For Better or Worse

By Enginerd

See For Better or Worse (Part 1) for the complete disclaimer statement and other notes from the author.


Chapter 22 - The Rehearsal

"Finally got one to agree to have a Traditional Wedding, aye?"  The

priest smiled to Sarah's father, who nodded as he escorted him and

Meleager's father and brother to the Grand Hall for the rehearsal.  

"Good for you...too many young people are ignoring the traditions," 

Meleager's father relayed with appreciation.

"Sarah has done well for herself," Meleager's brother, Willis, noted

to Sarah's father, appreciating the castle's rich interior.  Sarah's

father nodded and escorted Meleager's family to the side to watch. 

"Guess you are pretty proud to have a daughter of your's become a

Queen," Willis added with a smile, noting the fine Athenian marble of

the altar.

"I'm proud of all my children,"  Sarah's father stated simply, making

the Priest nod and smile.

Meleager and Xena came in and stood on the side of the altar.  As

Meleager smiled at his father and brother, Xena looked around the

large room and yawned.  The work on the wedding dress with

Gabrielle's mother was catching up to her.  They had worked on the

dress through most of the night and just finished up before the

rehearsal.  If she never saw another bead, it would be too soon.

"What do we do?"  Xena asked through another yawn, watching the

musicians set up. 

"I don't KNOW.  I've never BEEN through one of these before," he

snapped, then felt a cold gaze burrowing through him. 

"Sorry...I'm just nervous," he blurted awkwardly.

"Meleager, this is only a rehearsal...this is a GOOD thing,"  Xena

informed him.

When the musicians were finally set up, Meleager noticed Sarah's

mother go over to discuss something with them.  Meleager found

Sarah's mother a natural when it came to bossing others...which

worried him more and more as he found more and more similarities

between Sarah and her mother.  

Xena watched the woman, impressed she showed no signs of fatigue

considering the incredible amount of work she had done to get this

wedding back on track.  

When the music started to play, Lila came down the center of the

aisle with a basket on her arms, looking annoyed as she pretended to

spread petals on the path to the altar.      

"Lila dear, you're supposed to step WITH the music...step and step

and step," her mother blurted out, embarrassing the young woman, who

finally got back in step.  "Very GOOD dear," her mother encouraged


Meleager and Xena grinned with amusement.  Lila stopped in front of

the warriors, gave them a cold warning glare and moved to other the

side of the altar to await her sisters.

Gabrielle came down the aisle with a pitcher in her hands. 

"Gabrielle dear, WHY do you have a pitcher in your hands?"  Her

mother called out to her. 

"It's my bouquet," Gabrielle responded with a shrug.

"Just don't throw it..." Lila relayed with feigned concern.  

"Lila, the BRIDE throws things not the Matron of Honor,"  Gabrielle

corrected her sister.  "However, in your case I could make an

exception."  Gabrielle called to her sister with a thin smile. 

"You can TRY Gabrielle, but I know you throw even worse than you

sew,"  Lila countered with a satisfied grin.  

Meleager and Xena looked at each other and returned their patient

gazes to the young women.

"That's probably a good thing, FLOWER GIRL, or I'D be tossing those

stupid petals,"  Gabrielle relayed, annoying her sister.

"Girls, Girls! Settle down!" their mother responded, clapping her

hands impatiently.  "Lets get back to the business at hand...shall

we?"  Their mother relayed with a glare, and motioned to the

musicians to start again.  

As the bard passed the warriors, Xena yawned again.  Gabrielle

stopped and frowned.  "Bored already?  I hate to tell you...this is

the best part," she whispered loudly.

"I'm just tired,"  Xena admitted through another yawn.   

"Too bad.  Did I mention I'm feeling much MUCH better?"  Gabrielle

relayed nonchalantly.  Suddenly the Warrior Princess felt more alert

for some reason.  

Meleager stared at his feet and tried to ignore the two. 

"Gabrielle, keep it moving dear," her mother called out, motioning

to the musicians to continue playing.  

