But oh, she's incredible, Callisto accepted. Even Ares would be hard pressed to battle this woman and Callisto had crossed swords with him as well, albeit, in Xena's body. She was sorry to see this struggle end. But it was inevitable, Xena's blows coming a little slower now, the blocks not so swift or impenetrable. And finally, Callisto had her opening, lunging to catch Xena's arm, levering it up and leaving the warrior princess wide open to her blade. And since Xena had initiated the fight, Artemis would not punish her for defending herself.

The point of her sword sliced the tunic. And stopped, the cold metal pressed against Xena's skin at her heart.

Callisto stared into those blue eyes, mesmerized as the two women stood frozen in the wind on that cliff top.

"Oh, I don't think so Xena," she whispered. "Kill you, and it's all over. That much you got right on the boat." She tilted her head, smiled, almost affectionately at the woman she had hated so long. "You won't make peace with your feelings for Gabrielle by taking it out on me," she added, almost as an afterthought.

She lowered her sword and released Xena's arm, waiting to see what the other would do.

Xena inhaled deeply, trying to catch her breath. Callisto watched her curiously, wondering what the older woman was thinking. Xena slumped down on the boulder, bending down to pick up her chakrum before leaning back wearily to contemplate her enemy.

"I must be getting old," she growled finally.

Callisto threw her head back and laughed. "Oh, Xena, you and I both know immortality was the only thing that saved me," she said. Callisto found herself her own rock and they considered each other for awhile. "What I said about Perdicus was true," she added softly. "Hades had him interned with the rest of the child killers."

Xena nodded. "I never would have guessed it," she admitted. She wiped the sweat away from her brow. "He would have hurt Gabrielle badly. Sooner or later."

"And all that disgusting innocence and slavish belief in his innate goodness would have blinded her to it until it was too late," Callisto cheerfully agreed. She replaced her sword back into its sheath and drew her legs up, wrapping her arms around them. "She's your salvation, Xena," she said. There was a pause as the blond considered it. "I suppose in a way she might be mine," she surprisingly added.

"She deserves only happiness," Xena responded.

Callisto rolled her eyes and looked up at the sky, the sun beginning to appear, brightening the day and making the water below sparkle. "I don't suppose you know the currents around here," she said.

Xena shook her head. "You weren't serious about swimming that," she said.

"I'm your only chance to get off here," Callisto said with a disturbing grin.

Xena allowed herself the very tiniest of sighs and looked out into the strait, searching her memory from when she sailed these waters years before. "It's pretty good," she said slowly. "You'll have to go right angle towards that spit there," she pointed across to the mainland. "I know it'll seem like the long way, but the current will help carry you until you can strike out to the harbor. It's not very strong, a good swimmer can pull out of it." She grinned wearily. "And as I discovered, you really don't get tired."

Callisto nodded and removed her weapons and boots. Xena held her hand out. "We'll bring them along," she said. "When you send out a boat for us."

"Oh, I'm supposed to send a boat?" Callisto smiled icily. "I probably won't be there when you get there. So, don't bother. They'll be glad to outfit me with whatever I ask for if it means getting rid of me. There is something to be said for a nasty rep, Xena."

Xena nodded. "I want to thank you for saving Gabrielle," she said evenly.

Callisto hesitated, surprise warring with discomfort. Finally she nodded briefly. She straightened and looked out over the water, judging the depth here where it crashed against the rocks below.

"I'll keep an eye out for your sister," Xena added. "Is there anything I should be looking for?"

"A ten year old screaming in terror and running away when she sees you might be a good clue," Callisto couldn't resist the final needle.

"Anything else?" Xena let her have that one.

"Cassiope had a birthmark on the inside of her left arm, at her elbow," Callisto said. "It was shaped like a crescent moon with a lightning bolt shooting across it."

"All right," Xena said, enlightenment stirring in her eyes.

Callisto spared her a final look, and then running forward from twenty yards back, she launched herself off the cliff, the slender form arching out as it cut the air, finally hitting the water far, far below. Xena stood and keenly watched the water, not moving until she finally saw the small dot that was Callisto's head moving through the waves. With a sigh of relief, she gathered up Callisto's boots and weapons and went back to the cave.


It was late afternoon before Gabrielle woke. Xena had debated over it, but she let her be knowing how little the bard had got the night before not to mention the emotional shock she had received. Xena hoped it would help, being a big believer in the healing property of sleep. She grabbed a nap herself before going out to forage for supper. Now there was fish roasting over glowing coals, wild potatoes baking in the ashes and she had found a large patch of blueberries which was one of Gabrielle's favorites. It was one of the few meals she couldn't ruin. She hoped the treat for desert would help cheer the bard. If the bard could be cheered. Xena knew the knowledge of Perdicus's true nature had profoundly hurt the young woman.

Sighing, Gabrielle turned over and opened her eyes, smiling as she saw Xena who had just finished cleaning her armor. Then her eyes darkened and she looked around. "Where's Callisto," she said coldly.

