CHAPTER 9 of 9


"Yes! I thought we'd never get here." The paramedic continued his chest compressions as Claire was wheeled into the emergency room while several orderlies and nurses began buzzing around the unresponsive patient.

"I’ve got it." A gray-eyed resident stepped in for the exhausted paramedic as a serious-looking nurse took over the bagging. "How long?"

The rescue worker stretched out muscular but tired arms. "She crashed about twenty minutes out."

Twenty minutes. Damn. The resident shook her head in dismay while continuing the compressions as Claire was moved into an empty exam room.

Another doctor made his way through the scurrying nurses and stood alongside the resident. "Paramedic said twenty minutes?"

A nod bobbed a curly head.

The doctor frowned. "She hasn't responded at all. You could..."

"Don't even say it. She still has a chance." The resident focused on Claire's gunshot wound as the portable crash equipment unit was wheeled in and quickly put to use.

"Paddles... Charging... Clear!" Okay, work with me gorgeous. You don't want to disappoint that green-eyed beauty in the waiting room, do you?


"Stop!" an elderly nurse commanded as her eyes and voice pinned Mark and Jody to two lurid, pink plastic seats against the wall. Amanda wasn't so easily dissuaded. "That's as far as you go." The nurse pointed to the letters painted on the swinging doors that plainly stated HOSPITAL PERSONNEL ONLY.

"But..." Amanda ran a shaking hand through her hair. I have to…

"There's nothing you can do in there except get in the way. Trust me, honey. It’s better to let them do their job."

Shit! I don't have time for this. "Listen, nurse..." Amanda impatiently stared at her nametag then simple gave up. "...you don't understand! I need to..."

The nurse gently grabbed Amanda's forearm and began guiding her toward the reception desk. "I understand that you need to give me some information about your..." The white haired woman let the sentence trail off in question.

Heart. Soul. "Everything," Amanda whispered giving herself another three seconds before she burst into the exam room, dragging along nurse Ratchet if need be. No more tears. She closed her eyes. Please come back to me.

Soft, experienced eyes twinkled sadly, keenly aware of Amanda's internal dialogue. "Ahh... Your sister then?" the nurse asked knowingly. Damn stupid hospital policies.

The psychologist looked a confused for a second but quickly grasped the nurse's meaning. "Yes, my very dear sister. And I need to go to her…"

The nurse looked down at Amanda's blood-soakedflannel shirt. Scowling, she snatched a pair of fresh turquoise scrubs from a nearby cart. "Here you go, child. You'll be wanting to get out of that shirt."

Amanda grabbed the shirt, but pushed the pants back to the nurse. That’s it. I’m through wasting time. "Thank you, but I need to be with her. Now please, get out of my way, " she growled.

The resident pushed open the swinging doors and hurriedly walked up to Amanda and the nurse. Splotchy, deep red stains colored her scrubs and white lab coat. "Are you...?"

Amanda instantly recognized the woman as the doctor who had taken over when Claire was wheeled in. Oh God, she doesn't look happy. "Yes," Whatever the question is, the answer is yes. Amanda swallowed weakly, trying not to be sick.

Shit, I hate talking to the family. "Come with me, please." She motioned toward an unoccupied exam room. "We can talk in here."

Amanda took an unsteady, then stepped forward.


Jody looked at her watch with aching tired eyes. How many times in my life have I sat waiting in the emergency room in the middle of the night? She sighed. Too many.

"How long has it been?" Mark shifted uncomfortably next to Jody, his bulky body protesting the long day and the much too small chair. His gaze drifted to the swinging metal doors where Claire, then Amanda, had disappeared. He couldn’t help but feel responsible.

Jody patted the big man's thigh. "Too long. Try not to worry." You’re making me even more worried!

Mark’s jaw dropped. "Don't worry? Are you nuts?" He narrowed his eyes. "How can you even say that?"

Jody bit off the acerbic comment that was on the tip of her tongue but decided that 'blunt' was still good. "I can say it, because worrying ourselves sick won't do a damn bit of good." She yawned. Lack of sleep and stress were making them both irritable and a little punchy.


Amanda sat perched on the edge of a low chair at Claire's bedside. Her head sagged deeply between her knees and her elbows rested wearily on firm thighs. She grasped her lover’s limp hand and brought it to her lips.

Her thoughts were spinning as the young blonde tried to wrap her mind around what had happened. I need to go and talk to Jody and Mark, and tell them what happened. I need to call Claire's parents.

Amanda felt a pang deep in her chest at the unpleasant realization that she couldn't turn to her own parents for... anything. In her heart, she knew their relationship was shattered beyond repair. It’s times like these that a family should come together, she thought. Today, hers would be notably absent, even in spirit. She loved them... and always would... but she didn't like them and couldn't depend on them and that wounded her in a place so deep she wondered if she’d ever truly get over it. But today wasn't the day to mourn that loss. Other, more pressing matters were at hand.