"You know, I'm not sure what to do tonight now that the dress is

done,"  Xena complained. "And you know how easily I get bored," she

added with a shrug and sigh as the sympathetic bard nodded


Meleager rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Well, I'm pretty sure we could probably find something to

do...together," a helpful Gabrielle relayed confidently.

"GABRIELLE!!"  Her mother barked, making the bard grimace and

reluctantly leave her grinning warrior to continue to join her sister

on the other side of the altar. 

Finally, Sarah appeared at the end of the aisle and was ready for her

big entrance.  The musicians started to play and Sarah began her

march down the aisle, in step with the music...the WRONG music.  

"WAIT!" Her mother blurted and rushed over to the musicians to

discuss their mistake.  Gabrielle handed her pitcher to Lila and

joined her mother when she seemed to be taking a long time. 

" are supposed to play the Poteidaian Entrance Hymn...the

Traditional hymn when the bride comes down the aisle," the woman once

again informed the musicians, her polite smile fading quickly. 

"Ma'am that is not what we were contracted for...but if you want the

Poteidaian Entrance Hymn, we can play the Poteidaian Entrance

Hymn," he relayed, making the woman smile broadly.  "...but it will

cost you 300 more dinars,"  He added bluntly.

"WHAT!"  The woman snapped.  Meleager and Xena looked at each other

then back at the bard's mother.

"Look Lady, as I see it you're damn LUCKY you got a Poteidaian group

on such short notice.  Now, if you now want that Entrance Hymn, it

will cost you 300 dinars...." 


"You are not a musician...You're a THIEF!!!"

"Fine Lady," he blurted as he started to pack up his sheet music with

the other musicians. "You can take your Traditional Wedding and


"Please...Wait a minute...please..."  Gabrielle interjected with a

friendly smile.  "We are all under a lot of pressure here," 

Gabrielle admitted to the lead musician.  "Are you married?"  The

bard asked, surprising her mother and the musician.  

The musician nodded suspiciously.  "Well then, you really DO know

what kind of pressure a wedding is,"  Gabrielle relayed wearily.  The

musician shrugged with a knowing nod.  Gabrielle's mother quietly

watched her daughter, who sighed dramatically.   

"Nothing has gone right.  First...the dress maker died..."  Gabrielle

spoke gravely, shaking her head sadly.

"Oh gods....really?"  The lead musician blurted in shock. 

Gabrielle's mother was also in shock at this amazing tale of woe her

daughter was telling.  When the musician looked at her, she just

nodded, considering, after all, the dress maker DID die.

"And then, the kitchen staff just upped and QUIT!"  Gabrielle blurted

with an innocent shrug. 

"No food?"  He asked, looking at his concerned fellow musicians.  

"Oh we have food, but we had to find last minute help...and they

didn't even know you needed NUTS in nutbread!"  Gabrielle relayed to

the amazed musician.

"But you've GOT to have nuts," he repeated incredulously.  Gabrielle

nodded knowingly.  

Watching how her daughter so blatantly manipulated the truth amazed

the older woman.  She was so proud.

Meleager and Xena eyed each other then back at the musicians

considering they were woefully out matched in this encounter.

"Now," Gabrielle sighed wearily.  "No Poteidaian Entrance Hymn..." 

Gabrielle whimpered.  "Sarah will be crushed," Gabrielle relayed to

her mother who, inspired by her daughter, put her protective arm

around Gabrielle.    

"I know dear...It's just too bad," the older woman sighed patting her

daughter on the shoulder.  "But Sarah is strong...She survived the

loss of her first husband and only child, and an attempted takeover

of her kingdom...she'll survive this," the woman and her daughter

took deep breaths.  

"It will be easier if we both tell her there will be NO music," 

Gabrielle's mother relayed, surprising her daughter with that risky

position.  As they turned to walk towards the impatient and curious

bride-to-be, the musicians nervously looked at each other.

"Wait a minute," the lead musician blurted uneasily.  "Uh...there's

always room to negotiate," he offered.  Gabrielle and her mother

stopped and looked at each other with satisfied grins.  