"She's swimming for the mainland," Xena said calmly. "They should send a boat tomorrow or maybe in a few days. The wind's starting to pick up again. We may be in for another storm."

"If she tells them," Gabrielle snarled, sitting up and stretching.

"She will," Xena allowed with assurance.

Gabrielle paused, looking at her companion, judging the tone of the words. Something had happened when she was asleep. That much was clear. She just didn't know if she'd like it. She looked over at the fish, then at the large container full of blueberries.

"Oh, Xena," she said, letting go of her anger and hurt for the moment. "Blueberries." She reached over and snagged a handful, shoving them into her mouth with pleasure.

"Hey, those are for desert," Xena growled, pulling the container out of reach of the bard, heart lightening at the smile on Gabrielle's face.

Gabrielle tried again, knowing Xena was teasing her, then surrendered finally as the warrior princess refused to let her have them. "Okay, I guess I can eat the fish first," she pouted.

"You'd better," Xena said. "You know how hard it is to find salmon this time of season?"

Gabrielle looked at her for a long moment and Xena found herself avoiding the eyes, trying not to blush. The bard leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "All my favorites," she said. "Are you trying to cheer me up or something?"

"Is it working?"

Gabrielle thought a moment. "I guess so," she allowed grudgingly.

Happily, Xena watched as Gabrielle reduced the two large fish, three potatoes and most of the blueberries to a memory. As always, she marveled at the bard's prodigious appetite, more than satisfied with her portion of fish, potato and few handfuls of blueberries. She never tired of how Gabrielle enjoyed her food either.

Finally the bard wiped her mouth and leaned back with a soft grunt of satisfaction. She had tucked the cloak around her like a toga while she ate and Xena tried not to stare at the expanse of thigh she kept revealing.

"Can I ask you something?" Gabrielle offered.

"Yes," Xena said slowly, steeling herself for what was coming. Knowing the bard, it could be anything. The very fact she asked if she could told Xena it was a tough one. Generally Gabrielle just went ahead and blurted whatever was in her head.

"Do you think Perdicus....do you think Callisto was telling the truth?"

"Yes, I do," Xena answered simply after considering and discarding several gentler, more untrue answers.

Gabrielle ducked her head. "I do, too," she whispered unhappily. "I never should have married him."

Xena leaned forward and rested her hand on the redhead's shoulder. "There was no way you could know," she said gently. "He fooled a lot of people."

"No, I don't mean that," Gabrielle said. She reached up and rested her hand on Xena's. "I knew at the time we were marrying each other for all the wrong reasons. I knew he was trying to escape something in his past. I thought it was something else, but even then, I knew marrying me was just a way to try to forget. But I thought.....I could help him."

Xena squeezed gently. "If anyone could have, it would have been you," she assured intently.

"But it was the wrong reason for marrying him," she admitted. "I cared about him, but I didn't love him. I just....I liked the idea of it. Of him needing me, and wanting me when ....... when no one else did."

A stricken expression crossed Xena's face. "When you thought I didn't want or need you, you mean," she said in a small voice.

Gabrielle looked up quickly into the blue eyes clouded with grief. "Xena...." she began.

Xena shook her head.

"I encouraged you to marry him," Xena said. The warrior princess had learned something about herself in the last few days. If nothing else, then how to be finally honest both to herself and Gabrielle, even if it meant losing her. The bard deserved truth for a change, and the opportunity to decide for herself what to do with that truth. "I did want and need you, Gabrielle. Probably more than I should. But I was too afraid to tell you how I felt. I decided that Perdicus was just what you needed."

Xena pulled her arm back, huddling into herself, as she laughed bitterly. "A child killer was just what you needed," she repeated emptily. "I pushed you into it. If Callisto hadn't killed him, what would he have done to you? It was all my fault."

Gabrielle stared at her in absolute amazement.

"You are so competitive, Xena," she said after a long moment.

Xena's head jerked up, and the bard almost laughed at the expression, would have if things weren't such a mess.

"I'm a grown woman, Xena," she pointed out. "And even if you don't want to believe it, I make my own decisions. You can't make me do anything I don't want, and you'd better get that through your head right now." She scrambled forward and put her hands on Xena's shoulders, her face mere inches away as she stared intently into the blue eyes. "You are not responsible for me, Xena," she said. "I know I let you off the hook a lot of the time. I let you have your own way because usually it's easier. But no more, I'm through doing that because it usually causes a worse problem in the long run. But everything I do, I do because I choose to do it and don't you ever presume differently."

Xena managed to raise an eyebrow but it was a weak sally and she knew it. It just wasn't her day. First Callisto outfights her and now Gabrielle outargues her. She was getting old.

"And do you know what I choose to do now?" Green eyes sparkled in the firelight.

Xena shook her head, not trusting her voice.