Amanda laid Claire's hand back alongside the perfectly still body, and made her way to the window. It would be light soon, she knew. But she didn't want to go into the waiting room and face her friends just yet. This time was for her and Claire alone, and she was glad when the last nurse finally shuffled out of the room allowing them a modicum of peace and privacy.

Green eyes closed tiredly, and Amanda rubbed them with a vigorous hand. Images of Cory Martin and coal black eyes, the feeling of hot blood... Claire's blood... soaking into her clothes assaulted her and made her stomach roil. She absently reached down and lightly brushed her hand across the fresh pink hospital shirt she had been given hours before. Although it felt as though she was being crushed under a barrage of conflicting emotions, Amanda managed to contain her reaction to a lonely tear.

"Aww, honey, don't cry," begged the sleepy voice. "What's past is past."

"You're awake?" Amanda turned and smiled, the corners of her eyes crinkling endearingly. She put her hand on her hips. "And how did you know what I was thinking about?" Getting pretty good at that mind reading thing yourself, aren't ya, Gumby?

Claire shifted uncomfortably as she pried the bed controls out from under the small of her back. She pushed several buttons before she found the one that would slowly elevate her to a sitting position. The bed creaked loudly under Claire’s command.

Dark brows furrowed and older woman studied her partner. "It's been two years, Mandy. Let it go," she said softly.

"I know but..." Here you are laying in a hospital bed again, just like you were then.

A hint of pain edged the normally clear, alto voice and for the millionth time Claire cursed herself forthe suffering Amanda had endured because of her carelessness. "S'okay. You don't need to explain. I understand." And she did. Just the thought of Amanda in harm's way sent a shiver down Claire’s spine. She took Amanda's smaller hand in her own and gave it a reassuring squeeze, enjoying the soft smooth skin under her fingertips before Amanda stepped away again.

Strangely, although it had been the attorney who had been stabbed then shot, it was Amanda who was plagued with nightmares for months after the incident. Even now, nearly two years later to the day, when she was stressed or when she and Claire were fighting, the nightmares would return.

The night Claire had been rushed to the emergency room she had to be shocked back to life no less than three times. For days, the attorney stubbornly clung to life by what seemed the barest of threads while Amanda stood vigil at her bedside, talking, telling stories, doing anything to breach the thundering silence of the hospital room.

During those long, quiet hours the younger woman realized with sickening clarity that losing Claire now would be even more difficult than when they'd first entered the hospital. Claire was fighting, albeit weakly, and Amanda hadn't used this time to accept the possibility of Claire's death. She couldn't. It was that simple. She chose to pin all her hopes on her lover's will to live. If she died, she would carry on for Missy's sake. But an irreplaceable part of her would follow Claire to whatever lay beyond this realm. Being faced with the stark possibility of life without her partner had brought that elemental truth sharply into focus. Ultimately, however, Claire didn't disappoint, and the teary-eyed morning when she finally woke up and hoarsely called for Amanda was so welcome it hurt.

But time did heal old wounds and while Amanda knew she may never move totally past the experience, she was able to allow it to shrink back into a spot within her memories where it would remain largely harmless. After all, Claire was here… now. And that was what really mattered.

Amanda approached the bed and sat down alongside her lover. Fingertips stroked the dark woman's forehead, then gently pushed aside a stray lock of dark hair. "How do you feel? Are you hungry?" Amanda could smell the strong bitter aroma of freshly brewed coffee coming from the nurses' station and it was calling to her... loudly.

The dark head shook. "I feel like I've been in grueling, excruciating, tormenting, unbelievable pain for the past twenty hours." Claire winced as she shifted and she felt the pull of her stitches. Oh man! I don't even want to think about where those stitches are... and how they're gonna itch... holy shit!

Green eyes widened at Claire's unusually long and descriptive sentence, then warm lips curled into a sympathetic smile. "I know, baby. I'm sorry." The blonde ducked down and helped herself to another tender kiss, sighing happily when she finally pulled away, drawing a light moan from her partner.

Twinkling blue eyes opened slowly. Claire suddenly scanned the quiet room. "Where is she?" I couldn't have misplaced her already, could I?

Amanda rolled her eyes and laughed delightedly. "You're not still worried about that, are you? Jesus Christ, Gumby, you're not gonna lose her in the grocery store or something. It’s not like you’re a total novice at this, you know."

The attorney affected a fake pout, which Amanda promptly kissed away. "Then where is she?" Claire asked. "And how long have I been asleep?"

"You only slept for about an hour." God knows I could sleep for days myself and you're the one who had the baby! "And she's being checked out by the pediatrician. They should be bringing her back anytime now."

Amanda felt a subtle ache in her chest as she considered her growing family. She cupped a warm cheek that was a little fuller than normal. "She's absolutely beautiful, you know," she whispered, wondering whether a person's heart could get so full it would actually burst.

Claire's smile lit up the room. "Marko is gonna die."

Amanda nodded vigorously. "Oh yeah," she chuckled. "His plans for a catcher to go with his major league infield just went up in smoke." But what about hockey? Oh yeah... I can see that... Grace, agility, speed, season tickets for me... the sturdiest face mask known to man... season tickets for me... the best mouthpiece money can buy... season tickets for me...

