off and used for kindling, or any description of eyeballs being gouged out by an errant chakram or anything like that.

Subtext – Subtext R Us. This story, as was the last one, and the one before that which flowed like a sargassum monster from my terminal, based on the supposition that it’s about two women who love each other a whole lot. Once again, there is nothing graphic, but the theme does wrap itself throughout the story, and if you can’t take this, go read some other nice piece of fan fiction. I will make my usual statement – if love offends you, drop me a note with your snail mail address, and I will send you some authentic, found in Southernmost Florida only, key lime pie. (Just the thing for hot summers.) Because I really do feel bad for you.

 Any and all comments are always welcome. You can email them to:


Gabrielle watched in silence as her partner’s head disappeared into the dark shaft, then sat down cross legged next to the opening and rested her elbows on her knees. The forest dwellers watched her for a minute, then scattered a little, to explore the small room, and examine the tablets.

Wennid alone settled next to her, and mirrored her posture. "Gabrielle?"

The fair haired human looked up at her with shadowed green eyes. "Hmm?"

"Is.. something wrong?" Delicately asked, and her pale golden eyes made no assumptions. Not with this human, who was far more complex than she had first believed.

Gabrielle studied her for a long moment. "Thanks for asking, Wennid , but it’s not something I’m willing to talk about right now." She held the forest dweller’s gaze, then returned her eyes to the opening.

"Um." Wennid tried again. "I know.. you’re a very private person, Gabrielle… but if it’s something having to do with your gift… maybe I can help?"

The bard took a breath to answer, then felt a cold ball of fear erupt inside her. She closed her eyes, and fought it, concentrating on her partner, and the warmth of their connection. After a minute, it faded, and she opened her eyes with an inaudible sigh. "It’s not." She stated clearly to Wennid. "I can handle it." I should have gone. Damn, why do I let her talk me out things like this? I have to stop that.

Wennid patted her arm, and nodded a little. "All right.. but if you need anything…"

Gabrielle glanced at her, and smiled. "I know.. and, thanks." She breathed a little easier. "I think it’s going to be ok." As she felt the coldness ease, and relax a little. Courage? You think I have courage, Xena? This would be like me deliberately going out and standing on the edge of a precipice. She smiled and leaned back on her hands, watching the rest of the forest dwellers carefully packing up the tablets, preparing to move them.

Wennid unwrapped a package, and handed a piece of flatbread wrapped around some meat to the bard. "You look hungry." She grinned at the human.

Gabrielle laughed, and took the offering. "I usually am." She admitted, cheerfully taking a bite and chewing. She finished the first, and was starting on a second, when she stopped mid motion.

And put the roll down, her eyes fluttering in reaction to the dark pit that had just opened up within her. "Wennid?" She asked, her voice not much more than a whisper.

"Hmm?" The forest dweller answered, turning to look at her. "Gabrielle!" Now the voice sharpened into real alarm at the bard’s expression. She scrambled up, and went to the shocked human’s side, putting a firm hand on her shoulder. "Gabrielle…" Now low and urgent.

"Get a rope." The bard said, forcing herself to take deep breaths. "Now." Her voice took on a fierce edge.

"Tobias." Wennid barked. "Tie off that rope. Move." She turned to the bard. "Gabrielle, what’s happening?"

Green eyes finally sharpened, and met hers. "I have to go down there."

"Ok.. Ok.. " Wennid stroked her arm. "You will. But what’s happening?"

Gabrielle just shook her head. "I don’t know." She watched Tobias toss the thick hemp rope over the edge of the shaft, and without a second thought, she grabbed it an swung herself over and down.

Oof. She grunted, as her weight came down onto her arms, and she swung a little. Don’t look down, Gabrielle. It’s dark anyway. She wrapped her legs around the rope, and started to let herself drop, feeling the harsh strain pulling at her. Why does this always look so easy when Xena does it? Her mind mused, more to give her something to think about other than the horrible feeling she had in her gut than anything else.

Because she spends hours pulling herself up into trees and swinging from branches, Gabrielle, and you don’t. Came the logical answer. She slid further down into the darkness, until she judged she was about half way. The strain in her arms had turned to a deep burning, and she stopped to rest a minute.

A bit more, and her grip gave out, and she fell the rest of the way, hitting with a stinging thump against the uneven ground. The shock sang through her knees and sent a jolt of pain all the way to her shoulders, but she gritted her teeth and let the momentum take her down, and just rolled with it.

She bumped into the far wall, and sat for a minute, wincing. Then she stood and peered into the opening, sensing it’s closeness, but seeing, at the very far end, a tiny glimmer of light. No torch. Very smart, Gabrielle. Tentatively, she entered the passageway, letting her fingers touch lightly ahead of her to prevent her from running into something.

Hang in there, love. I know you’re in trouble. Her mind whispered, as she got to the end of the tunnel, and felt her foot kick something. She looked down, and saw the arrow, and grimaced.

Around the blind corner, and then she saw the torchlight, and her steps went faster, as she entered the round cavern, and stopped, then cursed and ran full tilt across the room to the huddled form she’d spotted.

"Puppy!" Xena’s childishly high voice was becoming testy, as she stumbled through the high grass looking for the cur, who had chased off by the village kids as a lark. "Puppy!" The girl's face scrunched in annoyance, and she sat down for a minute on a rock. She had picked up a couple of muddy rocks and chased the kids off, but the puppy had run, and she’d seen a spot of blood left behind, so she decided to try and follow him. Her ears perked at a muffled whine. "Gotcha!" She grinned, and stood up, running towards the sound.

"Oh." Her eyes had grown round, at the sight of the draggled animal, perched on the edge of the abandoned quarry. "No.. C’mere." She got down on her knees, and extended a hand. "C’mon.. c’mon.. I won’t hurtcha."

The animal sniffed suspiciously, then cautiously extended his head nearer to the small hand.

"Thasit." Xena crooned, wiggling her fingers. "C’mere." She crawled towards him, getting her fingers on his scruff, and puling a little. "Gotcha." She grinned, and half turned at footsteps, but not fast enough to stop the hard shove from a sniggering body, which unbalanced her and sent her tumbling over the ledge and into the softly sloped quarry.

She screamed, and clutched the puppy to her, as they both bounced from sandy ledge to sandy ledge, until one final bounce threw her into the top of an abandoned shaft, and caused the soft sandstone to collapse on top of her.

She could hardly breath, there was so much stuff pressing on her, from all sides, and it was dark, and now.. now she didn’t even have the puppy for company, because that last crash had flung him from her, and she couldn’t find him with her hands. She tried to dig a path, but the soft surface just kept falling in on her, and binding her tighter and tighter.. and the darkness got darker, until she could feel it closing in all around her and choking her to death. "Mama.." she gasped… "Mama…"

A hand on her face.. cool water lifting away the dust. Her name being called. But it wasn’t her mother voice.. not this time.. it was higher, and warmer, and it touched a deep chord in her like none other ever had.

Very slowly, she started to become aware of where she was. Not a quarry, not sandstone.. a deep cavern, carved from granite. And she was no longer six years old, but much older.. and the hands that gently stroked her face did not belong to Cyrene.