With a passion that surprised even her, Gabrielle kissed the stunned warrior with everything she could manage to pour into one kiss. All her love, all her desire, all the fear and hopes that the last two years had led to this moment. And when she finally drew back, both women were shaken to the very core.

"Gabrielle." Xena's voice was husky and she cleared her throat, tried again. "Gabrielle, what are you doing?"

"I just realized, if I wait for you," Gabrielle frowned, "I'd need to be as immortal as Callisto. Frankly Xena, I don't want to wait that long."

She leaned forward and kissed Xena again. Just when the bard was beginning to wonder if she had been gravely mistaken, Xena surrendered with a tiny whimper of joy and relief and wrapped her arms around the young woman, pulling her close, drawing her down as Gabrielle straddled the warrior's lap, encircling Xena with her legs. They clung to each other for long moments as they kissed, their embrace trying to pull each other as close as possible until Gabrielle finally emitted a protesting peep.

Immediately, Xena released her, but not far as they tried to catch their breaths. Apparently as mortals, breathing was a pretty important factor in this sort of thing.

"Are you sure about this?" Xena whispered, burying her face into the reddish-blond hair.

"There you go again, questioning me," Gabrielle said. She reached up and cupped the warrior's face in her small hands, forcing her to look at her. "I know what I want. I know who I love. And that's always been you. From the first moment I saw you." She kissed Xena very gently, barely brushing her lips over hers. "Xena, I don't know much about the physical stuff," she whispered. "That's your department and I trust you totally with that. But feelings are my specialty. I'm not always sure about yours, but I am sure about mine."

"I love you, Gabrielle," Xena responded, humbled by the bard's strength. "I have for a long time. I should have told you sooner."

"Shh, no more should-haves," Gabrielle said. "No more if-only, no more why-didn't-I. There's no past. We're starting new, right now. Okay?"

"All right," Xena agreed. That was more than fine with her. She smiled suddenly, teeth white in the firelight. "So I'm in charge of the physical stuff?"

"I think you have to be," Gabrielle pointed out. "I'm still a virgin, remember?"

In truth, Xena had forgotten and the reminder made her breath catch, a thrill shooting through her belly as it created a flood of wetness lower. "Oh Gabrielle," she whispered. She held her bard close, nuzzling the cheek and jawbone. "I won't let you down," she promised, almost dizzy with the honor the young woman was giving her.

"I know you won't," Gabrielle assured her. "You never have before."

Xena smiled and gently stroked the bard's back and shoulders, surprised as Gabrielle suddenly pulled away. "Uhm, Xena, I want this to be..." she started then suddenly leaped to her feet. "Just stay there. Don't touch me."


Bemused and a little hurt, Xena remained seated as the bard dug through their meager supplies and manufactured a few torches. Then slowly the warrior princess began to realize what the bard was up to, and she relaxed. She was beginning to get impatient though. The bard had made several trips outside, returning with arm loads of ferns, and refused any help. Xena began to deliberately sharpen her sword which did not phase Gabrielle in the slightest. She merely flashed her a impertinent smile and continued in her preparations. Finally, the bard took her torches and the bag, crawling through the hole. Xena frowned as several more minutes passed, then Gabrielle stuck her head back through the opening.

"I think you should put out the fire," she said, seductively. "Then come on in and put out the one in me."

Xena wasted no time in kicking dirt over the coals, making sure no embers were left. Not that there was much to burn in the cave. Carrying her armor and leathers, she crawled through the opening, stopping in amazement as she saw what Gabrielle had managed with very little resources.

This cavern was much warmer than the outer one, the heat from the pool penetrating the farthest corner. On a less cool night, it would be uncomfortable but as Xena has predicted, another storm had moved in and the temperature had dropped.

It certainly hadn't dropped in here. Gabrielle had spread the cloak and blankets over the big pile of ferns which rested on a sandy nook, beckoning invitingly. The two torches threw seductive shadows over the cavern, reflecting off the water where the bard waited. Gabrielle reclined in the pool, the steam bringing a fine blush to her face and breasts which she deliberately kept above the surface.

Xena groaned and dropped her belongings where she stood, the tunic hitting the ground a second later as she doffed it and made her way to the pool. She hesitated on the edge as she saw how Gabrielle was taking her in. She even posed a little, aware of the power of her beauty and thrilled that she could offer it to the person she loved.

"Xena, where'd you get all those fresh cuts," Gabrielle said.

Oops. Xena quickly got into the pool, trying to avoid the question. She should have known better. Once Gabrielle noticed something, she tended to be like a bulldog.

"Were you in a fight today, Xena?"

"Um," Xena stalled, developing an intense interest in the stalactites above. The nearness of the bard was driving her crazy and she really didn't want to prolong this. "Callisto and I had a little .... disagreement this morning," she admitted. "Nothing serious."

Gabrielle stared at her. "I assume you won because you're still alive," she said.