The taller woman turned slightly so she could see Amanda's face through the rapidly disappearing shadows. "I still can't believe it's a girl," she snorted. "I didn't think he had it in him."

A year and a half ago, Jody had delivered a healthy and extremely large, bouncing baby boy, who they'd named Calvin. At the birth of his third strapping son, Mark proudly proclaimed himself a ‘boy-making machine’. Claire sniggered recalling how she’d half expected him to start beating his chest like Tarzan.

"How could the ultrasound be wrong about something like that?" the lawyer continued, waving her hands as she spoke. Uh Oh. "Are you sure something vital didn't fall off?"

Amanda laughed. God, I love you. "Yep. The umbilical cord can sometimes obscure the picture and appear like a little..."

Claire smirked. "Ahhh... I see. Well, I guess everyone will just be surprised then."

"Everyone is going to be relieved you're all right." I know I’m at the head of that list. After the birth, Amanda had sent a nurse out to tell Jody and Mark that Claire and the baby were doing fine. I hope the nurse really did it, she fretted.

The younger woman's face turned serious. "Did you have to scare the crap out of me again?" God, for a moment there I think my heart stopped beating. I know it did.

Claire's pregnancy had been comfortable and uneventful. She was the model of health and remained extremely active to the very end, much to the consternation and worry of her partner. The delivery, however, was another story.

The baby's position had shifted midway through the labor making both a Cesarean birth risky and vaginal birth unusually difficult. Claire had been in agony hours before finally admitting that she couldn't take anymore. Actually, she screamed, "DRUGS NOW!!" at the top of her lungs, scaring the life out of her doctor and the attending nurses.

Amanda didn't even bat an eyelash. She had been expected the outburst for hours and was amazed her stubborn partner had lasted as long as she did. Besides, seeing Claire in pain and worrying about both Claire and the baby was taking its toll on her too. It was time for a little relief, whatever the source.

When it didn't look as though the doctor, a man whom Claire had come to detest over the past twenty hours, was moving fast enough, the lawyer turned worn-out, pleading eyes on Amanda. That was all it took to set things in motion.

Amanda grabbed the doctor by the ear as though he were an errant child. Pulling the hapless organ to her lips, she repeated Claire's command... loudly. Then, her voice shifted to a bare whisper, as she said something in his ear that caused the color to drain from the middle-aged man's face. He immediately bolted out of the room, mumbling, in search of the anesthesiologist.

Despite her current situation, Claire burst out laughing. The hospital staff had just been treated to a small sample of her protector’s persuasive abilities and she was loving every minute of it. But her laughter ended abruptly when another contraction tore through her. How can this be worse than getting stabbed and shot? Oh yeah, I passed out then. Well, dammit why can't I just pass out now! Amanda could hit me in the head really hard. I could give her a puppy dog face… that works every time!

The doctor had only been gone a few moments when, after a surprise shift of positions and an ear-piercing shriek from Claire, the baby decided it was time for her to make her grand entrance. In Claire's mind it was a spectacular ordeal that was worth every moment of pain and every second of worry.

Claire's hospital door slowly opened and a young nurse, obviously tired from the nightshift, walked into the room carrying a pink bundle in her arms. "I believe this belongs to you," she offered cheerfully as she handed the sleeping baby to Claire.

"Yeah, um... thanks," the attorney said a little awkwardly, trying not to be completely overwhelmed by the small body in her arms. Our own living, breathing miniature human. Wow! Carefully, she settled the baby against her belly, happily noting that she could actually see her feet again. She wiggled her toes under the blanket.

"Buzz me if you need anything." And the nurse was gone.

The first rays of the morning sun began to peek into the room, fracturing the last of Night's shadows and painting the room with bold streaks of gold and red. Amanda shifted excitedly, leaning across Claire to get a better look at their new daughter. Profound relief, gratitude, and a generous dose of love mixed to form a heady combination that was nearly intoxicating in its effect. Amanda's good mood was starting to bubble over.

Claire peeled away the soft pink blanket and caressed the impossibly silky skin on the baby's tummy. Then she removed the cap from the baby's head and grinned. "Look's like there's another blonde in the family."

Amanda tousled the thick white-blonde mop of hair as the baby made a soft cooing noise. God, I think I'm in love. "Well, honey, she may not have your hair color but she still looks an awful lot like you." You are one lucky girl. "And I can see some of Mark in her too." White teeth flashed in a wry smile. "She's not exactly a little one though, is she? No wonder you were carrying on like you were gonna die," Amanda teased as she looked at the 9.5 pound newborn.

"Don't even think of trying to blame this on my fondness for Twinkies." Damn Satanic snacks! Claire playfully slapped the warm thigh pressed against her own. She narrowed her eyes, and did her best to look indignant, failing miserably. I'm too happy to even pretend to be unhappy! She laughed at herself. Lord, am I pathetic, or what?