Finally, hearing music again...the correct music, Sarah started down

the aisle.  All eyes were on Sarah, except for Xena's.  She was busy

enjoying Gabrielle's smile.

With the entrances finished, the priest looked down on the small

group.  "First, I must say I am very pleased you decided to carry on

the Tradition," he smiled warmly at the couple.  "...and it is not

often I get a chance to have a Traditional Wedding outside of

Poteidaia," he added.  "In fact, I've never...."  

"Father...please?"  Sarah blurted impatiently.  

"Oh yes...sorry," the priest relayed with a cough, then proceeded to

run through the steps.  

"After the bride arrives, I will lead the welcome prayer.  Once the

prayer is over the guests will be seated. Then I'll ask for the

Traditional items.  Who is standing with Meleager?" the priest asked,

looking at Meleager and his family curiously.

"Xena,"  Meleager blurted to the yawning Warrior Princess.


"He asked who was standing with me,"  Meleager informed her.

"Oh,"  Xena relayed, looking around at all the eyes uncomfortably on

her.  "Guess that's me," she looked up at the priest with a polite


"Well...uh...Xena...I will discuss the meaning of each of the

Traditional items and then ask that you retrieve each one after I

discuss it...the Furry Wegget egg will be first," he relayed as the

Warrior Princess' eyes rolled.  

"After retrieving the egg from Meleager's father, you'll hand it to

me and I'll place it right here," he added, pointing to a spot on the


"Then I will discuss the Red Orchid of love...You'll go retrieve the

Orchid from Willis," he looked at Xena, who nodded with a sigh. 

"...give it to me and I'll place next to the egg."  

"Then I will ask Meleager to recite his wedding poem to Sarah...then

I'll pronounce them man and wife..."  The priest smiled at the couple

who looked at each other with happy smiles.  

A smiling Warrior Princess looked over to her bard.  Xena's smile

faded when she noticed the sadness in Gabrielle's eyes as the bard

watched her sister and Meleager.  Witnessing the evaporation of the

warrior's smile, the bard's parents looked at each other.

"Now...doesn't that sound easy?"  The priest announced happily.


Chapter 23 - The Last Supper

At the dinner table, the diners happily chatted as the food was being

served.  Xena was content to just quietly watch.  On her immediate

right, at the end of the table as dictated by Tradition, sat the

Poteidaian Matriarch.  She was engaged in an animated discussion with

her husband and Meleager's father, which Xena found eerily similar to

the animated discussion on her left lead by Gabrielle.  

Willis and Meleager struggled unsuccessfully to keep up with the

sisters in their conversation, the Warrior Princess noted with a

grin.  As she watched Gabrielle enjoy talking with her sisters, 

Gabrielle quickly looked at her with a happy smile without missing a

beat in the conversation.  It was amazing how that smile made her

heart beat faster, the warrior mused as she gazed at her bard's

profile with great appreciation.  

"You were a big help with the dress Xena, thank you," Gabrielle's

mother quietly spoke, interrupting Xena's bard gazing.  Xena nodded,

feeling oddly self-conscious.  The woman smiled warmly and returned

to chatting with her husband and Meleager's father.   

As the women served Meleager and his brother, Gabrielle looked

across the table to Sustra and Solari with a grateful smile.  

Solari sighed heavily.  Sustra winked and smiled happily at

Gabrielle, while pouring a curious Willis some wine.  As Sustra

continued to serve Meleager's family, Gabrielle's mother noticed with

amusement how intently Xena was eyeing that winking Amazon.

Leaning across the table towards Sarah, Willis whispered to his

future sister-in-law.  "Sarah, did you realize your servants look

like Amazons?"  

"Really?" Sarah relayed innocently, attempting a discrete yet closer

look at the help.  Gabrielle smiled and sipped her water. 

"They ARE Amazons," Xena flatly relayed to Willis, who's mouth


"Really?"  He asked, taking another look.  "How on Earth did you get

Amazons servants?"  

