The Curse of the Conqueror

Part 5 - Conclusion

Chapter 26 - To The Rescue


Gabrielle and her nine Amazons entered the damp and cold tunnel that led to the Castle. They were making swift progress until they came to a fork in the tunnel which split into three branches. Holding a torch over the map, Otere watched with concern as the Queen looked between the map and the three tunnels a number of times.

Finally, Gabrielle pointed to the tunnel to the right. "That way to the dungeon."

Otere eyed the Queen then looked at the creepy blackness in front of them. Jumping when she saw a pair of rats scurry across their path and disappear into the tunnel, she asked "Are you sure?"

"Now you ask?"


As the Centaurs and Amazons got ready for their march to the Castle, Xena pulled Ephiny aside.

"I can't wait for the army. Callisto is heading towards the castle."

"I'm going with you," Ephiny said firmly.

"Uh, I'm going to ride hard," Xena warned, glancing at her friend with concern.

"Fine," Ephiny said with a shrug, hobbling over to her horse. "We'll ride hard."

"Ride hard where?" Solari asked as she walked up to them as Xena and Ephiny mounted their war horses.

"To the Castle," Ephiny offered with a slight grimace as she shifted in her saddle. "The troops will be too slow. Callisto is probably already there by now."

"Count me in. Are you sure you're ok to ride?" Solari asked.


"Ephiny?" Phantes trotted up to his wife as Solari mounted. "Aren't you going to ride with me?"

"No, Xena, Solari, and I need to ride ahead. We can't ride with the troops."

"You just made that decision, without talking with me first?" Phantes said with irritation.

"Look, Phantes, sweetheart," Ephiny said then leaned over and whispered something into his ear.

Xena looked at Solari curiously, then back at Ephiny and Phantes, who were now kissing. The surprised Conqueror looked back at Solari, who shrugged. "Newlyweds, what can I say?"

Newlyweds? Xena's eyebrows furrowed as Ephiny rode up with a grin that matched her husband's.


Crawling on hands and knees in the small tunnel, Otere tapped one of Gabrielle's sais.

"What?" Gabrielle turned back with exasperation.

"See anything yet?"

"No. And would you stop asking me that? I'll tell you as soon as I see something." Gabrielle snapped and turned forward, and abruptly stopped her crawling.

"Hey . . . " Otere said, almost colliding into the Queen.

"I see something."


"What?" Ephiny said with irritation, catching Xena staring at her again. The ride was hard enough. She didn't need someone reminding her of it.

"Nothing," the Conqueror quickly said with a shrug as the three rode towards the Castle.


Otere and Gabrielle looked through the small window of bars into the dark dungeon below. The orange glow of the torches cast enough light to see a walkway, with a row of solid metal doors on each side.

Otere watched the Queen grab the bars. Pushing as hard as she could, Gabrielle couldn't budge the bars.

"Ugh. If we just had a rope and pulley . . . " Gabrielle said, noticing a wooden beam in the dungeon that would have been a perfect pivot point, had they been on the other side . . . with a rope . . . and pulley. She rolled her eyes and shook her head with frustration.

"I've got an idea," Otere said and motioned for the Queen to move back.

Gabrielle curiously gave Otere the requested space. The younger Amazon got on her back and braced herself in the small tunnel. Taking a breath, she pushed her feet against the bars, making the metal grill move slightly. Gabrielle smiled at the Amazon's ingenuity. With another push, then another, the bars were almost out.

"Otere," Gabrielle suddenly said with concern.

"Almost there," Otere said, gritting her teeth, and pushed again.

"But O . . . ," Gabrielle said as the Amazon finally freed the metal bars, which came crashing down to the stone floor. Loudly.

The Amazons froze.

"You think anyone heard?" Otere whispered, then cringed as she heard two guards run into the area.

Gabrielle eyed the young Amazon, smiled, and grabbed her sais.


The Warrior Princess, Ephiny, and Solari crouched behind the bushes and spied the castle.

"A frontal assault now will cause significant Amazon and Centaur casualties," Xena said, eyeing the closed gate and the guards in the turrets on either side. "We need the gate open."

"We'll have to go in through the tunnels then," Ephiny replied, getting a nod from the Warrior Princess and Solari.

As they carefully backed up from the bushes and stood up, Ephiny caught Xena staring at her again.

"What is it!" Ephiny snapped. "Don't be such a coward, Xena. Spit it out. You're appalled I married a Centaur, aren't you," Ephiny said angrily.

Within a blink on an eye, Ephiny was slammed and pinned against a tree, looking into frighteningly blue eyes as her feet dangled beneath her.

Solari sighed and looked around, scratching the back of her neck.

"No one has ever called me a coward and lived," Xena growled then let the Amazon drop down. "Consider this your wedding present."

Ephiny gasped and rubbed her throat.

"I don't know about you, Ephiny. But in my family, we take marriage very seriously. Until death do you part," Xena said eyeing the Amazon, who nodded.

"That's the way Phantes and I feel," Ephiny said, getting a small smile from the Conqueror, who nodded.

"I'm sorry I missed the ceremony. I'm sure it was a sight to see."

"A day earlier, and you would have seen it . . . Gabrielle married us," Ephiny offered softly.

Xena nodded and smiled sadly. "I've never been very lucky with my timing," she said and looked back at the castle with concern.

"She's waited for you, Xena," Ephiny offered. "Just remember that."

Xena nodded, clinging onto that truth.

"Ladies!" Solari finally hissed with impatience. "Unless you have something important to discuss, like the kind of draperies Ephiny will need, would either of you care to take a little time out of your busy day to save our Queen??"

The two women looked at each other. "Still no interest in clothing, huh?" Xena asked Ephiny as they walked past Solari, towards the tunnel entrance.

"Nope. Not even after that nasty bout of poison ivy."

"Ugh," Xena said with a grimace.

"Yeah, wasn't pretty."

"You know, it's really rude to talk about a person when they are RIGHT HERE!" Solari huffed.


After quickly subduing the two guards, the Amazons looked at their Queen.

"Otere and Renna, check the guards for keys. Shawna, Ursula, Melina, and Talut," Gabrielle said, looking at each eager Amazon, poised and ready for action. "You know your jobs. Make sure the front gate is open for our troops," she said with a grin, receiving enthusiastic nods. "Be careful."

"Artemis be with you, Queen Gabrielle," Ursula responded with a smile and quickly left the dungeon with her sisters.

"Gabrielle?" A timid voice called out through a small slit in one of the metal doors.

"Lila?" Gabrielle turned, unable to tell where the voice came from. Quickly, she looked through a small opening of a door, then another. "Lila?"

"Over here," Lila said, wiggling her fingers through the opening. "Thank the GODs," she said with relief when her fingers where grasped by the Queen.

"Are you OK?" Gabrielle asked with concern, squeezing her hand.

"Yes," she said wearily. "I'm so sorry, Gabrielle. I didn't think you cared anymore," she said guiltily and started to weep.

"Queen Gabrielle, we've got them," Otere said with a triumphant smile, holding up the keys as she joined Gabrielle at Lila's cell.

"It's OK, Lila. Where are mother and father?" Gabrielle asked as Otere tried a key, then another.

"Father is two cells down, and mother's is right next to his," Lila informed Gabrielle as they heard a click. Otere looked at Gabrielle and waggled her eyebrows, making Gabrielle grin as the Amazon pulled the heavy door open.

As Gabrielle opened her mouth, Otere interjected "second and third cells down. We're on it."

Lila rushed out and hugged her sister as another click echoed through the dungeon.

"One down and one to go," Otere said happily as she moved to the last cell as Renna and Darla helped Gabrielle's weakened father out of the cell. "Gabrielle?"

The Queen quickly went to her father's side, startled by how much weight he had lost.

"Gabrielle, your mother . . . they brought her back only a candle mark ago," Herodotus blurted with concern, glancing at her cell as the Amazons tried to open it.

"Damn it," Otere said, sifting through the keys, and tried another one. The two eager Amazons behind her looked over her shoulder, then crowded her as they tried to peek through the slot.

"Something's wrong. I hear her, but she hasn't spoken one word," Herodotus said nervously. "I think she's injured."

