Chapter XXIII

Diana felt a sense of purpose envelop her as she knelt in the temple and she savored the peace it brought her. Then she rose and made her way out of the temple, off the Acropolis and out of Greece.

If she had thought her trip to Greece had been bad, it was nothing compared to her journey to Berlin. She had shucked her feminine garb for something much more practical to her needs – trousers, a rough workman’s shirt and sturdy boots. The men’s clothing was less uncomfortable than it was awkward. Still, she wished for the freedom of the less constrictive clothing she was used to. She traveled at night to avoid bringing too much attention to herself, though she knew there were watchers then as well as during the day. But the night watchers never stopped her; they only tracked her progress and she was happy to let them. Diana looked at it as a chance to sharpen her stealth skills. She figured, rightly so, that they were not Nazis since they didn’t stop her, and that unless she showed herself to be a Nazi, none of these would bother her. It was on the second point that she miscalculated.

It was slow going at night, especially since the moon wanted to remain hidden by clouds, but Diana had learned to count that as a blessing. If she had difficulty seeing, then everyone else had the same difficulty seeing her. And after a week of solid travel, she was dirty enough that she blended in with everyone around her.

Twice she had had to stop and ask directions. She had been very careful not to approach those marked as soldiers and instead focused her attention on the peasants who worked the land. She’d had to awaken early on those days to reach a farmhouse just before sunset, but she felt that bit of exposure was safer than being shot at for knocking at someone’s door after curfew.

The people she had interacted with had looked at her askance when she asked flawlessly in their native tongue, but they treated her with respect, answering her questions and offering her a bit of their own meager supplies before letting her continue on her way. Few were known to travel the road at night, and no one headed to Berlin. Diana had no way of knowing she had chosen resistance fighters who sent notice of her and her activities directly to Chase.

Finally, Berlin came in to view and Diana felt a sense of triumph at being so close to her goal. Nightmare images flashed through her mind of her previous visit to this place, and for a long moment, Diana let them wash over her. She relished the pain and anger that accompanied them because she harnessed that energy and allowed them to make her stronger. Then with strength of purpose, she began her trek into the city itself.

She arrived during the day. Here it was most important to blend in, and no one traveled in the city at night. She looked around with familiar eyes, but it was... different than before. For one thing, the tang of war was less sharp. There were fewer obvious troops about though they were still certainly a presence throughout the area. But Diana found it incredibly easy to skirt them – they seemed less vigilant, almost smug and complacent in their achieved superiority.

However, she also noticed the pall that hung over the city, much more prevalent than it had been out in the countryside she had traveled through. There, people had been resigned to their lot in life, but there was also a determined air about them as well. Here, in the heart of the Nazi regime, there was nothing but resignation.

Diana looked around, and saw that the city was... dirty. Oh, nothing obviously filthy or disgusting, but not the pristine condition that she had expected either. Corners had had bits of garbage swept into them and leaves were scattered all over the steps and sidewalks. The few people she saw out and about looked tired, but they went about their business briskly.

Slowly she made her way through the city, mentally noting troop locations and watch stations. The closer Diana got to the Reichstag, the heavier the traffic became, both foot and motorized. As she watched, the Reichstag became a flurry of activity.

A car pulled up in front and a squad of black shirts ran out of the building and down the steps in two lines to form an honor guard. After a moment’s hesitation, the doors opened again, and this time, the Fuehrer walked out.

Diana blinked, recognizing Orana immediately. She quelled the urge to rush out from her hiding place. Diana fully intended to destroy Orana and live to find Chase – running headlong into a Nazi ambush was not at the top of her list for accomplishing that. She watched as the car drove off, then started to lay her plans.



"Whatcha got for me, Harry?" Chase rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and squinted at the paper the radioman thrust into her hands over his shoulder. He continued to monitor the incoming signal while Chase leaned on his shoulder to share the small reading light on his desk. It was still dark out and the lamp didn’t illuminate much but the immediate area under it.

He handed her up a second paper as the first hit the desk. Then she turned and looked at him squarely. "Are you sure about this, Harry?"

"Yes, ma’am. I double checked it, just like I always do. This is the same one who was asking questions."

"All right. Have recon pick them up. I want them brought here immediately."

Harry’s eyes widened. "You want...? Ma’am, yes MA’AM!" he barked, reading the seriousness in Chase’s eyes. Then he turned backed to his radio unit and began encoding Chase’s message.



Diana found a small hiding place near the Reichstag in the attic of an old church. It had been converted into a temple for Ares at some point but now it stood empty and neglected.

So Diana took the opportunity to hide, not wanting to leave the area just to have to track her way back into the city under the cover of night. She had heard of a rally that was to take place that night in front of the Reichstag and knew it would be the easiest way to slip in undetected.

Curled up in the corner, she let her thoughts turn to the woman she knew as Chase. All the information Paula had given her painted an intriguing portrait of the young woman Diana had only just been able to talk to briefly before her departure from Paradise Island. She looked forward to finding out how accurate Paula’s information was. She had the feeling that there was much more than met the eye, or the paper, when it came to Annabelle Chaser.

Night fell and with it came the increased sounds of the populace being herded into the square in front of the Reichstag. Waitaminute...being herded?? Diana looked out the slats in the small attic window to the street below. Her ears hadn’t deceived her – while some of the people seemed genuinely excited about the coming party rally, the remainder of them seemed resigned to it.

Diana wondered what Orana was doing so wrong that even as the victor of the war, the people were still unhappy. Then she turned her attention to getting into the Reichstag. She knew she would need every bit of time she had to get through the crowd and into the building.

She snuck down the stairs and into the street, unaware of the eyes tracking her progress.

Diana had marked her prey carefully. She needed to be someone of significant enough rank to have a bit of freedom inside the building, but low enough not to draw attention to herself. It had taken a bit of doing, but she had found a black-shirt lieutenant who would suit her purposes admirably. He was even the right size.

Slowly she tracked around the perimeter of the gathering, noting that those who were enthusiastic about being here had been interspersed among those who weren’t until it gave the impression that they were all glad to be there.

Then Orana stepped out onto the second floor balcony and a cry arose. From where she stood, Diana could tell some were cheers of victory while others were screams of frustration and defeat. But regardless of the reason behind it, there was a raucous cacophony of noise that echoed across the square and out into the stillness of the night. It was a perfect cover for Diana to take out her target and strip him of his uniform.

The watching eyes blinked in astonishment – the Nazi had been disabled, stripped and bound in just under two minutes. Of course, it was then that they realized their mysterious visitor was a woman. But they had their orders, and they moved in to carry them out.

The female watcher split from her cohort and snapped the officer’s neck first thing. Then he was unbound and his body was carefully hidden. Whatever Diana’s personal beliefs in regards to the sanctity of life, the fact was the rebellion had its own code. And that included the annihilation of the enemy at every given opportunity... especially here.

The second watcher continued to follow Diana into the Reichstag, impressed by both the woman’s stealth and prowess, and almost regretting the necessity of his next action.

Most of the officers had been moved outdoors for the rally, so getting through the open areas of the Reichstag was a cake walk. Just before Diana could advance past the public areas and make her way into the private domain Orana occupied, she felt a sting to the back of her neck. She slid soundlessly to the floor. The watcher moved to her side swiftly, covering her nose and mouth with a chloroform doused handkerchief to insure that she remained unconscious for some time to come.

By the time the female watcher joined them, Diana had been bound hands and feet. Then the male watched lifted her onto his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and the trio made their way swiftly and silently out the same side door they had entered through. The cheers from the rally covered any noise they made and the watchers moved quickly back into the shadows.



"Thank you, Harry," Chase replied as she read the latest transmission. The radioman nodded and saluted.

"Any orders, ma’am?"

"Just keep me posted Harry, though the traffic should settle down once they are underway." She looked at the missive again. "And from the looks of things, that should be very soon." Chased yawned and stretched, and saw Harry struggling not to do the same. "Send them my thanks and congratulations, and then go get some sleep, Harry. You’ve had a hell of a long day."

"Yes ma’am," Harry replied and took his leave of her.

Chase looked over this dispatch once more. Something was weird about all this – something that didn’t add up at all. This intruder... this woman – she didn’t appear to be a Nazi sympathizer, her actions painted quite a different picture. But she was also not part of the resistance or the rebellion... at least not that anyone knew. Chase had checked with each of the small pocket groups once the first cell brought the interloper to her attention. No one knew anything about the woman, and now she was on her way to headquarters.

Chase leaned back in her chair and scratched her head thoughtfully. She wondered where the woman had come from and what her intent had been. It was clear just from the reports that had already come in that the woman had some sort of plan. Her movements had been too precise and deliberate to believe otherwise.

With any luck, Chase would have her answers soon. But until then, she still had work to get done. Her workday wasn’t over yet.



Diana woke up with the throbbing headache. She blinked her eyes slowly, trying to figure out where she was. There was a low throbbing hum that ran throughout the length of her body. Diana struggled to move, only to find that her hands and feet were tied. At least, she thought thankfully, her hands were tied in front of her. It could have been much worse. She tilted her head to look around and met the eyes of someone she didn’t recognize.

The woman crouched down next to the pallet she was on. Diana watched her carefully, but she didn’t move or speak. Despite her bindings, Diana did not get a feeling of menace from the woman, only curiosity.

"Would you like to sit up?" the woman asked in a quiet tone. Diana nodded and the woman grabbed her arm and eased her into a sitting position. "Better?" Diana nodded again. The woman sighed. "My name is Lynn. I, uh... I apologize for the bindings, but those were our orders. Since we don’t know anything about you or whose side you’re on...." She shrugged. "The commander will have to make the decision on when to remove them." She picked up her canteen. "Water – would you like some?"

Diana nodded and Lynn lifted the canteen to her lips. Diana drank deeply, finally pulling away before she choked. "Thanks," she whispered.

Lynn smiled. "Ah, so you do speak. Do you have a name?" Diana nodded but didn’t elaborate. Lynn smiled wryly. "You wanna share?"

Diana shook her head.

Lynn nodded. "All right. That’s your prerogative. I just thought it might be more pleasant than calling you ‘Hey, You’, but whatever. Let me tell you a little about what’s going on now. For the moment, you are a prisoner of the rebellion, and as we speak, you are on an airplane being flown to headquarters."

Diana remained quiet for a while longer, considering the words carefully. Finally, she raised her head and met Lynn’s. "Why?" whispered so low that Lynn would have missed it has she not been watching Diana so closely.

"Why what? Why are you a prisoner or why are you on an airplane headed to headquarters?" At Diana’s nod, Lynn smiled and dug into her kit, removing a chocolate bar and offering Diana a piece before taking a bite for herself.

"Well, you’re a prisoner because those were our orders – you were to be captured unharmed. You are on an airplane headed to headquarters because the commander wants to talk to you and this is the fastest way to get you there." Lynn saw the questions lurking in the back of Diana’s eyes, but she shook her head. "No, I’m not gonna tell how we did it and got away. That’s on a need to know basis and right now, you don’t qualify as need to know."

Diana shrugged then lay back down on the cot, dropping the chocolate onto her chest untasted.

"I’m sorry," Lynn started, but Diana closed her eyes, effectively cutting off the conversation. Lynn waited a while to see if Diana would change her mind, but eventually, she gave up and moved back to her seat which was slightly more comfortable than the floor she had been sitting on.

Diana kept her eyes closed. Her thoughts turned to Chase and how hindsight made her wish she had sought her out first. She had totally messed up the one opportunity she’d had to prove herself a true Amazon Princess to both her mother and the Nation. Then she grabbed her resolve by its ears and resigned herself to wait. She could still do this. Once she knew who and what she was up against, she would be able to figure out a way to fix her current situation. Until then, she might as well get as much rest as she could manage. Only the gods knew when the opportunity would come again.



Chase had fallen asleep at her desk, and Ty just looked at her for a long moment. When she was asleep, Chase looked much younger, closer to her actual age than she appeared when she was awake. The lines of responsibility softened in sleep and Ty smile as memories of their youth together assailed her. If someone had told her when they were kids growing up together that they and particularly Chase would be responsible for the entire rebellion and the resistance fighters, they would have been locked up to sober up.

Then her thoughts turned darker, remembering the person Chase had become after her mother was killed. It hadn’t been pretty and if it hadn’t been for the fact that the things she did *had* to be done, Ty would have.... Ty shook her head – she wasn’t sure she could have done anything. Frankly she believed that the rebellion was the only thing that had kept Chase alive at the time. It had given her a sense of purpose that nothing else could.

She thought about their conversation in the shower. Of all of them, she wondered how Chase would survive when the war was finally over and they all went their separate ways, because Chase was the only one who let the rebellion become her whole world. She had nothing else.

Ty shook herself from her musings and crossed the small hut to nudge Chase awake. She found herself looking down the business end of a revolver and took an instinctive step back while raising her hands to show she was unarmed.

It took Chase’s brain a moment longer to catch up with her reflexes. "Goddamn it, Ty!" she muttered, dropping the gun on the desk and scrubbing her hands through her hair and over her face. "What the hell’s wrong with you? You know better than to wake me up like that."

The sharp retort that rested on her lips died there when she saw the sheer frustration and... something unrecognizable... in Chase’s eyes. Something was bothering her – something deep. So instead of yelling back, she took a different tack.

"I know, Chase, and I’m sorry. But we got word the plane is about ten minutes out. I figured you might want a few minutes to...." She shrugged. "I dunno – pull yourself together? Who knows how long this interrogation will last, and you did say you wanted to lead it."

Chase shook her head and ran her hands through her hair again. "You’re right," she yawned. "What time is it?"

Ty yawned and stretched; she hated the midnight watch. "It’s just shy of three am. Let me let you wake up – I’ll go grab us a couple coffees from the mess and then we can set things up."

Chase nodded. "Sounds good, Ty. Have them take her to the conference room, but no funny business – none. I don’t want any teasing or taunting... or worse. I am convinced she isn’t a Nazi – her actions... well, it’s a gut feeling more than anything. I think she is on our side, but I want to be sure. Two guards in the room and two more at either door. No one else is to be in the room with her until I get there. Understood?"

Ty nodded. When Chase got a gut feeling, it was usually dead-on right. She wasn’t going to question it. "You got it boss. Be back in five."

Chase watched Ty leave, then straightened up the papers on her desk. She had been writing in her journal when she fell asleep and now her attention was caught by the words Amazons and Paradise Island. With a frustrated growl, she slammed the book shut and grabbed a towel to go clean up. It was going to be a very long day.



Lynn had untied her legs when they landed to refuel so Diana could walk around and use the facilities. Diana briefly considered fleeing, but to where? She had no idea where she was and so far, except for being bound, she had no real complaint of her treatment. She decided the more prudent course of action would be to talk to this commander. These were obviously not Nazis. Perhaps this leader could be reasoned with.

Now they were preparing to land again. Lynn had not attempted conversation with her again except to explain what would happen to her if she tried to escape. This time, Lynn merely reminded her not to be stupid and then she felt the plane touch down again. When it stopped rolling, Lynn stood and took Diana by the elbow, helping her to stand and move toward the hatch which was being opened by her other two guards. Then she was marched down the short staircase and out into the vast darkness.

The darkness became what appeared to be a small village, though if she hadn’t been looking for something, Diana admitted she probably would have missed it. But she didn’t have time to admire it – her captors took her straight into a large building and seated her at the long table before two new guards took their place. Then silence fell while Diana waited on the outcome of her future.



Chapter XXIV

The door closed again and the dim lighting was turned up to a more normal level of brightness. Diana blinked against the harshness of the glare. When she opened her eyes, all she could do was stare.

Chase looked freshly washed and Diana’s anger at being brought to this place melted into something else. Suddenly Diana had the desire for the same. For one thing, she wanted out of the Nazi uniform she was currently wearing and for another, it seemed as though it had been forever since she’d had a decent shower.

Chase sat down across from her, looking through a few reports and sipping from a mug. She glanced up and was glad to see that the prisoner appeared to have been well-treated. She made a note to commend the members of the rebellion on following her instructions to the letter.


The sound of her name whispered from the lips of the woman who currently sat bound before her caused Chase to spew her coffee. She slammed her mug on the table then turned her attention to Diana. Then she hesitated, cocking her head as though listening to an inner voice. Something about that whisper, that inflection was familiar. But that was impossible. She had never seen the woman before and Diana was not a woman easily forgotten.

Chase blinked, pulling her eyes away from the mesmerizing blue that held her own so easily. She stood to her feet and leaned on the table. "Who are you?" asked quietly, "And how do you know who I am?"