"Their Queen was nice enough to persuade them to fill in for my

normal staff," Sarah relayed and looked to Gabrielle, who's eyes

rolled as she ate a piece of nutbread.  "Rather fortunate for me that

Gabrielle is their Queen, wouldn't you say?"  Sarah added with an

amused grin.  

"You're an Amazon Queen??"  Willis looked at Gabrielle with amazement

and new, appreciative eyes.  Gabrielle raised her eyebrow at the 

comment.  "I didn't mean...I is hard to envision one so

beautiful...uh...not that Amazons aren't...,"  Willis blurted out


"Thank you...I think,"  Gabrielle smiled warmly.  Gabrielle's

mother sipped her wine, watching with amusement how Xena's eyebrows


When the Amazons came back to serve the main course, Sustra came

around and served Gabrielle.  She placed another large basket of

nutbread on the table for her appreciative Queen, who smiled up to

her.  Sustra leaned in and whispered something in Gabrielle's ear,

making the bard laugh heartily.  

Apparently something extremely humourous, the Warrior Princess noted

with a scowl.

When Sarah and Lila looked to Gabrielle for an explanation, Gabrielle

shrugged and chuckled.  "I've been reminded of a promise I've made. 

So tell me attached are you to the name of that road

going through the middle of town?  What's its name?"  Gabrielle asked

innocently.  Sarah's eyes narrowed.

"Main Street?"  Sarah relayed bluntly.  "Why?  What do you want to

name it?"  Sarah asked cautiously.

"How about 'Sustra's Way," Gabrielle informed her. "Kinda catchy

don't you think?" Gabrielle added with a grin, looking

over to the interested Amazon now serving Meleager's father.  

Gabrielle's mother refrained from chuckling when she watched the

Warrior Princess attack the helpless meat on her plate with her sharp


"That's a great name!"  Lila blurted enthusiastically, making Sustra


"If I agree, will you STOP renaming things on me?"  Sarah blurted in

exasperation.  "I don't even know where I live anymore,"  Sarah

muttered, still not ready to admit she liked Galisar better than


"Why are you renaming things?"  Willis asked, intrigued by this

Amazon Queen.

"Don't you like Sustra's Way?"  Gabrielle responded.

"Oh, no...I mean...yes, I like it very much.  I'm sure any other

names YOU come up with will be just as interesting,"  Willis added

with enthusiasm, making Meleager's eyes roll and Gabrielle's sisters

grin and shake their heads.  "I'm just curious...why,"  Willis

added and gazed upon the bard with a smile. 

"It's a long story,"  Gabrielle answered politely with a wave of her

hand to dissuade further interest.  Sipping her water, she

nonchalantly looked over to Xena, who was boring holes into the table

with her intense gaze.

"But I thought bards like to tell long stories...I'd love to hear you

tell me one, or two, or..."  Willis suggested playfully with a grin

which faded when the Warrior Princess' unamused gaze now focused on

him.  "Or not..."  Willis wisely added, nervously clearing his


Sarah and Lila looked upon Willis sadly, having found him a rather

pleasant fellow.  Meleager sighed, considering he probably should

have warned his brother, then grinned.

The Poteidaian Matriarch looked to her husband, who smiled warmly and


"Well now, now that we are finishing up dinner," the matriarch stood

at her table to the relief of the diners, especially Willis.    

"I would like to take this time to express my personal thanks to the

Amazons for helping us out at the LAST moment," she relayed, eyeing

Sarah, who rolled her eyes, expecting her mother to get around to

saying 'I told you so.'

Solari nodded and sighed heavily, retreating back into the kitchen to

join the other Amazons.  Sustra smiled and stayed put, enjoying

herself too much to miss anything.

"It was wonderful that Meleager's father and brother were able to

join us for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner," she smiled to

Meleager's family.  Willis smiled weakly as he wiped the sweat from

his brow, trying to ignore the continued stare of the Warrior


"And thank you Father Tehrus for also coming in on such SHORT

notice," she relayed, eyeing Sarah again, who sighed.  Lila and

Gabrielle giggled.