"Would you guys give me a little space here?" Otere said with irritation, causing the Amazons to back up a step. "Thank you!" she said as she tried another key.

"What happened to her?" Gabrielle asked, looking between Lila and her father, who shrugged helplessly.

"We don't know," Herodotus said with worry. "She was taken about two days ago . . . I think . . . the days run together down here," he rambled guiltily as his hand combed through his thinning hair.

A metal click sounded. "Finally," Otere said and started to open the heavy metal door.

Gabrielle felt her skin crawl. Something wasn't right.

"Gods, please let her be all right," Lila said, sniffing through tears as she hugged her father.


Gabrielle turned with fear as the two eager Amazons entered the dark cell. "Don't . . . " she tried to warn them, but was too late. After horrified gasps and sickening grunts, two Amazon bodies hit the cell floor.

"Surprise!" Callisto burst out of the cell, knocking Otere across the walkway with the heavy swinging door.

"I thought you'd appreciate this, Gabrielle, since you seem to enjoy surprises so much. And I have another one for you," Callisto eagerly revealed, sheathing her blood-stained sword as the Queen stood protectively in front of her family with her sais. "But you have to catch me first," she said with a grin, beckoning the Queen with a single finger before retreating into the darkness, laughing.

"Get my father and Lila out of here," Gabrielle quickly ordered the remaining Amazons as she anxiously kept glancing back to the darkness.

"You can't be serious," Otere argued as she got up from the ground.


"She's luring you into a trap," Otere protested.

"Here," Gabrielle said, handing the map to the Amazon. "Take the tunnels. You'll have a better chance of leaving unnoticed."

Otere stood still, clearly not pleased with her Queen's recklessness.

"Are you going to disobey me?" Gabrielle snapped at Otere, who cringed. Gabrielle let out a breath to gather patience. "Please, Otere. Keep them safe. For me," she said, looking into the young Amazon's still uncertain eyes. Reaching out, Gabrielle briefly caressed her cheek, crushing any further rebellious thoughts.

Otere hesitantly nodded, getting a reward of a warm smile from her Queen before she left to find Callisto and disappeared into the darkness.


"Which way?" Ephiny asked as they arrived at a fork in the tunnel.

Xena pointed to the right. "The dungeon is that way, the main hallway is the center tunnel, and my . . . the Empress' chambers are to the left."

"Are you sure?" Solari asked, getting a raised eyebrow from the Conqueror. "Uh, I mean, you've been asleep for five winters. Your memory might not be as sharp as . . . "
"Otere! Lila!" Ephiny interrupted as the group emerged from the right tunnel and entered the chamber.

"The Conqueror," Lila said with a horrified gasp, stumbling back into her father as they stared at Xena fearfully.

However, Otere pulled out a knife. She lunged towards the Conqueror, who quickly disarmed the girl and tossed her onto her butt.

"Otere!" Ephiny called out in shock.

"She killed Queen Cyane and most of my tribe!" Otere said angrily, looking up with eyes of hate.

Otere had heard of the horrible losses her tribe suffered years ago at the hands of the Conqueror, who first killed their Queen when she dared to refuse her advances. Then, in a legendary killing frenzy, almost obliterated the rest of the tribe.

Ephiny quickly looked to Xena for an explanation.

"It's true," Xena said, awash with guilt, recalling that horrific day.

About fifteen winters ago, she had found the Northern tribe on one of her outings. When the impressive Queen confronted her, Xena found her exhilarating. She was certain she had found someone who could please her. She was blond, strong but feminine, had a great body, and was intelligent and articulate. But the Queen deflected her clumsy advances and only seemed interested in lecturing the Conqueror about how she should change her ways and be a better ruler to her people.

The longer Xena was around the woman, the more her frustration grew. She even stooped to stealing glances at this woman while she bathed, which only frustrated her more. On the positive side, though, during that frustrating time she had become an expert of the chobos.

Her voyeurism expanded to include the steam hut, where the beautiful Queen stripped out of her leathers to relax in the soothing heat. The last time she had gazed upon that beautiful body, Xena was amazed to see the Queen doing something she had never witnessed before - a woman caressing herself. The Queen's hands kneaded and squeezed her ample breasts, then teased her hardened nipples before slowly traveling down over her stomach.

Needing to get a better look, the eager Conqueror quietly climbed closer. In one tragic moment, the mesmerized voyeur focused on the writhing Queen as she moaned with pleasure, instead of her hand, which went right through the thatch roof. The Conqueror came crashing down and landed on top of the Queen.

Xena scrambled off Cyane and nervously checked her neck for a pulse. Two guards rushed in, seeing her hands at the dead Queen's throat. The Conqueror had to fight her way out of the village or be killed. And she almost was. Getting hit in the side by an arrow, she stumbled through the forest and upon a traveler, who hid her from the remaining Amazons. He successfully diverted them the wrong way with the most convincing lies. And from that moment on, Daumas had been the Conqueror's advisor.
Otere jumped to her feet and angrily launched herself at the Conqueror again, but was intercepted by Solari and Ephiny.

"Otere, Xena is helping us now," Ephiny said.

"Where's Gabrielle?" Xena asked, pushing aside the guilt.

"Are you going to try and kill another Amazon Queen, Conqueror?" Otere snapped, ignoring her Amazon sisters.

"Otere, enough! Xena is a friend. She helped us win the battle today. She even saved Yakut's life," Ephiny informed her, successfully defusing the confused young Amazon's anger. "She's here to help Gabrielle."

"Where is she?" Xena asked again, looking at Gabrielle's father. He noticed genuine concern in her eyes.

"She's gone after Callisto to get her mother back," Herodotus offered. "We don't know where they went."

"Gods!" Ephiny blurted with frustration, glancing over to Xena, who had already disappeared into the tunnels.


Gabrielle didn't need to see the blond blur when she darted into the throne room. She could easily follow the Empress' amused cackle. Callisto was obviously enjoying the chase, Gabrielle thought with irritation as she stopped at the doorway and slowly entered the room. With her sais at the ready, she glanced around the large room with huge paintings on the wall and a throne proudly elevated a few feet on an intricately carved platform.

"So you wanna play, little girl?" Callisto purred, jumping in front of her with her sword ready.

"Where's my mother, you bitch!"

"Oh, Gabrielle, such language," she said with great disappointment. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Where is she?!?"

"Hanging around," Callisto said with amusement, then saw the color drain from the Queen's face. "Oh, cheer up. Just killing her would be no fun at all. She's alive. For now."

"What have you done to her?!?"

"Well, she's in the kitchen, hanging by a thick rope over some really pointy knives," she said melodically. "Oh, did I mention? You don't have much time. The rope is being burned through as we speak."

The panicked daughter made a mad dash towards the closest exit.

With a somersault, Callisto landed in front of the Queen. "But we're not finished visiting!" She pouted. "Or you could be rude and just defeat me, Gabrielle," she said silkily.

Gabrielle growled as she lunged with her sais. The Empress' blade and the Queen's sais clashed in a fury of motion. The clanks and clinks of each violent strike echoed through the room.

Breaking the volley with a feigned sweep of her legs, Gabrielle spun around and kicked Callisto in the stomach, knocking the surprised Empress back onto the floor.

"Ugh . . . nice," Callisto said, shaking off the hard hit. Quickly jumping to her feet, she launched another furious attack with great enthusiasm.

The Empress' deadly sword moved through the air in a blur. But practiced sais blocked and countered each and every thrust and slice.

The Empress backed away a bit winded, eyeing the Amazon Queen with a smile. "You've improved."

"I've had practice."

"It's a shame your improvement isn't enough to help your mother."

As Gabrielle eyed the doorway again with worry, Callisto's blade snuck through the slow defense and nicked the Amazon Queen in the arm.

"Oh, you're hurt! Let's take a time out and clean that. Infections can be such nasty things," Callisto said with a chuckle. Gabrielle's eyebrows furrowed as precious moments quickly passed.

"Concentration is important, isn't it? I'm sure your mother would agree."

Struggling to focus, Gabrielle launched a rapid round of kicks and lunges.