With a heartfelt groan, she cracked her eyes open, to see Gabrielle’s concerned face. Xena’s head was cradled in the bard’s lap, and the cold wetness was a piece of the bard’s shirt, torn off in haste. "Hey." She managed to get out, blinking a little, and forcing her eyes to focus on Gabrielle's somewhat blurry features.

Gabrielle’s hands cradled her face, and her expression remained serious. "Xena?"

"Uh huh." She groaned, and swallowed. "Gods.. that hurts."

"All right.. hold on. I"ll get you some water." The bard said quietly. "You were.. calling for your mother.. I was a little…worried."

Xena blinked a few times, and remembered. "Oh damn. Sorry." She swallowed again. "Old history." She started to get up, then thought better of it when a wave of nausea hit her, and Gabrielle grabbed her shoulders.

"Stay put." The bard ordered. "You've got quite a bump there."

Gladly. Xena's mind oozed., and she rolled back over and settled her aching head back into the bard’s warm lap. "How’d you get down here?"

"Climbed. How do you think?" Gabrielle answered testily.

Xena looked up, and for an instant, Gabrielle saw a child’s hurt in her eyes. Then they blinked, and the vision was gone, replaced by an arched brow. "Gabrielle, I didn’t pull a rock shelf down on my head on purpose just to get you down here."

Gabrielle closed her eyes, and let out a long breath, then opened them. "I know.. " She gently hugged Xena’s shoulders. "You just scared me, that’s all. You didn’t know who you were.. you didn’t know who I was… it was like you weren’t even in there. I got.. " She paused. "Scared.. and.. where were you?"

Xena stayed quiet. Then tilted her head back and regarded her partner. "I was… oh.. I guess six or so." She paused. "Was doing some kid thing.. who even remembers. Ended up on the edge of a rock quarry." She stopped again, and felt Gabrielle’s hand link with hers. "Someone thought it would be funny to give me a shove.. I fell into the quarry.. into a .. I don’t remember.. some kind of hole." She closed her eyes against the memory.

"I’ve got you." Gabrielle’s calm voice floated down to her, and it came with a secure hold around her neck.

"Took them.. overnight .. I guess, to find me. " Xena finished quietly. "Just kept.. calling for my mother.. I never… I don’t.."

"It’s all right." Gabrielle stroked her hair gently. "It’s over… I’ve got you."

"I swore… " Came the vibrant whisper. "I"d never be that helpless again."

And that.. explains.. some things. Gabrielle considered, watching her partner’s eyes slowly lose their horror, and return to an almost normal gleam. "I think you kept that promise, love." She murmured into the nearby ear, and hugged her tighter.

Felt the chuckle move through Xena's body, and let out the breath she’d been holding for what seemed like forever. ‘You’re gonna be fine, Xena. Just relax for right now."

"Course I’m going to be fine. " The warrior mumbled, closing her eyes. "You’re here."

And the silence closed down once more.

Gabrielle gazed down at the still form for a long time, her hands never stopping their slow gentle motions – pushing her hair back, smoothing the rumpled fabric of her tunic, brushing the stone dust off her arm.

She tried to imagine herself as a small child, going through a horrible experience like that. And coming out of it stronger, more determined… it said so much about this person she chose to share her life with. "Wish I would have been there, then, Xena." She whispered softly. "I know I would have clobbered whoever pushed you." Her chest tightened. "And I sure could have used a feisty friend like you when I was little." Her fingers delicately traced the planed cheekbones. "Wish we hadn’t waited so long to find each other… though… " she laughed softly. " I feel like I’ve known you all my life."

Unexpectedly, the blue eyes flickered open, and smiled into hers. "I feel like I’ve know you longer than that, love."

Gabrielle blushed. "Uhm.. I didn’t know you were.. I thought you were sleeping…uh…"

Xena chuckled lightly. "It’s all right." She lifted a hand and curled it around the bard’s thigh. "Sleeping with my brains all scrambled up isn’t a good idea… besides I’ve been enjoying listening to you." She gave the bard an impish grin. "And as much as I’m loving just lying here letting you have your way with me, I think we’d better be getting out of here."

"Yeah, I guess you’re right." The bard replied softly. "I’d better go tell Wennid and those guys everything is ok down here." She gave Xena’s shoulder a light knead. "I was yelling pretty loud. I’m surprised they didn’t find a way down."

Xena gazed at her. "Thought your voice sounded a little hoarse. Why were you yelling?"

The flickering torchlight had revealed to her the sprawled, dark haired form, and she’d dashed across the stone floor, and dove to her knees by Xena’s side. Had touched a body so rigidly tense, it felt like part of the stone itself.

"Xena.." She’d called, pulling on one shoulder to turn the warrior’s body towards her, then saw the intense grimace of pain on her face, and instead just pulled Xena’s body into her arms and held on for all she was worth.

After a bit, the tension had eased, but when those eyes had opened, there was no familiarity in them. Gabrielle was looking at a stranger, who stared back at her with uncomprehending blankness.

"Xena?" She’d said, softly, and seen no response, not even a flicker of understanding. "Hey..come back to me here, ok?"

Nothing. And she’d gotten scared, and her voice had risen. "Don’t you do this to me." She’d pleaded. "Don’t you leave me here alone, Xena. "

She’d gripped the warrior’s face in her hands, and stared hard into her eyes, willing her to respond. Willing that blank nothingness to dissolve into the sparkling intelligence she’d always seen there. "You get back here!" She’d finally yelled, panic overriding caution, and she shook Xena hard, and slapped her cheek with some force.

And that had scared her more than anything, not because she’d done it, but because she could do it, and Xena made no move to stop her. Then she pulled back her hand to strike again, and this time.. this time, her wrist was grasped, and held in a flickering motion, and Xena’s eyes had closed again, her lips moving on her mother’s name.

Several moments of senseless muttering, then silence, and then, at last she’d groaned, and opened her eyes, and they had tracked to Gabrielle’s, and warmed instantly, her lips edging into a familiar half grin as she'd recognized who was holding her..

"I"ll tell you later, OK? You just spooked me a little." Gabrielle sighed, and touched her face again, unwilling to lose contact. "Don’t ever do that again, all right?"

Xena’s brows contracted, and she carefully rolled over onto her elbows, then pushed straight up, and into a sitting position facing the bard. "Bring that torch closer." She said, quietly.

Gabrielle did, watching her face closely, seeing the seriousness there. "All right."

A nod from the warrior. "Look at my eyes." A pause, then she smiled gently. "Look at them, not into them, Gabrielle."

"Oh." The bard smiled back. "Sorry. They’re… kind of … uh. Sorry."

"All right – I’m going to close them. When I open them again, see if the dark parts get smaller at the same time." Xena gave her a nod. "Understand?"

Gabrielle nodded. "Yeah..I.. Go ahead."

Xena closed her eyes, and counted to thirty, then opened them again, and looked directly at the torch for another count of thirty, then transferred her gaze to Gabrielle’s face, blinking a little. "Well?"