"I am especially pleased tonight that I am able to make another

announcement," she smiled warmly down at her daughters, who looked

apprehensively at each other.  Gabrielle hoped to find a reassuring

smile from her sisters but instead found wide eyes and ignorant


"As I had done with great pleasure so many years ago for my middle

daughter Gabrielle," the Matriarch paused as Lila and Gabrielle

turned towards their mother with an queasy feeling in their stomachs.

"I am pleased to once again announce Gabrielle's Xena

of Amphipolis," the Matriarch declared happily.  

Gabrielle blinked slowly, not sure she heard correctly.

Xena's cold glaring of Willis was interrupted as her gaze shifted to

the grinning Poteidaian Matriarch.  The diners maintained a nervous

silence, except for the sound of silverware dropping on the dinner


Sustra grinned, considering this well worth the trouble of being

kitchen help.

"MOTHER!"  Gabrielle cried in disbelief as she angrily bolted up from

her chair.  "You had NO right THEN and you have NO RIGHT NOW!  I

can't BELIEVE you!!"  Gabrielle looked at the still shocked Warrior

Princess.  Feeling embarrassed, horrified and really really angry,

the bard quickly stormed off.

As the initial shock wore off, Xena looked at the woman with

narrowing eyes.  It was quiet clear to the Warrior Princess where the

bard got her devious trait from.  

"You'd better go after her Xena, or she might get the idea you don't

want to marry her," the bard's mother relayed innocently.

Slowly standing up, she gazed over the stunned group.  

"Gods Xena, she's probably made it to AMAZONIA by now!"  Lila

finally blurted, rolling her eyes.

"What ARE you waiting for?"  Sarah questioned indignantly.      

"GO for Artemis' sake!!"  Sustra yelled at her.

Xena looked at Gabrielle's father.  He smiled and nodded.

She returned her gaze to the older woman.  "You are a formidable

woman Hecuba,"  Xena admitted cooly to the satisfied Poteidaian


Sarah, Lila and Meleager nodded knowingly. 

A slight grin emerged on the warrior's face before leaving to find

her bard. 


Chapter 24 - Why?

Staring out over her balcony at the garden below, Gabrielle's

emotions were in turmoil.  How could her mother DO such a thing, she

asked herself angrily.  She felt like crying but she was just too


"Why do I want to cry?"  She silently asked herself, though she knew

the answer.  It was because her mother knew.  She knew how much

Gabrielle loved Xena and how much she wanted.... "No!"  Gabrielle


Gabrielle sighed again.  She had no RIGHT to want so much.  Just like

her mother had no right to make that embarrassing announcement, she

thought angrily.  "GODS", Gabrielle blurted angrily.  What WAS her

mother trying to prove?  She wondered.

Xena loved her and she didn't need a ceremony to prove that to her. 

Life with Xena was WONDERFUL!  Gabrielle considered, then sighed. 

Wonderful, except in public, when the bard had to restrain herself

from those things that came so naturally to her...a casual

touch...holding hands...hugging.  That was so very hard, she

considered as her eyes moistened.  But that was the way things were. 

The bard would have to accept that, and she would, for her warrior. 

Her warrior, who she now felt standing near. 

"Tell me Xena, will you think any less of me if I kill her?" 

Gabrielle asked nonchalantly as she stopped her pacing and wiped the

tears from her eyes.  She still stared out at the garden below, not

ready to face her warrior yet.

Xena quietly stepped behind her and slid her arm around the bard's

waist, pulling her close.  Gabrielle struggled to contain her tears

but failed miserably and started to sob, startling the Warrior


"Gabrielle?"  Xena asked with concern.

"I'"  Gabrielle blurted between sobs as she

turned and buried her face in the Warrior Princess' chest and

continued to cry.

"For what?"  Xena asked.

"Every...thing!!"  Gabrielle cried, her answer muffled by her sobs

into warrior's chest.  

"You know," Xena uttered softly as she gently stroked the bard's

head, which seemed to calm the bard.  "I kind of hoped you would be

HAPPY to marry me,"  Xena relayed with a grin.