Xena ran down the hall towards the sounds of a furious fight. Entering the throne room, she abruptly stopped, watching the two warriors trade quick and solid blows that resulted in occasional sparks as the metal weapons clashed.

She almost didn't recognize the bard with her short hair and more muscular build. But she was still breathtaking, Xena noted, mesmerized by each move, which was performed with grace, agility, and a strength that only comes from much practice.

"Oh look, Xena's here for the fun!" Callisto said, pointing behind the startled Queen, who felt an odd tingling at the mention of her lovers' name. "I'll kill you after I finish with her, OK?" Callisto called out happily.

With a snarl, Gabrielle was determined to not allow Callisto's insane taunting to distract her. She was driven to continue the attack, well aware her mother's time was running out. But the wild, brown eyes of her enemy continued to glance over at the doorway behind her. Unable to resist, the curious Amazon Queen finally glanced to the doorway.

"Xena," Gabrielle gasped with uncertainty. The brief moment of distraction was enough for the Empress' blade to pass her defenses and slice deep into her side. Reacting on pure instinct, Gabrielle captured the blade with one sais and buried the other into the Empress' chest.

"Ow!" Callisto said with annoyance, stumbling backwards onto the floor.

"Gabrielle!" Xena ran towards Gabrielle, who stood, holding her bleeding side a moment before Xena's arms were around her, gently helping her to the floor.

"Xena?" Gabrielle said in confusion.

"I'm here, Gabrielle. We need to stop the bleeding and . . . ," Xena blurted with worry.

"No! My mother," Gabrielle called out, her panic giving her a boost of energy. "She's in the kitchen. She doesn't have much time!!"

"Decisions, decisions. Help the Queen, help the mother, help the Queen . . . ," Callisto said and coughed, wiping the blood from her lip and looking at the uncomfortable sai jutting out of her chest.

"Is she always that annoying?" Xena said.

"You could use a coin," Callisto suggested helpfully.

"Please, Xena," Gabrielle begged, grabbing Xena's arm. "I'll be ok. Save my mother. Please," she pleaded. Xena looked into the panicked eyes a moment before briskly nodding.

"Keep holding your side, just like you are doing. I'll be right back," Xena promised, gently cupping Gabrielle's cheek and kissing her forehead before leaving for the kitchen.

When the Queen glanced to Callisto, the Empress grinned.


Bursting into the kitchen, the Conqueror startled two cooks. One dropped his tray and the other said "Empress Xe . . . ," and fainted.

"Where's the woman?!?" Xena asked the cook, who shrugged and shook his head. "Hecuba?" The cook shrugged.

"Damn!" Xena growled and started back towards the throne room. Hearing the claxon ring, she glanced out the window and saw the Centaurs and Amazons charging through the front gate. She never thought she would see the day where she would actually welcome someone overrunning her castle.

Knowing the longer she delayed helping Gabrielle, the more likely the Queen would not survive to enjoy this day, Xena sprinted back to the throne room.


"Knock, knock," Callisto said again with some difficulty, stroking the sai sticking out from her chest. "You know you're . . . supposed to say . . . who's there," she wheezed with irritation.

"Why do you do that?" Gabrielle asked wearily, her breath belabored.

"Because I know . . . it annoys you," Callisto said with a pleased smile, then coughed.

"And you made that your life's work?" Gabrielle responded as she carefully wiped the hair off her forehead with the back of her hand since her hands were full. One hand nervously clenched onto a sai and the other pressed against her throbbing side.

"Well, one should choose . . . a career . . . doing what they're good at. And I'm . . . very good at it . . . don't you think?" she wheezed reasonably.

"Yes. Yes, you are," Gabrielle admitted and sighed, knowing better than to have expected any better understanding of her enemy. She briefly moved her hand away from her side, noting it was pretty deep and continued to bleed. More stitches, she thought as she reapplied the pressure on it, feeling as battered inside as she did on the outside.

"Heh. I knew . . . we could finally agree . . . on some . . . thing," Callisto said drowsily, and closed her eyes with a grin on her face.

Finally, there was a peaceful silence. After a few moments, Gabrielle looked at the blond Empress, who lay still, unable to hurt anyone else. She had thought this long-awaited day would bring her relief and a sense of satisfaction for the hard-fought victory over evil. Even Xena was here to see it, she thought with amazement. But she felt no satisfaction or relief.

Perhaps she would be able to celebrate the victory and Xena's return later, after she knew her family was safe and after she learned how many friends had sacrificed themselves this time. Yes, perhaps later, when she was able to actually feel something other than fear and frustration, the Amazon Queen considered. Closing her eyes with a weary sigh, she tried to remind herself that the nightmare was finally ov . . . .

"Knock, knock."


Xena ran into the throne room and found an unmoving Gabrielle sprawled out on the floor next to the dead Empress, who had two sais sticking out of her chest. Fear flooded the Conqueror's heart.


Gabrielle's eyes blinked open as she felt herself quickly lifted from the floor. Attempting to focus on the worried eyes gazing at her, she asked "My mother. . . ?" before passing out.

Chapter 27 - The Flesh and Soul


The castle quickly fell after the wave of Centaurs and Amazons rushed through the front gate. Swarming the grounds, the Centaurs and Amazons met with little resistance as the overwhelmed guards immediately surrendered.

Ephiny, Solari, and Otere quickly entered the castle to search for their Queen. The three stood in the middle of the grand hallway for a moment, uncertain where to start. "Wow" Solari uttered looking around, impressed at the opulence, though years of neglect were apparent.

"We'll cover more ground if we split . . . ," Ephiny said as the Conqueror burst out of the throne room with a bloody Queen in her arms, causing the Amazons to gasp.

Before Otere could blame Xena for harming her Queen, the unstoppable Conqueror stormed past them without a word. From the intense aura of determination and the urgency in Xena's stride, she knew Death had a formidable enemy if it dared claim Gabrielle. All thoughts of accusation were immediately replaced with questions of how and why this terrifying force of nature had suddenly appeared to become her Queen's champion.

Hesitating a moment from the shock, the Amazons quickly followed after the Conqueror. When they entered a very large bed room, Solari stopped at the door as her mouth dropped in awe. An irritated regent grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room.

The three Amazons watched the Conqueror carefully lay Gabrielle down on the bed. When the hard blue eyes lifted from the injured woman and focused on them, all knew better than to dare waste time with questions.

"Make a fire," the Conqueror commanded Ephiny, who nodded and promptly went to the fireplace.

"Get two large pots of water from the kitchen," she ordered Solari, who nodded and promptly left.

"Come here," Xena ordered the young Amazon, who looked at her with suddenly wide eyes. "NOW!" she barked, startling the girl to her side. "Press here, like this, until I tell you otherwise."

"But I'm not a healer . . . " she blurted.

"Do you want her to die?" Xena snapped fiercely.


"Then press here," Xena growled, getting the girl to nervously apply pressure to the Queen's wounds as instructed.

"Where are you going?!?" Otere squeaked with panic as Xena turned away.

"I'll be right back," Xena said and went to the wall by the fireplace. After tracing her fingers over a few stones, she focused on one and pressed it. To Otere's surprise, a compartment the size of a breadbox opened up.

"What's that?" Ephiny asked, having completed her task of building a fire.

"Things I need to treat the wound," Xena said as she promptly returned to the bed. Seeing Ephiny's curious gaze at the wall then the box, Xena sighed. "I kept this here, so I could take care of my wounds." Ephiny nodded in understanding.

"Didn't you have healers?" Otere asked with surprise.

"The best in the Empire," Xena said flatly and pulled out a needle.

"Then why would you . . . ?" The younger Amazon was confused.

"It wouldn't do for an invincible ruler to be running to her healers all the time," Ephiny explained as the Conqueror threaded the needle.

"It wasn't all the time," Xena muttered as Otere nodded thoughtfully then stepped back as directed when Xena inspected the wound.


With precision and skill that had the three Amazons mesmerized, Xena cared for her Queen. Long, nimble fingers swiftly tended to the injured flesh with a gentleness that amazed Otere. She knew of the Conqueror's legendary strength and deadly grace on the battlefield, but she had never heard one story about the tenderness or compassion, which was being displayed with each small stitch.