The bard sighed. "The left one didn’t change." She bit her lip, and watched Xena as she lifted hand and gently touched the back of her head. "Concussion?"

A nod. "Yeah.. looks like it." The warrior winced. "Explains why I feel so lousy." She propped her elbows on her knees and rested her chin on her hands. "Let’s see if I lost any pieces." She thought a minute. "What year is it?"

The bard told her.

"That’s right. I know who I am, and I know who you are. My hometown’s Amphipolis, yours is Potadeia. " She blinked. "We’re outside Jessan’s village, right?"

Gabrielle felt the tension in her start to relax a little. "Yeah."

Xena nodded. "We’re headed home next, right?"

Big smile from the bard. "Oh yeah." She moved closer, and put a hand on Xena’s knee. "Drink up."

The warrior picked up the cup, and slowly drained it, then examined the container thoughtfully. "Still feels… " She hesitated. "fuzzy, I guess." Her mouth quirked. "But I think I’ve got the important stuff intact." She released the cup and curled her fingers around the bard’s hand. "Why don’t you see if you can find those scrolls while I collect my scattered wits, and then we’ll get out of here, huh?"

Gabrielle nodded. "Good idea. I"ll be right back." She stood, and walked quickly towards the entrance, lifting a torch to take along with her.

"Careful of that warhammer." Xena called. "Don’t hit your head on it."

"What hammer?" Gabrielle inquired, then ducked her head outside the chamber and jerked to a halt. "Oh.. that one." She chuckled faintly. "Guess I saw you and lost track of everything else." She shook her head, and kept going towards the shaft.

Xena pushed herself back until she was leaning against the wall, and let out a long breath. Gods. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. Haven’t thought about that.. little episode in a while. Must have been the accident, and all that triggered it… poor Mother.

After the first panic had faded a little, she’d finally stopped screaming, and dug around in the dirt until her fingers had touched draggled fur. The puppy had sensed her touch, and started digging his way towards her, until she was able to get a grab on his front legs. She’d pulled and pulled, and finally retrieved the crying puppy from his prison, and that… had, she now thought, probably saved her sanity. She’d had the animal to focus her fear and anxieties on.

Poor Digger. Xena mused idly. She’d refused to let go of him, even after they’d dug her out, finally, and carried her home, with bruises and a broken arm. Cyrene had been forced to add yet another mouth to feed, until one day he just got into the wrong place, and a horse kicked him.

I cried for days. The warrior remembered. It hurt so bad.. I think I decided right then at, what.. age 10? Not to let things get so close to me. She chuckled at herself, as Gabrielle returned, and their eyes met. But that.. brings it’s own heartache, doesn’t it? I’m glad I broke that rule.

"Ok." Gabrielle smiled. "They’ve stopped panicking now." She gave Xena a sheepish grin. "How are you feeling?" She crossed over, and knelt at her partner’s side, setting gentle fingers to the bump on the side of the warrior’s head.

Xena captured her hand, and held it, her face serious. "What I’m feeling is that I’m a very lucky person." The bard froze. "I'm glad you’ve become a part of my life, and I don’t think I say that nearly enough."

Actually.. Gabrielle thought faintly You’ve never said it at all. That must have been some bump on the head. "Funny… I always think about how I’m the lucky one… " She brushed her lips against their linked hands. "That you just decided to let me in that fortress in there." She smiled. "Come on. I gotta get you out of here."

Xena laughed softly, and looked around. "I don’t know… it’s kind of peaceful." She regarded the chamber thoughtfully. "I bet they thought so." Suddenly she felt Gabrielle’s hands on her face, and turned her startled eyes to the bard. "What?"

"You don’t mind being here." Came the quietly tense answer.

Blue eyes flicked over the room, then back at her. "Must have overloaded something.. but.. not right now. No."

Gabriele sighed in vexation. "What is it with you? Can’t you just heal like normal people? "

"Huh?" Xena’s brows contracted sharply. "Gabrielle, what are you talking about?"

"I’ve seen you. A dislocated shoulder, you slam yourself into a wall. You hurt your back, you go flying into a tree and poof. Now this. What IS it with you?" Her voice rose. "I don’t’ want to be having to thump you over the head to fix things, Xena. It’s…. barbaric."

That got a laugh from the warrior. "I don’t do it on purpose."

"Yes, you do. Just to piss me off." Gabrielle responded, giddy with relief.

"No no.. THIS I do on purpose." Xena wrapped a hand around the bard’s neck, and pulled her closer, kissing her soundly, and smiling inwardly as she felt Gabrielle’s body melt into hers.

The bard’s eyes blinked dazedly at her when they parted to breathe. "That doesn’t piss me off."

"I should hope not. " Xena teased, running a fingertip over Gabrielle’s lips, and grinning when the bard caught it in her teeth. "Shall we find those scrolls, my bard?"

Chuckling, they stood, Gabrielle holding her partner’s arm in a firm grasp until she was sure the warrior was steady on her feet. Then they started investigating.

"Found them." The bard announced, looking up from examining a wooden chest half hidden beside the sleeping platform. She had lifted the lid and the familiar scent of ink had risen to her senses. "Gods.. there’s dozens… " She lifted one and partially unrolled it. "Looks like these are the healing texts."

Xena knelt beside her, and glanced at the scroll. "Yep. I recognize that… "

The bard looked at her. "You’ve seen these?" Surprises, surprises… my ever mysterious partner here.

The warrior shook her head. "No.. I’ve seen the texts these are based on. " Her eyes traveled gently over Gabriele’s face. "At Nicklios."

Ah. Gabrielle mused, remembering the walls of bound parchment, which she’d had found no interest in whatsoever. "I knew.. there were… writings there." She tapped a finger on the rerolled scroll in her other hand. "But I didn’t… " That long, horrible night tumbled back into her memory. "If they’d been the mysteries of Mount Olympus, I wouldn’t have cared." Realizing Xena was gone.. that stark, empty feeling flooding through her.. the aching loneliness that made her wish she herself was dead. "Not that night." Her voice dropped to a broken whisper.

Long arms wrapped around her, and she didn’t resist, needing the tactile warmth of her lifemate’s touch, which gently nudged the horror back into it’d dark den. She buried her face into Xena's shoulder, craving the reassuring feel of their connection and letting it comfort her.

Finally, she raised her head and sighed. "I’m all right. It’s just that.. the more I realize what I almost lost that day, the worse that memory gets." She put the scroll back in the box, and pulled out another, tangling her arms and Xena’s but managing to get it partially opened. "Hey.. this is different." She squinted. "I can’t… " Her eyes slid up to Xena’s, where the warrior was resting her chin on the bard’s shoulder, also looking. "Can you?"

Xena let her gaze fall on the parchment, brittle with age, the ink so faded it took even her sharp eyes time to decipher the inscription.

Dyma y hanes can Elevown ac Ardwyn pwy creadded hwn tir eang a llifio ymwnc a rhyfeddod….

She laughed gently. "Seems our friend Ardwyn was a bit like you, my bard." She leaned her head against Gabrielle’s. "These are the tales of Elevown and Ardwyn, who traveled this land wide, and saw many wonders." Been a long time since I’ve seen those letters. Incredible I can still read it. You were a good teacher, M’lila.