The baby was starting to wake up and Amanda took the opportunity to give her a thorough once over, wishing she would hurry up and open her eyes, secretly hoping to be greeted by a familiar shade of pale blue. "She's perfect! I think we've got a future heart-breaker on our hands, Gumby." The baby began to squirm under Amanda's inquisitive touch. "Breakfast time for the chubby one."

With her eyebrow at its zenith Claire opened her mouth, but before she could speak, a warm palm covered her lips. Amanda rolled her eyes and tried to contain her laughter. "I meant the baby," she barely managed with a straight face. It's not a good idea to tease her about this... no matter how much fun it would be.

"Oh... I knew that," Claire lied, a sheepish look fluttering across her face. She'd gained a total of twenty-five pounds during her pregnancy. Her doctor assured her that she was very healthy and that that was a perfectly acceptable amount. The ultra-fit woman, however, felt like a beached whale, and had grown quite touchy about the subject.

The baby fussed a little more, drawing both women's attention. "Claire?" Amanda gently prodded.

The lawyer gulped, having intentionally forgotten about this part of motherhood. "Umm... okay... I mean..."

Amanda motioned Claire forward and reached to untie her hospital gown. "She's the one who needs to figure things out. You just get to relax," Amanda soothed, sensing her partner's discomfort.

Claire remained frozen and Amanda leaned back to look into worried blue eyes. "Gumby, nobody says you have to nurse if you don't want to. Today's formulas are wonderful." She cocked her head slightly to the side, watching as the wheels in Claire's mind turned. She could almost hear them grinding to a halt. "Missy was bottle fed from the very first day and she couldn't be healthier."

"No... I mean... I do want to try at least. It just seems so..." Claire's forehead creased as she searched for the words that would describe how she felt. "I dunno... so personal."

A puzzled look creased Amanda's face as she considered her normally immodest lover, the woman who had a standing 'clothing optional' policy at home. "You've had her inside your body for the past nine months and this seems personal?" With the back of her hand, she lightly grazed a heavy, bare breast. Amanda stifled a groan as her body went on full alert at the sensual feeling of soft warm skin. Oh boy, I'd better keep what I'm thinking to myself... for now. Or I'll really freak her out. Amanda's lips twitched.

Claire jumped at the touch and shot her partner an evil look, which she again was unable to maintain for more than a few seconds. The annoyed face shifted to worry, which finally shifted again to resolve. Having made her decision, she squared her shoulders and looked pointedly at their daughter. A dark eyebrow rose. "No biting," she commanded. Blue eyes immediately swept sideways to pin Amanda, daring her to comment.

The young blonde bit her lip and scrunched up her face, nearly choking as she tried to hold back the words that were on the tip of her tongue. "Ooooh... you are just no fun!"

"I could have told you that," Claire smirked.

Satisfied, and with surprising ease, the tall woman positioned the hungry infant and allowed nature to take its course. The baby required no further prompting as she greedily latched on. Both Claire and Amanda smiled broadly at their daughter's eager suckling. After a moment, Claire let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Finally! I thought you were going to pass out on me."

"You were monitoring my breathing?" Claire asked incredulously.

"I notice everything about you, Claire," Amanda said seriously. Then she winked. "I gotta watch over my investment, don't I?"

Claire only grunted, confident that it was she, not Amanda, who reaped the most benefits from this relationship. Assured that the baby was enjoying a hearty breakfast, the lawyer settled back into the pillows and releasedanother tired sigh, wondering just how much she and Mark ate as children. Then she thought about Amanda and cringed. I don't even wanna go there.

Amanda laid her head against the taller woman's shoulder as she watched the baby eat, amazed that after over twenty hours of labor and childbirth, the faint odor of roses still clung to her partner. "We didn't pick out a single girl's name." She tweaked the tiny upturned nose that was snuggled against a lush breast and laughed when the baby sneezed then nuzzled back to continue breakfast. "Sorry," Amanda offered playfully.

The infant ate in silence until pulling away for a moment and sleepily opening pale blue eyes. "Yes!" Amanda pumped her fist in victory. Looking at her surprised mate, she smiled impishly. "In case you couldn't tell, I was sorta hoping she'd get those gorgeous baby blues."

"I'm glad you're happy, Mandy," Claire said with a lopsided grin that threatened to melt the younger woman's heart, not really understanding the big deal. I kind of have fondness for green myself.

I'm more than happy, love. Amanda reminded Claire that they needed to decide on a name. "Somehow, she just doesn't look like a Joseph. Any ideas?"

Claire examined the bright red face and cap of pale blonde hair, feeling a smile tease at her lips. "How about Greer?"

"Greer?" But that's... Amanda swallowed. "You don't have to do that." Irrational tears threatened to spill over at the heart-felt gesture.

"Why not?" Claire gently wiped away a shimmering drop of moisture from the corner of Amanda's eye. "It's a pretty name, and I want to give her a little piece of both of us." I want her to have a piece of you. The older woman shrugged. "Wadda ya say, Mandy?"