Xena winced. "Actually, no," she said. "She is immortal after all. And smarter than she used to be. I wasn't able to cause enough damage to her before I tired." She closed her eyes briefly. "She beat me, Gabrielle, then let me go. I don't know which was worse."

"Oh, Xena," Gabrielle breathed and moved over, wrapping her arms around her warrior.

"I hope you're not feeling sorry for me," Xena rumbled warningly.

"I'm just repairing the damage that mean old Callisto inflicted on my brave warrior," Gabrielle said, using a cloth to clean each cut. Xena would have objected but for the fact the bard was administering healing kisses as well to each wound no matter how minute.

"You're rather good at this," Xena allowed, her head thrown back as she tried not to show how much this was affecting her.

"I have a good imagination," Gabrielle said. "All those nights by the fire, watching you sharpen your sword, or polish your armor, what do you think I was doing?"

"Writing stories?" Xena guessed.

"Imagining this moment," the bard corrected. She raised herself up, pressing against the warrior as Xena enfolded her in her strong arms. "However," Gabrielle added shakily. "I guess I never imagined past this point exactly."

"I have," Xena revealed before capturing her bard's mouth in a long lingering kiss. She wanted to take the bard right then and there but she would not dream of letting Gabrielle's first time be anything less than perfect. Especially considering how Perdicus had used her for his own miserable pleasure....Xena took a deep breath, carefully crushing her anger and turning her full attention to her love.

Xena was very skilled in the art of making love. It had been a weapon used to control both men and women under her command and there were very few weapons the warrior princess did not wield well. However, never had the stakes been so high nor the rewards so great. For it wasn't loyalty she sought. She knew she had that from Gabrielle without question. No, it was the bard's heart she wanted to capture totally and completely.

Just as Gabrielle had captured the warrior princess's heart and soul.

Xena's capable hands gently stroked the bard's back, soothing even as her tongue did wonderful things to the inside of Gabrielle's mouth, teasing at first, then seizing with passion before drawing back to tease again. The combination of emotions were leaving the bard breathless, and she clung to the warrior with desperation.

"Gabrielle," Xena's voice was soft against the bard's ear, almost humming as she brushed kisses along the neck and jawbone, making her shiver. "I think we're clean enough."

"Un huh, okay, yep, we're clean," Gabrielle mumbled in agreement.

Xena chuckled and rose out of the water, the bard gasping as she was lifted up at the same time, the warrior supporting the bard's buttocks as she stepped out of the pool. Gabrielle tightened her grip around Xena's neck and in an added attempt to hang on, wrapped her legs around the flat waist. Xena groaned as she felt the wet heat against her belly and cradling her bard gently, she carried her over to the ferns, lowering them both slowly to the blankets, the delicate odor of mint rising around them in a refreshing cloud of scent.

"Oh, Xena," Gabrielle whispered, looking up into the blue eyes that gazed down at her so lovingly. She lay on her back, her warrior reclining on her side to her right, propped up on her left elbow as she lazily drew circles on the bard's stomach with her right hand. "I've never felt this way before."

"Neither have I," Xena admitted quietly, with a note of wonder in her voice. "I love you, Gabrielle. I thought I'd loved before... I guess I was wrong."

Gabrielle smiled, her entire face lighting up with joy and tentatively, she reached up and stroked Xena's face, lingering as her fingertips brushed over the warrior's lips. Xena kissed them gently, then she bent down, and those wonderful lips were touching Gabrielle's, the bard sliding her arm around the neck, the dark hair falling gloriously about them.

Xena's palm slid up from the stomach, rubbed over the bard's nipple, the sensitive tissue immediately hardening as she used her fingers to stroke it further. Then with slow pleasure, she trailed over to the other one, repeating her actions.

"Xena," Gabrielle groaned into Xena's mouth.

Xena smiled at the response, drawing back slightly. "We have all night," she explained softly, her fingers continuing to tease the nipples which strained towards her. "I'm not going to hurry this when I don't have to."

"I don't know if I can stand this," Gabrielle warned, eyes dark with desire in the torchlight.

"Oh, I think you can," Xena allowed. She leaned down once more, her mouth against the bard's ear. "I'm going to make you scream, Gabrielle," she promised, huskily. "I'm going to take you places you've never been before. And then, I'm going to take you there again."

"How come you're so talkative all of a sudden," Gabrielle complained.

Xena laughed and ever so gradually, slid her hand down from the breasts, over the hard abdomen, hesitating in the curls there, scratching luxuriously with easy pressure.

"Xena," Gabrielle urged.

"Patience," Xena replied. She slid her fingers lower and as Gabrielle parted her legs, she veered off, stroking the smooth thighs and bypassing where Gabrielle had expected....and needed her to go.

"I'm gonna kill you," Gabrielle swore fervently.

"No, I think you'll want to keep me alive," Xena whispered with a grin. Slowly her fingers trailed up the thigh, and once more bypassed the juncture, the heat radiating from there nearly searing her hand as she slipped by, up over the stomach which was now covered in a light sheen of sweat to the breasts which quivered as the bard struggled for breath..