When the wound was finally sewn up, the Amazons looked at the Conqueror expectantly.

For the first time, they saw weariness in Xena's eyes. "We wait," she said. The three quietly watched as she pulled up a chair, sat down, and took Gabrielle's hand.

"We need to be prepared for the remaining regiments. They might want the castle back," Ephiny said to Otere and Solari, as they watched Xena lift Gabrielle's hand to her lips and gently kiss it.

Otere got her answer as to why Xena had become Gabrielle's champion, but still wondered about the mysterious how.

"Ephiny's right," Xena said softly. "The tunnels should be blocked from another invading force and food stores should be replenished while we have a chance."


As the Centaurs and Amazons busied themselves with preparations to fortify the castle, rumors flew about how the Conqueror suddenly appeared on the battlefield after all this time to help them and Queen Gabrielle. One popular one was that the Gods had made her return from the dead because Tartarus was afraid of her and she had not yet earned a place in the Elysian fields.


Herodotus paced as the healer, Ashea, inspected his daughter's stitches. Lila stole glances of the Conqueror, who had not budged from Gabrielle's side for many candle marks.

"Your stitches are the neatest I've ever seen," Ashea said as she placed a fresh bandage on the wound. Xena looked at her blankly, then returned her gaze to the unconscious woman. "She'll still scar. And infection is still a concern," Xena noted, making the healer nod and feel the Queen's forehead and cheeks.

"Her temperature is normal, no sign of infection so far," Ashea said, glancing up at the concerned father, who sighed with relief and resumed pacing.

"What do you think happened to her?" Lila finally stepped up and asked the Conqueror uneasily. Herodotus stopped his pacing and listened.

"She got sliced open by that bit . . . ," Xena responded with irritation.

"No, to mother," Lila interrupted.

"Oh," Xena said, then thought a moment and offered "Well, the mother of the person who defeated Callisto would be valuable."

"So you think Mother is still alive?" Lila asked with cautious optimism.

"Yeah," Xena said, hoping she was right. But Callisto was twisted enough to have Hecuba killed just to taunt Gabrielle with the hope, then devastate her with the truth that there never was any hope. Xena prayed for Gabrielle's sake that wasn't the case as she gently brushed the hair off of Gabrielle's brow.

Gabrielle's eyes fluttered open.

"Gabrielle?" Xena said with surprise as Lila and Herodotus stepped closer.

"Xena?" Gabrielle whispered, blinking her eyes to focus on the beautiful woman of her dreams. Her happy smile faded when she saw her father's and sister's faces appear by Xena's shoulders.

Gabrielle's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the memories of Callisto and their fight flooded back. "Mother!" She said with panic and tried to sit up.

"Gabrielle, no," Xena said, unable to stop Gabrielle from causing herself excruciating pain.

"Ugh! Oh Gods," she groaned in pain then gasped "Mother's in the kitchen," still trying to get up. But strong arms kept her pinned down. "Let me go!" she growled.

"Never!" Xena shouted, causing the Queen to pause. "Gabrielle, please. Listen. She wasn't in the kitchen," the Conqueror quickly said as Gabrielle looked at the door with concern, weakly trying to move again. "She wasn't in the kitchen," Xena repeated firmly. Green eyes focused on her as the words sank in.

"Where is she?" Gabrielle asked tightly, preparing herself for the worst.

"We don't know," Xena said, watching the anger slowly dissolve.

Gabrielle lay still and stared blankly at nothing. She had been prepared for two outcomes this day. Even with the worst one, she had expected closure, not this.

Will this ever end?

The dejected look tore at Xena's heart.

"Who were Callisto's ranking officers?" Xena asked softly, knowing Gabrielle would know no peace unless her mother was found.

"Why?" Lila asked when Gabrielle failed to respond.

"It's possible they have her as protection against the new Empress' punishment," Xena said, surprising Lila and Herodotus.

"I don't want to be Empress," Gabrielle said hollowly.

"It doesn't matter what you want, Gabrielle," Xena said honestly, getting Gabrielle's irritated attention. "People will see the person who defeated the Empress as the new ruler," Xena explained softly and asked again. "Who were Callisto's advisors?"

Gabrielle looked at Xena, who was offering something she desperately needed right now. Strength.

"Captain Turks," Gabrielle said softly. "He's new, just replaced Palimon as Captain of the Castle guard."

"Palimon?!?" Xena snapped, feeling sick the once-loyal guard would have served that blond bitch.

"He was a good man, Xena," Gabrielle said defensively. "He was executed for spying," the Queen said weakly, her eyes dropping guiltily.

Xena sighed. "Then he died for something he believed in, Gabrielle. Not everyone gets that chance," Xena said, knowing that was small consolation to the burdened Queen.

"Hundreds already have, Xena," Gabrielle countered firmly, surprising the Conqueror, who began to guiltily wonder, what if . . . .

"Turks isn't shrewd enough to have anticipated Callisto's defeat," Gabrielle said thoughtfully as Xena watched something spark within the Queen. Hope?

"Who else?" Xena asked, watching Gabrielle with concern as she shut her eyes and exhaled heavily.

"There's Faulks, the commander of her Northern Army, he's . . . ." Lila suggested.

"Dead," Xena said, feeling Gabrielle's forehead for a fever.

"The battle went well?" Gabrielle asked as she swallowed hard and fought her battle with pain. Xena reached for a cup of water.

"Not for the Northern Army," Xena responded, pleased to see a small smile on Gabrielle's parched lips. Lifting her head, Xena carefully helped Gabrielle take a small sip. As Xena started to take the cup away, Gabrielle's hand guided her back for a longer sip.

"You might leak if you drink too much," Xena warned with a smirk. Green eyes quickly rolled as Gabrielle held the Conqueror's hand firmly in place as she took another sip. Xena's eyebrow rose with amusement which faded as the smaller hand caressed hers and green eyes gazed at her with wonder.

"Her Southern Army commander is Draco. They are a day's ride from here," Lila offered helpfully, startling the preoccupied women.

"But Hecuba was taken only a day or so ago. How would he know what was going on here?" Herodotus interjected as Xena placed the cup down and quickly reclaimed the Queen's hand.

"Then someone at the Castle?" Ashea chimed in as Gabrielle gently squeezed Xena's hand and looked troubled, which concerned Xena.


"Daumas," Gabrielle said with sad certainty.

Chapter 28 - The Return of the Conqueror


As they rode South, Xena glanced at a very annoyed Solari, who fingered the large, uncomfortable, leather collar around her neck. "Thanks for doing this," Xena said, jiggling the long chain that attached to the collar.

"I didn't have a choice," Solari growled, looking straight ahead.

"Sure you did." Xena smirked, jiggling the chain again, because she could.

"Exactly when did we have the conversation "Gee Solari, do you want pretend to be my slave or perhaps help me figure out another way to get close to the bad guys and rescue Gabrielle's mother". . . Hmmm?" she snapped.

"You had another idea?" Xena asked with surprise.

Solari glared at her. 


His senior officers stood next to Draco in his tent as they looked at the map and assessed their unexpected situation.

"Messengers have confirmed that the Amazons and Centaurs have defeated the Northern Army and taken the castle. We even heard . . . " the lieutenant said and stopped uneasily.

"What?" Draco blurted with irritation.

"We even heard that the Conqueror was back and helping the Amazons," a lieutenant said with concern.

"The Conqueror?" Draco laughed. "They'd say anything to explain such an overwhelming defeat. We should be more worried about how to defeat Queen Gabrielle than a ghost," he scoffed.

"Boo," Xena said, startling the men as she entered the tent.

"Xena," the men gasped with fear, watching the Conqueror tug her reluctant slave's chain to get her to follow behind.

"Here, hold this. Tightly," she said, handing over the chain to the uneasy soldier. "She likes to run away," Xena explained and added "Oh, if you touch her, I'll let her kill you," Xena smiled as Solari growled at the trembling man.

"Xena, I am . . . "

"Draco. I know," she said with an unimpressed sigh as she looked around the tent. "I've heard about you and your pathetic battle record," she said, making the proud soldier pull out his dagger and lunge at her. Grabbing his arm, she quickly spun him around, and held his knife at his throat.