Diana stared at her. Why didn’t Chase recognize her? Then she noticed that Chase really did have the most amazing green eyes – something she had not seen on Paradise Island. Whatever had inhibited Chase’s eyesight there was clearly not a problem here in man’s world. Those green eyes had gold flecks in them, Diana realized as they drilled into hers waiting impatiently for an answer. She felt a bit of her own ire return.

"Why am I here?" she whispered harshly. "You had no right...."

Chase slapped both hands on the table. "I had every right!! You nearly destroyed YEARS of work with your stupidity and carelessness!! Who the hell do you think you are anyway??"

Diana rose hastily, kicking the chair out from under her and leaning her still tied hands on the table. Her rage clouded her judgment and she spoke without thinking. "*I* am an Amazon Princess," whispered fiercely, but so low only Chase heard her.

A hand signal from Chase kept the guards from reacting, but nothing could stop the blood from draining from her face. Diana’s brows contracted; she hadn’t expected that sort of reaction. Granted, the Amazons had become more myth and legend than reality as far as the outside world was concerned, but there was nothing.... Then her anger turned to horror when she remembered Chase’s history with startling clarity. Did Orana betray her true nationality to Chase? Racking her brains for that information and concluding from Chase’s reaction that Orana must have. Oh gods.... suddenly understanding just how big a pile of shit she had stepped in.

Diana started to speak, but Chase turned away, motioning a guard to her. She whispered a few words and the young woman nodded and left. Then Chase reached down to her ankle and pulled out a long blade. Diana felt the first tendril of fear, and it surprised her. She hadn’t been afraid at all during her voyage thus far – even seeing Orana only inspired hatred and anger. But this... seeing Chase holding knife and turning in her direction – she wondered if she had crossed a line that they would never be able to overcome and felt a twinge of despair for lost possibilities.

Then Chase spoke. "Hold out your hands, please."

Diana hesitated; it certainly wasn’t what she had expected. Then she extended her hands and watched as Chase carefully slipped the knife between her hands and sliced through her bindings.

"Thank you," barely audible. She rubbed her wrists reflexively.

Chase nodded, looking for signs of rope burn and pleased when there was none. She didn’t even turn when the door opened and Ty crossed the threshold. "I want you to go with Ty. She’s gonna take you to clean up and get you into something less offensive," gesturing to the SS uniform. "Then you’re gonna come back here and we’re going to start this conversation over. Please don’t try anything stupid; I’d hate to have to order them to shoot you," motioning to the two guards who still stood at the ready.

Diana nodded, accepting that for whatever reason, Chase trusted her on some level despite the seeds of Amazon hatred Orana had planted. Diana knew it was going to take a lot of effort on her part to change Chase’s mind, but this would be a good way to start.


"Do as I say, Ty." Chase motioned to the two guards and they took up positions right behind Diana. Ty hesitated a moment longer, then took Diana by the elbow and gently led her out of the conference room. The guards followed behind.

Chase spoke to one of the guards standing outside the door and watched him scurry away. Then she fell heavily back into the chair and scrubbed her hands over her face. Suddenly there was so much more to consider than simply the possibility of ruined plans.



Ty’s grip on Diana’s arm wasn’t painful, but Diana got the distinct impression that it was only due to Chase’s specific instructions and not a desire to be nice on Ty’s part. So Diana determined not to give the other woman a reason to change that directive.

They walked into the shower tent – the male guard took up a position outside the door while the female guard entered and stood just inside the doorway. Ty and Diana continued into the changing area and Diana began stripping out of the clothing she had come to loath. Ty opened a locker and pulled out a towel and a small cake of soap.

"Do I need to come with you or...?"

Diana shook her head and accepted the articles before moving to the first showerhead and turning it on. She was pleasantly surprised by how quickly the water warmed but she made it a point not to linger. She didn’t think Ty would appreciate it.

For her part, Ty wondered what had happened to Chase. She could easily see that something major had happened to upset her and knew it had to be linked to the woman now busy scrubbing herself clean. Chase had given strict orders on the treatment and welfare of this prisoner; otherwise Ty would have been exerting significant pressure to find out what she needed to know.

Diana shut off the water and dried off quickly, wrapping her towel around her body and moving back to the dressing area. Ty handed her a clean uniform and pair of socks then waited patiently for Diana to get dressed. Then she motioned for Diana to precede her and they headed back towards the conference room. With a little luck, Chase would have recovered from whatever had upset her so badly and they would be ready to continue with the interrogation.



Chase rubbed her eyes and covered her face. She felt like she’d been bushwhacked by any number sensations and she was at a loss to pinpoint a single one. Things she had convinced her self of... been sure were nothing but wild dreams... were now coming back to haunt her with startling clarity. There were sounds and tastes, a few sights, but mostly conversations and scents. And there was something very familiar about this woman.

Oh God... I am losing my fucking mind.

Chase dropped her hands from her face and folded them together, propping her chin on them. There was all kinds of new information for her to consider now, and first Chase need to separate fact from fiction – what was real versus what had only occurred in her mind. And she had the definite idea that this woman could help answer her questions.

Amazon Princess?? Then if what I remember is true, that means....

Chase groaned. Why this? And why now? It had been a lot easier to handle when it had been nothing but oddly questionable dreams.

Her fretting and musing came to a halt when the door opened and the guard returned with two trays of steaming hot food and a carafe of hot coffee. Right behind him was Ty and Diana. The two guards with them took up their posts at either end of the room. Chase motioned Diana to a seat and pushed a tray in front of her. Then she took Ty aside.

"Everything all right?"

Ty nodded. "I was just going to ask you the same thing."

"I’m fine, Ty. I don’t think I’m wrong about this one."

Ty sighed. "I don’t think you are either. You didn’t see her reaction to the uniform when she took it off, nor the way she scrubbed herself. Still, something about her doesn’t add up. You want me to stay with you?"

"Nah. Finish your shift and go get some rack time. Go on," Chase urged when Ty hesitated, a pensive expression on her face. "What?" when she stopped with her hand on the doorknob.

Ty shrugged. "I dunno... I’m not sure." She shrugged her shoulders. "I just feel like... I dunno – something’s changing - probably not enough sleep and too many strategy sessions. Lemme go get back to work. We’ve still got a lot to do." She looked like she wanted to say more, but instead she patted Chase on the back and walked out of the conference room.

Chase took a deep breath and turned to face the woman who had unexpectedly thrown her orderly, well-organized world into total and utter chaos.



Diana sat quietly, her exceptional hearing able to pick up every nuance and inflection of the conversation between Chase and Ty. She wondered if it was her own nervousness or something she was sensing from Chase that was making Ty uncomfortable with leaving them alone together.

She was so deep in her thoughts that Chase taking a seat across from her was disquieting. She looked up and caught Chase’s eye. Chase gave her a half-smile and motioned to the tray of food in front of her. "It’s probably not as good as home, but it’s decent enough. You wanna eat it while it’s hot, though. Eggs kinda lose something when they get cold."

Diana picked up her fork. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the woman who sat across from her. Chase was still pale, but she had obviously recovered her composure from whatever had shaken her so badly before.

Diana took a bite of the food, finding that Chase had told her the truth – it wasn’t bad, especially considering what she had been eating since the start of her travels from the island – but it surely didn’t compare to home. Still, it was hot and filling and there was something about it that was also comforting.

She looked up to find Chase seemingly totally engrossed in her meal and the paperwork in front of her. But Diana could see the slight tremor in her hand.

"Thank you," she whispered, wishing not for the first time that she still had a voice. Having not used it in a hundred years, it just wasn’t there anymore, and she had no way of knowing if it ever would be again. The slight sound did get Chase’s attention, though and she found herself staring into bright green eyes that were much older than the young woman they belonged to.

Chase deliberately put her paperwork aside and focused her attention on the woman who sat across from her. "For?"

Diana cleared her throat, hoping it would help, but her voice remained a mere whisper. She motioned around her with her fork. "This, the shower... everything."

Chase nodded. "I’ve learned to trust my gut about these things. I don’t think you’re a Nazi," watching as the blue eyes hardened perceptibly at the term. "Though I’m not sure exactly who or what you are yet, except that you claim to be an Amazon Princess. You wanna expound on that maybe? Share your name?"

Diana nodded, knowing she was going to have to give a little if Chase was ever going to start trusting her. "Diana."

"It’s nice to meet you, Diana," Chase said, extending a hand. Diana hesitated, then took it, absorbing the strength Chase demonstrated without hurting her in the process. She idly wondered how Chase managed to maintain such soft hands with all the things she took care of as part of her responsibility in the rebellion.

Chase was making her own mental notes, things she would consider when this conversation was over that would hopefully fit into the puzzle she’d been handed. First, though....

"Now, I want to know what you thought you were going to do in the Reichstag. No bullshit."

Diana was taken about by the harshness of Chase’s tone and it put her on the defensive. She straightened up and pulled her hand away. Then she pushed her tray back and folded her hands in front of her on the table, clenching them together.

"I was going to defeat Orana again... I was going to kill her."

"How? How did you expect to defeat her? And how did you expect to get away?" The questions were coolly and logically asked, but infuriating to Diana, nonetheless. "You’re not a member of the rebellion or the resistance. I checked. Why would you want to do something like that?"

There was a fire burning in the back of Diana’s blue eyes that made Chase sit back reflexively to avoid being singed. "I did it for you, Chase. I did it because of what Orana did to you. She can’t be allowed to hurt people like that anymore!"

Now Chase’s eyes turned to ice. "Don’t. You. Dare!!" she hissed through clenched teeth. "Don’t you dare lay the blame for your stupidity on me! You have NO idea what you’re talking about." She slammed her fist into the table for emphasis.

Diana never dropped eye contact. "I know everything," she said with a sincerity that though Chase didn’t want to believe it, she couldn’t doubt. "And what I did was not stupid! If you weren’t so busy being self-important here, you’d see that by eliminating Orana from power is the only way to destroy her regime. It is the only way your rebellion can succeed!"

The two guards watching couldn’t hear the exchange between the two women, but Chase’s fury was unmistakable when she jumped from her chair, knocking it over. They automatically shifted to a more alert position and trained their guns on Diana.

Chase leaned over the table and dropped her voice to the same sibilant whisper Diana was forced to use. "Let me try to explain something in small words even your simple mind can comprehend. What happened to me is none of your goddamned business, though what you know and how you found out is!" She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath to calm down. "But we will discuss that later," said with finality. "What you were going to do would not only have destroyed years of work and planning by the rebellion, it would have cost the lives of millions of innocent people. So while I sit over here and be self-important in my outrage, you think about that."

Chase picked up carafe and poured herself another cup of coffee, motioning to the guards to stand down. She was riding an edge at the moment and she didn’t want any misunderstandings or unnecessary heroics.

Diana sat quietly processing Chase’s words against the knowledge she had been given. Obviously, what had happened to Chase was very private; it would be something she hoped they could eventually talk about between them. But beyond that....

She looked up when Chase poured her a cup of coffee. She wasn’t sure she understood the dynamic that was working between them, but she nodded her thanks and picked up the cup. Then she grimaced upon taking a swallow. Chase would have laughed if she still hadn’t been so close to anger. She pushed the bit of sugar and cream they had in Diana’s direction.

"I know it’s not good, but it’s all we’ve got. You may want to doctor it some."

Diana took the suggestion and dumped everything in that she could. She took a second swallow and set the cup down carefully, not sure if she would ever be able to regain a taste for what coffee had become. She hadn’t been that fond of it in the first place and this... this was bad.

She looked up to find Chase slumped in her chair drinking her coffee absently and she wondered where her thoughts had led. Nothing here was going the way Diana thought it would and she was questioning her desire... no, her need, to be quite honest... to be in this place with this woman. Her mind told her she was an idiot, but her heart... and her soul... knew better.

"I’m not a Nazi," she whispered.

Slowly, Chase’s head swiveled in her direction and she set her cup on the table. Then she leaned forward and folded her hands on the table. "I know," she said meeting Diana’s eyes. "Now are you ready to answer my questions?"

"Will you answer mine?"

"You first," Chase countered. "Then maybe we can talk."

Diana nodded and smiled shyly, and Chase smiled in return. The first hurdle had been crossed.



"Whoa, dudes, that was waaaaay too close," Dite said as they took a scrying break. The other goddesses turned and looked at her askance. Hera just shook her head.

"Excuse me?"

Dite gestured to the scrying bowl. "Were you not like, paying attention?? Didn’t you watch that radical meltdown those two had?? Hades, any more sparkage from them and we’d need some serious ice baths up here. Whoo!!" she added, fanning herself.

Athena and Artemis both covered their lips to hide the grins they couldn’t stop from forming. For all her flightiness, Dite’s way of looking at the world was certainly entertaining, and she definitely had her own way of expressing herself. It made for some interesting conversations between them.

"So you’re saying this was a good thing?" asked Hestia.

Dite pointed at her. "Virgin, right?" She giggled. "Fer sure it was a majorly good thing, babe. It may take them a while, but they’ve gotta feel it."

"So their arguments were for show... a bit of foreplay?" Demeter asked. "Humans have not become any easier to understand."

Dite shook her head. "Oh no – their arguments are way real. It may turn to foreplay eventually," she added impishly and watched the older goddesses blush, "but for now they are still working on that whole trust thing. What we have working for us is that their minds may not trust each other, but their souls do."

"You sound so sure," Hera said softly.

"I am," Dite confirmed with confidence. "I may not be into that whole nasty war gig, but the rocking love biz I totally understand. This is a primo love match. We may all be black and blue from a radically bumpy ride before it’s all over, but I’m telling you guys, we did good."

The goddesses smiled amongst themselves. For the first time in a very long time, they had reason to. They’d done the right thing, and it had given them all the one thing they had been lacking in... hope. That their favored would benefit from their decision was a big plus. They turned their attention back to the scrying bowl, anxious to see how the next bit would play out.



Chapter XXV

Without warning, Chase stood up and leaned on the table. The guards instantly became more alert, snapping to attention and raising their weapons to a more ready position. Diana forced herself not to react to the guards though it was hard to quell the warrior instincts that had been ingrained in her psyche from birth. Instead she met Chase’s eyes squarely, and thought she saw a hint of a twinkle in the back of her green eyes. She felt herself responding and put a lid on it. There would be time enough for that when she knew exactly where she stood. She waited patiently.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me?" Chase invited. Diana blinked at her, unable to believe what she’d heard. Chase smiled charmingly, her whole demeanor changing when the expression. "I don’t bite, honestly, and I’ll keep the guards back far enough that we can talk privately."

Diana stood and returned the smile with a small grin of her own. "Yes, please. I have been sitting half of forever it seems like." She walked around the table until she and Chase were within arms’ length of one another. "Um, can I ask you a question first?"


"Are the guards for your benefit or mine?"

Chase turned until she was facing Diana directly and considered the question for a long moment. "Ya know, that’s a really good question." She looked at both of their chaperones then back at Diana. "Tell ya what... as soon I figure it out, I’ll let you know – unless of course, you figure it out first."

"Well, if that happens, I’ll be certain to let you know."

"Good," Chase answered. "Cause I hate being in the dark about stuff. Now let’s go watch the sunrise."

Chase took Diana’s hand as she doused the lights in the conference room, waiting a moment to allow their eyes to adjust to the darkness before opening the door into the dark gray of the coming dawn. The guards took up positions two steps behind them – until Chase turned and glared at them with eyes that literally glowed in the dark. It made them stutter-step to a stop.

"Guys, I appreciate your interest, but back-off a little, all right? Diana’s not going anywhere and neither of us is in danger. So please give us some space, okay?"

The pair looked like they wanted to argue – they had been given specific directions by Ty and neither of them wanted to be the one to explain to her if something happened to Chase. On the other hand, Chase was the boss, and despite her normally easygoing personality, they had no desire to provoke the side of the woman who had managed to give the rebellion hope because of her passion and focus. Especially since they were beginning to feel that intensity turned their way merely by the look in her eyes.

They exchanged glances and took three giant steps backwards. Chase nodded her thanks before turning to Diana with a raised brow. "Shall we?" crossing the threshold into the approaching daylight and dropping Diana’s hand to cram her hands in her pockets. Diana did the same, feeling the cold from the loss of Chase’s warmth as much as from the brisk dawn wind.

They walked together in silence for a little while. Diana because she was formulating her what she wanted to say and Chase because she was focused on getting to the small rise where she went to watch the sunrise and think on the days she was awake to see the sun come up.

When they reached the bottom of the hill, Chase motioned to the guards to remain while she and Diana continued up the incline. When they reached the top, Chase asked Diana to wait and moved to a small chest beneath the lone oak that stood to one side of the hill. She pulled a small blanket from the trunk and walked back to where Diana waited, spreading the blanket and dropping down onto it facing the sun.