Amanda rolled the name around in her head. Greer Easton... Well, it would match our mailbox. But I do like it. The blonde nodded and kissed her lover. "That was so sweet," she whispered lovingly.

Claire chuckled and wrapped an arm around a rounded shoulder. "It looks like she's about finished." At least I think so. "You wanna bring Mark and Jody in to meet her?"

"You bet I do, Gumby!" Amanda nearly leapt off the bed, her emotions ping-ponging from one end of the spectrum to the other. "It's about time I get to show my daughter off to someone besides the nurses. I'll be back in a flash." Amanda stopped at the doorway and turned around. Jade eyes took on added warmth and her voice cracked a little as she spoke. "I really love you." Her eyes shifted to the baby where they stayed for a long moment before shifting back to her partner. "Thank you."

The attorney felt her breathing catch as Amanda's words and intense gaze washed over her and heated her from within. Thank you. "I love you too."


"Aww... He's so cute!" Mark exclaimed, watching avidly as Claire began changing the baby's diaper.

Suddenly, a square jaw dropped... then hazel eyes popped out of their sockets and rolled around on the floor like marbles. B...bu...but," the tall man sputtered, pointing at the infant.

Jody broke off her conversation with Amanda to peer interestedly at the baby, wondering why Mark sounded like he was choking on his own tongue. Honey-colored eyes widened. Then she and Amanda exchanged giggling smirks.

The older psychologist gave Mark a hard slap between broad shoulders. "Way to go, Marko!"

"But... but..." He was still too stunned to do anything but ramble incoherently. "But my catcher," he finally whined. Causing the room's occupants to burst into laughter.

The big man swallowed audibly, paling slightly as he said, "Are you sure it didn't..."

"It didn't," Claire reassured. She lowered her voice and urged Mark closer, ignoring the hysterically laughing therapists. "I checked with, Mandy... just to be sure," she whispered conspiratorially.

Mark nodded, mollified but still in shock. He took a few seconds to adjust himself to the idea, then grinned broadly. "She's a cutie!" he corrected himself.

"She is that, Mark." Amanda agreed warmly, giving the prosecutor a soft peck on the cheek. "Thanks really doesn't begin to cut it... but thank you anyway."

Mark looked down at his shoes, embarrassed by the praise. "It was my pleasure, ladies," he scoffed. "Somehow I never imaginedbeing a stud to be such a lonely job." Uh Oh. Did I say that last part out loud? He looked at Jody. Oh yeah. I said it out loud.

He moved quickly to appease his wife, half-expecting smoke to start pouring out of her ears. "It would have been better if you were there, Jody," he lamely stated.

Jody rolled her eyes as both Amanda and Claire shook with silent laughter. Jody spoke to Claire and Amanda while she stared at Mark with what he called the 'eye'. "I think modern technology killed the fantasy."

The stout psychologist let her husband stew for a moment before almost letting him off the hook. "Don't worry, Mark," she mock-comforted. "I know exactly what you meant."

Oh shit, his mind squeaked.

"Where are the kids?" Claire asked, hoping to change the subject and bail out her rapidly sinking friend.

"They're with me." A head poked around the corner of the doorway then disappeared for a second before Anne Easton made her way into the crowded room, children in tow.

"Hi ya, Mom!" Claire said happily. "How'd you know? We were just gonna call you."

"Jody phoned me a few hours ago and I thought I'd come by and relieve her from babysitting duty."

"Where's my new baby brother?" an excited 4-year-old exclaimed, her wet winter boots squeaking loudly on the shiny flooras she dashed to her mother. Amanda immediately directed Missy to Claire's bedside so she could get a good look at the baby. Wide eyes focused on the small bundle. "He's all wrinkly!"

Claire smiled indulgently and patted a spot on the bed alongside her, allowing Missy to jump up for an even better examination. "We're hoping that will eventually go away," she explained wryly.

"Are you sure, mom?" Missy asked worriedly, her dolls were always so smooth and never all red.

Claire pursed her lips. "Well, I'm pretty sure. But I guess we'll have to wait and see to be certain."

Judge Easton's smile rivaled her daughter's. "He's beautiful, dear. I knew he would be." A touch of smugness colored her tone as she geared up for some serious bragging.

"Thanks, Mom," Amanda interjected proudly, ignoring the fact she had nothing to do with it.

The next few moments were spent explaining that 'he' was a 'she'. Missy became so excited that Jody marched her into the bathroom for a mandatory potty break, while Mark began elucidating to hisand Jody's son, Calvin, the merits of being able to play more than one position at a time. "And think what it'll do for your salary..." his voice trailed off as he steered his son toward a maple-colored rocking chair in the corner of the room.

Amanda stepped alongside Judge Easton who was making cooing noises at the wriggling newborn. "Why don't you let me take Alex?" She gestured toward the sleeping 11-month-old glued to the Judge's shoulder. "I know he weighs a ton."

The older woman nodded and the young blonde reached out and settled her equally fair-haired son against her chest and shoulder. He was snoring loudly and slightly sticky from being plastered to his grandmother for the past couple of hours. Amanda turned and kissed a sweaty head, marveling at the dead weight in her arms. Apparently, babies in Mark's family only came in one size... jumbo.