Gabrielle studied the script, then Xena, taking the gentle, introspective look on her angular face. "There’s dozens of these scrolls, Xena."

The warrior nodded. "So there is." Her eyes twinkled. "That’s a lot of stories to tell."

"I want to know them." The bard breathed, running her fingers over the letters in fascination. She turned brilliant eyes to Xena. "Will you read them to me?"

Got an impish grin in return. "Well.. I don’t know.. what are they worth to you??? " A bantering tone entered her voice.

Gabrielle tilted her head, and softened her gaze, looking at Xena with a wistful expression.

Xena felt her heart melt at the look, and stirred her rusty memories of a time long past. "Amcan innau rhaid at cofio fy Cymraeg" She dredged the words out of somewhere, and smiled at the charmed look on Gabrielle’s face. Probably got the structure all backwards. M’lila was always getting frustrated with me on that.

"It sounds so.. different." She smiled in wonder. "Like music."

The past washed gently over her, as Xena let herself remember the gentle splash of ocean waves. Felt the stinging spray in her face, as she listened to M’lila sing to her homeland. Of a love so fierce it set the young Celt’s eyes on fire. Someday.. M’'lila had told her, once, when she’d asked. "Someday, you’ll know this feeling, Xena. And you’ll never be the same." Ah..M'lila… how right you were…

"fi cariad ti, Gabrielle." She let the phrase come from a place deep inside.

Warm lips met hers for an timeless moment. Then Gabrielle tipped her head back and gazed into her eyes. "I love you too."

"Didn’t know you spoke the language." Xena teased.

The bard smiled. "Your mouth never says those things, Xena..your eyes do." Gotcha… her mind chuckled, seeing the deep blush. Score one for the bard. She let her head rest against Xena’s shoulder for a long minute, absorbing the unusual scent of thick wool, embedded with the tickling smell of the fragrant herbs they kept packed in their saddlebags. "Guess we have to get going, huh?"

Xena forced her eyes open, and glanced around. The cavern had a settled, peaceful atmosphere, and she let her mind drift for a while, imagining what it must have been like living here. She redrew the room in her mind, putting a fresh and snapping fire in the pit, warm, lush furs on the sleeping platform pressed against her back, restored colors to the woven wall mats, and could, for the barest of instants, almost hear the high, ethereal tones of the harp.

It was a private place, she realized. And.. I think I want that.. for us. . "Yeah, we’d better." She said, but neither of them moved. She gave Gabrielle a rueful glance. "Kinda nice, here, huh?"

This time it was the bard who had to force her eyes open. "Very." She chuckled, then put a hand on Xena’s knee, and pushed up, getting to her feet and starting to put the scrolls in a carrybag that Xena had brought down strapped to her back. "Give me a hand with these, will you?"

The warrior scooted forward and complied, handling the scrolls carefully. When they’d finished, she let Gabrielle move out of the alcove, then stood up, stretching luxuriously, and shaking herself a little. Fuzzy feeling is pretty much gone.. that’s a good sign. She analyzed. She looked down at a warm pressure on her chest.

"Close your eyes." The bard commanded, moving the torch in her hand away.

Xena obediently complied, counting, then opening them and focusing on the light.

"That’s better." Gabrielle approved, giving her a pat on the stomach. "How do you feel?"

The warrior nodded. "Headache, but not too bad." She picked up the bag of scrolls, and slung it over her back, tightening the chest straps to hold it close. "Ready?"

Xena went around the perimeter of the cavern and doused the torches carefully, then joined Gabrielle at the entrance, where the bard was holding the remaining torch. They both turned to look behind them, then moved forward into the short passageway before the tunnel.

"Gods." Gabrielle sighed, examining the warhammer as they passed around it. "Did that…"

"Uh huh." Xena nodded. "Good thing I have decent reflexes."

The bard snorted. "Decent." She sighed melodramatically. "Ah.. the Warrior Princess of Understatement strikes yet again." A niche in the rocks caught her attention, and she detoured over, to examine it. "Wonder what this was for? Hey.. Xena, look at.."

"Gabrielle, don’t touch th…"

A loud, screeching thunder nearly deafened them, and Xena reacted in pure instinct, grabbing Gabrielle around the waist and hurling herself backwards.

With a roaring crash, a heavy lattice dropped down from a counterweighted balance, and sealed off the passageway. Dust flew as the portal dropped into place, the cracking of rock under its base a testament to it’s weight and measure.

Xena looked up from where she was protecting Gabrielle’s body with her own and sighed. She put her lips down close to the bard’s ear. "You attract trouble like clover attracts bees, you know that?"

Gabrielle peeked out from under the warrior’s arm, and grimaced. "Guess that explains you, huh?" She joked faintly.

Surprisingly, this got a healthy laugh from Xena. "Never thought of it that way, but I guess it does." She stood up, puling the bard with her, and dusted both of them off. I should be falling to pieces, trapped in here. But I’m not. Wonder if it’s just a temporary thing from the head injury or what? "Ok.. Wonderbard. You got us into this, you get us out of it."

Gabrielle put her hands on her hips, and gave Xena a look. "Don’t start with me." She warned. "I didn’t do that on purpose." She paused. "Stop smirking." Another pause. "Or else."

Xena amiably wiped the grin off her face, then leaned back against the wall, and crossed her legs at the ankles.

The bard shook her head, and walked back over to the alcove. "If they had a way of triggering this, they must have had a way to release it." She reasoned, and was heartened by Xena’s grunt of agreement. She studied the rock she’d moved, then ran her eyes up the counterweighted rope. "Oh… OK… " She grinned. "I see… if that’s holding up that, then all you need to do is this.." She moved a second stone. "And it should reverse."

A loud creaking rewarded her efforts, and she gave Xena a smirking look.

But the counterweights were old, and made of furs that had last seen the light of day several hundred years before. With a compressive sound, the weight burst, and dumped it’s load of sand right on top of them.

"Whoops." Gabrielle sighed, shaking the sand out of her hair disgustedly. Then she gave the rock a slap, and started searching around the edges of the lattice, her movements sharp and angry.

Xena watched her a minute, then walked over and put her hands on the bard’s shoulders. "Hey."

"What?" Gabrielle growled, continuing her search. "I’m looking for another answer. Go siddown or something."

The warrior got in front of her, and forced her to stop, her face now very serious. "I was just joking, Gabrielle."

The bard stared at her. "I don’t like being reminded of just how much more capable you are than I am." She stated flatly.

One curved eyebrow. "I triggered two of those things myself coming through here, my friend. And I then proceeded to pull a rock shelf down on my own head and you had to come here and rescue me. Let’s not discuss capable right now, OK?" She put a hand on Gabrielle’s shoulder. "And besides, you came up with an excellent solution to the problem. It’s not your fault the damn thing is hundreds of years old."

Gabrielle blew out a breath. "I suppose you have a miraculous answer now." She was still mad.

Xena sighed. "You know.. I consider you a very capable, very intelligent person, Gabrielle. I’d put my life in your hands, and have, without a second’s thought."