"That's not funny!"  Gabrielle snapped angrily, pulling back.

"I'm not laughing,"  Xena responded.  

"Xena, she is NOT going to force or guilt us into marriage," 

Gabrielle started to pace again as the Warrior watched.  "You

shouldn't do something you don't want to do just because you think it

will make MY parents happy." 

"Will it make you happy?"  Xena asked softly.

"Huh?"  The bard stopped her pacing.  "Xena, I'm not ABOUT to make

you do something you don't want to you just to please someone


"Gabrielle, where do you keep getting the idea that I don't want to

marry you?"  Xena countered with a little frustration.

"Huh??...Xena, you don't want public displays of ..."  Gabrielle

blurted with annoyance.

"I was wrong about that.  I was trying to protect you,"  Xena

admitted.  "Now I realize, you're going to get into trouble no matter

what I do,"  Xena responded dryly.  Gabrielle stared blankly at her. 

"I wasn't being fair to you...or us,"  Xena offered.

Gabrielle looked up at the starry sky and let out an angry groan. 

"Oh I get it...this is just a dream...well, nightmare.  Yeah...that

WOULD explain a lot,"  Gabrielle blurted, lifting her hands to

cover her tear stained face.  "Challenges, dead dress makers, you

admitting you're wrong...," she muttered into her hands.

Gabrielle dropped her hands from her face and looked back to the

Warrior Princess, who now held out a single red orchid with satisfied

grin, which faded when the bard started to chuckle. 

"And, OF COURSE! The Red Orchid of Love, yep...definitely a dream," 

Gabrielle sighed in defeat, rubbing her temples as she left the


"Gabrielle??"  Xena called out in confusion, finding herself alone on

the balcony.  She looked down at the orchid in her hand then back

towards the room with a furrowed brow.

"Gabrielle!"  Xena blurted with annoyance as she entered the bedroom.

The bard sat on the end of the bed and started to take her boots off

with a sigh.

"Yes Xena,"  Gabrielle exhaled wearily as she took her second boot

off.  Xena rolled her eyes, amazed at how bad this going.  She knelt

down to face the bard, determined to have her undivided attention.

"Gabrielle, this is NOT a dream, or a nightmare,"  Xena blurted with


"Here," Xena held out the flower forcefully.  "Would you take the

damn flower?" 

A surprised Gabrielle looked down at the flower then into her

warrior's intense blue eyes for a long moment.  When she finally 

took the flower from her warrior, a shy smile emerged on the bard's

embarrassed face.  A relieved smile emerged on Xena's face and they

chuckled.  After the chuckles subsided, Xena's face grew serious. 

"Would you marry me Gabrielle?"  Xena asked softly.

"I don't understand," the flustered bard responded.

"It was a 'yes' or 'yes' question Gabrielle," Xena answered with a

grin, which disappeared.  She realized Gabrielle was going to wait

patiently for an answer. 

Xena sighed and thought a moment before responding.  "We belong

together," Xena answered confidently.

"We ARE together," Gabrielle countered softly.  Xena's eyebrow raised

as she realized with a sigh that, as with everything else, Gabrielle

was going to make this difficult.  

"Well dear, our eldest is going to be married tomorrow," Sarah's

mother relayed, patted her husband's arm as they strolled arm in arm

through the garden.  She looked up at the stars and smiled.

"Yes dear," her husband relayed with a nod.

"And Gabrielle will be next," she grinned.  He looked at his wife.

"Seems so," he smiled.

"You're idea was...inspired dear," she squeezed his arm


"It was in the execution dear, masterfully done," he lifted her hand

to his lips and kissed it gently.  She was amazed how, after all

these years, his touch could affect her so deeply.

"Now all we have left is Lila," she sighed.  "You know, Willis isn't

a bad looking fellow,"  

He looked at his wife and sighed.  "If you say so dear."

"Oh, well, I'm sure there is someone out there for her," she relayed

optimistically, smiling.