"Well, you have spirit," she offered. "But that's not enough for victory, Draco. Captain Faulks learned that."

"They said you were dead," he snarled.

"Beaten by a ghost. Now that's really pathetic," she said into his ear as he struggled futilely in her vice-like hold. "And who has been spreading these rumors about my death?"

"Lord Daumas. But . . . you were gone for five winters!" Draco said as she pushed him away from her.

"Well, I'm back. And it looks like there is a big mess to clean up, Draco. Why is that?" She asked, sitting down in his chair, running her thumb over the blade as she glared at him.

"Callisto . . . ," he tried to explain.

"Is dead," she interjected flatly.

"You killed her?"

"No. I didn't get the chance. Queen Gabrielle beat me to it. Two sais. Right in the chest. Rather impressive handiwork," Xena offered.

"Are you . . . with the Amazons?" He asked cautiously, looking at the naked slave, who looked uneasily between Draco and Xena, then suddenly growled. Xena rolled her eyes.

"We heard you beheaded a dozen of the Northern Army," Draco continued.

Solari's eyebrows furrowed curiously, only recalling three.

"Apparently some of the Northern Army thought they could profit by severing my head. I taught them otherwise," Xena said with a cold smile.

"Have you come back to take over?"

"What do you think?!?" She boomed as she stood up and drove the dagger deep into the map table, making Draco and his men jump.

"Queen Gabrielle won't let you," he offered.

"Perhaps I should ask you, whose side are you on, Draco?" She asked with a smile.

"Yours, Conqueror. Of course," Draco said with a weak smile. For a long, silent moment, Xena stared at him. He swallowed hard.

"We need to start by regaining the Castle. And rebuild our strength from there," Xena broke the silence as she sat down and leaned comfortably back.


"I have a few ideas. Where's Lord Daumas," Xena asked nonchalantly, noticing Draco's eyes dart around uneasily.

"He's still alive after all this, isn't he?" She asked, looking at her nails then him with boredom.

"Of course," Draco blurted then cringed.

"I know he's here, Draco," she said with a sigh, daring him to argue. She smiled when he didn't. "Just tell him I want to see him within a candle mark to discuss something that will be beneficial to both of us."


After the last soldier left the tent, Xena leaned back and shut her eyes for a few moments, disturbing Solari, who paced.

"How can you can rest around here?" Solari whispered, shaking her head.

"Gotta get rest while you can. Every warrior knows that, Solari," Xena offered, her eyes still closed.

"Yeah, but you had five winters of rest," Solari said, still pacing.

"Well, some of us need our beauty sleep more than others," Xena said, making the Amazon roll her eyes.

"Uh huh," Solari responded and shook her head.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" Xena asked, surprising Solari.

"No," Solari blurted with irritation.

"Ah," Xena said, her eyes still closed.

"Ah? What does that mean?" Solari said defensively.

"Nothing. Didn't mean to upset you."


"My mistake."

"Ughh," Solari said. "I want to meet a nice girl, have a good relationship, share a hut and all that . . . but I can't seem to get past "hello." I don't know," Solari said wearily. "Do you think I might come across a bit too strong?" She asked earnestly.

Xena opened her eyes and looked at the naked woman standing before her. "Well . . . now that you mention it. . . ."

Daumas interrupted as he nervously entered the tent. "Empress! You are alive!" He gushed.

"You haven't changed a bit, Daumas," she said with a smile, looking him over. Though a little older, he still was a striking figure in his fine clothes. He had done well even under Callisto's rule.

"Where have you been? We all thought you had died after Callisto took over."

"It's complicated, as you probably can guess," Xena said and sighed wearily, Daumas nodded sympathetically, his mind racing with possible lurid scenarios. "Rumor has it you worked for Callisto."

"Under the most extreme duress, I can assure you," he quickly blurted.

"No doubt."

"She also recruited many of your soldiers the same way. Join or die," Daumas continued uneasily.

"I'm not interested in reliving in the past. We have the future to think about. And I don't care how much time it takes. I want it all. I hope I can count on your help."

"I would be honored," he said, visibly relieved at the offer.

"As you should be, Daumas," Xena said pompously, making Daumas smile.

"Oh indeed. I have to say, after being subjected to Callisto's chaos, we need a leader who can bring order to the land. One who cares about the law and collecting a fair tax to help the people rebuild. And you can do it, as you did so brilliantly before."

"Yes, yes. You worry about those details, as you did before, Daumas," Xena said with boredom, making Daumas grin with delight. "But that bard Queen will be an obstacle," Xena sighed shaking her head. "You remember her, don't you Daumas?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Who would have thought that young bard I hired would end up as the Amazon Queen?" Xena said, shaking her head.

"Certainly, not I."

"She is tough, I understand. It will be difficult to convince her I should be Empress again," Xena said as the advisor nodded.

"An extended conflict will not only be tough on the spirit, but on the purse as well," she said with a sigh. "There should be sufficient funds in Callisto's war chest to cover us a while. And when we run out of that, I'm sure we can sell off a few assets," she said, making his brow furrow. "Life will be hard and many sacrifices will be needed, but in the end we shall be victorious. I hope I can count on you for the long haul, Daumas."

"Uh . . . of course. But I do not think we have to endure too long of a haul," he offered.

"You've got a plan already, Daumas?" Xena asked with a pleased smile.

He smiled.


When they entered the prisoner's tent, they found a woman lying in a metal cage. Solari glanced at the Conqueror with concern.

"She's a lot tougher than she might appear," Daumas explained with a shrug as they approached the hooded woman, whose wrists and ankles were bound in metal shackles.

"Is she in good health?" Xena asked with forced nonchalance.

"Certainly," Daumas said, getting a nod from the Conqueror, who handed Daumas Solari's chain, then opened up the cage. The noise alarmed the prisoner, who scooted back in the cell.

"Conqueror, what are you doing?"

"Just checking for myself, Daumas," Xena said, then paused. "You don't object, do you?" she said with a cold smile.

"Of course not, your highness," he said uneasily.

"I'm so glad to hear that," she said with a smile.

She entered the cage and carefully removed the hood from the prisoner's head. The older woman's familiar green eyes widened, making Xena smile. If she had any lingering doubts about the prisoner's identity, they were quickly forgotten when the prisoner started yelling what Xena could swear were profanities though her thick gag.

Exiting the cage, Xena took Solari's chain back from Daumas, then handed it to the Amazon. "Go get the horses," she told the startled Amazon as Daumas eyed her curiously.

"If you run away, I'll kill you," Xena added with a smile, making Daumas smirk as the slave rushed off as ordered.

As Daumas walked over to the cage to lock it, Xena placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm not going to kill you, Daumas," Xena said with a smile before jabbing the confused man in the neck.

The advisor gasped and crashed to his knees.

"Though the thought of killing you is amazingly tempting," she added as she entered the cage and pulled the stunned prisoner out. "However, that's not nearly enough to repay you for all your years of service," she relayed as she threw him in the cage and released the pinch.

"What are you doing?" He gasped, rubbing his neck.

"Well," Xena offered thoughtfully. "Without your prisoner, you have no more leverage against the Queen. With your track record with Empresses, I really don't think anyone will want your advice. And there won't be anyone to protect you from the Queen, who has quite a chip on her shoulder these days - thanks to Callisto and you."

"But I . . . I saved you, from those Amazons! I protected you! I helped you!!" He blurted in panic.

"No, you controlled me and I was stupid enough to let you. But not anymore. And just as you wanted to keep me, Daumas, you'll be alone. And that is the most horrible punishment I can think of," she told him, her cold eyes seeing the man for what he was. A greedy leech.

"Guards!" Daumas yelled before Xena knocked him unconscious. She pulled out her dagger and swiftly cut his fine silk clothing into a fine silk gag and rope.

As she left the cage and locked it, Solari returned. The Amazon cringed with embarrassment as she entered the tent at sword point.

"What's going on here?" Xena barked, her eyebrows furrowing at Solari.

"That's what I want to know," Draco said looking at the new prisoner in the cage.

"Daumas and I had a disagreement on where to keep the prisoner," Xena said. "I don't like it when people argue with me."