The bard tried to stay mad, but… "I know." She admitted. "I just… Xena, I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. You know that, right?"

"I know." The warrior replied quietly.

"I do care what you think." Gabrielle moved closer. "Look..I know there are a lot o things you’re always going to do better than me. I can accept that. You’re like this wonderful, magical sprite that can make anything happen."

"Gabrielle.." Xena objected. "That’s not true."

The bard grabbed her tunic, and shook her. "It IS true, Xena. Stop denying it. Stop making it sound like anyone can do what you can. They can’t. There is something special about you and you damn well know that."

Silence from her partner.

"And I get… a little insecure sometimes. Because I’m not special. And gods know, I can’t compete with you, but I can’t stand the thought of you looking down on me either." Gabrielle finished quietly.

Xena looked at her in shocked silence. "The only reason I have for looking down at you, Gabrielle, is the fact I happen to be half a foot taller." She said quietly, then knelt at the bard’s feet. "You’re what I live for." She hesitated. "Surely you knew that." Her eyes dropped. "I’m just a.. beat up ex warlord, Gabrielle. If I do.. " She gave her head a little shake. "Extraordinary things.. it’s only because I have an extraordinary inspiration." She looked up into the green eyes above her. "How can you think.. for a.. a. minute.. that you’re not special?"

‘Easy." The bard whispered, kneeling beside her, and putting a hand on her knee. "Because you’re the only person in my whole life that’s ever told me otherwise." She smiled. "And.. if I .. believe that… then you have to believe that you’re a whole lot more than a beat up ex warlord." She paused. "Deal?"

Xena’s lips curved into a wry grin. "Deal." She agreed.

Gabrielle sighed. "Now… my beat up ex warlord best friend… do you have a miraculous plan to get us out of here? Because .. frankly.. I’m really tired of the smell of dusty rocks."

Xena pursed her lips thoughtfully, then got to her feet, and took the torch they’d tucked into a crevice. "Stay here a minute." She padded off towards the living chamber, leaving Gabrielle in the darkness.

You’re what I live for… The words trailed warmly through her. Gods.. that’s wonderful to have someone say to you. Anyone.. and to have it be someone like her… she just doesn’t see it.. at all. I guess we have to live up to each other’s expectations…. That’s kind of funny. She looked up as Xena reappeared out of the darkness, holding the torch on one hand, and something long and reflective in the other. "Hey.."

"Hold this." Xena requested, handing her the torch.

"You have an idea?" Gabrielle asked, taking the lit brand and glancing at her.

"Stand over here." The warrior took her by the shoulders, and set her against the far wall.

"What are you going to do?" The bard wondered, her brow creasing. "Come on, Xena.. give."

Her partner stepped back, and hefted what she was carrying, which Gabrielle could now see was a longsword. "Well.. our Viking was damned clever, Gabrielle." Xena’s eyes turned upward, and her grin went feral. "But I don’t think she had me in mind."

She bounced once on the balls of her feet, then leaned forward, and took three long strides, pushing off on the last one and catapulting up into the air, slashing backwards with a powerful stroke and slicing through the thick woven hemp holding the warhammer with a screal of metal on fiber. She let her momentum take her around in midair and flipped lazily, letting the warhammer crash to the ground and landing close to it’s thick head.

"Wow." Gabrielle laughed, brushing granite shards from her shirt.

Xena tossed the sword down, and walked over to the hammer, wiping her hands on her tunic before wrapping them around the shaft of the weapon. With a smooth motion, she lifted and shouldered it, then crossed to the lattice, and studied it intently.

Took two steps back, then ran forward, and jumped, and swung the hammer against the lattice with all the power of her body. A splintering crack skittered around the chamber, sending echoes that sent shivers up Gabrielle’s arms. She watched as Xena repeated her run twice, and then three times, until on the third time, half the lattice exploded inward, and sent shards flying everywhere.

Xena settled the hammer back on her shoulder, and stood back to view her work. "That’ll do." She grinned, and turned towards Gabrielle, holding out a hand. "Shall we?"

Gabrielle sauntered up, and studied the hole critically. Then she slid an arm around Xena’s waist, and gave her a pat. "Nice job."

"Think so?" The warrior smirked. "Not bad for a beat up ex warlord?"

"Nope." The bard agreed, giving her a squeeze. "I think I’ll keep you."

"Good to hear." Xena chuckled, as she stepped through the hole, and took the torch from the bard. "Come on."

They moved through the passageway, and stopped at the mouth of the tunnel. "You OK?" Gabrielle asked, searching her face intently.

"Fine." Xena answered absently, examining the rock. "Why?" She looked down when Gabrielle didn’t answer, and saw the bard giving her a look. She shrugged and moved forward into the tunnel, luxuriating in the freedom from fear. Probably temporary, she regretted. I’ve had this for a long time, and been able to control it – still, it’s nice to not have to worry about it for a little while. They got to the shaft, and saw Wennid’s anxious face above. "It’s ok.. we’ve got the scrolls." Xena yelled, waving a hand. She turned to Gabrielle. "Up the rope, my Queen."

The bard hesitated. "Xena.. I don’t’ think I can do it."

"Sure you can." Xena reassured her, tightening the straps on the bag she carried.

"No.. I don’t.. I couldn’t make it all the way down. I had to let go." The green eyes met hers in mild regret. "I guess we can get them to just pull me up, huh?"

Xena studied her. "Gabrielle, you have the strength to do this. I know you do. I was in there, remember?" She curled the bard’s hands around the rope. "Go on. I’ll be right behind you."

Grimly, Gabrielle started to climb, aware of her partner’s reassuring presence as the warrior pulled herself up by the rock handholds. Halfway up, she stopped, breathing hard. "I don’t…"

Xena wrapped an arm around her, and took her weight, bracing her feet against the rocks. "Take a minute." She breathed into the bard’s ear. "You can do this."

"All right." Gabrielle nodded, and started climbing again, and before she knew it, furred hands had grabbed her upper arms, and she was being pulled out a of the shaft and into pandemonium. "All right..I’m fine.. Xena’s fine.. stop yelling..!"

Xena watched the bard disappear with some amusement, and steadied herself for the last leg of her journey. She could, she knew, just grab the rope and climb. But that would be too easy, and if there was a hard way to do something, she’d find it.

Right now, she was balanced on the last of the handholds, and there was nothing but clean rock above her, with the lip of the entrance several feet above her head. She chuckled, and felt her wilder grin coming on. No.. no.. my Viking friend.. you definitely didn’t have me in mind, did you.

She took a breath, and deepened her crouch, then sprang up, reaching with both hands and smiling as she gripped the edge of the opening. Now this, was the hard part. But she didn’t spend plenty of time hanging around in trees for nothing. She tightened her grip, then pulled herself up to level, and then pressed her body up and out of the shaft, to a seat next to where Gabrielle was sprawled. Now that.. she smirked to herself. Wasn’t bad for a beat up ex warlord.

Gabrielle rested her head on Xena’s thigh, and gazed up at her in appeal. "Make them shut up." She muttered.