Then she looked up and Diana and offered her a hand down. Diana accepted the offer and gracefully seated herself cross-legged beside Chase. Chase let go of Diana’s hand to point towards the horizon. Diana turned her head just as the sun edged over the horizon and she gasped in pleasant surprise as the blue, purple, red, orange and yellow spread across the sky and reflected in the lake below.

It wasn’t home but it was beautiful and Diana felt a peacefulness wash through her that she hadn’t felt since leaving Paradise Island. Chase smiled and closed her eyes, relishing the kiss of the sun’s warmth on her face. Diana decided to follow her example and closed her eyes, missing the scent of the ocean, but absorbing the smells of freshwater and pine.

Chase felt Diana relax, and once the sun was fully up and the sky was blue, she opened her eyes and turned to Diana. "You ready to talk to me now? No bullshit, no defensiveness – just straight talk – you answering my questions."

Diana nodded. "Yes. But you have to promise to listen with an open mind." Her hoarse whisper was hard to hear in the midst of the morning sounds around them and Chase realized she was going to have to concentrate on listening to be able to hear the other woman’s words. She thought about what Diana had said... could she listen with an open mind? Already her judgment was somewhat tainted, her mind clouded with confusion over what she thought she remembered and half-hoped she’d dreamed.

It was funny, really – things she had been so sure of when she’d been shipwrecked on the island Shep had rescued her from had become less clear as time had passed, rapidly acquiring a dreamlike quality and lack of clarity. She looked at Diana, knowing she had never seen the woman before today and yet somehow finding her... familiar. Then she realized by the raised brow and slight smirk that Diana was awaiting her answer.

"I will do my best - that much I can promise, but no guarantees."

"Fair enough," Diana nodded. She knew from her reading that giving her word was a serious commitment for Chase. Diana hoped Chase would be able to keep it if she started getting answers she didn’t want to hear, but Diana knew there was no way she was going to lie to this woman. There was too much at stake for both of them to start off with lies between them. They needed a foundation of truth and trust.



"She did WHAT?!?" Hippolyta did her best to modulate her voice but it was difficult to keep from screeching at the news Paula had just presented to her. The queen rubbed her forehead before her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose in an effort to alleviate the headache she could suddenly feel coming on. Hippolyta blew out a breath and sighed another, then moaned when she felt Drea’s strong hands kneading the knots in her shoulders.

After a few minutes of silence, Hippolyta raised her head and looked at Paula. "I beg your pardon, Paula. No need to take it out on the messenger. It was just completely unexpected news. Would you be kind enough to repeat that for me one more time? I promise not to yell this time."

Paula smiled and nodded. She had expected the reaction; she had had nearly the same reaction when she’d found out what Diana had done. Of all the foolhardy chances open to her, Diana had definitely chosen the worst one available. But if she was completely honest with herself, in the back of her mind, a part of her was not at all surprised by Diana’s choice either – not knowing how Diana felt about Orana’s betrayal... of everything.

"I decided, when Diana left, to keep a close eye on her activities. I didn’t want her to get into trouble again without some sort of backup this time around. I started observing Orana as soon as she was brought back to our attention and I added Chase to that monitoring when she left us. I kept an eye on both locations once Diana left and surprisingly, she first showed up on my screen in Greece."

Drea smiled. "That makes perfect sense when you think about it, Pol. It makes sense that she’d want to see what for her is living history... a true part of who she is and where she comes from."

"I can understand that, Drea, but then why go to confront Orana? Surely being with Chase should have been more important if Chase is the person to Diana we believe her to be."

"She is."

The heads of queen and council swiveled in the direction of the intruder’s voice, then they all knelt when they realized their visitor was a deity. And not just one, but several of them.

"Oh, babes... chill out." When no one moved, Dite threw her hands into the air and looked at the two sisters who had accompanied her. One would think after thousands of years as one of their goddesses, the Amazons would have been able to understand her, but apparently not.

"She means you can get up now."

Dite put her hands on her hips and huffed. "Didn’t I like totally say that already?" The room tittered and the Amazon council resumed their seats. Hippolyta motioned around the room.

"Could we offer you... anything?" She was more than a little flummoxed at their appearance. After more than a century of silence, to have them just show up so casually, and here in the council room to the entire council, was entirely disconcerting. Looking around at the faces of her most trusted advisors, Hippolyta knew they were experiencing the same feelings of discombobulation she was.

"Nope. We’re fab. We just stopped by to let you know we’ve been keeping an eye on the radical warrior babe as well. We kinda felt we owed it to her, ya know? Besides, Chase is Diana’s soulmate and I absolutely wanna see those two make that love connection again."

Quiet gasps were heard around the room at Dite’s casual confirmation of their suspicions. Nubia was the first to recover. "Are you certain, goddess? I mean no disrespect, but they seem so.... I mean they don’t.... They are really not...." She finally broke off her confused stammering with a blush.

Instead of being affronted by Nubia’s questioning, Dite chuckled. "Fer sure I’m sure, babe. And you’re totally right – that’s what make this whole set-up so radically cool."

Artemis stepped up beside Dite. "Paula, you have done a wonderful job and I want you to continue to monitor both Chase and Diana. The time may come when they need the Amazons’ help, but until that time, no one is to interfere."

"And how will we know?"

"There won’t be any doubt - they will ask."

Silence met this pronouncement. Not that they wanted to doubt, but for too long Diana had been independent of them, asking for nothing and accepting help from no one. Finally, Hippolyta voiced their concern.

"Goddess, do you really think Diana would allow herself to ask for help from us? She despises us."

Artemis smiled. "No, she doesn’t. She does have some mixed feelings, but mostly they involve hurt and anger... not hatred."

"Besides," Athena broke in. "She’s got Chase’s influence now as well. That will go a long way towards breaking down her barriers."

"You’re just gonna have to have a little faith in the power of love those two share. Now we gotta jet. Be cool, babes!" The three disappeared in a shower of sparkles and rose petals. It was going to take the council a little longer to recover their wits.



"So, Diana... do you have a last name?"

Diana nodded and swallowed hard, turning her attention back to the horizon. Given the kind of luck she’d had so far with Chase, she feared answering this question, but she knew instinctively that lying, even if she had been predisposed in that direction, would have been a bad choice in this situation.

"You wanna share it with me?"

"Not really, no."

Chase frowned. It wasn’t the answer she’d been expecting. "Oookaaay. Why?"

"Because you’re not going to believe me, and if by some small chance you do, you’re not going to like it."

"Hmm," Chase replied thoughtfully. "Okay, well, how about you tell me anyway, and let me decide."

Diana was silent for a full minute before she licked her lips and whispered, "Prince. My name in man’s world is Diana Prince."

Chase sat quietly absorbing the words like a blow to her gut. Whatever she had been expecting, this had not been a remote possibility. Diana turned her face back toward Chase when didn’t move or make a sound. What she saw was heartbreaking.

Chase’s face was cold and bleak as though it had been cast in stone. Diana clasped her hands together tightly to keep from reaching out to Chase before Chase was ready for contact. Instead, she gazed back out at the lake unseeingly and waited for Chase to initiate any further conversation.

Diana lost track of how long the silence lasted; she used the time to meditate and center herself. But she felt the change in the air immediately when Chase shifted her way. Diana opened her eyes slowly and waited for Chase to speak. When she did, the coldness of her tone sent shivers up Diana’s back.

"I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but we’re going to start from the very beginning. You’re going to tell me exactly who you are and where you came from, and then we’re going to move on to how you knew my name and everything you know about the Amazon Orana. And finally you’re going to explain to me just exactly how and what you intended to accomplish. Do you understand me?"

"Chase... Annabelle," watching Chase’s head snap back to her so quickly Diana half expected it to go flying off and rolling down the hill. "I will tell you everything, but you have to be willing to listen. You promised to try."

"As long as you tell me the truth," Chase agreed.

"I haven’t lied to you, Chase. Not about anything."

"I know. That’s what makes it so hard to hear."

Diana cocked her head at Chase’s words, wondering how Chase could know with such certainty that she was telling the truth. She didn’t have a golden lasso or any superhuman powers that Diana could see and yet she didn’t doubt that Chase knew exactly if she was being lied to. She made a mental note to ask Chase more about that particular gift if Chase was still speaking to her when she was done talking.

Chase rubbed her eyes wearily. "Start at the beginning, please. I don’t care how much ancient history you have to share, but start with your name and how it and you tie in to Steve Trevor and work your way forward from there."

"I’ll have to go a long way back... more than a hundred years. It will take a little time, but when I am done, you will have all the answers to your questions."

Chase held up a hand and Diana stopped talking. Chase took the radio from her hip and barked out a few simple orders, then sat back and waited. Diana wondered, but didn’t say anything, glad for the chance to let her throat rest. She had done more talking since her arrival in the rebel encampment than she had in the last century, and her tongue and throat were swollen from the effort.

Diana heard the approaching footsteps several seconds before Chase detected them. Chase got up and exchanged a few words with the guard before taking the knapsack from them. She waited until they were out of sight before turning back to Diana.

Diana let her attention remain on the water beneath them. She was not looking forward to spending the next few hours talking, regardless of the subject matter – that just made things harder. Diana wished for some water to drink, then blinked in surprise when a canteen appeared before her eyes.

"I figure as thirsty as I am, you’ve got to be about to die. I can hear the hoarseness in your whisper."

Diana wondered again at the complexity of the woman Annabelle Chaser was and accepted the water with a smile. "Thank you." She took a long pull, relishing the wet and the chill of the water.

"In nineteen forty-two," Diana began without preamble, "a man named Steve Trevor crash landed in what to him was part of the Bermuda Triangle – very close to where you ejected from your plane just a few weeks ago. He, like you, was brought to the Amazon homeland called Paradise Island. What happened then changed the course of history."



Hours passed while Diana talked in her low whisper and Chase sat unmoving to catch every single word. Periodically, Chase would lay a hand on Diana’s arm to stop her speech, and Diana accepted every respite offered her. She emptied two canteens and was working on a third when Chase halted her yet again.

"C’mon," she said quietly, standing up and offering Diana her hand. "It’s chow time, and with all the water you’ve been guzzling, I imagine a pee break would be a good idea as well."

Diana nodded, suddenly very aware of just how much water she’d been drinking. She glanced at Chase, grateful for her courtesy. She’d kept Diana supplied with water and given her regular breaks and not once had Chase interrupted or asked a single question. And except for the paleness of her skin, there was nothing to read in her facial expressions.

Diana couldn’t stop the yawn that creased her features and made her close her eyes for several long seconds. When she opened her eyes, Chase was looking at her in concern.

"Tell ya what... we’ll have a little lunch and then we’ll take a break. You look like you could use a nap, and I know I could. After that, well... after that we’ll see. We still have quite a bit of ground to cover, and I do have some questions. Once I’m satisfied, if you still want to be part of the rebellion, I’ll find a place for you. Otherwise, I’ll have someone take you home."

Chase put away the blanket she had been folding up as she spoke, then she waited for Diana to join her. Diana walked over to her slowly, her brow creased in thought. Why was Chase trying to send her away? Couldn’t she feel the connection between them? She felt like she was missing a vital clue, knowing her exhaustion was making rational thought difficult. So she simply nodded her head, hoping something would occur to her while she rested.

For her part, Chase was in a turmoil. Diana was telling her the truth; that she was certain of. But her story thus far was so outrageous it was almost impossible to believe. Yet there were parts of it Chase knew there was no way for Diana to be aware of without having actually been there, or being privy to Nazi records. And that brought up so many more problems.

Who was this woman, really? And why did Chase *need* to believe she was just exactly who and what she claimed to be?

It was a very quiet walk back down the hill and through the encampment to the mess hall.



Chapter XXVI

Dead silence accompanied their entrance into the mess hall until Chase glared around the room. Almost immediately, conversation started up again, though all eyes remained on them. Chase sighed. These were all good people. But they were still human beings and their curiosity, especially for something of this magnitude, was impossible to quell or hide. However, she had no desire to suffer through it today, and when their trays were full, she led Diana out of the mess hall and back to her private quarters.

Despite her misgivings, Ty was a good soldier and she had followed Chase’s instructions to the letter. The small table and chairs she used to hold small strategy sessions at had been removed and replaced with a single cot barely long enough to accommodate Diana’s tall frame. Ty had left the desk and two chairs and it was there that Chase indicated Diana put her tray down.

Diana did so with alacrity, taking the chair beside the desk while Chase assumed her regular place behind it. Chase motioned Diana to begin eating even as she picked up her own fork.

"I hope you don’t mind," Chase commented softly. "I am going to keep you with me for the duration. It will just make things easier... for both of us."

"How?" A simple question with a multitude of answers.

Chase chewed and swallowed while considering her answer. "Well, it’s like this – most folks here, myself included, are more than a little curious about you. But that doesn’t mean you want to have to talk to everyone or answer the same questions about yourself over and over again. I figure you’ll probably be more comfortable and more honest if you only have to deal with me one on one. I know I would be." Chase looked up at Diana for confirmation and Diana nodded her head.

"As for myself," Chase continued, "I don’t need... well, let’s just say I prefer to hear your story privately without having to give explanations to anyone or answer questions I’m not ready to answer yet."

Diana nodded again, recognizing Chase’s feeling all too well. There were a lot of things she still wanted to understand and she really didn’t want an audience to do it. Diana appreciated Chase’s consideration for both of them. She wondered if Chase sensed something between them. Diana thought maybe she did – it would go a long way towards explaining Chase’s attitude towards her. She certainly hoped so. It seemed like she had been searching for Chase her entire life and Diana was ready to stop searching and start living. First though, there were a couple little things that had to be cleared up between them, chief among them a matter of trust. Of course, there was also Orana, and any other number of lesser things, but they would get through them gradually as the trust grew. And that would come as they talked and learned about one another.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence, Chase being true to her word about wanting Diana to rest. She was still mulling over the story Diana had given her so far. It made sense in an outrageous sort of way. Chase had never expected their histories to be so entwined; she wondered if that was why she felt so connected to Diana or if it was something more beyond that. It felt like more, but Chase wasn’t really sure what to do with the feelings.

So, Chase pushed them aside and focused on the present dilemma, hoping the rest would take care of itself in due time.

When they were finished eating, Chase took Diana’s tray and stacked it with her own just outside the door to the small hut. Then she motioned to the small bunk. "I am taking a real risk here – at least according to my colleagues – but I’m gonna trust my gut. I don’t think you’re gonna up and try to leave." Diana shook her head vehemently and Chase almost smiled. "But I’m beat and I imagine you’re pretty much exhausted, immortal Amazon or not."

Diana nodded, her throat still painfully sore. She couldn’t remember ever being as drained as she felt now, not even when she’d been beaten unmercifully by Orana. All she wanted to do right now was close her eyes and sleep for the next twelve to eighteen hours. Maybe by then her throat wouldn’t hurt so badly. Diana knew they had so much more to talk about, but she really hoped it would be a little later.

"You all right?" Chase asked with concern on her face, waiting until Diana’s attention returned to her. "C’mon," taking Diana’s hand and leading her the three steps to the head of her cot. "This is your bunk for the time being... at least until we get everything sorted out. Once I get done debriefing you, if you want to be part of the rebellion, you can find a place you’re comfortable with."

"For now though...." Chase eased Diana down to the cot. "I don’t have any pajamas to offer you, but I promise not to look if you’d like to make yourself more comfortable."

True to her word, Chase straightened up and turned her back, bending over to untie her bootlaces before stripping out of her boots, socks and trousers. Then she climbed into her own cot and plumped up her pillow, still looking away from Diana.

For her part, Diana undressed, amazed by Chase’s complete lack of modesty; that was so unusual in man’s world – at least the man’s world Diana remembered. She crawled into her cot and dropped her head on the pillow. "Thank you, Chase," she whispered before falling immediately into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chase turned at the whispered voice, not sure if she had actually heard Diana speak or not. But Diana was asleep by the time Chase was facing her, and she decided to follow her example, closing her eyes and dropping off to sleep.



Diana opened her eyes slowly. She wasn’t sure what had awakened her but she closed her eyes wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. It didn’t feel like she had been sleeping for very long at all, and yet.... Diana cracked her eyes opened again, confirming her suspicions that Chase was no longer in the cot across from her. She listened intently, realizing she was hearing a harsh whisper just outside the hut. Diana strained to understand the words that were being spoken, but all she could make out was fierce anger in the raspy tone.

She started to get up from her bed to see what all the commotion was about when Chase’s voice rang out clearly. "That’s enough, Shep!!" Diana was out the door in nothing but her t-shirt and underwear before another word could be spoken and the conversation came to a dead halt.