Gabrielle was no longer able to talk, small whimpers coming from her throat as she shuddered under Xena's caresses. Xena drew her hand down once more as she lowered her head, sliding her tongue over Gabrielle's breasts, capturing the nipple between lips, then between her teeth, nipping gently. Her fingers crawled through the triangle, hesitating at she reached the top of the slit. Then she gently slipped one finger down, rubbing tenderly over the aching nub before dipping into the wetness below.

Gabrielle cried out, hips raising off the cloth in involuntary response. Xena groaned herself as she brought a second finger into play, spreading the fluid over the tiny erection of flesh which rapidly hardened beneath her touch. She left the firm breasts, kissing the collarbone and neck, sliding along the jawline to the bard's delicate ear.

"Oh, Gabrielle, you're so wet," she breathed, fondling her slowly. With each downstroke, the fingertips dipped ever deeper into that wellspring, penetrating a little further each time. "Does that feel good? Do you want me inside you, Gabrielle? Do you want me to take you?"

"Oh gods, Xena, yes," Gabrielle sobbed. "Please...Xena, please....oh, Xena...."

Carefully, Xena continued to rub Gabrielle with her thumb in gentle circles as she ever so slowly slid her middle finger into the bard to the first knuckle, withdrawing it from the moist grip, then slipping it in again, a little further each time. Everything was so marvelously wet and tight, the scent filling the warrior's senses until she felt she was drowning in the bard. It was all she could do to maintain her control when her finger met the thin barrier and the wonder of it almost made her heart burst.

"I love you, Gabrielle," she whispered, increasing her thumb's pressure, the finger stilled against that barrier as she stimulated the bard further, wanting the pleasure to far outweigh the pain she knew she had to cause. "I've never loved anyone as much as you, I never will. You are my world, my whole life." Xena knew how much words meant to her love and she wanted the bard to be totally surrounded with the sound as well as the physical nature of her love. She drew back from the barrier briefly, adding her index finger to stretch Gabrielle even further. The bard was crying steadily now, her hips moving against the hand with ever increasing speed. "I want to wake up with you in my arms every morning, my love, and go to sleep in yours every night. I want to make love to you all the time. I'm going to take you, Gabrielle, I going to make you mine, now and forever."

And then, the long, talented fingers were breaking the barrier, sliding deep into the bard and curling up to find the smooth place which made Gabrielle scream Xena's name, the word echoing throughout the cavern as her insides clamped down on the warrior's fingers, feeling the explosions that made the bard shudder and buck, against Xena's wrist.

Slowly, slowly, the pulses ceased around Xena's fingers, still buried deep inside her lover, the warrior's thumb continuing to gently manipulate the sensitive nub, drawing out the pleasure as it gradually subsided. Then she very gently withdrew, and Xena wrapped herself around the sobbing bard, cradling her gently in her arms, legs entwined. The warrior princess felt like crying too, discovered she already was, the tears sliding down her face as the love she felt for Gabrielle overwhelmed her.

"I love you my bard," she whispered. "I love you, I love you." She repeated the words as if they could somehow make this moment last forever.

"Xena," Gabrielle cried softly. "I love you. Oh Xena, don't let me go."

"I won't," Xena promised. "I can't."

And finally, the sobs quieted and Gabrielle was able to draw back, looking into the bright blue eyes that she could fall into for eternity. "What did you do to me?" she laughed shakily, the tears still very close to the surface.

"I made love to you," Xena replied quietly with a smile so full of joy and sweetness that Gabrielle thought she would die from the light of it. The warrior stared at the bard's face so close. Her passion had somehow disappeared as she made love to the younger woman, the desire still there but it was if when Gabrielle had orgasmed, she had as well. For all she knew, she had. Never has she felt such emotion before, such love and tenderness, totally swept away in her lover's pleasure and the whole incredible experience of being Gabrielle's first. Now all she wanted to do is stare into Gabrielle's green eyes and hold her close, feel the body warm against her, the beating of their hearts synchronizing, the scent of mint and their lovemaking surrounding them, the gentle sound of each other's breathing filling their ears.

Gabrielle closed her eyes, and Xena smiled again as the bard yawned sleepily. "Uhm, Xena," she whispered.

Xena pulled her closer. "It's okay," she soothed. "Sleep, my love. I'll be here when you wake. I'll always be here."

And with that promise, the bard relaxed and she slept in the arms of her warrior.


The torches had gone out when Gabrielle awoke, feeling safe and content in the inky darkness, the warm presence of Xena's body wrapped around her. She wondered briefly if it had all been a dream but the slight pain between her legs and the musky scent that filled her nostrils told her it was all wonderful reality. She didn't know how long she slept, and this deep in the cave, there was no way of knowing if it were still night or the middle of the day. She guessed she had only slept a few hours. She wasn't hungry like she would have been if she had slept the whole night. At least not for food.