"Anything for you, my bard." Xena touched her nose, then looked up, and let her expression darken, lancing her gaze from person to person until silence fell over the room. "That’s better." She growled.

They divided the scrolls, Wennid gleefully taking possession of the healer's texts, since Elaini was down in the village getting ready for the ceremony. "You will come back and tell us the stories once you translate them, right Gabrielle?" The forest dweller smiled at her.

Gabrielle gave her a direct look. "Sure.. but you could just ask Xena to read them to you.." She enjoyed the startled look on Wennid's face. "One of her many skills." Her eyes slid towards her partner, who was leaning causally against the wall, looking bored. Affecting not to have heard Gabreille, but the bard spotted that little quirk at the corner of her mouth that she couldn't quite control and smiled quietly to herself. I won't make that mistake again, my friend.

The small party set out down the steep path, speckled in sunlight travelling through the whispering branches. The cold wind brought them the smell of the firepit, far below, and the rich smell of the rain soaked forest ground that sent a spicy, mouldering aroma into the air. Above them, the leaves were dimming to the colors of sunset, and the undergrowth was thinning, tucking it's richness away for the coming winter.

Xena strolled along easily, keeping a protective arm tucked around the bard's shoulders, and easing her steep decent with unconcious courtesy. "Nice day." She idly commented, turning to gaze at Gabrielle, who was taking full advantage of her support, and had tucked her head into Xena's shoulder and wound an arm about her.

"Huh?" Gabrielle rolled her head slightly to glance up at her partner. "Oh.. yeah… beautiful." She agreed, focusing impishly on the amused face above her. "Leaves are pretty."

Xena reached up without looking and plucked three or four of them, handing them to the bard with a flourish. "We usually don’t' get colors like this at home.. but we're further north here."

Gabrielle studied the leaves as she walked, trusting Xena to guide her steps. "Oh.. look… " she laughed gently, putting out one tentative fingertip and letting the ladybug she'd spotted crawl up on it. "Xena.. it's so pretty."

The warrior gazed down at the bug, and smiled. "That it is." Then blinked, as the bug took off from the bard's finger, and landed on Xena's nose, and somehow, managed to stop her gut deep, instinctive reflex to catch it. She grinned and closed one eye, watching the insect with the other, as it investigated for a minute, then flew off and landed on the bard's shoulder.

"I wonder.." Gabrielle regarded it. "If that little lady knows just how close she came to being an ex bug." She laughed, and gave her partner a pat on the stomach. "That was quite a stop."

"Mmm." Xena agreed. "Maybe someday I won't even have to think about it anymore." She paused, and stared off into the distance. "Think about hurting things."

Gabrielle just hugged her in answer, and smiled.

They got back down to the village with a short time to spare before they had to leave for the ceremony, and found they'd been left clothing and some brief instructions.

"You know you don’t have to.." Gabrielle started, as she tied the belt on the white garment she’d been given.

Xena covered her mouth with one hand. "I’ve got a temporary reprieve here, Gabrielle. I"d like to actually enjoy this thing, instead of just endure it, ok?" She released the bard and adjusted her belt, giving her a little raised eyebrow look and a gentle pat.

Gabrielle rolled her eyes. "I know..I know.. " She slapped at Xena’s hands. "Cut that out." She studied her partner critically. "I like you in white." She commented, giving the fabric a twitch. Glanced up. "It suits you." And it did, contrasting nicely with Xena’s tanned skin and dark hair.

"Not really my color." The warrior snorted. "Let’s get going."

They walked up to the ceremonial cavern surrounded by laughing forest dwellers, who were showering both them, and Jessan and Elaini with various bits of forest debris, such as pinecones.

"Much more of this.." Xena growled low into Gabrielle’s ear. "And I’m gonna start an impromptu sparring session."

The bard giggled and slapped her. "Would you relax and enjoy this please?" She exchanged winks with Jessan, who was gallantly fending off pinging pinecones from Elaini’s head. Gabrielle herself walked on in perfect serenity, ignoring the occasional flicker of movement as Xena intercepted various bits of this and that with absent minded precision.

The entered the chamber accompanied by only part of the crowd, and, looking around, Gabrielle realized it must be the other lifebonds. The outer chamber was fairly large, and even had benches cut into the wall for those who stood and waited. A tall tunnel lead further back, and it was to this that Lestan headed for.

At the portal, he stopped, and looked at the four of them with a gentle smile, then let his eyes slide to his right, where Wennid was standing, with two other forest dwellers in attendance. Jessan’s mother, solemn and silent, crossed first to Elaini, and then to her son, fastening brilliantly delicate silver chains around their necks, with some kind of pendant. Must be a gift from his parents. Xena mused. Very nice.

Then Wennid was standing in front of her, and lifting her clawed hands towards Xena’s neck, with a little smile on her face. As though realizing what she was doing, she paused, and raised one furry eyebrow at the warrior for permission. Too startled to do anything, Xena gave a little nod, and the forest dweller continue her movement, fastening the necklace firmly about her neck, then stepping back, and moving to where Gabrielle was waiting, with an impish grin. .

"Normally, we don’t speak at this point." Lestan said softly. "But you do not know our customs, so I’m going to explain them." He stepped forward, and gazed at Xena. "There is symbolism in both the chains, and the pendants, my friend. The chains.. that should be obvious." He grinned, and the rest of the forest dwellers chuckled around them. "The pendants… are crafted by one of us who is specially trained to do so – they are cast from the living stone of this mountain, with it’s embedded treasures, and then split exactly in half, so that each pendant is but part of a whole, and that whole fits together perfectly."

He laid one finger on Xena’s necklace, and she glanced down at it, seeing the brilliant sparkles of fire and ice captured in the small circle of crystal, fitted in a dully gleaming hammered setting. "Each one is unique." He smiled at Xena, and now, for the first time, she spotted his own necklace, hidden in the fur which covered his wide neck.

"There are two forks in the tunnel." His eyes turned that way. " They lead to two chambers… and in those chambers you will find.. what you will find. " His smile went gentle. "We have no rules for this… each time it’s different." He stepped back out of the way. "Take what time you need. Feel the spirit of that place, and let it live through you."

Then there was silence, and Xena caught Jessan’s eye, and gave him a jerk of her chin. He nodded, and headed first into the tunnel, his hand intertwined with Elaini’s.

Blue eyes met green, and then Xena found herself walking after them, her body numb except for the warmth of Gabrielle’s palm in hers. She felt.. very strange.. and wondered if it was the surroundings, or the thought of what she was doing, or even the residual effects of her concussion. They reached the fork, and Elaini and Jessan went up the right hand one, leaving them the left-hand passage. It was dark, but the floor was regular, and they had no problem negotiating.

A blind end, then they turned a corner, and entered the chamber.

And just stood, in awe.

Xena could hardly breathe, it was so beautiful. Crystal indeed, the cavern walls were studded with them, in all the colors she could imagine, embedded in a cloudy pale surface that she supposed was salt. Above, an opening let in the sun, and as the clouds over head cleared, the brilliant light poured in the opening, and lit them both in a sea of reflected color.