Dian reached over and grabbed the man she assumed was Shep by the collar and twisted, pulling him closer until they were breathing the same air. He clutched at her arm to no avail, standing on tiptoe to ease the strain on his neck. She never noticed that the entire encampment was watching the proceedings with great interest. And to be honest, she wouldn’t have cared if she had known. Diana had sensed a threat to Chase and was reacting purely on instinct.

Diana didn’t say anything to Shep, but she really didn’t need to. What she was conveying with her eyes and the set of her body was coming through loud and clear to everyone. It would have been hard to say which of the three of them were more startled by Diana swift actions, but Chase was certainly the first to recover from it.

"Diana? Diana, it’s okay. Shep wasn’t hurting me, honestly. He was just disagreeing with me... loudly." Chase waited until Diana’s eyes tracked to hers before she spoke again. "C’mon... let him go. He was just leaving anyway," with a glare in Shep’s direction. "Weren’t you, Shep?"

He nodded as much as Diana’s hold would allow him to. When she turned to face him, Shep scrambled to get away from her. Her eyes had turned into a fiery silver color and he felt the burn on his skin. "Ye... yeah," he choked out. "I... ack... I was," he managed to croak out.

"Okay, Diana," Chase said, laying a hand on Diana’s arm and feeling the strength of the shifting muscles it took to hold Shep up so casually. "Let go of him and let’s get you tucked back in to bed, all right? I think you could probably use a little more rest."

Diana looked at Chase for a long moment before nodding her agreement and dropping Shep where he stood. He fell to his knees and clasped his throat, rubbing it where the material had pinched, giving him a bruise. The look he gave Diana bordered on murderous, but Shep was in no condition to make good on it. Fortunately for him, neither Chase nor Diana saw it, being too intent on removing themselves from his presence.

Chase was more than a little disturbed – not about Diana’s reaction; that had been an unexpected, but rather pleasant surprise. Shep, though... well, that was completely out of the blue as far as Chase was concerned. She had known her choice to interview Diana privately wasn’t popular among the members of her colleagues, but she had honestly had not been prepared for Shep’s vehement opposition to it. She would have to keep an eye on him, especially now that Diana had humiliated him in his eyes.

Diana was asleep as soon as she settled into the bed. Chase looked at her for a long moment before getting dressed. Then she stepped out from her hut and signaled to the guards who had been dismissed earlier. They were quick to resume their posts at either corner nearest the door and a look from Chase made them understand clearly what their responsibility was. Then she walked towards the conference room, knowing the rest of her contemporaries would join her shortly.

Chase wasn’t disappointed. She had just enough time to fix herself a cup of coffee and take her seat at the head of the table before her crew started filing in one at a time. She smiled grimly; Chase knew she could depend on the camp grapevine to call a meeting. After that it was just a matter waiting for them to make it to her.

They took their seats around the table and looked at Chase. She merely folded her hands and returned their looks, waiting for the explosion. It didn’t take long.

"You can’t...!"

"Why did...?"


"How dare...!"

"When can...?"

"All right, settle down," Chase said quietly. The noise continued as everyone tried to shout over everyone else to be heard. Chase simply waited until they all ran out of steam. Then she leaned back in her chair with her coffee cup in her hand and let her gaze run around the table.

"Is everyone finished?"

Not surprisingly, Shep stood up and rested his palms on the table. "How could you, Chase? How could you side with someone you don’t even know... especially someone like her?!?"

Chase cocked her head, vaguely insulted and more than a little angry. But she clamped down on her immediate reaction and asked in a deceptively calm voice, "Like what, exactly, Shep? You don’t know anything about her yet, except that she is a strong, beautiful woman who embarrassed the hell out of you this afternoon because she felt you crossed a line."

Shep slapped the table, his face turning an unhealthy shade of red. "That’s not fair, Chase! She shouldn’t have special privileges – what do you mean by bunking with her, keeping her in your hut?? She should at least be considered a hostile until we know everything about her! She could be an enemy agent for God’s sakes! You’re risking too much! What the hell has gotten into you??"

Now she stood slowly and placed her cup carefully on the table. Then she leaned on the table and turned her full fury on Shep, though her eyes were the only things that gave any true indication of her real feelings. Everyone else sat back to wait for the fireworks. It wasn’t often that Chase blew, but when she did, it was spectacular to watch.

"Sit. Down."

Shep opened his mouth to protest; then he got a good look at her face, and sat down without another word, his mouth snapping shut so fast he bit his tongue.

"*I* am not the one out of line here, Shep. I haven’t made any assumptions, except to assume that ya’ll would trust me to do my job... to find out who she is and where she came from and why she was in the Reichstag. But apparently you don’t trust me anymore; you think I need to make all my decisions by committee now."

"That’s not...."

"Shut up." Her tone made everyone’s jaw drop. She had never been so cold towards them before, but no one had ever questioned her like Shep had. Ty shook her head. She’d tried to warn him to leave it alone. There was something between Chase and Diana – she’d felt it when she’d first seen them together and then experienced Chase’s attitude earlier that morning. But he’d been so determined to insure that Chase was doing the right thing, Shep had completely disregarded the fact that his actions would be seen as undermining Chase’s authority... or worse – treason.

Now they waited for Chase to explode, knowing regardless of how uncomfortable they had been with her decision to debrief the unknown woman alone, it had been her decision to make. And Shep had totally ignored it in favor of keeping his own council and following his own agenda.

"That’s *exactly* what you meant," she growled low in her throat. "I told you I would handle this my way, and yet you took it upon yourself to come to my hut while I was trying to sleep and make an crisis out of things you don’t even understand." She held up a hand before he could take a breath to speak. "And then... then you get all bent out of shape when you end up looking like a jackass because of it. DON’T," she said forcefully. "Don’t try to deny it, Shep. You forget I learned a long, long time ago to tell if people were being honest with me or not. Please don’t make this worse by lying to me about it, all right?"

He swallowed hard and nodded. Suddenly, Shep realized just how misplaced his decision to question her on this matter was. Though she wasn’t by any means perfect, Chase did have a knack for leadership, and an intuitiveness for this sort of interrogation thing. His misjudgment of her could cost him dearly. He hated that thought – on many levels. Hers was a friendship he counted on and he wondered bleakly why he had risked it. It had all been so clear, made such perfect sense when he’d decided to do it. Now though....

Chase turned and walked to the window, raising the blackout shade and looking out across the compound. There wasn't a sound behind her; they were all waiting to see what she would do next. Chase was still furious, but she was also resigned to their attitude. Shep had made some good points – she was treating Diana differently than she had any other suspected hostile. But she also knew that Diana wasn't like any other suspected hostile; Diana wasn't a hostile at all.

The silence went on so long, Shep felt compelled to break it. "Chase, I'm sorry. I know I was out of line, but you need to understand...."

Chase sighed, interrupting his little speech. "I do understand, Shep. I understand all too well. However, I am not going to justify my decision to you. I shouldn't have to."

Shep dropped his head. "You're right, Chase... you shouldn't. You've done so much for the rebellion, and we do trust you... we all do. It's just we've never been out of the loop before and I don't understand why we are now."

"Shep, either you trust me or you don't. Which is it?"

"We trust you, Chase," Ty answered immediately, and her response was echoed around the table, especially from Shep.

"Absolutely," he confirmed. "To the point that I think I owe your charge an apology." He blushed when everyone turned and looked at him. "What?!?" he whined. The rest laughed.

"I will share this with you all. Diana is not a Nazi... that I am sure of. The rest, well... we’re still working on that."

"Do we know what she was doing at the Reichstag?" from Hans.

"She had gone to assassinate the Fuehrer."

Chase’s confident declaration caused a silence to fall over the room.

"Very lofty expectations," Hans said softly. "Do you think she could have succeeded?"

"Given where the resistance members found her, yeah, I do. I’m just glad they caught her in time. It would’ve been ugly if she had. How’s that coming, by the way?"

Hans shook his head. "Still working on it. I have to be missing something, but so far, I haven’t figured out what."

Chase nodded. "Keep working. That’s the last piece to the puzzle. As soon as we have it, we’ll be able to bring this to the end. And since everything else is on track, I think I’ll go back and try to take that nap I started a while ago. Someone wake me for dinner, all right?"

"You got it, Chase. Go get some rest. We’ve got things covered," Mitch said. "We’re sending Ty back to bed for a little while too. We kinda dragged her out of bed for this little impromptu meeting. I think she’d appreciate another twenty winks or so." Chuckles went round the room at the expression on Ty’s face before her head went face first into the table.

It was on that note that Chase left the conference room and headed back to the peace of her hut.



Diana was sleeping soundly when Chase reentered her hut. Chase was careful to be quiet as she undressed and crawled into her own bed. She was exhausted from the hours she’d been keeping in the past few days and yet her mind was in a turmoil over all the information Diana had shared with her. Over and over she played the events Diana had told her about in her mind. It made so many things make sense, but it also gave her more questions.

Chase let her mind wander, remembering her grandmother and recalling only vaguely the stories she had told Chase about Steve Trevor. More, she remembered her mother reading some of those same stories to her before bed. Chase let her mind drift over the private, family details, realizing that so much of it matched to what Diana had shared with her.

Chase had known in her heart that Diana was telling the truth, but it was nice to have it settled in her mind as well. With a smile, she let her attention drift into more pleasant thoughts. And she never realized when she drifted into a deep, restful sleep.

Diana opened her eyes just a slit as she heard Chase’s breathing relax into the evenness of sleep and relaxed. The day had been a good one despite its rocky start, and tomorrow promised to be better. Then she smiled and resumed her own slumber, hoping for good dreams for a change.



Chapter XXVII

Chase didn’t remember much about dinner though they had wakened her just like she’d requested. She knew she had gotten up and gone to the mess hall with Ty and Hans; knew that Shep and Jen had joined them. Remembered she’d gone over some reports and issued a couple orders just like she did every night. She just didn’t remember specifics – what they had discussed or what she’d seen and signed. It was beginning to frustrate her no end because she remembered *everything*. It did wonders motivating her workout though.

"Chase, take it easy," Hams comforted as best as he knew how. "Your mind is on overload right now. It’s going to dismiss the mundane and everyday details to hold on to the important things. Whatever you are learning from... Diana, was it?" Chase nodded and he returned her nod in acknowledgement. "So whatever you are learning from Diana is more important right now than what we had for dinner last night and the casual conversation we shared. I promise it was completely mundane; otherwise, I would be able to remember it too." He gave Chase a silly grin and she had to chuckle. Hans was notorious for only remembering those details that pertained directly to his work... particularly whatever current project he was focused on at the time.

Chase rubbed her eyes and picked up her towel and headed for the shower. "You’re probably right, Hans. Do me a favor, will ya, and have a couple trays of breakfast sent to my hut in about half an hour? That should give me time to shower and get back and wake up Diana before they get there."

Hans nodded and headed for his own shower. He needed it after trying to keep up with a frenetic Chase. Working out with her on days when she was trying to work through things that were bothering her was murder, something he already knew, but seemed to have difficulty remembering.

Chase stopped short when she entered the shower tent. Diana was in the farthest stall, and Chase debated leaving the woman to her privacy. Then Diana met her eyes briefly. Chase shrugged and stripped, choosing the stall closest to her and letting the water run over her body.

"God, that feels good," Chase mumbled as the warmth started to loosen her muscles. She closed her eyes and lathered her hair. Diana watched out of the corner of her eye for a long moment before shutting her own water off and drying herself.

"Rough morning?" Diana whispered after she wrapped the towel around her body and stepped closer to Chase's shower stall as she made her way back to the dressing area. Chase opened her eyes briefly and gave Diana a smile.

"Hard workout," she answered as she rinsed off the soap and shut off her own shower. "I have someone bringing us breakfast. I actually didn't expect you to be up yet. You were sleeping pretty hard when I got up this morning. How do you feel? You look better."

Diana didn't know whether to be flattered or insulted, so she let the observation pass without comment. She continued to get dressed and sat down to don her boots. Chase took a seat nearby and began to get dressed. She turned her head to look at Diana when she didn't answer. "You all right?"

Diana nodded and gave Chase a smile without speaking. Chase noticed for the first time that smile made Diana go from stunning to drop dead gorgeous and returned the smile without thought. Then she blinked as the thought registered in her conscious mind. Where did that come from? She shifted her attention back to her clothes and finished dressing.

"C'mon," she said to Diana, who was watching the thoughts and emotions track across Chase's features. "Let's go eat, then you can continue with your story. I still have some questions for you."

Diana reached up and took Chase's hand, drawing her to a halt. "Do I make you nervous, Annabelle?"

Chase didn't even flinch at the moniker. Instead she looked down at their clasped hands before meeting Diana's eyes squarely. "No. I'm a little confused... actually, I'm a lot confused about a number of things, but I'm not nervous. At least I don't think I'm nervous," she continued to babble. She paused. "No, definitely not nervous, just confused." She blew out a breath. "I'm gonna shut up now. Are you um... you coming?"

Diana stood not releasing Chase's hand. She was reassured by Chase's evident discomfiture; it was like they were on a level playing field. Now she knew Chase felt something. It was just a matter of finding out what that feeling was.

They released their hands before they stepped through the doorway by mutual unspoken consent. Neither of them wanted to give anyone else a reason to go off like Shep had the day before. So they walked in companionable silence together side by side until they reached Chase's hut.

Breakfast was waiting for them when the arrived and two stomachs growled in tandem as the scent wafted over to them. They looked at one another and chuckled. Then they sat down to eat in relative silence.

When they were done, Chase leaned back in her chair. "Would you like to talk here or would you prefer to walk and talk?" fairly confident in the answer she was going to get back from Diana.

"Walk and talk, please."

Chase nodded as though she had expected that response, which she had. Then she stood and gestured Diana to walk in front of her. "After you then," she said, holding the door for them both. People were less inclined to stare today and Chase was pleased to see that activity around the compound continued at its normal pace. Once more they headed up the hill to Chase’s sanctuary.

"So," Chase said as they sank down onto the blanket that had spread out together. "You had gotten as far as Orana taking your place as Wonder Woman," watching the pain reappear in Diana’s blue eyes and wanting to take it away. "Do you know," she continued, "I had decided she was a make-believe character? I always figured Grandpa Trevor was probably a little touched in the head... a result whatever happened to him during that time he was gone – when he was on Paradise Island," gesturing with her hands. "I knew he was telling the truth, but it just sounded so outrageous... so improbable."

Chase laughed. "And then something similar happens to me... what are the odds?"

"Do you believe in fate?" asked so quietly Chase had to read Diana’s lips.

"I didn’t," Chase answered honestly, her own voice low.

"And now?"

Chase swallowed hard. "I am entertaining... possibilities," she said with a shy smile. "But for now, we have work to do. I’m sorry, Diana. I can see the pain this is causing you, but...." She stopped speaking when Diana put a hand on her arm.

"You have a right to know, and I think I need share it. I haven’t talked to anyone about this."

Chase blinked. She knew she had kept her own council about what had happened to her, but somehow it seemed inconceivable that Diana had chosen to do the same thing for more than a century. Then again, given the way Hippolyta had reacted to Diana’s deception, Chase couldn’t really blame her for not wanting to share. It made her angry to think how Diana had been treated by her people, but especially by her mother. She would have to remember to have a word with Hippolyta when this was all over. Diana deserved better.

"All right, Diana. So what happened once Orana left Paradise Island?"

Diana took a deep breath and started talking, Chase sitting quietly to hear her bare whisper.



They took several breaks, as much to rest Diana’s throat as for Chase to get her emotions under control, though she was careful to keep her expression neutral. She didn’t want to upset Diana and Chase needed to hear her whole story.

When Diana told about her about her time in Orana’s torture chamber, Chase bit her tongue until it bled. It bothered her more than her own memories did and she had a much better understanding on why Diana had been so determined to destroy Orana. But Chase still wondered how Diana knew what had happened to her.

Slowly Diana worked her way through her history, glossing over a good portion of the century she had spent exiled. Chase made a mental note to ask more about that time later and focused her attention on Diana’s story. She was getting to the part where their paths crossed and Chase was particularly interested in that. She was anxious to find out what of her memories were real and which part were simply dreams her subconscious had created.

Diana carefully watched Chase’s face as she described Chase’s time on Paradise Island. It was clear to Diana that Chase didn’t remember much, or at least didn’t believe what she did remember. And though Chase managed to keep a stoic expression on her face, she couldn’t hide the twinkle that lurked in the back of her green eyes, especially as it grew exponentially as Diana confirmed her memories as real and not dreams.

Diana paused as she reached the part where Chase left Paradise Island for several reasons. First off, she desperately needed the break as her throat was burning from the pain and swelling the extended talking had caused. Secondly, she wanted to give Chase time to absorb the truths she had just shared. And finally, she really wasn’t looking forward to the last bit. It required half-truths and Diana wasn’t comfortable with that. But there were some things she couldn’t reveal – things Chase would need to figure out for herself... or not.