She smiled and gently hugged the warm body next to her, feeling Xena stir and draw her close. "I'm sorry I fell asleep," she whispered.

"It's okay," came the reassuring voice out of the dark, vibrating through her bones. "It's perfectly normal."

"I'll have to take your word for it," the bard whispered. She reached between them, seeking and finally finding Xena's breasts, fingers lightly stroking the nipples which hardened instantly. "I'm glad you were my first, Xena," she continued lovingly. "I can't imagine ever being with anyone else."

"Oh is that what you're trying to imagine?" came the husky response as Gabrielle leaned forward and gently covered one of the nipples with her mouth, licking the erect point with soft pressure. Gabrielle smiled, her teeth lightly raking the nipple, enjoying the gasp that inspired.

"Actually, I'm trying to imagine where I should start," she said. "There's so much of you to explore." She ran her hands down Xena's sides, reaching back and cupping the firm buttocks, pulling the hips tight against her. "I...un, I'm not sure what to do," she admitted. "You'll have to tell me."

"I think you're doing just fine," Xena said reaching up to hold the bards head, tipping it back gently so she could find Gabrielle's lips. The kiss was deep and prolonged, the bard finding herself losing her grip as the warrior overwhelmed her.

"Wait," she gasped when they finally parted for air. She felt the warrior hesitate.

"What?" There was a thread of worry in the tone and Gabrielle nuzzled her reassuringly.

"I want to touch you," Gabrielle whispered. "I want to make love to you like you did me. But when you touch me, I lose myself. Can you...sort of just lie there and let me do this. I really want to learn how to do this."

For a long moment there was silence and Gabrielle was afraid she had somehow asked the wrong thing of her warrior. She realized suddenly that she had basically asked Xena to totally surrender to her. "Uh, Xena..." she began.

"No, it's alright," came the swift response. "I'm just trying to figure out if I'm strong enough to just lie there. You drive me crazy, Gabrielle. I want you so much." Lightly, Xena stroked the bard's back. "I don't know if I can promise not to...take over when things get...to a peak. But I'll try. I really want to try."

Gabrielle smiled in the darkness. "I won't take it personally if you absolutely feel compelled to take over," she whispered. She rose up and pressed Xena back against the ferns, imagining the long, lean body stretched out below her. "Tell me if I do something wrong," she said, softly caressing the breast nearest her.

Xena laughed. "I don't think that's possible," she said.

Smiling, Gabrielle bent over her warrior and gently took the nipple with her mouth, tongue dancing over it while she teased the other with her index finger. She wished suddenly the there was a fire so that she could see Xena, see the blue eyes burning with a passion so hot instead of imagining it. She had to find everything by touch; not that touch was such a bad thing, mind you. And with her eyes useless, she was forced to rely on her other senses to gage her lover's needs, the sound of Xena's moans and increased breathing, the taste of sweat under her mouth, the speed of the heartbeat beneath her lips, the scent of readiness that wafted up and intoxicated her, the hardness of the nipple between her lips.

"Gabrielle," Xena groaned quietly as the bard slowly slid her mouth lower, kissing the taunt abdomen, dipping the tip of her tongue into the navel.

Gabrielle remembered her wedding night, the way Perdicus had urged her to use her mouth on him and her utter distaste for it. Now she was inexorably drawn to the musky place ever lower on Xena's body, seeking it out unerringly, craving a taste that she had never known.

"Gabrielle?" The tone was hesitant, questioning as the bard maneuvered herself between Xena's legs, her small hands on the inside of each muscular thigh, parting them as she leaned down and gently kissed the triangle of hair.

"Do you want me to stop?" Gabrielle asked teasingly, using her fingers to gently stroke the soft flesh at the angle where legs met, gently kissing on either side of the swollen lips. "Am I doing it wrong."

"No, you're definitely not doing it wrong," came the voice breathless with laughter and arousal. "And I certainly don't want you to stop." There was a pause and Gabrielle felt the large hands tangle themselves in her hair. "But are you sure?"

"Never more sure of anything," the bard whispered. She bent down once more, delicately touching the tip of her tongue to the nubbin of flesh revealed when she used gentle fingers to spread Xena open.

"Gabrielle." It was said sensually, low and throaty, and the bard thought she would never tire of the sound of her name from Xena.

Nor did she think she would ever tire of this. She moaned as she tasted the juices soaking everywhere, tasting wonderingly what she considered the finest ambrosia, running her tongue around in a circle before covering the small bump with her mouth, sucking on it forcefully. A little too forcefully.

"Gabrielle!" Xena cried her name again, this time in a forceful, commanding tone, the powerful hips thrusting up and the bard was forced to grab onto the legs on either side of her as she lost her balance, face mashed into the wet warmness by the strong hands which gripped her head tightly. She couldn't help it, she started to giggle, desperately trying to compose herself and totally unable to. Instantly Xena released her and Gabrielle drew back, laughing so hard tears came to her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Xena," she said finally, resting her head weakly on the warrior's belly. "I was doing so well up until then."