"Gods." Xena breathed, feeling the light hit her in almost a physical sensation of weightiness. She turned to see Gabrielle’s reaction, and stopped, transfixed by the sight of the bard, standing with eyes closed, breathing in the sunlight with the gentlest, most beautiful smile. The rays burnished her skin to golden hue, and brought out every highlight in her fair hair.

Gabrielle let her eyes drift back open, and sighed in pleasure, turning her head slightly and seeing Xena watching her. She let her gaze travel over the chamber, then came back and looked intently at her partner’s face. A roomful of crystals, and not one of them can match her eyes. The thought rolled lazily through her head. "It’s beautiful."

Xena nodded quietly. "Yes, you are." And smiled as the pink blush darkened her fair skin. They both looked down. Then Xena glanced over towards the other side of the chamber, where a small pool was tinkling, reflecting the sun even more brightly than the walls did. By silent accord, they walked over to it, and Xena knelt down, and touched her fingers to the sparkling surface, then brought them to her lips. "Sweet." She commented, surprised.

Gabrielle kneeled down, and was about to taste some, when Xena put a hand on her arm. "Thirsty?" The bard nodded.

The warrior cupped her hands, and scooped up a glittering handful, then held it up to Gabrielle’s mouth, smiling at the feel of the bard’s lips against her fingers.

"Thanks." Gabrielle grinned when she finished. "You next." She dipped her cupped hands into the water, and raised them up.

That finished, they both stood, and moved to the center of the cavern, and Xena found, somehow that their hands were linked tightly, and they were standing, gazing into each other’s eyes with a soul felt intensity.

"I had.. " Gabrielle smiled shyly. "This little speech prepared.. but.. um… " She bit her lip. "I can’t remember any of it."

Xena took a deep breath, and just let the past slip away, and concentrated on the present. "I.. never got that far.. I’ve been trying to figure out what to say.. and… " She let the words trail off, giving the bard a little, helpless smile. "Uh… "

Gabrielle laughed softly. "You’re really cute when you’re flustered, did you know that?"

"You’re not helping." But that came with a smile. "I’m not.. really good at this sort of thing."

The bard sighed. "I should be, right?" She looked down briefly, then back up. "You know.. when I started this all off.. I had no idea where I’d end up."

"Not what you expected, huh?" Xena asked, softly.

Gabrielle considered this for a minute. "Surpassed my wildest expectations, really." She smiled. "Look..I know.. we’ve had our ups and downs. And I know.. we hurt each other sometimes." Her voice dropped. "But.. I’d rather.. go through that pain.. then live with the knowledge that I.. don’t mean anything to anyone." She paused. "Because it wouldn’t hurt if I didn’t care. And I"d rather care."

Xena rubbed the bard’s hands in her own. "Was a time I would have disagreed with you." She admitted. "I blocked people out for so long, I didn’t think I was capable of caring for anyone anymore." She gave the bard a wistful grin. "Then I found out just how wrong I was." Her eyes twinkled solemnly. "Now.. I think you’re stuck with me."

Gabrielle nodded, and took a breath. "That’s a really good thing." She looked up. "I very much want to be stuck with you." A pause. "Because I want us to spend the rest of our lives together."

Xena’s face went still, and she gave a little nod. "I want that too." She rested her arms on the bard’s shoulders. "You’re a part of me, Gabrielle. The best part. And I’ll do the best I can to take care of you."

That got a smile. "And I"ll do my best to take care of you" She touched Xena’s cheek. "Because there are parts of you that need that."

‘Yes, there are.." Xena answered honestly. "It's a tough job you’re taking on." Her eyes met the bards in a direct and open look. "Most people wouldn't touch it."

"Labor of love." Came the confident answer. "And I'm not most people." She closed her eyes, then opened them and looked Xena right in the eye. "Sure you want some half wit bard wanna be hanging around you all the time?"

Xena answered that with a kiss, lazily aware of the deep warmth from the sunlight pouring down on them. She took a breath, and watched the light elicit deep emerald highlights in Gabrielle’s eyes. "I couldn’t live without you."

Meaning that in every sense of the words, and Gabrielle knew it. Felt it glide all the way down into her heart and settle there, snuggling up with a warm contented glow. She let her body follow suit. "I love you. I always have. I always will."

"Forever." Came the quiet response, rich with conviction. "Beyond knowledge, beyond understanding, beyond death." Xena had just… decided. To Hades with the past, with what she'd been, who she was… the only thing that counted, that mattered, was that they loved each other. And she wasn’t ever going to let that go. She let out a deep breath, and felt her spirit soar into places beyond her understanding.

And that, Gabrielle realized, was a promise she'd never hoped to hear. Tears slid down her face, neatly absorbed by the clean white fabric her face was nestled against. Thank you.. she whispdered to whoever was listening.

They floated in each other's arms for a legnth of time, then Xena peacefully let her eyes drift open and regarded her partner. "You ready to head home?"

"Mm hmm." The bard replied, in a very muffled tone, barely opening her own eyes.

Xena chuckled gently.. "Did you want to stay for the party, or… "

Gabrielle nestled closer and let her eyes shut again. "You want an honest answer?"

Got a chuckle back. "Thought so." She replied. "I told Lestan we’d probably be leaving right after."

"Was he mad?" The bard inquired, finding a gap in the front of Xena’s shirt and nibbling her bare skin.

"Nope. He said he understood completely." The warrior answered, concentrating on the tickling sensation on her chest. "I like that."

"Really?" Gabrielle nibbled lower, pulling the soft cloth aside with her teeth.

"Uh huh." Xena stroked the side of her face, and wrapped a lock of the bard’s fair hair around her long fingers. "Shall we go say goodbye?"

She felt Gabrielle sigh, the breath warm on her skin. "I know.. they’re really good friends, Xena.. and I like visiting them.. but it’s been a long week. I think my nerves are shot, a little." Especially after this morning. Gods.. "I just want to find some nice secluded spot and watch the sun go down with you. Is that OK?"

"More than OK, my bard." Xena chuckled. "Let’s go."

"Wait." Gabrielle lifted a hand, and picked up the necklace lying in the hollow of her partner’s throat, then lifted hers, and slid them both together. She smiled. "Perfect fit." And looked up, to meet quiet blue eyes. "Like us?"

Are we? My silence and your voice, your sunlight and my shadows, your strengths are my weaknesses, and my strengths keep you whole… damn, Gabrielle, maybe we are. Maybe I found the part of me I've been missing all my life.

"Just like us." The warrior answered, laying her fingertips over Gabrielle’s on the joined pendants, and looked up, startled, as an errant ray of sunshine flickered through the opening above and caught them, making the crystal flare with brilliance in their hands.

After a moment, it faded, but Xena could swear she felt a residual warmth in the stone. They looked at each other in silence, then both let out held breaths simultaneously.

"Wow." Gabrielle released a surprised laugh.

"Yeah.’ Xena agreed, for once dispensing with her cynical attitude, and letting blue eyes widen in wonder.