That was what made it so hard to give Chase only part of the truth. There was no guarantee she would ever figure out the rest on her own, and Diana wanted her to figure it out. There was a lot at stake... for both of them.

For her part, Chase was happy to let Diana sit and rest. Aside from the obvious pain Diana was in, she had given Chase so much to think about... mainly reconciling her memories to a reality and not the dream she had finally attributed them to.

"We’re getting close to what brought you here, aren’t we?" Chase asked quietly, unwilling to disturb the sense of peace that surrounded them. Diana looked up and nodded, and Chase wondered why her eyes were so guarded. She’s afraid? Then Chase thought about how much Diana had opened herself up, and she reached for Diana’s hand, inordinately pleased when her hand was accepted with alacrity.

"C’mon. Let’s go get you something for your throat."

They walked back into the compound and Chase never let go of Diana’s hand, though Diana noticed that Chase appeared to be completely lost in thought. Instead of going to any of the very few places Diana was acquainted with, Chase took a track that led into the side of the mountain the camp was based at.

Diana looked around, taking in the laboratory Hans had set up. She never would have suspected such advancements given what she knew about the rest of man’s world. While not nearly as sophisticated as the lab she shared with Paula, there was definitely progress and developments being made in several areas of science.

Chase released Diana’s hands to allow her the opportunity to walk around the chamber. Diana made a slow trek, taking in everything and recognizing some of the things Hans was working on. Several of them she and Paula had worked out years before; some of them she had never seen because they dealt specifically with the design of new weapons.

Hans didn’t speak, knowing Chase had a good reason for bringing Diana into the lab. He did move closer to Chase, wanted to observe Diana without getting in her way. He folded his arms across his chest and watched as Diana went to one of the chalkboards he had mounted on the wall.

She slowly read the formulas Hans had cascading from one to another, coming back to stand in front of the middle board shaking her head. Diana reached for the chalk, then though better of it. Instead, she walked to the end, back to the center board, then to the end once more. Then she turned around and looked at Chase before she resumed her place at Chase’s side.

"Is there a problem, Diana?" Chase asked softly. When there was no immediate answer, Chase took both of Diana’s hands in hers and turned until they were completely facing one another. "Diana," Chase said again, "did you see something wrong?" A pause while she waited, then finally Diana nodded.

Hans grunted. Chase glared at him before she smiled at Diana and seated her on one of the lab stools. "Diana, I brought you in here for a reason. From what you just told me, you should be able to help Hans figure out how to fix this problem."

"WHAT?!? Chase, have you lost your mind?"

"Hans, shut up and listen a minute." Chase patted Diana’s hands before she released them and turned to face Hans. She was surprised to find, not a look of anger on his face, but one of hurt confusion. "You’ve been working on this a while, yes? And you keep hitting the same snag, right?"

"Yes, but...."

"Hans, trust me on this. Diana can help you. She’s not gonna take over your project, all right? She’s not interested in doing that. If she helps you it would be as a favor to me and not because of any personal gain on her part. So let her help you, please? It’ll be good for everyone... especially if you can find a solution. Does it really matter if you need help to find it??"

He blew out a breath, though Chase couldn’t tell if it was frustration or anger or defeat behind it. "You’re sure about this?"

Chase turned back to Diana who was watching the proceeding with great interest. She did want to help; it was one way she could earn trust and show her worth both to the rebellion as a whole and to Chase in particular. However, she also wanted Hans to want her help, not just resigned to it.

"I am," Chase answered.

Hans looked at her for a moment longer, then nodded. "All right." He crossed to Diana. "Can you show me what you saw wrong?"

Diana slid from the chair and moved back over to the middle chalkboard. She went to an equation about halfway down and erased it completely before rewriting it. Hans looked on with bugged-out eyes and dropped jaw. He moved around Diana and looked at the formula she had written.

"Oh my God. That changes everything. That means...." Hans looked at the rest of his handiwork, then took the eraser to it. "Back to the drawing board." He turned back to Diana. "Can you stay? I think we could probably solve this together in short order if you would be willing to help me."

Diana nodded, then looked at Chase. "Hans, she can’t talk right now – not even a whisper. Her voice is gone, all right? So any communication has to be written or visual. I’m gonna send someone over with lunch for ya’ll and some ice for Diana."

"Don’t worry, Chase. I’ll take good care of your girl," Hans said, chuckling silently at the identical startled looks he got from both of them. Funny thing though, he noticed... neither of them made an effort to deny it. Chase just shook her head and started out the opening.

"Hans, who’s got duty today? Jen?"

Hans checked his clipboard and nodded. "Yes. She’s got the day shift and Mitch has the mid."

"Kay," Chase replied absently, already letting her mind move to other considerations. "If ya’ll need something, let the duty officer know, all right? I’ll be out of touch for a while."

"Chase...." Hans started, but he was talking to empty air. Chase was gone. He turned to look at Diana and shrugged. "Come on, Diana. Let me show you exactly what I am working on here, though I have a feeling you probably already understand it better than I do."

A twinkle in her blue eyes was his only answer.



"All right... does someone want to like, explain to me just what in the *Hades* Diana’s radical little problem is? I’ve never seen that bitchin’ warrior babe be so passive... so submissive. It’s just so totally against her whole karma, ya know?"

"Yes, but given her last experience in man’s world, I think it is to be expected that she would be unsure of herself and her surroundings for a little while... especially given the manner in which she was introduced to Chase there," Athena answered confidently. "Don’t worry, Dite. Once everything is out in the open as far as their history together goes, I think you will see the Diana of old begin to make a reappearance. She just needs to relearn to trust her own judgment and have others believe in her again."

"Ya think?" Dite ask, leaning into Athena’s shoulder and wrapping an arm around her waist. She smiled when Athena completed the embrace and added a squeeze for good measure. Athena nodded.

"Yes, I really do. It’s been a long time since Diana has believed in anything... even herself. It’s just going to take her a little time to remember how."

"I hope you’re right, sis. This is one bodacious love match I fer shure wanna see happen. They deserve it so much, especially after what we did."

"Yeah, they do," Athena agreed, brushing a kiss across Dite’s temple. "That’s why it will."



Chase commandeered a jeep and was driving out of the compound a very short time later. She wanted to be completely alone to think, and there was only one place in the whole world where she could find that sort of solitude. No one, not even her compatriots, would bother her here.

The house was in surprisingly good shape considering it had been deserted for years, but it had an air of neglect and abandonment to it that sent an unexpected wave of despair through Chase’s chest. She thought she had dealt with this nostalgia years ago, but occasionally it would rear its head to be dealt with again as though it was fresh and new.

She drove past the house and parked in the small field just behind it. The wildflowers were scattered across the open space and she drew in a deep breath of their fragrance. Slowly, Chase slid out of the jeep, her eyes sweeping over landscape that was at once both familiar and foreign to her.

The fence around what had once been the pig pen was falling down and the wire was missing from the chicken coop. The small garden area just behind the house was overgrown with weeds and Chase found herself idly wishing that the wildflowers would grow out of the meadow and closer to the house if only to choke out the weeds that now grew there.

The barn’s paint was peeling, and the one door hung by a single hinge. A few shingles were missing, but the walls and roof seemed to be holding up pretty well otherwise. Chase didn’t examine the house too closely. There were still too many painful memories wrapped up in the place, and she didn’t want to see the changes time and inattention had wrought on her childhood home.

Instead, she turned her awareness back across the meadow to the lone, large oak that stood in the middle of the field. With a sigh and slow steps, Chase made her way through the tall grasses and wildflowers until she reached the base of the tree.

The oak had always been her haven as a child, its branches providing hours of fun or comfort depending on the need. She knelt down next to the small marker, dusting the leaves from the headstone and pulling a few weeds from in front of it. The she leaned back on her heels and pushed her hair from her face.

"Hello, Mama," she said softly. "It’s been a long time."



Chapter XXVIII

"I don’t really have a good excuse... just the usual. The rebellion... I think we have a real shot at finally winning the war, Mama. We are so close."

"I know, baby girl," from a voice Chase recognized only too well. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of memories envelop her senses. She swore she could feel her mother’s fingers riffling her hair, and she let her eyes remain closed even when lips brushed over her forehead. "I’ve been watching you, Annabelle, and I am so very proud of you."

Chase bit her bottom lip, unwilling to let her tears fall. This was one reason she had gone so long between visits; talking to her mother like this reminded Chase of just how much she missed her mama and how alone in the world she really was.

"You’re not alone, baby girl," Mama said, answering Chase’s unspoken thoughts. "You never have been. I’ve always been here with you, even when you couldn’t see me."

"I still miss you, Mama."

"I know you do, Annabelle, and I miss you. But it was my time to go, and your time to shine. You’re doing such a good job. You’re going to succeed, you know. And if you follow your heart, you will find everything you ever wanted."

Chase opened her eyes, not surprised to see her mother sitting beside her, in a manner of speaking. "Mama, right now all I want is for this to be over with. I am so tired of fighting."

"Are you sure that’s all you want, baby girl?"

Chase sighed. "I don’t know think I know much of anything anymore, Mama. I do want the fighting to be over, and yet it’s all I know. It’s been my whole life for my whole life. What am I gonna do when this is over?"

Her mother laughed, and the sound made Chase smile. "Baby girl... Annabelle. You’re worrying in advance over things you have no control over. Focus on the here and now, and let the future take care of itself in good time. Now, you wanna tell your mama why you really came out here to see me?"

Chase was quiet for a long moment, finally giving into the temptation and resting her head in her mother’s lap. Another minute passed, and she felt the corporeal sensation her mother’s fingers combing through her hair and scraping her scalp in the soothing manner she had always used on Chase as a child. She smiled as she felt Chase relax into her ministrations.

"Have you seen everything, mama? Do you know everything that has gone on since...?"

"I’ve seen everything that took place here, baby girl. When you leave this place, well, not here in particular, but...." Chase waved a hand.

"I get what you mean, mama. So you know I was gone for a while, but not where I was or what happened to me then?"

"No, baby girl. That kind of monitoring is far beyond the scope of dead mortals." She waited a beat. "You wanna tell me about it?"

Chase sighed so deeply she stirred the grass. "I wish I could, mama. Despite what Diana said, everything is still just so much confusion in my mind. I know in my heart she is telling the truth, hell, I know in my mind she is telling the truth, but I don’t know how to explain it to anyone else so it makes sense."

"Does it make sense to you, Annabelle?"

"Yes, mama."

"Then tell me about this woman, Diana Prince. The rest will fall into place eventually."

"You really think so, mama?"

"I really do, baby girl." There was a long, pregnant pause, before Chase spoke up again quietly.

"Mama, will you tell me about Grandpa Trevor?" Her mama blinked at the abrupt change of subject, but figured there was something behind it. Chase had never been on to shirk her responsibilities or the truth, though she had on more than one occasion postponed telling the truth until she had a clearer understanding of what lay beyond it.

"What would you like to know, Annabelle?"

"Tell me the story from when he was shot down by Nazis in the Bermuda Triangle, and go to the end, please."

Her mother’s brow furrowed, but she nodded her acquiescence. Realizing Chase couldn’t see her nod, she started speaking in a low, even voice.



"I don’t know what Chase has told you," looking up when he caught Diana shaking her head vehemently. Hans had to chuckle at the wry frustration written clearly across Diana’s expressive face. "Don’t worry about it, Diana. It’s nothing personal against you. That’s just how Chase is... how Chase has always been, at least since her mother died. She keeps everything pretty close to the vest." Hans looked at Diana and shook his head. "Sorry... I’m not sure why I shared that with you, but...." He turned and looked at her more fully. "Somehow I think you needed to know. It’s important you understand that about Chase. God knows we all love her, but she’s certainly not the easiest human to be around most days. She’s so intense... so focused."

Hans didn’t think about what he was saying until he saw the light blush dusting Diana’s cheeks and felt an answering one on his own. "Tell me to shut up," he muttered. He could tell by the expression on her face that she was laughing at him, though she didn’t make a sound. Her shoulders moved though, and he had to laugh in sympathy.

Fortunately, at that moment, lunch showed up. Hans breathed a sigh of relief. It would give him time to regroup and maybe sort out his thinking. Hans had always been very protective of Chase, but he could tell, even if Chase never admitted it, that she needed someone in her life. Hans could see that Diana was already someone special to Chase and visa versa. So he would help nurture that in any way he could, as long as he didn’t betray any confidences or jeopardize the rebellion itself. And for now, that meant he had shared as much personal information about Chase as he could. As private as Chase was, anything more about her would have to come directly from her, but Hans felt at least now Diana would know enough to be able to accept that as well.

Diana took the time to recompose herself also. As much as she wanted to understand, she would prefer Chase to reveal her secrets in her own good time. Now she just needed to convey that to Hans without speaking.

They consumed lunch slowly and in silence and when it was over Hans cleared his throat. "Diana, I probably shouldn’t have said all those things about Chase to you. I just want you to know where she’s coming from, if and when she does decide to share anything with you. All right?"

Diana nodded in relief. She wasn’t about to explain to Hans that she probably knew Chase better than he did.

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Diana. Perhaps we should get back to work then." She nodded and together they moved back to the chalkboards. "Okay, as you have already figured out," motioning to her earlier correction, "I’ve been working on an antidote for the first in a series of diseases the Nazis have developed."

Are they set to be dispersed yet? Diana wrote on the tablet Hans had given her for exactly that purpose.

"Yes and no; that is one reason you were stopped from eliminating the Fuehrer." A cocked eyebrow was a question Hans understood clearly. "One of the things we know about them is that they will be dispersed if any attempt is made on the Fuehrer’s life. Since we don’t have the antidotes ready yet, we couldn’t let that happen. On the other hand, we don’t have a release date for a massive scale attack yet; the belief is they are in place for use as a threat more than an offensive weapon. We are hoping to get the antidote finished before that changes."

How did you learn all this? Surely the Nazis have security in place to safeguard these kinds of secrets! Diana scribbled so fast her writing was nearly illegible.

Hans clamped his lips together and shook his head. "They do," he replied, answering the second question. "Just trust that the information is reliable and accurate. We came by it at great cost." Diana nodded, knowing better than Hans exactly what that cost had been as far as Chase was concerned. Hans returned her nod and continued speaking. "So, the real question is, do you think you can help me find the antidotes to the rest of the sequences we have?"

Let’s get to work.



"So what can we do to help?" Hippolyta asked as she looked around at a majority of the council. Paula was monitoring the situations in man’s world and was doing her best to keep everyone updated on how things were progressing in both cases.

Notwithstanding the loss of Diana on a personal level, Hippolyta was glad to know Diana had found a place with Chase. She hoped Diana would find happiness as a result, because despite their centuries old feud and moreso because of it, Hippolyta sincerely wanted Diana to have happiness. She was just a little frustrated over the lack of action on that front. Things were progressing between Chase and Diana far too slowly as most of the Amazon council was concerned, and Chase’s doubts on that front were less than reassuring.

Still, at least they were able to observe bits of Diana’s life through Chase’s diary. Orana, on the other hand, had gone more quiet than normal. The Nazi press, however, continued to report on things in the regime, and Paula was delving into other, less official, sources of information as well.

It gave them a fuller, clearer picture of life in man’s world, but it also made them anxious to be able to do something... to contribute to the end of the conflict. But everyone, especially Hippolyta, knew they couldn’t interfere until and unless Diana asked for their help. In the meantime....

"Nubia, I want you to prepare a series of war games for the Nation to participate in. Make them varied and interesting, but ensure that the warriors will receive the training they will need to survive in man’s world."

Nubia blinked, then nodded aggressively, understanding the queen’s directive as it was meant. "IT will be done, my queen. The warriors will lack for nothing in their training. I would request Paula’s assistance in making it as accurate as possible."

Hippolyta nodded and waved her hand. "So be it. Use whatever resources you need to make sure our warriors are successful and return home safely. Make it real for them. We’re going to be part of this before it is over, and I want everyone to come home. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go check on Mala and Drea."

Nubia’s brow furrowed. "Is there a problem, my queen? Their absence at the meeting was noticeable."

"Everything is fine Nubia, but I thank you for your concern. Drea needed to take care of some personal business and Mala agreed to be available in case she needed help." Hippolyta didn’t mention Drea’s almost frantic insistence in taking care of whatever it was immediately, nor did she mention the hurt she felt at being left out of whatever it was that was troubling Drea.

"Then I will leave you to get back to them, and Paula and I will begin working up the war games. Do you have a target date you would like to run them, my queen?"