When Claire and Amanda had decided they wanted another child, two major decisions needed to be made. Amanda was understandably gun-shy about adoption so they needed to find a suitable 'donor'. The 'who' was easy. Mark was the only person they'd really thought about asking, but as they considered Jody's likely reaction they winced.

Amanda approached Jody before she or Claire said anything to Mark. They didn't want to do anything that had the potential to drive a wedge between the newlyweds. But to Amanda and Claire's delight, after several days of serious soul-searching, Jody gave the only answer she could live with... along with her sincere blessing.

When Claire spoke to Mark, and assured him Jody was okay with the idea, her best friend agreed on the spot, citing his two young sons, Bobby and Keith, as living proof of his healthy genes, and strong Scandinavian stock. "Plus my family has a tendency toward good looks," he'd added with a grin.

Claire would have loved to dispute it, but since it was undeniably true, she didn't bother trying. "Let's hope big heads aren't something else that run in your family, handsome," she teased, knowing full well that the man was exceedingly humble considering he was truly easy on the eyes.

Mark didn't have the heart to tell her big heads did run in his family... literally. Oh well, she'll figure that out for herself.

Next they needed to decide who would actually bear the child. Neither woman could deny the other so, although it would be more work initially, they agreed to they would both get pregnant. Amanda succeeded almost immediately. Claire, however, required significantly more time, which put nearly a year between Alex's and Greer'sages.

"Hey Marko, c'mere," Claire called softly, propping herself up on several thick pillows.

The large man lumbered across the room with Calvin in his arms as Jody and Missy reemerged from the bathroom. "Yeah?" He moved closer to the tired-looking woman.

Claire reached up and tugged his longish dishwater hair as a thin dark eyebrow arched menacingly. "About that big head thing..."

Both Jody and Amanda laughed but couldn't stop themselves from squirming a bit and wincing in sympathy.

'Family' had taken on a whole new meaning for all of them and they counted themselves among the very lucky for the opportunity to experience it...




6 months later

"Time to get out!" Claire shouted from her redwood deck.

"Aww.... Do we have to?" complained Bobby and Keith, with Calvin and Alex quickly following suit.

"Yes, you have to. You're gonna be crispy-sunburned if you don't get out of the pool. C'mon lunch is almost ready." Missy had been coaxed out of the pool minutes earlier by the smell of the food alone, and was already eagerly munching away alongside Jody and Amanda.

Four sets of green eyes brightened at the prospect of lunch and the brothers happily splashed and pushed their way out of the large wading pool. Keith remained behind, helping Alex climb out while Bobby and Calvin raced for the wooden deck and their hamburgers.

Jody and Amanda sat in plush deck chairs, happily nursing their bottles of ice cold beer, and 'talking shop', or gossiping as Mark liked to say, while the beefy man fussed over the grill, defending the burgers and chicken breasts from the buzzing insects. It was a heartwarming scene that Claire looked forward to every Fourth of July.

The smell of charcoal briquettes, fresh clipped grass, and a hint of coconut sunscreen, brought a carefree smile to the attorney's face, despite the stifling heat. Claire's parents had even stopped by for a brief visit but were willingly chased inside by the brutal summer sun, promising to watch Greer in a comfortable, air-conditioned environment.

Claire had hoped Amanda's father might stop by as well, but wasn't surprised that he hadn't. She'd called to invite him, hoping to take a tentative step toward bridging the gap in her lover's damaged relationship with her parents, only to have Mrs. Greer answer the phone and politely, but firmly, decline the invitation for both her and Amanda's father. After the conversation, the attorney began to wonder if it wasn't for the best anyhow. But that realization didn't stop her heart from aching for her sensitive partner, who obviously missed her family, especially her father.

Only the month before, Amanda's mother had called and explained that Monica's body had been positively identified via dental records, after her skeletal remains were found by some hapless fisherman on the banks of the Rainy River, over twenty miles from the Iris' cabins. The body's identity would have remained a mystery forever but for an I.D. bracelet wrapped around a sun-bleached bone, which was conveniently engraved with its owner's full name. Over 2 years of waiting and wondering were finally over.

Amanda's reaction to her sister's death was a mixture of sorrow, guilt and relief, serving to further distance the psychologist from her own mother. It seemed that the rift started by Monica would go on despite her death.

"Hiya, mama," yawned Alex.

"Hi, kiddo. Are you ready for your nap?" Claire set down her plate and motioned the little boy closer.

"NO!" the 17-month-old proclaimed, jutting his chin out defiantly.

Claire chuckled, having dealt with this before. Things really are easier the second, her mind drifted to the sleeping baby in the house, and third time around. "Okay." She shrugged. "Stay awake then."

"No nap?" the blonde asked, pale brows creasing in puzzlement.

"No nap," Claire confirmed.