"Where do you want to take her?" Draco said suspiciously eyeing the frightened woman whose eyes darted between Xena and Draco.

"Who are you to question me, Draco?" Xena growled angrily.

"I'm the one with the sword, Xena," Draco said boldly, pointing it at Xena's chest.

Xena looked down at the sword. "Surrender your weapon or die."

Draco smirked. "I think you don't realize that your days of ruling have long gone, Xena. It's time for a new ruler. One who would make the kingdom prosperous," he said confidently.

"And who would you have rule this "prosperous" kingdom?" Xena asked, wondering if the Amazon Queen's allies could possibly include this annoying man.

"Me, of course," he said with a smile as he lunged his sword. In a blur of deadly motion, Xena turned, blocking the blade with her arm bracer, grabbed his sword and impaled him on it.

After Draco collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud, a second thud quickly followed. Solari and Xena looked down at ground where the prisoner had fainted.

Chapter 29- Handle with Care


The sun began to set over the mountains as the Conqueror, Solari, and Gabrielle's unconscious mother quickly rode away from the Northern Army's camp. After a candle mark, the riders finally slowed.

"No one seems to be following us," Solari said, looking back over her shoulder.

Xena nodded as they came to a small clearing. "Why don't you gather up something for us to eat. I'll make a fire and take care of Mother," Xena said with a smirk.

"Rabbit?" Solari asked as they dismounted.

"I could go for some oysters," Xena said as she carefully pulled the older woman off the horse and lay her gently on the ground.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said and jogged out into the woods.

Xena quickly gathered branches and built a small fire, then tended to the still unconscious woman.

Inspecting the heavy shackles on her legs, Xena sighed. After placing the leg irons on a flat stone, she inspected a couple of nearby rocks. Finally picking one, she went to work on freeing the older woman.

After many strikes, Xena could finally remove an ankle cuff. Smiling at her handy work, she started on the other ankle. With more pounding of stone against metal, the cuff finally gave way. Tossing the leg irons to the side with a heavy thunk, the Conqueror eyed the wrist shackles. Tired of pounding stone, she inspected the lock closely. Pulling out her small breast dagger, she heard a gasp and glanced up to find frightened green eyes looking at her.

"I won't harm you," Xena said softly with a smile as the older woman sat up uneasily and scooted back, keeping a close eye on the dangerous woman's dagger. "Oh! This is just to help pick the lock, Hecuba," Xena said, startling the older woman by using her name.

"I'm a little rusty," Xena offered as Hecuba nervously watched her attempt to pick the lock. When the frightening woman suddenly stopped and looked towards the horses, Hecuba panicked.

Without a second thought, Hecuba swiftly clobbered the Warrior Princess on the side of her head with the heavy metal shackles. When the dazed warrior stumbled over, the older woman jumped up and ran away from camp.

"UGH!" Xena growled as she shook her head, wishing she had worked on the wrist shackles first, and awkwardly got up.

When three soldiers came into her camp wielding their swords, Xena sighed heavily and drew her sword.

Solari came running back into camp with her sword drawn. She frowned with disappointment when she found Xena already sheathing her sword and three dead men on the ground.

"Where's Queen mum?" She asked with concern and received a cold glare.

"Once I bring HECUBA back, we will be heading back to the castle," Xena snarled and started to march out of the small camp.

"No dinner?" Solari asked curiously but just earned another cold look. "Ok. No dinner," Solari said holding her hands up in defeat as Xena growled and disappeared into the forest.

Xena's head ached and she was not amused. Standing perfectly still, she listened for the older woman, but only heard a persistent ringing in her ear.

"Hecuba! I will not harm you! I am here to help!" Xena called out, cringing at the loudness of own voice as she touched the side of her throbbing head. Xena's eyes narrowed as she quietly approached a suspicious sound. To her surprise, she heard a noise behind her, right before the older woman jumped on her back and started to choke her with the chain of her shackles.

"Ack!" Xena blurted as she struggled to loosen the chain around her neck before she blacked out.

When the tall woman collapsed to the ground hard, Hecuba nervously waited. Seeing no movement for a few moments, she slowly loosened the chain and removed it from the Conqueror's neck.

Suddenly, the older woman was on her back, pinned beneath a very irritated Conqueror. "I am here to hel . . . ." Xena said as the older woman's forehead slammed into her face.

"Oh GOBS!" Xena cried out as her hand shot up to her now bloody and painful nose.

The older woman attempted to wiggle out from beneath Xena's strong hold but the Conqueror's weight and other hand kept her pinned, until she felt teeth sink deep into the flesh of her forearm. "Uhhhhgtt!" Xena retracted her throbbing arm and found herself pushed to the ground by the surprisingly strong older woman, who got up, grabbed a large branch, and waved it menacingly at her, daring the Conqueror to try something.

Xena looked up at the woman, her hand still covering her nose.

"Go ahead," she finally said with a sigh. "Just make sure you tell Gabrielle I never hurt you," Xena said wearily, confusing the older woman.

The two of them turned towards the heavy laughing as the Amazon approached them. Solari opened her mouth to say something but she barreled over with laughter.

"Could you hurry up? You'd be doing me a favor," Xena said and glared at the Amazon, who was gasping for air between the annoying laughter.

"You really are here to help me." Hecuba said. "Oh my Gods!"


After the Warrior Princess silently unlocked the manacles from Hecuba's wrists, she silently walked over to Argo, silently mounted, and silently rode out of camp . . . alone.

Solari looked at the worried older woman with a shrug, trying not to chuckle.

"How was I supposed to know?" Hecuba said guiltily as the Amazon smirked and mounted her horse.

When Solari held out a helping hand, the older woman looked up disapprovingly.

"For Gods' sake, don't you have any clothing?!?"


"I should apologize," Hecuba said uneasily to the Amazon walking in front of her. She winced as she watched the proud woman riding ahead gingerly touch her cheek and lips.

Solari bit her lip but that didn't help prevent the chuckle that escaped.

"Your laughing is only making it worse!" Hecuba hissed.

Solari nodded, then snorted again.

"Someone should really take a look at her nose . . . and face . . . and arm," Hecuba rattled off with concern, making Solari laugh aloud.

With irritation, Hecuba yanked the reigns from the nearly incapacitated Amazon, who continued to laugh as she trotted up next to the proud warrior.

"I'm so sorry," Hecuba gushed guiltily.

"No worries."

"How's your . . . "

"I've had worse," Xena responded, continuing to look ahead. "Granted, not by much."

"I'm really . . . "

"You didn't know," Xena said. "And you fought for your life. I respect that," Xena said, making the older woman nod and feel much better.

"Why don't we stop so I can take a look at . . . " Hecuba offered.

"No," Xena said.

"Are you s. . . ?"

"You are not to touch me," Xena informed her firmly as she thankfully spotted the castle on the horizon.


As Xena rode through the gates with Hecuba, Amazons and Centaurs cheered loudly, startling the Conqueror. She hadn't heard such genuine support since the early days when she picked up the sword and cleaned up the streets of Amphipolis. It had been a long time since she had felt this good about something.

"Things have changed, haven't they?" Hecuba said with amazement as Xena nodded absently, seeing warriors nod to her out of respect as they rode past.

General Tyldus trotted up to the Conqueror and took her arm firmly in greeting. She winced. The tooth marks still bothered her. "Ah, it looks like you had a little trouble along the way," he said, glancing at her arm and face. He slapped her in the arm with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well," she said with a weak smile.

"There must have been thirty or forty men! You should have seen her," Hecuba quickly volunteered, lying through her pearly white teeth. Xena stared at her, shocked.

"Oh I have, Hecuba. I have seen what this woman is capable of, both as an enemy and a friend. And I have to say, I prefer her as a friend," the Centaur smiled. Xena looked at the General and nodded, preferring being a friend as well.

"I think the Queen might be interested in your return. And I know the warriors are ready for a well-deserved celebration," he said. "And tonight there will be a celebration worthy of these warriors!" He yelled out, causing the Centaurs and Amazons to whoop and holler.

As the General trotted off, Xena dismounted. Going to Hecuba's side, the Conqueror offered her a hand to dismount.

"I thought you said no touching," Hecuba said, looking at her hand uncertainly.