"The sooner the better, Nubia. I want us to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice."

"As you wish, my queen," Nubia said with a bow. Then she and Paula left Hippolyta alone the council room, though it didn’t tale but a moment for the queen to follow their lead and exit, heading swiftly for her and Drea’s suite of rooms. Even though Mala had agreed to monitor Drea’s meditation, Hippolyta wanted to see for herself how things were going.

She understood all too well what Drea was going through even if she still didn’t know why, and she wanted Drea to feel her support. Hippolyta smiled. It felt good to be the one giving support for a change instead of the one needing it.



Drea sat in the middle of the meditation chamber, letting the music of the water and the gentle scent of wildflowers relax her. It had been a while since she’d needed to communicate this way and she was a little out of practice. It was even harder now that her true sister was dead, but still she let her thoughts follow her sister’s spirit to her resting place. And she listened to the conversation between Jasmine and her daughter.

"Hello, Mama. It’s been a long time."

Drea felt the moment Hippolyta entered the room, and she absorbed the love and support that surrounded her. Hippolyta didn’t speak, but merely sat behind her and entered her own meditative state, focusing on sharing her love and support until Drea felt she could share whatever it was that she was dealing with.

Drea simply focused on the dialogue taking place in what could have been half a world away.



"We never did find out what happened. Technically, I believe your great-grandfather is still listed as missing in action. His body was never recovered and the Nazis have never claimed responsibility for his disappearance or death. The woman he traveled with... the yeoman, Diana Prince, she disappeared as well. Given where they were last seen, it was assumed they were tortured and then put to death as enemies of the Nazi state. Do you think your Diana Prince is related to your great-grandfather’s?"

Chase was quiet for a long time, thinking over what her mother had said, debating what answer to give her even as she soaked up her mother’s touch. It was something she hadn’t felt since.... Her thoughts came to a dead halt so fast her mind nearly suffered whiplash. She stiffened and lifted her head slightly.


"Yes, baby girl?" Chase took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak, then stopped before she could utter a word. Her mother kept up her relaxing stroking, smiling when Chase resumed her semi-sprawled position on her lap. "What is it, Annabelle?" asked tenderly.

"Nothing, Mama, it’s just.... When I was gone, I was shot down over the Triangle by Nazis. I was wounded and had to be treated for my injuries there on the island. I just realized how similar the healer’s touch was to yours. It was very comforting... made me feel like you were nearby."

The soft touch hesitated briefly at Chase’s words. Her mother wondered if it has been merely her touch that had caused Chase to change thought flow mid-stream, or if it was easier for her daughter to focus on something a little more tangible to her at the moment. However, as long as Chase was willing to share....

"I wish I could have been, Annabelle. Are you doing all right now? Would you like to tell me about it?" She resumed her gentle touch, hoping eventually Chase would relax enough to share not only whatever was currently on her mind, but would also answer the question she had posed earlier. Chase was going to need to understand and accept all kinds of possibilities if she was ever to learn the truth... about a great many things.

Chase sighed and was silent for a long moment. "I would. It all ties together and I think you might be able to understand it at least as well as I do, because it’s certainly blown my neat, orderly existence all to hell," said with a wry chuckle. "It started several weeks ago when I was the only one available to pick up a package of secret intel...."



Drea listened to the conversation carefully, not even aware of the tears that tracked down her face as several of her suspicions were finally confirmed. It was one thing to believe the veracity of something; it was another thing entirely to be slapped in the face with the undisputed truth. She wondered if perhaps she would be able to speak to her sister when Jasmine was done talking to her daughter. Despite what she had learned through this communication, Drea had so many unanswered questions, and she sincerely wanted to understand everything.

Drea sat still for several moments once the images had faded from her mind. A tentative touch on her shoulder brought a smile to her face, and she opened her eyes to find Hippolyta gazing at her in concern.

"Drea? Sweetheart, are you all right?"

Drea didn’t answer verbally at first. Instead, she turned in Hippolyta’s arms and absorbed the wordless comfort the queen offered. Hippolyta waited, knowing Drea would speak when she was ready. After a few minutes, Drea looked up to find Hippolyta smiling down on her. She returned the smile and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"All right now?"

"Well, better, anyway," Drea said wryly.

"Do you... would you like to share?" Hippolyta asked hesitantly. She didn’t want Drea to think she was prying, but her curiosity was killing her. Whatever the secret was, it must have been of tantamount importance to have caused Drea to drop everything else to attend to it immediately. The fact that dealing with it required meditation gave Hippolyta a good clue as to at least part of what lay behind it.

"I think you deserve to know, Pol. But you need to understand that I don’t have all the answers yet. I’ll share with you what I have learned. Maybe we can fill in the holes together." Drea stood up and held out a hand to Hippolyta, helping her to her feet and holding her hand as they started out of the meditation room. "Come. Let’s take a walk on the beach."

Neither of them saw Mala smile as she exited behind them, heading for the temple.



Chapter XXIX

"When we were in Greece, I had a sister... a twin."

"I remember Jasmine, Drea. She was a good friend... until...."

"... until she moved to Transformation Island after the situation with Diana. Sorry, Pol. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories. It’s just...."

"I know you didn’t, Drea," Hippolyta comforted her and put a hand on the healer’s arm. "I figure it must be important if you’re bringing up truly ancient history."

Drea nodded. "It is." She blew out a breath. "You never knew that Jasmine and I were linked telepathically... that we could speak to each other without talking. We didn’t use it often once the Nation moved to Paradise Island. We didn’t need to. We were in no danger here. But once she left here and went to the other island, it was how we kept in touch."

Hippolyta remained quiet, knowing Drea needed time to put her thoughts in order. They walked slowly through the sand, leaving a trail of footprints behind them. They held hands, and it reminded Hippolyta just how much she missed time like this with Drea. So much had happened to them and been allowed to come between them, and Hippolyta made a vow to herself that that would change. In the meantime, though....

"Twenty-five years ago, she came to me, told me that it was our last communication for a while. The goddesses had spoken to her and asked for a favor. I never knew what the favor was. She made it clear she wasn’t able to share and I respected her enough not to ask. We spent the night just talking... reminiscing about everything. It was wonderful. I had never felt so connected to her before. When the sun came up, she was gone."

"For twenty-five years, she was silent. I didn’t hear from her and I couldn’t reach her. It was like she had just disappeared off the face of the earth."

"Yesterday, Mala sent me a message, asking me to come to the temple. No other explanation, just to go to the temple. When I did, I was met by Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite."

"In the flesh? My goodness, that has certainly changed a lot here recently, hasn’t it?" Hippolyta commented nervously.

Drea smiled. It was a little unnerving. After more than a century of silence for the gods to simply suddenly resume their presence on the island without so much as a by your leave was a little hard to swallow – especially since they had caused at least part of the original problem, however inadvertently. However, they were trying to correct their error, and in truth, everyone had missed them.

"Yes," Drea answered simply. "They came to tell me that Jasmine would be in touch with me today, and that’s all the information they offered me."

"That’s why...?"

"Yes. Since I didn’t know where she was contacting me from or when or what about, I figured I would meditate and make it as easy for her as possible." Drea grew thoughtfully silent, and Hippolyta stayed respectfully quiet, though it was hard not to blurt out her questions and urge Drea to finish her story faster. Obviously something profound had happened. Finally, Drea took a deep breath and resumed speaking.

"You have to understand that the link we had cultivated had grown and expanded until we could see what one another saw if we chose to share the pictures. We didn’t do it often – we rarely needed to, and it is very exhausting... emotionally draining."

"She chose to share this time?" Hippolyta asked, noting the dark circles under Drea’s eyes and the look of fatigue in them. "Oh sweetheart," dragging Drea gently by the hand over to a dune and taking a seat before pulling Drea down to rest against her. "You should have said something."

Drea patted Hippolyta’s hands encircling her waist before leaning back into the warm body behind her. "I suggested we walk, remember? But this feels pretty nice too," she added with a smile. "But yes," she said, turning back to the water and watching the waves pound the shore with relentless, repetitive force. "She chose to share. It was... astonishing."

Drea was quiet so long, Hippolyta finally felt the need to prompt her. "What was, Drea?"

She didn’t know how long she’d been sitting there, but eventually Drea watched as the darkness transformed into something more substantial. She looked around and felt the breeze blowing the through the wildflowers. Drea took a deep breath and enjoyed the fresh scent, wondering where she was but enjoying the view nonetheless.

"Hello, Drea. Gods, I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re here."

"I’ve missed you, too, Jasmine. I wish I could see you."

"And I you, Drea, but for now this will have to do. We’re short on time and there is so much I need to tell you... so much I want to share with you. It is only by special dispensation that we are able to communicate at all now and only because of recent events."

"What? Jasmine, what are you talking about? What happened? Where have you been, and what is going on? I assumed something horrible had happened when you stopped... when I couldn’t find you anymore."

Drea felt her sister soothing her soul and she closed her eyes momentarily, absorbing the love she felt flowing from Jasmine to her. It brought tears to her eyes and a smile to her face simultaneously.

"Does being dead count?"


"Shh, Drea. I’ll make sure we get more time together later so I can explain everything. Gods, this is so frustrating!! They should have given us more time or a chance to stay in touch once they moved me. I didn’t realize how much... though I should have. A part of me has always been lonely, has continued to miss you, even after my baby was born."

Drea was stunned into silence for a long moment. First learning Jasmine was dead, then... "BABY?!? Buh... um... ba... Jas?" The sound of a vehicle droned only slightly louder than the bees that were enjoying the colorful fields Drea could see. She didn’t take note, but Jasmine did, knowing she had just run out of time to explain things they way she had hoped to... at least for now.

Jasmine chuckled sadly at Drea’s squawking. She knew exactly how her twin felt. "Sorry, Drea. I didn’t want to spring this on you like this, at least without having a chance to explain everything first."

"So what’s stopping you?"

"My daughter is here."

Drea fell into silence again, and Hippolyta wished she had the ability to see what Drea had seen. She thought about prodding Drea, but the look of sad contentment made her bite her lips instead. She knew eventually Drea would continue her story, so Hippolyta decided that waiting patiently would be a good exercise in patience. She just hoped she didn’t have to wait too long.

Eventually, Drea realized she had stopped speaking and she chuckled a little self-consciously and blushed. "Sorry, Pol. I was thinking."

Hippolyta laughed. "I know. Why do you think I didn’t disturb you?" Drea glared at her for a long moment before breaking into a sheepish grin. Hippolyta hugged her close. "I’m sorry about Jasmine, Drea. She was a good friend, and a good Amazon." She took a deep breath. "So, you ready to share the rest?"

"There’s not much left to tell. I heard footsteps approaching the oak we were standing next to...."

Jasmine was just out of sight of the footsteps and Drea wanted to peek around at the mysterious child. But Jasmine stayed out of sight, waiting for her daughter to perform the ritual she did every time she came to this place. Only when she spoke directly to her mother did Jasmine step out from behind the tree...

... and if Drea hadn’t been well-practiced in the art and in complete control of her telepathic powers, she would have been completely expelled from Jasmine’s consciousness. Then she focused on the conversation between Jasmine and her daughter, Annabelle Chaser.

"Whoa, whoa, stop... just hang on a minute," Hippolyta said, freeing a hand and clutching her forehead with it. "Let me make sure I’ve got this straight so far. Your sister Jasmine is dead, but she’s apparently been in man’s world for a while and had a child. And not just any child, but the child Mala saw as being the key to Diana’s salvation."

"That would about sum it up, yes."

"My head hurts now."

Drea laughed. "I know how you feel."

"So what happened next?"

"I blinked, and found myself back in the meditation room. I’m not sure if it was because my time with Jasmine was up or because it was too hard to hold on to the connection with all the revelations. Once their conversation was over, I found myself here again."

"Did you learn anything else? From their conversation, I mean?"

Drea shrugged. "Nothing really tangible, although after finding out Chase was my niece, my mind was in a bit of a muddle." She paused. "I think she’s starting to put things together. She was connecting the dots for Jas. She doesn’t have the whole picture yet, and she certainly doesn’t have a grasp on who Diana is to her, but she is trying."

"Was Diana with her? How is she doing?"

"No, she wasn’t, and it didn’t come up for discussion."

Hippolyta eased from behind Drea and stood up, then extended her hand down to help Drea stand. "Come. Let’s go back to the palace, and I’ll tuck you in. Then later we can have a light supper and you can go back to bed and try to recover from this. We can worry about the rest tomorrow."

"You take such good care of me, Pol."

"Not always, and not like I should, but I am going to keep trying until I get it right." Then together they walked slowly back down the beach towards the palace, holding hands and enjoying the peace of being together.



"Okay, that was totally bogus! How did we screw that up?"

Athena shook her head. "Miscalculation on my part. I’m sorry, Dite. I didn’t expect Chase to show up quite so quickly, and I certainly didn’t expect the connection to sever like it did. I thought they’d have a little more time together."

"No worries, babe. This is all pretty new for us too. We’ll figure it out." Aphrodite gave Athena a hug which she reluctantly returned but secretly relished.

Sometimes Athena envied her sister’s freedom to express herself so easily. She turned her attention back to the situation. "We have to be careful though, Dite. We don’t want to draw Ares’ attention to either of them. We’re supposed to be fixing the problem we caused... not making things worse."

"As if. Athena, I really don’t think that letting those two bodacious babes do their mind thingy is gonna make matters worse. I thought we’d already, ya know, decided they totally deserved this, ‘cause the price we made them pay was so radically unfair."

"We did, Dite, and they do. We just need to be sure that through our actions Ares doesn’t become aware of Drea and Jasmine or Chase and Diana. The Amazons have been out of his scrying bowl for a very long time. We don’t want to remind him of their existence and if we disrupt the flow of things too much, even *he* will sit up and take notice."

For the first time, Artemis spoke up. "Do you really think he has forgotten, Athena? After all, his Fuehrer *IS* an Amazon, though she has long since given up any claim to that title. And he has to be aware of both Chase and Diana, at least on some level. They’ve both had run-ins with Orana personally since she became the Fuehrer."

Athena rubbed her forehead. "That is exactly my point. It’s why we have to be careful. Today was supposed to be a one time thing – a chance to give both Jasmine and Drea a measure of peace about the other, and to get the rest settled so when the time comes, the Amazons will be ready for what is coming." She tapped her fingernails against her teeth nervously before speaking again. "We need to figure out a better way to get Jasmine and Drea together... one that will give them a decent amount of time together but won’t alert Ares as well."

"I have a totally gnarly idea."

Two heads turned in tandem to face the blonde goddess and both gave her an identical raised eyebrow stare at her. Then they crossed their arms and waited for Dite to continue. As they listened, their eyes grew wide, and they shook their heads in disbelief.

"Well," Dite asked when she finished laying out her idea. "Whaddya think?"

Athena and Artemis exchanged looks and nodded their heads together. "I think that has got to be the craziest thing I ever heard," Artemis commented gravely, "which is exactly I think it will probably work. No one will expect it. Who’s going to be the one to tell them?"

"I will," Dite responded with a serious look on her face. "My idea, so I’ll take responsibility for it."

Athena laid a hand on Dite shoulder and smiled at her compassionately. "How about we each take a piece of the puzzle? We’ll figure out the details here, and then go to them and get everything taken care of? That way it will get done faster, and maybe we can finally get that happy ending we’ve been waiting for."

"I so like that plan, Stan. I can totally get behind a righteous happy ending."

Athena grinned broadly, loving Dite’s exuberance. "Me, too. Let’s get to work."



"I don’t like this, Drea. It’s dangerous."


"Drea, it is. Artemis said...."

Drea took Hippolyta’s hands in hers and led them over to a window in the temple. Mala had summoned them as soon as Artemis had arrived and they had been sitting in the small prayer room in the back listening to Artemis spell out Aphrodite’s plan until Hippolyta’s outburst. Artemis watched them go with a small smile; it was nice to see the concern between the queen and her consort. Though they had never lost their love for one another, things for them and for the Nation had been stagnant for too long. This rejuvenation was long overdue and a very welcome result of all the tribulation they had already endured.

Drea faced them both towards the window, wrapping Hippolyta up in her arms and resting her chin on Hippolyta’s shoulder. For a little while they simply stood there together, absorbing the comfort the other provided. Finally, Drea started talking quietly into Hippolyta’s ear.

"This is something I want to do, Pol, but I won’t if it bothers you that badly. I don’t want you to be upset or worried. But I don’t think the goddesses would have offered me the opportunity if they didn’t think it was important."

Hippolyta turned in Drea’s arms, ignoring everything around them and focusing solely on her partner. "This means that much to you?"

"Yes, it does. But I won’t do it if you’re that uncomfortable with it."