"Yes dear," he grinned.

Xena broke her kiss from the bard to catch her breath before engaging

more discussion, on the bed.  

"You know, you promised you weren't going to do this again,"  

Gabrielle relayed as a matter of record as Xena swept her up in her


"I never promised,"  Xena reminded her of that technicality and laid

her bard on the bed.  She proceeded to silence her mildly protesting

bard with a kiss as she deftly removed her bracers.

"You agreed," the bard relayed, helping the Warrior Princess remove

her armor between kisses.  "Not to try..."  Gabrielle continued

as Xena started to crawl into bed.  

"...would you PLEASE remove your boots?"  Gabrielle blurted with

annoyance.  Xena sighed with exasperation, quickly took her boots off

and rejoined the bard on the bed.

"Where were we?"  Xena relayed mischievously, lifting the bard's

tunic over her head, flinging it to the floor and recapturing her

mouth in one swift motion.  Breaking the kiss to take her leathers

off, she grinned as Gabrielle dutifully helped. 

"You SAID you wouldn't try to manipulate me this way again,"

Gabrielle reminded her, then smiled when the Warrior Princess tossed

her leathers to the floor next to the bard's tunic.  

"You think I'm trying to use this..." Xena questioned her bard

innocently as she gently traced her fingers over the bard's neck down

to her firm breasts.  "Or this..."  Xena replaced her fingers with a

trail of gentle kisses.  "To get you to marry me?"  She asked,

looking up from the inviting flesh.

Gabrielle gasped when Xena began to tease her responsive skin with

her warm tongue. "YeEEEsss..."   

"You mean 'yes' you think I'm trying to manipulate you or 'yes' you

will marry me?"  Xena asked innocently as she continued her attention

to the erect flesh.


"The maNIPulate part!"  Gabrielle blurted stubbornly, as the teasing

turned into gentle biting.

"Gabrielle, this is entirely different," Xena spoke in a silky voice

as she slowly slid up Gabrielle's body, stopping when she came face

to face with her love.  Gabrielle shivered from the contact of her

warrior's body pressed to her's.  

"How??"  She quickly challenged before Xena kissed her hungrily.  As

quickly as her mouth was captured, it was released.  The bard ached

for much more.

"Before, I tried to manipulate without you knowing," Xena whispered

in her ear.

"Say yes,"  Xena added, looking sincerely in the bard's eyes.  

Gabrielle slid her hand behind the warrior's head and tried to pull

her warrior back, not quiet done with the last kiss.  Xena resisted. 

"Say yes," Xena added, quickly brushing her lips against the bard's

eager lips.

Gabrielle moaned in frustration.  "And it's OK now because I KNOW

you're trying to manipulate me???"  She questioned.


"Exactly! Completely different," Xena grinned as she traced her

fingers over the side of her bard's face.  

"Say yes,"  Xena added, kissing the bard's cheek.

Gabrielle giggled.  "That is the most ridiculous argument I have ever


Xena sighed heavily, rolling off her bard and stared at the ceiling.

"You really don't want to get married, do you?"  She uttered with


"Xena, I DON'T want to get married..." Gabrielle spoke as she turned

to the warrior and propped herself on her arm.  Seeing the hurt

on Xena's face at the apparent admission, Gabrielle quickly

continued.  "...unless I know you really want it too."  

"Gabrielle, I do," Xena looked at her with unquestionable conviction

which melted the bard's heart.  The bard smiled as she traced her

fingers over the Warrior's face.  Xena smiled and closed her eyes,

enjoying the sensation.  Gabrielle grinned.

"You sure?"  Gabrielle asked, making the warrior open her eyes again.

"You're not just doing this for me?"

Xena eyes narrowed, hating compound questions.  "Yes, I'm sure and

NO, I'm not just doing this for you," Xena spoke firmly.  Gabrielle

grinned at the warrior's careful response. 

"Really?" The bard asked, just to be sure.


"You're really sure?"


"Xena, you know...I REALLY think we need to discuss this further..."


Part 9

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