The little boy scrunched up his face in a look that was strongly reminiscent of Amanda and appeared to consider his mother's confusing response. Suddenly, he ran across the deck to Amanda where he unceremoniously buried his face in her outstretched legs. She smiled at his familiar 'I'm so tired I'm about ready to die' gesture.

Amanda reached down and stroked his back. "What's the matter, sweetie, are you ready for your nap?"

The boy sighed at the feeling of her cool fingertips on his T-shirt covered back and his pale head nodded vigorously. He immediately extended his arms asking to be held, looking utterly relieved that he would, indeed, get his nap.

Amanda stood and scooped up the child and walked past a silently laughing Claire. "Messing with the boy's mind again, Gumby?" she playfully inquired as she glanced over her shoulder.

Claire affected a wide-eyed innocent look that merely drew a disbelieving snort from the therapist as she opened the patio door and entered the house.

Food disappeared and beer flowed. Children napped, fussed and played until a little after dinnertime when Jody and Mark began to pack up the kids and their sleeping bags. It had become a tradition that the children would spend the night at the Gustafson's after the Fourth of July picnic. In exchange, Amanda and Claire returned the favor every Labor Day.


The setting sun found Amanda towel-drying her freshly shampooed hair as she watching its descent from their second story bedroom window. Finally, the last purple rays faded into the horizon beyond the thick wall of tall trees. The evening breeze ruffled her clean tresses and brought with it the light scent of pine and grass. She sighed softly when two strong arms wrapped around her from behind.

"Pretty sunset," a low rumbling voice whispered in Amanda's ear.

The warm puff of breath tickled the fine hairs in Amanda's ear and she shivered a little, bringing up her own arms to rest on Claire's. "It is," she affirmed, choosing not to say anything else, contented to silently absorb the light breeze cooling her damp skin and the warm presence heating her back.

"I love it when you wear this." The voice was now a growl.

"I know." Amanda smiled as soft lips kissed a wet path from behind her ear to her shoulder. A soft moan escaped her when Claire's hands moved up and came to rest just below the swell of her breasts.

Claire lovingly stroked the increasingly warm skin through the sheer material of the short silk nightgown. "I just love the Fourth. Today was great, doncha think?" With her fingertips, the older woman gently slid down one of the thin straps of Amanda's nightie, marveling at the deep red fabric atop creamy fair skin. Crimson snow, she mused as she brushed her lips against Amanda's shoulder and was rewarded with another breathy sigh.

Amanda suddenly remembered Claire had said something. "Uh huh," she gasped as Claire's kisses moved from her shoulder to the center of her back and large hands slid lower to caress her abdomen. "Today w... was... was great." The shorter woman was rapidly losing the ability to think clearly as all her attention focused on the hands and lips lightly brushing across her skin and negligee. The silky material felt cool but Claire's hands and breath were hot, making her skin react to even the barest of touches, goosebumps breaking out all along her limbs.

The smaller woman turned in Claire's arms, and her eyes were happily greeted by 5' 10" of stunningly naked lawyer. Amanda wrapped her arms around Claire's waist and rested her head against her chest, listening to the steady pounding of the sure, strong heart.

Claire smiled tenderly and placed a soft kiss on the pale hair resting below her chin as her touch shifted from erotic to comforting. "Do you think I sent enough bottles with Greer?"

The mouth against Claire's chest curled into a smile, even in the times set aside solely for them, their kids somehow drifted into their thoughts. "Yes, I'm sure."

A wicked thoughtteased Claire's lips. "Did you tell Marko what was in the bottles?"

Claire tightened her hold around Amanda as the younger woman convulsed into laughter. "NO! Don't you remember what happened last year with Alex?"

Amanda had loaded Mark downwith several bottles for Alex and his Fourth of July sleepover at the Gustafson's, while Jody and a pregnant Claire were busy readying Missy. Without looking at the bottles, Mark asked if they needed to be refrigerated. When Amanda answered, "Well, they didn't start out that way, but seeing as they're breast milk, it might be a good idea," a comical look of horror seized Mark's face and he flung down the bottles as though they were on fire. It became a running joke between them that Amanda reveled in.

The fragrant breeze softly blew a lock of blonde hair against Claire's face and the attorney playfully captured it between white teeth. When Amanda tried unsuccessfully to pull away, a tickle war ensued with the woman ending up on the floor in a breathless heap.This, in turn, led to Claire being pinned to the bed by a very aroused Amanda.

"No more talk about the kids," Amanda ordered firmly.

Claire could only nod. What kids? The therapist leaned down very slowly, bringing her lips closer and closer to Claire's, letting her hunger show clearly in the expression on her face. Claire willingly fell into dilated, emerald eyes as her lover's touch ignited a passion that was always simmering just below the surface. Every touch was an explosion of sensation, every kiss a reaffirmation of desire and love.

Claire's hands slid under Amanda's nightgown and freely claimed the body as familiar to her as her own. "Your skin is softer than the silk," she muttered against the tender neck alongside her lips.

I really do need to learn patience... just not right now. Amanda was already beyond words, eyes closed tightly, she began rocking her hips against the firm form beneath hers.