"So was I," Xena replied ruefully in the darkness.

Gabrielle chuckled and gently stroked the warmth that was so close, running up and down the wet slit, and finding the place to penetrate, two fingers sliding deep inside as Xena twitched under her. She wrapped her arm around the leg, pinning it with her shoulder. Now, better positioned and able to hang on, she once more bent down and used her tongue to swirl round the center of Xena's pleasure, delighting in the scent and taste of her warrior. She added another finger, increasing the speed of her thrusts as together, she and her lover found a complementary rhythm, tongue, fingers and hips all moving together in delicious harmony.

Xena's hands stroked the bard's hair, once, twice, then afraid of what she might do in her passion, she put them by her sides, digging them into the ferns which she crushed as wave after wave of pleasure shot through her. Though inexperienced, the bard was going on instinct, using what Xena had done to her or what she wanted Xena to do to her and trying to apply it to the warrior. It was more than enough to drive Xena over the top and with a incoherent howl of joy and ecstacy, the warrior stiffened and pulsated around the bard's fingers, body spasming without control. Remembering how Xena had slowly drew away from her earlier, Gabrielle did the same, gradually slowing her caresses and mouth until the warrior was still beneath her.

Smiling, Gabrielle climbed back up Xena's body, the smile disappearing as, shocked, she discovered the warrior had her arms crossed over her eyes, crying softly and helplessly.

"Oh Xena, I'm sorry," the bard whispered frantically. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

The warrior princess shook her head, unable to speak, reaching out to pull Gabrielle down onto her, tucking the bard up under her chin, hugging her tightly.

"No," she said huskily after finally getting her composure back. "You did everything right." She swallowed and kissed the top of Gabrielle's head. "I just...you overwhelmed me, my love."

"Yeah?" Gabrielle said, tremendously pleased. "I'm good, huh?"

"Don't let it go to your head," Xena managed to regain her dry tone.

Gabrielle laughed and rose up, eyes straining in the darkness to look down at her lover, not seeing a thing but certainly feeling it when Xena reached up and captured her mouth, pulling her back down as they kissed deeply. The bard felt Xena's tongue darting over her lips and thrusting into her mouth, realizing that Xena had tasted herself and was trying to taste it all, the thought sending a flood of desire through her.

"Xena," she urged when she was finally able to draw back for breath. "Please..."

Xena laughed then and rolled over, taking the bard with her and pinning her to the bedroll, catching the wrists in one hand and raising them above Gabrielle's head, leaving her other hand free to caress the woman beneath her. Gabrielle was breathless, tensing a little at her helpless position and as if sensing her brief resistance, Xena released her hands immediately, bringing her mouth to the bard's ear.

"I'm sorry, Gabrielle, I'd never hurt you," she said.

"I know," the bard responded readily, stroking the long, dark hair. "It just startled me. I can see where it would be exciting to be your prisoner."

"I'm your prisoner," Xena whispered. "Now and forever I'm yours."

Gabrielle smiled in the dark and tried to pull the weight of Xena tighter upon her, wrapping her arms and legs around the warrior and holding her as close as possible. Xena kissed her, a deep, dizzying kiss of love and passion, her tongue entwining with the bard's as they tried to absorb each other.

"Gabrielle, I want to taste you," Xena whispered, finally managing to draw back.

"Un huh, good idea," Gabrielle agreed readily.

"You have to let me go," Xena pointed out. She had tried lifting herself off the bard by pushing up off her arms but the bard, plastered to her as if painted on, had simply lifted up with her.

"Oh, bad idea, very bad," Gabrielle objected, nuzzling the warrior and tightening her grip with her arms and legs.

"Then we are at an impasse," Xena observed, trying to support her greater weight on her elbows.

Impossibly, the bard snuggled even closer, smiling against her warrior's neck. She was enjoying the fact that she had Xena trapped. Even though it would be nice to feel Xena's mouth on her. She was debating wether she could let her go just a little, when Xena decided to fight back.

"Gabrielle," she purred in the bard's ear. "If you let me go, do you know what I'll do?"

"It would have to be pretty good..." Gabrielle warned.

She felt Xena smile against her cheek, accepting the challenge.

"Well, after kissing you so much you couldn't breath anymore, I would make my way down to your breasts. I'd taste each of your nipples, first one, then the other," Xena breathed throatily into the bard's ear, flicking an earlobe with her tongue for emphases. Gabrielle could not get over this sudden display of words her normally uncommunicative warrior was coming up with. "I would lick them at first, very softly, then a little harder until I was sucking on them. They'd get so hard and start to ache and while I was doing that I'd be rubbing you with my fingers until you're so wet that I can slide right into you. I'd slide in and out and I would kiss my way down your belly to where you're so wet and warm and I would slide my tongue around and around, before...."