Hippolyta bit her lip. "I want you to do it, Drea. I think you deserve to know what happened to Jasmine, and what all this has to do with Chase and Diana. I just don’t like the fact that you have to...." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Drea, I don’t want you to die... even temporarily."

"My queen," Artemis finally found a good opportunity to interrupt. "She won’t really be dead; we just need to give her the appearance of death to allow her and Jasmine to be together on the same plane of existence."

"But Jasmine really died," Hippolyta retorted with some heat. Artemis nodded her agreement.

"Yes she did, but she also gave up her immortality voluntarily, knowing what the cost was. We are not asking Drea to do that, and we will be here to monitor her."

"I hate this," Hippolyta hissed in Drea’s direction, but she didn’t release her hands. Hippolyta turned her attention back to Artemis. "I want to be here. I want to help monitor her throughout the entire process."

Artemis smiled. "I would expect nothing less, my queen. Let me make sure we are ready. The sooner, the better for this conversation, I think." She shimmered out, leaving behind a trail of silver sparkles. The other three watched until she vanished completely, and then Mala gestured to the other two.

"Come. I think we should prepare a comfortable space for Drea to rest during the ritual."

Hippolyta and Drea exchanged glances then followed Mala to her private quarters. They didn’t know exactly how long they had and wanted to be prepared for Artemis’ return.



"Baby girl?" They were both sitting up, on the opposite side of the tree from the headstone with their backs braced against the trunk.

"Yes, mama?"

"I have to go." Jasmine covered Chase’s lips before the younger woman could speak. "But I would like to come back and talk some more. And I would definitely like to meet Diana – eventually... once you’re comfortable with the idea and have figured out how she fits into your not-so-neat and orderly world," Jasmine finished with a grin and a tug on Chase’s short hair. "I love you, Annabelle."

"I love you, mama. I’ll be back soon, I promise."

"You better. Otherwise...."

Chase held up her hands and backed up, laughing. "No threats, mama. I promised. I’ll be here. A lot depends on how fast things move will the rebellion, but I will come back."

Jasmine noticed that Chase didn’t mention Diana, but decided she had pushed enough for one day. Besides, Aphrodite was getting kind of loud in her summoning. She brushed a light kiss across Chase’s forehead. "All right, baby girl. See you soon." Then she faded from existence before Chase could respond. She stood a moment longer, then with a sigh turned back towards her vehicle and headed back to the rebel compound.



Chapter XXX

It was well past dark when Chase pulled back into the compound. The guards, ever alert and aware of Chase’s explicit instructions, stopped her at each checkpoint instead of simply waving her through. They had learned this rule the hard way and it was something none of them had forgotten.

Chase smiled bittersweetly, remembering the high cost of the lesson. She was just glad that particular lesson had taken with only one teaching. She parked the jeep in the depot and debated for a minute before turning her steps to the mess hall. She’d missed lunch and her stomach was growling loud enough to be heard in the heart of the Reich.

The mess hall was empty except for a few stragglers like herself. Most of them had been busy working through the dinner hour, but Cookie always kept fixings around for those that didn’t make it in time for the scheduled meal. Ostensibly, he did it because Chase had given an order for there to always be food available, but they both knew he did it to keep Chase from rummaging around in his kitchen, That had been a lesson *he* had learned the hard way, much to her delight.

The rebellion had had a lot of time to develop the skills needed to provide for themselves, and fortunately, most of the Nazis overseers just didn’t care enough to see what was really going on. They had been in power for more than a century; they didn’t expect that to change any time soon. So, while not a five-star dining experience, the soup was warm and the bread not too dry.

Chase was left alone to eat in peace, and she sat silently thinking about her encounter with her mother. While it wasn’t at all unusual for Jasmine to show up when Chase visited her grave, something had been off this time. Chase wasn’t sure what it had been, but it was clear her mother’s ghost was agitated about something, and Chase was laying odds it had something to do with their unexpected Amazon visitor Diana.

Like a compass headed north, her thoughts obediently followed that train. Chase knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Diana was telling her the truth. But to accept that meant she not only had to accept that the things she had convinced herself were merely dreams were in reality... reality... it meant she also had to realigned her perception of the Amazons. And that seemed to be her real stumbling block.

She remembered with startling clarity Orana’s cruelty and maliciousness. The woman had taken great pains to make sure Chase knew she was an Amazon. Why? Chase suddenly thought. The idea brought all her motion to a dead stop, and she sat perfectly still for a very long moment as the thought wormed its way into her conscious mind. Why was it so important to her that I knew she was an Amazon? It’s not like they are more than a mythical people here in this world... they haven’t been more than a myth for twenty-five hundred years. So what is her game?

Her musing might have gone on longer if a touch on her shoulder hadn’t brought her back to reality with an unexpected jolt. Inhaling started her movement again, but because of the bread still lodged in her mouth, the action also caused her to choke. The hand moved from her shoulder to her back, and Chase quickly hacked up the bread that had slipped down the wrong way.

She coughed and sputtered for another couple minutes before bringing watery green eyes up to meet concerned blue. Diana didn’t speak, but raised an eyebrow in question.

"Are you trying to kill me or am I just lucky like that when you’re around?" Chase managed to croak, reaching for her glass. Diana snatched it and slapped it into her hand with a glare. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Chase choked out as water sloshed over the side and into her lap.

Blue eyes glared into green and green glared right back. Finally, knowing Diana shouldn’t and really *couldn’t* speak and silently acknowledging she might possibly have over-reacted, Chase broke the silence.

"Sorry," she croaked sheepishly. "Rough afternoon." Chase took a deep breath. "Please, have a seat," taking a napkin and trying to sop up the water in her lap. She looked back up at Diana. "Is something wrong? Did something happen with Hans? Wait," she said, holding up her hands when Diana opened her mouth to answer. Chase slid from her seat, wincing when the cold wet hit her warm skin. "I’ll be right back."

Diana watched her go, a curious expression on her face. She wondered Chase was up to, but more than that, she wondered what had put the sadness in those green eyes. She propped her chin on her fist and sat back to wait for Chase to return.

Chase went back into the kitchen area, riffling through Cookie’s private stock of supplies. He came in halfway through her search, but a look from her stopped his tirade in its tracks. Instead, he offered to help. "Whatcha need, boss?" tacitly acknowledging her leadership.

"Honey. And some lemon juice."

Cookie went directly to the cabinet that housed both and took them out. He set them on his prep table and turned to grab a cup and spoon. "You all right, Chase? You’re not getting sick, are ya?"

Chase smiled crookedly as she started mixing the two ingredients together. "No, I’m fine, Cookie. This is for Diana."

"Ah, the notaNazi mystery woman. What’s her story anyway?"

"One I’m still working on, Cookie," Chase said warningly. "Let it go."

He held up his hand defensively. "No harm in asking, boss. Everyone’s curious."

"I know. They’re just gonna have to get over it." She picked up the cup, continuing to stir its contents as she headed out the kitchen door. "Thanks, Cookie," she added, lifting the cup in salute before disappearing from the kitchen. He followed her footsteps until he could look out the small window, watching until she resumed her seat next to the beautiful stranger. Then he shook his head and turned back to his domain, putting things away before going back to his cot to get a little more rest.

Chase set the cup down in front of Diana. "Drink."

Diana raised her eyebrow and raised the cup to her nose to take a deep sniff. She took a tentative taste, then understanding what it was for, swallowed the contents. She closed her eyes as it coated her throat, glad for the respite.


"Much, thank you," Diana whispered, then she slipped the tablet Hans had given her from where she had tucked it in her back pocket. The first two pages were covered in hastily scribbled writing. Chase barely got a look before Diana turned to a fresh sheet. "If you are willing...?"

"Yes, absolutely. Damn," she muttered to herself. "I should have thought about this before." She stood and picked up her half eaten food then motioned to Diana. "C’mon. We’ll probably be more comfortable back in my quarters. It’s been a very long day... for both of us."

Diana knew how tired she was, having spent the day talking to Chase and working with Hans. But now she took the time to look more carefully at Chase, and she could see the fatigue so clearly apparent in her body language and a sadness in her eyes that was almost hidden. Diana nodded and rose, walking beside Chase for a few steps before retrieving a pitcher of chilled water and a second glass. Then she hurried to catch up, and in silence they retired to Chase’s hut.

Chase sidestepped the desk, and went directly to her cot. Now that she had slowed down, her exhaustion was making itself known in her body as well as her soul. With any luck, her mind would get with the program and shut off long enough to let her get some rest. Maybe then her subconscious would work on her current problems and pop up with a resolution.

First, though, she needed to make it through her bit of dinner. And she needed to find out what was on Diana’s mind, because the Amazon had to have come looking at her for a reason. She pulled her boots off and slid back against the headboard with a muffled groan. Then she set her plate in her lap and took a bite, chewing briefly before turning to find Diana looking at her with concerned eyes.

"So," she took a deep drink and swallowed before continuing her question. "What’s up? Did things go okay with Hans, or...?" At Diana’s look of confusion, Chase tried to elaborate. "I figured there was some sort of problem since you came looking for me."

Diana put pen to paper and Chase waited patiently for her to finish her answer. She continued to eat, almost cleaning her plate before Diana passed the tablet over to her. She put a stoic face on, not really knowing what to expect from Diana. She felt her emotions were raw and exposed after the time spent with her mother... especially considering what their discussion had been about.

My time with Hans was fine. We got a lot accomplished I think, and I really enjoyed working with him. He is quite knowledgeable, and he seems to be a good friend of yours... very protective.

Chase looked up at Diana and nodded. "He is. One day I’ll have to tell you the story of how we became friends in the first place." Then she turned her attention back to the paper in her hands.

As for the other, I was just concerned. I saw you come in and you seemed a little upset. I wanted to make sure you were all right. I followed you into the mess hall, and found you completely lost in thought. I didn’t mean to make you choke. So are you okay?

She got up and put her empty plate on the desk, then reseated herself facing Diana and giving her a thin smile. "I’m fine, Diana... honestly. I just had to take care of some personal business, and that always takes a lot out of me. I’m sorry you were worried," she continued, sliding back into a more comfortable position on the bed.

Diana shrugged, but gave Chase a small smile.

Chase cleared her throat. "How would you like to work with Hans on a more permanent basis?" She chuckled when Diana’s eyebrows shot up into her bangs. "Diana, I don’t think you’re a Nazi, and I do think you could make a significant contribution to making this war end. I don’t think making you share anything else is gonna change my opinion of you. A girl’s gotta have some secrets, right?"

Diana gave Chase a sheepish smile and shrugged before reluctantly nodding her head. She was caught between relief and disappointment. She really wasn’t ready to share her personal reasons for following Chase into man’s world, but she really didn’t want to have to lie about it either. On the other hand, she got the distinct impression that Chase was pawning her off, putting distance between them. The latter was confirmed when Chase continued speaking.

"Speaking of, though, your quarters should be ready in the morning, so if you want, we’ll get you moved in before you start working with Hans in the morning?" She saw the hurt clearly in the blue eyes, but Chase needed the distance right now. Despite the doubts she had about leaving Diana alone in the compound, it was too confusing to have her nearby all the time. There were things she had to work out for herself before they could go any further in their friendship... things Chase had to understand and decide for herself and talking to her mother had brought that sharply into focus.

"I’m not sending you away, Diana. It’s not like we won’t see one another and you’ll make friends much easier with others here if I am not hanging around you all the time. Trust me... a lot of folks here are looking forward to the opportunity to get to know you better. I just thought you might like a bit of privacy... some space to call your own."

"I understand," she whispered, despite the pain in her throat. "I appreciate it." The words had a ring of truth, but it was belied but the expression of betrayal in her eyes. "Goodnight, Chase," Diana whispered. Chase took a breath to answer, but Diana closed her eyes and rolled over to go to sleep.

Chase watched her for a moment before turning of the light. It was a long time before she closed her eyes, and sleep was an even longer time in coming to her.



"All right. I can see way more drastic measures are called for here." Dite turned her head and looked at Athena with an exasperated expression on her face. "What is wrong with those two radical chicks anyway? They are making me totally nuts." She threw her hands into the air and started ranting to herself. Athena just let her go for a few minutes, exchanging smirks with Artemis. Eventually, they bookended the love goddess and took a seat together on the settee, much to the amusement of the other goddesses watching them.

"I hate to say it, but Aphrodite is right. These two... especially Chase... seem to be determined to push one another away." This from Hera.

"Actually, Chase is doing the pushing. Diana is just letting it happen. Can we do something to fix that?"

"I’m gonna do something in a minute," Dite muttered loud enough to be heard. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the gathered goddesses tittered a little bit. "I’m gonna smack those two heads together so hard we’ll get a new constellation out of the stars they produce. I’m gonna...."

Artemis grabbed her hands. "Dite, you are going to have to calm down. You know bad things happen when you get worked up like this. You have to have a bit of faith in yourself and them. It will happen."

Dite turned eyes sparkling with tears of frustration towards Artemis. "You totally, rock, babe. You know that? Thanks!"

Demeter cleared her throat. "That still doesn’t answer my question though... can we do anything to correct this passive attitude Diana seems to have cultivated?"

"I think we need to see what happens now that Chase has given Diana a bit of latitude. It will be interesting to watch things develop, because knowing these two souls, they will push and pull a little while longer before the finally come together. At least when they finally do, the sparkage will be incredible."

"Don’t you mean *if*?" Dite pouted.

"No. They will," Athena said firmly. "They will just give us all gray hair before they do. I think it is a hobby with them." The goddesses all nodded in agreement.

"Now! Now! Now!" Dite said stomping her foot. "I want it to happen now. Just once I’d like for the love biz to totally, you know, go right the first time." She snorted. "As if."

"Keep the faith, sister. They will get there... sooner rather than later."

"They better, or so help me...." As a single entity, they turned back to the scrying bowl to watch the situation progress between Chase and Diana.



Chase was up and out of her hut before the sun had even had a chance to turn the sky gray. She decided a run was in order to try and clear the cobwebs from her mind. Chase ran until the only thing in her thoughts was the rising of the sun and the wind in her hair. She realized she was making things more difficult than they needed to be and she decided to talk to Diana about it. Maybe they could work something out between them. She didn’t like the pain and the feeling of betrayal she had seen in Diana’s eyes the night before.

She decided to invite Diana to breakfast and made her way back into her hut, only to discover Diana was gone, as was any evidence she had ever been there. Chase looked around blankly, surprised by the pain in her chest that suddenly encompassed her. She placed her empty canteen on the desk with numb hands and dropped heavily into her bunk. This wasn’t what she had wanted – she felt like something precious and fragile had just slipped through her fingers and crashed at her feet with no hope of recovery.

Not used to the feeling of having made such a colossal mistake, and not liking the way it felt now, Chase immediately left her hut in search of Diana. What she found made her heart clench for lost opportunities and at the same time smile grimly to herself for her keen insight. Instead of being in her new hut or sitting alone at breakfast, Diana was currently surrounded by Chase’s top aides, all doing their best to follow Chase’s lead. With Hans’ help and because of his enthusiastic outpouring about her aid, they were finding to their delight that Diana was exactly as Chase had promised... someone to be welcomed into their midst.

Ty caught sight of Chase as she stepped into the mess hall and beckoned her over silently with a nod of her head, hoping she would shed some enlightenment on why Diana had been in such a hurry to move out from under Chase’s watchful care. In all the years she had known Chase, Ty had never found her to be personally overbearing, even in her intensity, though her focus on work and the rebellion was another matter entirely. She was curious to know what Chase had done to push Diana so firmly away from her... and why.

Chase, however, conveniently ignored the hail, acting as though she hadn’t even seen it. Instead, she grabbed a cup of coffee and turned to leave before Ty could repeat her summons verbally. For a brief instant, blue eyes met green, and equal pain was reflected in both of them. Then the shutters went up in Chase’s eyes and she left the mess hall without a word to anyone. Ty watched the proceedings very carefully, noting that Diana’s eyes closed up as well. No one else was even aware of what had transpired, too excited by Diana’s arrival in their circle.

This was not an auspicious start to the day, and from the looks of things, it was only going to get worse.



Meanwhile, Orana was making plans of her own. She had the disturbing feeling that the rebellion was growing stronger. Nothing concrete, mind you... just a hunch. Rumors were making their way to her spies that were causing niggling concerns to gnaw at the back of her subconscious mind and she had determined it was time to take matters into her hands and destroy the rebellion once and for all.