"We won't make it a habit," Xena countered with a raised eyebrow and further extended her hand. Hecuba smiled, and gladly accepted the offer.

Otere and Ephiny jogged up to them with smiles. "We knew you could do it!" Otere gushed.

"How's Gabrielle?" Xena asked.

"Stronger," Ephiny said, gaining a curious look from Hecuba. "Your face looks like you were kicked in the head by a Centaur," Ephiny noted to Xena, who sighed.

"You said she's stronger? What happened to my daughter?" Hecuba asked with concern.

"She was injured when she defeated Callisto," Ephiny informed her.

"Xena saved her life!" Otere gushed. "She knew exactly how to treat and sew up the wound. The stitches are the best Ashea, our healer, had ever seen. In fact, there really shouldn't be much . . . "

"Uh . . . Let's go see Gabrielle," Xena interjected uneasily. Hecuba nodded, needing to see her daughter.

"Hey. Where's Solari?" Otere asked, looking around.

"She should catch up shortly. She was walking," Xena offered before they left.

Chapter 30 - Celebrations

As they walked down the long hallway, Hecuba looked around with amazement. "This is all yours?"

"It's Gabrielle's," Xena said, getting a surprised look from Hecuba. "She's in there." The Conqueror pointed to the bedroom door. Hecuba nodded and nervously entered the room, not knowing in what condition she would find her daughter.

"Mother!" Lila called out happily as she jumped up from Gabrielle's bedside as the tired Queen sat in her bed, watching with a relieved smile.

After getting a hug from her daughter, Hecuba found herself in her husband's arms. "Oh Hecuba!" He said emotionally before kissing his wife soundly.

Xena grinned, better understanding why Hecuba had fought so hard to live. She had someone she had to live for. Her eyes drifted to Gabrielle, whose beautiful smile was something she hoped to see every day.

"Should we leave you two alone?" Gabrielle asked from the bed with amusement, causing the parents to break off their intimate display and cough with embarrassment.

"Uh . . . it's been a while," Hecuba shrugged. Gabrielle nodded wearily as Lila winced.

"Eww. Too much information!"

Hecuba shook her head at her youngest daughter and went to Gabrielle's side. Concern immediately flooded the mother's face as she looked over her unusually pale daughter.

"I'm OK, Mother. Thanks to Xena," she said, eyeing the warrior who was curiously lingering in the shadows.

"Ashea could have . . . " Xena offered uncomfortably, stepping further away from the candle light.

"But Ashea didn't. And you did," Gabrielle quickly countered. "Why are you standing way over there?" Gabrielle asked with frustration.

"I uh, should leave you all alone," she mumbled and started for the door.

"HALT!" Gabrielle said causing Warrior Princess to cringe. "Turn around." Xena sighed heavily and turned around. "Now march yourself over here."

Hecuba looked between the two women curiously. Why was her daughter bossing the Conqueror around? And why was the Conqueror letting her?

"Oh my Gods, Xena! You look awful," Gabrielle said with worry.


"Lila, go get Ashea."

"No! That's ok. I'll be fine. Looks worse than it is," Xena said. "This is family time, I should be going."

"Xena! Sit here, right now," Gabrielle snapped and the Conqueror sat on the edge of the bed, reluctantly. The Queen reached out and gently inspected Xena's now puffy face, then the red chafing at her neck with a cringe of sympathy.

Hecuba's eyes widened with understanding.

"What happened?" Gabrielle asked softly.

"Well . . . " Xena said and hesitated uncomfortably, glancing up at the older woman, who quicky interjected "Well, I'll tell you if she's too embarrassed."

Xena sighed.

"It was a huge fight. We thought we had escaped the Army camp without anyone following but we were mistaken. We were followed. It was a blur as forty or fifty soldiers jump out from the night," Hecuba relayed with enthusiasm, making Xena roll her eyes. "Fists flew, swords clashed. But they were no match for Xena. I'm here today because of her," Hecuba finished with a smile and a shrug, noticing all eyes on her, including narrow blue ones. "Thank you," Hecuba said softly to the Conqueror, who nodded uncomfortably.

"Wow," Lila said in awe. "Thank you so much! You saved Gabrielle, then my mother," she said and started to tear up as she hugged Xena, who couldn't take it any longer.

When Xena opened her mouth to explain what had happened, Herodotus put his hand on her shoulder. "I don't know how to thank you, Xena."

"Don't mention it," Xena said flatly, eyeing Hecuba, who smiled uneasily and quickly offered. "Well, it's been a long day for us all. We should all get some rest," Hecuba said, and yawned.

"Good idea," Xena said and started to get up but Gabrielle's hand covered hers, preventing the attempted escape.

"Good night, Gabrielle," Hecuba said, kissing her daughter's cheek. "Night, mother."

"Good night, Gabrielle. I'm very proud of you," Herodotus said and kissed the startled Queen on the forehead. Xena smiled.

"Yeah. Not bad for a former bard," Lila said and hugged her, getting a weak smile from Gabrielle.

As the family left, Xena looked uneasily at Gabrielle, whose hand still covered hers. "You need your rest too," Xena offered, trying to leave, but the expectant look in those demanding green eyes pinned her in place.

"So . . . how was your day?" Xena asked with a weak smile, her eyes darting around with a sudden interest in the room.

"Oh, typical. Recovering after having defeated an evil Empress and waiting for my missing lover, who just returned after five winters and brought my mother safely back to me, to stop trying to run away from me . . . ," she said.

"I'm not running away from you! You just need . . . " Xena said uncomfortably.

"And just tell me . . . "

". . . rest. . . "

". . . why her face looks like she used it as a battering ram."

"People have always said I had a hard head," Xena shrugged.

"Spill it."

"Spill what?" Xena asked with a weak smile.

"And you actually win at poker with that face? You are such a horrible liar."

"Hey! I was not the one who lied," Xena said then saw a satisfied look on Gabrielle's face. "Damn it," Xena blurted, sighing heavily.

"Tell me."

"Just promise me . . . " Xena said hesitantly and sighed again.

"What?" Gabrielle asked, starting to get concerned.

"You won't get mad at your mother."

"Why would . . . ?"

"Just promise me?" Xena said.

"Ok. I promise."

"And promise me . . . " Xena continued.

"More?" Gabrielle asked with surprise, getting an annoyed look from Xena. "Ok, ok, what else?"

"You won't laugh at me," Xena said firmly.

Gabrielle eyed her and nodded hesitantly.

"I mean it. No laughing."

"Must I write this all down and sign it for you to believe me?" Gabrielle asked with irritation.

"No, that's ok."

When Gabrielle rolled her eyes, Xena quickly blurted "your mother beat the crap out of me."

"My mother . . . did what?" She asked, knowing she had heard incorrectly.

"You mother did this," Xena said, pointing to her nose, which still had traces of dried blood caked around one nostril. Gabrielle's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"And this," Xena pointed to the side of her puffy face which was starting to bruise. Gabrielle's eyes widened.

"This," Xena pointed to her neck which now sported a chaffed skin at the base of her throat. "And this," Xena displayed the half-crescent bite marks on her forearm.

Gabrielle's mouth dropped. "My mother beat you up?"

"She thought I was the old me and . . . " Xena explained as the horrified look transformed into a huge, annoying smile.

"She really likes you," Gabrielle said happily.

"Then I'm relieved she doesn't love me," Xena said flatly. "You don't happen to take after her that way, do you?" she asked with narrow, suspicious eyes.

"No silly, she lied about it," Gabrielle explained the obvious.

"Yeah, well, I guess she felt guilty and wanted to spare me the . . . "

"No, you don't understand. . . ."

"I'm beginning to realize that."

"She never thought . . . well, she always thought that . . . Well, I mean, she . . . " Gabrielle sighed heavily, struggling for the right words.

"Much clearer, thanks."

"Ugh." Gabrielle slapped her arm.

"Hey!" Xena said with annoyance. "Oh, wait a minute, does that mean you like me? Or not," she frowned. "This is getting complicated," she sighed wearily.

"Xena!" Gabrielle growled. "My mother always thought that being a bard wasn't an honorable profession because bards just told lies and lying is a sin."