Claire reached up and roughly grabbed Amanda's bottom pulling the soft mound of damp curls against her stomach. A husky moan erupted from deep in Amanda's throat and the sound alone caused a light sweat to break out across Claire's forehead and back.

Wanting more control, Claire flipped Amanda onto her back and slid her fingers along where the smaller woman was all fire and heat. Green eyes flew open at the unexpected touch but were quickly slammed shut again when Claire thrust her fingers forward.

Amanda gasped and threw her head back, arching into the exquisite touch as a stream of endearments, peppered with words of encouragement, reverberated off the bedroom walls. One hand tightly clenched the cool white sheet while the other slid along the slick skin of Claire's back, urging her to continue.

Claire's own desire increased ten-fold when she took a moment to study the writhing, carnal body below hers. In Claire's mind, this was Amanda at her most magnificent, all raw want and desire, completely open, allowing Claire to experience the sensations right along with her, supremely comfortable with her own needs but giving as much as she received. If she lived to be 100, Claire was certain she would never tire of making love to this fantastic woman.

The attorney leaned forward and captured Amanda's slightly parted lips, claiming her panting breath as her own. "I love you," she whispered between incendiary kisses as Amanda's hips picked up a furious rhythm.

God, I love you too! Amanda thought, unable to actually form the words. The blonde's belly clenched tightly as she hurtled forward toward imminent climax, wondering at that aching moment, as she always did, why they didn't spend all their time doing this.

When Claire shifted her position and began to nip at a painfully erect nipple through the cool scarlet material, Amanda's body shuddered violently and she was lost in an intense explosion of sensation that rocked her world. Her hands tangled tightly in sable hair as she flew, suspended in space, for long seconds before crashing back to earth with a loud moan of pleasure.

Claire continued raining kisses on her lover's chest and throat as Amanda gulped in deep breaths of air and tried to calm her pounding heart. Jesus Christ, Gumby! "Claire... You... You are..."

"Wonderful, talented," the darker woman helpfully supplied while Amanda took the opportunity to begin her own exploration in earnest.

Claire was on fire, and closed her eyes to allow her other senses to heighten and take control. The sounds of her lover's soft sighs and sensual growls mixed with the sweet musk smell of Amanda's skin and hair and excitement were an aphrodisiac of worthy proportion.

The blonde patiently worked her way down Claire's body, drawing out the anticipation that had Claire shaking. Amanda tasted bite after bite of luscious skin until she found herself languorously kissing the exquisitely soft skin of the attorney's inner thighs. Then she paused, drawing the immediate attention of wild, raging, violet eyes. "What I was going to say..." Her tongue snaked out and tasted the treasure within its reach. "...is that you are..." Oh God! "Mmm...," she hummed with delight, losing herself in the flood of warmth from her lover and her own body's reaction to her heart's desire.

Much later, with Claire wrapped securely around her, sleeping peacefully, Amanda remembered what she was going to say. Sweetheart, you are truly delicious.


The next morning was cloudy and rainy, a surprise summer shower drenching the Twin Cities. Amanda lay on her back with Claire's head pillowed on her stomach, two long arms holding the psychologist securely in place. Gentle fingers lovingly traced patterns on smooth skin, eventually finding their way across high cheekbones and into hair the color of the night sky.

Amanda absorbed the quiet sound of Claire's deep even breaths, deciding the carpet could just get wet, she wasn't moving an inch... and certainly not for something as mundane as closing the window. It was just water after all.

It was predawn, their usual time for talking before getting up and beginning the day's chores. But this morning she knew Claire would sleep through this time. Somehow the attorney's body always seemed to know it was Sunday, and that she could sleep in a little. It was a skill Amanda couldn't seem to master.

Claire shifted and untucked a large but slender hand from Amanda's back. The wide gold band on her ring finger glittered softly in the gray light of early morning. Amanda entwined her fingers with Claire's and gently brought up their joined hands, enjoying the sight of their fingers and the rings nestled tightly together. Although it was by now a familiar sight, it never failed to warm her heart, helping her center herself and focus on what was really important.

She was glad they did things the way they did. There had been no legal proceeding, since their union was unrecognized by the State.

There was no minister, as neither woman was particularly religious, choosing instead to believe in simple universal concepts like fighting for the greater good and helping those in need and giving of themselves to each other and the people they loved. These were the principles they lived by and they didn't require the blessing of a church.

There were no guests, not even Mark and Jody. Rather, they simply exchanged rings and heartfelt but unplanned words under a starry sky in the gazebo in their own back yard. It was an intensely private moment and the only truly necessary guests were already in attendance.

They had selected plain but wide gold bands, befitting their simple but classic tastes. Each, without the knowledge of the other, had the ring they would present carefully engraved. Amanda chuckled at the memory. When the rings were put together, just like the women, they made perfect sense.

Two hearts... one soul
Forever linked


Thanks for reading.  I'd love to hear what you thought. Comments or questions to Advocate advocate8704@yahoo.com

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