Then there were the photographs. Two days earlier, her breakfast tray had been accompanied by a couple grainy surveillance pictures that had been taken the night of the rally. No one should have been wandering around the Reichstag while she was outside delivering her speech, and yet she held in her hands proof positive that a soldier of the SS, one of her elite guards by the markings she could make out on his uniform, was not only wandering around the building, but had been dangerously close to her own quarters. And she knew for a fact he hadn’t been the one instructed to share her bed that night; SS officers were not allowed that privilege. She needed their cunning and their minds, such as they were, in her service. Their bodies didn’t figure into the picture at all. Orana couldn’t afford to have them distracted fighting over who would share her bed. Besides, it wasn’t like men were her first choice of bed partners anyway, no matter how amusing they were. But as long as she shared the wealth around between women and men, no one made mention of the fact that the Fuehrer herself was ignoring cardinal Nazi doctrine.

To top it off, Ares had cautioned her to leave well enough alone. He was busy stirring up tiny civil wars around the globe, and that would effectively keep the rebellion from any serious effort against her or the Nazi regime. Orana chanced to wonder yet again how she had come to mentor Ares, but too much time and too many bottles of alcohol had passed her lips for her to clearly remember. All she knew at the moment was that she was bored and this was something new to worry about for a change.

So this puzzle, along with the rumors, made her antsy, and shook her from the complacency that had maintained its grip over her for far too long. Despite Ares’ warnings to the contrary, it was time to shake the dust from her boots and do some hunting. Orana felt her blood warm at the prospect. Things were suddenly looking much better for her.



Chapter XXXI

"Are you ready, Drea?" The healer shifted a bit, laying her head more firmly in Hippolyta’s lap, nodding when she felt Hippolyta start rubbing her temples. Mala turned her attention to the queen. "Are you ready, my queen?" adjusting the cushions behind Hippolyta to insure her comfort. None of them were quite sure how long this would take. Athena had spoken to Hades and arranged for a safe haven between life and death for the sisters to meet for as long as it took for Jasmine to tell Drea her story.

"As I’ll ever be," Hippolyta answered with a wry smile. "I’m a little nervous."

Artemis stroked a hand through Hippolyta’s hair and laid her other hand on Drea’s wrist, monitoring her pulse. "Don’t worry, my queen. We are going to be keeping an eye on both of you. But it’s important to Drea and Jasmine to get some closure. Drea needs to understand, and Jasmine needs to share."

"I know. I’m still nervous." Artemis smiled at Hippolyta’s honesty.

"That’s a good thing, my queen. Now Drea, I want you to relax and close your eyes. Start your meditation. Listen to the water and the chimes and breathe slowly. Let your mind relax and take you to Jasmine." Whatever else Artemis said was lost on Drea as she slipped into another time and place, not hearing Hippolyta’s pleading cries for her to breathe.

"Drea? Drea, wake up and open your eyes."

Drea blinked her eyes open slowly, smiling brightly when her brown eyes met their twin after more than a twenty-five year absence. She reached out and took Jasmine in an embrace that lasted long minutes. When they finally released one another, they sat back and simply looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

"Oh gods, Drea. How I have missed you."

"And I you, Jas. And apparently, so much more," said with a tearful chuckle.

"Oh, yes. Let me start at the beginning, but we’d better get comfortable first. It’s a long story."

For the first time, Drea looked around the nothing they were standing in. Then she looked back at Jasmine. "All right. I’m open to suggestions."

Jasmine laughed, a full, throaty sound that Drea had to laugh in sympathy with. Things had always been like this between them. When Drea stopped laughing, she looked around again, amazed at the changes that had been wrought. They were in a meadow, much like the one Drea had seen with Chase in it. This one, however, didn’t have a house or barn and it did have a river with a waterfall. Beneath the oak tree were two comfortable chaise lounges, and between them sat a table with refreshments. Drea raised an eyebrow in question. Jasmine just shook her head.

"Sometimes it’s best not to question what the gods provide. Come... sit. I have a lot to tell you."

Drea remained silent, wanting Jasmine to tell her story in her own way. Soon, her patience was rewarded, and Jasmine began to speak.

"I was furious at Hippolyta for her treatment of Diana, so I decided to move to Transformation Island. I enjoyed it, for the most part. It was peaceful and quiet, and full of scientific research. I missed you, though. I know why you stayed, and I agreed with your decision, but it didn’t make me miss you less."

"I had begun to think about returning home to Paradise Island, when the goddesses approached me. It was somewhat unusual. I wasn’t at the temple; nor was I meditating or praying. Instead, Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite approached me while I was working... doing research on gene mutation. Anyway, it was all a little bizarre and totally unexpected."

"Jasmine?" I turned around, wondering who dared disturb me at such a critical point in my work. I was stunned to see three of our patron goddesses in the laboratory with me, and would have knelt had it not been for Athena’s firm grip on my arm.

"No, Jasmine. You need not kneel before us this time, for we have come to ask a favor of you."

"Of course. Anything."

The three of them smiled at one another then at me and shook their heads. "No, Jasmine. Hear us out first. What we have to ask of you is difficult and treacherous and will have far reaching consequences."

We moved to my office at Aphrodite’s suggestion; they conjured their own chairs, though Athena never actually sat down. It occurred to me then that they were all acting a little stranger than usual. Aphrodite was nervous and biting her nails; Artemis was pensive, bouncing her leg and clasping her hands together rhythmically. Athena was worried and paced back and forth across the small space behind the others.

"You deserve to know the whole story, and this story starts more that twenty-five centuries ago... when Diana was granted life. You see, she needed a soul and we searched far and wide for a soul that was deserving and that could fulfill every potential we offered it. And we found that in a soul that was known to the Nation, both as a Destroyer and as a Champion."

"We wanted to give her a second chance. What we didn't figure was that taking her soul out of the karmic circle was going to disrupt... everything. We chose the warrior's soul because it seemed so perfect for our needs, even with its flaws. You see, she possessed the skills, strength and beauty we sought and had a brilliant mind. Unfortunately, that life did its worst to her, and for years she was lost to us – she was Ares’ Chosen.

"Eventually, though, she found her soulmate and everything balanced... she became a force for good and an Amazon champion. For a while, that was enough. But things were never easy with them and they were separated by tragic circumstances, but it was with the knowledge, or at least the belief, that they would find one another again in their next lives."

"So when you removed the warrior’s soul from the karmic cycle to make her an immortal Amazon princess...."

"We messed up the balance, and removed the possibility of them finding one another again."

"Okay, so how do I figure in to this scenario?"

Athena smiled. That spunk and initiative was one of the reasons Jasmine had been chosen. "There’s more. You see, we didn’t immediately realize we had caused a problem. Things were fine for the longest time... or so we thought. It was only when Diana started praying for a mate that Dite started looking, and we discovered our mistake."

"It took longer than we expected to find her soulmate; we had to trace her progress from her origins, and we lost her more than once. However, we finally caught her in Elysia between karmic cycles, and she is currently waiting to be reborn."

"So you’re asking me to give birth to Diana’s soulmate?"

"Yes," Athena acknowledged. "But it’s a little more complicated than just giving birth. You see, Diana’s soulmate has a lineage that has to be maintained... in man’s world." Jasmine’s eyes widened as the implications of Athena’s words began to make themselves known in her conscious mind. "And there is every possibility that if you bear this child, you might have to give up your immortality to her in the process because of that. We’ve never actually had a situation like this before, but we want you to be prepared for all contingencies. We actually won’t have any sort of control once you leave here. More than anything, we want you to understand the risks... to go into this with open eyes."

"Did they tell you why you were chosen... aside from spunk and initiative? Jas, I’ve seen Chase. She doesn’t look anything like you."

Jasmine chuckled. "She wasn’t supposed to. She carries the looks of Diana’s soulmate... the one she’s always dreamed of... the one her heart remembers. As to why I was chosen... no, not really. I figured maybe it was because I always wanted a baby."

"Did you really?"

"Yes, I did."

"Wow," Drea commented slowly. "I never knew."

"I never said. I knew it wasn’t a possibility so I didn’t bring it up. It seemed a bit pointless. But I was thrilled when the goddesses offered me the opportunity, and I decided it would be worth the price to be able to fulfill that desire. And Annabelle was a wonderful child who grew into a wonderful woman." Jasmine laughed. "She was quite a handful growing up though." She lifted an eyebrow at Drea. "A lot like us."

Drea chuckled. "Yes, I got that impression in the brief time I had with her. She is very, very intelligent... a lot like you, as a matter of fact. I cannot believe I didn’t see the resemblance before." Her forehead wrinkled in consternation. "I wonder why she didn’t recognize me. Gods know we *do* look almost exactly alike."

Jasmine shrugged. "I can only make an educated guess, but she told me she was blind part of the time she was on Paradise Island. I think her mind shut down and took her sight with it. It was the only way she could get through what she perceived as an unbelievable prospect and still retain her sanity. Drea, my Annabelle has been through so much in her short life. I’m sure that shutdown was purely self-preservation on her part."

"Good point, and it makes sense. We couldn’t find a physical reason for her blindness." Drea nodded her head, her gaze going inward for a long moment. Then she turned her attention back to Jasmine. "So what happened? Obviously you left here and went into man’s world. But then?"

"Once I made my decision, it was easy...well, parts of it were. The goddesses got me to the right place. Then it was a matter of meeting Charlie."


"Annabelle’s father, Charles Chaser. He was Steve Trevor’s grandson."

"I see. And did Aphrodite do some sort of love potion or something to make sure the two of you fell in love?"

"I don’t think so. It felt... real. Not like it was forced or put on. He was a good man, kind and gentle, and we loved one another very much. We had seven years together before he was taken from me. His death broke my heart, but it nearly devastated Annabelle. She was a Daddy’s girl, and Charlie doted on her every chance he got."

"How did he die?"

"Same way I did – Nazi raiding party. He was doing reconnaissance and ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Tears formed in her eyes. "Annabelle didn’t even get to say goodbye. By the time the resistance found him, there wasn’t much left. I barely recognized him."

"Oh, Jas. Why didn’t you let us know? Why didn’t you come home?"

"Drea, I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave Annabelle, and I couldn’t leave the rebellion. I had obligations and responsibilities. It wasn’t something I could just walk away from."

"Leave Annabelle?? Jas, you would have been bringing her home. She’s an Amazon by birth even if she was born in man’s world. You both would have been welcome like the long, lost family you were. Gods, maybe we would all have been spared some of the heartache we have had to endure. Maybe... maybe you’d still be alive."

Jas shook her head. "No, Drea. We couldn’t come home. That was part of the original plan. I couldn’t bring Annabelle back to Paradise Island until she reached adulthood, and then it was too late."

"What? Jasmine, you’re not making any sense."

Jasmine bit her lip in thought, then blew out a frustrated breath. "This seemed so much easier before I had try to explain it," she muttered. "It’s like this – Diana was a grown woman... an immortal who had been alive for more than twenty-five hundred years. How fair would it be to either of them for Diana to have to wait for Annabelle grow up or for Annabelle have to suffer through her growing pains while Diana was there to see all the ugly details with an adults perspective? Kids are still kids, Drea, and that sort of pressure can be impossible to get by... especially when there is a connection between them from there first meeting. I know you can’t see Annabelle, Drea, but this whole thing with Diana has thrown her completely, and she is a capable, intelligent adult now. What would that have done to her as a child??"

"We decided that it would be in everyone’s best interest if Annabelle grew up in man’s world until she was old enough to make a decision about Diana for herself. But I was killed before that could happen."

"She doesn’t know anything about her heritage? She doesn’t know she is an Amazon?!? Jas, she hates us – Chase hates Amazons!! She was tortured and nearly killed by Orana!" Drea stopped speaking, trying to recompose herself. "I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take this out on you. It’s just...."

"... a lot to take in in a very short amount of time. I know. It was something of a shock for me as well. You see, the goddesses have almost no access to life outside their realm; we didn’t know about the war or the rebellion, and once I was in man’s world, I was on my own. I had to do the best I could with what I had."

"Why didn’t they come to me sooner? Why didn’t they tell me what was going on?"

"So you would worry more than you already did? Drea, there was no way to contact you, and no way for you to contact me. Only death allowed me to cross into your mind while I was still in man’s world. I will stay here until Chase finds her way. Then my spirit can finally go to rest."

Drea was silent for a long moment, considering everything Jasmine had said. "There are so many things I want to ask you about your time in man’s world, Jas. But first.... You lost your immortality, obviously. Did Chase receive it?"

"I don’t know," Jasmine answered honestly. "I think so. I felt it slip from my body as she was born. But I don’t know if that means it became hers as Athena had warned me about – so she and Diana can be true soulmates once more and forever or if becoming such an integral part of man’s society meant I gave up all claim to being an immortal Amazon. I’d like to believe I gave it to Annabelle, but there is really no good way to test that theory and I was never in a hurry to try."

Something about Jasmine’s droll, yet matter-of-fact answer made Drea laugh. She knew the tension and stress were part of it, and yet she also knew she had missed Jasmine’s wit a great deal. It always came at you from around a corner.

"All right, I can see that. So, tell me about your time in man’s world. Tell me about how you and Charlie met and about your wedding and Chase’s birth... just tell me everything and don’t leave out any of the good details."

Jasmine laughed. She had missed Drea’s enthusiasm and sharing details of one another’s lives. "Well, I met Charlie almost as soon as I arrived. He actually stopped to offer me some assistance and...."

For several hours, Jasmine talked, relaying everything she could to Drea about her life in man’s world. Some of the more private things between her and Charlie she kept to herself, but everything she could share with Drea about Chase, she did. It was important that someone know everything possible so that when the time came, Chase would have someone to turn to.

Eventually, Jasmine’s voice wore down, and she took a deep draught of the refreshment they had been provided with. It was cold and sweet and soothing and she smiled as it coated her throat and gave her a bit of relief. Drea suspected there was more on Jasmine’s mind, and she waited patiently, helping herself to her own bit of refreshment. Her patience and her intuition was rewarded when Jasmine cleared her throat and looked at her with an odd expression.

"What is it, Jas?" patting her sister’s knee in a familiar, comforting gesture. "You can ask or tell me anything. You know that."

"I know, Drea. It’s just... this is a little awkward."


Jas laughed. "Gods, I missed hearing that. Okay, look. I need to ask you a really big favor – huge, in fact." Then she stopped speaking, and the silence lingered until Drea felt compelled to break it.

"Um... Jas? Are you going to share with me what this favor entails or would you like me to invoke some sort of divining ritual to figure it out for myself?

Jasmine laughed and then bit her lip pensively. "I need for you to go to man’s world, Drea, to Annabelle. I need for you to help me tell my daughter about her heritage. I know she will believe me; I have never lied to her... about anything. I just didn’t tell her about the Amazons soon enough. I would simply like you to be there as my physical representative. I believe it would help convince her of the truth... help her to put all the pieces together and accept her destiny. And it would give her some support, someone she could talk to about things.

"I’d like that, Jas. Yes. It will give me an opportunity to get to know my niece... as my niece and not as a patient. She was intriguing when I didn’t know we were related."

Jasmine smiled and squeezed Drea’s hand. "I told you she was a handful, but she was always a good kid, full of life and ideas and imagination. Experience and the war have tempered that a great deal, but it is still there... still part of the core person she is. Perhaps you will be able to cultivate it."

"Once she gets past her anger, you mean."

Jasmine shrugged. "Well, there is that, of course. But with a little luck, that part won’t last too long. Be patient with her, Drea. She has known more sorrow in her short life than we did before we left the Old World for Paradise Island." Drea’s eyes raised in astonishment. "I didn’t share everything, Dre; some things Annabelle will have to share with you... or not. But it will need to be her choice. Just remember that she knows suffering and loss, and the fate of the rebellion rests on her slim shoulders."

"I will, Jasmine. Trust me to take care of her like she was my own. In a way, she is."

"I know, Drea, and I’m glad she will have you in her life. Now, I think it is time for you to go home so you can get started to Annabelle’s world. I need to return to my temporary resting place – that is where Annabelle comes to talk to me. That is where you will need to come to; I’ll look for your arrival, and then we will have to wait for Annabelle to seek me out."

"You don’t go looking for her? You don’t want me to?"

"Not unless you want to explain this on your own. Drea, I don’t get to roam freely. My place is where Annabelle placed my body to rest. That is where I belong and where I have to stay. It’s not all bad; I do get a small window to keep up with her... what she is doing. I just have to wait for her to come to me. Death tends to make some things more difficult."

Drea nodded. "Yes. I can see where that could be a real problem." She paused. "I love you, Jas."

"I love you too, Drea. See you soon."

Drea felt her eyes grow heavy and she let them fall closed. From a great distance, she heard Hippolyta calling her name and she followed the sound until she could open her eyes. She blinked slowly, not surprised to find Hippolyta cradling her face with only inches separating them. The tears, however, were completely unexpected. Drea wondered what had happened in her absence.



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