"You're kidding."

Gabrielle shook her head. "And yet, she lied about beating you up."

"So that's a good thing?" Xena asked hesitantly, not quite understanding.

"YES!" Gabrielle smiled happily.


The beat of Amazon drums marked the start of the celebration to end all celebrations. Around the castle grounds, Amazons and Centaurs ate, drank, sang, and told loud, incredible tales, which mainly focused on the Conqueror and the Amazon Queen's noble deeds during the past few days.

After standing in line and swapping exciting stories of her own with a bunch of warriors, Otere finally made it to the barrel of ale. Pouring two foaming mugs, she smiled as she eagerly brought one to her lips. A hand stopped her from taking a sip.


"You be careful with that," Ephiny warned, eyeing the two mugs with disappointment.

"This is my first one! And Yakut wanted one too!" Otere responded with irritation, pointing to her friend, who was sitting on a bench with her crutches.

"Calm down. She's just doesn't want you to wake up with a hangover and a brand-new birth-mark," Solari interjected as she poured herself a mug.

"Solari! When did you get back?" Otere asked with surprise.

"I've been standing next to you in line for the past half candle mark!" Solari said indignantly.

"Nice leathers," Ephiny said, looking over the Amazon's new clothing approvingly.

"Uh . . . thanks," Solari said self-consciously.

"Hi guys," Lila said as she approached them nervously.

"Hey," Ephiny said with a nod. The Amazons looked at the young woman uneasily.

"Here, you look like you could use a drink," Solari offered, feeling bad for the young woman who had been put in a tough spot. Lila gratefully accepted.

"Thanks. I'm Lila," she said, holding out her hand.

"Ugh!" Solari growled and stormed off.

"Why is she so mad?" Lila asked as Otere shrugged.

"Solari! Wait up!" Ephiny said, jogging after her.

"Solari?!? Wow. She really has pretty eyes, doesn't she?" Lila said with amazement, sipping the mead.


"I suppose you'll want to go," Gabrielle said glancing to the window, hearing the lure of the Amazon drums. "It will be a historic celebration."

"With historic hangovers. I can do without, thank you," Xena said as she gently finished wiping her face with a damp cloth and rolled her eyes at her battered reflection in the mirror. "Besides, the only person I'd want to celebrate with isn't participating."

Gabrielle smiled as Xena returned and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I wish I could celebrate with you tonight. We have so much to celebrate," she said warmly, squeezing the Conqueror's hand. "But I'm afraid what I want and what I am physically capable of, are not exactly compatible right at the moment."

Xena looked at her with a big smile. "I'm not exactly in top form at the moment either. But I promise you, when we're better. . . ."

Unable to resist, Gabrielle leaned forward with a slight groan and kissed her on the lips.

"Ow," Xena said, touching her tender lip as her heart soared. "It works," she said happily, getting a curious look from the Queen. "It feels much better. Try this," Xena offered her throat, considerately getting up and leaning close so Gabrielle didn't have to move much.

Gabrielle chuckled before gently planting a kiss on the warrior's chafed neck. "Oh . . . yes. Much, much better," Xena said, clearing her throat as she sat back down. "Though, interestingly, my legs are starting to give out."

Gabrielle laughed. "Well you're in luck. The bed is big enough for two. You should stay, so I don't have to worry about you falling and hurting yourself further," Gabrielle said and grinned as Xena quickly took her up on the invitation. After shedding her armor and boots with a few "ows" and pained groans, the safety-minded warrior claimed what would, from that day forward, be known as her side of the bed.

Silently, the warrior removed unnecessary pillows and helped the happy Queen lay back for an evening of slumber. Rolling on her side with a grimace, Xena looked at the beautiful woman, whose emerald eyes for the first time in many seasons started to fill with tears. Silently, Xena offered her injured forearm with a raised eyebrow. Gabrielle chuckled as she rolled her eyes then gently kissed the offered limb, making Xena smile.

When Xena leaned over and pointed to her nose, Gabrielle drew the line.

"Xena, you're my soul-mate and I love you. But I'm not kissing your nose."

The retreating pout made Gabrielle crumble. "Xena . . . " Gabrielle said, prompting the Conqueror to smile with victory and move closer to collect her kiss as Gabrielle started to sit up. The Conqueror's nose collided with the Queen's chin.

"Uuughkt!" Xena's hand shot up to her nose as she retreated to her pillow.

"Xena!" Gabrielle rolled on her side with a pained grimace. "Oh Gods, I'm sorry! Are you all right?" She asked.



"I'm find," Xena repeated with irritation.

"If you're fine, why are tears falling from your eyes?!?"

"Joy. Tear of Joy," Xena said, blinking rapidly.

"I don't suppose you want to see Ashea?" Gabrielle said uneasily.

Xena shook her head no and gingerly touched the bridge of her nose.

"Xena, do you want some water? Perhaps something stronger?" Gabrielle asked, starting to move.

"Don't move," Xena ordered firmly.

"It's ok, Xena, I'll be right . . . ow . . . back." Gabrielle said, slowly moving.

"STOP!" Xena commanded. "Don't move. Don't even think about it. Stay perfectly still."

"Can I breath??"

"Yes. But not heavily."

Gabrielle lay on her back with irritation. She could have gotten her water or something.
After a quiet, pain-free moment, Gabrielle smiled when her hand was gently taken by Xena's. After another moment, four of the most soul soothing words she had ever heard were softly spoken to her.

"I love you, Gabrielle."

"I love you too, Xena."


Bards, who dare speak out and risk embarrassing the Conqueror, sing tales of how darkness was cast from the land. Those most romantic claim it was the day that the Conqueror lost her heart. But the Conqueror strongly disagreed, for she knew exactly where her heart was. It was safely residing with her Queen, who had found her atrophied organ buried beneath years of heartache and neglect, and nurtured it back to health.

The Conqueror's declaration brought a smile to the Queen's lips.

Others, believing in the higher powers, claimed darkness was vanquished by the Fates, who had sealed the Warrior and bard's destiny long ago. The Conqueror, who never before believed anything good would come from the higher powers, begrudgingly admitted she felt blessed for the first time in her life.

The Conqueror's admission brought tears of joy to her Queen's eyes.

And those bards who were skeptics claimed their love was not fate but dumb luck. The Conqueror did not disagree, stating that she would never look a gift horse in the mouth.

The Conqueror's statement brought a furrow to the Queen's brow, which quickly prompted profuse apologizes to reassure the Conqueror's beloved she had not just been equated to a beast of burden.

A rare few, who claimed to have divine insight on right and wrong, had warned that a more insidious evil now suffocated the land. A great threat to all that was good loomed as the masses accepted that which should be spurned. The rare few declared that the supposedly life-altering love between the Conqueror and her Queen was not to be viewed as a sacred gift but an abomination! The people were warned not to be fooled by the extravagant commitment ceremony, where vows of love and promises of patience and understanding were publicly made, for it was nothing more than a gross mockery of the holy institution of marriage!

Those rare few owed their lives to the sage Queen, who reminded her wife of her vow of patience and understanding, though the Conqueror quickly reminded her Queen that vow of patience and understanding was for the Queen alone, not the scum-sucking morons who wouldn't know true love if it bit them in their fat, hairy ass. But the reluctant Conqueror finally promised not to waste any more energy on those blinded by their righteousness, thanks to the adroit persuasion by the Queen's advanced oral skills, which provided many, exhaustive examples of where their energy was better spent.

Then a rarer few, who did not grow tired of condemning the happy couple, claimed that Evil was spawning when the Conqueror and Queen bore twins. The rarer few declared the birth an obscenity and a devious attempt to undermine the last pillar of family values which the Conqueror and Queen had yet to grossly mutate for their own nefarious purposes. Those rarer few urged the people to shun the children of that unnatural union for should they embrace the poisonous offspring they too would be destined to rot in hell!

Those rarer few quickly vanished and were never heard from again.

But no bard's tale or historian's fact could truly capture how happy or full the lives of the Conqueror and her Queen were with their children, now numbering four but were not going to become five then six like the Conqueror wanted, unless the Conqueror got off her large royal throne and had another one, because as the Queen declared, fair was fair.

The End

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