They turned and walked down the dark tunnel, emerging into a party. Lestan bounced up from his bench, and enveloped them in exuberant hugs, which Gabrielle enjoyed and Xena endured. "Thanks.. Lestan." The warrior smiled, and gave him a clout on the good shoulder.

"You two taking off?" The forest dweller crinkled his snout in a devilish grin, winking when Xena gave a nod in the affirmative.

Xena turned as a familiar hand touched her shoulder, and found herself swallowed up by Jessan’s huge arms. He lifted her up, and gave her a good squeeze, and set her down, not seeing the wicked twinkle in her eyes. "I love doing that." He whispered in her ear.

"Really?" Xena asked, sliding her arms around him to return the hug.

"Yeah." Jessan smirked. "Cause I can get away with it."

"What a coincidence." The warrior remarked. "I love it too." And she let her arms close in a powerful grip, and straightened her body, lifting him off his feet and into the air.

"Awk!" He gurgled, eyes bugging out of his head. "Xena!!" As the giggles rose around him, and she bounced him a few times, then let him down. He rested his arms on her shoulders and looked her in the eye. "I guess I deserved that."

She gazed at him fondly, and patted his side. "Thanks for being a good friend, Jess."

He lowered his head until he was close to her ear. "Good to see you whole, my friend."

"Thanks." She replied, with a smile. "Good to be that way." She glanced at Elaini, who was hugging Gabrielle. "Congratulations, by the way."

Jessan followed her glance and blushed, then grinned. "If I have a daughter, you know what I’m going to name her, right?"

"Aw.. Jessan.. " Xena sighed. "Is that fair to the kid?"

The forest dweller studied her face intently. "To be named after the most noble and courageous person I’ve ever known? Yes. I think that’s fair." He smiled. "Oh.. look. I made you blush." Gotcha! His mind laughed.. Oh.. I do like you, Xena. Wish you were sticking around. "You know.. you both always have a home with us, right? That adoption thing wasn’t for show."

"I know." The warrior rubbed his arm lightly. "Besides.. uh… " She wiped a smile off her face with effort. "I kind of… told Secan’s group if they ever so much as picked a flower on your land I’d umm… " She shrugged a touch sheepishly. "wipe them out."

Jessan blinked at her. "You did?" He turned. "Hey dad, did you hear this?"

Lestan wound an arm around his son’s broad shoulders. "What?"

Jessan told him. Lestan stared at Xena in fascination. "Did you really?"

Xena crossed her arms over her chest. "Well.. yeah. I did." By this time Gabrielle had joined them, and was glancing between her partner and the two forest dwellers.

Lestan let out a low whistle. "You forgot to mention that, Xena."

The warrior shrugged. "No big deal, Lestan. I do it all the time. Gabrielle keeps track of the thr… why are you looking at me like that?"

Silence had fallen over the room, and they were being watched by a crowd of interested forest dwellers. Gabrielle scanned the faces.. saw intrigue and some curious excitement, but nothing else.

Lestan knelt, and took Xena’s hand, and pressed his lips to it, startling the daylights out of both warrior and bard. "What are you doing?" Xena demanded, in a low voice.

"You championed the sprit of my clan, Xena." Lestan answered, with a sparkle in his eyes. "And until you renounce that, you lead us." His face crinkled into a smile, showing his fangs. "Do you back down from that?"

Xena looked at him, and slowly, a feral grin shaped her lips. "I never back down, Lestan." She tapped him on the nose. "But I am NOT staying here. That’s your job."

Gabrielle had been watching this exchange in delight. "Hey.. you guys like to party?"

"Don’t start." Xena warned her, but her lips were twitching.

"Party?" Wennid asked, laying an arm over Gabrielle’s shoulder.

"Yeah." Gabrielle’s smile grew positively demonic. "What are you doing around Winter Solstice?"

"GABRIELLE." Xena gave her a severe, almost top of the scale look.

"I think we’re free." Wennid responded blithely. "Right Lesti?"

He nodded, and rose. "Sure."

Xena sighed. "My mother’s gonna kill us, Gabrielle." She gave the bard a plaintive look.

Gabrielle shook her head. "Nah. She’ll love it." She turned to Wennid. "You guys wanted to meet the Amazons anyway, right?"

"Amazons? How cool is that!" Jessan chuckled,. "We’ll be there."

Hugs all round then, and they trooped down the hill to gather their gear, and saddle a very smug looking Argo. Gabrielle left Xena muttering to her horse, and went back in to collect Ares, and a few last things. The wolf was laying possessively on top of Xena’s bedroll, front paws clasped around the fabric, and his chin resting on top.

"Come on, Ares. Time to go." Gabrielle grinned, and patted her leg. The wolf stood and stretched, arching his back and yawning. "You know, you look just like your mom when you do that." She commented with a chuckle, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

Ares obligingly closed his half-grown jaws around the fastening of the bedroll, and proceeded to try and drag it outside with her, stumbling over it every few steps. "MFWRO." He complained, with a puppy sigh.

Gabrielle giggled, and took pity on him. "Here.. give me that." She removed the bedroll from his jaws, and watched, amused as he poked his tongue out a few times. "Yeah, that fur gets between your teeth, doesn’t it." Then blushed as she realized what she’d said. "Gods. Glad no one heard that."

She walked outside, and saw Xena crouched down, speaking with Tody. She smiled, watching her partner. Saw the boy reach out tentatively and touch her face, as he had her own. Then Xena hugged him, and stood up, giving her a nod. "Ready?" She glanced down. "You ready too, Ares?"

"Roo." The wolf stated, trotting over to her and leaping up against her legs. "Grrr.."

"Yeah, Roo to you too." Xena lifted the animal, and stuffed him in his sack on Argo’s withers. "You’re getting too big for this, boy. You start walking soon." With a grin, she vaulted up into the saddle, and extended an arm to her partner. "Ride while we can."

Gabrielle stopped in mid motion, and cocked her head. "Did you… " She glanced at the horse’s complacent expression. "You did." She chuckled and grabbed hold, swinging her leg over Argo’s hindquarters and settling into a comfortable spot snuggled up behind Xena. "It’s going to be quite a winter." She wrapped her arms around the warrior’s waist and let out a sigh, glad Xena’s heavy cloak was between her and the armor plates. As Argo moved off, she felt her mind starting to drift pleasantly.

"Hey Xena?" She asked, leaning forward and feeling the warmth of her partner’s back through the cloak.

"Yeah?" The warrior answered, half turning to look at her.

"So.. you’re the leader of the clan, huh?" The bard queried, hiding a grin.

Xena sighed. "Don’t get started on that, OK? I shoulda known better."

"Uh huh." Gabrielle mused, with a sniff. "So.. you are their champion then, right?"

Xena gave her a glance. "I guess.. yeah."

The bard snuggled closer. "You’re the Amazon’s champion too, remember."

Xena chuckled. "How could I forget that, Gabrielle?"

"Hope we never get in a war with each other." The bard giggled. "You’d have to fight yourself."

Dead silence from the warrior, then they both started laughing, and the sounds of trailing merriment followed them down the tree-shaded path, towards the hills.


 This be the end, folks. Thanks for a taking the journey with me…

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