"All right, enough talk," Gabrielle interrupted, totally releasing her grip. "More action."

The warrior princess laughed, rearing up to loom over her conquest, covering the breasts with her callused hands so unbelievably gentle. "You held out longer than I thought," she told her, before bending back down.

Gabrielle would have retorted something clever but Xena had captured her mouth passionately, kissing her until she was indeed breathless as those wonderful hands stroked her body to a fever pitch. And by the time Xena had left her mouth and had made her way to her breasts, just as she had promised, all the witty remarks had left a mind finding it very hard to think at all.


It took six days for a boat to appear off the cliffs of the island. Xena had been out checking her snares when she saw the fishing boat anchor off shore and a smaller boat lowered to the waves. The warrior princess was struck with a sense of loss and regret as she saw their rescue approach. She and Gabrielle had been totally safe here on the island and their days and nights had been spent in a joyful celebration of life, swimming, eating, talking, laughing and making long, slow, passionate love. They had become even closer than they had been before, closer than Xena imagined was possible for any two beings. Certainly closer than she had ever been with another before. She was sorry to see it end and the real world intrude once more. Slowly she began to take down her traps.

Gabrielle was no happier to see their time on the island come to an end.

"I don't suppose we could just ask them to pretend they never found us?" she asked as they began to pack what little they had.

Xena smiled fondly at her, drew her near with one strong arm.

"Don't tempt me, love," she said. "I'd like nothing better than to stay here forever with you. But you know we can't."

Gabrielle buried her head in the warrior princess's shoulder. "I know," she said regretfully.

"But I don't know when we'll ever find a place where we can be together like this again."

"We'll make a place," Xena promised, reaching a hand up to tip back the bard's chin and kissing her thoroughly.

And soon the bard's natural exuberance imposed itself once more and she went off happily to meet their rescuers. Hesitating, Xena stayed behind a moment, looking around the cave and remembering all that had happened here. She wondered if Gabrielle would have made the first move if Callisto had not revealed the truth about Perdicus, had not forced the warrior to find her own truth.

If not, then it was true that she owed her nemesis far more than she could ever repay.

I hope you find your sister, Callisto, she thought. I hope you find peace. I hope you find happiness. But most of all, Enemy mine, I hope you find love.

Because it was true what her bard had told her so many months before, the only way to stop the circle of hatred was with love.

With a last, lingering look around, she left the cave and ran to catch up to Gabrielle. And a new beginning.


The well in the middle of the town square was a gathering place for gossip and just passing time, the cool shade of the nearby olive trees delightful in the noonday sun. Beside the tree, on a bench, a slender figure sat patiently as people came and went, drawing water, stopping to chat with each other, to pass on the news of the day and catch up on other tidbits. One or two spoke to the figure and were responded to politely if shortly. For the most part though, the town's people ignored the woman, concentrating on their own lives, and their own business.

Shortly before midday, from one of the larger homes in the town, the slaves made their way to draw the daily lunchtime portion of water. Amongst them was a ten year old girl with long blond hair who's eyes still flashed angrily every time the collar around her neck was tugged on by the chain of the slave master. She was whip thin with an old burn scar that ran down the side of one jaw which enhanced rather than diminished her elven looks. Dressed in a short tunic, her arms and legs were browned golden from long days in the fields which had somehow not broken the spirit which shone from features proud and untamed.

The ten year old's eye was caught by the lone, cloaked figure who was looking at her with a curious intensity. She stared back insolently, attention caught for so long that she held up the line and the master shoved her forward to stumble into the dirt. Instantly the cloaked figure had risen, and had moved to the side of the man, drawing a sword which poked the slaver not so gently under the chin.

"That was unnecessary," the blond woman said coldly, dark eyes daring the slaver to give her an excuse. Keeping one eye on the slaver warningly, she reached down and helped the child to her feet. As she did so, she turned the arm so that it was held up, the unmistakable reddish birthmark shaped like a crescent moon and a lightning bolt spread over the crook of the elbow.

Brown eyes met brown eyes and recognition flashed, more so for one than the other but each somehow knowing the other as being familiar.

"Tired of being a slave, child?" Callisto finally managed to ask.

Cassiope nodded, not daring to say a word to this odd but comforting stranger.

"Then I think it's time you stopped," she said gently then. "Mother did not raise us to be slaves." She whistled and a large black gelding jerked away from where he had been grazing on the common, turning to gallop towards them. The woman drew a dagger and sliced the collar from the girl's neck. Then she favored the slaver with a glare that bespoke nothing but bad things.

"Tell your owner that Callisto has claimed her sister," she said as she lifted the child unprotesting, onto the saddle. She mounted behind her and looked down, sheathing her sword.

"And tell him I'll be back later," she added, just to see him turn white. "To pay him a visit."

And with that, the two blond sisters rode away from the village and towards a new beginning.

The End

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